package cucumber.contrib.formatter.pdf; import; import; import; import; import com.itextpdf.text.*; import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.CMYKColor; import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfPTable; import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfWriter; import com.itextpdf.tool.xml.Tag; import com.itextpdf.tool.xml.css.CSS; import com.itextpdf.tool.xml.css.CssFile; import com.itextpdf.tool.xml.html.HTML; import com.itextpdf.tool.xml.pipeline.html.AbstractImageProvider; import com.itextpdf.tool.xml.pipeline.html.ImageProvider; import cucumber.contrib.formatter.FormatterException; import cucumber.contrib.formatter.pegdown.*; import cucumber.contrib.formatter.util.BricABrac; import cucumber.contrib.util.Provider; import org.pegdown.Extensions; import org.pegdown.PegDownProcessor; import org.pegdown.plugins.PegDownPlugins; import org.pegdown.plugins.ToHtmlSerializerPlugin; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.*; import java.util.List; import static; import static; /** * All-in-one class for the overall settings and configuration. */ @SuppressWarnings("UnusedDeclaration") public class Configuration { public static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Configuration.class); public static final Charset UTF8 = Charset.forName("UTF-8"); // public static final String META_AUTHOR = "author"; public static final String META_TITLE = "title"; public static final String META_SUBJECT = "subject"; public static final String META_KEYWORDS = "keywords"; public static final String META_VERSION = "version"; public static final String META_GENERATION_DATE_FORMAT = "generation-date-format"; public static final String META_IMAGE_ROOT_PATH = "image-root-path"; public static final String REPORT_FILENAME = "report-filename"; public static final String WORKING_DIR = "working-dir"; // TODO extract to 'TemplateEngine' thus one can plug an other template engine private MarkdownEmitter markdownEmitter; // private ContentUpdater firstPageContentProvider = new DefaultFirstPageContentProvider(); // Footer private String firstPageFooterTemplateText; private String pageFooterTemplateText; private Phrase pageFooter; private Font pageFooterFont; // Header private String firstPageHeaderTemplateText; private String pageHeaderTemplateText; private Phrase pageHeader; private Font pageHeaderFont; // private Rectangle pageSize = PageSize.A4; private Margin documentMargin = new Margin(50); private Margin descriptionMargin = new Margin(20, 0, 25, 25); private Margin scenarioMargin = new Margin(0, 0, 20, 20); // private String title; private String subject; private String version; private java.util.List<String> authors = Lists.newArrayList(); // private String generationDateFormat = "'Generated' yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ssZ"; private int chapterCount = 0; private String preambule; private String keywords; private String imageRootPath; private BaseColor primaryColor; private Font defaultFont; private Font mainTitleFont; private Font subTitleFont; private Font chapterTitleFont; private Font sectionTitleFont; private Font subSectionTitleFont; private BaseColor tableHeaderForeground; private BaseColor tableContentForeground; private Font tableHeaderFont; private Font tableContentFont; private Font tocEntryFont; private Font stepKeywordFont; private Font stepDefaultFont; private Font stepParameterFont; private Font stepDataTableHeaderFont; private Font stepDataTableContentFont; private BaseColor stepDataTableHeaderBackground; private String defaultFontName; private Font versionTitleFont; private BaseColor tableHeaderBackground; // private String reportFilename = "report.pdf"; // private boolean displayUri = true; private boolean displayTags = true; private boolean unbreakableScenario = false; private PegDownProcessor markdownProcessor; private File workingDir; private PageNumber pageNumber = new PageNumber(); private TableOfContents tableOfContent; private Provider<PdfWriter> writerProvider; // public Configuration() { } public String getReportFilename() { return reportFilename; } public Configuration withReportFilename(String reportFilename) { this.reportFilename = reportFilename; return this; } public static Paragraph addEmptyLines(Paragraph owner, int nb) { Paragraph lastLine = null; for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) { lastLine = new Paragraph(" "); owner.add(lastLine); } return lastLine; } private MarkdownEmitter