/* * Copyright 2011 The Apache Software Foundation * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.DataOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataInputStream; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataOutputStream; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseTestingUtility; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.MediumTests; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.fs.HFileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.encoding.DataBlockEncoding; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes; import org.apache.hadoop.io.compress.CompressionOutputStream; import org.apache.hadoop.io.compress.Compressor; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile.HFileBlock.BlockWritable; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.ChecksumType; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Pair; import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; import static org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile.Compression.Algorithm.*; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.experimental.categories.Category; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.junit.runners.Parameterized; import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters; /** * This class has unit tests to prove that older versions of * HFiles (without checksums) are compatible with current readers. */ @Category(MediumTests.class) @RunWith(Parameterized.class) public class TestHFileBlockCompatibility { // change this value to activate more logs private static final boolean[] BOOLEAN_VALUES = new boolean[] { false, true }; private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(TestHFileBlockCompatibility.class); private static final Compression.Algorithm[] COMPRESSION_ALGORITHMS = { NONE, GZ }; // The mnior version for pre-checksum files private static int MINOR_VERSION = 0; private static final HBaseTestingUtility TEST_UTIL = new HBaseTestingUtility(); private HFileSystem fs; private int uncompressedSizeV1; private final boolean includesMemstoreTS; public TestHFileBlockCompatibility(boolean includesMemstoreTS) { this.includesMemstoreTS = includesMemstoreTS; } @Parameters public static Collection<Object[]> parameters() { return HBaseTestingUtility.BOOLEAN_PARAMETERIZED; } @Before public void setUp() throws IOException { fs = (HFileSystem)HFileSystem.get(TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration()); } public byte[] createTestV1Block(Compression.Algorithm algo) throws IOException { Compressor compressor = algo.getCompressor(); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); OutputStream os = algo.createCompressionStream(baos, compressor, 0); DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(os); BlockType.META.write(dos); // Let's make this a meta block. TestHFileBlock.writeTestBlockContents(dos); uncompressedSizeV1 = dos.size(); dos.flush(); algo.returnCompressor(compressor); return baos.toByteArray(); } private Writer createTestV2Block(Compression.Algorithm algo) throws IOException { final BlockType blockType = BlockType.DATA; Writer hbw = new Writer(algo, null, includesMemstoreTS); DataOutputStream dos = hbw.startWriting(blockType); TestHFileBlock.writeTestBlockContents(dos); byte[] headerAndData = hbw.getHeaderAndData(); assertEquals(1000 * 4, hbw.getUncompressedSizeWithoutHeader()); hbw.releaseCompressor(); return hbw; } private String createTestBlockStr(Compression.Algorithm algo, int correctLength) throws IOException { Writer hbw = createTestV2Block(algo); byte[] testV2Block = hbw.getHeaderAndData(); int osOffset = HFileBlock.HEADER_SIZE_NO_CHECKSUM + 9; if (testV2Block.length == correctLength) { // Force-set the "OS" field of the gzip header to 3 (Unix) to avoid // variations across operating systems. // See http://www.gzip.org/zlib/rfc-gzip.html for gzip format. testV2Block[osOffset] = 3; } return Bytes.toStringBinary(testV2Block); } @Test public void testNoCompression() throws IOException { assertEquals(4000, createTestV2Block(NONE).getBlockForCaching(). getUncompressedSizeWithoutHeader()); } @Test public void testGzipCompression() throws IOException { final String correctTestBlockStr = "DATABLK*\\x00\\x00\\x00:\\x00\\x00\\x0F\\xA0\\xFF\\xFF\\xFF\\xFF" + "\\xFF\\xFF\\xFF\\xFF" // gzip-compressed block: http://www.gzip.org/zlib/rfc-gzip.html + "\\x1F\\x8B" // gzip magic signature + "\\x08" // Compression method: 8 = "deflate" + "\\x00" // Flags + "\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00" // mtime + "\\x00" // XFL (extra flags) // OS (0 = FAT filesystems, 3 = Unix). However, this field // sometimes gets set to 0 on Linux and Mac, so we reset it to 3. + "\\x03" + "\\xED\\xC3\\xC1\\x11\\x00 \\x08\\xC00DD\\xDD\\x7Fa" + "\\xD6\\xE8\\xA3\\xB9K\\x84`\\x96Q\\xD3\\xA8\\xDB\\xA8e\\xD4c" + "\\xD46\\xEA5\\xEA3\\xEA7\\xE7\\x00LI\\x5Cs\\xA0\\x0F\\x00\\x00"; final int correctGzipBlockLength = 82; assertEquals(correctTestBlockStr, createTestBlockStr(GZ, correctGzipBlockLength)); } @Test public void testReaderV1() throws IOException { for (Compression.Algorithm algo : COMPRESSION_ALGORITHMS) { for (boolean pread : new boolean[] { false, true }) { byte[] block = createTestV1Block(algo); Path path = new Path(TEST_UTIL.getDataTestDir(), "blocks_v1_"+ algo); LOG.info("Creating temporary file at " + path); FSDataOutputStream os = fs.create(path); int totalSize = 0; int numBlocks = 50; for (int i = 0; i < numBlocks; ++i) { os.write(block); totalSize += block.length; } os.close(); FSDataInputStream is = fs.open(path); HFileBlock.FSReader hbr = new HFileBlock.FSReaderV1(is, algo, totalSize); HFileBlock b; int numBlocksRead = 0; long pos = 0; while (pos < totalSize) { b = hbr.readBlockData(pos, block.length, uncompressedSizeV1, pread); b.sanityCheck(); pos += block.length; numBlocksRead++; } assertEquals(numBlocks, numBlocksRead); is.close(); } } } @Test public void testReaderV2() throws IOException { for (Compression.Algorithm algo : COMPRESSION_ALGORITHMS) { for (boolean pread : new boolean[] { false, true }) { LOG.info("testReaderV2: Compression algorithm: " + algo + ", pread=" + pread); Path path = new Path(TEST_UTIL.getDataTestDir(), "blocks_v2_" + algo); FSDataOutputStream os = fs.create(path); Writer hbw = new Writer(algo, null, includesMemstoreTS); long totalSize = 0; for (int blockId = 0; blockId < 2; ++blockId) { DataOutputStream dos = hbw.startWriting(BlockType.DATA); for (int i = 0; i < 1234; ++i) dos.writeInt(i); hbw.writeHeaderAndData(os); totalSize += hbw.getOnDiskSizeWithHeader(); } os.close(); FSDataInputStream is = fs.open(path); HFileBlock.FSReader hbr = new HFileBlock.FSReaderV2(is, is, algo, totalSize, MINOR_VERSION, fs, path); HFileBlock b = hbr.readBlockData(0, -1, -1, pread); is.close(); b.sanityCheck(); assertEquals(4936, b.getUncompressedSizeWithoutHeader()); assertEquals(algo == GZ ? 2173 : 4936, b.getOnDiskSizeWithoutHeader() - b.totalChecksumBytes()); String blockStr = b.toString(); if (algo == GZ) { is = fs.open(path); hbr = new HFileBlock.FSReaderV2(is, is, algo, totalSize, MINOR_VERSION, fs, path); b = hbr.readBlockData(0, 2173 + HFileBlock.HEADER_SIZE_NO_CHECKSUM + b.totalChecksumBytes(), -1, pread); assertEquals(blockStr, b.toString()); int wrongCompressedSize = 2172; try { b = hbr.readBlockData(0, wrongCompressedSize + HFileBlock.HEADER_SIZE_NO_CHECKSUM, -1, pread); fail("Exception expected"); } catch (IOException ex) { String expectedPrefix = "On-disk size without header provided is " + wrongCompressedSize + ", but block header contains " + b.getOnDiskSizeWithoutHeader() + "."; assertTrue("Invalid exception message: '" + ex.getMessage() + "'.