* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package gobblin.data.management.conversion.hive.dataset;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.ToString;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.Table;
import com.google.common.base.Optional;
import com.google.common.base.Preconditions;
import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
import com.google.common.collect.Sets;
import com.typesafe.config.Config;
import gobblin.data.management.copy.hive.HiveDataset;
import gobblin.data.management.copy.hive.HiveDatasetFinder;
import gobblin.hive.HiveMetastoreClientPool;
import gobblin.util.ConfigUtils;
* <p>
* A {@link HiveDataset} that can be converted from one source format to several destination formats.
* This class holds the {@link ConversionConfig}s required for conversion into each
* destination format. The {@link ConversionConfig} for a destination format can be accessed by calling {@link #getConversionConfigForFormat(String)}.
* </p>
* <p>
* <b>Instantiation</b>
* <ul>
* <li> The constructor takes in a dataset {@link Config} which MUST have a comma separated list of destination formats at key,
* <li> Conversion configuration for a format can be set by using this destination format as prefix.
* <li> E.g. If {@value #DESTINATION_CONVERSION_FORMATS_KEY}=flattenedOrc,nestedOrc.<br>
* The destination table name for flattened ORC is set at flattenedOrc.tableName<br>
* And the destination table name for nested ORC is set at nestedOrc.tableName
* </ul>
* </p>
* @see ConversionConfig
public class ConvertibleHiveDataset extends HiveDataset {
public static final String DESTINATION_CONVERSION_FORMATS_KEY = "destinationFormats";
// Destination formats
private final Set<String> destFormats;
// Mapping for destination format to it's Conversion config
private final Map<String, ConversionConfig> destConversionConfigs;
* <ul>
* <li> The constructor takes in a dataset {@link Config} which MUST have a comma separated list of destination formats at key,
* <li> Conversion configuration for a format can be set by using destination format as prefix.
* <li> E.g. If {@value #DESTINATION_CONVERSION_FORMATS_KEY}=flattenedOrc,nestedOrc.<br>
* The destination table name for flattened ORC is set at flattenedOrc.tableName<br>
* And the destination table name for nested ORC is set at nestedOrc.tableName
* </ul>
* @param fs
* @param clientPool
* @param table
* @param config
public ConvertibleHiveDataset(FileSystem fs, HiveMetastoreClientPool clientPool, Table table, Properties jobProps, Config config) {
super(fs, clientPool, table, jobProps, config);
Preconditions.checkArgument(config.hasPath(DESTINATION_CONVERSION_FORMATS_KEY), String.format(
"Atleast one destination format should be specified at %s.%s. If you do not intend to convert this dataset set %s.%s to true",
super.properties.getProperty(HiveDatasetFinder.HIVE_DATASET_CONFIG_PREFIX_KEY, ""),
super.properties.getProperty(HiveDatasetFinder.HIVE_DATASET_CONFIG_PREFIX_KEY, ""),
// value for DESTINATION_CONVERSION_FORMATS_KEY can be a TypeSafe list or a comma separated list of string
this.destFormats = Sets.newHashSet(ConfigUtils.getStringList(this.datasetConfig, DESTINATION_CONVERSION_FORMATS_KEY));
// For each format create ConversionConfig and store it in a Map<format,conversionConfig>
this.destConversionConfigs = Maps.newHashMap();
for (String format : this.destFormats) {
if (this.datasetConfig.hasPath(format)) {
log.debug("Found desination format: " + format);
this.destConversionConfigs.put(format, new ConversionConfig(this.datasetConfig.getConfig(format), table, format));
* Return the {@link ConversionConfig} for a destination format if available. If not return {@link Optional#absent()}
* @param format for which {@link ConversionConfig} needs to be returned
public Optional<ConversionConfig> getConversionConfigForFormat(String format) {
return Optional.fromNullable(this.destConversionConfigs.get(format));
* The Conversion configuration for converting from source format to each destination format.
* <p>
* <b>Required properties</b>
* <ul>
* <li>{@value #DESTINATION_DB_KEY}
* </ul>
* <b>Optional properties</b>
* <ul>
* <li>{@value #CLUSTER_BY_KEY}
* <li>{@value #NUM_BUCKETS_KEY}
* <li>{@value #HIVE_RUNTIME_PROPERTIES_LIST_KEY} can be used to provide a list of hive properties to be set before
* conversion. The value should can be an array of keys and values or a comma separated string of keys and values.
* E.g. [key1,value1,key2,value2] or key1,value1,key2,value2
* <li>{@value #DESTINATION_TABLE_PROPERTIES_LIST_KEY} can be used to provide a list of table properties to be set
* on the destination table. The value should can be an array of keys and values or a comma separated string of keys and values.
* E.g. [key1,value1,key2,value2] or key1,value1,key2,value2
* </ul>
* <p>
public static class ConversionConfig {
public static final String DESTINATION_TABLE_KEY = "destination.tableName";
public static final String DESTINATION_VIEW_KEY = "destination.viewName";
public static final String DESTINATION_DB_KEY = "destination.dbName";
public static final String DESTINATION_DATA_PATH_KEY = "destination.dataPath";
public static final String DESTINATION_TABLE_PROPERTIES_LIST_KEY = "destination.tableProperties";
public static final String CLUSTER_BY_KEY = "clusterByList";
public static final String NUM_BUCKETS_KEY = "numBuckets";
public static final String EVOLUTION_ENABLED = "evolution.enabled";
public static final String UPDATE_VIEW_ALWAYS_ENABLED = "updateViewAlways.enabled";
public static final String ROW_LIMIT_KEY = "rowLimit";
public static final String HIVE_VERSION_KEY = "hiveVersion";
private static final String HIVE_RUNTIME_PROPERTIES_LIST_KEY = "hiveRuntimeProperties";
* Comma separated list of string that should be used as a prefix for destination partition directory name
* ... (if present in the location path string of source partition)
* This is helpful in roll-up / compaction scenarios, where you don't want queries in flight to fail.
