package security.ns; /** * Author: Koushik Sen <> */ import cute.Cute; import security.Agent; import security.Message; /** * Author: Koushik Sen <> */ class A extends Agent { public int state; public int responder; public Intruder In; public A(int numGuards, int numIterations, Intruder i) { super(numGuards, numIterations); state = NS.SLEEP; In = i; } public boolean guard1(Message m) { return state==NS.SLEEP; } public void action1(Message m) { Net net = (Net)m; int toss; toss = Cute.input.Integer(); Cute.Assume(toss==NS.ii || toss==NS.b); net.from = NS.a; = toss; net.data1 = NS.a; net.data2 = NS.a; net.datatype = NS.NONCE_ADDRESS; net.key = toss; state = NS.WAIT; responder = toss; Cute.Assume(In.guard1(m)); In.action1(m); } public boolean guard2(Message m) { Net net = (Net)m; return == NS.a && state==NS.WAIT && net.data1 == NS.a && net.datatype == NS.NONCE_NONCE && net.key == NS.a; } public void action2(Message m) { Net net = (Net)m; net.from = NS.a; = responder; net.data1 = net.data2; net.datatype = NS.NONCE; net.key = responder; Cute.Assume(In.guard1(m)); In.action1(m); } } class B extends Agent { public int state; public int responder; public A myA; public Intruder In; public B(int numGuards, int numIterations, A myA, Intruder i) { super(numGuards, numIterations); state = NS.SLEEP; this.myA = myA; In = i; } public boolean guard1(Message m) { Net net = (Net)m; return state==NS.SLEEP && && net.key==NS.b && net.datatype==NS.NONCE_ADDRESS; } public void action1(Message m) { Net net = (Net)m; state = NS.WAIT; responder = net.data2; = net.from; net.from = NS.b; net.key = net.data2; net.data2 = NS.b; net.datatype=NS.NONCE_NONCE; Cute.Assume(In.guard1(m)); In.action1(m); } public boolean guard2(Message m) { Net net = (Net)m; return state == NS.WAIT && && net.key==NS.b && net.datatype == NS.NONCE && net.data1 == NS.b; } public void action2(Message m) { state = NS.COMMIT; Cute.Assert(responder!=NS.a || myA.responder==NS.b); Cute.Assume(In.guard1(m)); In.action1(m); } } class Net extends Message { public int from; public int to; public int data1; public int data2; public int key; public int datatype; public Net() { } public void invalidate(){ to = NS.EMPTY; from = NS.EMPTY; } } class Intruder extends Agent{ public int i; public int nonce_a_seen; public int nonce_b_seen; public Net[] messages; public Intruder(int numGuards, int numIterations) { super(numGuards, numIterations); messages = new Net[NS.MAXKNOWLEDGE]; for (int j = 0; j < messages.length; j++) { messages[j] = new Net(); } i = 0; nonce_a_seen = 0; nonce_b_seen = 0; } public boolean guard1(Message m) { Net net = (Net)m; return net.from != NS.ii; } public void action1(Message m) { int i,toss; boolean flag; Net net = (Net)m; if(net.key==NS.ii){ if(net.data1==NS.a) nonce_a_seen = 1; if(net.data1==NS.b) nonce_b_seen = 1; if(net.datatype==NS.NONCE_NONCE){ if(net.data2==NS.a) nonce_a_seen = 1; if(net.data2==NS.b) nonce_b_seen = 1; } } else { flag = true; for(i=0;flag && i< this.i;i++){ if( messages[i].data1 == net.data1 && messages[i].data2 == net.data2 && messages[i].datatype == net.datatype && messages[i].key == net.key){ flag = false; } } if(flag){ messages[ this.i].data1 = net.data1; messages[ this.i].data2 = net.data2; messages[ this.i].datatype = net.datatype; messages[ this.i].key = net.key; ( this.i)++; } } /* CU_input(toss); */ /* if(toss){ */ /* /* drop */ /* invalidate(); */ /* } else { */ /* replay */ for(i=0;i< this.i;i++){ toss = Cute.input.Integer(); if(toss==1) { toss = Cute.input.Integer(); Cute.Assume(toss==NS.a || toss==NS.b); net.from = NS.ii; = toss; net.data1 = messages[i].data1; net.data2 = messages[i].data2; net.datatype = messages[i].datatype; net.key = messages[i].key; return; } } /* send nonce */ toss = Cute.input.Integer(); Cute.Assume(toss==NS.a || toss==NS.b); net.from = NS.ii; = toss; net.key = toss; toss = Cute.input.Integer(); Cute.Assume(toss==NS.NONCE || toss==NS.NONCE_ADDRESS || toss==NS.NONCE_NONCE); if(toss==NS.NONCE && ( nonce_a_seen != 0|| nonce_b_seen !