getMarkdownEmitter() { if (markdownEmitter == null) { markdownEmitter = new MarkdownEmitter(this, getWriterProvider()); } return markdownEmitter; } public Configuration withDocumentMargin(float margin) { return withDocumentMargin(new Margin(margin)); } public Configuration withDocumentMargin(float marginLeftRight, float marginTopBottom) { return withDocumentMargin(new Margin(marginLeftRight, marginTopBottom)); } public Configuration withDocumentMargin(Margin documentMargin) { this.documentMargin = documentMargin; return this; } public Margin getDocumentMargin() { return documentMargin; } public Configuration withDescriptionMargin(float margin) { return withDescriptionMargin(new Margin(margin)); } public Configuration withDescriptionMargin(float marginLeft, float marginRight, float marginTop, float marginBottom) { return withDescriptionMargin(new Margin(marginLeft, marginRight, marginTop, marginBottom)); } public Configuration withDescriptionMargin(Margin descriptionMargin) { this.descriptionMargin = descriptionMargin; return this; } public Margin getDescriptionMargin() { return descriptionMargin; } public Configuration withScenarioMargin(float marginLeft, float marginRight, float marginTop, float marginBottom) { return withScenarioMargin(new Margin(marginLeft, marginRight, marginTop, marginBottom)); } public Configuration withScenarioMargin(Margin scenarioMargin) { this.scenarioMargin = scenarioMargin; return this; } public Margin getScenarioMargin() { return scenarioMargin; } public Document createDocument() { return new Document(pageSize, documentMargin.marginLeft, documentMargin.marginRight, documentMargin.marginTop, documentMargin.marginBottom); } public Rectangle getDocumentArtBox() { return new Rectangle( documentMargin.marginLeft, documentMargin.marginBottom, pageSize.getWidth() - documentMargin.marginRight, pageSize.getHeight() - documentMargin.marginTop); } public Configuration withDefaultFontName(String fontName) { this.defaultFontName = fontName; return this; } public String defaultFontName() { if (defaultFontName == null) defaultFontName = FontFactory.HELVETICA; return defaultFontName; } public Configuration withMainTitleFont(Font mainTitleFont) { this.mainTitleFont = mainTitleFont; return this; } /** * @see #primaryColor() * @see #defaultFontName() */ public Font mainTitleFont() { if (mainTitleFont == null) mainTitleFont = FontFactory.getFont(defaultFontName(), 32, Font.ITALIC, primaryColor()); return mainTitleFont; } public Configuration withSubTitleFont(Font subTitleFont) { this.subTitleFont = subTitleFont; return this; } /** * @see #primaryColor() * @see #defaultFontName() */ public Font subTitleFont() { if (subTitleFont == null) subTitleFont = FontFactory.getFont(defaultFontName(), 18, Font.ITALIC, primaryColor()); return subTitleFont; } // public Configuration withVersionTitleFont(Font versionTitleFont) { this.versionTitleFont = versionTitleFont; return this; } /** * @see #primaryColor() * @see #defaultMonospaceFontname() */ public Font versionTitleFont() { if (versionTitleFont == null) versionTitleFont = FontFactory.getFont(defaultMonospaceFontname(), 14, Font.ITALIC, primaryColor()); return versionTitleFont; } public Configuration withChapterTitleFont(Font chapterTitleFont) { this.chapterTitleFont = chapterTitleFont; return this; } /** * @see #primaryColor() * @see #defaultFontName() */ public Font chapterTitleFont() { if (chapterTitleFont == null) chapterTitleFont = FontFactory.getFont(defaultFontName(), 16, Font.BOLD, primaryColor()); return chapterTitleFont; } public Configuration withSectionTitleFont(Font sectionTitleFont) { this.sectionTitleFont = sectionTitleFont; return this; } /** * @see #primaryColor() * @see #defaultFontName() */ public Font sectionTitleFont() { if (sectionTitleFont == null) sectionTitleFont = FontFactory.getFont(defaultFontName(), 14, Font.BOLD, primaryColor()); return sectionTitleFont; } public Configuration withSubSectionTitleFont(Font subSectionTitleFont) { this.subSectionTitleFont = subSectionTitleFont; return this; } /** * @see #primaryColor() * @see #defaultFontName() */ public Font subSectionTitleFont() { if (subSectionTitleFont == null) subSectionTitleFont = FontFactory.getFont(defaultFontName(), 12, Font.BOLD, primaryColor()); return subSectionTitleFont; } public Configuration withDefaultFont(Font defaultFont) { this.defaultFont = defaultFont; return this; } /** * @see #defaultColor() * @see #defaultFontName() */ public Font defaultFont() { if (defaultFont == null) defaultFont = FontFactory.getFont(defaultFontName(), 12, Font.NORMAL, defaultColor()); return defaultFont; } /** * @see #defaultColor() * @see #defaultFontName() */ public Font defaultStrongFont() { return FontFactory.getFont(defaultFontName(), 12, Font.BOLD, defaultColor()); } /** * @see #primaryColor() * @see #defaultFontName() */ public Font defaultMetaFont() { return FontFactory.getFont(defaultFontName(), 8, Font.NORMAL, primaryColor()); } public Configuration withTableHeaderForeground(BaseColor tableHeaderForeground) { this.tableHeaderForeground = tableHeaderForeground; return this; } public BaseColor tableHeaderForeground() { if (tableHeaderForeground == null) tableHeaderForeground = BaseColor.BLACK; return tableHeaderForeground; } public Configuration withTableContentForeground(BaseColor tableContentForeground) { this.tableContentForeground = tableContentForeground; return this; } public BaseColor tableContentForeground() { if (tableContentForeground == null) tableContentForeground = BaseColor.BLACK; return tableContentForeground; } public Configuration withTableHeaderBackground(BaseColor tableHeaderBackground) { this.tableHeaderBackground = tableHeaderBackground; return this; } public BaseColor tableHeaderBackground() { if (tableHeaderBackground == null) tableHeaderBackground = Colors.CYAN; return tableHeaderBackground; } public BaseColor tableAlternateBackground() { return Colors.VERY_LIGHT_GRAY; } public Configuration withTableContentFont(Font tableContentFont) { this.tableContentFont = tableContentFont; return this; } public Font tableContentFont() { if (tableContentFont == null) tableContentFont = FontFactory.getFont(defaultFontName(), 10, Font.NORMAL, tableContentForeground()); return tableContentFont; } public Configuration withTableHeaderFont(Font tableHeaderFont) { this.tableHeaderFont = tableHeaderFont; return this; } public Font tableHeaderFont() { if (tableHeaderFont == null) tableHeaderFont = FontFactory.getFont(defaultFontName(), 10, Font.BOLD, tableHeaderForeground()); return tableHeaderFont; } public Font featureTitleFont() { return chapterTitleFont(); } public Font scenarioTitleFont() { return sectionTitleFont(); } public Configuration withStepKeywordFont(Font stepKeywordFont) { this.stepKeywordFont = stepKeywordFont; return this; } public Font stepKeywordFont() { if (stepKeywordFont == null) stepKeywordFont = FontFactory.getFont(defaultMonospaceFontname(), 8, Font.BOLD, new CMYKColor(255, 255, 0, 17)); return stepKeywordFont; } public Configuration withStepDefaultFont(Font stepDefaultFont) { this.stepDefaultFont = stepDefaultFont; return this; } public Font stepDefaultFont() { if (stepDefaultFont == null) stepDefaultFont = FontFactory.getFont(defaultMonospaceFontname(), 8, Font.NORMAL, new CMYKColor(255, 255, 0, 17)); return stepDefaultFont; } public Configuration withStepParameterFont(Font stepParameterFont) { this.stepParameterFont = stepParameterFont; return this; } public Font stepParameterFont() { if (stepParameterFont == null) stepParameterFont = FontFactory.getFont(defaultMonospaceFontname(), 8, Font.BOLD, new BaseColor(115, 135, 145)); return stepParameterFont; } private String defaultMonospaceFontname() { return FontFactory.COURIER; } public Font tagsFont() { return FontFactory.getFont(defaultMonospaceFontname(), 8, Font.ITALIC, new CMYKColor(25, 255, 255, 17)); } public Configuration withStepDataTableHeaderFont(Font stepDataTableHeaderFont) { this.stepDataTableHeaderFont = stepDataTableHeaderFont; return this; } public Font stepDataTableHeaderFont() { if (stepDataTableHeaderFont == null) stepDataTableHeaderFont = FontFactory.getFont(defaultMonospaceFontname(), 8, Font.BOLD, BaseColor.WHITE); return stepDataTableHeaderFont; } public Configuration withStepDataTableContentFont(Font stepDataTableContentFont) { this.stepDataTableContentFont = stepDataTableContentFont; return this; } public Font stepDataTableContentFont() { if (stepDataTableContentFont == null) stepDataTableContentFont = stepDefaultFont(); return stepDataTableContentFont; } public Configuration withStepDataTableHeaderBackground(BaseColor stepDataTableHeaderBackground) { this.stepDataTableHeaderBackground = stepDataTableHeaderBackground; return this; } public BaseColor stepDataTableHeaderBackground() { if (stepDataTableHeaderBackground == null) stepDataTableHeaderBackground = tableHeaderBackground(); return stepDataTableHeaderBackground; } public BaseColor stepDataTableRowAlternateBackground() { return