/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.io.StringWriter; import java.net.URI; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListMap; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configured; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataInputStream; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsAction; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Abortable; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ClusterStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseConfiguration; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HColumnDescriptor; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HConstants; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HRegionInfo; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HRegionLocation; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HTableDescriptor; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.KeyValue; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.MasterNotRunningException; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ServerName; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ZooKeeperConnectionException; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.catalog.MetaReader; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Delete; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Get; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HBaseAdmin; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HConnection; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HConnectionManager; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HConnectionManager.HConnectable; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HTable; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.MetaScanner; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.MetaScanner.MetaScannerVisitor; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.MetaScanner.MetaScannerVisitorBase; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Put; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Result; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.RowMutations; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile.CacheConfig; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile.HFile; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.HRegionInterface; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.MasterFileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.HRegion; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.StoreFile; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.wal.HLog; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.security.User; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.HBaseFsck.ErrorReporter.ERROR_CODE; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.hbck.HFileCorruptionChecker; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.hbck.TableIntegrityErrorHandler; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.hbck.TableIntegrityErrorHandlerImpl; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper.RootRegionTracker; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper.ZKTable; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper.ZKTableReadOnly; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper.ZooKeeperWatcher; import org.apache.hadoop.security.AccessControlException; import org.apache.hadoop.security.UserGroupInformation; import org.apache.hadoop.util.ReflectionUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.util.Tool; import org.apache.hadoop.util.ToolRunner; import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper.ZKTable.TableState; import com.google.common.base.Joiner; import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; import com.google.common.collect.Lists; import com.google.common.collect.Multimap; import com.google.common.collect.TreeMultimap; /** * HBaseFsck (hbck) is a tool for checking and repairing region consistency and * table integrity problems in a corrupted HBase. * <p> * Region consistency checks verify that .META., region deployment on region * servers and the state of data in HDFS (.regioninfo files) all are in * accordance. * <p> * Table integrity checks verify that all possible row keys resolve to exactly * one region of a table. This means there are no individual degenerate * or backwards regions; no holes between regions; and that there are no * overlapping regions. * <p> * The general repair strategy works in two phases: * <ol> * <li> Repair Table Integrity on HDFS. (merge or fabricate regions) * <li> Repair Region Consistency with .META. and assignments * </ol> * <p> * For table integrity repairs, the tables' region directories are scanned * for .regioninfo files. Each table's integrity is then verified. If there * are any orphan regions (regions with no .regioninfo files) or holes, new * regions are fabricated. Backwards regions are sidelined as well as empty * degenerate (endkey==startkey) regions. If there are any overlapping regions, * a new region is created and all data is merged into the new region. * <p> * Table integrity repairs deal solely with HDFS and could potentially be done * offline -- the hbase region servers or master do not need to be running. * This phase can eventually be used to completely reconstruct the META table in * an offline fashion. * <p> * Region consistency requires three conditions -- 1) valid .regioninfo file * present in an HDFS region dir, 2) valid row with .regioninfo data in META, * and 3) a region is deployed only at the regionserver that was assigned to * with proper state in the master. * <p> * Region consistency repairs require hbase to be online so that hbck can * contact the HBase master and region servers. The hbck#connect() method must * first be called successfully. Much of the region consistency information * is transient and less risky to repair. * <p> * If hbck is run from the command line, there are a handful of arguments that * can be used to limit the kinds of repairs hbck will do. See the code in * {@link #printUsageAndExit()} for more details. */ public class HBaseFsck extends Configured implements Tool { public static final long DEFAULT_TIME_LAG = 60000; // default value of 1 minute public static final long DEFAULT_SLEEP_BEFORE_RERUN = 10000; private static final int MAX_NUM_THREADS = 50; // #threads to contact regions private static boolean rsSupportsOffline = true; private static final int DEFAULT_OVERLAPS_TO_SIDELINE = 2; private static final int DEFAULT_MAX_MERGE = 5; private static final String TO_BE_LOADED = "to_be_loaded"; /********************** * Internal resources **********************/ private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(HBaseFsck.class.getName()); private ClusterStatus status; private HConnection connection; private HBaseAdmin admin; private HTable meta; protected ExecutorService executor; // threads to retrieve data from regionservers private long startMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(); private HFileCorruptionChecker hfcc; private int retcode = 0; /*********** * Options ***********/ private static boolean details = false; // do we display the full report private long timelag = DEFAULT_TIME_LAG; // tables whose modtime is older private boolean fixAssignments = false; // fix assignment errors? private boolean fixMeta = false; // fix meta errors? private boolean checkHdfs = true; // load and check fs consistency? private boolean fixHdfsHoles = false; // fix fs holes? private boolean fixHdfsOverlaps = false; // fix fs overlaps (risky) private boolean fixHdfsOrphans = false; // fix fs holes (missing .regioninfo) private boolean fixTableOrphans = false; // fix fs holes (missing .tableinfo) private boolean fixVersionFile = false; // fix missing hbase.version file in hdfs private boolean fixSplitParents = false; // fix lingering split parents private boolean fixReferenceFiles = false; // fix lingering reference store file // limit checking/fixes to listed tables, if empty attempt to check/fix all // -ROOT- and .META. are always checked private Set<String> tablesIncluded = new HashSet<String>(); private int maxMerge = DEFAULT_MAX_MERGE; // maximum number of overlapping regions to merge private int maxOverlapsToSideline = DEFAULT_OVERLAPS_TO_SIDELINE; // maximum number of overlapping regions to sideline private boolean sidelineBigOverlaps = false; // sideline overlaps with >maxMerge regions private Path sidelineDir = null; private boolean rerun = false; // if we tried to fix something, rerun hbck private static boolean summary = false; // if we want to print less output private boolean checkMetaOnly = false; private boolean ignorePreCheckPermission = false; // if pre-check permission /********* * State *********/ final private ErrorReporter errors; int fixes = 0; /** * This map contains the state of all hbck items. It maps from encoded region * name to HbckInfo structure. The information contained in HbckInfo is used * to detect and correct consistency (hdfs/meta/deployment) problems. */ private TreeMap<String, HbckInfo> regionInfoMap = new TreeMap<String, HbckInfo>(); private TreeSet<byte[]> disabledTables = new TreeSet<byte[]>(Bytes.BYTES_COMPARATOR); // Empty regioninfo qualifiers in .META. private Set<Result> emptyRegionInfoQualifiers = new HashSet<Result>(); /** * This map from Tablename -> TableInfo contains the structures necessary to * detect table consistency problems (holes, dupes, overlaps). It is sorted * to prevent dupes. * * If tablesIncluded is empty, this map contains all tables. * Otherwise, it contains only meta tables and tables in tablesIncluded, * unless checkMetaOnly is specified, in which case, it contains only * the meta tables (.META. and -ROOT-). */ private SortedMap<String, TableInfo> tablesInfo = new ConcurrentSkipListMap<String,TableInfo>(); /** * When initially looking at HDFS, we attempt to find any orphaned data. */ private List<HbckInfo> orphanHdfsDirs = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<HbckInfo>()); private Map<String, Set<String>> orphanTableDirs = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>(); /** * Constructor * * @param conf Configuration object * @throws MasterNotRunningException if the master is not running * @throws ZooKeeperConnectionException if unable to connect to ZooKeeper */ public HBaseFsck(Configuration conf) throws MasterNotRunningException, ZooKeeperConnectionException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException { super(conf); errors = getErrorReporter(conf); int numThreads = conf.getInt("hbasefsck.numthreads", MAX_NUM_THREADS); executor = new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(numThreads); } /** * Constructor * * @param conf * Configuration object * @throws MasterNotRunningException * if the master is not running * @throws ZooKeeperConnectionException * if unable to connect to ZooKeeper */ public HBaseFsck(Configuration conf, ExecutorService exec) throws MasterNotRunningException, ZooKeeperConnectionException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException { super(conf); errors = getErrorReporter(getConf()); this.executor = exec; } /** * To repair region consistency, one must call connect() in order to repair * online state. */ public void connect() throws IOException { admin = new HBaseAdmin(getConf()); meta = new HTable(getConf(), HConstants.META_TABLE_NAME); status = admin.getMaster().getClusterStatus(); connection = admin.getConnection(); } /** * Get deployed regions according to the region servers. */ private void loadDeployedRegions() throws IOException, InterruptedException { // From the master, get a list of all known live region servers Collection<ServerName> regionServers = status.getServers(); errors.print("Number of live region servers: " + regionServers.size()); if (details) { for (ServerName rsinfo: regionServers) { errors.print(" " + rsinfo.getServerName()); } } // From the master, get a list of all dead region servers Collection<ServerName> deadRegionServers = status.getDeadServerNames(); errors.print("Number of dead region servers: " + deadRegionServers.size()); if (details) { for (ServerName name: deadRegionServers) { errors.print(" " + name); } } // Print the current master name and state errors.print("Master: " + status.getMaster()); // Print the list of all backup masters Collection<ServerName> backupMasters = status.getBackupMasters(); errors.print("Number of backup masters: " + backupMasters.size()); if (details) { for (ServerName name: backupMasters) { errors.print(" " + name); } } // Determine what's deployed processRegionServers(regionServers); } /** * Clear the current state of hbck. */ private void clearState() { // Make sure regionInfo is empty before starting fixes = 0; regionInfoMap.clear(); emptyRegionInfoQualifiers.clear(); disabledTables.clear(); errors.clear(); tablesInfo.clear(); orphanHdfsDirs.clear(); } /** * This repair method analyzes hbase data in hdfs and repairs it to satisfy * the table integrity rules. HBase doesn't need to be online for this * operation to work. */ public void offlineHdfsIntegrityRepair() throws IOException, InterruptedException { // Initial pass to fix orphans. if (shouldCheckHdfs() && (shouldFixHdfsOrphans() || shouldFixHdfsHoles() || shouldFixHdfsOverlaps() || shouldFixTableOrphans())) { LOG.info("Loading regioninfos HDFS"); // if nothing is happening this should always complete in two iterations. int maxIterations = getConf().getInt("hbase.hbck.integrityrepair.iterations.max", 3); int curIter = 0; do { clearState(); // clears hbck state and reset fixes to 0 and. // repair what's on HDFS restoreHdfsIntegrity(); curIter++;// limit the number of iterations. } while (fixes > 0 && curIter <= maxIterations); // Repairs should be done in the first iteration and verification in the second. // If there are more than 2 passes, something funny has happened. if (curIter > 2) { if (curIter == maxIterations) { LOG.warn("Exiting integrity repairs after max " + curIter + " iterations. " + "Tables integrity may not be fully repaired!"); } else { LOG.info("Successfully exiting integrity repairs after " + curIter + " iterations"); } } } } /** * This repair method requires the cluster to be online since it contacts * region servers and the masters. It makes each region's state in HDFS, in * .META., and deployments consistent. * * @return If > 0 , number of errors detected, if < 0 there was an unrecoverable * error. If 0, we have a clean hbase. */ public int onlineConsistencyRepair() throws IOException, KeeperException, InterruptedException { clearState(); LOG.info("Loading regionsinfo from the .META. table"); boolean success = loadMetaEntries(); if (!success) return -1; // Check if .META. is found only once and in the right