package ru.denull.wire.model; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Random; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import net.sf.ehcache.Cache; import net.sf.ehcache.Element; import ru.denull.mtproto.Auth.AuthCallback; import ru.denull.mtproto.DataService; import ru.denull.mtproto.Log; import ru.denull.mtproto.Server; import ru.denull.wire.ImagePanel; import tl.Dialog; import tl.FileLocation; import tl.InputFile; import tl.InputFileLocation; import tl.InputVideoFileLocation; import tl.PeerUser; import tl.TFileLocation; import tl.TInputFile; import tl.TInputFileLocation; import tl.TLObject; import tl.Video; import; import tl.upload.GetFile; import tl.upload.SaveFilePart; public class FileManager { private static final String TAG = "FileManager"; /* public static final String TABLE_NAME = "file"; public static final String _ID = "_id"; public static final String COLUMN_NAME_BODY = "body"; public static final String SQL_CREATE_ENTRIES = "CREATE TABLE " + TABLE_NAME + " (" + _ID + " INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," + COLUMN_NAME_BODY + " BLOB" + " )"; public static final String SQL_DELETE_ENTRIES = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + TABLE_NAME; */ public static final int MAX_CONCURRENT_JOBS = 3; public static final long MIN_DISK_CACHE_CLEAR_INTERVAL = 10 * 1000; // clear disk cache each 10s public static final int MAX_MEMORY_CACHE = 8 * 1024 * 1024; // allow up to 8mb in memory public static final int MAX_DISK_CACHE = 16 * 1024 * 2024; // allow up to 16mb on disk public static final int MIN_DISK_CACHE_STORE_TIME = 8 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // store files on disk for 8 hours at least public static long lastTimeCacheChecked = 0; public int activeJobs = 0; public DataService service; public File cacheDir; //SQLiteDatabase db; public Cache loaded; public HashMap<Long, FileLoadingJob> progress = new HashMap<Long, FileLoadingJob>(50); public LinkedList<FileLoadingJob> queue = new LinkedList<FileLoadingJob>(); public HashMap<Long, Integer> states = new HashMap<Long, Integer>(100); //public static final Dialog empty = new Dialog(new PeerUser(0), 0, 0); public class FileLoadingJob { public static final int WAITING = 0; public static final int LOADING = 1; public static final int CANCELED = 2; // not really needed, as jobs are instantly removed on error (TODO: don't remove? for some time?) public static final int COMPLETE = 3; public static final int CHUNK_SIZE = 8 * 1024; // 8kb? public FileManager manager; public long id; public int dc_id; public TInputFileLocation location; public boolean diskOnly; // don't store this file in memory at all (for video files) public TFileType type; public int size = 0, loaded = 0; public ByteArrayOutputStream buffer; public File cached; public FileOutputStream stream; public int state = WAITING; public ArrayList<FileLoadingCallback> callbacks = new ArrayList<FileLoadingCallback>(); public ArrayList<WeakReference<ImagePanel>> views = new ArrayList<WeakReference<ImagePanel>>(); public String filename; public FileLoadingJob(FileManager manager, long id, int dc_id, TInputFileLocation location) { this(manager, id, dc_id, location, false, 0); } public FileLoadingJob(FileManager manager, long id, int dc_id, TInputFileLocation location, int size) { this(manager, id, dc_id, location, false, size); } public FileLoadingJob(FileManager manager, long id, int dc_id, TInputFileLocation location, boolean diskOnly) { this(manager, id, dc_id, location, diskOnly, 0); } public FileLoadingJob(FileManager manager, long id, int dc_id, TInputFileLocation location, boolean diskOnly, int size) { this(manager, id, dc_id, location, diskOnly, size, null); } public FileLoadingJob(FileManager manager, long id, int dc_id, TInputFileLocation location, boolean diskOnly, int size, String filename) { this.manager = manager; = id; this.dc_id = dc_id; this.location = location; this.diskOnly = diskOnly; this.size = size; this.filename = (filename == null) ? (cacheDir + System.getProperty("file.separator") + "file" + Long.toHexString(id) + ".dat") : filename; } public void start() { state = LOADING; manager.activeJobs++; // check disk first service.threadPool.submit(new Runnable() { public void run() { cached = new File(filename); if (cached.exists()) { try { byte[] data = null; if (!diskOnly) { FileInputStream stream = new FileInputStream(cached); data = new byte[(int) cached.length()];; stream.close(); } cached.setLastModified(System.currentTimeMillis()); // "touch" file (can be used in checkCache below) complete(data, false); return; } catch (IOException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Unable to load file #" + id + " from cache"); e.printStackTrace(); } } if (diskOnly) { try { if (cached.createNewFile()) { stream = new FileOutputStream(cached); } } catch (IOException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Unable to save file #" + id + " to disk cache"); e.printStackTrace(); } } else { buffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream(size); } load(); } }); } public void complete() { complete(buffer.toByteArray(), true); } public void complete(byte[] result, boolean saveToDisk) { state = COMPLETE; manager.activeJobs--; if (!diskOnly) { BufferedImage bitmap = null; try { bitmap = ByteArrayInputStream(result)); } catch (IOException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block //e1.printStackTrace(); //Invalid JPEG file structure: two SOI markers } // store in memory manager.loaded.put(new Element(id, result)); // send notifications for (FileLoadingCallback callback : callbacks) { callback.complete(type, bitmap); } for (WeakReference<ImagePanel> view : views) { ImagePanel panel = view.get(); if (panel != null) { panel.setImage(bitmap, id); } } // write to disk /*if (saveToDisk) { try { cached = new File(manager.cacheDir, "file" + Long.toHexString(id) + ".dat"); if (cached.createNewFile()) { stream = new FileOutputStream(cached); stream.write(buffer.toByteArray()); stream.close(); } manager.checkCache(); } catch (IOException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Unable to save file #" + id + " to disk cache"); e.printStackTrace(); } }*/ } else { try { stream.close(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.w(TAG, "Unable to close cache file"); e.printStackTrace(); } // send notifications for (FileLoadingCallback callback : callbacks) { callback.complete(type, cached); } } manager.progress.remove(id); manager.checkJobs(); } public void cancel() { state = CANCELED; activeJobs--; if (diskOnly) { try { stream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Unable to close cache file"); e.printStackTrace(); } cached.delete(); } for (FileLoadingCallback callback : callbacks) {; } manager.progress.remove(id); manager.checkJobs(); } public void append(byte[] bytes) { try { if (diskOnly) { stream.write(bytes); } else { buffer.write(bytes); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); cancel(); return; } loaded += bytes.length; // a bit of cheating if size is unknown... float percent = (size > 0) ? (1.0f * loaded / size) : (1.0f * loaded / (loaded + (CHUNK_SIZE << 1))); for (FileLoadingCallback callback : callbacks) { if (callback instanceof FileLoadingProgressiveCallback) { ((FileLoadingProgressiveCallback) callback).progress(loaded, size, percent); } } } public void load() { manager.service.connectAndPrepare(dc_id, false, false, false, new AuthCallback() { public void error() { cancel(); } public void done(Server server, byte[] auth_key) { GetFile(location, loaded, CHUNK_SIZE), new Server.RPCCallback<tl.upload.File>() { public void done(tl.upload.File result) { append(result.bytes); if ((size > 0 && loaded <= size) || result.bytes.length < CHUNK_SIZE) { complete(diskOnly ? null : buffer.toByteArray(), true); } else { load(); } } public void error(int code, String message) { Log.e(TAG, "Unable to load file #" + id); cancel(); } }); } }); } public int getState() { int result = STATE_DOWNLOAD; float percent = (size > 0) ? (1.0f * loaded / size) : (1.0f * loaded / (loaded + (CHUNK_SIZE << 1))); result |= (int) (STATE_PROGRESS_MAX * percent); if (state == WAITING) { result |= STATE_QUEUED; } else if (state == LOADING) { result |= STATE_IN_PROGRESS; } else if (state == COMPLETE) { result |= STATE_COMPLETE; } result |= STATE_FILE_CACHE; if (!diskOnly) { result |= STATE_MEMORY_CACHE; } return result; } } public interface FileLoadingCallback { // data is either File or Bitmap public void complete(TFileType type, Object data); public void fail(); } public interface FileLoadingProgressiveCallback extends FileLoadingCallback { public void progress(int loaded, int size, float percent); } public FileManager(DataService service) { this.service = service; this.cacheDir = service.getCacheDir(); this.cacheDir.mkdirs(); this.loaded = service.cacheManager.getCache("files"); } // remove some files from cacheDir if they are taking too much space public void checkCache() { /*if (lastTimeCacheChecked == 0) { lastTimeCacheChecked = System.currentTimeMillis(); } if (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastTimeCacheChecked < MIN_DISK_CACHE_CLEAR_INTERVAL) return; long bytes = 0; File[] files = cacheDir.listFiles(); for (File file : files) { bytes += file.length(); } if (bytes < MAX_DISK_CACHE) return; Arrays.sort(files, new Comparator<File>() { public int compare(File lhs, File rhs) { return Long.valueOf(lhs.lastModified()).compareTo(rhs.lastModified()); } }); for (File file : files) { if (bytes < MAX_DISK_CACHE || file.lastModified() > System.currentTimeMillis() - MIN_DISK_CACHE_STORE_TIME) return; file.delete(); }*/ } // is he still