tableAlternateBackground(); } public String getPreambule() { return preambule; } public void writeMetaInformations(Document document) { if (!authors.isEmpty()) { document.addAuthor(BricABrac.join(authors, ", ")); } if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(keywords)) { document.addKeywords(keywords); } if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(title)) { document.addTitle(title); } if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(subject)) { document.addSubject(subject); } } public void writeFirstPages(Document document) throws DocumentException { if (firstPageContentProvider != null) { firstPageContentProvider.update(this, document); } } public HeaderFooter createHeaderFooter() { String firstPageHeaderTemplateText = this.firstPageHeaderTemplateText; String pageHeaderTemplateText = this.pageHeaderTemplateText; String firstPageFooterTemplateText = this.firstPageFooterTemplateText; if (firstPageFooterTemplateText == null && !Strings.isNullOrEmpty(generationDateFormat)) firstPageFooterTemplateText = getFormattedGenerationDate(); String pageFooterTemplateText = this.pageFooterTemplateText; if (pageFooterTemplateText == null) pageFooterTemplateText = title; return new HeaderFooter( pageNumber, firstPageHeaderTemplateText, pageHeaderTemplateText, pageHeaderFont(), pageHeader, firstPageFooterTemplateText, pageFooterTemplateText, pageFooterFont(), pageFooter, primaryColor()); } private String getFormattedGenerationDate() { return new SimpleDateFormat(generationDateFormat).format(new Date()); } public BaseColor defaultColor() { return BaseColor.BLACK; } public Configuration withPrimaryColor(BaseColor primaryColor) { this.primaryColor = primaryColor; return this; } public BaseColor primaryColor() { if (primaryColor == null) primaryColor = Colors.DARK_RED; return primaryColor; } public void writePreambule(Document document) throws DocumentException { String preambule = getPreambule(); if (preambule == null) { return; } List<Element> elements = markdownContent(preambule); for (Element element : elements) { if (element instanceof PdfPTable) extendTableToWidth((PdfPTable) element, document.right() - document.left()); document.add(element); } } public static void extendTableToWidth(PdfPTable element, float width) throws DocumentException { element.setTotalWidth(width); float[] absoluteWidths = element.getAbsoluteWidths(); if (element.getNumberOfColumns() < 10) { float sum = sum(absoluteWidths); float minWidth = sum / 10; // at least 10% of the table for (int i = 0; i < absoluteWidths.length; i++) { absoluteWidths[i] = Math.max(minWidth, absoluteWidths[i]); } } int[] widths = new int[element.getNumberOfColumns()]; for (int i = 0; i < widths.length; i++) widths[i] = 1; element.setWidths(absoluteWidths); } private static float sum(float[] values) { float sum = 0; for (float v : values) sum += v; return sum; } private String loadResource(URL resource, Charset charset) { try { ByteSource source = asByteSource(resource); CharSource charSource = source.asCharSource(charset); return; } catch (MalformedURLException e) { LOG.warn("Failed to load resource {}", resource, e); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("Failed to load resource {}", resource, e); } return null; } public void appendMarkdownContent(final java.util.List<Element> elements, String markdownText) { elements.addAll(markdownContent(markdownText)); } public List<Element> markdownContent(String markdownText) { return getMarkdownEmitter().markdownToElements(markdownText); } public Chapter createTitledChapter(String title) { if (title == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); return createTitledChapter(new Paragraph(title, chapterTitleFont())); } public Chapter createTitledChapter(Paragraph titleParagraph) { titleParagraph.setSpacingBefore(10f); titleParagraph.setSpacingAfter(10f); Chapter chapter = new Chapter(titleParagraph, ++chapterCount); chapter.setNumberDepth(2); return chapter; } public boolean shouldEmitSummary() { return true; } public Configuration withPreambule(String preambule) { this.preambule = preambule; return this; } public Configuration withPreambuleResource(Class<?> contextClass, String resourcePath) { URL resource = getResource(contextClass, resourcePath); return withPreambule(loadResource(resource, UTF8)); } public Configuration withMetaInformationsResources(Class<?