package ru.denull.mtproto; import; import java.math.BigInteger; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import java.nio.channels.ClosedByInterruptException; import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.prefs.BackingStoreException; import java.util.prefs.Preferences; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import ru.denull.mtproto.Auth.AuthCallback; import ru.denull.mtproto.Auth.AuthState; import ru.denull.mtproto.DataService.ConnectTaskCallback; import ru.denull.mtproto.DataService.ReadTaskCallback; import ru.denull.mtproto.DataService.WriteTaskCallback; import ru.denull.mtproto.Server.RPCCallback; import ru.denull.wire.model.Config; import tl.*; import tl.account.UpdateStatus; import; import static ru.denull.mtproto.CryptoUtils.*; public class Server implements ReadTaskCallback { private static final String TAG = "Server"; public Preferences pref; public DataService service; public Transport transport; public String address; public int port; public Auth auth; private long session_id = 1; public long old_session_id = 0; private int client_seqno = 1; private long minimal_message_id = 0; // used to prevent duplicate msg_ids when sending lots of requests simultaneously public long time_diff; public boolean timer_running = false; public boolean resolving_problem = false; public long last_problem_time = 0; public int resolve_try = 0; public Server(DataService service, String address, int port) throws IOException { this.service = service; this.address = address; this.port = port; reconnect(); Random rand = new Random(); session_id = rand.nextLong(); //Log.i(TAG, "Using session #" + session_id); System.out.println("New connection to server " + address + ":" + port + " (session " + session_id + ")"); //pref = service.getSharedPreferences(service.getString(R.string.preferences_auth) + "-" + address + ":" + port, Context.MODE_PRIVATE); pref = Preferences.userRoot().node("wire/server/" + address + ":" + port); old_session_id = pref.getLong("session_id", 0); pref.putLong("session_id", session_id); try { pref.sync(); } catch (BackingStoreException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } auth = new Auth(this, pref); // Start reading, this); } public void disconnect() { if (transport != null) { transport.close(); } } public void reconnect() throws IOException { disconnect(); transport = new TCPTransport(address, port); } // true if problem fixed // rightNow = true: instantly fails if there was another try not too long ago // rightNow = false: if already tried to reconnect, sleeps for some time and tries then public boolean resolveNetworkProblem(boolean rightNow) { resolving_problem = true; long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (time - last_problem_time > 120000) { resolve_try = 0; } last_problem_time = time; resolve_try++; long time_to_sleep = 0; /*if (service.networkDown) { time_to_sleep = 300000; } else if (resolve_try > 20) { time_to_sleep = 60000; } else if (resolve_try > 10) { time_to_sleep = 30000; } else if (resolve_try > 7) { time_to_sleep = 20000; } else if (resolve_try > 5) { time_to_sleep = 10000; } else if (resolve_try > 3) { time_to_sleep = 4000; } else*/ if (resolve_try > 2) { time_to_sleep = 2000; } else if (resolve_try > 1) { time_to_sleep = 1000; } if (time_to_sleep > 0) { if (rightNow) { //Log.i(TAG, "Unable to fix network problem right now..."); return false; } try { //Log.i(TAG, "Will try to fix problem after " + time_to_sleep + "ms"); Thread.sleep(time_to_sleep); } catch (InterruptedException e) { //Log.i(TAG, "Thread was interrupted..."); return false; } } try { //Log.i(TAG, "Resolving problem..."); if (resolving_problem) { // we may have resolved it from another thread while this was sleeping reconnect(); //Log.i(TAG, "Successfully restored connection"); } else { //Log.i(TAG, "Ah. Already resolved it, nice."); } resolve_try = 0; return true; } catch (IOException e) { //Log.i(TAG, "Unable to fix network problem..."); return false; } } private ArrayList<RPCCall> queuedCalls = new ArrayList<RPCCall>(); // messages that will be sent after next sendQueued call private ArrayList<RPCCall> sentCalls = new ArrayList<RPCCall>(); // messages waiting for result public class RPCCall { TLObject payload; boolean encrypted; boolean significant; RPCCallback callback; // filled when sent long sent_time = 0; long message_id = 0; public RPCCall(TLObject payload, boolean encrypted, boolean significant, RPCCallback callback) { super(); this.payload = payload; this.encrypted = encrypted; this.significant = significant; this.callback = callback; } } public interface RPCCallback<T extends TLObject> { public void done(T result); public void error(int code, String message); } synchronized public void sendQueued() throws Exception { if (queuedCalls.size() == 0) { return; } ArrayList<RPCCall> _queuedCalls = new ArrayList<Server.RPCCall>(queuedCalls); queuedCalls = new ArrayList<RPCCall>(); long message_id = (long)((System.currentTimeMillis() + time_diff * 1000) * 4294967.296) & ~3L; if (_queuedCalls.size() == 1) { // send single call, no need to pack it into container final RPCCall call = _queuedCalls.get(0); if (call.encrypted) { if (auth.state == AuthState.FAILED) { call.callback.error(501, "auth_key missing"); return; } else if (auth.state != AuthState.COMPLETE){ return; } } final Message message = call.encrypted ? new EncryptedMessage( Math.max(minimal_message_id, message_id), call.payload, session_id, auth.auth_key_id, auth.server_salt, client_seqno, call.significant) : new Message( Math.max(minimal_message_id, message_id), call.payload); minimal_message_id = Math.max(minimal_message_id, message_id) + 4; if (call.significant) { client_seqno++; } service.write(this, message.encrypt(auth.auth_key), new WriteTaskCallback() { public void error(int code, String message) { //Log.e(TAG, "Unable to send call " + call.payload + ": " + message); if (call.callback != null) { sentCalls.remove(call); } queuedCalls.add(call); } public void done(Server server) { // ok } }); //Log.i(TAG, "=> " + Long.toHexString(message.message_id) + ": " + message.payload); if (call.callback != null) { call.sent_time = System.currentTimeMillis(); call.message_id = message.message_id; sentCalls.add(call); } } else { // pack all queuedCalls into one container and send them final ArrayList<TransportMessage> messages = new ArrayList<TransportMessage>(queuedCalls.size()); ArrayList<RPCCall> unprocessedCalls = new ArrayList<RPCCall>(); final ArrayList<RPCCall> processedCalls = new ArrayList<RPCCall>(); for (int i = 0; i < _queuedCalls.size(); i++) { RPCCall call = _queuedCalls.get(i); if (call.encrypted) { if (auth.state == AuthState.FAILED) { call.callback.error(501, "auth_key missing"); continue; } else if (auth.state != AuthState.COMPLETE){ unprocessedCalls.add(call); continue; } } processedCalls.add(call); TransportMessage message = new TransportMessage( Math.max(minimal_message_id, message_id), (client_seqno << 1) + (call.significant ? 1 : 0), call.payload.length(true), call.payload ); messages.add(message); //System.out.println("==> " + Long.toHexString(messages[i].msg_id) + ": " + call.payload); minimal_message_id = Math.max(minimal_message_id, message_id) + 4; if (call.significant) { client_seqno++; } if (call.callback != null) { call.sent_time = System.currentTimeMillis(); call.message_id = message.msg_id; sentCalls.add(call); } } if (unprocessedCalls.size() == 0) { Message message = new EncryptedMessage( Math.max(minimal_message_id, message_id), new MsgContainer(messages.toArray(new TransportMessage[messages.size()])), session_id, auth.auth_key_id, auth.server_salt, client_seqno, false); minimal_message_id = Math.max(minimal_message_id, message_id) + 4; service.write(this, message.encrypt(auth.auth_key), new WriteTaskCallback() { public void error(int code, String message) { //Log.e(TAG, "Unable to send calls " + new MsgContainer(messages.toArray(new TransportMessage[messages.size()])) + ": " + message); for (RPCCall call : processedCalls) { if (call.callback != null) { sentCalls.remove(call); } queuedCalls.add(call); } } public void done(Server server) { // ok } }); //Log.i(TAG, "=> " + Long.toString(message.message_id, 16) + ": " + message.payload); } else { //Log.w(TAG, "There are unsent calls (" + unprocessedCalls.toString() + ") due to incomplete auth process"); for (TransportMessage transport : messages) { Message message = new Message( Math.max(minimal_message_id, message_id), transport); minimal_message_id = Math.max(minimal_message_id, message_id) + 4; //Log.i(TAG, "=> " + Long.toString(message.message_id, 16) + ": " + message.payload); service.write(this, message.encrypt(auth.auth_key), new WriteTaskCallback() { public void error(int code, String message) { //Log.e(TAG, "Unable to send call"); } public void done(Server server) { // ok } }); } } queuedCalls.addAll(unprocessedCalls); } if (queuedCalls.size() > 0 && !timer_running) { service.scheduledPool.schedule(new Callable<Boolean>() { public Boolean call() throws Exception { timer_running = false; sendQueued(); return true; } }, 15, TimeUnit.SECONDS); timer_running = true; } } public void queue(TLObject object) throws Exception { queue(object, true, false, null); } public void queue(TLObject object, boolean encrypted, boolean significant, RPCCallback response) throws Exception { queuedCalls.add(new RPCCall(object, encrypted, significant, response)); if (queuedCalls.size() > 15) { sendQueued(); } else if (!timer_running) { service.scheduledPool.schedule(new Callable<Boolean>() { public Boolean call() throws Exception { timer_running = false; sendQueued(); return true; } }, 15, TimeUnit.SECONDS); timer_running = true; } } public void send(TLObject object) throws Exception { send(object, true, true, null); } public void send(TLObject object, boolean encrypted) throws Exception { send(object, encrypted, encrypted, null); } public void send(TLObject object, boolean encrypted, boolean significant, RPCCallback callback) throws Exception { queue(object, encrypted, significant, callback); sendQueued(); } private