package cute; import cute.concolic.Call; import cute.gui.JCuteGui; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.util.Properties; /** * User: Koushik Sen ( * Date: Nov 21, 2005 * Time: 11:26:18 AM */ public class RunOnce { public static Properties getProperties() throws IOException { Properties ret= new Properties(); String configFile = System.getProperty("cute.config.file"); if(configFile!=null && (new File(configFile).exists())){ ret.load(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(configFile))); return ret; } configFile = "cute.config"; if(new File(configFile).exists()){ ret.load(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(configFile))); return ret; } String tmp = JCuteGui.class.getResource( "JCuteGui.class" ).getPath(); if(tmp.indexOf('!')>0){ String javaClassPath = tmp.substring(5, tmp.indexOf('!')); File tmp2 = new File(javaClassPath); javaClassPath = tmp2.getAbsolutePath(); javaClassPath = javaClassPath.replaceAll("\\\\","/"); if(!javaClassPath.endsWith("jcute.jar") || !(new File(javaClassPath)).exists()){ System.err.println("It seems that you have invoked CUTE for Java without using jcute.jar." + " Don't do this!"); System.exit(1); } String jcuteHome = javaClassPath.substring(0,javaClassPath.length()-9); configFile = jcuteHome+configFile; if(new File(configFile).exists()){ ret.load(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(configFile))); return ret; } } return ret; } // public static void init(){ // Properties p = null; // try { // p = getProperties(); // } catch (IOException e) { // e.printStackTrace(); //To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File Templates. // System.exit(1); // } // String value; // // Globals.globals.depth = 0; // Globals.globals.seed = (int)System.currentTimeMillis(); // Globals.globals.random = false; // Globals.globals.searchMode = Globals.SEARCH_DFS; // Globals.globals.mode = 0; // Globals.globals.debugLevel = 0; // Globals.globals.recordCoverage = true; // Globals.globals.optimalDistributed = true; // Globals.globals.printTraceAndInputs = false; // Globals.globals.generateJUnit = false; // Cute.N = 0; // // String key; // // key = "cute.dfs.depth"; // value = System.getProperty(key,p.getProperty(key)); // if(value!=null){ // Globals.globals.depth = Integer.parseInt(value); // } // key = "cute.random.seed"; // value = System.getProperty(key,p.getProperty(key)); // if(value!=null){ // Globals.globals.seed = Integer.parseInt(value); // } // key = "cute.random.inputs"; // value = System.getProperty(key,p.getProperty(key)); // if(value!=null){ // Globals.globals.random = value.equals("true"); // } // key = ""; // value = System.getProperty(key,p.getProperty(key)); // if(value!=null){ // if(value.equals("dfs")){ // Globals.globals.searchMode = Globals.SEARCH_DFS; // } // if(value.equals("random")){ // Globals.globals.searchMode = Globals.SEARCH_RANDOM; // } // if(value.equals("quick")){ // Globals.globals.searchMode = Globals.SEARCH_QUICK; // } // } // key = "cute.mode"; // value = System.getProperty(key,p.getProperty(key)); // if(value!=null){ // if(value.equals("start")) // Globals.globals.mode = 2; // if(value.equals("replay")) // Globals.globals.mode = 1; // if(value.equals("continue")) // Globals.globals.mode = 0; // } // key = "cute.log.coverage"; // value = System.getProperty(key,p.getProperty(key)); // if(value!=null){ // Globals.globals.recordCoverage = value.equals("true"); // } // key = "cute.log.inputAndTrace"; // value = System.getProperty(key,p.getProperty(key)); // if(value!=null){ // Globals.globals.printTraceAndInputs = value.equals("true"); // } // key = "cute.distributed.optimal"; // value = System.getProperty(key,p.getProperty(key)); // if(value!=null){ // Globals.globals.optimalDistributed = value.equals("true"); // } // key = "cute.generateJUnitTestCases"; // value = System.getProperty(key,p.getProperty(key)); // if(value!=null){ // Globals.globals.generateJUnit = value.equals("true"); // } // key = "cute.arg.N"; // value = System.getProperty(key,p.getProperty(key)); // if(value!=null){ // Cute.N = Integer.parseInt(value); // } // // key = "cute.print.instrumentationCallTrace"; // value = System.getProperty(key,p.getProperty(key)); // if(value!=null){ // Globals.globals.debugLevel += value.equals("true")?1:0; // } // key = "cute.print.instrumentationCallConcurrency"; // value = System.getProperty(key,p.getProperty(key)); // if(value!=null){ // Globals.globals.debugLevel += value.equals("true")?2:0; // } // key = "cute.print.inputRaw"; // value = System.getProperty(key,p.getProperty(key)); // if(value!=null){ // Globals.globals.debugLevel += value.equals("true")?4:0; // } // key = "cute.print.path.history"; // value = System.getProperty(key,p.getProperty(key)); // if(value!=null){ // Globals.globals.debugLevel += value.equals("true")?8:0; // } // key = "cute.print.state"; // value = System.getProperty(key,p.getProperty(key)); // if(value!=null){ // Globals.globals.debugLevel += value.equals("true")?16:0; // } // key = "cute.print.path.constraint"; // value = System.getProperty(key,p.getProperty(key)); // if(value!=null){ // Globals.globals.debugLevel += value.equals("true")?32:0; // } // key = ""; // value = System.getProperty(key,p.getProperty(key)); // if(value!=null){ // Globals.globals.debugLevel += value.equals("true")?64:0; // } // key = ""; // value = System.getProperty(key,p.getProperty(key)); // if(value!=null){ // Globals.globals.debugLevel += value.equals("true")?128:0; // } // key = ""; // value = System.getProperty(key,p.getProperty(key)); // if(value!=null){ // Globals.globals.debugLevel += value.equals("true")?256:0; // } // key = "cute.print.line.number"; // value = System.getProperty(key,p.getProperty(key)); // if(value!=null){ // Globals.globals.debugLevel += value.equals("true")?512:0; // } // Globals.globals.initialize(); // Globals.globals.initialized = true; // Globals.globals.sched.setPriority(Thread.MIN_PRIORITY); // Globals.globals.sched.start(); // // } public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable { if(args.length<1){ System.err.println("Function to be tested is not provided as argument"); System.exit(1); } if(args[0].indexOf('.')<0){ System.err.println("Function name "+args[0]+" must be of the form classname.functionname"); System.exit(1); } String[] names = new String[2]; names[0] = args[0].substring(0,args[0].lastIndexOf('.')); names[1] = args[0].substring(args[0].lastIndexOf('.')+1); Class c = null; try { c = Class.forName(names[0]); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } Method[] methods = c.getMethods(); boolean flag = false; Method method = null; for (int i = 0; !flag && i < methods.length; i++) { method = methods[i]; if(method.getName().equals(names[1])){ flag = true; } } if(flag){ // if(System.getProperty("cute.args")==null){ // init(); // } try { if(Modifier.isStatic(method.getModifiers())){ if(method.toString().endsWith("main(java.lang.String[])")){ String [] params = new String[args.length-1]; for (int i = 1; i < args.length; i++) { params[i-1] = args[i]; } Object param[] = new Object[1]; param[0] = params; method.invoke(null,param); } else { method.invoke(null,null); Call.endBefore(-1); } } else { method.invoke(c.newInstance(),null); Call.endBefore(-1); } } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); //To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File Templates. System.exit(1); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { //e.getCause().printStackTrace(); Call.threadException(e.getCause()); throw e.getCause(); } catch(InstantiationException e){ e.printStackTrace(); //To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File Templates. System.exit(1); } } } }