place if (!checkMetaRegion()) { // Will remove later if we can fix it errors.reportError("Encountered fatal error. Exiting..."); return -2; } // get a list of all tables that have not changed recently. if (!checkMetaOnly) { reportTablesInFlux(); } // get regions according to what is online on each RegionServer loadDeployedRegions(); // load regiondirs and regioninfos from HDFS if (shouldCheckHdfs()) { loadHdfsRegionDirs(); loadHdfsRegionInfos(); } // Empty cells in .META.? reportEmptyMetaCells(); // Get disabled tables from ZooKeeper loadDisabledTables(); // fix the orphan tables fixOrphanTables(); // Check and fix consistency checkAndFixConsistency(); // Check integrity (does not fix) checkIntegrity(); return errors.getErrorList().size(); } /** * Contacts the master and prints out cluster-wide information * @return 0 on success, non-zero on failure */ public int onlineHbck() throws IOException, KeeperException, InterruptedException { // print hbase server version errors.print("Version: " + status.getHBaseVersion()); offlineHdfsIntegrityRepair(); // turn the balancer off boolean oldBalancer = admin.setBalancerRunning(false, true); try { onlineConsistencyRepair(); } finally { admin.setBalancerRunning(oldBalancer, false); } offlineReferenceFileRepair(); // Print table summary printTableSummary(tablesInfo); return errors.summarize(); } /** * Iterates through the list of all orphan/invalid regiondirs. */ private void adoptHdfsOrphans(Collection<HbckInfo> orphanHdfsDirs) throws IOException { for (HbckInfo hi : orphanHdfsDirs) { LOG.info("Attempting to handle orphan hdfs dir: " + hi.getHdfsRegionDir()); adoptHdfsOrphan(hi); } } /** * Orphaned regions are regions without a .regioninfo file in them. We "adopt" * these orphans by creating a new region, and moving the column families, * recovered edits, HLogs, into the new region dir. We determine the region * startkey and endkeys by looking at all of the hfiles inside the column * families to identify the min and max keys. The resulting region will * likely violate table integrity but will be dealt with by merging * overlapping regions. */ private void adoptHdfsOrphan(HbckInfo hi) throws IOException { Path p = hi.getHdfsRegionDir(); FileSystem fs = p.getFileSystem(getConf()); FileStatus[] dirs = fs.listStatus(p); if (dirs == null) { LOG.warn("Attempt to adopt ophan hdfs region skipped becuase no files present in " + p + ". This dir could probably be deleted."); return ; } String tableName = Bytes.toString(hi.getTableName()); TableInfo tableInfo = tablesInfo.get(tableName); Preconditions.checkNotNull("Table " + tableName + "' not present!", tableInfo); HTableDescriptor template = tableInfo.getHTD(); // find min and max key values Pair<byte[],byte[]> orphanRegionRange = null; for (FileStatus cf : dirs) { String cfName= cf.getPath().getName(); // TODO Figure out what the special dirs are if (cfName.startsWith(".") || cfName.equals("splitlog")) continue; FileStatus[] hfiles = fs.listStatus(cf.getPath()); for (FileStatus hfile : hfiles) { byte[] start, end; HFile.Reader hf = null; try { CacheConfig cacheConf = new CacheConfig(getConf()); hf = HFile.createReader(fs, hfile.getPath(), cacheConf); hf.loadFileInfo(); KeyValue startKv = KeyValue.createKeyValueFromKey(hf.getFirstKey()); start = startKv.getRow(); KeyValue endKv = KeyValue.createKeyValueFromKey(hf.getLastKey()); end = endKv.getRow(); } catch (IOException ioe) { LOG.warn("Problem reading orphan file " + hfile + ", skipping"); continue; } catch (NullPointerException ioe) { LOG.warn("Orphan file " + hfile + " is possibly corrupted HFile, skipping"); continue; } finally { if (hf != null) { hf.close(); } } // expand the range to include the range of all hfiles if (orphanRegionRange == null) { // first range orphanRegionRange = new Pair<byte[], byte[]>(start, end); } else { // TODO add test // expand range only if the hfile is wider. if (Bytes.compareTo(orphanRegionRange.getFirst(), start) > 0) { orphanRegionRange.setFirst(start); } if (Bytes.compareTo(orphanRegionRange.getSecond(), end) < 0 ) { orphanRegionRange.setSecond(end); } } } } if (orphanRegionRange == null) { LOG.warn("No data in dir " + p + ", sidelining data"); fixes++; sidelineRegionDir(fs, hi); return; } LOG.info("Min max keys are : [" + Bytes.toString(orphanRegionRange.getFirst()) + ", " + Bytes.toString(orphanRegionRange.getSecond()) + ")"); // create new region on hdfs. move data into place. HRegionInfo hri = new HRegionInfo(template.getName(), orphanRegionRange.getFirst(), orphanRegionRange.getSecond()); LOG.info("Creating new region : " + hri); HRegion region = HBaseFsckRepair.createHDFSRegionDir(getConf(), hri, template); Path target = region.getRegionDir(); // rename all the data to new region mergeRegionDirs(target, hi); fixes++; } /** * This method determines if there are table integrity errors in HDFS. If * there are errors and the appropriate "fix" options are enabled, the method * will first correct orphan regions making them into legit regiondirs, and * then reload to merge potentially overlapping regions. * * @return number of table integrity errors found */ private int restoreHdfsIntegrity() throws IOException, InterruptedException { // Determine what's on HDFS LOG.info("Loading HBase regioninfo from HDFS..."); loadHdfsRegionDirs(); // populating regioninfo table. int errs = errors.getErrorList().size(); // First time just get suggestions. tablesInfo = loadHdfsRegionInfos(); // update tableInfos based on region info in fs. checkHdfsIntegrity(false, false); if (errors.getErrorList().size() == errs) { LOG.info("No integrity errors. We are done with this phase. Glorious."); return 0; } if (shouldFixHdfsOrphans() && orphanHdfsDirs.size() > 0) { adoptHdfsOrphans(orphanHdfsDirs); // TODO optimize by incrementally adding instead of reloading. } // Make sure there are no holes now. if (shouldFixHdfsHoles()) { clearState(); // this also resets # fixes. loadHdfsRegionDirs(); tablesInfo = loadHdfsRegionInfos(); // update tableInfos based on region info in fs. tablesInfo = checkHdfsIntegrity(shouldFixHdfsHoles(), false); } // Now we fix overlaps if (shouldFixHdfsOverlaps()) { // second pass we fix overlaps. clearState(); // this also resets # fixes. loadHdfsRegionDirs(); tablesInfo = loadHdfsRegionInfos(); // update tableInfos based on region info in fs. tablesInfo = checkHdfsIntegrity(false, shouldFixHdfsOverlaps()); } return errors.getErrorList().size(); } /** * Scan all the store file names to find any lingering reference files, * which refer to some none-exiting files. If "fix" option is enabled, * any lingering reference file will be sidelined if found. * <p> * Lingering reference file prevents a region from opening. It has to * be fixed before a cluster can start properly. */ private void offlineReferenceFileRepair() throws IOException { Configuration conf = getConf(); Path hbaseRoot = FSUtils.getRootDir(conf); FileSystem fs = hbaseRoot.getFileSystem(conf); Map<String, Path> allFiles = FSUtils.getTableStoreFilePathMap(fs, hbaseRoot); for (Path path: allFiles.values()) { boolean isReference = false; try { isReference = StoreFile.isReference(path); } catch (Throwable t) { // Ignore. Some files may not be store files at all. // For example, files under .oldlogs folder in .META. // Warning message is already logged by // StoreFile#isReference. } if (!isReference) continue; Path referredToFile = StoreFile.getReferredToFile(path); if (fs.exists(referredToFile)) continue; // good, expected // Found a lingering reference file errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.LINGERING_REFERENCE_HFILE, "Found lingering reference file " + path); if (!shouldFixReferenceFiles()) continue; // Now, trying to fix it since requested boolean success = false; String pathStr = path.toString(); // A reference file path should be like // ${hbase.rootdir}/table_name/region_id/family_name/referred_file.region_name // Up 3 directories to get the table folder. // So the file will be sidelined to a similar folder structure. int index = pathStr.lastIndexOf(Path.SEPARATOR_CHAR); for (int i = 0; index > 0 && i < 3; i++) { index = pathStr.lastIndexOf(Path.SEPARATOR_CHAR, index); } if (index > 0) { Path rootDir = getSidelineDir(); Path dst = new Path(rootDir, pathStr.substring(index)); fs.mkdirs(dst.getParent()); LOG.info("Trying to sildeline reference file" + path + " to " + dst); setShouldRerun(); success = fs.rename(path, dst); } if (!success) { LOG.error("Failed to sideline reference file " + path); } } } /** * TODO -- need to add tests for this. */ private void reportEmptyMetaCells() { errors.print("Number of empty REGIONINFO_QUALIFIER rows in .META.: " + emptyRegionInfoQualifiers.size()); if (details) { for (Result r: emptyRegionInfoQualifiers) { errors.print(" " + r); } } } /** * TODO -- need to add tests for this. */ private void reportTablesInFlux() { AtomicInteger numSkipped = new AtomicInteger(0); HTableDescriptor[] allTables = getTables(numSkipped); errors.print("Number of Tables: " + allTables.length); if (details) { if (numSkipped.get() > 0) { errors.detail("Number of Tables in flux: " + numSkipped.get()); } for (HTableDescriptor td : allTables) { String tableName = td.getNameAsString(); errors.detail(" Table: " + tableName + "\t" + (td.isReadOnly() ? "ro" : "rw") + "\t" + (td.isRootRegion() ? "ROOT" : (td.isMetaRegion() ? "META" : " ")) + "\t" + " families: " + td.getFamilies().size()); } } } public ErrorReporter getErrors() { return errors; } /** * Read the .regioninfo file from the file system. If there is no * .regioninfo, add it to the orphan hdfs region list. */ private void loadHdfsRegioninfo(HbckInfo hbi) throws IOException { Path regionDir = hbi.getHdfsRegionDir(); if (regionDir == null) { LOG.warn("No HDFS region dir found: " + hbi + " meta=" + hbi.metaEntry); return; } if (hbi.hdfsEntry.hri != null) { // already loaded data return; } Path regioninfo = new Path(regionDir, HRegion.REGIONINFO_FILE); FileSystem fs = regioninfo.getFileSystem(getConf()); FSDataInputStream in = fs.open(regioninfo); HRegionInfo hri = new HRegionInfo(); hri.readFields(in); in.close(); LOG.debug("HRegionInfo read: " + hri.toString()); hbi.hdfsEntry.hri = hri; } /** * Exception thrown when a integrity repair operation fails in an * unresolvable way. */ public static class RegionRepairException extends IOException { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; final IOException ioe; public RegionRepairException(String s, IOException ioe) { super(s); this.ioe = ioe; } } /** * Populate hbi's from regionInfos loaded from file system. */ private SortedMap<String, TableInfo> loadHdfsRegionInfos() throws IOException, InterruptedException { tablesInfo.clear(); // regenerating the data // generate region split structure Collection<HbckInfo> hbckInfos = regionInfoMap.values(); // Parallelized read of .regioninfo files. List<WorkItemHdfsRegionInfo> hbis = new ArrayList<WorkItemHdfsRegionInfo>(hbckInfos.size()); List<Future<Void>> hbiFutures; for (HbckInfo hbi : hbckInfos) { WorkItemHdfsRegionInfo work = new WorkItemHdfsRegionInfo(hbi, this, errors); hbis.add(work); } // Submit and wait for completion hbiFutures = executor.invokeAll(hbis); for(int i=0; i<hbiFutures.size(); i++) { WorkItemHdfsRegionInfo work = hbis.get(i); Future<Void> f = hbiFutures.get(i); try { f.get(); } catch(ExecutionException e) { LOG.warn("Failed to read .regioninfo file for region " + work.hbi.getRegionNameAsString(), e.getCause()); } } // serialized table info gathering. for (HbckInfo hbi: hbckInfos) { if (hbi.getHdfsHRI() == null) { // was an orphan continue; } // get table name from hdfs, populate various HBaseFsck tables. String tableName = Bytes.toString(hbi.getTableName()); if (tableName == null) { // There was an entry in META not in the HDFS? LOG.warn("tableName was null for: " + hbi); continue; } TableInfo modTInfo = tablesInfo.get(tableName); if (modTInfo == null) { // only executed once per table. modTInfo = new TableInfo(tableName); Path hbaseRoot = FSUtils.getRootDir(getConf()); tablesInfo.put(tableName, modTInfo); try { HTableDescriptor htd = FSTableDescriptors.getTableDescriptor(hbaseRoot.getFileSystem(getConf()), hbaseRoot, tableName); modTInfo.htds.add(htd); } catch (IOException ioe) { if (!orphanTableDirs.containsKey(tableName)) { LOG.warn("Unable to read .tableinfo from " + hbaseRoot, ioe); //should only report once for each table errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.NO_TABLEINFO_FILE, "Unable to read .tableinfo from " + hbaseRoot + "/" + tableName); Set<String> columns = new HashSet<String>(); orphanTableDirs.put(tableName, getColumnFamilyList(columns, hbi)); } } } if (!hbi.isSkipChecks()) { modTInfo.addRegionInfo(hbi); } } return tablesInfo; } /** * To get the column family list according to the column family dirs * @param columns * @param hbi * @return * @throws IOException */ private Set<String> getColumnFamilyList(Set<String> columns, HbckInfo hbi) throws IOException { Path regionDir = hbi.getHdfsRegionDir(); FileSystem fs = regionDir.getFileSystem(getConf()); FileStatus[] subDirs = fs.listStatus(regionDir, new FSUtils.FamilyDirFilter(fs)); for (FileStatus subdir : subDirs) { String columnfamily = subdir.getPath().getName(); columns.add(columnfamily); } return columns; } /** * To fabricate a .tableinfo file with following contents<br> * 1. the correct tablename <br> * 2. the correct colfamily list<br> * 3. the default properties for both {@link HTableDescriptor} and {@link HColumnDescriptor}<br> * @param tableName * @throws IOException */ private boolean fabricateTableInfo(String tableName, Set<String> columns) throws IOException { if (columns ==null || columns.isEmpty()) return false; HTableDescriptor htd = new HTableDescriptor(tableName); for (String columnfamimly : columns) { htd.addFamily(new HColumnDescriptor(columnfamimly)); } FSTableDescriptors.createTableDescriptor(htd, getConf(), true); return true; } /** * To fix orphan table by creating a .tableinfo file under tableDir <br> * 1. if TableInfo is cached, to recover the .tableinfo accordingly <br> * 2. else create a default .tableinfo file with following items<br> *  2.1 the correct tablename <br> *  2.2 the correct colfamily list<br> *  2.3 the default properties for both {@link HTableDescriptor} and {@link HColumnDescriptor}<br> * @throws IOException */ public void fixOrphanTables() throws IOException { if (shouldFixTableOrphans() && !orphanTableDirs.isEmpty()) { Path hbaseRoot = FSUtils.getRootDir(getConf()); List<String> tmpList = new ArrayList<String>(); tmpList.addAll(orphanTableDirs.keySet()); HTableDescriptor[] htds = getHTableDescriptors(tmpList); Iterator<Entry<String, Set<String>>> iter = orphanTableDirs.entrySet().iterator(); int j = 0; int