* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package gobblin.runtime;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.BooleanUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.slf4j.MDC;
import com.google.common.base.Optional;
import com.google.common.base.Throwables;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap;
import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
import com.google.common.io.Closer;
import com.typesafe.config.Config;
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory;
import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
import gobblin.Constructs;
import gobblin.commit.SpeculativeAttemptAwareConstruct;
import gobblin.configuration.ConfigurationKeys;
import gobblin.configuration.State;
import gobblin.configuration.WorkUnitState;
import gobblin.converter.Converter;
import gobblin.fork.CopyHelper;
import gobblin.fork.CopyNotSupportedException;
import gobblin.fork.Copyable;
import gobblin.fork.ForkOperator;
import gobblin.instrumented.extractor.InstrumentedExtractorBase;
import gobblin.instrumented.extractor.InstrumentedExtractorDecorator;
import gobblin.metrics.MetricContext;
import gobblin.metrics.event.EventSubmitter;
import gobblin.metrics.event.TaskEvent;
import gobblin.publisher.DataPublisher;
import gobblin.publisher.SingleTaskDataPublisher;
import gobblin.qualitychecker.row.RowLevelPolicyCheckResults;
import gobblin.qualitychecker.row.RowLevelPolicyChecker;
import gobblin.runtime.fork.AsynchronousFork;
import gobblin.runtime.fork.Fork;
import gobblin.runtime.fork.SynchronousFork;
import gobblin.runtime.task.TaskIFace;
import gobblin.runtime.util.TaskMetrics;
import gobblin.source.extractor.Extractor;
import gobblin.source.extractor.JobCommitPolicy;
import gobblin.source.extractor.RecordEnvelope;
import gobblin.source.extractor.StreamingExtractor;
import gobblin.state.ConstructState;
import gobblin.util.ConfigUtils;
import gobblin.writer.AcknowledgableRecordEnvelope;
import gobblin.writer.AcknowledgableWatermark;
import gobblin.writer.DataWriter;
import gobblin.writer.FineGrainedWatermarkTracker;
import gobblin.writer.MultiWriterWatermarkManager;
import gobblin.writer.TrackerBasedWatermarkManager;
import gobblin.writer.WatermarkAwareWriter;
import gobblin.writer.WatermarkManager;
import gobblin.writer.WatermarkStorage;
* A physical unit of execution for a Gobblin {@link gobblin.source.workunit.WorkUnit}.
* <p>
* Each task is executed by a single thread in a thread pool managed by the {@link TaskExecutor}
* and each {@link Fork} of the task is executed in a separate thread pool also managed by the
* {@link TaskExecutor}.
* Each {@link Task} consists of the following steps:
* <ul>
* <li>Extracting, converting, and forking the source schema.</li>
* <li>Extracting, converting, doing row-level quality checking, and forking each data record.</li>
* <li>Putting each forked record into the record queue managed by each {@link Fork}.</li>
* <li>Committing output data of each {@link Fork} once all {@link Fork}s finish.</li>
* <li>Cleaning up and exiting.</li>
* </ul>
* Each {@link Fork} consists of the following steps:
* <ul>
* <li>Getting the next record off the record queue.</li>
* <li>Converting the record and doing row-level quality checking if applicable.</li>
* <li>Writing the record out if it passes the quality checking.</li>
* <li>Cleaning up and exiting once all the records have been processed.</li>
* </ul>
* </p>
* @author Yinan Li
@NoArgsConstructor(force = true)
public class Task implements TaskIFace {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Task.class);
private final String jobId;
private final String taskId;
private final String taskKey;
private final TaskContext taskContext;
private final TaskState taskState;
private final TaskStateTracker taskStateTracker;
private final TaskExecutor taskExecutor;
private final Optional<CountDownLatch> countDownLatch;
private final Map<Optional<Fork>, Optional<Future<?>>> forks = Maps.newLinkedHashMap();
// Number of task retries
private final AtomicInteger retryCount = new AtomicInteger();
private final Converter converter;
private final InstrumentedExtractorBase extractor;
private final RowLevelPolicyChecker rowChecker;
private final ExecutionModel taskMode;
private final String watermarkingStrategy;
private final Optional<WatermarkManager> watermarkManager;
private final Optional<FineGrainedWatermarkTracker> watermarkTracker;
private final Optional<WatermarkStorage> watermarkStorage;
private final Closer closer;
private long startTime;
private volatile long lastRecordPulledTimestampMillis;
private final AtomicLong recordsPulled;
private final AtomicBoolean shutdownRequested;
private final CountDownLatch shutdownLatch;
* Instantiate a new {@link Task}.
