import*; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.*; import tl.TL; //import org.json.simple.*; public class Main { public static class TLField { public String name; public String type; public String javaType; public String namespace; public String note; public boolean consistent; public TLField(String name, String type, String namespace, String note) { = name; this.type = type; this.javaType = getJavaType(type, namespace, note); this.namespace = namespace; this.note = note; this.consistent = true; } } public static class TLType { public String name; public String className; public String fullName; public String namespace; public HashMap<String, TLField> fields; public TLType(String name, String namespace) { = name; this.className = "T" + prettifyClassName(name); this.fullName = "tl." + (namespace.length() > 0 ? namespace + "." : "") + className; this.namespace = namespace; this.fields = new HashMap<String, TLField>(); } } public static class TLConstructor { public String id; public String name; public String className; public String fullName; public String namespace; public ArrayList<TLField> fields; public TLType type; public boolean isFunction; public TLConstructor(String id, String name, String namespace, TLType type, boolean isFunction) { = id; = name; this.className = prettifyClassName(name); this.fullName = "tl." + (namespace.length() > 0 ? namespace + "." : "") + className; this.namespace = namespace; this.fields = new ArrayList<TLField>(); this.type = type; this.isFunction = isFunction; } } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { HashMap<String, TLType> types = new HashMap<String, TLType>(); HashMap<String, TLConstructor> constrs = new HashMap<String, TLConstructor>(); BufferedReader typeTemplateFile = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("")); String typeTemplate = ""; while (typeTemplateFile.ready()) { typeTemplate += typeTemplateFile.readLine() + "\n"; } typeTemplateFile.close(); BufferedReader constructorTemplateFile = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("")); String constructorTemplate = ""; while (constructorTemplateFile.ready()) { constructorTemplate += constructorTemplateFile.readLine() + "\n"; } constructorTemplateFile.close(); (new File("src/tl/")).mkdirs(); //FileWriter switchFile = new FileWriter("out/<switch>.java"); PrintStream switchFile = System.out; BufferedReader cin = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("types.txt")); boolean functions = false; while (cin.ready()) { String line = cin.readLine(); if (line.trim().length() == 0) continue; if (line.equals("---functions---")) { functions = true; continue; } if (line.endsWith(";")) line = line.substring(0, line.length() - 1).trim(); String[] parts = line.split("="); // TYPE String type_name = parts[1].trim(); String type_namespace = ""; if (type_name.indexOf(".") > 0) { String[] tmp = type_name.split("\\."); type_namespace = tmp[0]; type_name = tmp[1]; (new File("src/tl/" + type_namespace)).mkdirs(); } TLType type = new TLType(type_name, type_namespace); if (!functions) { if (types.containsKey(type.fullName)) { type = types.get(type.fullName); } else { types.put(type.fullName, type); } } // CONSTRUCTOR StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(parts[0]); parts = tok.nextToken().split("#"); String constr_name = parts[0]; String hexCode = parts[1]; String namespace = ""; if (constr_name.indexOf(".") > 0) { parts = constr_name.split("\\."); namespace = parts[0]; constr_name = parts[1]; (new File("src/tl/" + namespace)).mkdirs(); } TLConstructor constr = new TLConstructor(hexCode, constr_name, namespace, type, functions); constrs.put(constr.fullName, constr); if (!hexCode.equals("0")) { switchFile.print("case 0x" + hexCode + ": return new " + constr.fullName + "(buffer);\n"); } // ARGUMENTS while (tok.hasMoreTokens()) { parts = tok.nextToken().split(":"); String arg_name, arg_type, arg_note; if (parts.length == 1) { arg_name = "arg" + (constr.fields.size() + 1); arg_type = parts[0]; } else { arg_name = parts[0]; arg_type = parts[1]; } if (arg_type.toLowerCase().equals("vector")) { // plus one arg arg_type += " " + tok.nextToken(); } if (arg_type.endsWith(")")) { arg_note = arg_type.substring(arg_type.indexOf("(") + 1, arg_type.length() - 1); arg_type = arg_type.substring(0, arg_type.indexOf("(")); } else { arg_note = ""; } String arg_namespace = ""; if (!