package ch.loway.oss.ari4java.generated; // ---------------------------------------------------- // THIS CLASS WAS GENERATED AUTOMATICALLY // PLEASE DO NOT EDIT // Generated on: Sat Feb 04 15:23:08 CET 2017 // ---------------------------------------------------- import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.ArrayList; import; import; import*; /********************************************************** * * Generated by: JavaInterface *********************************************************/ public interface ActionBridges { // void create String String String AriCallback<Bridge> callback /********************************************************** * * * @since ari_1_5_0 *********************************************************/ public void create(String type, String bridgeId, String name, AriCallback<Bridge> callback); // Playback play String String String int int /********************************************************** * Start playback of media on a bridge. * The media URI may be any of a number of URI's. Currently sound: and recording: URI's are supported. This operation creates a playback resource that can be used to control the playback of media (pause, rewind, fast forward, etc.) * * @since ari_0_0_1 *********************************************************/ public Playback play(String bridgeId, String media, String lang, int offsetms, int skipms) throws RestException; // void play String String String int int AriCallback<Playback> callback /********************************************************** * * * @since ari_0_0_1 *********************************************************/ public void play(String bridgeId, String media, String lang, int offsetms, int skipms, AriCallback<Playback> callback); // void play String String String int int String AriCallback<Playback> callback /********************************************************** * * * @since ari_1_5_0 *********************************************************/ public void play(String bridgeId, String media, String lang, int offsetms, int skipms, String playbackId, AriCallback<Playback> callback); // void addChannel String String String /********************************************************** * Add a channel to a bridge. * * * @since ari_0_0_1 *********************************************************/ public void addChannel(String bridgeId, String channel, String role) throws RestException; // void startMoh String String AriCallback<Void> callback /********************************************************** * * * @since ari_0_0_1 *********************************************************/ public void startMoh(String bridgeId, String mohClass, AriCallback<Void> callback); // Bridge get String /********************************************************** * Get bridge details. * * * @since ari_0_0_1 *********************************************************/ public Bridge get(String bridgeId) throws RestException; // void record String String String int int String boolean String AriCallback<LiveRecording> callback /********************************************************** * * * @since ari_0_0_1 *********************************************************/ public void record(String bridgeId, String name, String format, int maxDurationSeconds, int maxSilenceSeconds, String ifExists, boolean beep, String terminateOn, AriCallback<LiveRecording> callback); // void stopMoh String /********************************************************** * Stop playing music on hold to a bridge. * This will only stop music on hold being played via POST bridges/{bridgeId}/moh. * * @since ari_0_0_1 *********************************************************/ public void stopMoh(String bridgeId) throws RestException; // void createWithId String String String AriCallback<Bridge> callback /********************************************************** * * * @since ari_1_7_0 *********************************************************/ public void createWithId(String type, String bridgeId, String name, AriCallback<Bridge> callback); // void get String AriCallback<Bridge> callback /********************************************************** * * * @since ari_0_0_1 *********************************************************/ public void get(String bridgeId, AriCallback<Bridge> callback); // List<Bridge> list /********************************************************** * List all active bridges in Asterisk. * * * @since ari_0_0_1 *********************************************************/ public List<Bridge> list() throws RestException; // void list AriCallback<List<Bridge>> callback /********************************************************** * * * @since ari_0_0_1 *********************************************************/ public void list(AriCallback<List<Bridge>> callback); // void destroy String /********************************************************** * Shut down a bridge. * If any channels are in this bridge, they will be removed and resume whatever they were doing beforehand. * * @since ari_0_0_1 *********************************************************/ public void destroy(String bridgeId) throws RestException; // Playback playWithId String String String String int int /********************************************************** * Start playback of media on a bridge. * The media URI may be any of a number of URI's. Currently sound: and recording: URI's are supported. This operation creates a playback resource that can be used to control the playback of media (pause, rewind, fast forward, etc.) * * @since ari_1_5_0 *********************************************************/ public Playback playWithId(String bridgeId, String playbackId, String media, String lang, int offsetms, int skipms) throws RestException; // Bridge create String String String /********************************************************** * Create a new bridge. * This bridge persists until it has been shut down, or Asterisk has been shut down. * * @since ari_1_5_0 *********************************************************/ public Bridge create(String type, String bridgeId, String name) throws RestException; // Bridge create String String /********************************************************** * Create a new bridge. * This bridge persists until it has been shut down, or Asterisk has been shut down. * * @since ari_1_0_0 *********************************************************/ public Bridge create(String type, String name) throws RestException; // void addChannel String String String AriCallback<Void> callback /********************************************************** * * * @since