package sample.coffeemachine; import cucumber.api.PendingException; import cucumber.api.Scenario; import; import; import; import; import static org.fest.assertions.Assertions.assertThat; /** * @author <a href="">@aloyer</a> */ public class CoffeeStepdefs { private String message; private Scenario scenario; @Before("@math") public void initWithMathSupport(Scenario scenario) { scenario.embed( ("Value = \\dfrac{ Why }{ How }").getBytes(), "text/formula"); } @Before public void init(Scenario scenario) { this.scenario = scenario; } @When("^I order an? \"([^\"]*)\" with (\\d+) sugar$") public void I_order_a_with_sugar(String drinkType, int nbSugar) throws Throwable { scenario.embed( ("" + " /---------+ +------------+\n" + " | Order |---->| Protocol |\n" + " +---------/ +------------+").getBytes(), "text/asciidiag"); } @Then("^the instruction generated should be \"([^\"]*)\"$") public void the_instruction_generated_should_be(String expectedProtocol) throws Throwable { assertThat(expectedProtocol).isIn("T:1:0", "C:2:0", "H::", "M:" + message); } @When("^the message \"([^\"]*)\" is sent$") public void the_message_is_sent(String message) throws Throwable { this.message = message; } @Given("^I've inserted (\\d+)€ in the machine$") public void I_ve_inserted_€_in_the_machine(int amountInEuro) throws Throwable { throw new PendingException(); } @Then("^the report output should be$") public void the_report_output_should_be(String rawReport) throws Throwable { } }