(arg_type.toLowerCase().startsWith("vector ") || arg_type.toLowerCase().startsWith("vector<")) && arg_type.indexOf(".") > -1) { parts = arg_type.split("\\."); arg_namespace = parts[0]; arg_type = parts[1]; } TLField field = new TLField(arg_name, arg_type, arg_namespace, arg_note); if (type.fullName.equals("tl.TLObject") || type.fullName.equals("tl.TLFunction")) { field.consistent = false; } if (type.fields.containsKey(arg_name)) { TLField afield = type.fields.get(arg_name); if (!afield.javaType.equals(field.javaType)) { afield.consistent = false; } constr.fields.add(afield); } else { type.fields.put(arg_name, field); constr.fields.add(field); } } } cin.close(); for (TLType type : types.values()) { if (type.className.equals("TLObject")) continue; FileWriter typeFile = new FileWriter("src/tl/" + (type.namespace.length() == 0 ? "" : (type.namespace + "/")) + type.className + ".java"); String fields = ""; for (TLField field : type.fields.values()) { if (field.consistent) { // Only fields that have same type (or missing) in all constructors are declared in the parent (type) class if (fields.length() > 0) { fields += "\n"; } fields += " public " + field.javaType + " " + + ";"; } } String typeDeclaration = typeTemplate .replaceAll("\\/\\*\\*namespace\\*\\*\\/", type.namespace.length() == 0 ? "" : ("." + type.namespace)) .replaceAll("\\/\\*\\*fields\\*\\*\\/", fields) .replaceAll("\\/\\*\\*type\\*\\*\\/", type.className); typeFile.write(typeDeclaration); typeFile.close(); } for (TLConstructor constr : constrs.values()) { String fields = ""; String params = ""; String length = ""; String string = ""; String parse_body = ""; String init_body = ""; String write_body = ""; write_body += " if (boxed) {\n" + " buffer.putInt(0x" + + ");\n" + " }\n"; int extraSize = 0; boolean requireBigInt = false; for (TLField field : constr.fields) { if (fields.length() > 0 && (constr.isFunction || !field.consistent)) { fields += "\n"; } if (params.length() > 0) { params += ", "; parse_body += "\n"; init_body += "\n"; write_body += "\n"; } if (field.note.equals("num") || field.note.equals("unum")) requireBigInt = true; if (field.type.equals("int128") || field.type.equals("int256")) requireBigInt = true; if (constr.isFunction || !field.consistent) { fields += " public " + field.javaType + " " + + ";"; } params += field.javaType + " " +; extraSize += getExtraSize(field.type); String sz = getSize(field.type,, field.note); if (sz != null) { if (length.length() > 0) length += " + "; length += sz; } if (string.length() > 0) { string += " + \" " + + ":\" + "; } else { string += " " + + ":\" + "; } // TODO: make proper toString generation string += getString(field.type,, field.note); parse_body += " " + getParsing(field.type, field.namespace,, field.note) + ";"; init_body += " this." + + " = " + + ";"; write_body += " " + getWriting(field.type,, field.note) + ";"; } if (extraSize > 0 && length.length() > 0) { length = extraSize + " + " + length; } else if (length.length() == 0) { length = extraSize + ""; } string = "\"(" + (constr.namespace.length() > 0 ? constr.namespace + "." : "") + + (string.length() == 0 ? ")\"" : (string + " + \")\"")); FileWriter constructorFile = new FileWriter("src/tl/" + (constr.namespace.length() == 0 ? "" : (constr.namespace + "/")) + constr.className + ".java"); String constructorDeclaration = constructorTemplate .replaceAll("\\/\\*\\*type\\*\\*\\/", constr.isFunction ? "tl.TLFunction" : constr.type.fullName) .replaceAll("\\/\\*\\*constructor\\*\\*\\/", constr.className) .replaceAll("\\/\\*\\*namespace\\*\\*\\/", constr.namespace.length() == 0 ? "" : ("." + constr.namespace)) .replaceAll("\\/\\*\\*import\\*\\*\\/", (constr.namespace.length() == 0 ? "" : "\nimport tl.TL;")/* + (requireBigInt ? "\nimport