/* * Copyright 2011 The Apache Software Foundation * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.coprocessor; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NavigableMap; import java.util.NavigableSet; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HConstants; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.KeyValue; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HTable; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Result; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.ResultScanner; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Scan; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.coprocessor.AggregateProtocol; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.coprocessor.ColumnInterpreter; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Pair; /** * This client class is for invoking the aggregate functions deployed on the * Region Server side via the AggregateProtocol. This class will implement the * supporting functionality for summing/processing the individual results * obtained from the AggregateProtocol for each region. * <p> * This will serve as the client side handler for invoking the aggregate * functions. * <ul> * For all aggregate functions, * <li>start row < end row is an essential condition (if they are not * {@link HConstants#EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY}) * <li>Column family can't be null. In case where multiple families are * provided, an IOException will be thrown. An optional column qualifier can * also be defined. * <li>For methods to find maximum, minimum, sum, rowcount, it returns the * parameter type. For average and std, it returns a double value. For row * count, it returns a long value. */ public class AggregationClient { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(AggregationClient.class); Configuration conf; /** * Constructor with Conf object * @param cfg */ public AggregationClient(Configuration cfg) { this.conf = cfg; } /** * It gives the maximum value of a column for a given column family for the * given range. In case qualifier is null, a max of all values for the given * family is returned. * @param tableName * @param ci * @param scan * @return max val <R> * @throws Throwable * The caller is supposed to handle the exception as they are thrown * & propagated to it. */ public <R, S> R max(final byte[] tableName, final ColumnInterpreter<R, S> ci, final Scan scan) throws Throwable { validateParameters(scan); class MaxCallBack implements Batch.Callback<R> { R max = null; R getMax() { return max; } @Override public synchronized void update(byte[] region, byte[] row, R result) { max = (max == null || (result != null && ci.compare(max, result) < 0)) ? result : max; } } MaxCallBack aMaxCallBack = new MaxCallBack(); HTable table = null; try { table = new HTable(conf, tableName); table.coprocessorExec(AggregateProtocol.class, scan.getStartRow(), scan.getStopRow(), new Batch.Call<AggregateProtocol, R>() { @Override public R call(AggregateProtocol instance) throws IOException { return instance.getMax(ci, scan); } }, aMaxCallBack); } finally { if (table != null) { table.close(); } } return aMaxCallBack.getMax(); } private void validateParameters(Scan scan) throws IOException { if (scan == null || (Bytes.equals(scan.getStartRow(), scan.getStopRow()) && !Bytes .equals(scan.getStartRow(), HConstants.EMPTY_START_ROW)) || ((Bytes.compareTo(scan.getStartRow(), scan.getStopRow()) > 0) && !Bytes.equals(scan.getStopRow(), HConstants.EMPTY_END_ROW))) { throw new IOException( "Agg client Exception: Startrow should be smaller than Stoprow"); } else if (scan.getFamilyMap().size() != 1) { throw new IOException("There must be only one family."); } } /** * It gives the minimum value of a column for a given column family for the * given range. In case qualifier is null, a min of all values for the given * family is returned. * @param tableName * @param ci * @param scan * @return min val <R> * @throws Throwable */ public <R, S> R min(final