package ch.loway.oss.ari4java.generated; // ---------------------------------------------------- // THIS CLASS WAS GENERATED AUTOMATICALLY // PLEASE DO NOT EDIT // Generated on: Sat Feb 04 15:23:08 CET 2017 // ---------------------------------------------------- import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.ArrayList; import; import; import*; /********************************************************** * * Generated by: JavaInterface *********************************************************/ public interface ActionChannels { // void play String String String int int String AriCallback<Playback> callback /********************************************************** * * * @since ari_1_5_0 *********************************************************/ public void play(String channelId, String media, String lang, int offsetms, int skipms, String playbackId, AriCallback<Playback> callback); // void redirect String String AriCallback<Void> callback /********************************************************** * * * @since ari_1_8_0 *********************************************************/ public void redirect(String channelId, String endpoint, AriCallback<Void> callback); // void startMoh String String AriCallback<Void> callback /********************************************************** * * * @since ari_0_0_1 *********************************************************/ public void startMoh(String channelId, String mohClass, AriCallback<Void> callback); // void getChannelVar String String AriCallback<Variable> callback /********************************************************** * * * @since ari_0_0_1 *********************************************************/ public void getChannelVar(String channelId, String variable, AriCallback<Variable> callback); // void stopMoh String /********************************************************** * Stop playing music on hold to a channel. * * * @since ari_0_0_1 *********************************************************/ public void stopMoh(String channelId) throws RestException; // Channel snoopChannelWithId String String String String String String /********************************************************** * Start snooping. * Snoop (spy/whisper) on a specific channel. * * @since ari_1_5_0 *********************************************************/ public Channel snoopChannelWithId(String channelId, String snoopId, String spy, String whisper, String app, String appArgs) throws RestException; // void answer String /********************************************************** * Answer a channel. * * * @since ari_0_0_1 *********************************************************/ public void answer(String channelId) throws RestException; // void stopSilence String AriCallback<Void> callback /********************************************************** * * * @since ari_0_0_1 *********************************************************/ public void stopSilence(String channelId, AriCallback<Void> callback); // Playback playWithId String String String String int int /********************************************************** * Start playback of media and specify the playbackId. * The media URI may be any of a number of URI's. Currently sound: and recording: URI's are supported. This operation creates a playback resource that can be used to control the playback of media (pause, rewind, fast forward, etc.) * * @since ari_1_5_0 *********************************************************/ public Playback playWithId(String channelId, String playbackId, String media, String lang, int offsetms, int skipms) throws RestException; // void unhold String /********************************************************** * Remove a channel from hold. * * * @since ari_0_0_1 *********************************************************/ public void unhold(String channelId) throws RestException; // LiveRecording record String String String int int String boolean String /********************************************************** * Start a recording. * Record audio from a channel. Note that this will not capture audio sent to the channel. The bridge itself has a record feature if that's what you want. * * @since ari_0_0_1 *********************************************************/ public LiveRecording record(String channelId, String name, String format, int maxDurationSeconds, int maxSilenceSeconds, String ifExists, boolean beep, String terminateOn) throws RestException; // void playWithId String String String String int int AriCallback<Playback> callback /********************************************************** * * * @since ari_1_5_0 *********************************************************/ public void playWithId(String channelId, String playbackId, String media, String lang, int offsetms, int skipms, AriCallback<Playback> callback); // void unhold String AriCallback<Void> callback /********************************************************** * * * @since ari_0_0_1 *********************************************************/ public void unhold(String channelId, AriCallback<Void> callback); // void ring String /********************************************************** * Indicate ringing to a channel. * * * @since ari_0_0_1 *********************************************************/ public void ring(String channelId) throws RestException; // void startSilence String /********************************************************** * Play silence to a channel. * Using media operations such as /play on a channel playing silence in this manner will suspend silence without resuming automatically. * * @since ari_0_0_1 *********************************************************/ public void startSilence(String channelId) throws RestException; // void setChannelVar String String String AriCallback<Void> callback /********************************************************** * * * @since ari_0_0_1 *********************************************************/ public void setChannelVar(String channelId, String variable, String value, AriCallback<Void> callback); // void originate String String String long String String String String int Map<String,String> String String String AriCallback<Channel> callback /********************************************************** * * * @since ari_1_7_0 *********************************************************/ public void originate(String endpoint, String extension, String context, long priority, String label, String app, String appArgs, String callerId, int timeout, Map<String,String> variables, String channelId, String otherChannelId, String originator, AriCallback<Channel> callback); // void list AriCallback<List<Channel>> callback /********************************************************** * * * @since ari_0_0_1 *********************************************************/ public void list(AriCallback<List<Channel>> callback); // void stopMoh String AriCallback<Void> callback /********************************************************** * * * @since ari_0_0_1 *********************************************************/ public void stopMoh(String channelId, AriCallback<Void> callback); // Channel originateWithId String String String String long String String String int Map<String,String> String /********************************************************** * Create