* @param context a {@link TaskContext} containing all necessary information to construct and run a {@link Task}
* @param taskStateTracker a {@link TaskStateTracker} for tracking task state
* @param taskExecutor a {@link TaskExecutor} for executing the {@link Task} and its {@link Fork}s
* @param countDownLatch an optional {@link java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch} used to signal the task completion
public Task(TaskContext context, TaskStateTracker taskStateTracker, TaskExecutor taskExecutor,
Optional<CountDownLatch> countDownLatch) {
this.taskContext = context;
this.taskState = context.getTaskState();
this.jobId = this.taskState.getJobId();
this.taskId = this.taskState.getTaskId();
this.taskKey = this.taskState.getTaskKey();
this.taskStateTracker = taskStateTracker;
this.taskExecutor = taskExecutor;
this.countDownLatch = countDownLatch;
this.closer = Closer.create();
this.extractor =
closer.register(new InstrumentedExtractorDecorator<>(this.taskState, this.taskContext.getExtractor()));
this.converter = closer.register(new MultiConverter(this.taskContext.getConverters()));
try {
this.rowChecker = closer.register(this.taskContext.getRowLevelPolicyChecker());
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
LOG.error("Failed to close all open resources", t);
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to instantiate row checker.", e);
this.taskMode = getExecutionModel(this.taskState);
this.recordsPulled = new AtomicLong(0);
this.lastRecordPulledTimestampMillis = 0;
this.shutdownRequested = new AtomicBoolean(false);
this.shutdownLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);
// Setup Streaming constructs
this.watermarkingStrategy = "FineGrain"; // TODO: Configure
if (isStreamingTask()) {
Extractor underlyingExtractor = this.taskContext.getRawSourceExtractor();
if (!(underlyingExtractor instanceof StreamingExtractor)) {
"Extractor {} is not an instance of StreamingExtractor but the task is configured to run in continuous mode",
throw new TaskInstantiationException("Extraction " + underlyingExtractor.getClass().getName()
+ " is not an instance of StreamingExtractor but the task is configured to run in continuous mode");
this.watermarkStorage = Optional.of(taskContext.getWatermarkStorage());
Config config;
try {
config = ConfigUtils.propertiesToConfig(taskState.getProperties());
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Failed to deserialize taskState into Config.. continuing with an empty config", e);
config = ConfigFactory.empty();
long commitIntervalMillis = ConfigUtils.getLong(config,
if (watermarkingStrategy.equals("FineGrain")) { // TODO: Configure
this.watermarkTracker = Optional.of(this.closer.register(new FineGrainedWatermarkTracker(config)));
this.watermarkManager = Optional.of((WatermarkManager) this.closer.register(
new TrackerBasedWatermarkManager(this.watermarkStorage.get(), this.watermarkTracker.get(),
commitIntervalMillis, Optional.of(this.LOG))));
} else {
// writer-based watermarking
this.watermarkManager = Optional.of((WatermarkManager) this.closer.register(
new MultiWriterWatermarkManager(this.watermarkStorage.get(), commitIntervalMillis, Optional.of(this.LOG))));
this.watermarkTracker = Optional.absent();
} else {
this.watermarkManager = Optional.absent();
this.watermarkTracker = Optional.absent();
this.watermarkStorage = Optional.absent();
public static ExecutionModel getExecutionModel(State state) {
String mode = state
.getProp(TaskConfigurationKeys.TASK_EXECUTION_MODE, TaskConfigurationKeys.DEFAULT_TASK_EXECUTION_MODE);
try {
return ExecutionModel.valueOf(mode.toUpperCase());
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Could not find an execution model corresponding to {}, returning {}", mode, ExecutionModel.BATCH, e);
return ExecutionModel.BATCH;
private boolean areSingleBranchTasksSynchronous(TaskContext taskContext) {
return BooleanUtils.toBoolean(taskContext.getTaskState()
private boolean isStreamingTask() {
return this.taskMode.equals(ExecutionModel.STREAMING);
public boolean awaitShutdown(long timeoutInMillis)
throws InterruptedException {
return this.shutdownLatch.await(timeoutInMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
private void completeShutdown() {
private boolean shutdownRequested() {
if (!this.shutdownRequested.get()) {
return this.shutdownRequested.get();
public void shutdown() {
public String getProgress() {
long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
long lastRecordTimeElapsed = currentTime - this.lastRecordPulledTimestampMillis;
if (isStreamingTask()) {
WatermarkManager.CommitStatus commitStatus = this.watermarkManager.get().getCommitStatus();
long lastWatermarkCommitTimeElapsed = currentTime - commitStatus.getLastWatermarkCommitSuccessTimestampMillis();
String progressString = String.format("recordsPulled:%d, lastRecordExtracted: %d ms ago, "
+ "lastWatermarkCommitted: %d ms ago, lastWatermarkCommitted: %s", this.recordsPulled.get(),
lastRecordTimeElapsed, lastWatermarkCommitTimeElapsed, commitStatus.getLastCommittedWatermarks());
return progressString;
} else {
String progressString = String
.format("recordsPulled:%d, lastRecordExtracted: %d ms ago", this.recordsPulled.get(), lastRecordTimeElapsed);
return progressString;
public void run() {
MDC.put(ConfigurationKeys.TASK_KEY_KEY, this.taskKey);
this.startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
// Clear the map so it starts with a fresh set of forks for each run/retry
RowLevelPolicyChecker rowChecker = null;
try {
// Get the fork operator. By default IdentityForkOperator is used with a single branch.
