package com.appboy.wear.models; import org.json.JSONObject; import java.util.Date;//NOPMD /** * This class acts as a wrapper for your JSONObjects. See the specification for AppboyProperties in the * appboy-base-private library for what keys and values are allowed. The basic specification is duplicated below. * Validation occurs on the phone after transport. * * Defines and stores metadata about events and purchases. * * Metadata is stored as properties represented by key-value pairs. * * Property keys are non-empty strings <= 255 characters, with no leading dollar signs. * Property values are be integers, doubles, booleans, java.util.Date objects, or strings <= 255 characters. * All strings of length > 255 characters will be truncated. * * If you need to add a date to your AppboyProperties json, use {@link}. */ @SuppressWarnings("PMD") public final class AppboyProperties implements IPutIntoJson<JSONObject> { private JSONObject mPropertiesJSONObject = new JSONObject(); public AppboyProperties(JSONObject jsonObject) { mPropertiesJSONObject = jsonObject; } @Override public JSONObject forJsonPut() { return mPropertiesJSONObject; } }