> contextClass, String resourcePath) { URL resource = getResource(contextClass, resourcePath); InputStream inputStream = null; try { Properties properties = new Properties(); inputStream = resource.openStream(); properties.load(new InputStreamReader(inputStream, UTF8)); return withProperties(properties); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new FormatterException( "Failed to load meta informations from properties (resource: " + resource + ")", ioe); } finally { BricABrac.closeQuietly(inputStream); } } /** * @deprecated use {@link #withProperties(java.util.Properties)} instead. */ public Configuration withMetaInformations(Properties properties) { return withProperties(properties); } public Configuration withProperties(Properties properties) { return withAuthor(properties.getProperty(META_AUTHOR)) .withTitle(properties.getProperty(META_TITLE, title)) .withKeywords(properties.getProperty(META_KEYWORDS, keywords)) .withSubject(properties.getProperty(META_SUBJECT, subject)) .withVersion(properties.getProperty(META_VERSION, version)) .withImageRootPath(properties.getProperty(META_IMAGE_ROOT_PATH, imageRootPath)) .withGenerationDateFormat(properties.getProperty(META_GENERATION_DATE_FORMAT, generationDateFormat)) .withReportFilename(properties.getProperty(REPORT_FILENAME, reportFilename)) .withWorkingDir(properties.getProperty(WORKING_DIR)); } private Configuration withGenerationDateFormat(String generationDateFormat) { this.generationDateFormat = generationDateFormat; return this; } public Configuration withAuthor(String author) { if (author != null) { this.authors.add(author); } return this; } public Configuration withTitle(String title) { this.title = title; return this; } public Configuration withFirstPageContentProvider(ContentUpdater firstPageContentProvider) { this.firstPageContentProvider = firstPageContentProvider; return this; } public Configuration withKeywords(String keywords) { this.keywords = keywords; return this; } public Configuration withSubject(String subject) { this.subject = subject; return this; } public Configuration withVersion(String version) { this.version = version; return this; } public Configuration withFirstPageFooterTemplateText(String firstPageFooterTemplateText) { this.firstPageFooterTemplateText = firstPageFooterTemplateText; return this; } public Configuration withPageFooterTemplateText(String pageFooterTemplateText) { this.pageFooterTemplateText = pageFooterTemplateText; return this; } public Configuration withPageFooterFont(Font pageFooterFont) { this.pageFooterFont = pageFooterFont; return this; } public Font pageFooterFont() { if (pageFooterFont == null) pageFooterFont = FontFactory.getFont(defaultFontName(), 10, Font.ITALIC, primaryColor()); return pageFooterFont; } public Configuration withPageFooter(Phrase pageFooter) { this.pageFooter = pageFooter; return this; } public Configuration withFirstPageHeaderTemplateText(String firstPageHeaderTemplateText) { this.firstPageHeaderTemplateText = firstPageHeaderTemplateText; return this; } public Configuration withPageHeaderTemplateText(String pageHeaderTemplateText) { this.pageHeaderTemplateText = pageHeaderTemplateText; return this; } private Font pageHeaderFont() { if (pageHeaderFont == null) pageHeaderFont = FontFactory.getFont(defaultFontName(), 10, Font.ITALIC, primaryColor()); return pageHeaderFont; } public Configuration withPageHeaderFont(Font pageHeaderFont) { this.pageHeaderFont = pageHeaderFont; return this; } public Configuration withPageHeader(Phrase pageHeader) { this.pageHeader = pageHeader; return this; } public Font tocEntryFont() { if (tocEntryFont == null) tocEntryFont = defaultFont(); return tocEntryFont; } public String manualTag() { return "@manual"; } public ImageProvider getImageProvider() { return new AbstractImageProvider() { @Override public Image retrieve(String src) { return super.retrieve(src); } @Override public String getImageRootPath() { throw new FormatterException("ImageRootPath"); } }; } public String getImageRootPath() { return imageRootPath; } public Configuration withImageRootPath(String imageRootPath) { this.imageRootPath = imageRootPath; return this; } public String getTitle() { return title; } public String getSubject() { return subject; } public String getVersion() { return version; } public void resolveDefaultStyles(Tag t) { t.setCSS(bodyCssStyles()); } public void fillDefaultHtmlCSS(CssFile cssFile) { cssFile.add(HTML.Tag.BASE, bodyCssStyles()); cssFile.add(HTML.Tag.BODY, bodyCssStyles()); cssFile.add(HTML.Tag.H1, h1CssStyles()); cssFile.add(HTML.Tag.H2, h2CssStyles()); cssFile.add(HTML.Tag.UL, ulCssStyles()); cssFile.add(HTML.Tag.LI, liCssStyles()); cssFile.add(HTML.Tag.P, pCssStyles()); } private