package cucumber.contrib.grammar.pdf.stepdefs; import; import; import; /** * @author <a href="">@aloyer</a> */ public class CurrencyStepDefs { @Given("^a currency named \"([^\"]*)\"$") public void a_currency_named(String arg1) throws Throwable { } @Given("^one \"([^\"]*)\" is worth (\\d+) \"([^\"]*)\"$") public void one_is_worth(String arg1, int arg2, String arg3) throws Throwable { } @When("^I convert (\\d+) \"([^\"]*)\" to \"([^\"]*)\"$") public void I_convert_to(int arg1, String arg2, String arg3) throws Throwable { } @Then("^the result should be (\\d+)$") public void the_result_should_be(int arg1) throws Throwable { } @Given("^I have a fresh quotation table$") public void I_have_a_fresh_quotation_table() throws Throwable { } @Then("^a new quotation from \"([^\"]*)\" to \"([^\"]*)\" should be added to the table: \"([^\"]*)\"$") public void a_new_quotation_from_to_should_be_added_to_the_table(String arg1, String arg2, String arg3) throws Throwable { } @Then("^I should receive an error of conversion$") public void I_should_receive_an_error_of_conversion() throws Throwable { } }