/** * This file is part of Waarp Project. * * Copyright 2009, Frederic Bregier, and individual contributors by the @author tags. See the * COPYRIGHT.txt in the distribution for a full listing of individual contributors. * * All Waarp Project is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of * the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Waarp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even * the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General * Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Waarp . If not, see * <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package org.waarp.openr66.protocol.http.adminssl; import java.io.IOException; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf; import io.netty.buffer.Unpooled; import io.netty.channel.Channel; import io.netty.channel.ChannelFuture; import io.netty.channel.ChannelHandlerContext; import io.netty.channel.SimpleChannelInboundHandler; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.DefaultFullHttpResponse; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.FullHttpRequest; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.FullHttpResponse; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpHeaderNames; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpHeaderValues; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpMethod; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpResponse; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpResponseStatus; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpUtil; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpVersion; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.QueryStringDecoder; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.cookie.Cookie; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.cookie.DefaultCookie; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.cookie.ServerCookieDecoder; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.cookie.ServerCookieEncoder; import io.netty.handler.traffic.TrafficCounter; import org.waarp.common.command.exception.Reply421Exception; import org.waarp.common.command.exception.Reply530Exception; import org.waarp.common.crypto.ssl.WaarpSslUtility; import org.waarp.common.database.DbAdmin; import org.waarp.common.database.DbPreparedStatement; import org.waarp.common.database.DbSession; import org.waarp.common.database.exception.WaarpDatabaseException; import org.waarp.common.database.exception.WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException; import org.waarp.common.database.exception.WaarpDatabaseSqlException; import org.waarp.common.digest.FilesystemBasedDigest; import org.waarp.common.exception.FileTransferException; import org.waarp.common.exception.InvalidArgumentException; import org.waarp.common.logging.WaarpLogLevel; import org.waarp.common.logging.WaarpLogger; import org.waarp.common.logging.WaarpLoggerFactory; import org.waarp.common.role.RoleDefault.ROLE; import org.waarp.common.utility.WaarpStringUtils; import org.waarp.gateway.kernel.http.HttpWriteCacheEnable; import org.waarp.openr66.client.Message; import org.waarp.openr66.context.ErrorCode; import org.waarp.openr66.context.R66FiniteDualStates; import org.waarp.openr66.context.R66Result; import org.waarp.openr66.context.R66Session; import org.waarp.openr66.context.filesystem.R66Dir; import org.waarp.openr66.context.task.SpooledInformTask; import org.waarp.openr66.database.DbConstant; import org.waarp.openr66.database.data.DbHostAuth; import org.waarp.openr66.database.data.DbHostConfiguration; import org.waarp.openr66.database.data.DbRule; import org.waarp.openr66.database.data.DbTaskRunner; import org.waarp.openr66.protocol.configuration.Configuration; import org.waarp.openr66.protocol.configuration.Messages; import org.waarp.openr66.protocol.exception.OpenR66Exception; import org.waarp.openr66.protocol.exception.OpenR66ExceptionTrappedFactory; import org.waarp.openr66.protocol.exception.OpenR66ProtocolBusinessException; import org.waarp.openr66.protocol.exception.OpenR66ProtocolBusinessNoWriteBackException; import org.waarp.openr66.protocol.localhandler.LocalChannelReference; import org.waarp.openr66.protocol.localhandler.ServerActions; import org.waarp.openr66.protocol.localhandler.packet.ErrorPacket; import org.waarp.openr66.protocol.localhandler.packet.RequestPacket; import org.waarp.openr66.protocol.localhandler.packet.RequestPacket.TRANSFERMODE; import org.waarp.openr66.protocol.localhandler.packet.TestPacket; import org.waarp.openr66.protocol.networkhandler.NetworkTransaction; import org.waarp.openr66.protocol.utils.ChannelUtils; import org.waarp.openr66.protocol.utils.NbAndSpecialId; import org.waarp.openr66.protocol.utils.R66Future; import org.waarp.openr66.protocol.utils.R66ShutdownHook; import org.waarp.openr66.protocol.utils.TransferUtils; import org.waarp.openr66.protocol.utils.Version; /** * @author Frederic Bregier * */ public class HttpSslHandler extends SimpleChannelInboundHandler<FullHttpRequest> { /** * Internal Logger */ private static final WaarpLogger logger = WaarpLoggerFactory.getLogger(HttpSslHandler.class); /** * Session Management */ private static final ConcurrentHashMap<String, R66Session> sessions = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, R66Session>(); private static final ConcurrentHashMap<String, DbSession> dbSessions = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, DbSession>(); private static final Random random = new Random(); private R66Session authentHttp = new R66Session(); private FullHttpRequest request; private boolean newSession = false; private volatile Cookie admin = null; private final StringBuilder responseContent = new StringBuilder(); private String uriRequest; private Map<String, List<String>> params; private String lang = Messages.getSlocale(); private boolean forceClose = false; private boolean shutdown = false; private static final String R66SESSION = "R66SESSION"; private static final String I18NEXT = "i18next"; private static enum REQUEST { Logon("Logon.html"), Logout("Logon.html"), index("index.html"), error("error.html"), unallowed("NotAllowed.html"), Transfers("Transfers.html"), Listing("Listing_head.html", "Listing_body0.html", "Listing_body.html", "Listing_body1.html", "Listing_end.html"), CancelRestart("CancelRestart_head.html", "CancelRestart_body0.html", "CancelRestart_body.html", "CancelRestart_body1.html", "CancelRestart_end.html"), Export("Export.html"), Hosts("Hosts_head.html", "Hosts_body0.html", "Hosts_body.html", "Hosts_body1.html", "Hosts_end.html"), Rules("Rules_head.html", "Rules_body0.html", "Rules_body.html", "Rules_body1.html", "Rules_end.html"), System("System.html"), SystemLimited("SystemLimited.html"), Spooled("Spooled.html"), SpooledDetailed("Spooled.html"); private String header; private String headerBody; private String body; private String endBody; private String end; /** * Constructor for a unique file * * @param uniquefile */ private REQUEST(String uniquefile) { this.header = uniquefile; this.headerBody = null; this.body = null; this.endBody = null; this.end = null; } /** * @param header * @param headerBody * @param body * @param endBody * @param end */ private REQUEST(String header, String headerBody, String body, String endBody, String end) { this.header = header; this.headerBody = headerBody; this.body = body; this.endBody = endBody; this.end = end; } /** * Reader for a unique file * * @return the content of the unique file */ public String readFileUnique(HttpSslHandler handler) { return handler.readFileHeader(Configuration.configuration.getHttpBasePath() + this.header); } public String readHeader(HttpSslHandler handler) { return handler.readFileHeader(Configuration.configuration.getHttpBasePath() + this.header); } public String readBodyHeader() { return WaarpStringUtils.readFile(Configuration.configuration.getHttpBasePath() + this.headerBody); } public String readBody() { return WaarpStringUtils.readFile(Configuration.configuration.getHttpBasePath() + this.body); } public String readBodyEnd() { return WaarpStringUtils.readFile(Configuration.configuration.getHttpBasePath() + this.endBody); } public String readEnd() { return WaarpStringUtils.readFile(Configuration.configuration.getHttpBasePath() + this.end); } } private static enum REPLACEMENT { XXXHOSTIDXXX, XXXADMINXXX, XXXVERSIONXXX, XXXBANDWIDTHXXX, XXXXSESSIONLIMITRXXX, XXXXSESSIONLIMITWXXX, XXXXCHANNELLIMITRXXX, XXXXCHANNELLIMITWXXX, XXXXDELAYCOMMDXXX, XXXXDELAYRETRYXXX, XXXXDELATRAFFICXXX, XXXLOCALXXX, XXXNETWORKXXX, XXXERRORMESGXXX, XXXXBUSINESSXXX, XXXXROLESXXX, XXXXALIASESXXX, XXXXOTHERXXX, XXXLIMITROWXXX, XXXLANGXXX, XXXCURLANGENXXX, XXXCURLANGFRXXX, XXXCURSYSLANGENXXX, XXXCURSYSLANGFRXXX; } public static final String sLIMITROW = "LIMITROW"; private static final String XXXRESULTXXX = "XXXRESULTXXX"; private int LIMITROW = 48; // better if it can // be divided by 4 /** * The Database connection attached to this NetworkChannelReference shared among all associated * LocalChannels in the session */ private DbSession dbSession = null; /** * Does this dbSession is private and so should be closed */ private boolean isPrivateDbSession = false; public static String hashStatus() { return "HttpSslHandler: [sessions: " + sessions.size() + " dbSessions: " + dbSessions.size() + "] "; } private String readFileHeader(String filename) { String value; try { value = WaarpStringUtils.readFileException(filename); } catch (InvalidArgumentException e) { logger.error("Error while trying to open: " + filename, e); return ""; } catch (FileTransferException e) { logger.error("Error while trying to read: " + filename, e); return ""; } StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(value); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, REPLACEMENT.XXXLOCALXXX.toString(), Integer.toString( Configuration.configuration.getLocalTransaction(). getNumberLocalChannel()) + " " + Thread.activeCount()); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, REPLACEMENT.XXXNETWORKXXX.toString(), Integer.toString( DbAdmin.getNbConnection() - Configuration.getNBDBSESSION())); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, REPLACEMENT.XXXHOSTIDXXX.toString(), Configuration.configuration.getHOST_ID()); if (authentHttp.isAuthenticated()) { WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, REPLACEMENT.XXXADMINXXX.toString(), Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.1")); //$NON-NLS-1$ } else { WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, REPLACEMENT.XXXADMINXXX.toString(), Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.0")); //$NON-NLS-1$ } TrafficCounter trafficCounter = Configuration.configuration.getGlobalTrafficShapingHandler().trafficCounter(); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, REPLACEMENT.XXXBANDWIDTHXXX.toString(), Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.IN") + (trafficCounter.lastReadThroughput() >> 20) + //$NON-NLS-1$ Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.MOPS") + //$NON-NLS-1$ Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.OUT") + //$NON-NLS-1$ (trafficCounter.lastWriteThroughput() >> 20) + Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.MOPS")); //$NON-NLS-1$ WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, REPLACEMENT.XXXLIMITROWXXX.toString(), "" + getLIMITROW()); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, REPLACEMENT.XXXLANGXXX.toString(), lang); return builder.toString(); } private String getTrimValue(String varname) { List<String> varlist = params.get(varname); if (varlist != null && !varlist.isEmpty()) { String value = params.get(varname).get(0).trim(); if (value.isEmpty()) { value = null; } return value; } return null; } private String getValue(String varname) { return params.get(varname).get(0); } private String index() { String index = REQUEST.index.readFileUnique(this); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(index); WaarpStringUtils.replaceAll(builder, REPLACEMENT.XXXHOSTIDXXX.toString(), Configuration.configuration.getHOST_ID()); WaarpStringUtils.replaceAll(builder, REPLACEMENT.XXXADMINXXX.toString(), Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.2")); //$NON-NLS-1$ WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, REPLACEMENT.XXXVERSIONXXX.toString(), Version.ID); return builder.toString(); } private String error(String mesg) { String index = REQUEST.error.readFileUnique(this); return index.replaceAll(REPLACEMENT.XXXERRORMESGXXX.toString(), mesg); } private String unallowed(String mesg) { String index = REQUEST.unallowed.readFileUnique(this); if (index == null || index.isEmpty()) { return error(mesg); } return index.replaceAll(REPLACEMENT.XXXERRORMESGXXX.toString(), mesg); } private String Logon() { return REQUEST.Logon.readFileUnique(this); } private String Transfers() { return REQUEST.Transfers.readFileUnique(this); } private String resetOptionTransfer(String header, String startid, String stopid, String start, String stop, String rule, String req, boolean pending, boolean transfer, boolean error, boolean done, boolean all) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(header); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXSTARTIDXXX", startid); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXSTOPIDXXX", stopid); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXSTARTXXX", start); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXSTOPXXX", stop); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXRULEXXX", rule); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXREQXXX", req); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXPENDXXX", pending ? "checked" : ""); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXTRANSXXX", transfer ? "checked" : ""); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXERRXXX", error ? "checked" : ""); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXDONEXXX", done ? "checked" : ""); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXALLXXX", all ? "checked" : ""); return builder.toString(); } private String checkAuthorizedToSeeAll() { boolean seeAll = false; if (authentHttp.getAuth().isValidRole(ROLE.CONFIGADMIN)) { DbHostConfiguration dbhc; try { dbhc = new DbHostConfiguration(dbSession, Configuration.configuration.getHOST_ID()); } catch (WaarpDatabaseException e) { return null; } seeAll = dbhc != null && dbhc.isSeeAllId(authentHttp.getAuth().getUser()); } if (seeAll) { return "*"; } return null; } private String Listing() { getParams(); if (params == null) { String head = REQUEST.Listing.readHeader(this); head = resetOptionTransfer(head, "", "", "", "", "", "", false, false, false, false, true); String end = REQUEST.Listing.readEnd().replace(XXXRESULTXXX, ""); return head + end; } String head = REQUEST.Listing.readHeader(this); String body0, body, body1; body0 = body1 = body = ""; String endText = ""; List<String> parms = params.get("ACTION"); if (parms != null) { body0 = REQUEST.Listing.readBodyHeader(); String parm = parms.get(0); boolean isNotReload = ! "Reload".equalsIgnoreCase(parm); if ("Filter".equalsIgnoreCase(parm) || ! isNotReload) { String startid = getTrimValue("startid"); String stopid = getTrimValue("stopid"); if (isNotReload && startid != null && stopid == null) { stopid = Long.MAX_VALUE + ""; } if (isNotReload && stopid != null && startid == null) { startid = (DbConstant.ILLEGALVALUE + 1) + ""; } String start = getValue("start"); String stop = getValue("stop"); String rule = getTrimValue("rule"); String req = getTrimValue("req"); boolean pending, transfer, error, done, all; pending = params.containsKey("pending"); transfer = params.containsKey("transfer"); error = params.containsKey("error"); done = params.containsKey("done"); all = params.containsKey("all"); if (pending && transfer && error && done) { all = true; } else if (!(pending || transfer || error || done)) { all = true; } Timestamp tstart = WaarpStringUtils.fixDate(start); if (tstart != null) { start = tstart.toString(); } Timestamp tstop = WaarpStringUtils.fixDate(stop, tstart); if (tstop != null) { stop = tstop.toString(); } Long idstart = null; body = REQUEST.Listing.readBody(); String seeAll = checkAuthorizedToSeeAll(); DbPreparedStatement preparedStatement = null; try { preparedStatement = DbTaskRunner.getFilterPrepareStatement(dbSession, getLIMITROW(), false, startid, stopid, tstart, tstop, rule, req, pending, transfer, error, done, all, seeAll); preparedStatement.executeQuery(); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); int i = 0; while (preparedStatement.getNext()) { try { i++; DbTaskRunner taskRunner = DbTaskRunner .getFromStatement(preparedStatement); if (isNotReload) { long specid = taskRunner.getSpecialId(); if (idstart == null || idstart > specid) { idstart = specid; } } LocalChannelReference lcr = Configuration.configuration.getLocalTransaction(). getFromRequest(taskRunner.getKey()); builder.append(taskRunner.toSpecializedHtml( authentHttp, body, lcr != null ? Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.Active") : Messages .getString("HttpSslHandler.NotActive"))); if (i > getLIMITROW()) { break; } } catch (WaarpDatabaseException e) { // try to continue if possible logger.warn("An error occurs while accessing a Runner: {}", e.getMessage()); endText += e.getMessage() + "</BR>"; continue; } } preparedStatement.realClose(); body = builder.toString(); } catch (WaarpDatabaseException e) { if (preparedStatement != null) { preparedStatement.realClose(); } logger.warn("OpenR66 Web Error {}", e.getMessage()); } head = resetOptionTransfer(head, startid == null ? (idstart != null ? idstart.toString() : "") : startid, stopid == null ? "" : stopid, start, stop, rule == null ? "" : rule, req == null ? "" : req, pending, transfer, error, done, all); } else { head = resetOptionTransfer(head, "", "", "", "", "", "", false, false, false, false, true); } body1 = REQUEST.Listing.readBodyEnd(); } else { head = resetOptionTransfer(head, "", "", "", "", "", "", false, false, false, false, true); } String end = REQUEST.Listing.readEnd().replace(XXXRESULTXXX, endText); return head + body0 + body + body1 + end; } private String CancelRestart() { getParams(); if (params == null) { String head = REQUEST.CancelRestart.readHeader(this); head = resetOptionTransfer(head, "", "", "", "", "", "", false, false, false, false, true); String end; end = REQUEST.CancelRestart.readEnd(); return head + end; } String head = REQUEST.CancelRestart.readHeader(this); String body0, body, body1; body0 = body1 = body = ""; List<String> parms = params.get("ACTION"); String seeAll = checkAuthorizedToSeeAll(); if (parms != null) { body0 = REQUEST.CancelRestart.readBodyHeader(); String parm = parms.get(0); boolean isNotReload = ! "Reload".equalsIgnoreCase(parm); if ("Filter".equalsIgnoreCase(parm) || ! isNotReload) { String startid = getTrimValue("startid"); String stopid = getTrimValue("stopid"); if (isNotReload && startid != null && stopid == null) { stopid = Long.MAX_VALUE + ""; } if (isNotReload && stopid != null && startid == null) { startid = (DbConstant.ILLEGALVALUE + 1) + ""; } String start = getValue("start"); String stop = getValue("stop"); String rule = getTrimValue("rule"); String req = getTrimValue("req"); boolean pending, transfer, error, done, all; pending = params.containsKey("pending"); transfer = params.containsKey("transfer"); error = params.containsKey("error"); done = params.containsKey("done"); all = params.containsKey("all"); if (pending && transfer && error && done) { all = true; } else if (!