ForkOperator forkOperator = closer.register(this.taskContext.getForkOperator());
int branches = forkOperator.getBranches(this.taskState);
// Set fork.branches explicitly here so the rest task flow can pick it up
this.taskState.setProp(ConfigurationKeys.FORK_BRANCHES_KEY, branches);
// Extract, convert, and fork the source schema.
Object schema = converter.convertSchema(extractor.getSchema(), this.taskState);
List<Boolean> forkedSchemas = forkOperator.forkSchema(this.taskState, schema);
if (forkedSchemas.size() != branches) {
throw new ForkBranchMismatchException(String
.format("Number of forked schemas [%d] is not equal to number of branches [%d]", forkedSchemas.size(),
if (inMultipleBranches(forkedSchemas) && !(CopyHelper.isCopyable(schema))) {
throw new CopyNotSupportedException(schema + " is not copyable");
rowChecker = closer.register(this.taskContext.getRowLevelPolicyChecker());
RowLevelPolicyCheckResults rowResults = new RowLevelPolicyCheckResults();
if (!areSingleBranchTasksSynchronous(this.taskContext) || branches > 1) {
// Create one fork for each forked branch
for (int i = 0; i < branches; i++) {
if (forkedSchemas.get(i)) {
AsynchronousFork fork = closer.register(
new AsynchronousFork(this.taskContext, schema instanceof Copyable ? ((Copyable) schema).copy() : schema,
branches, i, this.taskMode));
configureStreamingFork(fork, watermarkingStrategy);
// Run the Fork
this.forks.put(Optional.<Fork>of(fork), Optional.<Future<?>>of(this.taskExecutor.submit(fork)));
} else {
this.forks.put(Optional.<Fork>absent(), Optional.<Future<?>> absent());
} else {
SynchronousFork fork = closer.register(
new SynchronousFork(this.taskContext, schema instanceof Copyable ? ((Copyable) schema).copy() : schema,
branches, 0, this.taskMode));
configureStreamingFork(fork, watermarkingStrategy);
this.forks.put(Optional.<Fork>of(fork), Optional.<Future<?>> of(this.taskExecutor.submit(fork)));
if (isStreamingTask()) {
// Start watermark manager and tracker
if (this.watermarkTracker.isPresent()) {
((StreamingExtractor) this.taskContext.getRawSourceExtractor()).start(this.watermarkStorage.get());
RecordEnvelope recordEnvelope;
// Extract, convert, and fork one source record at a time.
while (!shutdownRequested() && (recordEnvelope = (RecordEnvelope) extractor.readRecord(null)) != null) {
AcknowledgableWatermark ackableWatermark = new AcknowledgableWatermark(recordEnvelope.getWatermark());
if (watermarkTracker.isPresent()) {
for (Object convertedRecord : converter.convertRecord(schema, recordEnvelope.getRecord(), this.taskState)) {
processRecord(convertedRecord, forkOperator, rowChecker, rowResults, branches,
} else {
Object record;
// Extract, convert, and fork one source record at a time.
