package CacheWolf.exp; import CacheWolf.MainForm; import CacheWolf.Preferences; import CacheWolf.database.CWPoint; import CacheWolf.database.CacheHolder; import CacheWolf.database.CacheHolderDetail; import CacheWolf.database.CacheSize; import CacheWolf.database.CacheTerrDiff; import CacheWolf.database.CacheType; import CacheWolf.database.Log; import CacheWolf.navi.TransformCoordinates; import CacheWolf.utils.Common; import CacheWolf.utils.Files; import CacheWolf.utils.MyLocale; import CacheWolf.utils.STRreplace; import CacheWolf.utils.SafeXML; import com.stevesoft.ewe_pat.Regex; import; import ewe.sys.Time; import ewe.util.Hashtable; import ewe.util.Vector; import ewe.util.mString; public class TemplateTable { CacheHolder cache; public TemplateTable() { this.cache = null; } public void set(CacheHolder cache) { this.cache = cache; } /** * * @param decSep * @param badChars * @param shortWaypointLength * @param shortNameLength * @param nrOfLogs * @param simplifyCacheName * @param gm * @param withFoundText * @param ModTyp * @param expName * @return * Return a Hashtable containing all the cache data for Templates */ public Hashtable toHashtable(Regex decSep, Regex badChars, int shortWaypointLength, int shortNameLength, int nrOfLogs, boolean simplifyCacheName, GarminMap gm, boolean withFoundText, int ModTyp, String expName) { Hashtable varParams = new Hashtable(); byte type = cache.getType(); byte difficulty; byte terrain; byte size; String code = cache.getCode(); CWPoint wpt = cache.getWpt(); CacheHolderDetail chD = cache.getDetails(); varParams.put("PROGDIR", FileBase.getProgramDirectory()); varParams.put("PROFILDIR", MainForm.profile.dataDir); varParams.put("ALIAS", Preferences.itself().myAlias); varParams.put("TYPE", CacheType.type2TypeTag(type)); // <type> varParams.put("TYPENO", "" + type); varParams.put("SYM", CacheType.type2SymTag(type)); // <sym> varParams.put("GSTYPE", CacheType.type2GSTypeTag(type)); // <groundspeak:type> varParams.put("SHORTTYPE", CacheType.getExportShortId(type)); if (cache.isAddiWpt()) { CacheHolder ch = cache.mainCache; difficulty = ch.getDifficulty(); terrain = ch.getTerrain(); size = ch.getSize(); varParams.put("MAINWP", ch.getCode()); String cn = ch.getName(); if (simplifyCacheName) { cn = Exporter.simplifyString(cn); } // use for "NAME" if (badChars != null) { cn = badChars.replaceAll(cn); } // use for "NAME" varParams.put("MAINWPNAME", cn); varParams.put("DIFFICULTY", (difficulty < 0) ? "" : decSep.replaceAll(CacheTerrDiff.longDT(difficulty))); String sHard = Integer.toString(difficulty); varParams.put("SHORTDIFFICULTY", (difficulty < 0) ? "" : sHard); varParams.put("SHDIFFICULTY", (difficulty < 0) ? "" : sHard.substring(0, 1)); varParams.put("TERRAIN", (terrain < 0) ? "" : decSep.replaceAll(CacheTerrDiff.longDT(terrain))); String sTerrain = Integer.toString(terrain); varParams.put("SHORTTERRAIN", (terrain < 0) ? "" : sTerrain); varParams.put("SHTERRAIN", (terrain < 0) ? "" : sTerrain.substring(0, 1)); varParams.put("SIZE", CacheSize.cw2ExportString(size)); varParams.put("SHORTSIZE", CacheSize.getExportShortId(size)); varParams.put("OWNER", (ModTyp == 0) ? SafeXML.cleanGPX(ch.getOwner()) : ch.getOwner()); varParams.put("DATE", ch.getHidden()); } else { difficulty = cache.getDifficulty(); terrain = cache.getTerrain(); size = cache.getSize(); varParams.put("MAINWP", ""); varParams.put("MAINWPNAME", ""); if (cache.isCustomWpt()) { varParams.put("DIFFICULTY", ""); varParams.put("SHORTDIFFICULTY", ""); varParams.put("SHDIFFICULTY", ""); varParams.put("TERRAIN", ""); varParams.put("SHORTTERRAIN", ""); varParams.put("SHTERRAIN", ""); } else { varParams.put("DIFFICULTY", (difficulty < 0) ? "" : decSep.replaceAll(CacheTerrDiff.longDT(difficulty))); String sHard = Integer.toString(difficulty); varParams.put("SHORTDIFFICULTY", (difficulty < 0) ? "" : sHard); varParams.put("SHDIFFICULTY", (difficulty < 0) ? "" : sHard.substring(0, 1)); varParams.put("TERRAIN", (terrain < 0) ? "" : decSep.replaceAll(CacheTerrDiff.longDT(terrain))); String sTerrain = Integer.toString(terrain); varParams.put("SHORTTERRAIN", (terrain < 0) ? "" : sTerrain); varParams.put("SHTERRAIN", (terrain < 0) ? "" : sTerrain.substring(0, 1)); } varParams.put("SIZE", CacheSize.cw2ExportString(size)); varParams.put("SHORTSIZE", CacheSize.getExportShortId(size)); varParams.put("OWNER", (ModTyp == 0) ? SafeXML.cleanGPX(cache.getOwner()) : cache.getOwner()); varParams.put("DATE", cache.getHidden()); } varParams.put("WAYPOINT", code); // <name> varParams.put("PREFIX", code.substring(0, 2)); int wpl = code.length(); int wps = (wpl < shortWaypointLength) ? 0 : wpl - shortWaypointLength; String s = ""; for (int i = code.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { s = s + code.substring(i, i + 1); } s = code.substring(code.length() - 2, code.length()); varParams.put("INVERS", s); varParams.put("SHORTWAYPOINT", code.substring(wps, wpl)); varParams.put("SSHORTWAYPOINT", code.substring(2)); varParams.put("DISTANCE", decSep.replaceAll(cache.getDistance())); varParams.put("BEARING", cache.getBearing()); if ((wpt != null && wpt.isValid())) { varParams.put("LATLON", decSep.replaceAll(wpt.toString())); varParams.put("LAT", decSep.replaceAll(wpt.getLatDeg(TransformCoordinates.DD))); varParams.put("LON", decSep.replaceAll(wpt.getLonDeg(TransformCoordinates.DD))); } else { varParams.put("LATLON", "unknown"); varParams.put("LAT", ""); varParams.put("LON", ""); } if (withFoundText) { varParams.put("STATUS", cache.getStatusText()); } else varParams.put("STATUS", cache.getStatus()); varParams.put("GC_LOGTYPE", CacheHolder.getGCLogType(type, cache.isFound(), cache.getStatus())); varParams.put("STATUS_DATE", cache.getStatusDate()); varParams.put("STATUS_TIME", cache.getStatusTime()); varParams.put("STATUS_UTC_DATE", cache.getStatusUtcDate()); varParams.put("STATUS_UTC_TIME", cache.getStatusUtcTime()); String cn = cache.getName(); varParams.put("CACHE_NAME", cn); if (simplifyCacheName) { cn = Exporter.simplifyString(cn); } // use for "NAME" if (badChars != null) { cn = badChars.replaceAll(cn); } // use for "NAME" varParams.put("NAME", cn); String shortName = shortenName(cache.getName(), shortNameLength); varParams.put("SHORTNAME", shortName); varParams.put("TRAVELBUG", (cache.hasBugs() ? "Y" : "N")); if (gm != null) varParams.put("GMTYPE", gm.getIcon(cache)); varParams.put("NOW_DATE", nowdate().setToCurrentTime().toString()); varParams.put("NOW_TIME", nowtime().setToCurrentTime().toString()); varParams.put("CACHEID", cache.getCacheID()); varParams.put("AVAILABLE", cache.isAvailable() ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); varParams.put("ARCHIVED", cache.isArchived() ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); varParams.put("SOLVED", cache.isSolved() ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); varParams.put("FOUND", cache.isFound() ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); varParams.put("OWN", cache.isOwned() ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); varParams.put("PM", cache.isPremiumCache() ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); if (!cache.isAvailable()) { varParams.put("IFNOTAVAILABLE", "-"); } if (cache.isArchived()) { varParams.put("IFARCHIVED", "-"); } if (cache.isSolved()) { varParams.put("IFSOLVED", "*"); } if (cache.isFound()) { varParams.put("IFFOUND", "+"); } if (cache.isOwned()) { varParams.put("IFOWN", "~"); } if (cache.isPremiumCache()) { varParams.put("IFPM", "?"); } if (cache.getType() == CacheType.CW_TYPE_TRADITIONAL) { varParams.put("IFTRADITIONAL", "TR"); } if (cache.getType() == CacheType.CW_TYPE_MULTI) { varParams.put("IFMULTI", "MU"); } if (cache.getType() == CacheType.CW_TYPE_MYSTERY) { varParams.put("IFMYSTERY", "UN"); } if (cache.getType() == CacheType.CW_TYPE_EVENT) { varParams.put("IFEVENT", "EV"); } if (cache.getType() == CacheType.CW_TYPE_CITO) { varParams.put("IFCITO", "CI"); } if (cache.getType() == CacheType.CW_TYPE_EARTH) { varParams.put("IFEARTH", "EA"); } if (cache.getType() == CacheType.CW_TYPE_MEGA_EVENT) { varParams.put("IFMEGA", "ME"); } if (cache.getType() == CacheType.CW_TYPE_GIGA_EVENT) { varParams.put("IFGIGA", "GI"); } if (cache.getType() == CacheType.CW_TYPE_LAB) { varParams.put("IFLAB", "LA"); } if (cache.getType() == CacheType.CW_TYPE_LETTERBOX) { varParams.put("IFLETTERBOX", "LB"); } if (cache.getType() == CacheType.CW_TYPE_WEBCAM) { varParams.put("IFWEBCAM", "WC"); } if (cache.getType() == CacheType.CW_TYPE_WHEREIGO) { varParams.put("IFWHEREIGO", "WG"); } if (cache.getType() == CacheType.CW_TYPE_PARKING) { varParams.put("IFPARKING", "PA"); } if (cache.getType() == CacheType.CW_TYPE_STAGE) { varParams.put("IFSTAGE", "ST"); } if (cache.getType() == CacheType.CW_TYPE_QUESTION) { varParams.put("IFQUESTION", "QU"); } if (cache.getType() == CacheType.CW_TYPE_FINAL) { varParams.put("IFFINAL", "FI"); } if (cache.getType() == CacheType.CW_TYPE_TRAILHEAD) { varParams.put("IFTRAILHEAD", "TH"); } if (cache.getType() == CacheType.CW_TYPE_REFERENCE) { varParams.put("IFREFERENCE", "RE"); } varParams.put("VOTE", cache.getRecommended()); if (chD == null) { varParams.put("URL", ""); varParams.put("DESCRIPTION", ""); varParams.put("NOTES", ""); varParams.put("HINTS", ""); varParams.put("DECRYPTEDHINTS", ""); varParams.put("COUNTRY", ""); varParams.put("STATE", ""); varParams.put("OWNLOG", ""); } else { varParams.put("URL", chD.URL); if (cache.isHTML()) { if (ModTyp == 0) { varParams.put("DESCRIPTION", SafeXML.cleanGPX(chD.LongDescription)); } else { varParams.put("DESCRIPTION", modifyLongDesc(chD, ModTyp)); } } else { // what was the reason? replace or no replace? I dont remember varParams.put("DESCRIPTION", STRreplace.replace(chD.LongDescription, "\n", "<br>")); } if (badChars != null) { if (ModTyp == 0) { varParams.put("NOTES", badChars.replaceAll(chD.getCacheNotes())); } else { varParams.put("NOTES", STRreplace.replace(badChars.replaceAll(chD.getCacheNotes()), "\n", "<br>")); } varParams.put("HINTS", (ModTyp == 0) ? SafeXML.cleanGPX(badChars.replaceAll(chD.Hints)) : badChars.replaceAll(chD.Hints)); varParams.put("DECRYPTEDHINTS", (ModTyp == 0) ? SafeXML.cleanGPX(badChars.replaceAll(Common.rot13(chD.Hints))) : badChars.replaceAll(Common.rot13(chD.Hints))); } else { if (ModTyp == 