=0)){ net.datatype = NS.NONCE; if( nonce_a_seen==0){ net.data1 = NS.b; } else if( nonce_b_seen==0){ net.data1 = NS.a; } else { toss = Cute.input.Integer(); Cute.Assume(toss==NS.a || toss==NS.b); net.data1 = toss; } return; } else if(toss==NS.NONCE_ADDRESS && ( nonce_a_seen!=0 || nonce_b_seen!=0)){ net.datatype = NS.NONCE_ADDRESS; if( nonce_a_seen==0){ net.data1 = NS.b; } else if( nonce_b_seen==0){ net.data1 = NS.a; } else { toss = Cute.input.Integer(); Cute.Assume(toss==NS.a || toss==NS.b); net.data1 = toss; } toss = Cute.input.Integer(); Cute.Assume(toss==NS.a || toss==NS.b); net.data2 = toss; return; } else if(toss==NS.NONCE_NONCE && ( nonce_a_seen!=0 || nonce_b_seen!=0)){ net.datatype = NS.NONCE_NONCE; if( nonce_a_seen!=0 && nonce_b_seen!=0){ toss = Cute.input.Integer(); if(toss==1){ net.data1 = NS.a; } else { net.data1 = NS.b; } } else if( nonce_a_seen!=0){ net.data1 = NS.a; } else { net.data1 = NS.b; } if( nonce_a_seen!=0 && nonce_b_seen!=0){ toss = Cute.input.Integer(); if(toss==1){ net.data2 = NS.a; } else { net.data2 = NS.b; } } else if( nonce_a_seen!=0){ net.data2 = NS.a; } else { net.data2 = NS.b; } return; } net.invalidate(); /* } */ } } public class NS { final public static int EMPTY = -1; final public static int SLEEP = 1; final public static int WAIT = 2; final public static int COMMIT = 3; final public static int NONCE = 1; final public static int NONCE_ADDRESS = 2; final public static int NONCE_NONCE = 3; final public static int MAXKNOWLEDGE = 10; final public static int a = 0; final public static int b = 1; final public static int ii = 2; static public void main(String args[]){ Intruder i = new Intruder(1,3); A a = new A(2,2,i); B b = new B(2,2,a,i); Net n = new Net(); n.m = n; a.start(); b.start(); } // static public void main(String args[]){ // Cute.begin(args); // A a = new A(2,2); // B b = new B(2,2,a); // Intruder i = new Intruder(1,4); // Net n = new Net(); // n.invalidate(); // int toss; // //// Cute.Assume(a.guard1(n)); //// a.action1(n); //// System.out.println("1"); //// Cute.Assume(i.guard1(n)); //// i.action1(n); //// Cute.Assume(b.guard1(n)); //// b.action1(n); //// System.out.println("2"); //// Cute.Assume(i.guard1(n)); //// i.action1(n); //// Cute.Assume(a.guard2(n)); //// a.action2(n); //// System.out.println("3"); //// Cute.Assume(i.guard1(n)); //// i.action1(n); //// Cute.Assume(b.guard2(n)); //// b.action2(n); //// System.out.println("4"); // // for(int j=0;j<4;j++){ // toss = Cute.input.Integer(); // if(toss==1){ // Cute.Assume(a.guard1(n)); // a.action1(n); // Cute.Assume(i.guard1(n)); // i.action1(n); // } else if(toss==2){ // Cute.Assume(b.guard1(n)); // b.action1(n); // Cute.Assume(i.guard1(n)); // i.action1(n); // } else if(toss==3){ // Cute.Assume(a.guard2(n)); // a.action2(n); // Cute.Assume(i.guard1(n)); // i.action1(n); // } else if(toss==4){ // Cute.Assume(b.guard2(n)); // b.action2(n); // Cute.Assume(i.guard1(n)); // i.action1(n); // } // } // Cute.end(); // } } //@The following comments are auto-generated to save options for testing the current file //@jcute.optionPrintOutput=true //@jcute.optionLogPath=true //@jcute.optionLogTraceAndInput=true //@jcute.optionGenerateJUnit=false //@jcute.optionExtraOptions= //@jcute.optionJUnitOutputFolderName=d:\sync\work\cute\java //@jcute.optionJUnitPkgName= //@jcute.optionNumberOfPaths=530 //@jcute.optionLogLevel=1 //@jcute.optionLogStatistics=true //@jcute.optionDepthForDFS=0 //@jcute.optionSearchStrategy=0 //@jcute.optionSequential=false //@jcute.optionQuickSearchThreshold=100 //@jcute.optionLogRace=true //@jcute.optionLogDeadlock=true //@jcute.optionLogException=true //@jcute.optionLogAssertion=true