a new channel (originate with id). * The new channel is created immediately and a snapshot of it returned. If a Stasis application is provided it will be automatically subscribed to the originated channel for further events and updates. * * @since ari_1_5_0 *********************************************************/ public Channel originateWithId(String channelId, String endpoint, String extension, String context, long priority, String app, String appArgs, String callerId, int timeout, Map<String,String> variables, String otherChannelId) throws RestException; // void answer String AriCallback<Void> callback /********************************************************** * * * @since ari_0_0_1 *********************************************************/ public void answer(String channelId, AriCallback<Void> callback); // Channel snoopChannel String String String String String /********************************************************** * Start snooping. * Snoop (spy/whisper) on a specific channel. * * @since ari_0_0_1 *********************************************************/ public Channel snoopChannel(String channelId, String spy, String whisper, String app, String appArgs) throws RestException; // void dial String String int AriCallback<Void> callback /********************************************************** * * * @since ari_1_10_0 *********************************************************/ public void dial(String channelId, String caller, int timeout, AriCallback<Void> callback); // void stopSilence String /********************************************************** * Stop playing silence to a channel. * * * @since ari_0_0_1 *********************************************************/ public void stopSilence(String channelId) throws RestException; // void originate String String String long String String String int Map<String,String> String String AriCallback<Channel> callback /********************************************************** * * * @since ari_1_5_0 *********************************************************/ public void originate(String endpoint, String extension, String context, long priority, String app, String appArgs, String callerId, int timeout, Map<String,String> variables, String channelId, String otherChannelId, AriCallback<Channel> callback); // void continueInDialplan String String String int AriCallback<Void> callback /********************************************************** * * * @since ari_0_0_1 *********************************************************/ public void continueInDialplan(String channelId, String context, String extension, int priority, AriCallback<Void> callback); // void setChannelVar String String String /********************************************************** * Set the value of a channel variable or function. * * * @since ari_0_0_1 *********************************************************/ public void setChannelVar(String channelId, String variable, String value) throws RestException; // void startMoh String String /********************************************************** * Play music on hold to a channel. * Using media operations such as /play on a channel playing MOH in this manner will suspend MOH without resuming automatically. If continuing music on hold is desired, the stasis application must reinitiate music on hold. * * @since ari_0_0_1 *********************************************************/ public void startMoh(String channelId, String mohClass) throws RestException; // void snoopChannelWithId String String String String String String AriCallback<Channel> callback /********************************************************** * * * @since ari_1_5_0 *********************************************************/ public void snoopChannelWithId(String channelId, String snoopId, String spy, String whisper, String app, String appArgs, AriCallback<Channel> callback); // void originateWithId String String String String long String String String String int Map<String,String> String String String AriCallback<Channel> callback /********************************************************** * * * @since ari_1_10_0 *********************************************************/ public void originateWithId(String channelId, String endpoint, String extension, String context, long priority, String label, String app, String appArgs, String callerId, int timeout, Map<String,String> variables, String otherChannelId, String originator, String formats, AriCallback<Channel> callback); // void continueInDialplan String String String int String /********************************************************** * Exit application; continue execution in the dialplan. * * * @since ari_1_7_0 *********************************************************/ public void continueInDialplan(String channelId, String context, String extension, int priority, String label) throws RestException; // Channel get String /********************************************************** * Channel details. * * * @since ari_0_0_1 *********************************************************/ public Channel get(String channelId) throws RestException; // Playback play String String String int int /********************************************************** * Start playback of media. * The media URI may be any of a number of URI's. Currently sound: and recording: URI's are supported. This operation creates a playback resource that can be used to control the playback of media (pause, rewind, fast forward, etc.) * * @since ari_0_0_1 *********************************************************/ public Playback play(String channelId, String media, String lang, int offsetms, int skipms) throws RestException; // void play String String String int int AriCallback<Playback> callback /********************************************************** * * * @since ari_0_0_1 *********************************************************/ public void play(String channelId, String media, String lang, int offsetms, int skipms, AriCallback<Playback> callback); // void ringStop String /********************************************************** * Stop ringing indication on a channel if locally generated. * * * @since ari_0_0_1 *********************************************************/ public void ringStop(String channelId) throws RestException; // void startSilence String AriCallback<Void> callback /********************************************************** * * * @since ari_0_0_1 *********************************************************/ public void startSilence(String channelId, AriCallback<Void> callback); // void record String String String int int String boolean String AriCallback<LiveRecording> callback /********************************************************** * * * @since ari_0_0_1 *********************************************************/ public void record(String channelId, String name, String format, int maxDurationSeconds, int maxSilenceSeconds, String ifExists, boolean beep, String terminateOn, AriCallback<LiveRecording> callback); // void snoopChannel String String String String String AriCallback<Channel> callback /********************************************************** * * * @since ari_0_0_1 *********************************************************/ public void snoopChannel(String channelId, String spy, String whisper, String app, String appArgs, AriCallback<Channel> callback); // Channel originate String String String long String String String String int Map<String,String> String String String /********************************************************** * Create a new channel (originate). * The new channel is created immediately and a snapshot of it returned. If a Stasis application is provided it will be automatically subscribed to the originated channel for further events and updates. * * @since ari_1_7_0 *********************************************************/ public Channel originate(String endpoint, String extension, String context, long priority, String label, String app, String appArgs, String callerId, int timeout, Map<String,String> variables, String channelId, String otherChannelId, String originator) throws RestException; // void sendDTMF String String int int int int AriCallback<Void> callback /********************************************************** * * * @since ari_0_0_1 *********************************************************/ public void sendDTMF(String channelId, String dtmf, int before, int between, int duration, int after, AriCallback<Void> callback); // void ring String AriCallback<Void> callback /********************************************************** * * * @since ari_0_0_1 *********************************************************/ public void ring(String channelId, AriCallback<Void> callback); // void originateWithId String String String String long String String String int Map<String,String> String AriCallback<Channel> callback /********************************************************** * * * @since ari_1_5_0 *********************************************************/ public void originateWithId(String channelId, String endpoint, String extension, String context, long priority, String app, String appArgs, String callerId, int timeout, Map<String,String> variables, String otherChannelId, AriCallback<Channel> callback); // Channel originateWithId String String String String long String String String String int Map<String,String> String String /********************************************************** * Create a new channel (originate with id). * The new channel is created immediately and a snapshot of it returned. If a Stasis application is provided it will be automatically subscribed to the originated channel for further events and updates. * * @since ari_1_7_0 *********************************************************/ public Channel originateWithId(String channelId, String endpoint, String extension, String context, long priority, String label, String app, String appArgs, String callerId, int timeout, Map<String,String> variables, String otherChannelId, String originator) throws RestException; // List<Channel> list /********************************************************** * List all active channels in Asterisk. * * * @since ari_0_0_1 *********************************************************/ public List<Channel> list() throws RestException; // void get String AriCallback<Channel> callback /********************************************************** * * * @since ari_0_0_1 *********************************************************/ public void get(String channelId, AriCallback<Channel> callback); // void hold String AriCallback<Void> callback /********************************************************** * * * @since ari_0_0_1 *********************************************************/ public void hold(String channelId, AriCallback<Void> callback); // void unmute String String AriCallback<Void> callback /********************************************************** * * * @since ari_0_0_1 *********************************************************/ public void unmute(String channelId, String direction, AriCallback<Void> callback); // void ringStop String AriCallback<Void> callback /********************************************************** * * * @since ari_0_0_1 *********************************************************/ public void ringStop(String channelId, AriCallback<Void> callback); // Channel originate String String String long String String String String int Map<String,String> String String String String /********************************************************** * Create a new channel (originate). * The new channel is created immediately and a snapshot of it returned. If a Stasis application is provided it will be automatically subscribed to the originated channel for further events and updates. * * @since ari_1_10_0 *********************************************************/ public Channel originate(String endpoint, String extension, String context, long priority, String label, String app, String appArgs, String callerId, int timeout, Map<String,String> variables, String channelId, String otherChannelId, String originator, String formats) throws RestException; // Channel originateWithId String String String String long String String String String int Map<String,String> String String String /********************************************************** * Create a new channel (originate with id). * The new channel is created immediately and a snapshot of it returned. If a Stasis application is provided it will be automatically subscribed to the originated channel for further events and updates. * * @since ari_1_10_0 *********************************************************/ public Channel originateWithId(String channelId, String endpoint, String extension, String context, long priority, String label, String app, String appArgs, String callerId, int timeout, Map<String,String> variables, String otherChannelId, String originator, String formats) throws RestException; // void sendDTMF String String int int int int /********************************************************** * Send provided DTMF to a given channel. * * * @since ari_0_0_1 *********************************************************/ public void sendDTMF(String channelId, String dtmf, int before, int between, int duration, int after) throws RestException; // Channel originate String String String long String String String int /********************************************************** * Create a new channel (originate). * The new channel is created immediately and a snapshot of it returned. If a Stasis application is provided it will be automatically subscribed to the originated channel for further events and updates. * * @since ari_0_0_1 *********************************************************/ public Channel originate(String endpoint, String extension, String context, long priority, String app, String appArgs, String callerId, int timeout) throws RestException; // void originateWithId String String String String long String String String String int Map<String,String> String String AriCallback<Channel> callback /********************************************************** * * * @since ari_1_7_0 *********************************************************/ public void originateWithId(String channelId, String endpoint, String extension, String context, long priority, String label, String app, String appArgs, String callerId, int timeout, Map<String,String> variables, String