package cucumber.contrib.grammar.pdf.stepdefs; import cucumber.api.DataTable; import; import; import; /** * @author <a href="">@aloyer</a> */ public class BlackSholesSteps { @Given("the following option:") public void GivenTheFollowingOption(DataTable table) { } @Given("the market rate: (.*)") public void GivenTheMarketRate(double rate) { } @Given("the market spot for underlying \"(.*)\": (.*)") public void GivenTheMarketSpotForUnderlying(String underlying, double spot) { } @Given("the market volatility for underlying \"(.*)\" since (.*): (.*)") public void GivenTheMarketVolatilityForUnderlying(String underlying, int dateOffsetsince, double volatility) { } @When("I compute the price") public void WhenIComputeThePrice() { } @When("I compute the price with market data the option:") public void WhenIComputeThePriceWithMarketData(DataTable table) { } @Then("the result should be (.*)") public void ThenTheResultShouldBe(double expected) { } }