package com.appboy.ui.widget; import android.annotation.TargetApi; import android.content.Context; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewStub; import android.view.ViewTreeObserver; import android.widget.ImageView; import android.widget.RelativeLayout; import android.widget.TextView; import android.widget.ViewSwitcher; import com.appboy.Appboy; import com.appboy.Constants; import com.appboy.configuration.AppboyConfigurationProvider; import com.appboy.enums.Channel; import; import; import com.appboy.ui.AppboyNavigator; import com.appboy.ui.R; import com.appboy.ui.actions.ActionFactory; import com.appboy.ui.actions.IAction; import com.appboy.ui.actions.UriAction; import com.appboy.ui.feed.AppboyFeedManager; import com.appboy.ui.feed.AppboyImageSwitcher; import; import; import com.facebook.drawee.view.SimpleDraweeView; import java.util.Observable; import java.util.Observer; /** * Base class for Appboy feed card views */ public abstract class BaseCardView<T extends Card> extends RelativeLayout implements Observer { private static final String TAG = String.format("%s.%s", Constants.APPBOY_LOG_TAG_PREFIX, BaseCardView.class.getName()); private static Boolean unreadCardVisualIndicatorOn; private static final float SQUARE_ASPECT_RATIO = 1f; protected final Context mContext; protected T mCard; protected AppboyImageSwitcher mImageSwitcher; private final boolean mCanUseFresco; public BaseCardView(Context context) { super(context); // Note: this must be called before we inflate any views. mCanUseFresco = FrescoLibraryUtils.canUseFresco(context); mContext = context; LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater) context.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE); inflater.inflate(getLayoutResource(), this); // All implementing views of BaseCardView must include this switcher view in order to have the // read/unread functionality. Views that don't have the indicator (like banner views) won't have the image switcher // in them and thus we do the null-check below. mImageSwitcher = (AppboyImageSwitcher) findViewById(; if (mImageSwitcher != null) { mImageSwitcher.setFactory(new ViewSwitcher.ViewFactory() { @Override public View makeView() { return new ImageView(mContext.getApplicationContext()); } }); } // If the visual indicator on cards shouldn't be on, due to the xml setting in appboy.xml, then set the // imageSwitcher to GONE to hide the indicator UI. // Read the setting from the appboy.xml if we don't already have a value. if (unreadCardVisualIndicatorOn == null) { AppboyConfigurationProvider configurationProvider = new AppboyConfigurationProvider(context); unreadCardVisualIndicatorOn = configurationProvider.getIsNewsfeedVisualIndicatorOn(); } // If the setting is false, then hide the indicator. if (!unreadCardVisualIndicatorOn) { if (mImageSwitcher != null) { mImageSwitcher.setVisibility(GONE); } } } /** * This method is called when the setRead() method is called on the internal Card object. */ @Override public void update(Observable observable, Object data) { setCardViewedIndicator(); } /** * Checks to see if the card object is viewed and if so, sets the read/unread status * indicator image. If the card is null, does nothing. */ private void setCardViewedIndicator() { if (getCard() != null) { if (mImageSwitcher != null) { AppboyLogger.v(TAG, "Setting the read/unread indicator for the card."); if (getCard().isRead()) { if (mImageSwitcher.getReadIcon() != null) { mImageSwitcher.setImageDrawable(mImageSwitcher.getReadIcon()); } else { mImageSwitcher.setImageResource(R.drawable.icon_read); } mImageSwitcher.setTag("icon_read"); } else { if (mImageSwitcher.getUnReadIcon() != null) { mImageSwitcher.setImageDrawable(mImageSwitcher.getUnReadIcon()); return; } else { mImageSwitcher.setImageResource(R.drawable.icon_unread); } mImageSwitcher.setTag("icon_unread"); } } } else { AppboyLogger.d(TAG, "The card is null."); } } protected abstract int getLayoutResource(); public void setCard(final T card) { mCard = card; onSetCard(card); // Register as an observer to the card class card.addObserver(this); setCardViewedIndicator(); } protected abstract void onSetCard(T card); public Card getCard() { return mCard; } void setOptionalTextView(TextView view, String value) { if (value != null && !value.trim().equals("")) { view.setText(value); view.setVisibility(VISIBLE); } else { view.setText(""); view.setVisibility(GONE); } } void safeSetBackground(Drawable background) { if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN) { setBackgroundDrawable(background); } else { setBackgroundNew(background); } } @TargetApi(16) private void setBackgroundNew(Drawable background) { setBackground(background); } /** * Calls setImageViewToUrl with aspect ratio set to 1f and respectAspectRatio set to false. * @see com.appboy.ui.widget.BaseCardView#setImageViewToUrl(android.widget.ImageView, String, float, boolean) */ void setImageViewToUrl(final ImageView imageView, final String imageUrl) { setImageViewToUrl(imageView, imageUrl, 1f, false); } /** * Calls setImageViewToUrl with respectAspectRatio set to true. * @see