java.math.BigInteger;" : "")*/) .replaceAll("\\/\\*\\*fields\\*\\*\\/", fields) .replaceAll("\\/\\*\\*params\\*\\*\\/", params) .replaceAll("\\/\\*\\*length\\*\\*\\/", length) .replaceAll("\\/\\*\\*string\\*\\*\\/", string) .replaceAll("\\/\\*\\*parse_body\\*\\*\\/", parse_body) .replaceAll("\\/\\*\\*init_body\\*\\*\\/", init_body) .replaceAll("\\/\\*\\*write_body\\*\\*\\/", write_body) ; constructorFile.write(constructorDeclaration); constructorFile.close(); } //JSONObject desc = (JSONObject) (JSONValue.parse(new FileReader("types.json"))); switchFile.close(); // vector#1cb5c415 {t:Type} # [ t ] = Vector t; } static String prettifyClassName(String name) { if (name.equals("Object") || name.equals("!X") || name.equals("X")) return "LObject"; String[] parts = name.split("_"); String res = ""; for (int i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { res += parts[i].substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + parts[i].substring(1); } return res; } static String getJavaType(String tlType, String namespace, String note) { if (tlType.toLowerCase().startsWith("vector ") || tlType.toLowerCase().startsWith("vector<")) { String subtype = tlType.replaceAll("<", " ").replaceAll(">", "").split(" ")[1].trim(); String sub_namespace = ""; if (subtype.indexOf(".") > -1) { String[] parts = subtype.split("\\."); sub_namespace = parts[0]; subtype = parts[1]; } return getJavaType(subtype, sub_namespace, note) + "[]"; } if (tlType.equals("int") || tlType.equals("long") || tlType.equals("double")) { return tlType; } else if (tlType.equals("int128") || tlType.equals("int256") || tlType.equals("bytes")) { return "byte[]"; } else if (tlType.equals("string")) { if (note.equals("num") || note.equals("unum")) { return "java.math.BigInteger"; } else { return "String"; } } else if (tlType.equals("Bool")) { return "boolean"; } else { return "tl." + (namespace.length() > 0 ? namespace + "." : "") + "T" + prettifyClassName(tlType); } } static int getExtraSize(String tlType) { if (tlType.startsWith("Vector ") || tlType.startsWith("Vector<")) { return 8; } else if (tlType.startsWith("vector ") || tlType.startsWith("vector<")) { return 4; } if (tlType.equals("int")) { return 4; } else if (tlType.equals("long") || tlType.equals("double")) { return 8; } else if (tlType.equals("int128")) { return 16; } else if (tlType.equals("int256")) { return 32; } else if (tlType.equals("string") || tlType.equals("bytes")) { return 0; } else { return 4; } } static String stringBin(String note) { if (note.equals("num") || note.equals("unum")) { return ".toByteArray()"; } return ".getBytes(\"UTF8\")"; } static String getSize(String tlType, String var, String note) { if (tlType.toLowerCase().startsWith("vector ") || tlType.toLowerCase().startsWith("vector<")) { String subtype = tlType.toLowerCase().replaceAll("<", " ").replaceAll(">", "").split(" ")[1].trim(); if (subtype.equals("int")) { return var + ".length * 4"; } else if (subtype.equals("long") || subtype.equals("double")) { return var + ".length * 8"; } else if (subtype.equals("int128")) { return var + ".length * 16"; } else if (subtype.equals("int256")) { return var + ".length * 8"; } else if (subtype.equals("string")) { return "TL.length(" + var/*+ stringBin(note)*/ + ")"; } else { return "TL.length(" + var + ")"; } } if (tlType.equals("int") || tlType.equals("long") || tlType.equals("double") || tlType.equals("int128") || tlType.equals("int256") || tlType.equals("Bool")) { return null; } else if (tlType.equals("bytes")) { return "TL.length(" + var + ")"; } else if (tlType.equals("string")) { return "TL.length(" + var + stringBin(note) + ")"; } else { return var + ".length()"; } } static String getParsing(String tlType, String namespace, String var, String note) { if (tlType.toLowerCase().startsWith("vector ") || tlType.toLowerCase().startsWith("vector<")) { String subtype = tlType.replaceAll("<", " ").replaceAll(">", "").split(" ")[1].trim(); String sub_namespace = ""; if (subtype.indexOf(".") > -1) { String[] parts = subtype.split("\\."); sub_namespace = parts[0]; subtype = parts[1]; } if (subtype.equals("int") || subtype.equals("long") || subtype.equals("double") || subtype.equals("int128") || subtype.equals("int256") || subtype.equals("string") || subtype.equals("bytes")) { return var + " = TL.readVector" + subtype.