boolean initPerformed = false; public void call(TLFunction request, RPCCallback callback, boolean latestLayer) { try { if (latestLayer && !initPerformed) { send(new InvokeWithLayer9(new InitConnection(Config.api_id, Config.getDeviceModel(), Config.getSystemVersion(), Config.app_version, "ru", request)), true, true, callback); initPerformed = true; } else { send(request, true, true, callback); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); callback.error(0, e.getMessage()); } } public void call(TLFunction request, RPCCallback callback) { call(request, callback, true); } public void call(TLFunction request) { call(request, new RPCCallback<TLObject>() { public void done(TLObject result) { } public void error(int code, String message) { } }, true); } private void processMessage(TLObject message, long msg_id) throws Exception { //Log.i(TAG, "<= " + message); //System.out.println("<= " + msg_id); ArrayList<Long> confirm = new ArrayList<Long>(); if (message instanceof MsgContainer) { for (TLObject child : ((MsgContainer) message).messages) { if ((((TransportMessage) child).seqno & 1) == 1) { confirm.add(((TransportMessage) child).msg_id); } //Log.i(TAG, "<== " + Long.toString(((TransportMessage) child).msg_id, 16) + ": " + ((TransportMessage) child).body); processMessage(((TransportMessage) child).body, ((TransportMessage) child).msg_id); } } else if (message instanceof BadMsgNotification) { Log.w(TAG, "Bad message: " + ((BadMsgNotification) message).error_code); if (((BadMsgNotification) message).error_code == 16 || ((BadMsgNotification) message).error_code == 17) { System.out.println("Invalid msg_id (was " + ((BadMsgNotification) message).bad_msg_id + ", received " + msg_id + "), old time_diff: " + time_diff); time_diff = (int) (((msg_id & ~3L) / 4294967.296 - System.currentTimeMillis()) / 1000); minimal_message_id = 0; System.out.println("new time_diff: " + time_diff); for (RPCCall call : sentCalls) { if (call.message_id == ((BadMsgNotification) message).bad_msg_id) { sentCalls.remove(call); send(call.payload, call.encrypted, call.significant, call.callback); break; } } } } else if (message instanceof BadServerSalt) { //Log.w(TAG, "Bad server salt, updating"); BadServerSalt result = (BadServerSalt) message; auth.server_salt = result.new_server_salt; pref.putLong("server_salt", auth.server_salt); // resend broken call for (RPCCall call : sentCalls) { if (call.message_id == result.bad_msg_id) { sentCalls.remove(call); send(call.payload, call.encrypted, call.significant, call.callback); break; } } } else if (message instanceof RpcResult) { RpcResult result = ((RpcResult) message); //Log.i(TAG, "<<< " + result.result); ArrayList<RPCCall> sentCallsCopy = new ArrayList<RPCCall>(sentCalls); for (final RPCCall call : sentCallsCopy) { if (call.message_id == result.req_msg_id) { if (result.result instanceof RpcError) { RpcError error = ((RpcError) result.result); //Log.e(TAG, "<= " + result.result); Pattern p = Pattern.compile("MIGRATE_(\\d+)"); Matcher m = p.matcher(error.error_message); if (error.error_code == 303 && m.find()) { // MIGRATE final int dc = Integer.parseInt(; Log.e(TAG, "Reconnecting"); service.mainServerID = dc; service.connectAndPrepare(dc, true, false, false, new AuthCallback() { public void done(Server server, byte[] auth_key) { // ...and perform call once again service.mainServerID = dc; try { server.send(call.payload, call.encrypted, call.significant, call.callback); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); call.callback.error(0, "Error while resending request"); } } public void error() { Log.e(TAG, "Unable to generate new auth key"); call.callback.error(0, "Unable to generate new auth key"); } }); } else { call.callback.error(error.error_code, error.error_message); } } else { call.callback.done(result.result); } sentCalls.remove(call); break; } } } else if (message instanceof TUpdates) { service.processUpdates((TUpdates) message); } else { //Log.i(TAG, "Unprocessed message: " + message.toString()); } if (confirm.size() > 0) { long[] array = new long[confirm.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { array[i] = confirm.get(i); } queue(new MsgsAck(array)); } } public void done(Server server) { disconnect(); } public void incoming(ByteBuffer packet) { try { Message message = Message.decrypt(packet, auth.auth_key, auth.auth_key_id); if (message == null) { return; } if (message.error != 0) { Log.e(TAG, "<= error " + message.error); } else { //Log.i(TAG, "<= " + Long.toString(message.message_id, 16) + ": " + message.payload); } // process message if (auth.state != AuthState.NONE && auth.state != AuthState.FAILED && auth.state != AuthState.COMPLETE) { auth.generateKey(message.payload); } processMessage(message.payload, message.message_id); if (message instanceof EncryptedMessage) { if ((((EncryptedMessage) message).seq_no & 1) == 1) { queue(new MsgsAck(new long[]{ message.message_id })); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void error(int code, String message) { // } }