0) { varParams.put("NOTES", SafeXML.cleanGPX(chD.getCacheNotes())); } else { varParams.put("NOTES", STRreplace.replace(chD.getCacheNotes(), "\n", "<br>")); } varParams.put("HINTS", (ModTyp == 0) ? SafeXML.cleanGPX(chD.Hints) : chD.Hints); varParams.put("DECRYPTEDHINTS", (ModTyp == 0) ? SafeXML.cleanGPX(Common.rot13(chD.Hints)) : Common.rot13(chD.Hints)); } if (chD.Travelbugs.size() > 0) varParams.put("BUGS", (ModTyp == 0) ? SafeXML.cleanGPX(chD.Travelbugs.toHtml()) : chD.Travelbugs.toHtml()); if (chD.getSolver() != null && chD.getSolver().trim().length() > 0) varParams.put("SOLVER", STRreplace.replace(chD.getSolver(), "\n", "<br/>\n")); varParams.put("COUNTRY", chD.getCountry()); varParams.put("STATE", chD.getState()); // attributes Vector attVect = new Vector(chD.attributes.count() + 1); for (int i = 0; i < chD.attributes.count(); i++) { Hashtable atts = new Hashtable(); atts.put("PATHANDIMAGE", chD.attributes.getAttribute(i).getPathAndImageName()); atts.put("IMAGE", chD.attributes.getAttribute(i).getImageName()); atts.put("GCID", chD.attributes.getAttribute(i).getGCId()); atts.put("INC", "" + chD.attributes.getAttribute(i).getInc()); atts.put("INC2TXT", chD.attributes.getAttribute(i).getInc() == 1 ? "YES:" : "NO:"); if (i % 5 == 4) atts.put("BR", "<br/>"); else atts.put("BR", ""); atts.put("INFO", chD.attributes.getAttribute(i).getMsg()); atts.put("GCINFO", chD.attributes.getAttribute(i).getGCText()); attVect.add(atts); } varParams.put("ATTRIBUTES", attVect); // logs Vector logVect = new Vector(chD.CacheLogs.size()); int maxlogs = chD.CacheLogs.size(); for (int i = 0; i < maxlogs; i++) { if (chD.CacheLogs.getLog(i).isFoundLog()) { varParams.put("LASTFOUND", chD.CacheLogs.getLog(i).getDate()); break; } } String lastFive = ""; for (int i = 0; i < maxlogs; i++) { if (chD.CacheLogs.getLog(i).isFoundLog()) { lastFive = lastFive + "+"; } else if (chD.CacheLogs.getLog(i).isDNFLog()) { lastFive = lastFive + "-"; } else if (chD.CacheLogs.getLog(i).isArchivedLog()) { lastFive = lastFive + "!"; } else if (chD.CacheLogs.getLog(i).isPublishLog()) { lastFive = lastFive + "P"; } else if (chD.CacheLogs.getLog(i).isUnArchivedLog()) { lastFive = lastFive + "U"; } else if (chD.CacheLogs.getLog(i).isDisabledLog()) { lastFive = lastFive + "D"; } else if (chD.CacheLogs.getLog(i).isEnabledLog()) { lastFive = lastFive + "E"; } else { lastFive = lastFive + "o"; } if (i == 4) break; } varParams.put("LASTFIVE", lastFive); if (nrOfLogs > -1 && nrOfLogs < maxlogs) maxlogs = nrOfLogs; for (int i = 0; i < maxlogs; i++) { Hashtable logs = new Hashtable(); String stmp; if (chD.CacheLogs.getLog(i).getIcon().equals(Log.MAXLOGICON)) { logs.put("WAYPOINT", code); logs.put("ICON", Log.MAXLOGICON); logs.put("LOGTYPE", ""); logs.put("DATE", ""); logs.put("LOGGER", ""); stmp = "<hr>" + MyLocale.getMsg(736, "Too many logs") + "<hr>"; } else { logs.put("WAYPOINT", code); logs.put("ICON", chD.CacheLogs.getLog(i).getIcon()); logs.put("LOGTYPE", chD.CacheLogs.getLog(i).icon2GPXType()); logs.put("DATE", chD.CacheLogs.getLog(i).getDate()); logs.put("LOGGER", (ModTyp == 0) ? SafeXML.cleanGPX(chD.CacheLogs.getLog(i).getLogger()) : chD.CacheLogs.getLog(i).getLogger()); stmp = STRreplace.replace(chD.CacheLogs.getLog(i).getMessage().trim(), "", null); } logs.put("MESSAGE", (ModTyp == 0) ? SafeXML.cleanGPX(stmp) : stmp); logVect.add(logs); } varParams.put("LOGS", logVect); if (chD.getOwnLog() != null) { varParams.put("OWNLOG", (ModTyp == 0) ? SafeXML.cleanGPX(STRreplace.replace(chD.getOwnLog().getMessage(), "<br />", "\n")) : chD.getOwnLog().getMessage()); } else { varParams.put("OWNLOG", ""); } Vector addiVect = new Vector(cache.addiWpts.size()); for (int i = 0; i < cache.addiWpts.size(); i++) { Hashtable addis = new Hashtable(); CacheHolder ch = (CacheHolder) cache.addiWpts.get(i); addis.put("WAYPOINT", ch.getCode()); addis.put("NAME", (ModTyp == 0) ? SafeXML.cleanGPX(ch.getName()) : ch.getName()); if ((ch.getWpt() != null && ch.getWpt().isValid())) { addis.put("LATLON", decSep.replaceAll(ch.getWpt().toString())); addis.put("LAT", decSep.replaceAll(ch.getWpt().getLatDeg(TransformCoordinates.DD))); addis.put("LON", decSep.replaceAll(ch.getWpt().getLonDeg(TransformCoordinates.DD))); } else { addis.put("LATLON", "unknown"); addis.put("LAT", ""); addis.put("LON", ""); } addis.put("IMG", CacheType.typeImageForId(ch.getType())); addis.put("ICON", "" + ch.getType()); addis.put("TYPENAME", CacheType.type2Gui(ch.getType())); addis.put("TYPE", CacheType.type2TypeTag(ch.getType())); // <type> addis.put("SYM", CacheType.type2SymTag(ch.getType())); // <sym> addis.put("GSTYPE", CacheType.type2GSTypeTag(ch.getType())); // <groundspeak:type> addis.put("LONGDESC", (ModTyp == 0) ? SafeXML.cleanGPX(ch.getDetails().LongDescription) : ch.getDetails().LongDescription); addiVect.add(addis); } varParams.put("ADDIS", addiVect); String exportPath; if (expName.length() > 0) { if (expName.endsWith("*")) { exportPath = Preferences.itself().getExportPath(expName.substring(0, expName.length() - 1)); } else { exportPath = Preferences.itself().getExportPath(expName); } } else exportPath = ""; Vector imgVect = new Vector(chD.images.size()); for (int i = 0; i < chD.images.size(); i++) { Hashtable imgs = new Hashtable(); String imgUrl = chD.images.get(i).getURL(); boolean doit = true; for (int j = i + 1; j < chD.images.size(); j++) { String jmgUrl = chD.images.get(j).getURL(); if (imgUrl.equals(jmgUrl)) { doit = false; break; } } if (doit) { imgs.put("PROFILDIR", MainForm.profile.dataDir); String imgFilename = chD.images.get(i).getFilename(); imgs.put("FILENAME", imgFilename); String title = chD.images.get(i).getTitle(); imgs.put("TEXT", title); imgs.put("COMMENT", chD.images.get(i).getComment()); imgs.put("URL", chD.images.get(i).getURL()); if (!expName.equals("")) { String src = MainForm.profile.dataDir + imgFilename; String dest; if (expName.endsWith("*")) { // CacheBox Export String path = exportPath + imgFilename.substring(0, 4).toUpperCase() + "/"; dest = path + Common.getPathAndFilename(imgFilename.toUpperCase()) + (title.length() > 0 ? " - " + Common.ClearForFileName(title) : "") + Common.getExtension(imgFilename).toLowerCase(); } else { dest = exportPath + imgFilename; } if (!Files.copy(src, dest)) { Preferences.itself().log("[CacheHolder:toHashtable]no copying of " + imgFilename + "(" + imgUrl + ") to " + exportPath); } } imgVect.add(imgs); } } varParams.put("cacheImg", imgVect); } return varParams; } /** * Modify the image links in the long description so that they point to image files in the local directory<br> * Also copy the image file to the target directory so that it can be displayed.