dead? public void checkJobs() { while (activeJobs < MAX_CONCURRENT_JOBS && queue.size() > 0) { FileLoadingJob job = queue.pop(); if (job.state != FileLoadingJob.CANCELED) { job.start(); } } } // Object is either TFileLocation or TVideo (same as in query()) // result bits: // 0-15: loading progress (0-65535) // 16-17: loading state (0 - not loading, 1 - queued for download, 2 - downloading now, 3 - downloaded) // 18: available in memory // 19: available in file // 20: is upload // 31: reserved (must be 0) public static final int STATE_PROGRESS_MASK = 0x0000ffff; public static final int STATE_PROGRESS_SHIFT = 0; public static final int STATE_PROGRESS_MAX = 65535; public static final int STATE_LOADING_MASK = 0x00030000; public static final int STATE_LOADING_SHIFT = 16; public static final int STATE_NOT_LOADING = 0 << STATE_LOADING_SHIFT; public static final int STATE_QUEUED = 1 << STATE_LOADING_SHIFT; public static final int STATE_IN_PROGRESS = 2 << STATE_LOADING_SHIFT; public static final int STATE_COMPLETE = 3 << STATE_LOADING_SHIFT; public static final int STATE_STORAGE_MASK = 0x000c0000; public static final int STATE_STORAGE_SHIFT = 18; public static final int STATE_MEMORY_CACHE = 1 << STATE_STORAGE_SHIFT; public static final int STATE_FILE_CACHE = 2 << STATE_STORAGE_SHIFT; public static final int STATE_DIRECTION_MASK = 0x00100000; public static final int STATE_DIRECTION_SHIFT = 20; public static final int STATE_DOWNLOAD = 0 << STATE_DIRECTION_SHIFT; public static final int STATE_UPLOAD = 1 << STATE_DIRECTION_SHIFT; public static final int STATE_INVALID = 0xffffffff; public int getState(Object location) { if (location instanceof FileLocation) { return getState(((FileLocation) location).secret); } else if (location instanceof Video) { return getState(((Video) location).id); } else { // FileLocationUnavailable, VideoEmpty, and so on return STATE_INVALID; } } public long getId(Object location) { if (location instanceof FileLocation) { return ((FileLocation) location).secret; } else if (location instanceof Video) { return ((Video) location).id; } else { return -1; } } public File getFile(Object location) { return getFile(getId(location)); } public File getFile(long id) { return new File(cacheDir, "file" + Long.toHexString(id) + ".dat"); } public int getState(long id) { FileLoadingJob job = progress.get(id); if (job != null) { return job.getState(); } if (uploading != null && == id) { return uploading.getState(); } for (FileUploadingJob upload : uploadQueue) { if ( == id) { return upload.getState(); } } if (loaded.isKeyInCache(id)) { return STATE_PROGRESS_MAX | STATE_COMPLETE | STATE_MEMORY_CACHE | STATE_FILE_CACHE | STATE_DOWNLOAD; } Integer state = states.get(id); if (state != null) { return state; } /*if (getFile(id).exists()) { state = STATE_PROGRESS_MAX | STATE_COMPLETE | STATE_FILE_CACHE | STATE_DOWNLOAD; states.put(id, state); return state; }*/ return 0; } public int getStateBits(long id, int mask) { return getState(id) & mask; } public void setState(long id, int state) { states.put(id, state); } public void setStateBits(long id, int mask, int bits) { int state = getState(id); if ((state & mask) != bits) { setState(id, (state & ~mask) | bits); } } public boolean queryFile(Object location, String filename) { return query(location, null, null, 0, filename); } public boolean queryFile(Object location, FileLoadingCallback callback, String filename) { return query(location, callback, null, 0, filename); } // objects can be fetched from 3 places: instantly from memory (loaded), quickly (but async) from file cache, slowly (async) from web // Object is either TFileLocation or TVideo // view is used when loading images, allows to have no callbacks at all and // returns true if file was instantly loaded public boolean query(Object location, FileLoadingCallback callback) { return query(location, callback, null, 0); } public boolean query(Object location, FileLoadingCallback callback, ImagePanel view, int size) { return query(location, callback, view, size, null); } public boolean query(Object location, FileLoadingCallback callback, ImagePanel view, int size, String filename) { long id = 0; int dc_id = 0; TInputFileLocation ilocation = null; if (view != null && view.getId() != 0) { // cancel previous job FileLoadingJob oldJob = progress.get(view.getId()); if (oldJob != null) { int index = 0; for (WeakReference<ImagePanel> oldView : oldJob.views) { if (oldView.get() == view) { oldJob.views.remove(index); break; } index++; } if (oldJob.state == FileLoadingJob.WAITING && oldJob.views.size() == 0) { // it's not even started queue.remove(oldJob); progress.remove(view.getId()); } } view.setId(0); } if (location instanceof FileLocation) { FileLocation flocation = (FileLocation) location; id = flocation.secret; // using secret as a hashcode Element cached = loaded.get(id); if (cached != null) { if (callback != null) { callback.complete(null, cached); // TODO: somehow store filetype in cache too } if (view != null) { try { view.setImage( ByteArrayInputStream((byte[]) cached.getObjectValue()))); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block //e.printStackTrace(); // Sometimes fails with // Invalid JPEG file structure: two SOI markers loaded.remove(id); // Drop & retry query(location, callback, view, size); } } if (filename != null) { try { FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(new File(filename)); fos.write((byte[]) cached.getObjectValue()); fos.