while ((record = extractor.readRecord(null)) != null) {
for (Object convertedRecord : converter.convertRecord(schema, record, this.taskState)) {
processRecord(convertedRecord, forkOperator, rowChecker, rowResults, branches, null);
LOG.info("Extracted " + this.recordsPulled + " data records");
LOG.info("Row quality checker finished with results: " + rowResults.getResults());
this.taskState.setProp(ConfigurationKeys.EXTRACTOR_ROWS_EXTRACTED, this.recordsPulled);
this.taskState.setProp(ConfigurationKeys.EXTRACTOR_ROWS_EXPECTED, extractor.getExpectedRecordCount());
for (Optional<Fork> fork : this.forks.keySet()) {
if (fork.isPresent()) {
// Tell the fork that the main branch is completed and no new incoming data records should be expected
for (Optional<Future<?>> forkFuture : this.forks.values()) {
if (forkFuture.isPresent()) {
try {
long forkFutureStartTime = System.nanoTime();
long forkDuration = System.nanoTime() - forkFutureStartTime;
LOG.info("Task shutdown: Fork future reaped in {} millis", forkDuration / 1000000);
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
//TODO: Move these to explicit shutdown phase
if (watermarkManager.isPresent()) {
if (watermarkTracker.isPresent()) {
} catch (Throwable t) {
} finally {
private void configureStreamingFork(Fork fork, String watermarkingStrategy) throws IOException {
if (isStreamingTask()) {
DataWriter forkWriter = fork.getWriter();
if (forkWriter instanceof WatermarkAwareWriter) {
if (watermarkingStrategy.equals("WriterBased")) {
((MultiWriterWatermarkManager) this.watermarkManager.get()).registerWriter((WatermarkAwareWriter) forkWriter);
} else {
String errorMessage = String.format("The Task is configured to run in continuous mode, "
+ "but the writer %s is not a WatermarkAwareWriter", forkWriter.getClass().getName());
throw new RuntimeException(errorMessage);
private void onRecordExtract() {
this.lastRecordPulledTimestampMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
private void failTask(Throwable t) {
LOG.error(String.format("Task %s failed", this.taskId), t);
this.taskState.setProp(ConfigurationKeys.TASK_FAILURE_EXCEPTION_KEY, Throwables.getStackTraceAsString(t));
* Whether the task should directly publish its output data to the final publisher output directory.
* <p>
* The task should publish its output data directly if {@link ConfigurationKeys#PUBLISH_DATA_AT_JOB_LEVEL}
* is set to false AND any of the following conditions is satisfied:
* <ul>
* <li>The {@link JobCommitPolicy#COMMIT_ON_PARTIAL_SUCCESS} policy is used.</li>
* <li>The {@link JobCommitPolicy#COMMIT_SUCCESSFUL_TASKS} policy is used. and all {@link Fork}s of this
* {@link Task} succeeded.</li>
* </ul>
* </p>
private boolean shouldPublishDataInTask() {
boolean publishDataAtJobLevel = this.taskState.getPropAsBoolean(ConfigurationKeys.PUBLISH_DATA_AT_JOB_LEVEL,
if (publishDataAtJobLevel) {
.format("%s is true. Will publish data at the job level.", ConfigurationKeys.PUBLISH_DATA_AT_JOB_LEVEL));
return false;
JobCommitPolicy jobCommitPolicy = JobCommitPolicy.getCommitPolicy(this.taskState);
if (jobCommitPolicy == JobCommitPolicy.COMMIT_SUCCESSFUL_TASKS) {
return this.taskState.getWorkingState() == WorkUnitState.WorkingState.SUCCESSFUL;
if (jobCommitPolicy == JobCommitPolicy.COMMIT_ON_PARTIAL_SUCCESS) {
return true;
LOG.info("Will publish data at the job level with job commit policy: " + jobCommitPolicy);
return false;
private void publishTaskData()
throws IOException {
Closer closer = Closer.create();
try {
Class<? extends DataPublisher> dataPublisherClass = getTaskPublisherClass();
SingleTaskDataPublisher publisher =
closer.register(SingleTaskDataPublisher.getInstance(dataPublisherClass, this.taskState));
LOG.info("Publishing data from task " + this.taskId);
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
LOG.error(String.format("To publish data in task, the publisher class must extend %s",
SingleTaskDataPublisher.class.getSimpleName()), e);
throw closer.rethrow(e);
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw closer.rethrow(t);
} finally {
private Class<? extends DataPublisher> getTaskPublisherClass()
throws ReflectiveOperationException {
if (this.taskState.contains(ConfigurationKeys.TASK_DATA_PUBLISHER_TYPE)) {
return (Class<? extends DataPublisher>) Class
return (Class<? extends DataPublisher>) Class.forName(
this.taskState.getProp(ConfigurationKeys.DATA_PUBLISHER_TYPE, ConfigurationKeys.DEFAULT_DATA_PUBLISHER_TYPE));
/** Get the ID of the job this {@link Task} belongs to.
