package cute.concolic; import argparser.ArgParser; import argparser.BooleanHolder; import argparser.IntHolder; import cute.Cute; import cute.concolic.concurrency.Scheduler; import cute.concolic.input.InputMap; import cute.concolic.logging.BranchCoverageLog; import cute.concolic.logging.ExecutionLog; import cute.concolic.logging.JUnitTestGenerator; import cute.concolic.logging.Logger; import cute.concolic.pathconstraint.PathConstraint; import cute.concolic.symbolicexecution.BranchHistory; import cute.concolic.symbolicexecution.ComputationStacks; import cute.concolic.symbolicstate.State; import cute.concolic.generateinputandschedule.GenerateInputAndSchedule; import cute.instrument.SymbolTable; import*; import java.util.Random; /** * Author: Koushik Sen <> */ public class Globals { public static final String version = "1.0.1"; public static Globals globals = new Globals(); public static final int RESTART_MODE = 2; public static final int REPLAY_MODE = 1; public static final int NEXT_MODE = 0; public static final int SEARCH_DFS = 1; public static final int SEARCH_RANDOM = 2; public static final int SEARCH_QUICK = 3; public static final int SEARCH_RANDOM2 = 4; public static final String BACK = "cuteBack"; public static final String OLD = "cuteOld"; public static final String NEW = "cuteNew"; public static final int INT = 1; public static final int SHORT = 2; public static final int LONG = 3; public static final int BYTE = 4; public static final int CHAR = 5; public static final int FLOAT = 6; public static final int DOUBLE = 7; public static final int BOOLEAN = 8; public static final int REFERENCE = 9; public static final int OBJECT = 10; public InputMap input; public State state; public SymbolTable st; public ComputationStacks cstack; public BranchHistory history; public PathConstraint path; public Scheduler sched; public ExecutionLog ptrace; public Logger logger; public JUnitTestGenerator junitTest; public Random rand; public BranchCoverageLog coverage; public GenerateInputAndSchedule solver; public boolean initialized; public Information information; public Globals() { initialized = false; } public void begin(){ information = new Information(); ArgParser parser = new ArgParser("program"); IntHolder depth = new IntHolder(0); parser.addOption("-d %d #Depth of search. Default is 0, which implies infinite depth",depth); IntHolder seed = new IntHolder((int)System.currentTimeMillis()); //IntHolder seed = new IntHolder(34526); parser.addOption("-s %d #Seed for random number generator in case -r " + "option is given. Default is current system time.",seed); IntHolder debugLevel = new IntHolder(0); parser.addOption("-t %d #Various debug information and statistics. Default is 0 (no debug information printed).\n" + "\t1 print trace of instrumentation function call's entry and exit.\n" + "\t2 print info about instrumented function call inserted for concurrency.\n" + "\t4 print input map after reading from disk.\n" + "\t8 print history at every history change.\n" + "\t16 print symbolic state at every state change.\n" + "\t32 print path contraint whenever path constraint is updated.\n" + "\t64 print old and new history at the end of execution.\n" + "\t128 print old and new input map at the end of the execution.\n" + "\t256 print path constraint at the end of the excution.\n" + "\t512 print line number executed.",debugLevel); IntHolder mode = new IntHolder(0); parser.addOption("-m %d {0,1,2} #\n\t0 - next path (depends on history), " + "\n\t1 - replay last execution,\n\t2 - start fresh execution without " + "looking at any history. Default is 0.",mode); BooleanHolder random = new BooleanHolder(false); parser.addOption("-r %v #if -r is specified, inputs are randomly initialized; " + "else, inputs are set to 0. Objects are initialized to null in either cases.",random); IntHolder randomSearch = new IntHolder(SEARCH_DFS); parser.addOption("-p %d {1,2,3,4} #search strategy to be invoked: " + "1 (default) is DFS, 2 is random, 3 is quick, 4 is better random",randomSearch); BooleanHolder optimalDistributed = new BooleanHolder(false); parser.addOption("-a %v #turn off Optimal Distrubuted Search ",optimalDistributed); BooleanHolder generateJUnit = new BooleanHolder(true); parser.addOption("-j %v #generate JUnit test cases",generateJUnit); BooleanHolder printTraceAndInputs = new BooleanHolder(true); parser.addOption("-v %v #verbose: print inputs and trace of execution",printTraceAndInputs); IntHolder NArg = new IntHolder(0); parser.addOption("-n %d #Pass a single integer argument ",NArg); String arg = System.getProperty("cute.args",""); arg = arg.trim(); if(arg.startsWith(":")){ arg = arg.substring(1); } //System.out.println("arg = "+arg); String[] args2 = null; if(!arg.equals("")){ args2 = arg.split(":"); } else { args2 = new String[0]; } parser.matchAllArgs(args2); this.information.seed = seed.value; this.information.depth = depth.value; this.information.random = random.value; this.information.searchMode = randomSearch.value; this.information.mode = mode.value; this.information.debugLevel = debugLevel.value; this.information.optimalDistributed = !optimalDistributed.value; this.information.printTraceAndInputs = printTraceAndInputs.value; Cute.N = NArg.value; this.information.generateJUnit = generateJUnit.value; initialize(); this.initialized = true; this.sched.setPriority(Thread.MIN_PRIORITY); //Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new SolveOnExit()); this.sched.start(); } public void initialize() { rand = new Random(information.seed); logger = new Logger(information,new PrintWriter(System.out)); junitTest = new JUnitTestGenerator(information); ptrace = new ExecutionLog(logger,information); try { ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream("cuteSymbolTable"))); try { st = (SymbolTable)in.readObject(); st.reverseMap(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); //To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File Templates. System.exit(1); } in.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); //To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File Templates. System.exit(1); } state = new State(logger,information); history = new BranchHistory(logger,information);; path = new PathConstraint(logger,information); coverage = new BranchCoverageLog(information);; input = new InputMap(information,logger,junitTest,state,ptrace,st,rand);; cstack = new ComputationStacks(state,path,history,coverage,input); solver = new GenerateInputAndSchedule(information,input,path,history,ptrace,logger,junitTest,rand,coverage); sched = new Scheduler(information,path,state,history,rand,solver); information.brackTrackAt = -1; information.nThreads = 1; } }