/** * Copyright 2010 The Apache Software Foundation * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HConstants; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseFileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HRegionInfo; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.NotAllMetaRegionsOnlineException; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Server; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ServerName; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.catalog.CatalogTracker; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.catalog.MetaEditor; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HTable; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Put; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.executor.EventHandler.EventType; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.executor.RegionTransitionData; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.Reference.Range; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.CancelableProgressable; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.EnvironmentEdgeManager; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.FSUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.HasThread; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.PairOfSameType; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Writables; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper.ZKAssign; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper.ZKUtil; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper.ZooKeeperWatcher; import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException; import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException.NodeExistsException; import com.google.common.util.concurrent.ThreadFactoryBuilder; /** * Executes region split as a "transaction". Call {@link #prepare()} to setup * the transaction, {@link #execute(Server, RegionServerServices)} to run the * transaction and {@link #rollback(Server, RegionServerServices)} to cleanup if execute fails. * * <p>Here is an example of how you would use this class: * <pre> * SplitTransaction st = new SplitTransaction(this.conf, parent, midKey) * if (!st.prepare()) return; * try { * st.execute(server, services); * } catch (IOException ioe) { * try { * st.rollback(server, services); * return; * } catch (RuntimeException e) { * myAbortable.abort("Failed split, abort"); * } * } * </Pre> * <p>This class is not thread safe. Caller needs ensure split is run by * one thread only. */ public class SplitTransaction { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(SplitTransaction.class); private static final String SPLITDIR = ".splits"; /* * Region to split */ private final HRegion parent; private HRegionInfo hri_a; private HRegionInfo hri_b; private Path splitdir; private long fileSplitTimeout = 30000; private int znodeVersion = -1; /* * Row to split around */ private final byte [] splitrow; /** * Types to add to the transaction journal. * Each enum is a step in the split transaction. Used to figure how much * we need to rollback. */ enum JournalEntry { /** * Set region as in transition, set it into SPLITTING state. */ SET_SPLITTING_IN_ZK, /** * We created the temporary split data directory. */ CREATE_SPLIT_DIR, /** * Closed the parent region. */ CLOSED_PARENT_REGION, /** * The parent has been taken out of the server's online regions list. */ OFFLINED_PARENT, /** * Started in on creation of the first daughter region. */ STARTED_REGION_A_CREATION, /** * Started in on the creation of the second daughter region. */ STARTED_REGION_B_CREATION, /** * Point of no return. * If we got here, then transaction is not recoverable other than by * crashing out the regionserver. */ PONR } /* * Journal of how far the split transaction has progressed. */ private final List<JournalEntry> journal = new ArrayList<JournalEntry>(); static final String INDEX_TABLE_SUFFIX = "_idx"; /** * Constructor * @param r Region to split * @param splitrow Row to split around */ public SplitTransaction(final HRegion r, final byte [] splitrow) { this.parent = r; this.splitrow = splitrow; this.splitdir = getSplitDir(this.parent); } /** * Does checks on split inputs. * @return <code>true</code> if the region is splittable else * <code>false</code> if it is not (e.g. its already closed, etc.). */ public boolean prepare() { if (!this.parent.isSplittable()) return false; // Split key can be null if this region is unsplittable; i.e. has refs. if (this.splitrow == null) return false; HRegionInfo hri = this.parent.getRegionInfo(); parent.prepareToSplit(); // Check