package ru.denull.wire; import java.awt.*; import java.util.HashMap; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JList; import javax.swing.text.View; public class MessageLayout implements LayoutManager2 { public static final String PHOTO = "photo"; public static final String BODY = "body"; public static final String DATE = "date"; public static final String ACTIONS = "actions"; public HashMap<String, Component> comps = new HashMap<String, Component>(); public boolean leftSide; public String html; public EmojiLabel label; public int vmargin, hmargin; public double bodyWeight = 0.7; public int photoSideMargin = 4; public int photoBottomMargin = 4; public int photoMargin = 4; public int messageBottomMargin = 3; public int dateMargin = 4; public int dateBottomMargin = 6; public int actionsMargin = 4; public JList list = null; public MessageLayout(JList list, boolean leftSide) { this.list = list; this.leftSide = leftSide; } public void setHTMLBody(EmojiLabel label, int vmargin, int hmargin) { //this.html = html; this.label = label; this.vmargin = vmargin; this.hmargin = hmargin; } public void addLayoutComponent(String tag, Component comp) { comps.put(tag, comp); } public void addLayoutComponent(Component comp, Object tag) { comps.put((String) tag, comp); } public void removeLayoutComponent(Component comp) { comps.values().remove(comp); } public void layoutContainer(final Container container) { Component photo = comps.get(PHOTO); Component body = comps.get(BODY); Component date = comps.get(DATE); Component actions = comps.get(ACTIONS); Dimension size = container.getSize(); Insets insets = container.getInsets(); int pos = (leftSide ? insets.left : insets.right) + photoSideMargin; if (photo != null) { photo.setSize(photo.getPreferredSize()); photo.setLocation(leftSide ? pos : (size.width - pos - photo.getWidth()), size.height - insets.bottom - photo.getHeight() - photoBottomMargin); pos += photo.getWidth() + photoMargin; } if (body != null) { int width; if (label != null) { Dimension min = body.getMinimumSize(); width = Math.max((int) (size.width * bodyWeight), min.width); int height = Math.max(getPreferredSize(html, true, width) + vmargin, min.height); width = Math.max(Math.min(width + hmargin, body.getPreferredSize().width), min.width); body.setBounds(leftSide ? pos : (size.width - pos - width),, width, height); //System.out.println(width + "X" + height); } else { width = Math.min((int) (size.width * bodyWeight), body.getPreferredSize().width); body.setBounds(leftSide ? pos : (size.width - pos - width),, width, width * body.getPreferredSize().height / body.getPreferredSize().width); } pos += width; } if (date != null) { date.setSize(date.getPreferredSize()); date.setLocation(leftSide ? (pos + dateMargin) : (size.width - pos - dateMargin - date.getWidth()), size.height - insets.bottom - date.getHeight() - dateBottomMargin); } if (actions != null) { actions.setSize(actions.getPreferredSize()); actions.setLocation(leftSide ? (pos + actionsMargin) : (size.width - pos - actionsMargin - actions.getWidth()), + (size.height - - insets.bottom - actions.getHeight()) / 2); } //container.setSize(size.width, insets.left + insets.right + getMaximumHeight(size.width)); } public Dimension minimumLayoutSize(Container container) { return new Dimension(list.getWidth(), getMinimumHeight()); } public Dimension preferredLayoutSize(Container container) { return new Dimension(list.getWidth(), getMaximumHeight(list.getWidth())); } public int getMaximumHeight(int width) { Component photo = comps.get(PHOTO); Component body = comps.get(BODY); Component date = comps.get(DATE); Component actions = comps.get(ACTIONS); int height = 0; if (photo != null) { height = Math.max(height, photo.getPreferredSize().height + photoBottomMargin); } if (body != null) { if (label != null) { Dimension min = body.getMinimumSize(); height = Math.max(height, Math.max(getPreferredSize(html, true, Math.max((int) (width * bodyWeight), min.width)) + vmargin, min.height) + messageBottomMargin); //System.out.println("width: " + width + ", h" + Math.max(getPreferredSize(html, true, Math.max((int) (width * bodyWeight), min.width)).height + vmargin, min.height)); } else { int w = Math.min((int) (width * bodyWeight), body.getPreferredSize().width); height = Math.max(height, w * body.getPreferredSize().height / body.getPreferredSize().width + messageBottomMargin); } } if (date != null || actions != null) { height = Math.max(height, (date != null ? date.getPreferredSize().height + dateBottomMargin : 0) + (actions != null ? actions.getPreferredSize().height : 0)); } return height; } public int getMinimumHeight() { Component photo = comps.get(PHOTO); Component body = comps.get(BODY); Component date = comps.get(DATE); Component actions = comps.get(ACTIONS); int height = 0; if (photo != null) { height = Math.max(height, photo.getPreferredSize().height); } if (body != null) { if (label != null) { Dimension min = body.getMinimumSize(); height = Math.max(height, min.height); } else { height = Math.max(height, 10); } } if (date != null || actions != null) { height = Math.max(height, (date != null ? date.getPreferredSize().height : 0) + (actions != null ? actions.getPreferredSize().height : 0)); } return height; } //private static final JLabel resizer = new JLabel(); /** * Returns the preferred size to set a component at in order to render an html string. You can * specify the size of one dimension. */ public int getPreferredSize(String html, boolean width, int prefSize) { /* resizer.setText(html); //Utils.fixEmoji(resizer); View view = (View) resizer.getClientProperty("html"); view.setSize(width ? prefSize : 0, width ? 0 : prefSize); float w = view.getPreferredSpan(View.X_AXIS); float h = view.getPreferredSpan(View.Y_AXIS); return new java.awt.Dimension((int) Math.ceil(w), (int) Math.ceil(h)); */ return width ? label.getHeightForWidth(prefSize) : label.getMaximalWidth(); } @Override public float getLayoutAlignmentX(Container container) { return 0; } @Override public float getLayoutAlignmentY(Container container) { return 0; } @Override public void invalidateLayout(Container container) { } public Dimension maximumLayoutSize(Container container) { return new Dimension(list.getWidth(), getMaximumHeight(0)); } }