numFailedCase = 0; while (iter.hasNext()) { Entry<String, Set<String>> entry = (Entry<String, Set<String>>) iter.next(); String tableName = entry.getKey(); LOG.info("Trying to fix orphan table error: " + tableName); if (j < htds.length) { if (tableName.equals(Bytes.toString(htds[j].getName()))) { HTableDescriptor htd = htds[j]; LOG.info("fixing orphan table: " + tableName + " from cache"); FSTableDescriptors.createTableDescriptor( hbaseRoot.getFileSystem(getConf()), hbaseRoot, htd, true); j++; iter.remove(); } } else { if (fabricateTableInfo(tableName, entry.getValue())) { LOG.warn("fixing orphan table: " + tableName + " with a default .tableinfo file"); LOG.warn("Strongly recommend to modify the HTableDescriptor if necessary for: " + tableName); iter.remove(); } else { LOG.error("Unable to create default .tableinfo for " + tableName + " while missing column family information"); numFailedCase++; } } fixes++; } if (orphanTableDirs.isEmpty()) { // all orphanTableDirs are luckily recovered // re-run doFsck after recovering the .tableinfo file setShouldRerun(); LOG.warn("Strongly recommend to re-run manually hfsck after all orphanTableDirs being fixed"); } else if (numFailedCase > 0) { LOG.error("Failed to fix " + numFailedCase + " OrphanTables with default .tableinfo files"); } } //cleanup the list orphanTableDirs.clear(); } /** * This borrows code from MasterFileSystem.bootstrap() * * @return an open .META. HRegion */ private HRegion createNewRootAndMeta() throws IOException { Path rootdir = new Path(getConf().get(HConstants.HBASE_DIR)); Configuration c = getConf(); HRegionInfo rootHRI = new HRegionInfo(HRegionInfo.ROOT_REGIONINFO); MasterFileSystem.setInfoFamilyCachingForRoot(false); HRegionInfo metaHRI = new HRegionInfo(HRegionInfo.FIRST_META_REGIONINFO); MasterFileSystem.setInfoFamilyCachingForMeta(false); HRegion root = HRegion.createHRegion(rootHRI, rootdir, c, HTableDescriptor.ROOT_TABLEDESC); HRegion meta = HRegion.createHRegion(metaHRI, rootdir, c, HTableDescriptor.META_TABLEDESC); MasterFileSystem.setInfoFamilyCachingForRoot(true); MasterFileSystem.setInfoFamilyCachingForMeta(true); // Add first region from the META table to the ROOT region. HRegion.addRegionToMETA(root, meta); root.close(); root.getLog().closeAndDelete(); return meta; } /** * Generate set of puts to add to new meta. This expects the tables to be * clean with no overlaps or holes. If there are any problems it returns null. * * @return An array list of puts to do in bulk, null if tables have problems */ private ArrayList<Put> generatePuts(SortedMap<String, TableInfo> tablesInfo) throws IOException { ArrayList<Put> puts = new ArrayList<Put>(); boolean hasProblems = false; for (Entry<String, TableInfo> e : tablesInfo.entrySet()) { String name = e.getKey(); // skip "-ROOT-" and ".META." if (Bytes.compareTo(Bytes.toBytes(name), HConstants.ROOT_TABLE_NAME) == 0 || Bytes.compareTo(Bytes.toBytes(name), HConstants.META_TABLE_NAME) == 0) { continue; } TableInfo ti = e.getValue(); for (Entry<byte[], Collection<HbckInfo>> spl : ti.sc.getStarts().asMap() .entrySet()) { Collection<HbckInfo> his = spl.getValue(); int sz = his.size(); if (sz != 1) { // problem LOG.error("Split starting at " + Bytes.toStringBinary(spl.getKey()) + " had " + sz + " regions instead of exactly 1." ); hasProblems = true; continue; } // add the row directly to meta. HbckInfo hi = his.iterator().next(); HRegionInfo hri = hi.getHdfsHRI(); // hi.metaEntry; Put p = new Put(hri.getRegionName()); p.add(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, HConstants.REGIONINFO_QUALIFIER, Writables.getBytes(hri)); puts.add(p); } } return hasProblems ? null : puts; } /** * Suggest fixes for each table */ private void suggestFixes(SortedMap<String, TableInfo> tablesInfo) throws IOException { for (TableInfo tInfo : tablesInfo.values()) { TableIntegrityErrorHandler handler = tInfo.new IntegrityFixSuggester(tInfo, errors); tInfo.checkRegionChain(handler); } } /** * Rebuilds meta from information in hdfs/fs. Depends on configuration * settings passed into hbck constructor to point to a particular fs/dir. * * @param fix flag that determines if method should attempt to fix holes * @return true if successful, false if attempt failed. */ public boolean rebuildMeta(boolean fix) throws IOException, InterruptedException { // TODO check to make sure hbase is offline. (or at least the table // currently being worked on is off line) // Determine what's on HDFS LOG.info("Loading HBase regioninfo from HDFS..."); loadHdfsRegionDirs(); // populating regioninfo table. int errs = errors.getErrorList().size(); tablesInfo = loadHdfsRegionInfos(); // update tableInfos based on region info in fs. checkHdfsIntegrity(false, false); // make sure ok. if (errors.getErrorList().size() != errs) { // While in error state, iterate until no more fixes possible while(true) { fixes = 0; suggestFixes(tablesInfo); errors.clear(); loadHdfsRegionInfos(); // update tableInfos based on region info in fs. checkHdfsIntegrity(shouldFixHdfsHoles(), shouldFixHdfsOverlaps()); int errCount = errors.getErrorList().size(); if (fixes == 0) { if (errCount > 0) { return false; // failed to fix problems. } else { break; // no fixes and no problems? drop out and fix stuff! } } } } // we can rebuild, move old root and meta out of the way and start LOG.info("HDFS regioninfo's seems good. Sidelining old .META."); Path backupDir = sidelineOldRootAndMeta(); LOG.info("Creating new .META."); HRegion meta = createNewRootAndMeta(); // populate meta List<Put> puts = generatePuts(tablesInfo); if (puts == null) { LOG.fatal("Problem encountered when creating new .META. entries. " + "You may need to restore the previously sidelined -ROOT- and .META."); return false; } meta.put(puts.toArray(new Put[0])); meta.close(); meta.getLog().closeAndDelete(); LOG.info("Success! .META. table rebuilt."); LOG.info("Old -ROOT- and .META. are moved into " + backupDir); return true; } private SortedMap<String, TableInfo> checkHdfsIntegrity(boolean fixHoles, boolean fixOverlaps) throws IOException { LOG.info("Checking HBase region split map from HDFS data..."); for (TableInfo tInfo : tablesInfo.values()) { TableIntegrityErrorHandler handler; if (fixHoles || fixOverlaps) { handler = tInfo.new HDFSIntegrityFixer(tInfo, errors, getConf(), fixHoles, fixOverlaps); } else { handler = tInfo.new IntegrityFixSuggester(tInfo, errors); } if (!tInfo.checkRegionChain(handler)) { // should dump info as well. errors.report("Found inconsistency in table " + tInfo.getName()); } } return tablesInfo; } private Path getSidelineDir() throws IOException { if (sidelineDir == null) { Path hbaseDir = FSUtils.getRootDir(getConf()); Path hbckDir = new Path(hbaseDir, HConstants.HBCK_SIDELINEDIR_NAME); sidelineDir = new Path(hbckDir, hbaseDir.getName() + "-" + startMillis); } return sidelineDir; } /** * Sideline a region dir (instead of deleting it) */ Path sidelineRegionDir(FileSystem fs, HbckInfo hi) throws IOException { return sidelineRegionDir(fs, null, hi); } /** * Sideline a region dir (instead of deleting it) * * @param parentDir if specified, the region will be sidelined to * folder like .../parentDir/<table name>/<region name>. The purpose * is to group together similar regions sidelined, for example, those * regions should be bulk loaded back later on. If null, it is ignored. */ Path sidelineRegionDir(FileSystem fs, String parentDir, HbckInfo hi) throws IOException { String tableName = Bytes.toString(hi.getTableName()); Path regionDir = hi.getHdfsRegionDir(); if (!fs.exists(regionDir)) { LOG.warn("No previous " + regionDir + " exists. Continuing."); return null; } Path rootDir = getSidelineDir(); if (parentDir != null) { rootDir = new Path(rootDir, parentDir); } Path sidelineTableDir= new Path(rootDir, tableName); Path sidelineRegionDir = new Path(sidelineTableDir, regionDir.getName()); fs.mkdirs(sidelineRegionDir); boolean success = false; FileStatus[] cfs = fs.listStatus(regionDir); if (cfs == null) { LOG.info("Region dir is empty: " + regionDir); } else { for (FileStatus cf : cfs) { Path src = cf.getPath(); Path dst = new Path(sidelineRegionDir, src.getName()); if (fs.isFile(src)) { // simple file success = fs.rename(src, dst); if (!success) { String msg = "Unable to rename file " + src + " to " + dst; LOG.error(msg); throw new IOException(msg); } continue; } // is a directory. fs.mkdirs(dst); LOG.info("Sidelining files from " + src + " into containing region " + dst); // FileSystem.rename is inconsistent with directories -- if the // dst (foo/a) exists and is a dir, and the src (foo/b) is a dir, // it moves the src into the dst dir resulting in (foo/a/b). If // the dst does not exist, and the src a dir, src becomes dst. (foo/b) FileStatus[] hfiles = fs.listStatus(src); if (hfiles != null && hfiles.length > 0) { for (FileStatus hfile : hfiles) { success = fs.rename(hfile.getPath(), dst); if (!success) { String msg = "Unable to rename file " + src + " to " + dst; LOG.error(msg); throw new IOException(msg); } } } LOG.debug("Sideline directory contents:"); debugLsr(sidelineRegionDir); } } LOG.info("Removing old region dir: " + regionDir); success = fs.delete(regionDir, true); if (!success) { String msg = "Unable to delete dir " + regionDir; LOG.error(msg); throw new IOException(msg); } return sidelineRegionDir; } /** * Side line an entire table. */ void sidelineTable(FileSystem fs, byte[] table, Path hbaseDir, Path backupHbaseDir) throws IOException { String tableName = Bytes.toString(table); Path tableDir = new Path(hbaseDir, tableName); if (fs.exists(tableDir)) { Path backupTableDir= new Path(backupHbaseDir, tableName); boolean success = fs.rename(tableDir, backupTableDir); if (!success) { throw new IOException("Failed to move " + tableName + " from " + tableDir.getName() + " to " + backupTableDir.getName()); } } else { LOG.info("No previous " + tableName + " exists. Continuing."); } } /** * @return Path to backup of original directory */ Path sidelineOldRootAndMeta() throws IOException { // put current -ROOT- and .META. aside. Path hbaseDir = new Path(getConf().get(HConstants.HBASE_DIR)); FileSystem fs = hbaseDir.getFileSystem(getConf()); Path backupDir = getSidelineDir(); fs.mkdirs(backupDir); sidelineTable(fs, HConstants.ROOT_TABLE_NAME, hbaseDir, backupDir); try { sidelineTable(fs, HConstants.META_TABLE_NAME, hbaseDir, backupDir); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Attempt to sideline meta failed, attempt to revert...", e); try { // move it back. sidelineTable(fs, HConstants.ROOT_TABLE_NAME, backupDir, hbaseDir); LOG.warn("... revert succeed. -ROOT- and .META. still in " + "original state."); } catch (IOException ioe) { LOG.fatal("... failed to sideline root and meta and failed to restore " + "prevoius state. Currently in inconsistent state. To restore " + "try to rename -ROOT- in " + backupDir.getName() + " to " + hbaseDir.getName() + ".", ioe); } throw e; // throw original exception } return backupDir; } /** * Load the list of disabled tables in ZK into local set. * @throws ZooKeeperConnectionException * @throws IOException */ private void loadDisabledTables() throws ZooKeeperConnectionException, IOException { HConnectionManager.execute(new HConnectable<Void>(getConf()) { @Override public Void connect(HConnection connection) throws IOException { ZooKeeperWatcher zkw = connection.getZooKeeperWatcher(); try { for (Entry<TableState, Set<String>> e : ZKTableReadOnly.getDisabledOrDisablingTables(zkw) .entrySet()) { for (String tableName : e.getValue()) { disabledTables.add(Bytes.toBytes(tableName)); } } } catch (KeeperException ke) { throw new IOException(ke); } return null; } }); } /** * Check if the specified region's table is disabled. */ private boolean isTableDisabled(HRegionInfo regionInfo) { return disabledTables.contains(regionInfo.getTableName()); } /** * Scan HDFS for all regions, recording their information into * regionInfoMap */ public void loadHdfsRegionDirs() throws IOException, InterruptedException { Path rootDir = new Path(getConf().get(HConstants.HBASE_DIR)); FileSystem fs = rootDir.getFileSystem(getConf()); // list all tables from HDFS List<FileStatus> tableDirs = Lists.newArrayList(); boolean foundVersionFile = false; FileStatus[] files = fs.listStatus(rootDir); for (FileStatus file : files) { String dirName = file.getPath().getName(); if (dirName.equals(HConstants.VERSION_FILE_NAME)) { foundVersionFile = true; } else { if ((!checkMetaOnly && isTableIncluded(dirName)) || dirName.equals("-ROOT-") || dirName.equals(".META.")) { tableDirs.add(file); } } } // verify that version file exists if (!foundVersionFile) { errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.NO_VERSION_FILE, "Version file does not exist in root dir " + rootDir); if (shouldFixVersionFile()) { LOG.info("Trying to create a new " + HConstants.VERSION_FILE_NAME + " file."); setShouldRerun(); FSUtils.setVersion(fs, rootDir, getConf().getInt( HConstants.THREAD_WAKE_FREQUENCY, 10 * 1000), getConf().getInt( HConstants.VERSION_FILE_WRITE_ATTEMPTS, HConstants.DEFAULT_VERSION_FILE_WRITE_ATTEMPTS)); } } // level 1: <HBASE_DIR>/* List<WorkItemHdfsDir> dirs = new ArrayList<WorkItemHdfsDir>(tableDirs.size()); List<Future<Void>> dirsFutures; for (FileStatus tableDir : tableDirs) { LOG.debug("Loading region dirs from " +tableDir.getPath()); dirs.add(new WorkItemHdfsDir(this, fs, errors, tableDir)); } // Invoke and wait for Callables to complete dirsFutures = executor.invokeAll(dirs); for(Future<Void> f: dirsFutures) { try { f.get(); } catch(ExecutionException e) { LOG.warn("Could not load region dir " , e.getCause()); } } } /** * Record the location of the ROOT region as found in ZooKeeper, * as if it were in a META table. This is so that we can check * deployment of ROOT. */ private boolean recordRootRegion() throws IOException { HRegionLocation rootLocation = connection.locateRegion( HConstants.ROOT_TABLE_NAME, HConstants.EMPTY_START_ROW); // Check if Root region is valid and existing if (rootLocation == null || rootLocation.getRegionInfo() == null || rootLocation.getHostname() == null) { errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.NULL_ROOT_REGION, "Root Region or some of its attributes are null."); return false; } ServerName sn; try { sn = getRootRegionServerName(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new IOException("Interrupted", e); } MetaEntry m = new MetaEntry(rootLocation.getRegionInfo(), sn, System.currentTimeMillis()); HbckInfo hbInfo = new HbckInfo(m); regionInfoMap.put(rootLocation.getRegionInfo().getEncodedName(), hbInfo); return true; } private ServerName getRootRegionServerName() throws IOException, InterruptedException { RootRegionTracker rootRegionTracker = new RootRegionTracker(this.connection.getZooKeeperWatcher(), new