(pending || transfer || error || done)) { all = true; } Timestamp tstart = WaarpStringUtils.fixDate(start); if (tstart != null) { start = tstart.toString(); } Timestamp tstop = WaarpStringUtils.fixDate(stop, tstart); if (tstop != null) { stop = tstop.toString(); } body = REQUEST.CancelRestart.readBody(); Long idstart = null; DbPreparedStatement preparedStatement = null; try { preparedStatement = DbTaskRunner.getFilterPrepareStatement(dbSession, getLIMITROW(), false, startid, stopid, tstart, tstop, rule, req, pending, transfer, error, done, all, seeAll); preparedStatement.executeQuery(); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); int i = 0; while (preparedStatement.getNext()) { try { i++; DbTaskRunner taskRunner = DbTaskRunner .getFromStatement(preparedStatement); if (isNotReload) { long specid = taskRunner.getSpecialId(); if (idstart == null || idstart > specid) { idstart = specid; } } LocalChannelReference lcr = Configuration.configuration.getLocalTransaction(). getFromRequest(taskRunner.getKey()); builder.append(taskRunner.toSpecializedHtml( authentHttp, body, lcr != null ? Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.Active") : Messages .getString("HttpSslHandler.NotActive"))); if (i > getLIMITROW()) { break; } } catch (WaarpDatabaseException e) { // try to continue if possible logger.warn("An error occurs while accessing a Runner: {}", e.getMessage()); continue; } } preparedStatement.realClose(); body = builder.toString(); } catch (WaarpDatabaseException e) { if (preparedStatement != null) { preparedStatement.realClose(); } logger.warn("OpenR66 Web Error {}", e.getMessage()); } head = resetOptionTransfer(head, startid == null ? (idstart != null ? idstart.toString() : "") : startid, stopid == null ? "" : stopid, start, stop, rule == null ? "" : rule, req == null ? "" : req, pending, transfer, error, done, all); body1 = REQUEST.CancelRestart.readBodyEnd(); } else if ("RestartAll".equalsIgnoreCase(parm) || "StopAll".equalsIgnoreCase(parm) || "StopCleanAll".equalsIgnoreCase(parm)) { boolean stopcommand = "StopAll".equalsIgnoreCase(parm) || "StopCleanAll".equalsIgnoreCase(parm); String startid = getTrimValue("startid"); String stopid = getTrimValue("stopid"); String start = getValue("start"); String stop = getValue("stop"); String rule = getTrimValue("rule"); String req = getTrimValue("req"); boolean pending, transfer, error, done, all; pending = params.containsKey("pending"); transfer = params.containsKey("transfer"); error = params.containsKey("error"); done = false; all = false; if (pending && transfer && error && done) { all = true; } else if (!(pending || transfer || error || done)) { all = true; pending = true; transfer = true; error = true; } Timestamp tstart = WaarpStringUtils.fixDate(start); if (tstart != null) { start = tstart.toString(); } Timestamp tstop = WaarpStringUtils.fixDate(stop, tstart); if (tstop != null) { stop = tstop.toString(); } head = resetOptionTransfer(head, startid == null ? "" : startid, stopid == null ? "" : stopid, start, stop, rule == null ? "" : rule, req == null ? "" : req, pending, transfer, error, done, all); body = REQUEST.CancelRestart.readBody(); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); if (stopcommand) { if ("StopCleanAll".equalsIgnoreCase(parm)) { TransferUtils.cleanSelectedTransfers(dbSession, 0, builder, authentHttp, body, startid, stopid, tstart, tstop, rule, req, pending, transfer, error, seeAll); } else { TransferUtils.stopSelectedTransfers(dbSession, 0, builder, authentHttp, body, startid, stopid, tstart, tstop, rule, req, pending, transfer, error, seeAll); } } else { DbPreparedStatement preparedStatement = null; try { preparedStatement = DbTaskRunner.getFilterPrepareStatement(dbSession, 0, false, startid, stopid, tstart, tstop, rule, req, pending, transfer, error, done, all, seeAll); preparedStatement.executeQuery(); //int i = 0; while (preparedStatement.getNext()) { try { //i++; DbTaskRunner taskRunner = DbTaskRunner .getFromStatement(preparedStatement); LocalChannelReference lcr = Configuration.configuration.getLocalTransaction(). getFromRequest(taskRunner.getKey()); R66Result finalResult = TransferUtils.restartTransfer(taskRunner, lcr); ErrorCode result = finalResult.getCode(); ErrorCode last = taskRunner.getErrorInfo(); taskRunner.setErrorExecutionStatus(result); builder.append(taskRunner.toSpecializedHtml( authentHttp, body, lcr != null ? Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.Active") : Messages .getString("HttpSslHandler.NotActive"))); taskRunner.setErrorExecutionStatus(last); /*if (i > LIMITROW) { break; }*/ } catch (WaarpDatabaseException e) { // try to continue if possible logger.warn("An error occurs while accessing a Runner: {}", e.getMessage()); continue; } } preparedStatement.realClose(); } catch (WaarpDatabaseException e) { if (preparedStatement != null) { preparedStatement.realClose(); } logger.warn("OpenR66 Web Error {}", e.getMessage()); } } if (builder != null) { body = builder.toString(); } else { body = ""; } body1 = REQUEST.CancelRestart.readBodyEnd(); } else if ("Cancel".equalsIgnoreCase(parm) || "CancelClean".equalsIgnoreCase(parm) || "Stop".equalsIgnoreCase(parm)) { // Cancel or Stop boolean stop = "Stop".equalsIgnoreCase(parm); String specid = getValue("specid"); String reqd = getValue("reqd"); String reqr = getValue("reqr"); LocalChannelReference lcr = Configuration.configuration.getLocalTransaction(). getFromRequest(reqd + " " + reqr + " " + specid); // stop the current transfer ErrorCode result; long lspecid; try { lspecid = Long.parseLong(specid); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { body = ""; body1 = REQUEST.CancelRestart.readBodyEnd(); body1 += "<br><b>" + parm + Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.3"); //$NON-NLS-2$ String end; end = REQUEST.CancelRestart.readEnd(); return head + body0 + body + body1 + end; } DbTaskRunner taskRunner = null; try { taskRunner = new DbTaskRunner(dbSession, authentHttp, null, lspecid, reqr, reqd); } catch (WaarpDatabaseException e) { } if (taskRunner == null) { body = ""; body1 = REQUEST.CancelRestart.readBodyEnd(); body1 += "<br><b>" + parm + Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.3"); //$NON-NLS-2$ String end; end = REQUEST.CancelRestart.readEnd(); return head + body0 + body + body1 + end; } ErrorCode code = (stop) ? ErrorCode.StoppedTransfer : ErrorCode.CanceledTransfer; if (lcr != null) { int rank = taskRunner.getRank(); lcr.sessionNewState(R66FiniteDualStates.ERROR); ErrorPacket error = new ErrorPacket("Transfer " + parm + " " + rank, code.getCode(), ErrorPacket.FORWARDCLOSECODE); try { // XXX ChannelUtils.writeAbstractLocalPacket(lcr, error); // inform local instead of remote ChannelUtils.writeAbstractLocalPacketToLocal(lcr, error); } catch (Exception e) { } result = ErrorCode.CompleteOk; } else { // Transfer is not running // But is the database saying the contrary result = ErrorCode.TransferOk; if (taskRunner != null) { if (taskRunner.stopOrCancelRunner(code)) { result = ErrorCode.CompleteOk; } } } if (taskRunner != null) { if ("CancelClean".equalsIgnoreCase(parm)) { TransferUtils.cleanOneTransfer(taskRunner, null, authentHttp, null); } body = REQUEST.CancelRestart.readBody(); body = taskRunner .toSpecializedHtml( authentHttp, body, lcr != null ? Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.Active") : Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.NotActive")); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ String tstart = taskRunner.getStart().toString(); tstart = tstart.substring(0, tstart.length()); String tstop = taskRunner.getStop().toString(); tstop = tstop.substring(0, tstop.length()); head = resetOptionTransfer(head, (taskRunner.getSpecialId() - 1) + "", (taskRunner.getSpecialId() + 1) + "", tstart, tstop, taskRunner.getRuleId(), taskRunner.getRequested(), false, false, false, false, true); } body1 = REQUEST.CancelRestart.readBodyEnd(); body1 += "<br><b>" + (result == ErrorCode.CompleteOk ? parm + Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.5") : //$NON-NLS-2$ parm + Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.4")) + "</b>"; //$NON-NLS-1$ } else if ("Restart".equalsIgnoreCase(parm)) { // Restart String specid = getValue("specid"); String reqd = getValue("reqd"); String reqr = getValue("reqr"); long lspecid; try { lspecid = Long.parseLong(specid); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { body = ""; body1 = REQUEST.CancelRestart.readBodyEnd(); body1 += "<br><b>" + parm + Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.3"); //$NON-NLS-2$ String end; end = REQUEST.CancelRestart.readEnd(); return head + body0 + body + body1 + end; } DbTaskRunner taskRunner; String comment; try { taskRunner = new DbTaskRunner(dbSession, authentHttp, null, lspecid, reqr, reqd); LocalChannelReference lcr = Configuration.configuration.getLocalTransaction(). getFromRequest(taskRunner.getKey()); R66Result finalResult = TransferUtils.restartTransfer(taskRunner, lcr); comment = (String) finalResult.getOther(); body = REQUEST.CancelRestart.readBody(); body = taskRunner .toSpecializedHtml( authentHttp, body, lcr != null ? Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.Active") : Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.NotActive")); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ String tstart = taskRunner.getStart().toString(); tstart = tstart.substring(0, tstart.length()); String tstop = taskRunner.getStop().toString(); tstop = tstop.substring(0, tstop.length()); head = resetOptionTransfer(head, (taskRunner.getSpecialId() - 1) + "", (taskRunner.getSpecialId() + 1) + "", tstart, tstop, taskRunner.getRuleId(), taskRunner.getRequested(), false, false, false, false, true); } catch (WaarpDatabaseException e) { body = ""; comment = Messages.getString("ErrorCode.17"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } body1 = REQUEST.CancelRestart.readBodyEnd(); body1 += "<br><b>" + comment + "</b>"; } else { head = resetOptionTransfer(head, "", "", "", "", "", "", false, false, false, false, true); } } else { head = resetOptionTransfer(head, "", "", "", "", "", "", false, false, false, false, true); } String end; end = REQUEST.CancelRestart.readEnd(); return head + body0 + body + body1 + end; } private String Export() { getParams(); if (params == null) { String body = REQUEST.Export.readFileUnique(this); body = resetOptionTransfer(body, "", "", "", "", "", "", false, false, false, true, false); return body.replace(XXXRESULTXXX, ""); } String body = REQUEST.Export.readFileUnique(this); String start = getValue("start"); String stop = getValue("stop"); String rule = getTrimValue("rule"); String req = getTrimValue("req"); boolean pending, transfer, error, done, all; pending = params.containsKey("pending"); transfer = params.containsKey("transfer"); error = params.containsKey("error"); done = params.containsKey("done"); all = params.containsKey("all"); boolean toPurge = params.containsKey("purge"); if (toPurge) { transfer = false; } if (pending && transfer && error && done) { all = true; } else if (!(pending || transfer || error || done)) { all = true; } Timestamp tstart = WaarpStringUtils.fixDate(start); if (tstart != null) { start = tstart.toString(); } Timestamp tstop = WaarpStringUtils.fixDate(stop, tstart); if (tstop != null) { stop = tstop.toString(); } body = resetOptionTransfer(body, "", "", start, stop, rule == null ? "" : rule, req == null ? "" : req, pending, transfer, error, done, all); boolean isexported = true; // clean a bit the database before exporting try { DbTaskRunner.changeFinishedToDone(dbSession); } catch (WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException e2) { // should not be } // create export of log and optionally purge them from database DbPreparedStatement getValid = null; NbAndSpecialId nbAndSpecialId = null; String filename = Configuration.configuration.getBaseDirectory() + Configuration.configuration.getArchivePath() + R66Dir.SEPARATOR + Configuration.configuration.getHOST_ID() + "_" + System.currentTimeMillis() + "_runners.xml"; String errorMsg = ""; String seeAll = checkAuthorizedToSeeAll(); try { getValid = DbTaskRunner.getFilterPrepareStatement(dbSession, 0,// 0 means no limit true, null, null, tstart, tstop, rule, req, pending, transfer, error, done, all, seeAll); nbAndSpecialId = DbTaskRunner.writeXMLWriter(getValid, filename); } catch (WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException e1) { isexported = false; toPurge = false; logger.warn("Export error: {}", e1.getMessage()); errorMsg = e1.getMessage(); } catch (WaarpDatabaseSqlException e1) { isexported = false; toPurge = false; logger.warn("Export error: {}", e1.getMessage()); errorMsg = e1.getMessage(); } catch (OpenR66ProtocolBusinessException e) { isexported = false; toPurge = false; logger.warn("Export error: {}", e.getMessage()); errorMsg = e.getMessage(); } finally { if (getValid != null) { getValid.realClose(); } } int purge = 0; if (isexported && nbAndSpecialId != null) { if (nbAndSpecialId.nb <= 0) { return body.replace(XXXRESULTXXX, Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.7")); //$NON-NLS-1$ } // in case of purge if (isexported && toPurge) { // purge with same filter all runners where globallasttep // is ALLDONE or ERROR // but getting the higher Special first String stopId = Long.toString(nbAndSpecialId.higherSpecialId); try { purge = DbTaskRunner.purgeLogPrepareStatement(dbSession, null, stopId, tstart, tstop, rule, req, pending, transfer, error, done, all); } catch (WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException e) { } catch (WaarpDatabaseSqlException e) { logger.warn("Purge error: {}", e.getMessage()); } } } return body .replace( XXXRESULTXXX, "Export " + (isexported ? "<B>" + Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.8") + //$NON-NLS-1$ filename + Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.9") + nbAndSpecialId.nb + Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.10") + purge //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ + Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.11") + "</B>" : //$NON-NLS-1$ "<B>" + Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.12"))) + "</B>" + errorMsg; //$NON-NLS-1$ } private String resetOptionHosts(String header, String host, String addr, boolean ssl, boolean active) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(header); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXFHOSTXXX", host); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXFADDRXXX", addr); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXFSSLXXX", ssl ? "checked" : ""); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXFACTIVXXX", active ? "checked" : ""); return builder.toString(); } private String Hosts() { getParams(); String head = REQUEST.Hosts.readHeader(this); String end; end = REQUEST.Hosts.readEnd(); if (params == null) { head = resetOptionHosts(head, "", "", false, true); return head + end; } String body0, body, body1; body0 = body1 = body = ""; List<String> parms = params.get("ACTION"); if (parms != null) { body0 = REQUEST.Hosts.readBodyHeader(); String parm = parms.get(0); if ("Create".equalsIgnoreCase(parm)) { String host = getTrimValue("host"); String addr = getTrimValue("address"); String port = getTrimValue("port"); String key = getTrimValue("hostkey"); boolean ssl, admin, isclient, isactive, isproxified; ssl = params.containsKey("ssl"); admin = params.containsKey("admin"); isclient = params.containsKey("isclient"); isactive = params.containsKey("isactive"); isproxified = params.containsKey("isproxified"); if (host == null || addr == null || port == null || key == null) { body0 = body1 = body = ""; body = Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.13"); //$NON-NLS-1$ head = resetOptionHosts(head, "", "", ssl, isactive); return head + body0 + body + body1 + end; } int iport; try { iport = Integer.parseInt(port); } catch (NumberFormatException e1) { body0 = body1 = body = ""; body = Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.14") + e1.getMessage() + "</b></center></p>"; //$NON-NLS-1$ head = resetOptionHosts(head, "", "", ssl, isactive); return head + body0 + body + body1 + end; } DbHostAuth dbhost = new DbHostAuth(dbSession, host, addr, iport, ssl, key.getBytes(WaarpStringUtils.UTF8), admin, isclient); dbhost.setActive(isactive); dbhost.setProxified(isproxified); try { dbhost.insert(); } catch (WaarpDatabaseException e) { body0 = body1 = body = ""; body = Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.14") + e.getMessage() //$NON-NLS-1$ + "</b></center></p>"; head = resetOptionHosts(head, "", "", ssl, isactive); return head + body0 + body + body1 + end; } head = resetOptionHosts(head, host, addr, ssl, isactive); body = REQUEST.Hosts.readBody(); body = dbhost.toSpecializedHtml(authentHttp, body, false); } else if ("Filter".equalsIgnoreCase(parm)) { String host = getTrimValue("host"); String addr = getTrimValue("address"); boolean ssl = params.containsKey("ssl"); boolean isactive = params.containsKey("active"); head = resetOptionHosts(head, host == null ? "" : host, addr == null ? "" : addr, ssl, isactive); body = REQUEST.Hosts.readBody(); DbPreparedStatement preparedStatement = null; try { preparedStatement = DbHostAuth.getFilterPrepareStament(dbSession, host, addr, ssl, isactive); preparedStatement.executeQuery(); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); int