splitrow. byte [] startKey = hri.getStartKey(); byte [] endKey = hri.getEndKey(); if (Bytes.equals(startKey, splitrow) || !this.parent.getRegionInfo().containsRow(splitrow)) { LOG.info("Split row is not inside region key range or is equal to " + "startkey: " + Bytes.toStringBinary(this.splitrow)); return false; } long rid = getDaughterRegionIdTimestamp(hri); this.hri_a = new HRegionInfo(hri.getTableName(), startKey, this.splitrow, false, rid); this.hri_b = new HRegionInfo(hri.getTableName(), this.splitrow, endKey, false, rid); return true; } /** * Calculate daughter regionid to use. * @param hri Parent {@link HRegionInfo} * @return Daughter region id (timestamp) to use. */ private static long getDaughterRegionIdTimestamp(final HRegionInfo hri) { long rid = EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTimeMillis(); // Regionid is timestamp. Can't be less than that of parent else will insert // at wrong location in .META. (See HBASE-710). if (rid < hri.getRegionId()) { LOG.warn("Clock skew; parent regions id is " + hri.getRegionId() + " but current time here is " + rid); rid = hri.getRegionId() + 1; } return rid; } private static IOException closedByOtherException = new IOException( "Failed to close region: already closed by another thread"); /** * Prepare the regions and region files. * @param server Hosting server instance. Can be null when testing (won't try * and update in zk if a null server) * @param services Used to online/offline regions. * @throws IOException If thrown, transaction failed. Call {@link #rollback(Server, RegionServerServices)} * @return Regions created */ /* package */PairOfSameType<HRegion> createDaughters(final Server server, final RegionServerServices services) throws IOException { LOG.info("Starting split of region " + this.parent); boolean secondaryIndex = server == null ? false : server.getConfiguration().getBoolean("hbase.use.secondary.index", false); boolean indexRegionAvailable = false; if ((server != null && server.isStopped()) || (services != null && services.isStopping())) { throw new IOException("Server is stopped or stopping"); } assert !this.parent.lock.writeLock().isHeldByCurrentThread(): "Unsafe to hold write lock while performing RPCs"; // Coprocessor callback if (this.parent.getCoprocessorHost() != null) { this.parent.getCoprocessorHost().preSplit(); } boolean testing = server == null? true: server.getConfiguration().getBoolean("hbase.testing.nocluster", false); PairOfSameType<HRegion> daughterRegionsPair = stepsBeforeAddingPONR(server, services, testing); SplitInfo info = null; // Coprocessor callback if (secondaryIndex) { if (this.parent.getCoprocessorHost() != null) { info = this.parent.getCoprocessorHost().preSplitBeforePONR(this.splitrow); if (info == null) { throw new IOException("Pre split of Index region has failed."); } if ((info.getSplitTransaction() != null && info.getDaughters() != null)) { indexRegionAvailable = true; } } } // add one hook // do the step till started_region_b_creation // This is the point of no return. Adding subsequent edits to .META. as we // do below when we do the daughter opens adding each to .META. can fail in // various interesting ways the most interesting of which is a timeout // BUT the edits all go through (See HBASE-3872). IF we reach the PONR // then subsequent failures need to crash out this regionserver; the // server shutdown processing should be able to fix-up the incomplete split. // The offlined parent will have the daughters as extra columns. If // we leave the daughter regions in place and do not remove them when we // crash out, then they will have their references to the parent in place // still and the server shutdown fixup of .META. will point to these // regions. // We should add PONR JournalEntry before offlineParentInMeta,so even if // OfflineParentInMeta timeout,this will cause regionserver exit,and then // master ServerShutdownHandler will fix daughter & avoid data loss. (See // HBase-4562). this.journal.add(JournalEntry.PONR); // Edit parent in meta. Offlines parent region and adds splita and splitb. if (!testing) { if (!indexRegionAvailable) { MetaEditor.offlineParentInMeta(server.getCatalogTracker(), this.parent.getRegionInfo(), daughterRegionsPair.getFirst().getRegionInfo(), daughterRegionsPair.getSecond() .getRegionInfo()); } else { offlineParentInMetaBothIndexAndMainRegion(server.getCatalogTracker(), this.parent.getRegionInfo(), daughterRegionsPair.getFirst().getRegionInfo(), daughterRegionsPair.getSecond().getRegionInfo(), info.getSplitTransaction().parent.getRegionInfo(), info.getDaughters().getFirst() .getRegionInfo(), info.getDaughters().getSecond().getRegionInfo()); } } return