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return true; } dc_id = flocation.dc_id; ilocation = new InputFileLocation(flocation.volume_id, flocation.local_id, flocation.secret); } else if (location instanceof Video) { Video video = (Video) location; id = video.access_hash; size = video.size; dc_id = video.dc_id; ilocation = new InputVideoFileLocation(, video.access_hash); } else { // FileLocationUnavailable, VideoEmpty, and so on; return true; } // join existing job or start a new one FileLoadingJob job = progress.get(id); if (job == null) { job = new FileLoadingJob(this, id, dc_id, ilocation, (location instanceof Video) || (filename != null), size, filename); progress.put(id, job); queue.add(job); } if (job.state == FileLoadingJob.CANCELED) {; return true; } if (callback != null) { job.callbacks.add(callback); } if (view != null) { job.views.add(new WeakReference<ImagePanel>(view)); view.setId(id); } checkJobs(); return false; } public boolean queryImage(TFileLocation location, ImagePanel view) { return queryImage(location, view, 0); } public boolean queryImage(TFileLocation location, ImagePanel view, int size) { return query(location, null, view, size); } // UPLOADING FILES public LinkedList<FileUploadingJob> uploadQueue = new LinkedList<FileUploadingJob>(); public FileUploadingJob uploading = null; class FileUploadingJob { public static final int WAITING = 0; public static final int LOADING = 1; public static final int CANCELED = 2; // not really needed, as jobs are instantly removed on error (TODO: don't remove? for some time?) public static final int COMPLETE = 3; public static final int CHUNK_SIZE = 8 * 1024; // 8kb? byte[] data; String name; FileUploadingCallback callback; public int state = WAITING; public int part_size; public int part = 0; public long id; MessageDigest digest; public FileUploadingJob(long id, byte[] data, String name, FileUploadingCallback callback) { super(); = id; = data; = name; this.callback = callback; } public void start() { state = LOADING; uploading = this; part_size = CHUNK_SIZE; // TODO: implement some clever way to split file in chunks? id = (new Random()).nextLong(); try { digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } upload(); } public void complete() { state = COMPLETE; uploading = null; String hash = ""; for (byte b : digest.digest()) { hash += ((b & 0xff) < 16 ? "0" : "") + Integer.toHexString(b & 0xff); } callback.complete(new InputFile(id, part, name, hash)); checkUploadJobs(); } public void cancel() { state = CANCELED; uploading = null;; checkUploadJobs(); } public void append() { part++; float percent = (1.0f * part * part_size / data.length); if (callback instanceof FileUploadingProgressiveCallback) { ((FileUploadingProgressiveCallback) callback).progress(part * part_size, data.length, percent); } } public void upload() { int size = Math.min(data.length - part * part_size, part_size); byte[] bytes = new byte[size]; System.arraycopy(data, part * part_size, bytes, 0, size); digest.update(bytes); SaveFilePart(id, part, bytes), new Server.RPCCallback<TLObject>() { public void done(TLObject result) { append(); if (part * part_size >= data.length) { complete(); } else { upload(); } } public void error(int code, String message) { Log.e(TAG, "Unable to upload file #" + id); cancel(); } }); } public int getState() { int result = STATE_UPLOAD; float percent = (1.0f * part * part_size / data.length); result |= (int) (STATE_PROGRESS_MAX * percent); if (state == LOADING) { result |= STATE_IN_PROGRESS; } else if (state == COMPLETE) { result |= STATE_COMPLETE; } return result; } } public void checkUploadJobs() { while (uploading == null && uploadQueue.size() > 0) { FileUploadingJob job = uploadQueue.pop(); if (job.state != FileLoadingJob.CANCELED) { job.start(); } } } public interface FileUploadingCallback { public void complete(TInputFile file); public void fail(); } public interface FileUploadingProgressiveCallback extends FileUploadingCallback { public void progress(int loaded, int size, float percent); } public void upload(long id, byte[] data, String name, FileUploadingCallback callback) { uploadQueue.add(new FileUploadingJob(id, data, name, callback)); checkUploadJobs(); } }