Abortable() { @Override public void abort(String why, Throwable e) { LOG.error(why, e); System.exit(1); } @Override public boolean isAborted(){ return false; } }); rootRegionTracker.start(); ServerName sn = null; try { sn = rootRegionTracker.getRootRegionLocation(); } finally { rootRegionTracker.stop(); } return sn; } /** * Contacts each regionserver and fetches metadata about regions. * @param regionServerList - the list of region servers to connect to * @throws IOException if a remote or network exception occurs */ void processRegionServers(Collection<ServerName> regionServerList) throws IOException, InterruptedException { List<WorkItemRegion> workItems = new ArrayList<WorkItemRegion>(regionServerList.size()); List<Future<Void>> workFutures; // loop to contact each region server in parallel for (ServerName rsinfo: regionServerList) { workItems.add(new WorkItemRegion(this, rsinfo, errors, connection)); } workFutures = executor.invokeAll(workItems); for(int i=0; i<workFutures.size(); i++) { WorkItemRegion item = workItems.get(i); Future<Void> f = workFutures.get(i); try { f.get(); } catch(ExecutionException e) { LOG.warn("Could not process regionserver " + item.rsinfo.getHostAndPort(), e.getCause()); } } } /** * Check consistency of all regions that have been found in previous phases. */ private void checkAndFixConsistency() throws IOException, KeeperException, InterruptedException { for (java.util.Map.Entry<String, HbckInfo> e: regionInfoMap.entrySet()) { checkRegionConsistency(e.getKey(), e.getValue()); } } private void preCheckPermission() throws IOException, AccessControlException { if (shouldIgnorePreCheckPermission()) { return; } Path hbaseDir = new Path(getConf().get(HConstants.HBASE_DIR)); FileSystem fs = hbaseDir.getFileSystem(getConf()); User user = User.getCurrent(); FileStatus[] files = fs.listStatus(hbaseDir); for (FileStatus file : files) { try { FSUtils.checkAccess(user, file, FsAction.WRITE); } catch (AccessControlException ace) { LOG.warn("Got AccessControlException when preCheckPermission ", ace); errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.WRONG_USAGE, "Current user " + user.getShortName() + " does not have write perms to " + file.getPath() + ". Please rerun hbck as hdfs user " + file.getOwner()); throw new AccessControlException(ace); } } } /** * Deletes region from meta table */ private void deleteMetaRegion(HbckInfo hi) throws IOException { Delete d = new Delete(hi.metaEntry.getRegionName()); meta.delete(d); meta.flushCommits(); LOG.info("Deleted " + hi.metaEntry.getRegionNameAsString() + " from META" ); } /** * Reset the split parent region info in meta table */ private void resetSplitParent(HbckInfo hi) throws IOException { RowMutations mutations = new RowMutations(hi.metaEntry.getRegionName()); Delete d = new Delete(hi.metaEntry.getRegionName()); d.deleteColumn(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, HConstants.SPLITA_QUALIFIER); d.deleteColumn(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, HConstants.SPLITB_QUALIFIER); mutations.add(d); Put p = new Put(hi.metaEntry.getRegionName()); HRegionInfo hri = new HRegionInfo(hi.metaEntry); hri.setOffline(false); hri.setSplit(false); p.add(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, HConstants.REGIONINFO_QUALIFIER, Writables.getBytes(hri)); mutations.add(p); meta.mutateRow(mutations); meta.flushCommits(); LOG.info("Reset split parent " + hi.metaEntry.getRegionNameAsString() + " in META" ); } /** * This backwards-compatibility wrapper for permanently offlining a region * that should not be alive. If the region server does not support the * "offline" method, it will use the closest unassign method instead. This * will basically work until one attempts to disable or delete the affected * table. The problem has to do with in-memory only master state, so * restarting the HMaster or failing over to another should fix this. */ private void offline(byte[] regionName) throws IOException { String regionString = Bytes.toStringBinary(regionName); if (!rsSupportsOffline) { LOG.warn("Using unassign region " + regionString + " instead of using offline method, you should" + " restart HMaster after these repairs"); admin.unassign(regionName, true); return; } // first time we assume the rs's supports #offline. try { LOG.info("Offlining region " + regionString); admin.getMaster().offline(regionName); } catch (IOException ioe) { String notFoundMsg = "java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: " + "org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.HMaster.offline([B)"; if (ioe.getMessage().contains(notFoundMsg)) { LOG.warn("Using unassign region " + regionString + " instead of using offline method, you should" + " restart HMaster after these repairs"); rsSupportsOffline = false; // in the future just use unassign admin.unassign(regionName, true); return; } throw ioe; } } private void undeployRegions(HbckInfo hi) throws IOException, InterruptedException { for (OnlineEntry rse : hi.deployedEntries) { LOG.debug("Undeploy region " + rse.hri + " from " + rse.hsa); try { HBaseFsckRepair.closeRegionSilentlyAndWait(admin, rse.hsa, rse.hri); offline(rse.hri.getRegionName()); } catch (IOException ioe) { LOG.warn("Got exception when attempting to offline region " + Bytes.toString(rse.hri.getRegionName()), ioe); } } } /** * Attempts to undeploy a region from a region server based in information in * META. Any operations that modify the file system should make sure that * its corresponding region is not deployed to prevent data races. * * A separate call is required to update the master in-memory region state * kept in the AssignementManager. Because disable uses this state instead of * that found in META, we can't seem to cleanly disable/delete tables that * have been hbck fixed. When used on a version of HBase that does not have * the offline ipc call exposed on the master (<0.90.5, <0.92.0) a master * restart or failover may be required. */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private void closeRegion(HbckInfo hi) throws IOException, InterruptedException { if (hi.metaEntry == null && hi.hdfsEntry == null) { undeployRegions(hi); return; } // get assignment info and hregioninfo from meta. Get get = new Get(hi.getRegionName()); get.addColumn(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, HConstants.REGIONINFO_QUALIFIER); get.addColumn(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, HConstants.SERVER_QUALIFIER); get.addColumn(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, HConstants.STARTCODE_QUALIFIER); Result r = meta.get(get); byte[] value = r.getValue(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, HConstants.SERVER_QUALIFIER); byte[] startcodeBytes = r.getValue(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, HConstants.STARTCODE_QUALIFIER); if (value == null || startcodeBytes == null) { errors.reportError("Unable to close region " + hi.getRegionNameAsString() + " because meta does not " + "have handle to reach it."); return; } long startcode = Bytes.toLong(startcodeBytes); ServerName hsa = new ServerName(Bytes.toString(value), startcode); byte[] hriVal = r.getValue(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, HConstants.REGIONINFO_QUALIFIER); HRegionInfo hri= Writables.getHRegionInfoOrNull(hriVal); if (hri == null) { LOG.warn("Unable to close region " + hi.getRegionNameAsString() + " because META had invalid or missing " + HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY_STR + ":" + Bytes.toString(HConstants.REGIONINFO_QUALIFIER) + " qualifier value."); return; } // close the region -- close files and remove assignment HBaseFsckRepair.closeRegionSilentlyAndWait(admin, hsa, hri); } private void tryAssignmentRepair(HbckInfo hbi, String msg) throws IOException, KeeperException, InterruptedException { // If we are trying to fix the errors if (shouldFixAssignments()) { errors.print(msg); undeployRegions(hbi); setShouldRerun(); HRegionInfo hri = hbi.getHdfsHRI(); if (hri == null) { hri = hbi.metaEntry; } HBaseFsckRepair.fixUnassigned(admin, hri); HBaseFsckRepair.waitUntilAssigned(admin, hri); } } /** * Check a single region for consistency and correct deployment. */ private void checkRegionConsistency(final String key, final HbckInfo hbi) throws IOException, KeeperException, InterruptedException { String descriptiveName = hbi.toString(); boolean inMeta = hbi.metaEntry != null; // In case not checking HDFS, assume the region is on HDFS boolean inHdfs = !shouldCheckHdfs() || hbi.getHdfsRegionDir() != null; boolean hasMetaAssignment = inMeta && hbi.metaEntry.regionServer != null; boolean isDeployed = !hbi.deployedOn.isEmpty(); boolean isMultiplyDeployed = hbi.deployedOn.size() > 1; boolean deploymentMatchesMeta = hasMetaAssignment && isDeployed && !isMultiplyDeployed && hbi.metaEntry.regionServer.equals(hbi.deployedOn.get(0)); boolean splitParent = (hbi.metaEntry == null)? false: hbi.metaEntry.isSplit() && hbi.metaEntry.isOffline(); boolean shouldBeDeployed = inMeta && !isTableDisabled(hbi.metaEntry); boolean recentlyModified = inHdfs && hbi.getModTime() + timelag > System.currentTimeMillis(); // ========== First the healthy cases ============= if (hbi.containsOnlyHdfsEdits()) { return; } if (inMeta && inHdfs && isDeployed && deploymentMatchesMeta && shouldBeDeployed) { return; } else if (inMeta && inHdfs && !shouldBeDeployed && !isDeployed) { LOG.info("Region " + descriptiveName + " is in META, and in a disabled " + "tabled that is not deployed"); return; } else if (recentlyModified) { LOG.warn("Region " + descriptiveName + " was recently modified -- skipping"); return; } // ========== Cases where the region is not in META ============= else if (!inMeta && !inHdfs && !isDeployed) { // We shouldn't have record of this region at all then! assert false : "Entry for region with no data"; } else if (!inMeta && !inHdfs && isDeployed) { errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.NOT_IN_META_HDFS, "Region " + descriptiveName + ", key=" + key + ", not on HDFS or in META but " + "deployed on " + Joiner.on(", ").join(hbi.deployedOn)); if (shouldFixAssignments()) { undeployRegions(hbi); } } else if (!inMeta && inHdfs && !isDeployed) { errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.NOT_IN_META_OR_DEPLOYED, "Region " + descriptiveName + " on HDFS, but not listed in META " + "or deployed on any region server"); // restore region consistency of an adopted orphan if (shouldFixMeta()) { if (!hbi.isHdfsRegioninfoPresent()) { LOG.error("Region " + hbi.getHdfsHRI() + " could have been repaired" + " in table integrity repair phase if -fixHdfsOrphans was" + " used."); return; } LOG.info("Patching .META. with .regioninfo: " + hbi.getHdfsHRI()); HBaseFsckRepair.fixMetaHoleOnline(getConf(), hbi.getHdfsHRI()); tryAssignmentRepair(hbi, "Trying to reassign region..."); } } else if (!inMeta && inHdfs && isDeployed) { errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.NOT_IN_META, "Region " + descriptiveName + " not in META, but deployed on " + Joiner.on(", ").join(hbi.deployedOn)); debugLsr(hbi.getHdfsRegionDir()); if (shouldFixMeta()) { if (!hbi.isHdfsRegioninfoPresent()) { LOG.error("This should have been repaired in table integrity repair phase"); return; } LOG.info("Patching .META. with with .regioninfo: " + hbi.getHdfsHRI()); HBaseFsckRepair.fixMetaHoleOnline(getConf(), hbi.getHdfsHRI()); tryAssignmentRepair(hbi, "Trying to fix unassigned region..."); } // ========== Cases where the region is in META ============= } else if (inMeta && inHdfs && !isDeployed && splitParent) { // check whether this is an actual error, or just transient state where parent // is not cleaned if (hbi.metaEntry.splitA != null && hbi.metaEntry.splitB != null) { // check that split daughters are there HbckInfo infoA = this.regionInfoMap.get(hbi.metaEntry.splitA.getEncodedName()); HbckInfo infoB = this.regionInfoMap.get(hbi.metaEntry.splitB.getEncodedName()); if (infoA != null && infoB != null) { // we already processed or will process daughters. Move on, nothing to see here. hbi.setSkipChecks(true); return; } } errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.LINGERING_SPLIT_PARENT, "Region " + descriptiveName + " is a split parent in META, in HDFS, " + "and not deployed on any region server. This could be transient."); if (shouldFixSplitParents()) { setShouldRerun(); resetSplitParent(hbi); } } else if (inMeta && !inHdfs && !isDeployed) { errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.NOT_IN_HDFS_OR_DEPLOYED, "Region " + descriptiveName + " found in META, but not in HDFS " + "or deployed on any region server."); if (shouldFixMeta()) { deleteMetaRegion(hbi); } } else if (inMeta && !inHdfs && isDeployed) { errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.NOT_IN_HDFS, "Region " + descriptiveName + " found in META, but not in HDFS, " + "and deployed on " + Joiner.on(", ").join(hbi.deployedOn)); // We treat HDFS as ground truth. Any information in meta is transient // and equivalent data can be regenerated. So, lets unassign and remove // these problems from META. if (shouldFixAssignments()) { errors.print("Trying to fix unassigned region..."); closeRegion(hbi);// Close region will cause RS to abort. } if (shouldFixMeta()) { // wait for it to complete deleteMetaRegion(hbi); } } else if (inMeta && inHdfs && !isDeployed && shouldBeDeployed) { errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.NOT_DEPLOYED, "Region " + descriptiveName + " not deployed on any region server."); tryAssignmentRepair(hbi, "Trying to fix unassigned region..."); } else if (inMeta && inHdfs && isDeployed && !shouldBeDeployed) { errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEPLOYED, "Region " + descriptiveName + " should not be deployed according " + "to META, but is deployed on " + Joiner.on(", ").join(hbi.deployedOn)); if (shouldFixAssignments()) { errors.print("Trying to close the region " + descriptiveName); setShouldRerun(); HBaseFsckRepair.fixMultiAssignment(admin, hbi.metaEntry, hbi.deployedOn); } } else if (inMeta && inHdfs && isMultiplyDeployed) { errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.MULTI_DEPLOYED, "Region " + descriptiveName + " is listed in META on region server " + hbi.metaEntry.regionServer + " but is multiply assigned to region servers " + Joiner.on(", ").join(hbi.deployedOn)); // If we are trying to fix the errors if (shouldFixAssignments()) { errors.print("Trying to fix assignment error..."); setShouldRerun(); HBaseFsckRepair.fixMultiAssignment(admin, hbi.metaEntry, hbi.deployedOn); } } else if (inMeta && inHdfs && isDeployed && !deploymentMatchesMeta) { errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.SERVER_DOES_NOT_MATCH_META, "Region " + descriptiveName + " listed in META on region server " + hbi.metaEntry.regionServer + " but found on region server " + hbi.deployedOn.get(0)); // If we are trying to fix the errors if (shouldFixAssignments()) { errors.print("Trying to fix assignment error..."); setShouldRerun(); HBaseFsckRepair.fixMultiAssignment(admin, hbi.metaEntry, hbi.deployedOn); HBaseFsckRepair.waitUntilAssigned(admin, hbi.getHdfsHRI()); } } else { errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.UNKNOWN, "Region " + descriptiveName + " is in an unforeseen state:" + " inMeta=" + inMeta + " inHdfs=" + inHdfs + " isDeployed=" + isDeployed + " isMultiplyDeployed=" + isMultiplyDeployed + " deploymentMatchesMeta=" + deploymentMatchesMeta + " shouldBeDeployed=" + shouldBeDeployed); } } /** * Checks tables integrity. Goes over all regions and scans the tables. * Collects all the pieces for each table and checks if there are missing, * repeated or overlapping ones. * @throws IOException */ SortedMap<String, TableInfo> checkIntegrity() throws IOException { tablesInfo = new TreeMap<String,TableInfo> (); List<HbckInfo> noHDFSRegionInfos = new ArrayList<HbckInfo>(); LOG.debug("There are " + regionInfoMap.size() + " region info entries"); for (HbckInfo hbi : regionInfoMap.values()) { // Check only valid, working regions if (hbi.metaEntry == null) { // this assumes that consistency check has run loadMetaEntry noHDFSRegionInfos.add(hbi); Path p = hbi.getHdfsRegionDir(); if (p == null) { errors.report("No regioninfo in Meta or HDFS. " + hbi); } // TODO test. continue; } if (hbi.metaEntry.regionServer == null) { errors.detail("Skipping region because no region server: " + hbi); continue; } if (hbi.metaEntry.isOffline()) { errors.detail("Skipping region because it is offline: " + hbi); continue; } if (hbi.containsOnlyHdfsEdits()) { errors.detail("Skipping region because it only contains edits" + hbi); continue; } // Missing regionDir or over-deployment is checked elsewhere. Include // these cases in modTInfo, so we can evaluate those regions as part of // the region chain in META //if (hbi.foundRegionDir == null) continue; //if (hbi.deployedOn.size() != 1) continue; if (hbi.deployedOn.size() == 0) continue; // We should be safe here String tableName = hbi.metaEntry.getTableNameAsString(); TableInfo modTInfo = tablesInfo.get(tableName); if (modTInfo == null) { modTInfo = new TableInfo(tableName); } for (ServerName server : hbi.deployedOn) { modTInfo.addServer(server); } if (!hbi.isSkipChecks()) { modTInfo.addRegionInfo(hbi); } tablesInfo.put(tableName, modTInfo); } for (TableInfo tInfo : tablesInfo.values()) { TableIntegrityErrorHandler handler = tInfo.new IntegrityFixSuggester(tInfo, errors); if (!tInfo.checkRegionChain(handler)) { errors.report("Found inconsistency in table " + tInfo.getName()); } } return tablesInfo; } /** * Merge hdfs data by moving from contained HbckInfo into targetRegionDir. * @return number of file move fixes done to merge regions. */ public int mergeRegionDirs(Path targetRegionDir, HbckInfo contained) throws IOException { int fileMoves = 0; LOG.debug("Contained region dir after close and pause"); debugLsr(contained.getHdfsRegionDir()); // rename the contained into the container. FileSystem fs = targetRegionDir.getFileSystem(getConf()); FileStatus[] dirs = fs.listStatus(contained.getHdfsRegionDir()); if (dirs == null) { if (!fs.exists(contained.getHdfsRegionDir())) { LOG.warn("HDFS region dir " + contained.getHdfsRegionDir() + " already sidelined."); } else { sidelineRegionDir(fs, contained); } return fileMoves; } for (FileStatus cf : dirs) { Path src = cf.getPath(); Path dst = new Path(targetRegionDir, src.getName()); if (src.getName().equals(HRegion.REGIONINFO_FILE)) { // do not copy the old .regioninfo file. continue; } if (src.getName().equals(HConstants.HREGION_OLDLOGDIR_NAME)) { // do not copy the .oldlogs files continue; } LOG.info("Moving files from " + src + " into containing region " + dst); // FileSystem.rename is inconsistent with directories -- if the // dst (foo/a) exists and is a dir, and the src (foo/b) is a dir, // it moves the src into the dst dir resulting in (foo/a/b). If // the dst does not exist, and the src a dir, src becomes dst. (foo/b) for (FileStatus hfile : fs.listStatus(src)) { boolean success = fs.rename(hfile.getPath(), dst); if (success) { fileMoves++; } } LOG.debug("Sideline directory contents:"); debugLsr(targetRegionDir); } // if all success. sidelineRegionDir(fs, contained); LOG.info("Sidelined region dir "+ contained.getHdfsRegionDir() + " into " + getSidelineDir()); debugLsr(contained.getHdfsRegionDir()); return fileMoves; } /** * Maintain information about a particular table. */ public class TableInfo { String tableName; TreeSet <ServerName> deployedOn; // backwards regions final List<HbckInfo> backwards = new ArrayList<HbckInfo>(); // sidelined big overlapped regions final Map<Path, HbckInfo> sidelinedRegions = new HashMap<Path, HbckInfo>(); // region split calculator final RegionSplitCalculator<HbckInfo> sc = new RegionSplitCalculator<HbckInfo>(cmp); // Histogram of different HTableDescriptors found. Ideally there is only one! final Set<HTableDescriptor> htds = new HashSet<HTableDescriptor>(); // key = start split, values = set of splits in problem group final Multimap<byte[], HbckInfo> overlapGroups = TreeMultimap.create(RegionSplitCalculator.BYTES_COMPARATOR, cmp); TableInfo(String name) { this.tableName = name; deployedOn = new TreeSet <ServerName>(); } /** * @return descriptor common to all regions. null if are none or multiple! */ private HTableDescriptor getHTD() { if (htds.size() == 1) { return (HTableDescriptor)htds.toArray()[0]; } else { LOG.error("None/Multiple table descriptors found for table '" + tableName + "' regions: " + htds); } return null; } public void addRegionInfo(HbckInfo hir) { if (Bytes.equals(hir.getEndKey(), HConstants.EMPTY_END_ROW)) { // end key is absolute end key, just add it. sc.add(hir); return; } // if not the absolute end key, check for cycle if (Bytes.compareTo(hir.getStartKey(), hir.getEndKey()) > 0) { errors.reportError( ERROR_CODE.REGION_CYCLE, String.format("The endkey for this region comes before the " + "startkey, startkey=%s, endkey=%s", Bytes.toStringBinary(hir.getStartKey()), Bytes.toStringBinary(hir.getEndKey())), this, hir); backwards.add(hir); return; } // main case, add to split calculator sc.add(hir); } public void addServer(ServerName server) { this.deployedOn.add(server); } public String getName() { return tableName; } public int getNumRegions() { return sc.getStarts().size() + backwards.size(); } private class IntegrityFixSuggester extends TableIntegrityErrorHandlerImpl { ErrorReporter errors; IntegrityFixSuggester(TableInfo ti, ErrorReporter errors) { this.errors = errors; setTableInfo(ti); } @Override public void handleRegionStartKeyNotEmpty(HbckInfo hi) throws IOException{ errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.FIRST_REGION_STARTKEY_NOT_EMPTY, "First region should start with an empty key. You need to " + " create a new region and regioninfo in HDFS to plug the hole.", getTableInfo(), hi); } @Override public void handleRegionEndKeyNotEmpty(byte[] curEndKey) throws IOException { errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.LAST_REGION_ENDKEY_NOT_EMPTY, "Last region should end with an empty key. You need to " + "create a new region and regioninfo in HDFS to plug the hole.", getTableInfo()); } @Override public void handleDegenerateRegion(HbckInfo hi) throws IOException{ errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.DEGENERATE_REGION, "Region has the same start and end key.", getTableInfo(), hi); } @Override public void handleDuplicateStartKeys(HbckInfo r1, HbckInfo r2) throws IOException{ byte[] key = r1.getStartKey(); // dup start key errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.DUPE_STARTKEYS, "Multiple regions have the same startkey: " + Bytes.toStringBinary(key), getTableInfo(), r1); errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.DUPE_STARTKEYS, "Multiple regions have the same startkey: " + Bytes.toStringBinary(key), getTableInfo(), r2); } @Override public void handleOverlapInRegionChain(HbckInfo hi1, HbckInfo hi2) throws IOException{ errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.OVERLAP_IN_REGION_CHAIN, "There is an overlap in the region chain.", getTableInfo(), hi1, hi2); } @Override public void handleHoleInRegionChain(byte[] holeStart, byte[] holeStop) throws IOException{ errors.reportError( ERROR_CODE.HOLE_IN_REGION_CHAIN, "There is a hole in the region chain between " + Bytes.toStringBinary(holeStart) + " and " + Bytes.toStringBinary(holeStop) + ". You need to create a new .regioninfo and region " + "dir in hdfs to plug the hole."); } }; /** * This handler fixes integrity errors from hdfs information. There are * basically three classes of integrity problems 1) holes, 2) overlaps, and * 3) invalid regions. * * This class overrides methods that fix holes and the overlap group case. * Individual cases of particular overlaps are handled by the general * overlap group merge repair case. * * If hbase is online, this forces regions offline before doing merge * operations. */ private class HDFSIntegrityFixer extends IntegrityFixSuggester { Configuration conf; boolean fixOverlaps = true; HDFSIntegrityFixer(TableInfo ti, ErrorReporter errors, Configuration conf, boolean fixHoles, boolean fixOverlaps) { super(ti, errors); this.conf = conf; this.fixOverlaps = fixOverlaps; // TODO properly use fixHoles } /** * This is a special case hole -- when the first region of a table is * missing from META, HBase doesn't acknowledge the existance of the * table. */ public void handleRegionStartKeyNotEmpty(HbckInfo next) throws IOException { errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.FIRST_REGION_STARTKEY_NOT_EMPTY, "First region should start with an empty key. Creating a new " + "region and regioninfo in HDFS to plug the hole.", getTableInfo(), next); HTableDescriptor htd = getTableInfo().getHTD(); // from special EMPTY_START_ROW to next region's startKey HRegionInfo newRegion = new HRegionInfo(htd.getName(), HConstants.EMPTY_START_ROW, next.getStartKey()); // TODO test HRegion region = HBaseFsckRepair.createHDFSRegionDir(conf, newRegion, htd); LOG.info("Table region start key was not empty. Created new empty region: " + newRegion + " " +region); fixes++; } public void handleRegionEndKeyNotEmpty(byte[] curEndKey) throws IOException { errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.LAST_REGION_ENDKEY_NOT_EMPTY, "Last region should end with an empty key. Creating a new " + "region and regioninfo in HDFS to plug the hole.", getTableInfo()); HTableDescriptor htd = getTableInfo().getHTD(); // from curEndKey to EMPTY_START_ROW HRegionInfo newRegion = new HRegionInfo(htd.getName(), curEndKey, HConstants.EMPTY_START_ROW); HRegion region = HBaseFsckRepair.createHDFSRegionDir(conf, newRegion, htd); LOG.info("Table region end key was not empty. Created new empty region: " + newRegion + " " + region); fixes++; } /** * There is a hole in the hdfs regions that violates the table integrity * rules. Create a new empty region that patches the hole. */ public void handleHoleInRegionChain(byte[] holeStartKey, byte[] holeStopKey) throws IOException { errors.reportError( ERROR_CODE.HOLE_IN_REGION_CHAIN, "There is a hole in the region chain between " + Bytes.toStringBinary(holeStartKey) + " and " + Bytes.toStringBinary(holeStopKey) + ". Creating a new regioninfo and region " + "dir in hdfs to plug the hole."); HTableDescriptor htd = getTableInfo().getHTD(); HRegionInfo newRegion = new HRegionInfo(htd.getName(), holeStartKey, holeStopKey); HRegion region = HBaseFsckRepair.createHDFSRegionDir(conf, newRegion, htd); LOG.info("Plugged hold by creating new empty region: "+ newRegion + " " +region); fixes++; } /** * This takes set of overlapping regions and merges them into a single * region. This covers cases like degenerate regions, shared start key, * general overlaps, duplicate ranges, and partial overlapping regions. * * Cases: * - Clean regions that overlap * - Only .oldlogs regions (can't find start/stop range, or figure out) */ @Override public void handleOverlapGroup(Collection<HbckInfo> overlap) throws IOException { Preconditions.checkNotNull(overlap); Preconditions.checkArgument(overlap.size() >0); if (!this.fixOverlaps) { LOG.warn("Not attempting to repair overlaps."); return; } if (overlap.size() > maxMerge) { LOG.warn("Overlap group has " + overlap.size() + " overlapping " + "regions which is greater than " + maxMerge + ", the max number of regions to merge"); if (sidelineBigOverlaps) { // we only sideline big overlapped groups that exceeds the max number of regions to merge sidelineBigOverlaps(overlap); } return; } mergeOverlaps(overlap); } void mergeOverlaps(Collection<HbckInfo> overlap) throws IOException { LOG.info("== Merging regions into one region: " + Joiner.on(",").join(overlap)); // get the min / max range and close all concerned regions Pair<byte[], byte[]> range = null; for (HbckInfo hi : overlap) { if (range == null) { range = new Pair<byte[], byte[]>(hi.getStartKey(), hi.getEndKey()); } else { if (RegionSplitCalculator.BYTES_COMPARATOR .compare(hi.getStartKey(), range.getFirst()) < 0) { range.setFirst(hi.getStartKey()); } if (RegionSplitCalculator.BYTES_COMPARATOR .compare(hi.getEndKey(), range.getSecond()) > 0) { range.setSecond(hi.getEndKey()); } } // need to close files so delete can happen. LOG.debug("Closing region before moving data around: " + hi); LOG.debug("Contained region dir before close"); debugLsr(hi.getHdfsRegionDir()); try { LOG.info("Closing region: " + hi); closeRegion(hi); } catch (IOException ioe) { LOG.warn("Was unable to close region " + hi + ". Just continuing... ", ioe); } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOG.warn("Was unable to close region " + hi + ". Just continuing... ", e); } try { LOG.info("Offlining region: " + hi); offline(hi.getRegionName()); } catch (IOException ioe) { LOG.warn("Unable to offline region from master: " + hi + ". Just continuing... ", ioe); } } // create new empty container region. HTableDescriptor htd = getTableInfo().getHTD(); // from start key to end Key HRegionInfo newRegion = new HRegionInfo(htd.getName(), range.getFirst(), range.getSecond()); HRegion region = HBaseFsckRepair.createHDFSRegionDir(conf, newRegion, htd); LOG.info("Created new empty container region: " + newRegion + " to contain regions: " + Joiner.on(",").join(overlap)); debugLsr(region.getRegionDir()); // all target regions are closed, should be able to safely cleanup. boolean didFix= false; Path target = region.getRegionDir(); for (HbckInfo contained : overlap) { LOG.info("Merging " + contained + " into " + target ); int merges = mergeRegionDirs(target, contained); if (merges > 0) { didFix = true; } } if (didFix) { fixes++; } } /** * Sideline some regions in a big overlap group so that it * will have fewer regions, and it is easier to merge them later on. * * @param bigOverlap the overlapped group with regions more than maxMerge * @throws IOException */ void sidelineBigOverlaps( Collection<HbckInfo> bigOverlap) throws IOException { int overlapsToSideline = bigOverlap.size() - maxMerge; if (overlapsToSideline > maxOverlapsToSideline) { overlapsToSideline = maxOverlapsToSideline; } List<HbckInfo> regionsToSideline = RegionSplitCalculator.findBigRanges(bigOverlap, overlapsToSideline); FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf); for (HbckInfo regionToSideline: regionsToSideline) { try { LOG.info("Closing region: " + regionToSideline); closeRegion(regionToSideline); } catch (IOException ioe) { LOG.warn("Was unable to close region " + regionToSideline + ". Just continuing... ", ioe); } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOG.warn("Was unable to close region " + regionToSideline + ". Just continuing... ", e); } try { LOG.info("Offlining region: " + regionToSideline); offline(regionToSideline.getRegionName()); } catch (IOException ioe) { LOG.warn("Unable to offline region from master: " + regionToSideline + ". Just continuing... ", ioe); } LOG.info("Before sideline big overlapped region: " + regionToSideline.toString()); Path sidelineRegionDir = sidelineRegionDir(fs, TO_BE_LOADED, regionToSideline); if (sidelineRegionDir != null) { sidelinedRegions.put(sidelineRegionDir, regionToSideline); LOG.info("After sidelined big overlapped region: " + regionToSideline.getRegionNameAsString() + " to " + sidelineRegionDir.toString()); fixes++; } } } } /** * Check the region chain (from META) of this table. We are looking for * holes, overlaps, and cycles. * @return false if there are errors * @throws IOException */ public boolean checkRegionChain(TableIntegrityErrorHandler handler) throws IOException { // When table is disabled no need to check for the region chain. Some of the regions // accidently if deployed, this below code might report some issues like missing start // or end regions or region hole in chain and may try to fix which is unwanted. if (disabledTables.contains(this.tableName.getBytes())) { return true; } int originalErrorsCount = errors.getErrorList().size(); Multimap<byte[], HbckInfo> regions = sc.calcCoverage(); SortedSet<byte[]> splits = sc.getSplits(); byte[] prevKey = null; byte[] problemKey = null; for (byte[] key : splits) { Collection<HbckInfo> ranges = regions.get(key); if (prevKey == null && !Bytes.equals(key, HConstants.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY)) { for (HbckInfo rng : ranges) { handler.handleRegionStartKeyNotEmpty(rng); } } // check for degenerate ranges for (HbckInfo rng : ranges) { // special endkey case converts '' to null byte[] endKey = rng.getEndKey(); endKey = (endKey.length == 0) ? null : endKey; if (Bytes.equals(rng.getStartKey(),endKey)) { handler.handleDegenerateRegion(rng); } } if (ranges.size() == 1) { // this split key is ok -- no overlap, not a hole. if (problemKey != null) { LOG.warn("reached end of problem group: " + Bytes.toStringBinary(key)); } problemKey = null; // fell through, no more problem. } else if (ranges.size() > 1) { // set the new problem key group name, if already have problem key, just // keep using it. if (problemKey == null) { // only for overlap regions. LOG.warn("Naming new problem group: " + Bytes.toStringBinary(key)); problemKey = key; } overlapGroups.putAll(problemKey, ranges); // record errors ArrayList<HbckInfo> subRange = new ArrayList<HbckInfo>(ranges); // this dumb and n^2 but this shouldn't happen often for (HbckInfo r1 : ranges) { subRange.remove(r1); for (HbckInfo r2 : subRange) { if (Bytes.compareTo(r1.getStartKey(), r2.getStartKey())==0) { handler.handleDuplicateStartKeys(r1,r2); } else { // overlap handler.handleOverlapInRegionChain(r1, r2); } } } } else if (ranges.size() == 0) { if (problemKey != null) { LOG.warn("reached end of problem group: " + Bytes.toStringBinary(key)); } problemKey = null; byte[] holeStopKey = sc.getSplits().higher(key); // if higher key is null we reached the top. if (holeStopKey != null) { // hole handler.handleHoleInRegionChain(key, holeStopKey); } } prevKey = key; } // When the last region of a table is proper and having an empty end key, 'prevKey' // will be null. if (prevKey != null) { handler.handleRegionEndKeyNotEmpty(prevKey); } for (Collection<HbckInfo> overlap : overlapGroups.asMap().values()) { handler.handleOverlapGroup(overlap); } if (details) { // do full region split map dump errors.print("---- Table '" + this.tableName + "': region split map"); dump(splits, regions); errors.print("---- Table '" + this.tableName + "': overlap groups"); dumpOverlapProblems(overlapGroups); errors.print("There are " + overlapGroups.keySet().size() + " overlap groups with " + overlapGroups.size() + " overlapping regions"); } if (!sidelinedRegions.isEmpty()) { LOG.warn("Sidelined big overlapped regions, please bulk load them!"); errors.print("---- Table '" + this.tableName + "': sidelined big overlapped regions"); dumpSidelinedRegions(sidelinedRegions); } return errors.getErrorList().size() == originalErrorsCount; } /** * This dumps data in a visually reasonable way for visual debugging * * @param splits * @param regions */ void dump(SortedSet<byte[]> splits, Multimap<byte[], HbckInfo> regions) { // we display this way because the last end key should be displayed as well. StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (byte[] k : splits) { sb.setLength(0); // clear out existing buffer, if any. sb.append(Bytes.toStringBinary(k) + ":\t"); for (HbckInfo r : regions.get(k)) { sb.append("[ "+ r.toString() + ", " + Bytes.toStringBinary(r.getEndKey())+ "]\t"); } errors.print(sb.toString()); } } } public void dumpOverlapProblems(Multimap<byte[], HbckInfo> regions) { // we display this way because the last end key should be displayed as // well. for (byte[] k : regions.keySet()) { errors.print(Bytes.toStringBinary(k) + ":"); for (HbckInfo r : regions.get(k)) { errors.print("[ " + r.toString() + ", " + Bytes.toStringBinary(r.getEndKey()) + "]"); } errors.print("----"); } } public void dumpSidelinedRegions(Map<Path, HbckInfo> regions) { for (Map.Entry<Path, HbckInfo> entry: regions.entrySet()) { String tableName = Bytes.toStringBinary(entry.getValue().getTableName()); Path path = entry.getKey(); errors.print("This sidelined region dir should be bulk loaded: " + path.toString()); errors.print("Bulk load command looks like: " + "hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce.LoadIncrementalHFiles " + path.toUri().getPath() + " "+ tableName); } } public Multimap<byte[], HbckInfo> getOverlapGroups( String table) { TableInfo ti = tablesInfo.get(table); return ti.overlapGroups; } /** * Return a list of user-space table names whose metadata have not been * modified in the last few milliseconds specified by timelag * if any of the REGIONINFO_QUALIFIER, SERVER_QUALIFIER, STARTCODE_QUALIFIER, * SPLITA_QUALIFIER, SPLITB_QUALIFIER have not changed in the last * milliseconds specified by timelag, then the table is a candidate to be returned. * @return tables that have not been modified recently * @throws IOException if an error is encountered */ HTableDescriptor[] getTables(AtomicInteger numSkipped) { List<String> tableNames = new ArrayList<String>(); long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (HbckInfo hbi : regionInfoMap.values()) { MetaEntry info = hbi.metaEntry; // if the start key is zero, then we have found the first region of a table. // pick only those tables that were not modified in the last few milliseconds. if (info != null && info.getStartKey().length == 0 && !info.isMetaRegion()) { if (info.modTime + timelag < now) { tableNames.add(info.getTableNameAsString()); } else { numSkipped.incrementAndGet(); // one more in-flux table } } } return getHTableDescriptors(tableNames); } HTableDescriptor[] getHTableDescriptors(List<String> tableNames) { HTableDescriptor[] htd = new HTableDescriptor[0]; try { LOG.info("getHTableDescriptors == tableNames => " + tableNames); htd = new HBaseAdmin(getConf()).getTableDescriptors(tableNames); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.debug("Exception getting table descriptors", e); } return htd; } /** * Gets the entry in regionInfo corresponding to the the given encoded * region name. If the region has not been seen yet, a new entry is added * and returned. */ private synchronized HbckInfo getOrCreateInfo(String name) { HbckInfo hbi = regionInfoMap.get(name); if (hbi == null) { hbi = new HbckInfo(null); regionInfoMap.put(name, hbi); } return hbi; } /** * Check values in regionInfo for .META. * Check if zero or more than one regions with META are found. * If there are inconsistencies (i.e. zero or more than one regions * pretend to be holding the .META.) try to fix that and report an error. * @throws IOException from HBaseFsckRepair functions * @throws KeeperException * @throws InterruptedException */ boolean checkMetaRegion() throws IOException, KeeperException, InterruptedException { List <HbckInfo> metaRegions = Lists.newArrayList(); for (HbckInfo value : regionInfoMap.values()) { if (value.metaEntry.isMetaRegion()) { metaRegions.add(value); } } // If something is wrong if (metaRegions.size() != 1) { HRegionLocation rootLocation = connection.locateRegion( HConstants.ROOT_TABLE_NAME, HConstants.EMPTY_START_ROW); HbckInfo root = regionInfoMap.get(rootLocation.getRegionInfo().getEncodedName()); // If there is no region holding .META. if (metaRegions.size() == 0) { errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.NO_META_REGION, ".META. is not found on any region."); if (shouldFixAssignments()) { errors.print("Trying to fix a problem with .META..."); setShouldRerun(); // try to fix it (treat it as unassigned region) HBaseFsckRepair.fixUnassigned(admin, root.metaEntry); HBaseFsckRepair.waitUntilAssigned(admin, root.getHdfsHRI()); } } // If there are more than one regions pretending to hold the .META. else if (metaRegions.size() > 1) { errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.MULTI_META_REGION, ".META. is found on more than one region."); if (shouldFixAssignments()) { errors.print("Trying to fix a problem with .META..."); setShouldRerun(); // try fix it (treat is a dupe assignment) List <ServerName> deployedOn = Lists.newArrayList(); for (HbckInfo mRegion : metaRegions) { deployedOn.add(mRegion.metaEntry.regionServer); } HBaseFsckRepair.fixMultiAssignment(admin, root.metaEntry, deployedOn); } } // rerun hbck with hopefully fixed META return false; } // no errors, so continue normally return true; } /** * Scan .META. and -ROOT-, adding all regions found to the regionInfo map. * @throws IOException if an error is encountered */ boolean loadMetaEntries() throws IOException { // get a list of all regions from the master. This involves // scanning the META table if (!recordRootRegion()) { // Will remove later if we can fix it errors.reportError("Fatal error: unable to get root region location. Exiting..."); return false; } MetaScannerVisitor visitor = new MetaScannerVisitorBase() { int countRecord = 1; // comparator to sort KeyValues with latest modtime final Comparator<KeyValue> comp = new Comparator<KeyValue>() { public int compare(KeyValue k1, KeyValue k2) { return (int)(k1.getTimestamp() - k2.getTimestamp()); } }; public boolean processRow(Result result) throws IOException { try { // record the latest modification of this META record long ts = Collections.max(result.list(), comp).getTimestamp(); Pair<HRegionInfo, ServerName> pair = MetaReader.parseCatalogResult(result); if (pair == null || pair.getFirst() == null) { emptyRegionInfoQualifiers.add(result); return true; } ServerName sn = null; if (pair.getSecond() != null) { sn = pair.getSecond(); } HRegionInfo hri = pair.getFirst(); if (!(isTableIncluded(hri.getTableNameAsString()) || hri.isMetaRegion() || hri.isRootRegion())) { return true; } PairOfSameType<HRegionInfo> daughters = MetaReader.getDaughterRegions(result); MetaEntry m = new MetaEntry(hri, sn, ts, daughters.getFirst(), daughters.getSecond()); HbckInfo hbInfo = new HbckInfo(m); HbckInfo previous = regionInfoMap.put(hri.getEncodedName(), hbInfo); if (previous != null) { throw new IOException("Two entries in META are same " + previous); } // show proof of progress to the user, once for every 100 records. if (countRecord % 100 == 0) { errors.progress(); } countRecord++; return true; } catch (RuntimeException e) { LOG.error("Result=" + result); throw e; } } }; // Scan -ROOT- to pick up META regions MetaScanner.metaScan(getConf(), visitor, null, null, Integer.MAX_VALUE, HConstants.ROOT_TABLE_NAME); if (!checkMetaOnly) { // Scan .META. to pick up user regions MetaScanner.metaScan(getConf(), visitor); } errors.print(""); return true; } /** * Stores the regioninfo entries scanned from META */ static class MetaEntry extends HRegionInfo { ServerName regionServer; // server hosting this region long modTime; // timestamp of most recent modification metadata HRegionInfo splitA, splitB; //split daughters public MetaEntry(HRegionInfo rinfo, ServerName regionServer, long modTime) { this(rinfo, regionServer, modTime, null, null); } public MetaEntry(HRegionInfo rinfo, ServerName regionServer, long modTime, HRegionInfo splitA, HRegionInfo splitB) { super(rinfo); this.regionServer = regionServer; this.modTime = modTime; this.splitA = splitA; this.splitB = splitB; } public boolean equals(Object o) { boolean superEq = super.equals(o); if (!superEq) { return superEq; } MetaEntry me = (MetaEntry) o; if (!regionServer.equals(me.regionServer)) { return false; } return (modTime == me.modTime); } } /** * Stores the regioninfo entries from HDFS */ static class HdfsEntry { HRegionInfo hri; Path hdfsRegionDir = null; long hdfsRegionDirModTime = 0; boolean hdfsRegioninfoFilePresent = false; boolean hdfsOnlyEdits = false; } /** * Stores the regioninfo retrieved from Online region servers. */ static class OnlineEntry { HRegionInfo hri; ServerName hsa; public String toString() { return hsa.toString() + ";" + hri.getRegionNameAsString(); } } /** * Maintain information about a particular region. It gathers information * from three places -- HDFS, META, and region servers. */ public static class HbckInfo implements KeyRange { private MetaEntry metaEntry = null; // info in META private HdfsEntry hdfsEntry = null; // info in HDFS private List<OnlineEntry> deployedEntries = Lists.newArrayList(); // on Region Server private List<ServerName> deployedOn = Lists.newArrayList(); // info