package CacheWolf.navi; import CacheWolf.database.CWPoint; public class UTMProjectionFixZone extends UTMProjection { // ctor public UTMProjectionFixZone(Ellipsoid el) { super(el); zoneSeperately = false; epsgCode = 0; // =0 causes Projected Point to set the epsgCode before calling set() which is necessary to be able to determine the stripe } //Overrides: project(...) in UTMProjection public ProjectedPoint project(CWPoint wgs84, ProjectedPoint pp, int epsg) { int stripe = getStripeByEpsg(epsg) - 1; // official stripes start by 1, we internally start by 0 if (stripe == Integer.MAX_VALUE) throw new UnsupportedOperationException("UTMProjectionFixZone.project: project by epsg-code " + epsg + " not supported"); if (stripe < 0) stripe += 60; GkProjection.project(wgs84, ellip, 6, (stripe >= 30 ? stripe - 30 : stripe + 30), 3, 0.9996, pp); = stripe + (int) (Math.floor((wgs84.latDec) / 8) + 13) * 200; return pp; } //Overrides: project(...) in UTMProjection public ProjectedPoint project(CWPoint wgs84, ProjectedPoint pp) { return project(wgs84, pp, epsgCode); } //Overrides: set(...) in Projection public ProjectedPoint set(double northing, double easting, ProjectedPoint pp) { if (epsgCode == 0) throw new UnsupportedOperationException("UTMProjectionFixZone.set: set() requires zone/epsg code, set projection.epsgcode first"); int stripe = getStripeByEpsg(epsgCode); int zoneletterNumber = (int) ((northing + 10000000) / 1000000); // calc from northing return set(northing, easting, stripe, zoneletterNumber, pp); } /** * returns the UTM Stripe number, and Integer.MAX_VALUE if the given epsg code is not supported * It returns the official stripe number which start with 1 - remark: internally we start with stripe 0. * @param epsg * @return */ private int getStripeByEpsg(int epsg) { if (epsg >= 25828 && epsg <= 25838) return epsg - 25800; switch (epsg) { case TransformCoordinates.EPSG_SwedenUTM: return 33; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("UTMProjectionFixZone.getStripeByEpsg: epsg-code " + epsgCode + " not supported"); } } //Overrides: getEpsgcode(...) in Projection public int getEpsgcode(int localsystem) { switch (localsystem) { case TransformCoordinates.LOCALSYSTEM_SWEDEN: return TransformCoordinates.EPSG_SwedenUTM; case TransformCoordinates.LOCALSYSTEM_UTM28Nto38N: return TransformCoordinates.EPSG_25828to25838; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("UTMProjectionFixZone: local system: " + localsystem + " not implemented."); } } }