com.appboy.ui.widget.BaseCardView#setImageViewToUrl(android.widget.ImageView, String, float, boolean) */ void setImageViewToUrl(final ImageView imageView, final String imageUrl, final float aspectRatio) { setImageViewToUrl(imageView, imageUrl, aspectRatio, true); } /** * Asynchronously fetches the image at the given imageUrl and displays the image in the ImageView. No image will be * displayed if the image cannot be downloaded or fetched from the cache. * * @param imageView the ImageView in which to display the image * @param imageUrl the URL of the image resource * @param aspectRatio the desired aspect ratio of the image. This should match what's being sent down from the dashboard. * @param respectAspectRatio whether to use aspectRatio as the final aspect ratio of the imageView. When set to false, * the aspect ratio of the imageView will match that of the downloaded image. When set to true, * the provided aspect ratio will match aspectRatio, regardless of the actual dimensions of the * downloaded image. */ void setImageViewToUrl(final ImageView imageView, final String imageUrl, final float aspectRatio, final boolean respectAspectRatio) { if (imageUrl == null) { AppboyLogger.w(TAG, "The image url to render is null. Not setting the card image."); return; } if (aspectRatio == 0) { AppboyLogger.w(TAG, "The image aspect ratio is 0. Not setting the card image."); return; } if (!imageUrl.equals(imageView.getTag())) { if (aspectRatio != SQUARE_ASPECT_RATIO) { // We need to set layout params on the imageView once its layout state is visible. To do this, // we obtain the imageView's observer and attach a listener on it for when the view's layout // occurs. At layout time, we set the imageView's size params based on the aspect ratio // for our card. Note that after the card's first layout, we don't want redundant resizing // so we remove our listener after the resizing. ViewTreeObserver viewTreeObserver = imageView.getViewTreeObserver(); if (viewTreeObserver.isAlive()) { viewTreeObserver.addOnGlobalLayoutListener(new ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener() { @Override public void onGlobalLayout() { int width = imageView.getWidth(); imageView.setLayoutParams(new LayoutParams(width, (int) (width / aspectRatio))); ViewUtils.removeOnGlobalLayoutListenerSafe(imageView.getViewTreeObserver(), this); } }); } } imageView.setImageResource(android.R.color.transparent); Appboy.getInstance(getContext()).fetchAndRenderImage(imageUrl, imageView, respectAspectRatio); imageView.setTag(imageUrl); } } /** * Loads an image via url for display in a SimpleDraweeView using the Facebook Fresco library. * By default, gif urls are set to autoplay and tap to retry is on for all images. * @param simpleDraweeView the fresco SimpleDraweeView in which to display the image * @param imageUrl the URL of the image resource */ void setSimpleDraweeToUrl(final SimpleDraweeView simpleDraweeView, final String imageUrl, final float aspectRatio, final boolean respectAspectRatio) { if (imageUrl == null) { AppboyLogger.w(TAG, "The image url to render is null. Not setting the card image."); return; } FrescoLibraryUtils.setDraweeControllerHelper(simpleDraweeView, imageUrl, aspectRatio, respectAspectRatio); } /** * Returns whether we can use the Fresco Library for newsfeed cards. */ boolean canUseFresco() { return mCanUseFresco; } protected static void handleCardClick(Context context, Card card, IAction cardAction, String tag) { handleCardClick(context, card, cardAction, tag, true); } /** * All card views should handle new feed card clicks through this method */ protected static void handleCardClick(Context context, Card card, IAction cardAction, String tag, boolean markAsRead) { if (markAsRead) { card.setIsRead(true); } if (cardAction != null) { if (card.logClick()) { AppboyLogger.d(tag, String.format("Logged click for card %s", card.getId())); } else { AppboyLogger.d(tag, String.format("Logging click failed for card %s", card.getId())); } if (!AppboyFeedManager.getInstance().getFeedCardClickActionListener().onFeedCardClicked(context, card, cardAction)) { if (cardAction instanceof UriAction) { AppboyNavigator.getAppboyNavigator().gotoUri(context, (UriAction) cardAction); } else { // Some other action received, execute directly. cardAction.execute(context); } } } } protected static UriAction getUriActionForCard(Card card) { Bundle extras = new Bundle(); for (String key : card.getExtras().keySet()) { extras.putString(key, card.getExtras().get(key)); } return ActionFactory.createUriActionFromUrlString(card.getUrl(), extras, card.getOpenUriInWebView(), Channel.NEWS_FEED); } /** * Gets the view to display the correct card image after checking if it can use Fresco. * @param stubLayoutId The resource Id of the stub for inflation as returned by findViewById. * @return the view to display the image. This will either be an ImageView or DraweeView */ View getProperViewFromInflatedStub(int stubLayoutId) { ViewStub imageStub = (ViewStub) findViewById(stubLayoutId); imageStub.inflate(); if (mCanUseFresco) { return findViewById(; } else { return findViewById(; } } }