i = 0; while (preparedStatement.getNext()) { i++; DbHostAuth dbhost = DbHostAuth.getFromStatement(preparedStatement); builder.append(dbhost.toSpecializedHtml(authentHttp, body, false)); if (i > getLIMITROW()) { break; } } preparedStatement.realClose(); body = builder.toString(); } catch (WaarpDatabaseException e) { if (preparedStatement != null) { preparedStatement.realClose(); } logger.warn("OpenR66 Web Error {}", e.getMessage()); } body1 = REQUEST.Hosts.readBodyEnd(); } else if ("Update".equalsIgnoreCase(parm)) { String host = getTrimValue("host"); String addr = getTrimValue("address"); String port = getTrimValue("port"); String key = getTrimValue("hostkey"); boolean ssl, admin, isclient, isactive, isproxified; ssl = params.containsKey("ssl"); admin = params.containsKey("admin"); isclient = params.containsKey("isclient"); isactive = params.containsKey("isactive"); isproxified = params.containsKey("isproxified"); if (host == null || addr == null || port == null || key == null) { body0 = body1 = body = ""; body = Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.15"); //$NON-NLS-1$ head = resetOptionHosts(head, "", "", ssl, isactive); return head + body0 + body + body1 + end; } int iport; try { iport = Integer.parseInt(port); } catch (NumberFormatException e1) { body0 = body1 = body = ""; body = Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.16") + e1.getMessage() + "</b></center></p>"; //$NON-NLS-1$ head = resetOptionHosts(head, "", "", ssl, isactive); return head + body0 + body + body1 + end; } DbHostAuth dbhost = new DbHostAuth(dbSession, host, addr, iport, ssl, key.getBytes(WaarpStringUtils.UTF8), admin, isclient); dbhost.setActive(isactive); dbhost.setProxified(isproxified); try { if (dbhost.exist()) { dbhost.update(); } else { dbhost.insert(); } } catch (WaarpDatabaseException e) { body0 = body1 = body = ""; body = Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.16") + e.getMessage() //$NON-NLS-1$ + "</b></center></p>"; head = resetOptionHosts(head, "", "", ssl, isactive); return head + body0 + body + body1 + end; } head = resetOptionHosts(head, host, addr, ssl, isactive); body = REQUEST.Hosts.readBody(); body = dbhost.toSpecializedHtml(authentHttp, body, false); } else if ("TestConn".equalsIgnoreCase(parm)) { String host = getTrimValue("host"); if (host == null || host.isEmpty()) { body0 = body1 = body = ""; body = Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.17"); //$NON-NLS-1$ head = resetOptionHosts(head, "", "", false, true); return head + body0 + body + body1 + end; } DbHostAuth dbhost; try { dbhost = new DbHostAuth(dbSession, host); } catch (WaarpDatabaseException e) { body0 = body1 = body = ""; body = Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.17") + e.getMessage() //$NON-NLS-1$ + "</b></center></p>"; head = resetOptionHosts(head, "", "", false, true); return head + body0 + body + body1 + end; } R66Future result = new R66Future(true); TestPacket packet = new TestPacket("MSG", "CheckConnection", 100); Message transaction = new Message( Configuration.configuration.getInternalRunner().getNetworkTransaction(), result, dbhost, packet); transaction.run(); result.awaitUninterruptibly(Configuration.configuration.getTIMEOUTCON() / 2); head = resetOptionHosts(head, "", "", dbhost.isSsl(), dbhost.isActive()); body = REQUEST.Hosts.readBody(); if (result.isSuccess()) { body = dbhost.toSpecializedHtml(authentHttp, body, false); body += Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.18"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } else { body = dbhost.toSpecializedHtml(authentHttp, body, false); body += Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.19") //$NON-NLS-1$ + result.getResult().getCode().mesg + "</b></center></p>"; } } else if ("CloseConn".equalsIgnoreCase(parm)) { String host = getTrimValue("host"); if (host == null || host.isEmpty()) { body0 = body1 = body = ""; body = Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.17"); //$NON-NLS-1$ head = resetOptionHosts(head, "", "", false, true); return head + body0 + body + body1 + end; } DbHostAuth dbhost; try { dbhost = new DbHostAuth(dbSession, host); } catch (WaarpDatabaseException e) { body0 = body1 = body = ""; body = Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.17") + e.getMessage() //$NON-NLS-1$ + "</b></center></p>"; head = resetOptionHosts(head, "", "", false, true); return head + body0 + body + body1 + end; } body = REQUEST.Hosts.readBody(); boolean resultShutDown = NetworkTransaction.shuttingdownNetworkChannelsPerHostID(dbhost.getHostid()); head = resetOptionHosts(head, "", "", dbhost.isSsl(), dbhost.isActive()); if (resultShutDown) { body = dbhost.toSpecializedHtml(authentHttp, body, false); body += Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.21"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } else { body = dbhost.toSpecializedHtml(authentHttp, body, false); body += Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.22"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } else if ("Delete".equalsIgnoreCase(parm)) { String host = getTrimValue("host"); if (host == null || host.isEmpty()) { body0 = body1 = body = ""; body = Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.23"); //$NON-NLS-1$ head = resetOptionHosts(head, "", "", false, true); return head + body0 + body + body1 + end; } DbHostAuth dbhost; try { dbhost = new DbHostAuth(dbSession, host); } catch (WaarpDatabaseException e) { body0 = body1 = body = ""; body = Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.24") + e.getMessage() //$NON-NLS-1$ + "</b></center></p>"; head = resetOptionHosts(head, "", "", false, true); return head + body0 + body + body1 + end; } try { dbhost.delete(); } catch (WaarpDatabaseException e) { body0 = body1 = body = ""; body = Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.24") + e.getMessage() //$NON-NLS-1$ + "</b></center></p>"; head = resetOptionHosts(head, "", "", dbhost.isSsl(), dbhost.isActive()); return head + body0 + body + body1 + end; } body0 = body1 = body = ""; body = Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.25") + host + "</b></center></p>"; //$NON-NLS-1$ head = resetOptionHosts(head, "", "", false, dbhost.isActive()); return head + body0 + body + body1 + end; } else { head = resetOptionHosts(head, "", "", false, true); } body1 = REQUEST.Hosts.readBodyEnd(); } else { head = resetOptionHosts(head, "", "", false, true); } return head + body0 + body + body1 + end; } private void createExport(String body, StringBuilder builder, String rule, int mode, int limit, int start) { DbPreparedStatement preparedStatement = null; try { preparedStatement = DbRule.getFilterPrepareStament(dbSession, rule, mode); preparedStatement.executeQuery(); int i = 0; while (preparedStatement.getNext()) { DbRule dbrule = DbRule.getFromStatement(preparedStatement); String temp = dbrule.toSpecializedHtml(authentHttp, body); temp = temp.replaceAll("XXXRANKXXX", "" + (start + i)); builder.append(temp); i++; if (i > limit) { break; } } preparedStatement.realClose(); } catch (WaarpDatabaseException e) { if (preparedStatement != null) { preparedStatement.realClose(); } logger.warn("OpenR66 Web Error {}", e.getMessage()); } } private String resetOptionRules(String header, String rule, RequestPacket.TRANSFERMODE mode, int gmode) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(header); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXRULEXXX", rule); if (mode != null) { switch (mode) { case RECVMODE: WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXRECVXXX", "checked"); break; case SENDMODE: WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXSENDXXX", "checked"); break; case RECVMD5MODE: WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXRECVMXXX", "checked"); break; case SENDMD5MODE: WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXSENDMXXX", "checked"); break; case RECVTHROUGHMODE: WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXRECVTXXX", "checked"); break; case SENDTHROUGHMODE: WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXSENDTXXX", "checked"); break; case RECVMD5THROUGHMODE: WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXRECVMTXXX", "checked"); break; case SENDMD5THROUGHMODE: WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXSENDMTXXX", "checked"); break; case UNKNOWNMODE: break; default: break; } } if (gmode == -1) {// All Recv WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXARECVXXX", "checked"); } else if (gmode == -2) {// All Send WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXASENDXXX", "checked"); } else if (gmode == -3) {// All WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXALLXXX", "checked"); } return builder.toString(); } private String Rules() { getParams(); String head = REQUEST.Rules.readHeader(this); String end; end = REQUEST.Rules.readEnd(); if (params == null) { head = resetOptionRules(head, "", null, -3); return head + end; } String body0, body, body1; body0 = body1 = body = ""; List<String> parms = params.get("ACTION"); if (parms != null) { body0 = REQUEST.Rules.readBodyHeader(); String parm = parms.get(0); if ("Create".equalsIgnoreCase(parm) || "Update".equalsIgnoreCase(parm)) { String rule = getTrimValue("rule"); String