daughterRegionsPair; } private static void offlineParentInMetaBothIndexAndMainRegion(CatalogTracker catalogTracker, HRegionInfo parent, final HRegionInfo a, final HRegionInfo b, final HRegionInfo parentIdx, final HRegionInfo idxa, final HRegionInfo idxb) throws NotAllMetaRegionsOnlineException, IOException { HRegionInfo copyOfParent = new HRegionInfo(parent); copyOfParent.setOffline(true); copyOfParent.setSplit(true); List<Put> list = new ArrayList<Put>(); Put put = new Put(copyOfParent.getRegionName()); put.add(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, HConstants.REGIONINFO_QUALIFIER, Writables.getBytes(copyOfParent)); put.add(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, HConstants.SPLITA_QUALIFIER, Writables.getBytes(a)); put.add(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, HConstants.SPLITB_QUALIFIER, Writables.getBytes(b)); list.add(put); HRegionInfo copyOfIdxParent = new HRegionInfo(parentIdx); copyOfIdxParent.setOffline(true); copyOfIdxParent.setSplit(true); Put putForIdxRegion = new Put(copyOfIdxParent.getRegionName()); putForIdxRegion.add(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, HConstants.REGIONINFO_QUALIFIER, Writables.getBytes(copyOfIdxParent)); putForIdxRegion.add(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, HConstants.SPLITA_QUALIFIER, Writables.getBytes(idxa)); putForIdxRegion.add(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, HConstants.SPLITB_QUALIFIER, Writables.getBytes(idxb)); list.add(putForIdxRegion); putToMetaTable(catalogTracker, list); LOG.info("Offlined parent region " + parent.getRegionNameAsString() + " in META"); } private static void putToMetaTable(final CatalogTracker ct, final List<Put> p) throws IOException { org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HConnection c = ct.getConnection(); if (c == null) throw new NullPointerException("No connection"); put(new HTable(ct.getConnection().getConfiguration(), HConstants.META_TABLE_NAME), p); } private static void put(final HTable t, final List<Put> p) throws IOException { try { t.put(p); } finally { t.close(); } } public PairOfSameType<HRegion> stepsBeforeAddingPONR(final Server server, final RegionServerServices services, boolean testing) throws IOException { // Set ephemeral SPLITTING znode up in zk. Mocked servers sometimes don't // have zookeeper so don't do zk stuff if server or zookeeper is null if (server != null && server.getZooKeeper() != null) { try { createNodeSplitting(server.getZooKeeper(), this.parent.getRegionInfo(), server.getServerName()); } catch (KeeperException e) { throw new IOException("Failed creating SPLITTING znode on " + this.parent.getRegionNameAsString(), e); } } this.journal.add(JournalEntry.SET_SPLITTING_IN_ZK); if (server != null && server.getZooKeeper() != null) { try { // Transition node from SPLITTING to SPLITTING after creating the split node. // Master will get the callback for node change only if the transition is successful. // Note that if the transition fails then the rollback will delete the created znode // TODO : May be we can add some new state to znode and handle the new state incase of success/failure this.znodeVersion = transitionNodeSplitting(server.getZooKeeper(), this.parent.getRegionInfo(), server.getServerName(), -1); } catch (KeeperException e) { throw new IOException("Failed setting SPLITTING znode on " + this.parent.getRegionNameAsString(), e); } } createSplitDir(this.parent.getFilesystem(), this.splitdir); this.journal.add(JournalEntry.CREATE_SPLIT_DIR); List<StoreFile> hstoreFilesToSplit = null; Exception exceptionToThrow = null; try{ hstoreFilesToSplit = this.parent.close(false); } catch (Exception e) { exceptionToThrow = e; } if (exceptionToThrow == null && hstoreFilesToSplit == null) { // The region was closed by a concurrent thread. We can't continue // with the split, instead we must just abandon the split. If we // reopen or split this could cause problems because the region has // probably already been moved to a different server, or is in the // process of moving to a different server. exceptionToThrow = closedByOtherException; } if (exceptionToThrow != closedByOtherException) { this.journal.add(JournalEntry.CLOSED_PARENT_REGION); } if (exceptionToThrow != null) { if (exceptionToThrow instanceof IOException) throw (IOException)exceptionToThrow; throw new IOException(exceptionToThrow); } if (!testing) { services.removeFromOnlineRegions(this.parent.getRegionInfo().getEncodedName()); } this.journal.add(JournalEntry.OFFLINED_PARENT); // TODO: