// // This software is now distributed according to // the Lesser Gnu Public License. Please see // http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.txt for // the details. // -- Happy Computing! // package com.stevesoft.ewe_pat; import ewe.util.Hashtable; /** A special case of Multi, implemented when minChars().equals(maxChars()), * and some other conditions spelled out in RegOpt.safe4fm "Safe for * FastMulti." It avoids stack growth problems as well as being slightly * faster. */ class FastMulti extends PatternSub { patInt fewestMatches,mostMatches; public patInt minChars() { return sub.countMinChars().mul(fewestMatches); } public patInt maxChars() { return sub.countMaxChars().mul(mostMatches); } public boolean matchFewest = false; FastMulti(patInt a,patInt b,Pattern p) throws RegSyntax { if(p == null) RegSyntaxError.endItAll("Null length pattern "+ "followed by *, +, or other Multi."); fewestMatches = a; mostMatches = b; sub = p; step = p.countMinChars().intValue(); sub.setParent(null); } public String toString() { return sub.toString()+"{" +fewestMatches+","+mostMatches+"}"+ (matchFewest ? "?" : "")+"(?# <= fast multi)"+ nextString(); } int step = -1; public int matchInternal(int pos,Pthings pt) { int m=-1; int i=pos; int endstr = pt.src.length()-step; patInt matches = new patInt(0); if(matchFewest) { if(fewestMatches.lessEq(matches)) { int ii = nextMatch(i,pt); if(ii >= 0) return ii; } while(i >= 0 && i <= endstr) { i=sub.matchInternal(i,pt); if(i >= 0) { matches.inc(); if(fewestMatches.lessEq(matches)) { int ii = nextMatch(i,pt); if(ii >= 0) return ii; } if(matches.equals(mostMatches)) return -1; } } return -1; } int nMatches = 0; while(fewestMatches.intValue() > nMatches) { i=sub.matchInternal(i,pt); if(i >= 0) nMatches++; else return -1; } m=i; if(mostMatches.finite()) { while(nMatches < mostMatches.intValue()) { i = sub.matchInternal(i,pt); if(i>=0) { m=i; nMatches++; } else break; } } else { while(true) { i = sub.matchInternal(i,pt); if(i>=0) { m=i; nMatches++; } else break; } } while(m >= pos) { int r=nextMatch(m,pt); if(r >= 0) return r; m -= step; nMatches--; if(nMatches < fewestMatches.intValue()) return -1; } return -1; } public Pattern clone1(Hashtable h) { try { FastMulti fm = new FastMulti(fewestMatches,mostMatches,sub.clone(h)); fm.matchFewest = matchFewest; return fm; } catch(RegSyntax rs) { return null; } } }