\nMessage is expected to start with: '" + expectedPrefix + "'", ex.getMessage().startsWith(expectedPrefix)); } is.close(); } } } } /** * Test encoding/decoding data blocks. * @throws IOException a bug or a problem with temporary files. */ @Test public void testDataBlockEncoding() throws IOException { final int numBlocks = 5; for (Compression.Algorithm algo : COMPRESSION_ALGORITHMS) { for (boolean pread : new boolean[] { false, true }) { for (DataBlockEncoding encoding : DataBlockEncoding.values()) { LOG.info("testDataBlockEncoding algo " + algo + " pread = " + pread + " encoding " + encoding); Path path = new Path(TEST_UTIL.getDataTestDir(), "blocks_v2_" + algo + "_" + encoding.toString()); FSDataOutputStream os = fs.create(path); HFileDataBlockEncoder dataBlockEncoder = new HFileDataBlockEncoderImpl(encoding); Writer hbw = new Writer(algo, dataBlockEncoder, includesMemstoreTS); long totalSize = 0; final List<Integer> encodedSizes = new ArrayList<Integer>(); final List<ByteBuffer> encodedBlocks = new ArrayList<ByteBuffer>(); for (int blockId = 0; blockId < numBlocks; ++blockId) { DataOutputStream dos = hbw.startWriting(BlockType.DATA); TestHFileBlock.writeEncodedBlock(encoding, dos, encodedSizes, encodedBlocks, blockId, includesMemstoreTS); hbw.writeHeaderAndData(os); totalSize += hbw.getOnDiskSizeWithHeader(); } os.close(); FSDataInputStream is = fs.open(path); HFileBlock.FSReaderV2 hbr = new HFileBlock.FSReaderV2(is, is, algo, totalSize, MINOR_VERSION, fs, path); hbr.setDataBlockEncoder(dataBlockEncoder); hbr.setIncludesMemstoreTS(includesMemstoreTS); HFileBlock b; int pos = 0; for (int blockId = 0; blockId < numBlocks; ++blockId) { b = hbr.readBlockData(pos, -1, -1, pread); b.sanityCheck(); pos += b.getOnDiskSizeWithHeader(); assertEquals((int) encodedSizes.get(blockId), b.getUncompressedSizeWithoutHeader()); ByteBuffer actualBuffer = b.getBufferWithoutHeader(); if (encoding != DataBlockEncoding.NONE) { // We expect a two-byte big-endian encoding id. assertEquals(0, actualBuffer.get(0)); assertEquals(encoding.getId(), actualBuffer.get(1)); actualBuffer.position(2); actualBuffer = actualBuffer.slice(); } ByteBuffer expectedBuffer = encodedBlocks.get(blockId); expectedBuffer.rewind(); // test if content matches, produce nice message TestHFileBlock.assertBuffersEqual(expectedBuffer, actualBuffer, algo, encoding, pread); } is.close(); } } } } @org.junit.Rule public org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ResourceCheckerJUnitRule cu = new org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ResourceCheckerJUnitRule(); /** * This is the version of the HFileBlock.Writer that is used to * create V2 blocks with minor version 0. These blocks do not * have hbase-level checksums. The code is here to test * backward compatibility. The reason we do not inherit from * HFileBlock.Writer is because we never ever want to change the code * in this class but the code in HFileBlock.Writer will continually * evolve. */ public static final class Writer { // These constants are as they were in minorVersion 0. private static final int HEADER_SIZE = HFileBlock.HEADER_SIZE_NO_CHECKSUM; private static final boolean DONT_FILL_HEADER = HFileBlock.DONT_FILL_HEADER; private static final byte[] DUMMY_HEADER = HFileBlock.DUMMY_HEADER_NO_CHECKSUM; private enum State { INIT, WRITING, BLOCK_READY }; /** Writer state. Used to ensure the correct usage protocol. */ private State state = State.INIT; /** Compression algorithm for all blocks this instance writes. */ private final Compression.Algorithm compressAlgo; /** Data block encoder used for data blocks */ private final HFileDataBlockEncoder dataBlockEncoder; /** * The stream we use to accumulate data in uncompressed format for each * block. We reset this stream at the end of each block and reuse it. The * header is written as the first {@link #HEADER_SIZE} bytes into this * stream. */ private ByteArrayOutputStream baosInMemory; /** Compressor, which is also reused between consecutive blocks. */ private Compressor compressor; /** Compression output stream */ private CompressionOutputStream compressionStream; /** Underlying stream to write compressed bytes to */ private ByteArrayOutputStream compressedByteStream; /** * Current block type. Set in {@link #startWriting(BlockType)}. Could be * changed in {@link #encodeDataBlockForDisk()} from {@link BlockType#DATA} * to {@link BlockType#ENCODED_DATA}. */ private BlockType blockType; /** * A stream that we write uncompressed bytes to, which compresses them and * writes