package model.korrontea; import model.interfaces.control.IBusinessComponent; import model.interfaces.control.IControlUnit; import util.Parameters; import platform.servicesregister.ServicesRegisterManager; import platform.servicesregister.ServiceClosedException; import platform.context.ContextManager; import platform.context.ContextInformation; /** * Class of the Control Unit of a connector container<br> * Offers services for: * <ul> * <li> Raise an alarm to the platform (method used by the buffers of the IE and OE * when a saturation occurs or when they become fluent after a saturation) * <li> Run the BC (circulation of data into the connector) * <li> Stop the BC (no more circulation of data into the connector) * <li> Wait for BC to terminate * <li> Send the connectores level of QoS (volume of data waiting in the buffers) * </ul> * * @author Dalmau */ // Classe de l'UC Korrontea public final class ControlUnit implements IControlUnit { private String monNom; // nom symbolique du connecteur private InputUnit ue = null; // UE private OutputUnit us = null; // US private IBusinessComponent cc = null; // CM private ConnectorContainer conteneur; private ContextManager pf; // service auquel sont signalees les alarmes private int compte; private float debitMoyen; /** * Constuction of the Control Unit * * @param nom name of the connector (symbolic name used to appoint it by the platform) * @param ue Input Unit of the connector * @param cc Business component of the connector * @param us Output Unit of the connector * @param cont The container of this CU */ public ControlUnit(String nom, InputUnit ue, IBusinessComponent cc, OutputUnit us, ConnectorContainer cont) { monNom=nom; conteneur = cont; compte = 0; debitMoyen = 0F; this.ue = (InputUnit)ue; this.ue.setUC(this); // associer l'UC e l'UE pour les evenements = (OutputUnit)us;; // associer l'UC e l'US pour les evenements = cc; try { // Acces au service de la PF pf = (ContextManager)(ServicesRegisterManager.lookForService(Parameters.CONTEXT_MANAGER)); } catch (ServiceClosedException sce) { System.err.println("UC of component "+monNom+" can't get acces to the plaform service"); } } /** * Return the symbolic name of the container * * @return symbolic name of the container */ public String getName() { return monNom; } /** * Return the Input Unit of the container * * @return the Input Unit of the container */ public InputUnit getIU() { return ue; } /** * Return the Output Unit of the container * * @return the Output Unit of the container */ public OutputUnit getOU() { return us; } /** * Returns the container in which this CU is * @return the container in which this CU is */ public ConnectorContainer getContainer() { return conteneur; } // Methode appelee pour lever des evenements d'etat du buffer /** * Method used par the Control Unit to send an alarm to the platform * * @param alarm alarm message to the platform * (connector full, connector saturated, connector fluent again) */ public void raiseAlarm(String alarm) { // Envoi d'un evenement via la PF pf.signalEvent(new ContextInformation("uc "+monNom+" "+alarm)); // signaler l'alarme e la PF } // Methodes appelables par la PF (services) //********************* // CONTROLE UE et US //********************* /** * Start the Input and Output Units of the connector */ public void startUEandUS() { // Methode pour demarrer l'UE et l'US us.start(); ue.start(); } // Methode pour arreter l'UE et l'US /** * Stop the Input and Output Units of the connector */ public void stopUEandUS() { // L'arret de l'UE et de l'US provoquera celui du CM de transfert de flux (par Exception) us.stop(); // arreter l'US => exception au CM s'il tente d'ecrire ue.stop(); // arreter l'UE => exception au CM s'il tente de lire } //*********************************** // CONTROLE COMPOSANT METIER //*********************************** /** * Start the BC of the connector */ public void start_BC() { // Methode pour lancer le CM de transfert de flux (thread) if (cc!=null) cc.start(); } /** * Wait for terminaison of the BC of the connector */ public void join_BC() { // attente de terminaison du CM de transfert de flux if (cc!=null) cc.join(); } /** * Return the QoS level of the connector * * @return number of samples staying in the connector */ public float sendBCQoSLevel() { // renvoi de la QdS e la PF (pour l'instant c'est la taille des buffers) /* if (cc!=null) return cc.levelStateQdS(); // celle retournee par le CM else return 1.0f; // ou 1 s'il n'y a pas de CM (connecteur e entree par reseau) */ return ((float)(ue.getBufferSize()+us.getBufferSize())); } /** * Update the average network traffic of the connector * @param debit number of bytes (received/sent) by this connector since last measure */ public void setDebit(int debit) { debitMoyen = ((debitMoyen*compte)+debit)/(compte+1); compte++; } /** * Returns the average network traffic of the connector * @return the actual average network traffic of the connector */ public float getDebitMoyen() { return debitMoyen; } }