package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.FullHttpResponse; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketx.*; import io.netty.util.CharsetUtil; /** * NettyWSClientHandler handles the transactions with the remote * WebSocket, forwarding to the client HttpResponseHandler interface. * * @author mwalton * */ @ChannelHandler.Sharable public class NettyWSClientHandler extends NettyHttpClientHandler { final WebSocketClientHandshaker handshaker; private ChannelPromise handshakeFuture; final HttpResponseHandler wsCallback; private WsClientAutoReconnect wsClient = null; private boolean shuttingDown = false; public NettyWSClientHandler(WebSocketClientHandshaker handshaker, HttpResponseHandler wsCallback, WsClientAutoReconnect wsClient) { this(handshaker, wsCallback); this.wsClient = wsClient; } public NettyWSClientHandler(WebSocketClientHandshaker handshaker, HttpResponseHandler wsCallback) { this.handshaker = handshaker; this.wsCallback = wsCallback; } public ChannelFuture handshakeFuture() { return handshakeFuture; } @Override public void handlerAdded(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception { handshakeFuture = ctx.newPromise(); } @Override public void channelActive(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception { handshaker.handshake(; } @Override public void channelInactive(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception { if (!shuttingDown) { if (this.wsClient != null) { wsClient.reconnectWs(); } else { wsCallback.onDisconnect(); } } } @Override protected void channelRead0(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg) throws Exception { Channel ch =; if (!handshaker.isHandshakeComplete()) { handshaker.finishHandshake(ch, (FullHttpResponse) msg); handshakeFuture.setSuccess(); wsCallback.onChReadyToWrite(); return; } if (msg instanceof FullHttpResponse) { FullHttpResponse response = (FullHttpResponse) msg; String error = "Unexpected FullHttpResponse (getStatus=" + response.getStatus() + ", content=" + response.content().toString(CharsetUtil.UTF_8) + ')'; System.err.println(error); throw new Exception(error); } // call this so we can set the last received time wsCallback.onResponseReceived(); WebSocketFrame frame = (WebSocketFrame) msg; if (frame instanceof TextWebSocketFrame) { TextWebSocketFrame textFrame = (TextWebSocketFrame) frame; responseText = textFrame.text(); wsCallback.onSuccess(textFrame.text()); } else if (frame instanceof CloseWebSocketFrame) { ch.close(); if (!shuttingDown) { if (this.wsClient != null) { wsClient.reconnectWs(); } else { wsCallback.onDisconnect(); } } } } @Override public void exceptionCaught(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Throwable cause) throws Exception { if (!shuttingDown) return; cause.printStackTrace(); if (!handshakeFuture.isDone()) { handshakeFuture.setFailure(cause); } ctx.close(); wsCallback.onFailure(cause); } public boolean isShuttingDown() { return shuttingDown; } public void setShuttingDown(boolean shuttingDown) { this.shuttingDown = shuttingDown; } }