otherChannelId, String originator, AriCallback<Channel> callback); // void continueInDialplan String String String int String AriCallback<Void> callback /********************************************************** * * * @since ari_1_7_0 *********************************************************/ public void continueInDialplan(String channelId, String context, String extension, int priority, String label, AriCallback<Void> callback); // void dial String String int /********************************************************** * Dial a created channel. * * * @since ari_1_10_0 *********************************************************/ public void dial(String channelId, String caller, int timeout) throws RestException; // void mute String String /********************************************************** * Mute a channel. * * * @since ari_0_0_1 *********************************************************/ public void mute(String channelId, String direction) throws RestException; // Variable getChannelVar String String /********************************************************** * Get the value of a channel variable or function. * * * @since ari_0_0_1 *********************************************************/ public Variable getChannelVar(String channelId, String variable) throws RestException; // void create String String String String String String String AriCallback<Channel> callback /********************************************************** * * * @since ari_1_10_0 *********************************************************/ public void create(String endpoint, String app, String appArgs, String channelId, String otherChannelId, String originator, String formats, AriCallback<Channel> callback); // Channel create String String String String String String String /********************************************************** * Create channel. * * * @since ari_1_10_0 *********************************************************/ public Channel create(String endpoint, String app, String appArgs, String channelId, String otherChannelId, String originator, String formats) throws RestException; // void continueInDialplan String String String int /********************************************************** * Exit application; continue execution in the dialplan. * * * @since ari_0_0_1 *********************************************************/ public void continueInDialplan(String channelId, String context, String extension, int priority) throws RestException; // void snoopChannel String String String String String String AriCallback<Channel> callback /********************************************************** * * * @since ari_1_5_0 *********************************************************/ public void snoopChannel(String channelId, String spy, String whisper, String app, String appArgs, String snoopId, AriCallback<Channel> callback); // void originate String String String long String String String String int Map<String,String> String String String String AriCallback<Channel> callback /********************************************************** * * * @since ari_1_10_0 *********************************************************/ public void originate(String endpoint, String extension, String context, long priority, String label, String app, String appArgs, String callerId, int timeout, Map<String,String> variables, String channelId, String otherChannelId, String originator, String formats, AriCallback<Channel> callback); // void mute String String AriCallback<Void> callback /********************************************************** * * * @since ari_0_0_1 *********************************************************/ public void mute(String channelId, String direction, AriCallback<Void> callback); // void hangup String String AriCallback<Void> callback /********************************************************** * * * @since ari_0_0_1 *********************************************************/ public void hangup(String channelId, String reason, AriCallback<Void> callback); // Playback play String String String int int String /********************************************************** * Start playback of media. * The media URI may be any of a number of URI's. Currently sound:, recording:, number:, digits:, characters:, and tone: URI's are supported. This operation creates a playback resource that can be used to control the playback of media (pause, rewind, fast forward, etc.) * * @since ari_1_5_0 *********************************************************/ public Playback play(String channelId, String media, String lang, int offsetms, int skipms, String playbackId) throws RestException; // void hangup String String /********************************************************** * Delete (i.e. hangup) a channel. * * * @since ari_0_0_1 *********************************************************/ public void hangup(String channelId, String reason) throws RestException; // void hold String /********************************************************** * Hold a channel. * * * @since ari_0_0_1 *********************************************************/ public void hold(String channelId) throws RestException; // Channel originate String String String long String String String int Map<String,String> String String /********************************************************** * Create a new channel (originate). * The new channel is created immediately and a snapshot of it returned. If a Stasis application is provided it will be automatically subscribed to the originated channel for further events and updates. * * @since ari_1_5_0 *********************************************************/ public Channel originate(String endpoint, String extension, String context, long priority, String app, String appArgs, String callerId, int timeout, Map<String,String> variables, String channelId, String otherChannelId) throws RestException; // void unmute String String /********************************************************** * Unmute a channel. * * * @since ari_0_0_1 *********************************************************/ public void unmute(String channelId, String direction) throws RestException; // Channel snoopChannel String String String String String String /********************************************************** * Start snooping. * Snoop (spy/whisper) on a specific channel. * * @since ari_1_5_0 *********************************************************/ public Channel snoopChannel(String channelId, String spy, String whisper, String app, String appArgs, String snoopId) throws RestException; // void redirect String String /********************************************************** * Redirect the channel to a different location. * * * @since ari_1_8_0 *********************************************************/ public void redirect(String channelId, String endpoint) throws RestException; // void originate String String String long String String String int AriCallback<Channel> callback /********************************************************** * * * @since ari_0_0_1 *********************************************************/ public void originate(String endpoint, String extension, String context, long priority, String app, String appArgs, String callerId, int timeout, AriCallback<Channel> callback); } ;