package com.appboy.ui.inappmessage; import android.content.Context; import; import; import; import android.util.AttributeSet; import com.appboy.Constants; import com.appboy.enums.inappmessage.CropType; import; import com.facebook.drawee.drawable.ScalingUtils; import com.facebook.drawee.view.SimpleDraweeView; /** * Extends SimpleDraweeView with the ability to clip the view's corners by a defined radius on all * image types. */ public class AppboyInAppMessageSimpleDraweeView extends SimpleDraweeView implements IInAppMessageImageView { private static final String TAG = String.format("%s.%s", Constants.APPBOY_LOG_TAG_PREFIX, AppboyInAppMessageSimpleDraweeView.class.getName()); /** * Clip path that will be set to a closed round-rectangle contour based on the radii in * {@link #mInAppRadii} and used to clip the image view. */ private Path mClipPath; /** * Represents the dimensions of the image view which will be used to create the clip path. */ private RectF mRect; /** * Array of 8 values, 4 pairs of [X,Y] radii. Each corner receives * two radius values [X, Y]. The corners are ordered top-left, top-right, * bottom-right, bottom-left */ private float[] mInAppRadii; public AppboyInAppMessageSimpleDraweeView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); mClipPath = new Path(); mRect = new RectF(); } /** * See {@link IInAppMessageImageView#setCornersRadiiPx(float, float, float, float)} */ @Override public void setCornersRadiiPx(float topLeft, float topRight, float bottomLeft, float bottomRight) { float[] inappRadii = new float[]{ topLeft, topLeft, topRight, topRight, bottomLeft, bottomLeft, bottomRight, bottomRight }; mInAppRadii = inappRadii; } /** * See {@link IInAppMessageImageView#setCornersRadiusPx(float)} */ @Override public void setCornersRadiusPx(float cornersRadius) { setCornersRadiiPx(cornersRadius, cornersRadius, cornersRadius, cornersRadius); } /** * See {@link IInAppMessageImageView#setInAppMessageImageCropType(CropType)} */ @Override public void setInAppMessageImageCropType(CropType cropType) { if (cropType.equals(CropType.FIT_CENTER)) { getHierarchy().setActualImageScaleType(ScalingUtils.ScaleType.FIT_CENTER); } else if (cropType.equals(CropType.CENTER_CROP)) { getHierarchy().setActualImageScaleType(ScalingUtils.ScaleType.CENTER_CROP); } } @Override protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { clipCanvasToPath(canvas, getWidth(), getHeight()); super.onDraw(canvas); } /** * Clips the input canvas to a rounded rectangle of the specified width and height, using the * radii set in {@link #setCornersRadiiPx(float, float, float, float)} * * @param canvas the canvas to be clipped * @param widthPx * @param heightPx * @return whether the canvas was successfully clipped */ boolean clipCanvasToPath(Canvas canvas, int widthPx, int heightPx) { if (mInAppRadii != null) { try { mClipPath.reset(); mRect.set(0.0f, 0.0f, widthPx, heightPx); mClipPath.addRoundRect(mRect, mInAppRadii, Path.Direction.CW); canvas.clipPath(mClipPath); return true; } catch (Exception e) { AppboyLogger.e(TAG, "Encountered exception while trying to clip in-app message image", e); return false; } } return false; } }