* Scenario without this property:
* - Source partition: datepartition=2016-01-01-00 with path /foo/bar/hourly/2016/01/01/00 is available for
* processing
* - Source partition is processed and published to destination table as: /foo/bar_orc/datepartition=2016-01-01-00
* - Source partition: datepartition=2016-01-01-00 with path /foo/bar/daily/2016/01/01/00 is available again for
* processing (due to roll-up / compaction of hourly data for 2016-01-01 into same partition)
* - Source partition is processed and published to destination table as: /foo/bar_orc/datepartition=2016-01-01-00
* (previous data is overwritten and any queries in flight fail)
* Same scenario with this property set to "hourly,daily":
* - Source partition: datepartition=2016-01-01-00 with path /foo/bar/hourly/2016/01/01/00 is available for
* processing
* - Source partition is processed and published to destination table as: /foo/bar_orc/hourly_datepartition=2016-01-01-00
* (Note: "hourly_" is prefixed to destination partition directory name because source partition path contains
* "hourly" substring)
* - Source partition: datepartition=2016-01-01-00 with path /foo/bar/daily/2016/01/01/00 is available again for
* processing (due to roll-up / compaction of hourly data for 2016-01-01 into same partition)
* - Source partition is processed and published to destination table as: /foo/bar_orc/daily_datepartition=2016-01-01-00
* (Note: "daily_" is prefixed to destination partition directory name, because source partition path contains
* "daily" substring)
* - Any running queries are not impacted since data is not overwritten and hourly_datepartition=2016-01-01-00
* directory continues to exist
* Notes:
* - This however leaves the responsibility of cleanup of previous destination partition directory on retention or
* other such independent module, since in the above case hourly_datepartition=2016-01-01-00 dir will not be deleted
* - Directories can still be overwritten if they resolve to same destination partition directory name, such as
* re-processing / backfill of daily partition will overwrite daily_datepartition=2016-01-01-00 directory
private static final String SOURCE_DATA_PATH_IDENTIFIER_KEY = "source.dataPathIdentifier";
private final String destinationFormat;
private final String destinationTableName;
// destinationViewName : If specified view with 'destinationViewName' is created if not already exists over destinationTableName
private final Optional<String> destinationViewName;
private final String destinationStagingTableName;
private final String destinationDbName;
private final String destinationDataPath;
private final Properties destinationTableProperties;
private final List<String> clusterBy;
private final Optional<Integer> numBuckets;
private final Properties hiveRuntimeProperties;
private final boolean evolutionEnabled;
// updateViewAlwaysEnabled: If false 'destinationViewName' is only updated when schema evolves; if true 'destinationViewName'
// ... is always updated (everytime publish happens)
private final boolean updateViewAlwaysEnabled;
private final Optional<Integer> rowLimit;
private final List<String> sourceDataPathIdentifier;
private ConversionConfig(Config config, Table table, String destinationFormat) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(config.hasPath(DESTINATION_TABLE_KEY), String.format("Key %s.%s is not specified", destinationFormat, DESTINATION_TABLE_KEY));
Preconditions.checkArgument(config.hasPath(DESTINATION_DB_KEY), String.format("Key %s.%s is not specified", destinationFormat, DESTINATION_DB_KEY));
String.format("Key %s.%s is not specified", destinationFormat, DESTINATION_DATA_PATH_KEY));
// Required
this.destinationFormat = destinationFormat;
this.destinationTableName = resolveTemplate(config.getString(DESTINATION_TABLE_KEY), table);
this.destinationStagingTableName = String.format("%s_%s", this.destinationTableName, "staging"); // Fixed and non-configurable
this.destinationDbName = resolveTemplate(config.getString(DESTINATION_DB_KEY), table);
this.destinationDataPath = resolveTemplate(config.getString(DESTINATION_DATA_PATH_KEY), table);
// Optional
this.destinationViewName = Optional.fromNullable(resolveTemplate(ConfigUtils.getString(config, DESTINATION_VIEW_KEY, null), table));
this.destinationTableProperties =
convertKeyValueListToProperties(ConfigUtils.getStringList(config, DESTINATION_TABLE_PROPERTIES_LIST_KEY));
this.clusterBy = ConfigUtils.getStringList(config, CLUSTER_BY_KEY);
this.numBuckets = Optional.fromNullable(ConfigUtils.getInt(config, NUM_BUCKETS_KEY, null));
this.hiveRuntimeProperties =
convertKeyValueListToProperties(ConfigUtils.getStringList(config, HIVE_RUNTIME_PROPERTIES_LIST_KEY));
this.evolutionEnabled = ConfigUtils.getBoolean(config, EVOLUTION_ENABLED, false);
this.updateViewAlwaysEnabled = ConfigUtils.getBoolean(config, UPDATE_VIEW_ALWAYS_ENABLED, true);
this.rowLimit = Optional.fromNullable(ConfigUtils.getInt(config, ROW_LIMIT_KEY, null));
this.sourceDataPathIdentifier = ConfigUtils.getStringList(config, SOURCE_DATA_PATH_IDENTIFIER_KEY);
private Properties convertKeyValueListToProperties(List<String> keyValueList) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(keyValueList.size() % 2 == 0, String.format(
"The list %s does not have equal number of keys and values. Size %s", keyValueList, keyValueList.size()));
Properties props = new Properties();
for (int i = 0; i < keyValueList.size(); i += 2) {
String key = keyValueList.get(i);
String value = keyValueList.get(i + 1);
props.put(key, value);
return props;