hostids = getTrimValue("hostids"); String recvp = getTrimValue("recvp"); String sendp = getTrimValue("sendp"); String archp = getTrimValue("archp"); String workp = getTrimValue("workp"); String rpre = getTrimValue("rpre"); String rpost = getTrimValue("rpost"); String rerr = getTrimValue("rerr"); String spre = getTrimValue("spre"); String spost = getTrimValue("spost"); String serr = getTrimValue("serr"); String mode = getTrimValue("mode"); if (rule == null || mode == null) { body0 = body1 = body = ""; body = Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.26") + parm + Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.27"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ head = resetOptionRules(head, "", null, -3); return head + body0 + body + body1 + end; } int gmode = 0; TRANSFERMODE tmode = null; if (mode.equals("send")) { tmode = RequestPacket.TRANSFERMODE.SENDMODE; gmode = -2; } else if (mode.equals("recv")) { tmode = RequestPacket.TRANSFERMODE.RECVMODE; gmode = -1; } else if (mode.equals("sendmd5")) { tmode = RequestPacket.TRANSFERMODE.SENDMD5MODE; gmode = -2; } else if (mode.equals("recvmd5")) { tmode = RequestPacket.TRANSFERMODE.RECVMD5MODE; gmode = -1; } else if (mode.equals("sendth")) { tmode = RequestPacket.TRANSFERMODE.SENDTHROUGHMODE; gmode = -2; } else if (mode.equals("recvth")) { tmode = RequestPacket.TRANSFERMODE.RECVTHROUGHMODE; gmode = -1; } else if (mode.equals("sendthmd5")) { tmode = RequestPacket.TRANSFERMODE.SENDMD5THROUGHMODE; gmode = -2; } else if (mode.equals("recvthmd5")) { tmode = RequestPacket.TRANSFERMODE.RECVMD5THROUGHMODE; gmode = -1; } head = resetOptionRules(head, rule, tmode, gmode); logger.debug("Recv UpdOrInsert: " + rule + ":" + hostids + ":" + tmode.ordinal() + ":" + recvp + ":" + sendp + ":" + archp + ":" + workp + ":" + rpre + ":" + rpost + ":" + rerr + ":" + spre + ":" + spost + ":" + serr); DbRule dbrule = new DbRule(dbSession, rule, hostids, tmode.ordinal(), recvp, sendp, archp, workp, rpre, rpost, rerr, spre, spost, serr); try { if ("Create".equalsIgnoreCase(parm)) { dbrule.insert(); } else { if (dbrule.exist()) { dbrule.update(); } else { dbrule.insert(); } } } catch (WaarpDatabaseException e) { body0 = body1 = body = ""; body = Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.28") + e.getMessage() //$NON-NLS-1$ + "</b></center></p>"; head = resetOptionRules(head, "", null, -3); return head + body0 + body + body1 + end; } body = REQUEST.Rules.readBody(); body = dbrule.toSpecializedHtml(authentHttp, body); } else if ("Filter".equalsIgnoreCase(parm)) { String rule = getTrimValue("rule"); String mode = getTrimValue("mode"); TRANSFERMODE tmode; int gmode = 0; if (mode.equals("all")) { gmode = -3; } else if (mode.equals("send")) { gmode = -2; } else if (mode.equals("recv")) { gmode = -1; } head = resetOptionRules(head, rule == null ? "" : rule, null, gmode); body = REQUEST.Rules.readBody(); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); boolean specific = false; int start = 1; if (params.containsKey("send")) { tmode = RequestPacket.TRANSFERMODE.SENDMODE; head = resetOptionRules(head, rule == null ? "" : rule, tmode, gmode); specific = true; createExport(body, builder, rule, RequestPacket.TRANSFERMODE.SENDMODE.ordinal(), getLIMITROW() / 4, start); start += getLIMITROW() / 4 + 1; } if (params.containsKey("recv")) { tmode = RequestPacket.TRANSFERMODE.RECVMODE; head = resetOptionRules(head, rule == null ? "" : rule, tmode, gmode); specific = true; createExport(body, builder, rule, RequestPacket.TRANSFERMODE.RECVMODE.ordinal(), getLIMITROW() / 4, start); start += getLIMITROW() / 4 + 1; } if (params.containsKey("sendmd5")) { tmode = RequestPacket.TRANSFERMODE.SENDMD5MODE; head = resetOptionRules(head, rule == null ? "" : rule, tmode, gmode); specific = true; createExport(body, builder, rule, RequestPacket.TRANSFERMODE.SENDMD5MODE.ordinal(), getLIMITROW() / 4, start); start += getLIMITROW() / 4 + 1; } if (params.containsKey("recvmd5")) { tmode = RequestPacket.TRANSFERMODE.RECVMD5MODE; head = resetOptionRules(head, rule == null ? "" : rule, tmode, gmode); specific = true; createExport(body, builder, rule, RequestPacket.TRANSFERMODE.RECVMD5MODE.ordinal(), getLIMITROW() / 4, start); start += getLIMITROW() / 4 + 1; } if (params.containsKey("sendth")) { tmode = RequestPacket.TRANSFERMODE.SENDTHROUGHMODE; head = resetOptionRules(head, rule == null ? "" : rule, tmode, gmode); specific = true; createExport(body, builder, rule, RequestPacket.TRANSFERMODE.SENDTHROUGHMODE.ordinal(), getLIMITROW() / 4, start); start += getLIMITROW() / 4 + 1; } if (params.containsKey("recvth")) { tmode = RequestPacket.TRANSFERMODE.RECVTHROUGHMODE; head = resetOptionRules(head, rule == null ? "" : rule, tmode, gmode); specific = true; createExport(body, builder, rule, RequestPacket.TRANSFERMODE.RECVTHROUGHMODE.ordinal(), getLIMITROW() / 4, start); start += getLIMITROW() / 4 + 1; } if (params.containsKey("sendthmd5")) { tmode = RequestPacket.TRANSFERMODE.SENDMD5THROUGHMODE; head = resetOptionRules(head, rule == null ? "" : rule, tmode, gmode); specific = true; createExport(body, builder, rule, RequestPacket.TRANSFERMODE.SENDMD5THROUGHMODE.ordinal(), getLIMITROW() / 4, start); start += getLIMITROW() / 4 + 1; } if (params.containsKey("recvthmd5")) { tmode = RequestPacket.TRANSFERMODE.RECVMD5THROUGHMODE; head = resetOptionRules(head, rule == null ? "" : rule, tmode, gmode); specific = true; createExport(body, builder, rule, RequestPacket.TRANSFERMODE.RECVMD5THROUGHMODE.ordinal(), getLIMITROW() / 4, start); start += getLIMITROW() / 4 + 1; } if (!specific) { if (gmode == -1) { // recv createExport(body, builder, rule, RequestPacket.TRANSFERMODE.RECVMODE.ordinal(), getLIMITROW() / 4, start); start += getLIMITROW() / 4 + 1; createExport(body, builder, rule, RequestPacket.TRANSFERMODE.RECVMD5MODE.ordinal(), getLIMITROW() / 4, start); start += getLIMITROW() / 4 + 1; createExport(body, builder, rule, RequestPacket.TRANSFERMODE.RECVTHROUGHMODE.ordinal(), getLIMITROW() / 4, start); start += getLIMITROW() / 4 + 1; createExport(body, builder, rule, RequestPacket.TRANSFERMODE.RECVMD5THROUGHMODE.ordinal(), getLIMITROW() / 4, start); start += getLIMITROW() / 4 + 1; } else if (gmode == -2) { // send createExport(body, builder, rule, RequestPacket.TRANSFERMODE.SENDMODE.ordinal(), getLIMITROW() / 4, start); start += getLIMITROW() / 4 + 1; createExport(body, builder, rule, RequestPacket.TRANSFERMODE.SENDMD5MODE.ordinal(), getLIMITROW() / 4, start); start += getLIMITROW() / 4 + 1; createExport(body, builder, rule, RequestPacket.TRANSFERMODE.SENDTHROUGHMODE.ordinal(), getLIMITROW() / 4, start); start += getLIMITROW() / 4 + 1; createExport(body, builder, rule, RequestPacket.TRANSFERMODE.SENDMD5THROUGHMODE.ordinal(), getLIMITROW() / 4, start); start += getLIMITROW() / 4 + 1; } else { // all createExport(body, builder, rule, -1, getLIMITROW(), start); start += getLIMITROW() + 1; } } body = builder.toString(); body1 = REQUEST.Rules.readBodyEnd(); } else if ("Delete".equalsIgnoreCase(parm)) { String rule = getTrimValue("rule"); if (rule == null || rule.isEmpty()) { body0 = body1 = body = ""; body = Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.29"); //$NON-NLS-1$ head = resetOptionRules(head, "", null, -3); return head + body0 + body + body1 + end; } DbRule dbrule; try { dbrule = new DbRule(dbSession, rule); } catch (WaarpDatabaseException e) { body0 = body1 = body = ""; body = Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.30") + e.getMessage() //$NON-NLS-1$ + "</b></center></p>"; head = resetOptionRules(head, "", null, -3); return head + body0 + body + body1 + end; } try { dbrule.delete(); } catch (WaarpDatabaseException e) { body0 = body1 = body = ""; body = Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.30") + e.getMessage() //$NON-NLS-1$ + "</b></center></p>"; head = resetOptionRules(head, "", null, -3); return head + body0 + body + body1 + end; } body0 = body1 = body = ""; body = Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.31") + rule + "</b></center></p>"; //$NON-NLS-1$ head = resetOptionRules(head, "", null, -3); return head + body0 + body + body1 + end; } else { head = resetOptionRules(head, "", null, -3); } body1 = REQUEST.Rules.readBodyEnd(); } else { head = resetOptionRules(head, "", null, -3); } return head + body0 + body + body1 + end; } private String Spooled(boolean detailed) { // XXXSPOOLEDXXX String spooled = REQUEST.Spooled.readFileUnique(this); String uri = null; if (detailed) { uri = "SpooledDetailed.html"; } else { uri = "Spooled.html"; } QueryStringDecoder queryStringDecoder = new QueryStringDecoder(request.uri()); params = queryStringDecoder.parameters(); String name = null; if (params.containsKey("name")) { name = getTrimValue("name"); } int istatus = 0; if (params.containsKey("status")) { String status = getTrimValue("status"); try { istatus = Integer.parseInt(status); } catch (NumberFormatException e1) { istatus = 0; } } if (name != null && !name.isEmpty()) { // name is specified uri = request.uri(); if (istatus != 0) { uri += "&status=" + istatus; } StringBuilder builder = SpooledInformTask.buildSpooledUniqueTable(uri, name); return spooled.replace("XXXSPOOLEDXXX", builder.toString()); } else { if (istatus != 0) { uri += "&status=" + istatus; } StringBuilder builder = SpooledInformTask.buildSpooledTable(detailed, istatus, uri); return spooled.replace("XXXSPOOLEDXXX", builder.toString()); } } /** * Applied current lang to system page * * @param builder */ private void langHandle(StringBuilder builder) { // i18n: add here any new languages WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, REPLACEMENT.XXXCURLANGENXXX.name(), lang.equalsIgnoreCase("en") ? "checked" : ""); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, REPLACEMENT.XXXCURLANGFRXXX.name(), lang.equalsIgnoreCase("fr") ? "checked" : ""); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, REPLACEMENT.XXXCURSYSLANGENXXX.name(), Messages.getSlocale().equalsIgnoreCase("en") ? "checked" : ""); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, REPLACEMENT.XXXCURSYSLANGFRXXX.name(), Messages.getSlocale().equalsIgnoreCase("fr") ? "checked" : ""); } private String SystemLimitedSource() { String system = REQUEST.SystemLimited.readFileUnique(this); if (system == null || system.isEmpty()) { return REQUEST.System.readFileUnique(this); } return system; } private String SystemLimited() { getParams(); DbHostConfiguration config = null; try { config = new DbHostConfiguration(dbSession, Configuration.configuration.getHOST_ID()); } catch (WaarpDatabaseException e2) { config = new DbHostConfiguration(dbSession, Configuration.configuration.getHOST_ID(), "", "", "", ""); try { config.insert(); } catch (WaarpDatabaseException e) { } } if (params == null) { String system = SystemLimitedSource(); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(system); replaceStringSystem(config, builder); langHandle(builder); return builder.toString(); } String extraInformation = null; if (params.containsKey("ACTION")) { List<String> action = params.get("ACTION"); for (String act : action) { if (act.equalsIgnoreCase("Language")) { lang = getTrimValue("change"); extraInformation = Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.LangIs") + "Web: " + lang + " OpenR66: " + Messages.getSlocale(); //$NON-NLS-1$ } else if (act.equalsIgnoreCase("Disconnect")) { String logon = Logon(); logon = logon.replaceAll(REPLACEMENT.XXXERRORMESGXXX.toString(), Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.DisActive")); newSession = true; clearSession(); forceClose = true; return logon; } } } String system = SystemLimitedSource(); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(system); replaceStringSystem(config, builder); langHandle(builder); if (extraInformation != null) { builder.append(extraInformation); } return builder.toString(); } /** * @param config * @param builder */ private void replaceStringSystem(DbHostConfiguration config, StringBuilder builder) { WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, REPLACEMENT.XXXXBUSINESSXXX.toString(), config.getBusiness()); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, REPLACEMENT.XXXXROLESXXX.toString(), config.getRoles()); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, REPLACEMENT.XXXXALIASESXXX.toString(), config.getAliases()); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, REPLACEMENT.XXXXOTHERXXX.toString(), config.getOthers()); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, REPLACEMENT.XXXXSESSIONLIMITWXXX.toString(), Long.toString(Configuration.configuration.getServerChannelWriteLimit())); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, REPLACEMENT.XXXXSESSIONLIMITRXXX.toString(), Long.toString(Configuration.configuration.getServerChannelReadLimit())); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, REPLACEMENT.XXXXDELATRAFFICXXX.toString(), Long.toString(Configuration.configuration.getDelayLimit())); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, REPLACEMENT.XXXXDELAYCOMMDXXX.toString(), Long.toString(Configuration.configuration.getDelayCommander())); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, REPLACEMENT.XXXXDELAYRETRYXXX.toString(), Long.toString(Configuration.configuration.getDelayRetry())); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, REPLACEMENT.XXXXCHANNELLIMITWXXX.toString(), Long.toString(Configuration.configuration.getServerGlobalWriteLimit())); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, REPLACEMENT.XXXXCHANNELLIMITRXXX.toString(), Long.toString(Configuration.configuration.getServerGlobalReadLimit())); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXBLOCKXXX", Configuration.configuration.isShutdown() ? "checked" : ""); switch (WaarpLoggerFactory.getLogLevel()) { case DEBUG: WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXLEVEL1XXX", "checked"); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXLEVEL2XXX", ""); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXLEVEL3XXX", ""); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXLEVEL4XXX", ""); break; case INFO: WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXLEVEL1XXX", ""); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXLEVEL2XXX", "checked"); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXLEVEL3XXX", ""); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXLEVEL4XXX", ""); break; case WARN: WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXLEVEL1XXX", ""); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXLEVEL2XXX", ""); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXLEVEL3XXX", "checked"); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXLEVEL4XXX", ""); break; case ERROR: WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXLEVEL1XXX", ""); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXLEVEL2XXX", ""); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXLEVEL3XXX", ""); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXLEVEL4XXX", "checked"); break; default: WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXLEVEL1XXX", ""); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXLEVEL2XXX", ""); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXLEVEL3XXX", ""); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXLEVEL4XXX", ""); break; } } private String Logout() { String logon = Logon(); logon = logon.replaceAll(REPLACEMENT.XXXERRORMESGXXX.toString(), Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.Disconnected")); newSession = true; clearSession(); forceClose = true; return logon; } private String System() { getParams(); DbHostConfiguration config = null; try { config = new DbHostConfiguration(dbSession, Configuration.configuration.getHOST_ID()); } catch (WaarpDatabaseException e2) { config = new DbHostConfiguration(dbSession, Configuration.configuration.getHOST_ID(), "", "", "", ""); try { config.insert(); } catch (WaarpDatabaseException e) { } } if (params == null) { String system = REQUEST.System.readFileUnique(this); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(system); replaceStringSystem(config, builder); langHandle(builder); return builder.toString(); } String extraInformation = null; if (params.containsKey("ACTION")) { List<String> action = params.get("ACTION"); for (String act : action) { if (act.equalsIgnoreCase("Language")) { lang = getTrimValue("change"); String sys = getTrimValue("changesys"); Messages.init(new Locale(sys)); extraInformation = Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.LangIs") + "Web: " + lang + " OpenR66: " + Messages.getSlocale(); //$NON-NLS-1$ } else if (act.equalsIgnoreCase("Level")) { String loglevel = getTrimValue("loglevel"); WaarpLogLevel level = WaarpLogLevel.WARN; if (loglevel.equalsIgnoreCase("debug")) { level = WaarpLogLevel.DEBUG; } else if (loglevel.equalsIgnoreCase("info")) { level = WaarpLogLevel.INFO; } else if (loglevel.equalsIgnoreCase("warn")) { level = WaarpLogLevel.WARN; } else if (loglevel.equalsIgnoreCase("error")) { level = WaarpLogLevel.ERROR; } WaarpLoggerFactory.setLogLevel(level); extraInformation = Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.LangIs") + level.name(); //$NON-NLS-1$ } else if (act.equalsIgnoreCase("ExportConfig")) { String directory = Configuration.configuration.getBaseDirectory() + R66Dir.SEPARATOR + Configuration.configuration.getArchivePath(); extraInformation = Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.ExportDir") + directory + "<br>"; //$NON-NLS-1$ String[] filenames = ServerActions.staticConfigExport(dbSession, directory, true, true, true, true, true); // hosts, rules, business, alias, roles if (filenames[0] != null) { extraInformation += Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.33"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } if (filenames[1] != null) { extraInformation += Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.32"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } if (filenames[2] != null) { extraInformation += Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.44"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } if (filenames[3] != null) { extraInformation += Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.45"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } if (filenames[4] != null) { extraInformation += Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.46"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } else if (act.equalsIgnoreCase("Disconnect")) { return