byte[] tableName, final ColumnInterpreter<R, S> ci, final Scan scan) throws Throwable { validateParameters(scan); class MinCallBack implements Batch.Callback<R> { private R min = null; public R getMinimum() { return min; } @Override public synchronized void update(byte[] region, byte[] row, R result) { min = (min == null || (result != null && ci.compare(result, min) < 0)) ? result : min; } } MinCallBack minCallBack = new MinCallBack(); HTable table = null; try { table = new HTable(conf, tableName); table.coprocessorExec(AggregateProtocol.class, scan.getStartRow(), scan.getStopRow(), new Batch.Call<AggregateProtocol, R>() { @Override public R call(AggregateProtocol instance) throws IOException { return instance.getMin(ci, scan); } }, minCallBack); } finally { if (table != null) { table.close(); } } log.debug("Min fom all regions is: " + minCallBack.getMinimum()); return minCallBack.getMinimum(); } /** * It gives the row count, by summing up the individual results obtained from * regions. In case the qualifier is null, FirstKEyValueFilter is used to * optimised the operation. In case qualifier is provided, I can't use the * filter as it may set the flag to skip to next row, but the value read is * not of the given filter: in this case, this particular row will not be * counted ==> an error. * @param tableName * @param ci * @param scan * @return <R, S> * @throws Throwable */ public <R, S> long rowCount(final byte[] tableName, final ColumnInterpreter<R, S> ci, final Scan scan) throws Throwable { validateParameters(scan); class RowNumCallback implements Batch.Callback<Long> { private final AtomicLong rowCountL = new AtomicLong(0); public long getRowNumCount() { return rowCountL.get(); } @Override public void update(byte[] region, byte[] row, Long result) { rowCountL.addAndGet(result.longValue()); } } RowNumCallback rowNum = new RowNumCallback(); HTable table = null; try { table = new HTable(conf, tableName); table.coprocessorExec(AggregateProtocol.class, scan.getStartRow(), scan.getStopRow(), new Batch.Call<AggregateProtocol, Long>() { @Override public Long call(AggregateProtocol instance) throws IOException { return instance.getRowNum(ci, scan); } }, rowNum); } finally { if (table != null) { table.close(); } } return rowNum.getRowNumCount(); } /** * It sums up the value returned from various regions. In case qualifier is * null, summation of all the column qualifiers in the given family is done. * @param tableName * @param ci * @param scan * @return sum <S> * @throws Throwable */ public <R, S> S sum(final byte[] tableName, final ColumnInterpreter<R, S> ci, final Scan scan) throws Throwable { validateParameters(scan); class SumCallBack implements Batch.Callback<S> { S sumVal = null; public S getSumResult() { return sumVal; } @Override public synchronized void update(byte[] region, byte[] row, S result) { sumVal = ci.add(sumVal, result); } } SumCallBack sumCallBack = new SumCallBack(); HTable table = null; try { table = new HTable(conf, tableName); table.coprocessorExec(AggregateProtocol.class, scan.getStartRow(), scan.getStopRow(), new Batch.Call<AggregateProtocol, S>() { @Override public S call(AggregateProtocol instance) throws IOException { return instance.getSum(ci, scan); } }, sumCallBack); } finally { if (table != null) { table.close(); } } return sumCallBack.getSumResult(); } /** * It computes average while fetching sum and row count from all the * corresponding regions. Approach is to compute a global sum of region level * sum and rowcount and then compute the average. * @param tableName * @param scan * @throws Throwable */ private <R, S> Pair<S, Long> getAvgArgs(final byte[] tableName, final ColumnInterpreter<R, S> ci, final Scan scan) throws Throwable { validateParameters(scan); class AvgCallBack implements Batch.Callback<Pair<S, Long>> { S sum = null; Long rowCount = 0l; public Pair<S, Long> getAvgArgs() { return new Pair<S, Long>(sum, rowCount); } @Override public synchronized void update(byte[] region, byte[] row, Pair<S, Long> result) { sum = ci.add(sum, result.getFirst()); rowCount += result.getSecond(); } } AvgCallBack avgCallBack = new AvgCallBack(); HTable table = null; try { table = new HTable(conf, tableName); table.coprocessorExec(AggregateProtocol.class, scan.getStartRow(), scan.getStopRow(), new Batch.Call<AggregateProtocol, Pair<S, Long>>() { @Override public Pair<S, Long> call(AggregateProtocol instance) throws IOException { return instance.getAvg(ci, scan); } }, avgCallBack); } finally { if (table != null) { table.close(); } } return avgCallBack.getAvgArgs(); } /** * This is the client side interface/handle for calling the average method for * a given cf-cq combination. It was necessary to add one more call stack as * its return type should be a decimal value, irrespective of what * columninterpreter says. So, this methods collects the necessary parameters * to compute the average and returs the double value. * @param tableName * @param ci * @param scan * @return <R, S> * @throws Throwable */ public <R, S> double avg(final byte[] tableName, final ColumnInterpreter<R, S> ci, Scan scan) throws Throwable { Pair<S, Long> p = getAvgArgs(tableName, ci, scan); return ci.divideForAvg(p.getFirst(), p.getSecond()); } /** * It computes a global standard deviation for a given column and its value. * Standard deviation is square root of (average of squares - * average*average). From individual regions, it obtains sum, square sum and * number of rows. With these, the above values are computed to get the global * std. * @param tableName * @param scan * @return * @throws Throwable */ private <R, S> Pair<List<S>, Long> getStdArgs(final byte[] tableName, final ColumnInterpreter<R, S> ci, final Scan scan) throws Throwable { validateParameters(scan); class StdCallback implements Batch.Callback<Pair<List<S>, Long>> { long rowCountVal = 0l; S sumVal = null, sumSqVal = null; public Pair<List<S>, Long> getStdParams() { List<S> l = new ArrayList<S>(); l.add(sumVal); l.add(sumSqVal); Pair<List<S>, Long> p = new Pair<List<S>, Long>(l, rowCountVal); return p; } @Override public synchronized void update(byte[] region, byte[] row, Pair<List<S>, Long> result) { sumVal = ci.add(sumVal, result.getFirst().get(0)); sumSqVal = ci.add(sumSqVal, result.getFirst().get(1)); rowCountVal += result.getSecond(); } } StdCallback stdCallback = new StdCallback(); HTable table = null; try { table = new HTable(conf, tableName); table.coprocessorExec(AggregateProtocol.class, scan.getStartRow(), scan.getStopRow(), new Batch.Call<AggregateProtocol, Pair<List<S>, Long>>() { @Override public Pair<List<S>, Long> call(AggregateProtocol instance) throws IOException { return instance.getStd(ci, scan); } }, stdCallback); } finally { if (table != null) { table.close(); } } return stdCallback.getStdParams(); } /** * This is the client side interface/handle for calling the std method for a * given cf-cq combination. It was necessary to add one more call stack as its * return type should be a decimal value, irrespective of what * columninterpreter says. So, this methods collects the necessary parameters * to compute the std and returns the double value. * @param tableName * @param ci * @param scan * @return <R, S> * @throws Throwable */ public <R, S> double std(final byte[] tableName, ColumnInterpreter<R, S> ci, Scan scan) throws Throwable { Pair<List<S>, Long> p = getStdArgs(tableName, ci, scan); double res = 0d; double avg = ci.divideForAvg(p.getFirst().get(0), p.getSecond()); double avgOfSumSq = ci.divideForAvg(p.getFirst().get(1), p.getSecond()); res = avgOfSumSq - (avg) * (avg); // variance res = Math.pow(res, 0.5); return res; } /** * It helps locate the region with median for a given column whose weight * is specified in an optional column. * From individual regions, it obtains sum of values and sum of weights. * @param tableName * @param ci * @param scan * @return pair whose first element is a map between start row of the region * and (sum of values, sum of weights) for the region, the second element is * (sum of