them to {@link #baosInMemory}. */ private DataOutputStream userDataStream; /** * Bytes to be written to the file system, including the header. Compressed * if compression is turned on. */ private byte[] onDiskBytesWithHeader; /** * Valid in the READY state. Contains the header and the uncompressed (but * potentially encoded, if this is a data block) bytes, so the length is * {@link #uncompressedSizeWithoutHeader} + {@link HFileBlock#HEADER_SIZE_WITH_CHECKSUMS}. */ private byte[] uncompressedBytesWithHeader; /** * Current block's start offset in the {@link HFile}. Set in * {@link #writeHeaderAndData(FSDataOutputStream)}. */ private long startOffset; /** * Offset of previous block by block type. Updated when the next block is * started. */ private long[] prevOffsetByType; /** The offset of the previous block of the same type */ private long prevOffset; /** Whether we are including memstore timestamp after every key/value */ private boolean includesMemstoreTS; /** * @param compressionAlgorithm compression algorithm to use * @param dataBlockEncoderAlgo data block encoding algorithm to use */ public Writer(Compression.Algorithm compressionAlgorithm, HFileDataBlockEncoder dataBlockEncoder, boolean includesMemstoreTS) { compressAlgo = compressionAlgorithm == null ? NONE : compressionAlgorithm; this.dataBlockEncoder = dataBlockEncoder != null ? dataBlockEncoder : NoOpDataBlockEncoder.INSTANCE; baosInMemory = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); if (compressAlgo != NONE) { compressor = compressionAlgorithm.getCompressor(); compressedByteStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { compressionStream = compressionAlgorithm.createPlainCompressionStream( compressedByteStream, compressor); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not create compression stream " + "for algorithm " + compressionAlgorithm, e); } } prevOffsetByType = new long[BlockType.values().length]; for (int i = 0; i < prevOffsetByType.length; ++i) prevOffsetByType[i] = -1; this.includesMemstoreTS = includesMemstoreTS; } /** * Starts writing into the block. The previous block's data is discarded. * * @return the stream the user can write their data into * @throws IOException */ public DataOutputStream startWriting(BlockType newBlockType) throws IOException { if (state == State.BLOCK_READY && startOffset != -1) { // We had a previous block that was written to a stream at a specific // offset. Save that offset as the last offset of a block of that type. prevOffsetByType[blockType.getId()] = startOffset; } startOffset = -1; blockType = newBlockType; baosInMemory.reset(); baosInMemory.write(DUMMY_HEADER); state = State.WRITING; // We will compress it later in finishBlock() userDataStream = new DataOutputStream(baosInMemory); return userDataStream; } /** * Returns the stream for the user to write to. The block writer takes care * of handling compression and buffering for caching on write. Can only be * called in the "writing" state. * * @return the data output stream for the user to write to */ DataOutputStream getUserDataStream() { expectState(State.WRITING); return userDataStream; } /** * Transitions the block writer from the "writing" state to the "block * ready" state. Does nothing if a block is already finished. */ private void ensureBlockReady() throws IOException { Preconditions.checkState(state != State.INIT, "Unexpected state: " + state); if (state == State.BLOCK_READY) return; // This will set state to BLOCK_READY. finishBlock(); } /** * An internal method that flushes the compressing stream (if using * compression), serializes the header, and takes care of the separate * uncompressed stream for caching on write, if applicable. Sets block * write state to "block ready". */ private void finishBlock() throws IOException { userDataStream.flush(); // This does an array copy, so it is safe to cache this byte array. uncompressedBytesWithHeader = baosInMemory.toByteArray(); LOG.warn("Writer.finishBlock user data size with header before compression " + uncompressedBytesWithHeader.length); prevOffset = prevOffsetByType[blockType.getId()]; // We need to set state before we can package the block up for // cache-on-write. In a way, the block is ready, but not yet encoded or // compressed. state = State.BLOCK_READY; encodeDataBlockForDisk(); doCompression(); putHeader(uncompressedBytesWithHeader, 0, onDiskBytesWithHeader.length, uncompressedBytesWithHeader.length); } /** * Do compression if it is enabled, or re-use the uncompressed buffer if * it is not. Fills in the compressed block's header if doing compression. */ private void doCompression() throws IOException { // do the compression if (compressAlgo != NONE) { compressedByteStream.reset(); compressedByteStream.write(DUMMY_HEADER); compressionStream.resetState(); compressionStream.write(uncompressedBytesWithHeader, HEADER_SIZE, uncompressedBytesWithHeader.length - HEADER_SIZE); compressionStream.flush(); compressionStream.finish(); onDiskBytesWithHeader = compressedByteStream.toByteArray(); putHeader(onDiskBytesWithHeader, 0, onDiskBytesWithHeader.length, uncompressedBytesWithHeader.length); } else { onDiskBytesWithHeader = uncompressedBytesWithHeader; } } /** * Encodes this block if it is a data block and encoding is turned on in * {@link #dataBlockEncoder}. */ private void encodeDataBlockForDisk() throws IOException { if (blockType != BlockType.DATA) { return; // skip any non-data block } // do data block encoding, if data block encoder is set ByteBuffer rawKeyValues = ByteBuffer.wrap(uncompressedBytesWithHeader, HEADER_SIZE, uncompressedBytesWithHeader.length - HEADER_SIZE).slice(); Pair<ByteBuffer, BlockType> encodingResult = dataBlockEncoder.beforeWriteToDisk(rawKeyValues, includesMemstoreTS, DUMMY_HEADER); BlockType encodedBlockType = encodingResult.getSecond(); if (encodedBlockType == BlockType.ENCODED_DATA) { uncompressedBytesWithHeader = encodingResult.getFirst().array(); blockType = BlockType.ENCODED_DATA; } else { // There is no encoding configured. Do some extra sanity-checking. if (encodedBlockType != BlockType.DATA) { throw new IOException("Unexpected block type coming out of data " + "block encoder: " + encodedBlockType); } if (userDataStream.size() != uncompressedBytesWithHeader.length - HEADER_SIZE) { throw new IOException("Uncompressed size mismatch: " + userDataStream.size() + " vs. " + (uncompressedBytesWithHeader.length - HEADER_SIZE)); } } } /** * Put the header into the given byte array at the given offset. * @param onDiskSize size of the block on disk * @param uncompressedSize size of the block after decompression (but * before optional data block decoding) */ private void putHeader(byte[] dest, int offset, int onDiskSize, int uncompressedSize) { offset = blockType.put(dest, offset); offset = Bytes.putInt(dest, offset, onDiskSize - HEADER_SIZE); offset = Bytes.putInt(dest, offset, uncompressedSize - HEADER_SIZE); Bytes.putLong(dest, offset, prevOffset); } /** * Similar to {@link #writeHeaderAndData(FSDataOutputStream)}, but records * the offset of this block so that it can be referenced in the next block * of the same type. * * @param out * @throws IOException */ public void writeHeaderAndData(FSDataOutputStream out) throws IOException { long offset = out.getPos(); if (startOffset != -1 && offset != startOffset) { throw new IOException("A " + blockType + " block written to a " + "stream twice, first at offset " + startOffset + ", then at " + offset); } startOffset = offset; writeHeaderAndData((DataOutputStream) out); } /** * Writes the header and the compressed data of this block (or uncompressed * data when not using compression) into the given stream. Can be called in * the "writing" state or in the "block ready" state. If called in the * "writing" state, transitions the writer to the "block ready" state. * * @param out the output stream to write the * @throws IOException */ private void writeHeaderAndData(DataOutputStream out) throws IOException { ensureBlockReady(); out.write(onDiskBytesWithHeader); } /** * Returns the header or the compressed data (or uncompressed data when not * using compression) as