<br> * * @param int ModTypLongDesc == 1 get image from profile path, == 2 get image from html-path * @return The modified long description */ private String modifyLongDesc(CacheHolderDetail chD, int ModTypLongDesc) { StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(chD.LongDescription.length()); int start = 0; int pos; int imageNo = 0; String imgsrc = ""; if (ModTypLongDesc == 1) imgsrc = "file://" + MainForm.profile.dataDir; while (start >= 0 && (pos = chD.LongDescription.indexOf("<img", start)) > 0) { if (imageNo >= chD.images.size()) break; s.append(chD.LongDescription.substring(start, pos)); start = chD.LongDescription.indexOf(">", pos) + 1; String oldurl = chD.images.get(imageNo).getURL(); String imgString = chD.LongDescription.substring(pos, start); imgString = STRreplace.replace(imgString, "\n", ""); imgString = STRreplace.replace(imgString, "\r", ""); imgString = STRreplace.replace(imgString, "groundspeak", "geocaching"); if (imgString.indexOf(oldurl) == -1) { if (oldurl.startsWith("http://")) { int i = oldurl.indexOf("/", 7) + 1; oldurl = oldurl.substring(i); } } String newurl = imgsrc + chD.images.get(imageNo).getFilename(); s.append(STRreplace.replace(imgString, oldurl, newurl)); imageNo++; } if (start >= 0) s.append(chD.LongDescription.substring(start)); return s.toString(); } private final Time nowdate() { Time nd = new Time(); return nd.setFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); } private final Time nowtime() { Time nt = new Time(); return nt.setFormat("HH:mm"); } private final String selbstLauteKlein = "aeiou"; //private final String selbstLauteGross = "AEIOU"; private final String mitLauteKlein() { final StringBuffer lower = new StringBuffer(26);// region/language dependent ? for (int i = 97; i <= 122; i++) { lower.append((char) i); } return lower.toString(); } private String shortenName(String name, int maxLength) { if (name.length() > maxLength) { String[] ss = mString.split(name, ' '); int aktLen = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ss.length; i++) { aktLen = aktLen + ss[i].length(); } int anzToRemove = aktLen - maxLength; int toRemovePerWord = (int) Math.ceil(anzToRemove / ss.length); aktLen = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ss.length; i++) { int len = ss[i].length(); if (len > toRemovePerWord) { ss[i] = removeCharsfromString(ss[i], len - toRemovePerWord, selbstLauteKlein); } aktLen = aktLen + ss[i].length(); } anzToRemove = aktLen - maxLength; toRemovePerWord = (int) Math.ceil(anzToRemove / ss.length); aktLen = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ss.length; i++) { int len = ss[i].length(); if (len > toRemovePerWord) { ss[i] = removeCharsfromString(ss[i], len - toRemovePerWord, mitLauteKlein()); } aktLen = aktLen + ss[i].length(); } String shortName = ""; for (int i = 0; i < ss.length; i++) { if (ss[i].length() == 1) { shortName = shortName + ss[i].toUpperCase(); } else { shortName = shortName + ss[i]; } } if (shortName.length() > maxLength) { return shortName.substring(0, maxLength); } return shortName; } return name; } private String removeCharsfromString(String text, int MaxLength, String chars) { if (text == null) return null; int originalTextLength = text.length(); int anzToRemove = originalTextLength - MaxLength; if (anzToRemove <= 0) return text; int anzRemoved = 0; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(50); for (int i = originalTextLength - 1; i >= 0; i--) { char c = text.charAt(i); if (chars.indexOf(c) == -1) { sb.insert(0, c); } else { anzRemoved++; if (anzRemoved == anzToRemove) { sb.insert(0, text.substring(0, i)); i = 0; // exit for } } } return sb.toString(); } }