If splitStoreFiles were multithreaded would we complete steps in // less elapsed time? St.Ack 20100920 // // splitStoreFiles creates daughter region dirs under the parent splits dir // Nothing to unroll here if failure -- clean up of CREATE_SPLIT_DIR will // clean this up. splitStoreFiles(this.splitdir, hstoreFilesToSplit); // Log to the journal that we are creating region A, the first daughter // region. We could fail halfway through. If we do, we could have left // stuff in fs that needs cleanup -- a storefile or two. Thats why we // add entry to journal BEFORE rather than AFTER the change. this.journal.add(JournalEntry.STARTED_REGION_A_CREATION); HRegion a = createDaughterRegion(this.hri_a, this.parent.rsServices); // Ditto this.journal.add(JournalEntry.STARTED_REGION_B_CREATION); HRegion b = createDaughterRegion(this.hri_b, this.parent.rsServices); return new PairOfSameType<HRegion>(a,b); } /** * Perform time consuming opening of the daughter regions. * @param server Hosting server instance. Can be null when testing (won't try * and update in zk if a null server) * @param services Used to online/offline regions. * @param a first daughter region * @param a second daughter region * @throws IOException If thrown, transaction failed. Call {@link #rollback(Server, RegionServerServices)} */ /* package */void openDaughters(final Server server, final RegionServerServices services, HRegion a, HRegion b) throws IOException { boolean stopped = server != null && server.isStopped(); boolean stopping = services != null && services.isStopping(); // TODO: Is this check needed here? if (stopped || stopping) { LOG.info("Not opening daughters " + b.getRegionInfo().getRegionNameAsString() + " and " + a.getRegionInfo().getRegionNameAsString() + " because stopping=" + stopping + ", stopped=" + stopped); } else { // Open daughters in parallel. DaughterOpener aOpener = new DaughterOpener(server, a); DaughterOpener bOpener = new DaughterOpener(server, b); aOpener.start(); bOpener.start(); try { aOpener.join(); bOpener.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); throw new IOException("Interrupted " + e.getMessage()); } if (aOpener.getException() != null) { throw new IOException("Failed " + aOpener.getName(), aOpener.getException()); } if (bOpener.getException() != null) { throw new IOException("Failed " + bOpener.getName(), bOpener.getException()); } if (services != null) { try { // add 2nd daughter first (see HBASE-4335) services.postOpenDeployTasks(b, server.getCatalogTracker(), true); // Should add it to OnlineRegions services.addToOnlineRegions(b); services.postOpenDeployTasks(a, server.getCatalogTracker(), true); services.addToOnlineRegions(a); } catch (KeeperException ke) { throw new IOException(ke); } } } } /** * Finish off split transaction, transition the zknode * @param server Hosting server instance. Can be null when testing (won't try * and update in zk if a null server) * @param services Used to online/offline regions. * @param a first daughter region * @param a second daughter region * @throws IOException If thrown, transaction failed. Call {@link #rollback(Server, RegionServerServices)} */ /* package */void transitionZKNode(final Server server, final RegionServerServices services, HRegion a, HRegion b) throws IOException { // Tell master about split by updating zk. If we fail, abort. if (server != null && server.getZooKeeper() != null) { try { this.znodeVersion = transitionNodeSplit(server.getZooKeeper(), parent.getRegionInfo(), a.getRegionInfo(), b.getRegionInfo(), server.getServerName(), this.znodeVersion); int spins = 0; // Now wait for the master to process the split. We know it's done // when the znode is deleted. The reason we keep tickling the znode is // that it's possible for the master to miss an event. do { if (spins % 10 == 0) { LOG.debug("Still waiting on the master to process the split for " + this.parent.getRegionInfo().getEncodedName()); } Thread.sleep(100); // When this returns -1 it means the znode doesn't exist this.znodeVersion = tickleNodeSplit(server.getZooKeeper(), parent.getRegionInfo(), a.getRegionInfo(), b.getRegionInfo(), server.getServerName(), this.znodeVersion); spins++; } while (this.znodeVersion != -1 && !server.isStopped() && !services.isStopping()); } catch (Exception e) { if (e instanceof InterruptedException) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } throw new IOException("Failed telling master about split", e); } } // Coprocessor callback if (this.parent.getCoprocessorHost() != null) { this.parent.getCoprocessorHost().postSplit(a,b); } // Leaving here, the splitdir with