* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package gobblin.data.management.retention.version;
import java.io.IOException;
import com.google.common.base.Optional;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap;
import com.typesafe.config.Config;
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory;
import org.testng.Assert;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import gobblin.data.management.retention.version.HiveDatasetVersionCleaner;
public class HiveDatasetVersionCleanerTest {
private static Config config = ConfigFactory.parseMap(ImmutableMap.<String, String> of(
HiveDatasetVersionCleaner.SHOULD_REPLACE_PARTITION_KEY, "true"));
private static String replacedDb = "db_orc";
private static String replacedTable = "table_orc";
private static String replacementDb = "db_avro";
private static String replacementTable = "table_avro";
public void testShouldReplacePartitionHappyPath() throws IOException {
// Happy path 1:
// - Replacement is enabled
// - Replacement DB, Table names are specified and are different than Replaced DB and Table names
Assert.assertTrue(HiveDatasetVersionCleaner.shouldReplacePartition(config, replacedDb, replacedTable,
Optional.of(replacementDb), Optional.of(replacementTable)), "Replaced and replacement db / table are different. "
+ "This should have been true. ");
// Happy path 2:
// - Replacement is enabled
// - Replacement DB, Table names are specified and Replaced DB name is different
Assert.assertTrue(HiveDatasetVersionCleaner.shouldReplacePartition(config, replacedDb, replacedTable,
Optional.of(replacementDb), Optional.of(replacedTable)), "Replaced and replacement db / table are different. "
+ "This should have been true. ");
// Happy path 3:
// - Replacement is enabled
// - Replacement DB, Table names are specified and Replaced Table name is different
Assert.assertTrue(HiveDatasetVersionCleaner.shouldReplacePartition(config, replacedDb, replacedTable,
Optional.of(replacedDb), Optional.of(replacementTable)), "Replaced and replacement db / table are different. "
+ "This should have been true. ");
public void testShouldReplacePartitionDisabledByConfig() throws IOException {
Config config = ConfigFactory.parseMap(ImmutableMap.<String, String> of(
HiveDatasetVersionCleaner.SHOULD_REPLACE_PARTITION_KEY, "false"));
Assert.assertFalse(HiveDatasetVersionCleaner.shouldReplacePartition(config, replacedDb, replacedTable,
Optional.of(replacementDb), Optional.of(replacementTable)), "Property governing partition replacement is set to false. "
+ "This should have been false. ");
public void testShouldReplacePartitionDisabledByCodePath() throws IOException {
// Replacement DB and Table names are same as Replaced DB and Table names
Assert.assertFalse(HiveDatasetVersionCleaner.shouldReplacePartition(config, replacedDb, replacedTable,
Optional.of(replacedDb), Optional.of(replacedTable)), "Replaced and replacement db / table are same. "
+ "This should have been false. ");
// Replaced DB name is missing
Assert.assertFalse(HiveDatasetVersionCleaner.shouldReplacePartition(config, replacedDb, replacedTable,
Optional.<String>absent(), Optional.of(replacementTable)), "Replacement DB name is missing. "
+ "This should have been false. ");
// Replaced Table name is missing
Assert.assertFalse(HiveDatasetVersionCleaner.shouldReplacePartition(config, replacedDb, replacedTable,
Optional.of(replacementDb), Optional.<String>absent()), "Replacement table name is missing. "
+ "This should have been false. ");
// Both DB and Table names are missing
Assert.assertFalse(HiveDatasetVersionCleaner.shouldReplacePartition(config, replacedDb, replacedTable,
Optional.<String>absent(), Optional.<String>absent()), "Replacement DB and table names are missing. "
+ "This should have been false. ");