on RS's private boolean skipChecks = false; // whether to skip further checks to this region info. HbckInfo(MetaEntry metaEntry) { this.metaEntry = metaEntry; } public synchronized void addServer(HRegionInfo hri, ServerName server) { OnlineEntry rse = new OnlineEntry() ; rse.hri = hri; rse.hsa = server; this.deployedEntries.add(rse); this.deployedOn.add(server); } public synchronized String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("{ meta => "); sb.append((metaEntry != null)? metaEntry.getRegionNameAsString() : "null"); sb.append( ", hdfs => " + getHdfsRegionDir()); sb.append( ", deployed => " + Joiner.on(", ").join(deployedEntries)); sb.append(" }"); return sb.toString(); } @Override public byte[] getStartKey() { if (this.metaEntry != null) { return this.metaEntry.getStartKey(); } else if (this.hdfsEntry != null) { return this.hdfsEntry.hri.getStartKey(); } else { LOG.error("Entry " + this + " has no meta or hdfs region start key."); return null; } } @Override public byte[] getEndKey() { if (this.metaEntry != null) { return this.metaEntry.getEndKey(); } else if (this.hdfsEntry != null) { return this.hdfsEntry.hri.getEndKey(); } else { LOG.error("Entry " + this + " has no meta or hdfs region start key."); return null; } } public byte[] getTableName() { if (this.metaEntry != null) { return this.metaEntry.getTableName(); } else if (this.hdfsEntry != null) { // we are only guaranteed to have a path and not an HRI for hdfsEntry, // so we get the name from the Path Path tableDir = this.hdfsEntry.hdfsRegionDir.getParent(); return Bytes.toBytes(tableDir.getName()); } else { // Currently no code exercises this path, but we could add one for // getting table name from OnlineEntry return null; } } public String getRegionNameAsString() { if (metaEntry != null) { return metaEntry.getRegionNameAsString(); } else if (hdfsEntry != null) { if (hdfsEntry.hri != null) { return hdfsEntry.hri.getRegionNameAsString(); } } return null; } public byte[] getRegionName() { if (metaEntry != null) { return metaEntry.getRegionName(); } else if (hdfsEntry != null) { return hdfsEntry.hri.getRegionName(); } else { return null; } } Path getHdfsRegionDir() { if (hdfsEntry == null) { return null; } return hdfsEntry.hdfsRegionDir; } boolean containsOnlyHdfsEdits() { if (hdfsEntry == null) { return false; } return hdfsEntry.hdfsOnlyEdits; } boolean isHdfsRegioninfoPresent() { if (hdfsEntry == null) { return false; } return hdfsEntry.hdfsRegioninfoFilePresent; } long getModTime() { if (hdfsEntry == null) { return 0; } return hdfsEntry.hdfsRegionDirModTime; } HRegionInfo getHdfsHRI() { if (hdfsEntry == null) { return null; } return hdfsEntry.hri; } public void setSkipChecks(boolean skipChecks) { this.skipChecks = skipChecks; } public boolean isSkipChecks() { return skipChecks; } } final static Comparator<HbckInfo> cmp = new Comparator<HbckInfo>() { @Override public int compare(HbckInfo l, HbckInfo r) { if (l == r) { // same instance return 0; } int tableCompare = RegionSplitCalculator.BYTES_COMPARATOR.compare( l.getTableName(), r.getTableName()); if (tableCompare != 0) { return tableCompare; } int startComparison = RegionSplitCalculator.BYTES_COMPARATOR.compare( l.getStartKey(), r.getStartKey()); if (startComparison != 0) { return startComparison; } // Special case for absolute endkey byte[] endKey = r.getEndKey(); endKey = (endKey.length == 0) ? null : endKey; byte[] endKey2 = l.getEndKey(); endKey2 = (endKey2.length == 0) ? null : endKey2; int endComparison = RegionSplitCalculator.BYTES_COMPARATOR.compare( endKey2, endKey); if (endComparison != 0) { return endComparison; } // use regionId as tiebreaker. // Null is considered after all possible values so make it bigger. if (l.hdfsEntry == null && r.hdfsEntry == null) { return 0; } if (l.hdfsEntry == null && r.hdfsEntry != null) { return 1; } // l.hdfsEntry must not be null if (r.hdfsEntry == null) { return -1; } // both l.hdfsEntry and r.hdfsEntry must not be null. return (int) (l.hdfsEntry.hri.getRegionId()- r.hdfsEntry.hri.getRegionId()); } }; /** * Prints summary of all tables found on the system. */ private void printTableSummary(SortedMap<String, TableInfo> tablesInfo) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); errors.print("Summary:"); for (TableInfo tInfo : tablesInfo.values()) { if (errors.tableHasErrors(tInfo)) { errors.print("Table " + tInfo.getName() + " is inconsistent."); } else { errors.print(" " + tInfo.getName() + " is okay."); } errors.print(" Number of regions: " + tInfo.getNumRegions()); sb.setLength(0); // clear out existing buffer, if any. sb.append(" Deployed on: "); for (ServerName server : tInfo.deployedOn) { sb.append(" " + server.toString()); } errors.print(sb.toString()); } } static ErrorReporter getErrorReporter( final Configuration conf) throws ClassNotFoundException { Class<? extends ErrorReporter> reporter = conf.getClass("hbasefsck.errorreporter", PrintingErrorReporter.class, ErrorReporter.class); return (ErrorReporter)ReflectionUtils.newInstance(reporter, conf); } public interface ErrorReporter { public static enum ERROR_CODE { UNKNOWN, NO_META_REGION, NULL_ROOT_REGION, NO_VERSION_FILE, NOT_IN_META_HDFS, NOT_IN_META, NOT_IN_META_OR_DEPLOYED, NOT_IN_HDFS_OR_DEPLOYED, NOT_IN_HDFS, SERVER_DOES_NOT_MATCH_META, NOT_DEPLOYED, MULTI_DEPLOYED, SHOULD_NOT_BE_DEPLOYED, MULTI_META_REGION, RS_CONNECT_FAILURE, FIRST_REGION_STARTKEY_NOT_EMPTY, LAST_REGION_ENDKEY_NOT_EMPTY, DUPE_STARTKEYS, HOLE_IN_REGION_CHAIN, OVERLAP_IN_REGION_CHAIN, REGION_CYCLE, DEGENERATE_REGION, ORPHAN_HDFS_REGION, LINGERING_SPLIT_PARENT, NO_TABLEINFO_FILE, LINGERING_REFERENCE_HFILE, WRONG_USAGE } public void clear(); public void report(String message); public void reportError(String message); public void reportError(ERROR_CODE errorCode, String message); public void reportError(ERROR_CODE errorCode, String message, TableInfo table); public void reportError(ERROR_CODE errorCode, String message, TableInfo table, HbckInfo info); public void reportError(ERROR_CODE errorCode, String message, TableInfo table, HbckInfo info1, HbckInfo info2); public int summarize(); public void detail(String details); public ArrayList<ERROR_CODE> getErrorList(); public void progress(); public void print(String message); public void resetErrors(); public boolean tableHasErrors(TableInfo table); } static class PrintingErrorReporter implements ErrorReporter { public int errorCount = 0; private int showProgress; Set<TableInfo> errorTables = new HashSet<TableInfo>(); // for use by unit tests to verify which errors were discovered private ArrayList<ERROR_CODE> errorList = new ArrayList<ERROR_CODE>(); public void clear() { errorTables.clear(); errorList.clear(); errorCount = 0; } public synchronized void reportError(ERROR_CODE errorCode, String message) { if (errorCode == ERROR_CODE.WRONG_USAGE) { System.err.println(message); return; } errorList.add(errorCode); if (!summary) { System.out.println("ERROR: " + message); } errorCount++; showProgress = 0; } public synchronized void reportError(ERROR_CODE errorCode, String message, TableInfo table) { errorTables.add(table); reportError(errorCode, message); } public synchronized void reportError(ERROR_CODE errorCode, String message, TableInfo table, HbckInfo info) { errorTables.add(table); String reference = "(region " + info.getRegionNameAsString() + ")"; reportError(errorCode, reference + " " + message); } public synchronized void reportError(ERROR_CODE errorCode, String message, TableInfo table, HbckInfo info1, HbckInfo info2) { errorTables.add(table); String reference = "(regions " + info1.getRegionNameAsString() + " and " + info2.getRegionNameAsString() + ")"; reportError(errorCode, reference + " " + message); } public synchronized void reportError(String message) { reportError(ERROR_CODE.UNKNOWN, message); } /** * Report error information, but do not increment the error count. Intended for cases * where the actual error would have been reported previously. * @param message */ public synchronized void report(String message) { if (! summary) { System.out.println("ERROR: " + message); } showProgress = 0; } public synchronized int summarize() { System.out.println(Integer.toString(errorCount) + " inconsistencies detected."); if (errorCount == 0) { System.out.println("Status: OK"); return 0; } else { System.out.println("Status: INCONSISTENT"); return -1; } } public ArrayList<ERROR_CODE> getErrorList() { return errorList; } public synchronized void print(String message) { if (!summary) { System.out.println(message); } } @Override public boolean tableHasErrors(TableInfo table) { return errorTables.contains(table); } @Override public void resetErrors() { errorCount = 0; } public synchronized void detail(String message) { if (details) { System.out.println(message); } showProgress = 0; } public synchronized void progress() { if (showProgress++ == 10) { if (!summary) { System.out.print("."); } showProgress = 0; } } } /** * Contact a region server and get all information from it */ static class WorkItemRegion implements Callable<Void> { private HBaseFsck hbck; private ServerName rsinfo; private ErrorReporter errors; private HConnection connection; WorkItemRegion(HBaseFsck hbck, ServerName info, ErrorReporter errors, HConnection connection) { this.hbck = hbck; this.rsinfo = info; this.errors = errors; this.connection = connection; } @Override public synchronized Void call() throws IOException { errors.progress(); try { HRegionInterface server = connection.getHRegionConnection(rsinfo.getHostname(), rsinfo.getPort()); // list all online regions from this region server List<HRegionInfo> regions = server.getOnlineRegions(); regions = filterRegions(regions); if (details) { errors.detail("RegionServer: " + rsinfo.getServerName() + " number of regions: " + regions.size()); for (HRegionInfo rinfo: regions) { errors.detail(" " + rinfo.getRegionNameAsString() + " id: " + rinfo.getRegionId() + " encoded_name: " + rinfo.getEncodedName() + " start: " + Bytes.toStringBinary(rinfo.getStartKey()) + " end: " + Bytes.toStringBinary(rinfo.getEndKey())); } } // check to see if the existence of this region matches the region in META for (HRegionInfo r:regions) { HbckInfo hbi = hbck.getOrCreateInfo(r.getEncodedName()); hbi.addServer(r, rsinfo); } } catch (IOException e) { // unable to connect to the region server. errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.RS_CONNECT_FAILURE, "RegionServer: " + rsinfo.getServerName() + " Unable to fetch region information. " + e); throw e; } return null; } private List<HRegionInfo> filterRegions(List<HRegionInfo> regions) { List<HRegionInfo> ret = Lists.newArrayList(); for (HRegionInfo hri : regions) { if (hri.isMetaTable() || (!hbck.checkMetaOnly && hbck.isTableIncluded(hri.getTableNameAsString()))) { ret.add(hri); } } return ret; } } /** * Contact hdfs and get all information about specified table directory into * regioninfo list. */ static class WorkItemHdfsDir implements Callable<Void> { private HBaseFsck hbck; private FileStatus tableDir; private ErrorReporter errors; private FileSystem fs; WorkItemHdfsDir(HBaseFsck hbck, FileSystem fs, ErrorReporter errors, FileStatus status) { this.hbck = hbck; this.fs = fs; this.tableDir = status; this.errors = errors; } @Override public synchronized Void call() throws IOException { try { String tableName = tableDir.getPath().getName(); // ignore hidden files if (tableName.startsWith(".") && !tableName.equals( Bytes.toString(HConstants.META_TABLE_NAME))) { return null; } // level 2: <HBASE_DIR>/<table>/* FileStatus[] regionDirs = fs.listStatus(tableDir.getPath()); for (FileStatus regionDir : regionDirs) { String encodedName = regionDir.getPath().getName(); // ignore directories that aren't hexadecimal if (!encodedName.toLowerCase().matches("[0-9a-f]+")) { continue; } LOG.debug("Loading region info from hdfs:"+ regionDir.getPath()); HbckInfo hbi = hbck.getOrCreateInfo(encodedName); HdfsEntry he = new HdfsEntry(); synchronized (hbi) { if (hbi.getHdfsRegionDir() != null) { errors.print("Directory " + encodedName + " duplicate??" + hbi.getHdfsRegionDir()); } he.hdfsRegionDir = regionDir.getPath(); he.hdfsRegionDirModTime = regionDir.getModificationTime(); Path regioninfoFile = new Path(he.hdfsRegionDir, HRegion.REGIONINFO_FILE); he.hdfsRegioninfoFilePresent = fs.exists(regioninfoFile); // we add to orphan list when we attempt to read .regioninfo // Set a flag if this region contains only edits // This is special case if a region is left after split he.hdfsOnlyEdits = true; FileStatus[] subDirs = fs.listStatus(regionDir.getPath()); Path ePath = HLog.getRegionDirRecoveredEditsDir(regionDir.getPath()); for (FileStatus subDir : subDirs) { String sdName = subDir.getPath().getName(); if (!sdName.startsWith(".") && !sdName.equals(ePath.getName())) { he.hdfsOnlyEdits = false; break; } } hbi.hdfsEntry = he; } } } catch (IOException e) { // unable to connect to the region server. errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.RS_CONNECT_FAILURE, "Table Directory: " + tableDir.getPath().getName() + " Unable to fetch region information. " + e); throw e; } return null; } } /** * Contact hdfs and get all information about specified table directory into * regioninfo list. */ static class WorkItemHdfsRegionInfo implements Callable<Void> { private HbckInfo hbi; private HBaseFsck hbck; private ErrorReporter errors; WorkItemHdfsRegionInfo(HbckInfo hbi, HBaseFsck hbck, ErrorReporter errors) { this.hbi = hbi; this.hbck = hbck; this.errors = errors; } @Override public synchronized Void call() throws IOException { // only load entries that haven't been loaded yet. if (hbi.getHdfsHRI() == null) { try { hbck.loadHdfsRegioninfo(hbi); } catch (IOException ioe) { String msg = "Orphan region in HDFS: Unable to load .regioninfo from table " + Bytes.toString(hbi.getTableName()) + " in hdfs dir " + hbi.getHdfsRegionDir() + "! It may be an invalid format or version file. Treating as " + "an orphaned regiondir."; errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.ORPHAN_HDFS_REGION, msg); try { hbck.debugLsr(hbi.getHdfsRegionDir()); } catch (IOException ioe2) { LOG.error("Unable to read directory " + hbi.getHdfsRegionDir(), ioe2); throw ioe2; } hbck.orphanHdfsDirs.add(hbi); throw ioe; } } return null; } }; /** * Display the full report from fsck. This displays all live and dead region * servers, and all known regions. */ public void setDisplayFullReport() { details = true; } /** * Set summary mode. * Print only summary of the tables and status (OK or INCONSISTENT) */ void setSummary() { summary = true; } /** * Set META check mode. * Print only info about META table deployment/state */ void setCheckMetaOnly() { checkMetaOnly = true; } /** * Check if we should rerun fsck again. This