its dross will be in place but since the // split was successful, just leave it; it'll be cleaned when parent is // deleted and cleaned up. } /** * Run the transaction. * @param server Hosting server instance. Can be null when testing (won't try * and update in zk if a null server) * @param services Used to online/offline regions. * @throws IOException If thrown, transaction failed. Call {@link #rollback(Server, RegionServerServices)} * @return Regions created * @throws IOException * @see #rollback(Server, RegionServerServices) */ public PairOfSameType<HRegion> execute(final Server server, final RegionServerServices services) throws IOException { PairOfSameType<HRegion> regions = createDaughters(server, services); if (this.parent.getCoprocessorHost() != null) { this.parent.getCoprocessorHost().preSplitAfterPONR(); } stepsAfterPONR(server, services, regions); return regions; } public void stepsAfterPONR(final Server server, final RegionServerServices services, PairOfSameType<HRegion> regions) throws IOException { openDaughters(server, services, regions.getFirst(), regions.getSecond()); transitionZKNode(server, services, regions.getFirst(), regions.getSecond()); } /* * Open daughter region in its own thread. * If we fail, abort this hosting server. */ class DaughterOpener extends HasThread { private final Server server; private final HRegion r; private Throwable t = null; DaughterOpener(final Server s, final HRegion r) { super((s == null? "null-services": s.getServerName()) + "-daughterOpener=" + r.getRegionInfo().getEncodedName()); setDaemon(true); this.server = s; this.r = r; } /** * @return Null if open succeeded else exception that causes us fail open. * Call it after this thread exits else you may get wrong view on result. */ Throwable getException() { return this.t; } @Override public void run() { try { openDaughterRegion(this.server, r); } catch (Throwable t) { this.t = t; } } } /** * Open daughter regions, add them to online list and update meta. * @param server * @param services Can be null when testing. * @param daughter * @throws IOException * @throws KeeperException */ void openDaughterRegion(final Server server, final HRegion daughter) throws IOException, KeeperException { HRegionInfo hri = daughter.getRegionInfo(); LoggingProgressable reporter = server == null? null: new LoggingProgressable(hri, server.getConfiguration()); daughter.openHRegion(reporter); } static class LoggingProgressable implements CancelableProgressable { private final HRegionInfo hri; private long lastLog = -1; private final long interval; LoggingProgressable(final HRegionInfo hri, final Configuration c) { this.hri = hri; this.interval = c.getLong("hbase.regionserver.split.daughter.open.log.interval", 10000); } @Override public boolean progress() { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (now - lastLog > this.interval) { LOG.info("Opening " + this.hri.getRegionNameAsString()); this.lastLog = now; } return true; } } private static Path getSplitDir(final HRegion r) { return new Path(r.getRegionDir(), SPLITDIR); } /** * @param fs Filesystem to use * @param splitdir Directory to store temporary split data in * @throws IOException If <code>splitdir</code> already exists or we fail * to create it. * @see #cleanupSplitDir(FileSystem, Path) */ void createSplitDir(final FileSystem fs, final Path splitdir) throws IOException { if (fs.exists(splitdir)) { LOG.info("The " + splitdir + " directory exists. Hence deleting it to recreate it"); if (!HBaseFileSystem.deleteDirFromFileSystem(fs, splitdir)) { throw new IOException("Failed deletion of " + splitdir + " before creating them again."); } } if (!HBaseFileSystem.makeDirOnFileSystem(fs, splitdir)) throw new IOException("Failed create of " + splitdir); } private static void cleanupSplitDir(final FileSystem fs, final Path splitdir) throws IOException { // Splitdir may have been cleaned up by reopen of the parent dir. deleteDir(fs, splitdir, false); } /** * @param fs Filesystem to use * @param dir Directory to delete * @param mustPreExist If true, we'll throw exception if <code>dir</code> * does not preexist, else we'll just pass. * @throws IOException Thrown if we fail to delete passed <code>dir</code> */ private static void deleteDir(final FileSystem fs, final Path dir, final boolean mustPreExist) throws IOException { if (!fs.exists(dir)) { if (mustPreExist) throw new IOException(dir.toString() + " does not exist!"); } else if (!HBaseFileSystem.deleteDirFromFileSystem(fs, dir)) { throw new IOException("Failed delete of " + dir); } } protected void splitStoreFiles(final Path splitdir, final