* @return ID of the job this {@link Task} belongs to.
public String getJobId() {
return this.jobId;
* Get the ID of this task.
* @return ID of this task
public String getTaskId() {
return this.taskId;
* Get the key of this task.
* @return Key of this task
public String getTaskKey() {
return this.taskKey;
* Get the {@link TaskContext} associated with this task.
* @return {@link TaskContext} associated with this task
public TaskContext getTaskContext() {
return this.taskContext;
* Get the state of this task.
* @return state of this task
public TaskState getTaskState() {
return this.taskState;
public State getPersistentState() {
return getTaskState();
public State getExecutionMetadata() {
return getTaskState();
public WorkUnitState.WorkingState getWorkingState() {
return getTaskState().getWorkingState();
* Get the list of {@link Fork}s created by this {@link Task}.
* @return the list of {@link Fork}s created by this {@link Task}
public List<Optional<Fork>> getForks() {
return ImmutableList.copyOf(this.forks.keySet());
* Update record-level metrics.
public void updateRecordMetrics() {
for (Optional<Fork> fork : this.forks.keySet()) {
if (fork.isPresent()) {
* Update byte-level metrics.
* <p>
* This method is only supposed to be called after the writer commits.
* </p>
public void updateByteMetrics() {
try {
for (Optional<Fork> fork : this.forks.keySet()) {
if (fork.isPresent()) {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
LOG.error("Failed to update byte-level metrics for task " + this.taskId, ioe);
* Increment the retry count of this task.
public void incrementRetryCount() {
* Get the number of times this task has been retried.
* @return number of times this task has been retried
public int getRetryCount() {
return this.retryCount.get();
* Mark the completion of this {@link Task}.
public void markTaskCompletion() {
if (this.countDownLatch.isPresent()) {
this.taskState.setProp(ConfigurationKeys.TASK_RETRIES_KEY, this.retryCount.get());
public String toString() {
return this.taskId;
* Process a (possibly converted) record.
private void processRecord(Object convertedRecord, ForkOperator forkOperator, RowLevelPolicyChecker rowChecker,
RowLevelPolicyCheckResults rowResults, int branches, AcknowledgableWatermark watermark)
throws Exception {
// Skip the record if quality checking fails
if (!rowChecker.executePolicies(convertedRecord, rowResults)) {
if (watermark != null) {
List<Boolean> forkedRecords = forkOperator.forkDataRecord(this.taskState, convertedRecord);
if (forkedRecords.size() != branches) {
throw new ForkBranchMismatchException(String
.format("Number of forked data records [%d] is not equal to number of branches [%d]", forkedRecords.size(),
boolean needToCopy = inMultipleBranches(forkedRecords);
// we only have to copy a record if it needs to go into multiple forks
if (needToCopy && !(CopyHelper.isCopyable(convertedRecord))) {
throw new CopyNotSupportedException(convertedRecord.getClass().getName() + " is not copyable");
int branch = 0;
int copyInstance = 0;
for (Optional<Fork> fork : this.forks.keySet()) {
if (fork.isPresent() && forkedRecords.get(branch)) {
Object recordForFork = CopyHelper.copy(convertedRecord, copyInstance);
if (isStreamingTask()) {
// Send the record, watermark pair down the fork
recordForFork = new AcknowledgableRecordEnvelope<>(recordForFork, watermark.incrementAck());
// Put the record into the record queue of each fork. A put may timeout and return a false, in which
// case the put is retried until it is successful.
boolean succeeded = false;
while (!succeeded) {
succeeded = fork.get().putRecord(recordForFork);
if (watermark != null) {
* Check if a schema or data record is being passed to more than one branches.
private static boolean inMultipleBranches(List<Boolean> branches) {
int inBranches = 0;
for (Boolean bool : branches) {
if (bool && ++inBranches > 1) {
return inBranches > 1;
* Get the total number of records written by every {@link Fork}s of this {@link Task}.
* @return the number of records written by every {@link Fork}s of this {@link Task}
private long getRecordsWritten() {
long recordsWritten = 0;
for (Optional<Fork> fork : this.forks.keySet()) {
recordsWritten += fork.get().getRecordsWritten();
return recordsWritten;
* Get the total number of bytes written by every {@link Fork}s of this {@link Task}.