a byte array. Can be called in the "writing" state * or in the "block ready" state. If called in the "writing" state, * transitions the writer to the "block ready" state. * * @return header and data as they would be stored on disk in a byte array * @throws IOException */ public byte[] getHeaderAndData() throws IOException { ensureBlockReady(); return onDiskBytesWithHeader; } /** * Releases the compressor this writer uses to compress blocks into the * compressor pool. Needs to be called before the writer is discarded. */ public void releaseCompressor() { if (compressor != null) { compressAlgo.returnCompressor(compressor); compressor = null; } } /** * Returns the on-disk size of the data portion of the block. This is the * compressed size if compression is enabled. Can only be called in the * "block ready" state. Header is not compressed, and its size is not * included in the return value. * * @return the on-disk size of the block, not including the header. */ public int getOnDiskSizeWithoutHeader() { expectState(State.BLOCK_READY); return onDiskBytesWithHeader.length - HEADER_SIZE; } /** * Returns the on-disk size of the block. Can only be called in the * "block ready" state. * * @return the on-disk size of the block ready to be written, including the * header size */ public int getOnDiskSizeWithHeader() { expectState(State.BLOCK_READY); return onDiskBytesWithHeader.length; } /** * The uncompressed size of the block data. Does not include header size. */ public int getUncompressedSizeWithoutHeader() { expectState(State.BLOCK_READY); return uncompressedBytesWithHeader.length - HEADER_SIZE; } /** * The uncompressed size of the block data, including header size. */ public int getUncompressedSizeWithHeader() { expectState(State.BLOCK_READY); return uncompressedBytesWithHeader.length; } /** @return true if a block is being written */ public boolean isWriting() { return state == State.WRITING; } /** * Returns the number of bytes written into the current block so far, or * zero if not writing the block at the moment. Note that this will return * zero in the "block ready" state as well. * * @return the number of bytes written */ public int blockSizeWritten() { if (state != State.WRITING) return 0; return userDataStream.size(); } /** * Returns the header followed by the uncompressed data, even if using * compression. This is needed for storing uncompressed blocks in the block * cache. Can be called in the "writing" state or the "block ready" state. * * @return uncompressed block bytes for caching on write */ private byte[] getUncompressedDataWithHeader() { expectState(State.BLOCK_READY); return uncompressedBytesWithHeader; } private void expectState(State expectedState) { if (state != expectedState) { throw new IllegalStateException("Expected state: " + expectedState + ", actual state: " + state); } } /** * Similar to {@link #getUncompressedBufferWithHeader()} but returns a byte * buffer. * * @return uncompressed block for caching on write in the form of a buffer */ public ByteBuffer getUncompressedBufferWithHeader() { byte[] b = getUncompressedDataWithHeader(); return ByteBuffer.wrap(b, 0, b.length); } /** * Takes the given {@link BlockWritable} instance, creates a new block of * its appropriate type, writes the writable into this block, and flushes * the block into the output stream. The writer is instructed not to buffer * uncompressed bytes for cache-on-write. * * @param bw the block-writable object to write as a block * @param out the file system output stream * @throws IOException */ public void writeBlock(BlockWritable bw, FSDataOutputStream out) throws IOException { bw.writeToBlock(startWriting(bw.getBlockType())); writeHeaderAndData(out); } /** * Creates a new HFileBlock. */ public HFileBlock getBlockForCaching() { return new HFileBlock(blockType, getOnDiskSizeWithoutHeader(), getUncompressedSizeWithoutHeader(), prevOffset, getUncompressedBufferWithHeader(), DONT_FILL_HEADER, startOffset, includesMemstoreTS, MINOR_VERSION, 0, ChecksumType.NULL.getCode(), getOnDiskSizeWithoutHeader()); } } }