List<StoreFile> hstoreFilesToSplit) throws IOException { if (hstoreFilesToSplit == null) { // Could be null because close didn't succeed -- for now consider it fatal throw new IOException("Close returned empty list of StoreFiles"); } // The following code sets up a thread pool executor with as many slots as // there's files to split. It then fires up everything, waits for // completion and finally checks for any exception int nbFiles = hstoreFilesToSplit.size(); boolean secondaryIndex = this.parent.getConf().getBoolean("hbase.use.secondary.index", false); if (secondaryIndex) { String idxTableName = this.parent.getTableDesc().getNameAsString(); if (isIndexTable(idxTableName)) if (nbFiles == 0) { LOG.debug("Setting number of threads for ThreadPoolExecutor to 1 since IndexTable " + idxTableName + " doesn't have any store files "); nbFiles = 1; } } ThreadFactoryBuilder builder = new ThreadFactoryBuilder(); builder.setNameFormat("StoreFileSplitter-%1$d"); ThreadFactory factory = builder.build(); ThreadPoolExecutor threadPool = (ThreadPoolExecutor) Executors.newFixedThreadPool(nbFiles, factory); List<Future<Void>> futures = new ArrayList<Future<Void>>(nbFiles); // Split each store file. for (StoreFile sf: hstoreFilesToSplit) { //splitStoreFile(sf, splitdir); StoreFileSplitter sfs = new StoreFileSplitter(sf, splitdir); futures.add(threadPool.submit(sfs)); } // Shutdown the pool threadPool.shutdown(); // Wait for all the tasks to finish try { boolean stillRunning = !threadPool.awaitTermination( this.fileSplitTimeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); if (stillRunning) { threadPool.shutdownNow(); // wait for the thread to shutdown completely. while (!threadPool.isTerminated()) { Thread.sleep(50); } throw new IOException("Took too long to split the" + " files and create the references, aborting split"); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); throw new IOException("Interrupted while waiting for file splitters", e); } // Look for any exception for (Future<Void> future: futures) { try { future.get(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); throw new IOException( "Interrupted while trying to get the results of file splitters", e); } catch (ExecutionException e) { throw new IOException(e); } } } private boolean isIndexTable(String idxTableName) { return idxTableName.endsWith(INDEX_TABLE_SUFFIX); } private void splitStoreFile(final StoreFile sf, final Path splitdir) throws IOException { FileSystem fs = this.parent.getFilesystem(); byte [] family = sf.getFamily(); String encoded = this.hri_a.getEncodedName(); Path storedir = Store.getStoreHomedir(splitdir, encoded, family); StoreFile.split(fs, storedir, sf, this.splitrow, Range.bottom); encoded = this.hri_b.getEncodedName(); storedir = Store.getStoreHomedir(splitdir, encoded, family); StoreFile.split(fs, storedir, sf, this.splitrow, Range.top); } /** * Utility class used to do the file splitting / reference writing * in parallel instead of sequentially. */ class StoreFileSplitter implements Callable<Void> { private final StoreFile sf; private final Path splitdir; /** * Constructor that takes what it needs to split * @param sf which file * @param splitdir where the splitting is done */ public StoreFileSplitter(final StoreFile sf, final Path splitdir) { this.sf = sf; this.splitdir = splitdir; } public Void call() throws IOException { splitStoreFile(sf, splitdir); return null; } } /** * @param hri Spec. for daughter region to open. * @param flusher Flusher this region should use. * @return Created daughter HRegion. * @throws IOException * @see #cleanupDaughterRegion(FileSystem, Path, HRegionInfo) */ HRegion createDaughterRegion(final HRegionInfo hri, final RegionServerServices rsServices) throws IOException { // Package private so unit tests have access. FileSystem fs = this.parent.getFilesystem(); Path regionDir = getSplitDirForDaughter(this.parent.getFilesystem(), this.splitdir, hri); HRegion r = HRegion.newHRegion(this.parent.getTableDir(), this.parent.getLog(), fs, this.parent.getBaseConf(), hri, this.parent.getTableDesc(), rsServices); long halfParentReadRequestCount = this.parent.getReadRequestsCount() / 2; r.readRequestsCount.set(halfParentReadRequestCount); r.setOpMetricsReadRequestCount(halfParentReadRequestCount); long halfParentWriteRequest = this.parent.getWriteRequestsCount() / 2; r.writeRequestsCount.set(halfParentWriteRequest); r.setOpMetricsWriteRequestCount(halfParentWriteRequest); HRegion.moveInitialFilesIntoPlace(fs, regionDir, r.getRegionDir()); return r; } private static void cleanupDaughterRegion(final FileSystem fs, final Path