package gobblin.eventhub.writer; import gobblin.writer.BufferedAsyncDataWriter; /** * A batch writer for eventhub, composed by {@link EventhubBatchAccumulator} and {@link EventhubDataWriter} * {@link EventhubBatchAccumulator} provides a buffer to store pending records * {@link EventhubDataWriter} is the actual writer ships data to eventhub */ public class BatchedEventhubDataWriter extends BufferedAsyncDataWriter<String> { public static final String COMMIT_TIMEOUT_MILLIS_CONFIG = "writer.eventhub.commitTimeoutMillis"; public static final long COMMIT_TIMEOUT_MILLIS_DEFAULT = 60000; // 1 minute public static final String COMMIT_STEP_WAIT_TIME_CONFIG = "writer.eventhub.commitStepWaitTimeMillis"; public static final long COMMIT_STEP_WAIT_TIME_DEFAULT = 500; // 500ms public static final String FAILURE_ALLOWANCE_PCT_CONFIG = "writer.eventhub.failureAllowancePercentage"; public static final double FAILURE_ALLOWANCE_PCT_DEFAULT = 20.0; public final static String EVH_NAMESPACE = "eventhub.namespace"; public final static String EVH_HUBNAME = "eventhub.hubname"; public final static String EVH_SAS_KEYNAME = ""; public final static String EVH_SAS_KEYVALUE = ""; public BatchedEventhubDataWriter (EventhubBatchAccumulator accumulator, EventhubDataWriter dataWriter) { super (accumulator, dataWriter); } }