package com.appboy.push; import android.annotation.TargetApi; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Bundle; import android.widget.RemoteViews; import com.appboy.Constants; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; public class AppboyNotificationRemoteViewsUtils { private static final String TAG = String.format("%s.%s", Constants.APPBOY_LOG_TAG_PREFIX, AppboyNotificationRemoteViewsUtils.class.getName()); public static final String APPBOY_NOTIFICATION_ID = "com_appboy_notification"; public static final String APPBOY_NOTIFICATION_ID_NO_ICON = "com_appboy_notification_no_icon"; public static final String APPBOY_NOTIFICATION_TITLE_ID = "com_appboy_notification_title"; public static final String APPBOY_NOTIFICATION_CONTENT_ID = "com_appboy_notification_content"; public static final String APPBOY_NOTIFICATION_ICON_ID = "com_appboy_notification_icon"; public static final String APPBOY_NOTIFICATION_TIME_ID = "com_appboy_notification_time"; public static final String APPBOY_NOTIFICATION_TWENTY_FOUR_HOUR_FORMAT_ID = "com_appboy_notification_time_twenty_four_hour_format"; public static final String APPBOY_NOTIFICATION_TWELVE_HOUR_FORTMAT_ID = "com_appboy_notification_time_twelve_hour_format"; /** * Returns a custom multi-line push notification view. For devices running Jelly Bean+, you should use * the native BigTextStyle to get this functionality. * * @param context * @param notificationExtras * @param smallIconResourceId the resource id of the small icon defined in appboy.xml as com_appboy_push_small_notification_icon * @param showSmallIcon whether or not to custom display the small icon in the remote view. If an icon outside of the remote view * itself will be displayed, pass in false to avoid redundant icon display. * @return a RemoteViews instance representing the notification or null if the view cannot be created. */ @TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB) public static RemoteViews createMultiLineContentNotificationView(Context context, Bundle notificationExtras, int smallIconResourceId, boolean showSmallIcon) { if (notificationExtras != null) { String title = notificationExtras.getString(Constants.APPBOY_PUSH_TITLE_KEY); String contentText = notificationExtras.getString(Constants.APPBOY_PUSH_CONTENT_KEY); Resources resources = context.getResources(); String resourcePackageName = PackageUtils.getResourcePackageName(context); int layoutResourceId; if (showSmallIcon) { layoutResourceId = resources.getIdentifier(APPBOY_NOTIFICATION_ID, "layout", resourcePackageName); } else { // If we are using a large icon or do not want to show the small notification icon for some other reason, // choose the layout at "com_appboy_notification_no_icon", which contains no small icon image view // as the layout resource id. layoutResourceId = resources.getIdentifier(APPBOY_NOTIFICATION_ID_NO_ICON, "layout", resourcePackageName); } int titleResourceId = resources.getIdentifier(APPBOY_NOTIFICATION_TITLE_ID, "id", resourcePackageName); int contentResourceId = resources.getIdentifier(APPBOY_NOTIFICATION_CONTENT_ID, "id", resourcePackageName); int iconResourceId = resources.getIdentifier(APPBOY_NOTIFICATION_ICON_ID, "id", resourcePackageName); int timeViewResourceId = resources.getIdentifier(APPBOY_NOTIFICATION_TIME_ID, "id", resourcePackageName); int twentyFourHourFormatResourceId = resources.getIdentifier(APPBOY_NOTIFICATION_TWENTY_FOUR_HOUR_FORMAT_ID, "string", resourcePackageName); int twelveHourFormatResourceId = resources.getIdentifier(APPBOY_NOTIFICATION_TWELVE_HOUR_FORTMAT_ID, "string", resourcePackageName); String twentyFourHourTimeFormat = AppboyNotificationUtils.getOptionalStringResource(resources, twentyFourHourFormatResourceId, Constants.DEFAULT_TWENTY_FOUR_HOUR_TIME_FORMAT); String twelveHourTimeFormat = AppboyNotificationUtils.getOptionalStringResource(resources, twelveHourFormatResourceId, Constants.DEFAULT_TWELVE_HOUR_TIME_FORMAT); if (layoutResourceId == 0 || titleResourceId == 0 || contentResourceId == 0 || iconResourceId == 0 || timeViewResourceId == 0) { AppboyLogger.w(TAG, String.format("Couldn't find all resource IDs for custom notification view, extended view will " + "not be used for push notifications. Received %d for layout, %d for title, %d for content, %d for icon, " + "and %d for time.", layoutResourceId, titleResourceId, contentResourceId, iconResourceId, timeViewResourceId)); } else { AppboyLogger.d(TAG, "Using RemoteViews for rendering of push notification."); RemoteViews remoteViews; try { remoteViews = new RemoteViews(PackageUtils.getResourcePackageName(context), layoutResourceId); } catch (Exception e) { AppboyLogger.e(TAG, String.format("Failed to initialize remote views with package %s", PackageUtils.getResourcePackageName(context)), e); try { remoteViews = new RemoteViews(context.getPackageName(), layoutResourceId); } catch (Exception e2) { AppboyLogger.e(TAG, String.format("Failed to initialize remote views with package %s", context.getPackageName()), e2); return null; } } remoteViews.setTextViewText(titleResourceId, title); remoteViews.setTextViewText(contentResourceId, contentText); if (showSmallIcon) { remoteViews.setImageViewResource(iconResourceId, smallIconResourceId); } // Custom views cannot be used as part of a RemoteViews so we're using a TextView widget instead. This // view will always display the time without date information (even after the day has changed). SimpleDateFormat timeFormat = new SimpleDateFormat( android.text.format.DateFormat.is24HourFormat(context) ? twentyFourHourTimeFormat : twelveHourTimeFormat); String notificationTime = timeFormat.format(new Date()); remoteViews.setTextViewText(timeViewResourceId, notificationTime); return remoteViews; } } return null; } }