values, sum of weights) for all the regions chosen * @throws Throwable */ private <R, S> Pair<NavigableMap<byte[], List<S>>, List<S>> getMedianArgs(final byte[] tableName, final ColumnInterpreter<R, S> ci, final Scan scan) throws Throwable { validateParameters(scan); final NavigableMap<byte[], List<S>> map = new TreeMap<byte[], List<S>>(Bytes.BYTES_COMPARATOR); class StdCallback implements Batch.Callback<List<S>> { S sumVal = null, sumWeights = null; public Pair<NavigableMap<byte[], List<S>>, List<S>> getMedianParams() { List<S> l = new ArrayList<S>(); l.add(sumVal); l.add(sumWeights); Pair<NavigableMap<byte[], List<S>>, List<S>> p = new Pair<NavigableMap<byte[], List<S>>, List<S>>(map, l); return p; } @Override public synchronized void update(byte[] region, byte[] row, List<S> result) { map.put(row, result); sumVal = ci.add(sumVal, result.get(0)); sumWeights = ci.add(sumWeights, result.get(1)); } } StdCallback stdCallback = new StdCallback(); HTable table = null; try { table = new HTable(conf, tableName); table.coprocessorExec(AggregateProtocol.class, scan.getStartRow(), scan.getStopRow(), new Batch.Call<AggregateProtocol, List<S>>() { @Override public List<S> call(AggregateProtocol instance) throws IOException { return instance.getMedian(ci, scan); } }, stdCallback); } finally { if (table != null) { table.close(); } } return stdCallback.getMedianParams(); } /** * This is the client side interface/handler for calling the median method for a * given cf-cq combination. This method collects the necessary parameters * to compute the median and returns the median. * @param tableName * @param ci * @param scan * @return R the median * @throws Throwable */ public <R, S> R median(final byte[] tableName, ColumnInterpreter<R, S> ci, Scan scan) throws Throwable { Pair<NavigableMap<byte[], List<S>>, List<S>> p = getMedianArgs(tableName, ci, scan); byte[] startRow = null; byte[] colFamily = scan.getFamilies()[0]; NavigableSet<byte[]> quals = scan.getFamilyMap().get(colFamily); NavigableMap<byte[], List<S>> map = p.getFirst(); S sumVal = p.getSecond().get(0); S sumWeights = p.getSecond().get(1); double halfSumVal = ci.divideForAvg(sumVal, 2L); double movingSumVal = 0; boolean weighted = false; if (quals.size() > 1) { weighted = true; halfSumVal = ci.divideForAvg(sumWeights, 2L); } for (Map.Entry<byte[], List<S>> entry : map.entrySet()) { S s = weighted ? entry.getValue().get(1) : entry.getValue().get(0); double newSumVal = movingSumVal + ci.divideForAvg(s, 1L); if (newSumVal > halfSumVal) break; // we found the region with the median movingSumVal = newSumVal; startRow = entry.getKey(); } // scan the region with median and find it Scan scan2 = new Scan(scan); // inherit stop row from method parameter if (startRow != null) scan2.setStartRow(startRow); HTable table = null; ResultScanner scanner = null; try { table = new HTable(conf, tableName); int cacheSize = scan2.getCaching(); if (!scan2.getCacheBlocks() || scan2.getCaching() < 2) { scan2.setCacheBlocks(true); cacheSize = 5; scan2.setCaching(cacheSize); } scanner = table.getScanner(scan2); Result[] results = null; byte[] qualifier = quals.pollFirst(); // qualifier for the weight column byte[] weightQualifier = weighted ? quals.pollLast() : qualifier; R value = null; do { results = scanner.next(cacheSize); if (results != null && results.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { Result r = results[i]; // retrieve weight KeyValue kv = r.getColumnLatest(colFamily, weightQualifier); R newValue = ci.getValue(colFamily, weightQualifier, kv); S s = ci.castToReturnType(newValue); double newSumVal = movingSumVal + ci.divideForAvg(s, 1L); // see if we have moved past the median if (newSumVal > halfSumVal) { return value; } movingSumVal = newSumVal; kv = r.getColumnLatest(colFamily, qualifier); value = ci.getValue(colFamily, qualifier, kv); } } } while (results != null && results.length > 0); } finally { if (scanner != null) { scanner.close(); } if (table != null) { table.close(); } } return null; } }