Map<String, String> pCssStyles() { Map<String, String> styles = new HashMap<String, String>(); styles.put(CSS.Property.TEXT_ALIGN, "justify"); return styles; } private Map<String, String> liCssStyles() { Map<String, String> styles = new HashMap<String, String>(); styles.put(CSS.Property.COLOR, toRGBColor(defaultColor())); return styles; } protected Map<String, String> ulCssStyles() { Map<String, String> styles = new HashMap<String, String>(); styles.put(CSS.Property.COLOR, toRGBColor(primaryColor())); styles.put(CSS.Property.LIST_STYLE_TYPE, "square"); styles.put(CSS.Property.LIST_STYLE, "1em"); return styles; } protected Map<String, String> bodyCssStyles() { Map<String, String> styles = new HashMap<String, String>(); fillCSSProperties(styles, defaultFont()); return styles; } protected Map<String, String> h1CssStyles() { Map<String, String> styles = new HashMap<String, String>(); fillCSSProperties(styles, chapterTitleFont()); styles.put("page-break-before", "always"); styles.put(CSS.Property.PADDING_BOTTOM, "2em"); styles.put(CSS.Property.PADDING_TOP, "1em"); return styles; } protected Map<String, String> h2CssStyles() { Map<String, String> styles = new HashMap<String, String>(); fillCSSProperties(styles, sectionTitleFont()); styles.put(CSS.Property.PADDING_BOTTOM, "2em"); styles.put(CSS.Property.PADDING_TOP, "1em"); return styles; } private void fillCSSProperties(Map<String, String> styles, Font font) { if (font.isBold()) styles.put(CSS.Property.FONT_STYLE, CSS.Value.BOLD); styles.put(CSS.Property.FONT_SIZE, font.getSize() + "pt"); styles.put(CSS.Property.COLOR, toRGBColor(font.getColor())); } public static String toRGBColor(BaseColor color) { return "rgb(" + color.getRed() + ", " + color.getGreen() + ", " + color.getBlue() + ")"; } public boolean shouldDisplayUri() { return displayUri; } public Configuration displayUri(boolean displayUri) { this.displayUri = displayUri; return this; } public boolean shouldDisplayTags() { return displayTags; } public Configuration displayTags(boolean displayTags) { this.displayTags = displayTags; return this; } public Configuration unbreakableScenario(boolean unbreakableScenario) { this.unbreakableScenario = unbreakableScenario; return this; } public boolean shouldKeepScenarioUnbreakable() { return unbreakableScenario; } public Configuration withMarkdownProcessor(PegDownProcessor processor) { this.markdownProcessor = processor; return this; } public PegDownProcessor getMarkdownProcessor() { if (markdownProcessor == null) { PegDownPlugins plugins = PegDownPlugins .builder() .withPlugin(NamedBlockCurlyBracePlugin.class) .withPlugin(NamedBlockSquareBracketAndDashPlugin.class) .build(); markdownProcessor = new PegDownProcessor(Extensions.TABLES, plugins); } return markdownProcessor; } public List<ToHtmlSerializerPlugin> htmlSerializerPlugins() { File generationDirectory = new File(getWorkingDir(), "generated-image"); if (!generationDirectory.exists()) { generationDirectory.mkdirs(); } return Arrays.<ToHtmlSerializerPlugin>asList( new AsciiDiagToHtmlPlugin(generationDirectory), new PlantUMLToHtmlPlugin(generationDirectory), new LaTeXEquationToHtmlPlugin(generationDirectory), new GralToHtmlPlugin(generationDirectory)); } public Configuration withWorkingDir(String dir) { if (dir == null) return this; else return withWorkingDir(new File(dir)); } public Configuration withWorkingDir(File dir) { this.workingDir = dir; return this; } private File getWorkingDir() { if (workingDir == null) { try { workingDir = File.createTempFile("tmp", "tmp").getParentFile(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("Failed to rely on temporary directory: {}", e.getMessage()); workingDir = new File("", "workingDir"); if (!workingDir.exists() && !workingDir.mkdirs()) throw new FormatterException("Failed to create working dir: " + workingDir.getAbsolutePath()); }"Working dir: " + workingDir.getAbsolutePath()); } return workingDir; } public PageNumber getPageNumber() { return pageNumber; } public Configuration withPageNumber(PageNumber pageNumber) { this.pageNumber = pageNumber; return this; } public TableOfContents getTableOfContent() { if (tableOfContent == null) tableOfContent = new TableOfContents(pageNumber); return tableOfContent; } void defineWriter(Provider<PdfWriter> writerProvider) { this.writerProvider = writerProvider; } Provider<PdfWriter> getWriterProvider() { return writerProvider; } }