tabledir, final String encodedName) throws IOException { Path regiondir = HRegion.getRegionDir(tabledir, encodedName); // Dir may not preexist. deleteDir(fs, regiondir, false); } /* * Get the daughter directories in the splits dir. The splits dir is under * the parent regions' directory. * @param fs * @param splitdir * @param hri * @return Path to daughter split dir. * @throws IOException */ private static Path getSplitDirForDaughter(final FileSystem fs, final Path splitdir, final HRegionInfo hri) throws IOException { return new Path(splitdir, hri.getEncodedName()); } /** * @param server Hosting server instance (May be null when testing). * @param services * @throws IOException If thrown, rollback failed. Take drastic action. * @return True if we successfully rolled back, false if we got to the point * of no return and so now need to abort the server to minimize damage. */ public boolean rollback(final Server server, final RegionServerServices services) throws IOException { // Coprocessor callback boolean secondaryIndex = server == null ? false : server.getConfiguration().getBoolean("hbase.use.secondary.index", false); if (secondaryIndex) { if (this.parent.getCoprocessorHost() != null) { this.parent.getCoprocessorHost().preRollBack(); } } boolean result = true; FileSystem fs = this.parent.getFilesystem(); ListIterator<JournalEntry> iterator = this.journal.listIterator(this.journal.size()); // Iterate in reverse. while (iterator.hasPrevious()) { JournalEntry je = iterator.previous(); switch(je) { case SET_SPLITTING_IN_ZK: if (server != null && server.getZooKeeper() != null) { cleanZK(server, this.parent.getRegionInfo()); } break; case CREATE_SPLIT_DIR: this.parent.writestate.writesEnabled = true; cleanupSplitDir(fs, this.splitdir); break; case CLOSED_PARENT_REGION: try { // So, this returns a seqid but if we just closed and then reopened, we // should be ok. On close, we flushed using sequenceid obtained from // hosting regionserver so no need to propagate the sequenceid returned // out of initialize below up into regionserver as we normally do. // TODO: Verify. this.parent.initialize(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Failed rollbacking CLOSED_PARENT_REGION of region " + this.parent.getRegionNameAsString(), e); throw new RuntimeException(e); } break; case STARTED_REGION_A_CREATION: cleanupDaughterRegion(fs, this.parent.getTableDir(), this.hri_a.getEncodedName()); break; case STARTED_REGION_B_CREATION: cleanupDaughterRegion(fs, this.parent.getTableDir(), this.hri_b.getEncodedName()); break; case OFFLINED_PARENT: if (services != null) services.addToOnlineRegions(this.parent); break; case PONR: // We got to the point-of-no-return so we need to just abort. Return // immediately. Do not clean up created daughter regions. They need // to be in place so we don't delete the parent region mistakenly. // See HBASE-3872. return false; default: throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled journal entry: " + je); } } return result; } HRegionInfo getFirstDaughter() { return hri_a; } HRegionInfo getSecondDaughter() { return hri_b; } // For unit testing. Path getSplitDir() { return this.splitdir; } /** * Clean up any split detritus that may have been left around from previous * split attempts. * Call this method on initial region deploy. Cleans up any mess * left by previous deploys of passed <code>r</code> region. * @param r * @throws IOException */ static void cleanupAnySplitDetritus(final HRegion r) throws IOException { Path splitdir = getSplitDir(r); FileSystem fs = r.getFilesystem(); if (!fs.exists(splitdir)) return; // Look at the splitdir. It could have the encoded names of the daughter // regions we tried to make. See if the daughter regions actually got made // out under the tabledir. If here under splitdir still, then the split did // not complete. Try and do cleanup. This code WILL NOT catch the case // where we successfully created daughter a but regionserver crashed during // the creation of region b. In this case, there'll be an orphan daughter // dir in the filesystem. TOOD: Fix. FileStatus [] daughters = fs.listStatus(splitdir, new FSUtils.DirFilter(fs)); for (int i = 0; i < daughters.length; i++) { cleanupDaughterRegion(fs, r.getTableDir(), daughters[i].getPath().getName()); } cleanupSplitDir(r.getFilesystem(), splitdir); LOG.info("Cleaned up old failed split transaction detritus: " + splitdir); } private static void cleanZK(final Server server, final HRegionInfo hri) { try { // Only delete if its in expected state; could have been hijacked. ZKAssign.deleteNode(server.getZooKeeper(), hri.getEncodedName(), EventType.RS_ZK_REGION_SPLITTING); } catch (KeeperException e) { server.abort("Failed cleanup of " + hri.getRegionNameAsString(), e); } } /** * Creates a new ephemeral node in the SPLITTING state for the specified region. * Create it ephemeral in case regionserver dies mid-split. * * <p>Does not transition nodes from other states. If a node already exists * for this region, a {@link NodeExistsException} will be thrown. * * @param zkw zk reference * @param region region to be created as offline * @param serverName server event originates from * @return Version of znode created. * @throws KeeperException * @throws IOException */ void createNodeSplitting(final ZooKeeperWatcher zkw, final HRegionInfo region, final ServerName serverName) throws KeeperException, IOException { LOG.debug(zkw.prefix("Creating ephemeral node for " + region.getEncodedName() + " in SPLITTING state")); RegionTransitionData data = new RegionTransitionData(EventType.RS_ZK_REGION_SPLITTING, region.getRegionName(), serverName); String node = ZKAssign.getNodeName(zkw, region.getEncodedName()); if (!ZKUtil.createEphemeralNodeAndWatch(zkw, node, data.getBytes())) { throw new IOException("Failed create of ephemeral " + node); } } /** * Transitions an existing node for the specified region which is * currently in the SPLITTING state to be in the SPLIT state. Converts the * ephemeral SPLITTING znode to an ephemeral SPLIT node. Master cleans up * SPLIT znode when it reads it (or if we crash, zk will clean it up). * * <p>Does not transition nodes from other states. If for some reason the * node could not be transitioned, the method returns -1. If the transition * is successful, the version of the node after transition is returned. * * <p>This method can fail and return false for three different reasons: * <ul><li>Node for this region does not exist</li> * <li>Node for this region is not in SPLITTING state</li> * <li>After verifying SPLITTING state, update fails because of wrong version * (this should never actually happen since an RS only does this transition * following a transition to SPLITTING. if two RS are conflicting, one would * fail the original transition to SPLITTING and not this transition)</li> * </ul> * * <p>Does not set any watches. * * <p>This method should only be used by a RegionServer when completing the * open of a region. * * @param zkw zk reference * @param parent region to be transitioned to opened * @param a Daughter a of split * @param b Daughter b of split * @param serverName server event originates from * @return version of node after transition, -1 if unsuccessful transition * @throws KeeperException if unexpected zookeeper exception * @throws IOException */ private static int transitionNodeSplit(ZooKeeperWatcher zkw, HRegionInfo parent, HRegionInfo a, HRegionInfo b, ServerName serverName, final int znodeVersion) throws KeeperException, IOException { byte [] payload = Writables.getBytes(a, b); return ZKAssign.transitionNode(zkw, parent, serverName, EventType.RS_ZK_REGION_SPLITTING, EventType.RS_ZK_REGION_SPLIT, znodeVersion, payload); } public static class SplitInfo { PairOfSameType<HRegion> pairOfSameType; SplitTransaction st; public void setDaughtersAndTransaction(PairOfSameType<HRegion> pairOfSameType, SplitTransaction st) { this.pairOfSameType = pairOfSameType; this.st = st; } public PairOfSameType<HRegion> getDaughters() { return this.pairOfSameType; } public SplitTransaction getSplitTransaction() { return this.st; } } /** * Added for secondary index. Needed in the hooks to get the parentRegion name * @return */ public HRegion getParent() { return this.parent; } /** * * @param zkw zk reference * @param parent region to be transitioned to splitting * @param serverName server event originates from * @param version znode version * @return version of node after transition, -1 if unsuccessful transition * @throws KeeperException * @throws IOException */ int transitionNodeSplitting(final ZooKeeperWatcher zkw, final HRegionInfo parent, final ServerName serverName, final int version) throws KeeperException, IOException { return ZKAssign.transitionNode(zkw, parent, serverName, EventType.RS_ZK_REGION_SPLITTING, EventType.RS_ZK_REGION_SPLITTING, version); } private static int tickleNodeSplit(ZooKeeperWatcher zkw, HRegionInfo parent, HRegionInfo a, HRegionInfo b, ServerName serverName, final int znodeVersion) throws KeeperException, IOException { byte [] payload = Writables.getBytes(a, b); return ZKAssign.transitionNode(zkw, parent, serverName, EventType.RS_ZK_REGION_SPLIT, EventType.RS_ZK_REGION_SPLIT, znodeVersion, payload); } }