package ch.loway.oss.ari4java.generated; import ch.loway.oss.ari4java.generated.ari_0_0_1.models.Message_impl_ari_0_0_1; import; import; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.AfterClass; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import static org.junit.Assert.*; /** * * @author lenz */ public class EventBuilderTest { static final String jsonStasisStartEvent = requoteString( "" + " { " + " 'application': 'hello', " + " 'args': [ " + " 'world' " + " ], " + " 'channel': { " + " 'accountcode': '', " + " 'caller': { " + " 'name': 'blink', " + " 'number': 'blink' " + " }, " + " 'connected': { " + " 'name': '', " + " 'number': '' " + " }, " + " 'creationtime': '2013-10-15T15:54:12.625-0500', " + " 'dialplan': { " + " 'context': 'default', " + " 'exten': '7000', " + " 'priority': 2 " + " }, " + " 'id': '1381870452.0', " + " 'name': 'SIP/blink-00000000', " + " 'state': 'Ring' " + " }, " + " 'timestamp': '2013-10-15T15:54:12.626-0500', " + " 'type': 'StasisStart' " + " } " ); public EventBuilderTest() { } @BeforeClass public static void setUpClass() throws Exception { } @AfterClass public static void tearDownClass() throws Exception { } @Before public void setUp() { } @After public void tearDown() { } /** * Strings in a JSON object need the double quotes. * Unfortunately using double quotes in Java is a PITA. * So... * * @param s * @return Translating 's to "s */ public static String requoteString( String s ) { return s.replace("'", "\""); } /** * Tries creating an event out of the response. * */ @Test public void generateStatsiStartOutOfData() throws RestException { BaseAriAction action = new BaseAriAction(); Message msg = action.deserializeEvent(jsonStasisStartEvent, Message_impl_ari_0_0_1.class ); assertTrue("Type: StasisStart", msg instanceof StasisStart ); StasisStart ss = (StasisStart) msg; assertEquals( "Caller ID", "blink", ss.getChannel().getCaller().getName() ); } }