ari_0_0_1 *********************************************************/ public void addChannel(String bridgeId, String channel, String role, AriCallback<Void> callback); // LiveRecording record String String String int int String boolean String /********************************************************** * Start a recording. * This records the mixed audio from all channels participating in this bridge. * * @since ari_0_0_1 *********************************************************/ public LiveRecording record(String bridgeId, String name, String format, int maxDurationSeconds, int maxSilenceSeconds, String ifExists, boolean beep, String terminateOn) throws RestException; // void playWithId String String String String int int AriCallback<Playback> callback /********************************************************** * * * @since ari_1_5_0 *********************************************************/ public void playWithId(String bridgeId, String playbackId, String media, String lang, int offsetms, int skipms, AriCallback<Playback> callback); // void create_or_update_with_id String String String AriCallback<Bridge> callback /********************************************************** * * * @since ari_1_5_0 *********************************************************/ public void create_or_update_with_id(String type, String bridgeId, String name, AriCallback<Bridge> callback); // void setVideoSource String String /********************************************************** * Set a channel as the video source in a multi-party mixing bridge. This operation has no effect on bridges with two or fewer participants. * * * @since ari_2_0_0 *********************************************************/ public void setVideoSource(String bridgeId, String channelId) throws RestException; // void removeChannel String String /********************************************************** * Remove a channel from a bridge. * * * @since ari_0_0_1 *********************************************************/ public void removeChannel(String bridgeId, String channel) throws RestException; // void destroy String AriCallback<Void> callback /********************************************************** * * * @since ari_0_0_1 *********************************************************/ public void destroy(String bridgeId, AriCallback<Void> callback); // Bridge create_or_update_with_id String String String /********************************************************** * Create a new bridge or updates an existing one. * This bridge persists until it has been shut down, or Asterisk has been shut down. * * @since ari_1_5_0 *********************************************************/ public Bridge create_or_update_with_id(String type, String bridgeId, String name) throws RestException; // Bridge create String /********************************************************** * Create a new bridge. * This bridge persists until it has been shut down, or Asterisk has been shut down. * * @since ari_0_0_1 *********************************************************/ public Bridge create(String type) throws RestException; // void stopMoh String AriCallback<Void> callback /********************************************************** * * * @since ari_0_0_1 *********************************************************/ public void stopMoh(String bridgeId, AriCallback<Void> callback); // void removeChannel String String AriCallback<Void> callback /********************************************************** * * * @since ari_0_0_1 *********************************************************/ public void removeChannel(String bridgeId, String channel, AriCallback<Void> callback); // Playback play String String String int int String /********************************************************** * Start playback of media on a bridge. * The media URI may be any of a number of URI's. Currently sound:, recording:, number:, digits:, characters:, and tone: URI's are supported. This operation creates a playback resource that can be used to control the playback of media (pause, rewind, fast forward, etc.) * * @since ari_1_5_0 *********************************************************/ public Playback play(String bridgeId, String media, String lang, int offsetms, int skipms, String playbackId) throws RestException; // void clearVideoSource String /********************************************************** * Removes any explicit video source in a multi-party mixing bridge. This operation has no effect on bridges with two or fewer participants. When no explicit video source is set, talk detection will be used to determine the active video stream. * * * @since ari_2_0_0 *********************************************************/ public void clearVideoSource(String bridgeId) throws RestException; // void create String AriCallback<Bridge> callback /********************************************************** * * * @since ari_0_0_1 *********************************************************/ public void create(String type, AriCallback<Bridge> callback); // void setVideoSource String String AriCallback<Void> callback /********************************************************** * * * @since ari_2_0_0 *********************************************************/ public void setVideoSource(String bridgeId, String channelId, AriCallback<Void> callback); // void startMoh String String /********************************************************** * Play music on hold to a bridge or change the MOH class that is playing. * * * @since ari_0_0_1 *********************************************************/ public void startMoh(String bridgeId, String mohClass) throws RestException; // void create String String AriCallback<Bridge> callback /********************************************************** * * * @since ari_1_0_0 *********************************************************/ public void create(String type, String name, AriCallback<Bridge> callback); // void clearVideoSource String AriCallback<Void> callback /********************************************************** * * * @since ari_2_0_0 *********************************************************/ public void clearVideoSource(String bridgeId, AriCallback<Void> callback); // Bridge createWithId String String String /********************************************************** * Create a new bridge or updates an existing one. * This bridge persists until it has been shut down, or Asterisk has been shut down. * * @since ari_1_7_0 *********************************************************/ public Bridge createWithId(String type, String bridgeId, String name) throws RestException; } ;