package org.bouncycastle.crypto.tls; import; import; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.BlockCipher; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.Digest; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.KeyParameter; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.ParametersWithIV; import org.bouncycastle.util.Arrays; /** * A generic TLS 1.0 block cipher. This can be used for AES or 3DES for example. */ public class TlsBlockCipher implements TlsCipher { protected TlsClientContext context; protected BlockCipher encryptCipher; protected BlockCipher decryptCipher; protected TlsMac writeMac; protected TlsMac readMac; public TlsBlockCipher(TlsClientContext context, BlockCipher encryptCipher, BlockCipher decryptCipher, Digest writeDigest, Digest readDigest, int cipherKeySize) { this.context = context; this.encryptCipher = encryptCipher; this.decryptCipher = decryptCipher; int prfSize = (2 * cipherKeySize) + writeDigest.getDigestSize() + readDigest.getDigestSize() + encryptCipher.getBlockSize() + decryptCipher.getBlockSize(); SecurityParameters securityParameters = context.getSecurityParameters(); byte[] key_block = TlsUtils.PRF(securityParameters.masterSecret, "key expansion", TlsUtils.concat(securityParameters.serverRandom, securityParameters.clientRandom), prfSize); int offset = 0; // Init MACs writeMac = new TlsMac(writeDigest, key_block, offset, writeDigest.getDigestSize()); offset += writeDigest.getDigestSize(); readMac = new TlsMac(readDigest, key_block, offset, readDigest.getDigestSize()); offset += readDigest.getDigestSize(); // Init Ciphers this.initCipher(true, encryptCipher, key_block, cipherKeySize, offset, offset + (cipherKeySize * 2)); offset += cipherKeySize; this.initCipher(false, decryptCipher, key_block, cipherKeySize, offset, offset + cipherKeySize + encryptCipher.getBlockSize()); } protected void initCipher(boolean forEncryption, BlockCipher cipher, byte[] key_block, int key_size, int key_offset, int iv_offset) { KeyParameter key_parameter = new KeyParameter(key_block, key_offset, key_size); ParametersWithIV parameters_with_iv = new ParametersWithIV(key_parameter, key_block, iv_offset, cipher.getBlockSize()); cipher.init(forEncryption, parameters_with_iv); } public byte[] encodePlaintext(short type, byte[] plaintext, int offset, int len) { int blocksize = encryptCipher.getBlockSize(); // Add a random number of extra blocks worth of padding int minPaddingSize = blocksize - ((len + writeMac.getSize() + 1) % blocksize); int maxExtraPadBlocks = (255 - minPaddingSize) / blocksize; int actualExtraPadBlocks = chooseExtraPadBlocks(context.getSecureRandom(), maxExtraPadBlocks); int paddingsize = minPaddingSize + (actualExtraPadBlocks * blocksize); int totalsize = len + writeMac.getSize() + paddingsize + 1; byte[] outbuf = new byte[totalsize]; System.arraycopy(plaintext, offset, outbuf, 0, len); byte[] mac = writeMac.calculateMac(type, plaintext, offset, len); System.arraycopy(mac, 0, outbuf, len, mac.length); int paddoffset = len + mac.length; for (int i = 0; i <= paddingsize; i++) { outbuf[i + paddoffset] = (byte)paddingsize; } for (int i = 0; i < totalsize; i += blocksize) { encryptCipher.processBlock(outbuf, i, outbuf, i); } return outbuf; } public byte[] decodeCiphertext(short type, byte[] ciphertext, int offset, int len) throws IOException { // TODO TLS 1.1 (RFC 4346) introduces an explicit IV int minLength = readMac.getSize() + 1; int blocksize = decryptCipher.getBlockSize(); boolean decrypterror = false; /* * ciphertext must be at least (macsize + 1) bytes long */ if (len < minLength) { throw new TlsFatalAlert(AlertDescription.decode_error); } /* * ciphertext must be a multiple of blocksize */ if (len % blocksize != 0) { throw new TlsFatalAlert(AlertDescription.decryption_failed); } /* * Decrypt all the ciphertext using the blockcipher */ for (int i = 0; i < len; i += blocksize) { decryptCipher.processBlock(ciphertext, i + offset, ciphertext, i + offset); } /* * Check if padding is correct */ int lastByteOffset = offset + len - 1; byte paddingsizebyte = ciphertext[lastByteOffset]; // Note: interpret as unsigned byte int paddingsize = paddingsizebyte & 0xff; int maxPaddingSize = len - minLength; if (paddingsize > maxPaddingSize) { decrypterror = true; paddingsize = 0; } else { /* * Now, check all the padding-bytes (constant-time comparison). */ byte diff = 0; for (int i = lastByteOffset - paddingsize; i < lastByteOffset; ++i) { diff |= (ciphertext[i] ^ paddingsizebyte); } if (diff != 0) { /* Wrong padding */ decrypterror = true; paddingsize = 0; } } /* * We now don't care if padding verification has failed or not, we will calculate * the mac to give an attacker no kind of timing profile he can use to find out if * mac verification failed or padding verification failed. */ int plaintextlength = len - minLength - paddingsize; byte[] calculatedMac = readMac.calculateMac(type, ciphertext, offset, plaintextlength); /* * Check all bytes in the mac (constant-time comparison). */ byte[] decryptedMac = new byte[calculatedMac.length]; System.arraycopy(ciphertext, offset + plaintextlength, decryptedMac, 0, calculatedMac.length); if (!Arrays.constantTimeAreEqual(calculatedMac, decryptedMac)) { decrypterror = true; } /* * Now, it is safe to fail. */ if (decrypterror) { throw new TlsFatalAlert(AlertDescription.bad_record_mac); } byte[] plaintext = new byte[plaintextlength]; System.arraycopy(ciphertext, offset, plaintext, 0, plaintextlength); return plaintext; } protected int chooseExtraPadBlocks(SecureRandom r, int max) { // return r.nextInt(max + 1); int x = r.nextInt(); int n = lowestBitSet(x); return Math.min(n, max); } protected int lowestBitSet(int x) { if (x == 0) { return 32; } int n = 0; while ((x & 1) == 0) { ++n; x >>= 1; } return n; } }