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + subtype.substring(1) + "(buffer, " + (tlType.startsWith("Vector") ? "true" : "false") + ")"; } else { if (tlType.equals("vector transport_message")) { return var + " = TL.readVectorMessage(buffer, false);"; } return var + " = TL.readVector(buffer, " + (tlType.startsWith("Vector") ? "true" : "false") + ", new " + getJavaType(subtype, sub_namespace, note) + "[0])"; } } if (tlType.equals("int")) { return var + " = buffer.getInt()"; } else if (tlType.equals("long")) { return var + " = buffer.getLong()"; } else if (tlType.equals("double")) { return var + " = buffer.getDouble()"; } else if (tlType.equals("int128")) { return var + " = TL.readInt128(buffer)"; } else if (tlType.equals("int256")) { return var + " = TL.readInt256(buffer)"; } else if (tlType.equals("bytes")) { return var + " = TL.readString(buffer)"; } else if (tlType.equals("string")) { if (note.equals("num") || note.equals("unum")) { return var + " = new java.math.BigInteger(" + (note.equals("unum") ? "1, " : "") + "TL.readString(buffer))"; } else { return var + " = new String(TL.readString(buffer), \"UTF8\")"; } } else if (tlType.equals("Bool")) { return var + " = (buffer.getInt() == 0x997275b5)"; } else if (tlType.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase().equals(tlType.substring(0, 1))) { return var + " = (" + getJavaType(tlType, namespace, note) + ")"; } else { return var + " = new " + getJavaType(tlType, namespace, note) + "(buffer)"; } } static String getWriting(String tlType, String var, String note) { if (tlType.toLowerCase().startsWith("vector ") || tlType.toLowerCase().startsWith("vector<")) { String subtype = tlType.replaceAll("<", " ").replaceAll(">", "").split(" ")[1].trim(); String sub_namespace = ""; if (subtype.indexOf(".") > -1) { String[] parts = subtype.split("\\."); sub_namespace = parts[0]; subtype = parts[1]; } return "TL.writeVector(buffer, " + var + ", " + (tlType.startsWith("Vector") ? "true" : "false") + ", " + (subtype.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase().equals(subtype.substring(0, 1)) ? "true" : "false") + ")"; } if (tlType.equals("int")) { return "buffer.putInt(" + var + ")"; } else if (tlType.equals("long")) { return "buffer.putLong(" + var + ")"; } else if (tlType.equals("double")) { return "buffer.putDouble(" + var + ")"; } else if (tlType.equals("int128") || tlType.equals("int256")) { return "buffer.put(" + var + ")"; } else if (tlType.toLowerCase().equals("bytes")) { return "TL.writeString(buffer, " + var + ", " + (tlType.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase().equals(tlType.substring(0, 1)) ? "true" : "false") + ")"; } else if (tlType.toLowerCase().equals("string")) { return "TL.writeString(buffer, " + var + stringBin(note) + ", " + (tlType.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase().equals(tlType.substring(0, 1)) ? "true" : "false") + ")"; } else if (tlType.equals("Bool")) { return "buffer.putInt(" + var + " ? 0x997275b5 : 0xbc799737)"; } else { return var + ".writeTo(buffer, " + (tlType.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase().equals(tlType.substring(0, 1)) ? "true" : "false") + ")"; } } static String getString(String tlType, String var, String note) { if (tlType.toLowerCase().startsWith("vector ") || tlType.toLowerCase().startsWith("vector<")) { return "TL.toString(" + var + ")"; } if (tlType.equals("long")) { return "String.format(\"0x%016x\", " + var + ")"; } else if (tlType.equals("int128") || tlType.equals("int256")) { return "new java.math.BigInteger(" + var + ")"; } else if (tlType.toLowerCase().equals("bytes")) { return "TL.toString(" + var + ")"; } else if (tlType.equals("Bool")) { return "(" + var + " ? \"true\" : \"false\")"; } else if (tlType.toLowerCase().equals("string")) { return var; } else { return var; } } }