checks if we've tried to * fix something and we should rerun fsck tool again. * Display the full report from fsck. This displays all live and dead * region servers, and all known regions. */ void setShouldRerun() { rerun = true; } boolean shouldRerun() { return rerun; } /** * Fix inconsistencies found by fsck. This should try to fix errors (if any) * found by fsck utility. */ public void setFixAssignments(boolean shouldFix) { fixAssignments = shouldFix; } boolean shouldFixAssignments() { return fixAssignments; } public void setFixMeta(boolean shouldFix) { fixMeta = shouldFix; } boolean shouldFixMeta() { return fixMeta; } public void setCheckHdfs(boolean checking) { checkHdfs = checking; } boolean shouldCheckHdfs() { return checkHdfs; } public void setFixHdfsHoles(boolean shouldFix) { fixHdfsHoles = shouldFix; } boolean shouldFixHdfsHoles() { return fixHdfsHoles; } public void setFixTableOrphans(boolean shouldFix) { fixTableOrphans = shouldFix; } boolean shouldFixTableOrphans() { return fixTableOrphans; } public void setFixHdfsOverlaps(boolean shouldFix) { fixHdfsOverlaps = shouldFix; } boolean shouldFixHdfsOverlaps() { return fixHdfsOverlaps; } public void setFixHdfsOrphans(boolean shouldFix) { fixHdfsOrphans = shouldFix; } boolean shouldFixHdfsOrphans() { return fixHdfsOrphans; } public void setFixVersionFile(boolean shouldFix) { fixVersionFile = shouldFix; } public boolean shouldFixVersionFile() { return fixVersionFile; } public void setSidelineBigOverlaps(boolean sbo) { this.sidelineBigOverlaps = sbo; } public boolean shouldSidelineBigOverlaps() { return sidelineBigOverlaps; } public void setFixSplitParents(boolean shouldFix) { fixSplitParents = shouldFix; } boolean shouldFixSplitParents() { return fixSplitParents; } public void setFixReferenceFiles(boolean shouldFix) { fixReferenceFiles = shouldFix; } boolean shouldFixReferenceFiles() { return fixReferenceFiles; } public boolean shouldIgnorePreCheckPermission() { return ignorePreCheckPermission; } public void setIgnorePreCheckPermission(boolean ignorePreCheckPermission) { this.ignorePreCheckPermission = ignorePreCheckPermission; } /** * @param mm maximum number of regions to merge into a single region. */ public void setMaxMerge(int mm) { this.maxMerge = mm; } public int getMaxMerge() { return maxMerge; } public void setMaxOverlapsToSideline(int mo) { this.maxOverlapsToSideline = mo; } public int getMaxOverlapsToSideline() { return maxOverlapsToSideline; } /** * Only check/fix tables specified by the list, * Empty list means all tables are included. */ boolean isTableIncluded(String table) { return (tablesIncluded.size() == 0) || tablesIncluded.contains(table); } public void includeTable(String table) { tablesIncluded.add(table); } Set<String> getIncludedTables() { return new HashSet<String>(tablesIncluded); } /** * We are interested in only those tables that have not changed their state in * META during the last few seconds specified by hbase.admin.fsck.timelag * @param seconds - the time in seconds */ public void setTimeLag(long seconds) { timelag = seconds * 1000; // convert to milliseconds } /** * * @param sidelineDir - HDFS path to sideline data */ public void setSidelineDir(String sidelineDir) { this.sidelineDir = new Path(sidelineDir); } protected HFileCorruptionChecker createHFileCorruptionChecker(boolean sidelineCorruptHFiles) throws IOException { return new HFileCorruptionChecker(getConf(), executor, sidelineCorruptHFiles); } public HFileCorruptionChecker getHFilecorruptionChecker() { return hfcc; } public void setHFileCorruptionChecker(HFileCorruptionChecker hfcc) { this.hfcc = hfcc; } public void setRetCode(int code) { this.retcode = code; } public int getRetCode() { return retcode; } protected HBaseFsck printUsageAndExit() { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(2048); PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(sw); out.println("Usage: fsck [opts] {only tables}"); out.println(" where [opts] are:"); out.println(" -help Display help options (this)"); out.println(" -details Display full report of all regions."); out.println(" -timelag <timeInSeconds> Process only regions that " + " have not experienced any metadata updates in the last " + " <timeInSeconds> seconds."); out.println(" -sleepBeforeRerun <timeInSeconds> Sleep this many seconds" + " before checking if the fix worked if run with -fix"); out.println(" -summary Print only summary of the tables and status."); out.println(" -metaonly Only check the state of ROOT and META tables."); out.println(" -sidelineDir <hdfs://> HDFS path to backup existing meta and root."); out.println(""); out.println(" Metadata Repair options: (expert features, use with caution!)"); out.println(" -fix Try to fix region assignments. This is for backwards compatiblity"); out.println(" -fixAssignments Try to fix region assignments. Replaces the old -fix"); out.println(" -fixMeta Try to fix meta problems. This assumes HDFS region info is good."); out.println(" -noHdfsChecking Don't load/check region info from HDFS." + " Assumes META region info is good. Won't check/fix any HDFS issue, e.g. hole, orphan, or overlap"); out.println(" -fixHdfsHoles Try to fix region holes in hdfs."); out.println(" -fixHdfsOrphans Try to fix region dirs with no .regioninfo file in hdfs"); out.println(" -fixTableOrphans Try to fix table dirs with no .tableinfo file in hdfs (online mode only)"); out.println(" -fixHdfsOverlaps Try to fix region overlaps in hdfs."); out.println(" -fixVersionFile Try to fix missing hbase.version file in hdfs."); out.println(" -maxMerge <n> When fixing region overlaps, allow at most <n> regions to merge. (n=" + DEFAULT_MAX_MERGE +" by default)"); out.println(" -sidelineBigOverlaps When fixing region overlaps, allow to sideline big overlaps"); out.println(" -maxOverlapsToSideline <n> When fixing region overlaps, allow at most <n> regions to sideline per group. (n=" + DEFAULT_OVERLAPS_TO_SIDELINE +" by default)"); out.println(" -fixSplitParents Try to force offline split parents to be online."); out.println(" -ignorePreCheckPermission ignore filesystem permission pre-check"); out.println(" -fixReferenceFiles Try to offline lingering reference store files"); out.println(""); out.println(" Datafile Repair options: (expert features, use with caution!)"); out.println(" -checkCorruptHFiles Check all Hfiles by opening them to make sure they are valid"); out.println(" -sidelineCorruptHfiles Quarantine corrupted HFiles. implies -checkCorruptHfiles"); out.println(""); out.println(" Metadata Repair shortcuts"); out.println(" -repair Shortcut for -fixAssignments -fixMeta -fixHdfsHoles " + "-fixHdfsOrphans -fixHdfsOverlaps -fixVersionFile -sidelineBigOverlaps -fixReferenceFiles"); out.println(" -repairHoles Shortcut for -fixAssignments -fixMeta -fixHdfsHoles"); out.flush(); errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.WRONG_USAGE, sw.toString()); setRetCode(-2); return this; } /** * Main program * * @param args * @throws Exception */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // create a fsck object Configuration conf = HBaseConfiguration.create(); Path hbasedir = new Path(conf.get(HConstants.HBASE_DIR)); URI defaultFs = hbasedir.getFileSystem(conf).getUri(); conf.set("fs.defaultFS", defaultFs.toString()); // for hadoop 0.21+ conf.set("fs.default.name", defaultFs.toString()); // for hadoop 0.20 int ret = ToolRunner.run(new HBaseFsck(conf), args); System.exit(ret); } @Override public int run(String[] args) throws Exception { exec(executor, args); return getRetCode(); } public HBaseFsck exec(ExecutorService exec, String[] args) throws KeeperException, IOException, InterruptedException { long sleepBeforeRerun = DEFAULT_SLEEP_BEFORE_RERUN; boolean checkCorruptHFiles = false; boolean sidelineCorruptHFiles = false; // Process command-line args. for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { String cmd = args[i]; if (cmd.equals("-help") || cmd.equals("-h")) { return printUsageAndExit(); } else if (cmd.equals("-details")) { setDisplayFullReport(); } else if (cmd.equals("-timelag")) { if (i == args.length - 1) { errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.WRONG_USAGE, "HBaseFsck: -timelag needs a value."); return printUsageAndExit(); } try { long timelag = Long.parseLong(args[i+1]); setTimeLag(timelag); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.WRONG_USAGE, "-timelag needs a numeric value."); return printUsageAndExit(); } i++; } else if (cmd.equals("-sleepBeforeRerun")) { if (i == args.length - 1) { errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.WRONG_USAGE, "HBaseFsck: -sleepBeforeRerun needs a value."); return printUsageAndExit(); } try { sleepBeforeRerun = Long.parseLong(args[i+1]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.WRONG_USAGE, "-sleepBeforeRerun needs a numeric value."); return printUsageAndExit(); } i++; } else if (cmd.equals("-sidelineDir")) { if (i == args.length - 1) { errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.WRONG_USAGE, "HBaseFsck: -sidelineDir needs a value."); return printUsageAndExit(); } i++; setSidelineDir(args[i]); } else if (cmd.equals("-fix")) { errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.WRONG_USAGE, "This option is deprecated, please use -fixAssignments instead."); setFixAssignments(true); } else if (cmd.equals("-fixAssignments")) { setFixAssignments(true); } else if (cmd.equals("-fixMeta")) { setFixMeta(true); } else if (cmd.equals("-noHdfsChecking")) { setCheckHdfs(false); } else if (cmd.equals("-fixHdfsHoles")) { setFixHdfsHoles(true); } else if (cmd.equals("-fixHdfsOrphans")) { setFixHdfsOrphans(true); } else if (cmd.equals("-fixTableOrphans")) { setFixTableOrphans(true); } else if (cmd.equals("-fixHdfsOverlaps")) { setFixHdfsOverlaps(true); } else if (cmd.equals("-fixVersionFile")) { setFixVersionFile(true); } else if (cmd.equals("-sidelineBigOverlaps")) { setSidelineBigOverlaps(true); } else if (cmd.equals("-fixSplitParents")) { setFixSplitParents(true); } else if (cmd.equals("-ignorePreCheckPermission")) { setIgnorePreCheckPermission(true); } else if (cmd.equals("-checkCorruptHFiles")) { checkCorruptHFiles = true; } else if (cmd.equals("-sidelineCorruptHFiles")) { sidelineCorruptHFiles = true; } else if (cmd.equals("-fixReferenceFiles")) { setFixReferenceFiles(true); } else if (cmd.equals("-repair")) { // this attempts to merge overlapping hdfs regions, needs testing // under load setFixHdfsHoles(true); setFixHdfsOrphans(true); setFixMeta(true); setFixAssignments(true); setFixHdfsOverlaps(true); setFixVersionFile(true); setSidelineBigOverlaps(true); setFixSplitParents(false); setCheckHdfs(true); setFixReferenceFiles(true); } else if (cmd.equals("-repairHoles")) { // this will make all missing hdfs regions available but may lose data setFixHdfsHoles(true); setFixHdfsOrphans(false); setFixMeta(true); setFixAssignments(true); setFixHdfsOverlaps(false); setSidelineBigOverlaps(false); setFixSplitParents(false); setCheckHdfs(true); } else if (cmd.equals("-maxOverlapsToSideline")) { if (i == args.length - 1) { errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.WRONG_USAGE, "-maxOverlapsToSideline needs a numeric value argument."); return printUsageAndExit(); } try { int maxOverlapsToSideline = Integer.parseInt(args[i+1]); setMaxOverlapsToSideline(maxOverlapsToSideline); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.WRONG_USAGE, "-maxOverlapsToSideline needs a numeric value argument."); return printUsageAndExit(); } i++; } else if (cmd.equals("-maxMerge")) { if (i == args.length - 1) { errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.WRONG_USAGE, "-maxMerge needs a numeric value argument."); return printUsageAndExit(); } try { int maxMerge = Integer.parseInt(args[i+1]); setMaxMerge(maxMerge); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.WRONG_USAGE, "-maxMerge needs a numeric value argument."); return printUsageAndExit(); } i++; } else if (cmd.equals("-summary")) { setSummary(); } else if (cmd.equals("-metaonly")) { setCheckMetaOnly(); } else if (cmd.startsWith("-")) { errors.reportError(ERROR_CODE.WRONG_USAGE, "Unrecognized option:" + cmd); return printUsageAndExit(); } else { includeTable(cmd); errors.print("Allow checking/fixes for table: " + cmd); } } // pre-check current user has FS write permission or not try { preCheckPermission(); } catch (AccessControlException ace) { Runtime.getRuntime().exit(-1); } catch (IOException ioe) { Runtime.getRuntime().exit(-1); } // do the real work of hbck connect(); // if corrupt file mode is on, first fix them since they may be opened later if (checkCorruptHFiles || sidelineCorruptHFiles) { LOG.info("Checking all hfiles for corruption"); HFileCorruptionChecker hfcc = createHFileCorruptionChecker(sidelineCorruptHFiles); setHFileCorruptionChecker(hfcc); // so we can get result Collection<String> tables = getIncludedTables(); Collection<Path> tableDirs = new ArrayList<Path>(); Path rootdir = FSUtils.getRootDir(getConf()); if (tables.size() > 0) { for (String t : tables) { tableDirs.add(FSUtils.getTablePath(rootdir, t)); } } else { tableDirs = FSUtils.getTableDirs(FSUtils.getCurrentFileSystem(getConf()), rootdir); } hfcc.checkTables(tableDirs); hfcc.report(errors); } // check and fix table integrity, region consistency. int code = onlineHbck(); setRetCode(code); // If we have changed the HBase state it is better to run hbck again // to see if we haven't broken something else in the process. // We run it only once more because otherwise we can easily fall into // an infinite loop. if (shouldRerun()) { try { LOG.info("Sleeping " + sleepBeforeRerun + "ms before re-checking after fix..."); Thread.sleep(sleepBeforeRerun); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { return this; } // Just report setFixAssignments(false); setFixMeta(false); setFixHdfsHoles(false); setFixHdfsOverlaps(false); setFixVersionFile(false); setFixTableOrphans(false); errors.resetErrors(); code = onlineHbck(); setRetCode(code); } return this; } /** * ls -r for debugging purposes */ void debugLsr(Path p) throws IOException { debugLsr(getConf(), p, errors); } /** * ls -r for debugging purposes */ public static void debugLsr(Configuration conf, Path p) throws IOException { debugLsr(conf, p, new PrintingErrorReporter()); } /** * ls -r for debugging purposes */ public static void debugLsr(Configuration conf, Path p, ErrorReporter errors) throws IOException { if (!LOG.isDebugEnabled() || p == null) { return; } FileSystem fs = p.getFileSystem(conf); if (!fs.exists(p)) { // nothing return; } errors.print(p.toString()); if (fs.isFile(p)) { return; } if (fs.getFileStatus(p).isDir()) { FileStatus[] fss= fs.listStatus(p); for (FileStatus status : fss) { debugLsr(conf, status.getPath(), errors); } } } }