* @return the number of bytes written by every {@link Fork}s of this {@link Task}
private long getBytesWritten() {
long bytesWritten = 0;
for (Optional<Fork> fork : this.forks.keySet()) {
bytesWritten += fork.get().getBytesWritten();
return bytesWritten;
* Get the final state of each construct used by this task and add it to the {@link gobblin.runtime.TaskState}.
* @param extractor the {@link gobblin.instrumented.extractor.InstrumentedExtractorBase} used by this task.
* @param converter the {@link gobblin.converter.Converter} used by this task.
* @param rowChecker the {@link RowLevelPolicyChecker} used by this task.
private void addConstructsFinalStateToTaskState(InstrumentedExtractorBase<?, ?> extractor,
Converter<?, ?, ?, ?> converter, RowLevelPolicyChecker rowChecker) {
ConstructState constructState = new ConstructState();
if (extractor != null) {
constructState.addConstructState(Constructs.EXTRACTOR, new ConstructState(extractor.getFinalState()));
if (converter != null) {
constructState.addConstructState(Constructs.CONVERTER, new ConstructState(converter.getFinalState()));
if (rowChecker != null) {
constructState.addConstructState(Constructs.ROW_QUALITY_CHECKER, new ConstructState(rowChecker.getFinalState()));
int forkIdx = 0;
for (Optional<Fork> fork : this.forks.keySet()) {
constructState.addConstructState(Constructs.FORK_OPERATOR, new ConstructState(fork.get().getFinalState()),
* Commit this task by doing the following things:
* 1. Committing each fork by {@link Fork#commit()}.
* 2. Update final state of construct in {@link #taskState}.
* 3. Check whether to publish data in task.
public void commit() {
try {
// Check if all forks succeeded
List<Integer> failedForkIds = new ArrayList<>();
for (Optional<Fork> fork : this.forks.keySet()) {
if (fork.isPresent()) {
if (fork.get().isSucceeded()) {
if (!fork.get().commit()) {
} else {
if (failedForkIds.size() == 0) {
// Set the task state to SUCCESSFUL. The state is not set to COMMITTED
// as the data publisher will do that upon successful data publishing.
} else {
failTask(new ForkException("Fork branches " + failedForkIds + " failed for task " + this.taskId));
} catch (Throwable t) {
} finally {
addConstructsFinalStateToTaskState(extractor, converter, rowChecker);
this.taskState.setProp(ConfigurationKeys.WRITER_RECORDS_WRITTEN, getRecordsWritten());
this.taskState.setProp(ConfigurationKeys.WRITER_BYTES_WRITTEN, getBytesWritten());
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
LOG.error("Failed to close all open resources", t);
for (Map.Entry<Optional<Fork>, Optional<Future<?>>> forkAndFuture : this.forks.entrySet()) {
if (forkAndFuture.getKey().isPresent() && forkAndFuture.getValue().isPresent()) {
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
LOG.error(String.format("Failed to cancel Fork \"%s\"", forkAndFuture.getKey().get()), t);
try {
if (shouldPublishDataInTask()) {
// If data should be published by the task, publish the data and set the task state to COMMITTED.
// Task data can only be published after all forks have been closed by closer.close().
} catch (IOException ioe) {
} finally {
long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
this.taskState.setTaskDuration(endTime - startTime);
protected void submitTaskCommittedEvent() {
MetricContext taskMetricContext = TaskMetrics.get(this.taskState).getMetricContext();
EventSubmitter eventSubmitter = new EventSubmitter.Builder(taskMetricContext, "gobblin.runtime.task").build();
eventSubmitter.submit(TaskEvent.TASK_COMMITTED_EVENT_NAME, ImmutableMap
.of(TaskEvent.METADATA_TASK_ID, this.taskId, TaskEvent.METADATA_TASK_ATTEMPT_ID,
* @return true if the current {@link Task} is safe to have duplicate attempts; false, otherwise.
public boolean isSpeculativeExecutionSafe() {
if (this.extractor instanceof SpeculativeAttemptAwareConstruct) {
if (!((SpeculativeAttemptAwareConstruct) this.extractor).isSpeculativeAttemptSafe()) {
return false;
if (this.converter instanceof SpeculativeAttemptAwareConstruct) {
if (!((SpeculativeAttemptAwareConstruct) this.converter).isSpeculativeAttemptSafe()) {
return false;
for (Optional<Fork> fork : this.forks.keySet()) {
if (fork.isPresent() && !fork.get().isSpeculativeExecutionSafe()) {
return false;
return true;