Logout(); } else if (act.equalsIgnoreCase("Block")) { boolean block = params.containsKey("blocking"); if (block) { extraInformation = Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.34"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } else { extraInformation = Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.35"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } Configuration.configuration.setShutdown(block); } else if (act.equalsIgnoreCase("Shutdown")) { String error; if (Configuration.configuration.getShutdownConfiguration().serviceFuture != null) { error = error(Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.38")); //$NON-NLS-1$ } else { error = error(Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.37")); //$NON-NLS-1$ } R66ShutdownHook.setRestart(false); newSession = true; clearSession(); forceClose = true; shutdown = true; return error; } else if (act.equalsIgnoreCase("Restart")) { String error; if (Configuration.configuration.getShutdownConfiguration().serviceFuture != null) { error = error(Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.38")); //$NON-NLS-1$ } else { error = error(Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.39") + (Configuration.configuration.getTIMEOUTCON() * 2 / 1000) + Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.40")); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ } error = error.replace("XXXRELOADHTTPXXX", "HTTP-EQUIV=\"refresh\" CONTENT=\"" + (Configuration.configuration.getTIMEOUTCON() * 2 / 1000) + "\""); R66ShutdownHook.setRestart(true); newSession = true; clearSession(); forceClose = true; shutdown = true; return error; } else if (act.equalsIgnoreCase("Validate")) { String bsessionr = getTrimValue("BSESSR"); long lsessionr = Configuration.configuration.getServerChannelReadLimit(); long lglobalr; long lsessionw; long lglobalw; long delay; try { if (bsessionr != null) { lsessionr = (Long.parseLong(bsessionr) / 10) * 10; } String bglobalr = getTrimValue("BGLOBR"); lglobalr = Configuration.configuration.getServerGlobalReadLimit(); if (bglobalr != null) { lglobalr = (Long.parseLong(bglobalr) / 10) * 10; } String bsessionw = getTrimValue("BSESSW"); lsessionw = Configuration.configuration.getServerChannelWriteLimit(); if (bsessionw != null) { lsessionw = (Long.parseLong(bsessionw) / 10) * 10; } String bglobalw = getTrimValue("BGLOBW"); lglobalw = Configuration.configuration.getServerGlobalWriteLimit(); if (bglobalw != null) { lglobalw = (Long.parseLong(bglobalw) / 10) * 10; } String dtra = getTrimValue("DTRA"); delay = Configuration.configuration.getDelayLimit(); if (dtra != null) { delay = (Long.parseLong(dtra) / 10) * 10; if (delay < 100) { delay = 100; } } Configuration.configuration.changeNetworkLimit( lglobalw, lglobalr, lsessionw, lsessionr, delay); String dcomm = getTrimValue("DCOM"); if (dcomm != null) { Configuration.configuration.setDelayCommander(Long.parseLong(dcomm)); if (Configuration.configuration.getDelayCommander() <= 100) { Configuration.configuration.setDelayCommander(100); } Configuration.configuration.reloadCommanderDelay(); } String dret = getTrimValue("DRET"); if (dret != null) { Configuration.configuration.setDelayRetry(Long.parseLong(dret)); if (Configuration.configuration.getDelayRetry() <= 1000) { Configuration.configuration.setDelayRetry(1000); } } extraInformation = Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.41"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } catch (NumberFormatException e) { extraInformation = Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.42"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } else if (act.equalsIgnoreCase("HostConfig")) { config.setBusiness(getTrimValue("BUSINESS")); config.setRoles(getTrimValue("ROLES")); config.setAliases(getTrimValue("ALIASES")); config.setOthers(getTrimValue("OTHER")); try { config.update(); extraInformation = Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.41"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } catch (WaarpDatabaseException e) { extraInformation = Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.43"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } } } String system = REQUEST.System.readFileUnique(this); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(system); replaceStringSystem(config, builder); langHandle(builder); if (extraInformation != null) { builder.append(extraInformation); } return builder.toString(); } private void getParams() { if (request.method() == HttpMethod.GET) { params = null; } else if (request.method() == HttpMethod.POST) { ByteBuf content = request.content(); if (content.isReadable()) { String param = content.toString(WaarpStringUtils.UTF8); QueryStringDecoder queryStringDecoder2 = new QueryStringDecoder("/?" + param); params = queryStringDecoder2.parameters(); if (params.containsKey(sLIMITROW)) { String snb = getTrimValue(sLIMITROW); if (snb != null) { try { int old = getLIMITROW(); setLIMITROW(Integer.parseInt(snb)); if (getLIMITROW() < 5) { setLIMITROW(old); } } catch (Exception e1) { } } } } else { params = null; } } } private void clearSession() { if (admin != null) { R66Session lsession = sessions.remove(admin.value()); DbSession ldbsession = dbSessions.remove(admin.value()); admin = null; if (lsession != null) { lsession.setStatus(75); lsession.clear(); } if (ldbsession != null) { ldbsession.forceDisconnect(); DbAdmin.decHttpSession(); } } } private void checkAuthent(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) { newSession = true; if (request.method() == HttpMethod.GET) { String logon = Logon(); logon = logon.replaceAll(REPLACEMENT.XXXERRORMESGXXX.toString(), ""); responseContent.append(logon); clearSession(); writeResponse(ctx); return; } else if (request.method() == HttpMethod.POST) { getParams(); if (params == null) { String logon = Logon(); logon = logon.replaceAll(REPLACEMENT.XXXERRORMESGXXX.toString(), Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.EmptyLogin")); responseContent.append(logon); clearSession(); writeResponse(ctx); return; } } boolean getMenu = false; if (params.containsKey("Logon")) { String name = null, password = null; List<String> values = null; if (!params.isEmpty()) { // get values if (params.containsKey("name")) { values = params.get("name"); if (values != null) { name = values.get(0); if (name == null || name.isEmpty()) { getMenu = true; } } } else { getMenu = true; } // search the nb param if ((!getMenu) && params.containsKey("passwd")) { values = params.get("passwd"); if (values != null) { password = values.get(0); if (password == null || password.isEmpty()) { getMenu = true; } else { getMenu = false; } } else { getMenu = true; } } else { getMenu = true; } } else { getMenu = true; } if (!getMenu) { logger.debug("Name? " + name.equals(Configuration.configuration.getADMINNAME()) + " Passwd? " + Arrays.equals(password.getBytes(WaarpStringUtils.UTF8), Configuration.configuration.getSERVERADMINKEY())); if (name.equals(Configuration.configuration.getADMINNAME()) && Arrays.equals(password.getBytes(WaarpStringUtils.UTF8), Configuration.configuration.getSERVERADMINKEY())) { authentHttp.getAuth().specialNoSessionAuth(true, Configuration.configuration.getHOST_ID()); authentHttp.setStatus(70); } else { try { authentHttp.getAuth().connectionHttps(DbConstant.admin.getSession(), name, FilesystemBasedDigest.passwdCrypt(password.getBytes(WaarpStringUtils.UTF8))); } catch (Reply530Exception e1) { getMenu = true; } catch (Reply421Exception e1) { getMenu = true; } } if (!authentHttp.isAuthenticated()) { authentHttp.setStatus(71); logger.debug("Still not authenticated: {}", authentHttp); getMenu = true; } logger.debug("Identified: " + authentHttp.getAuth().isIdentified() + ":" + authentHttp.isAuthenticated()); } } else { getMenu = true; } if (getMenu) { String logon = Logon(); logon = logon.replaceAll(REPLACEMENT.XXXERRORMESGXXX.toString(), Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.BadLogin")); responseContent.append(logon); clearSession(); writeResponse(ctx); } else { // load DbSession if (this.dbSession != null) { clearSession(); this.dbSession = null; } if (this.dbSession == null) { try { if (DbConstant.admin.isActive()) { this.dbSession = new DbSession(DbConstant.admin, false); DbAdmin.incHttpSession(); this.isPrivateDbSession = true; } } catch (WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException e1) { // Cannot connect so use default connection logger.warn("Use default database connection"); this.dbSession = DbConstant.admin.getSession(); } } String index = index(); responseContent.append(index); clearSession(); admin = new DefaultCookie(R66SESSION + Configuration.configuration.getHOST_ID(), Configuration.configuration.getHOST_ID() + Long.toHexString(random.nextLong())); sessions.put(admin.value(), this.authentHttp); authentHttp.setStatus(72); if (this.isPrivateDbSession) { dbSessions.put(admin.value(), dbSession); } logger.debug("CreateSession: " + uriRequest + ":{}", admin); writeResponse(ctx); } } @Override protected void channelRead0(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, FullHttpRequest msg) throws Exception { FullHttpRequest request = this.request = msg; QueryStringDecoder queryStringDecoder = new QueryStringDecoder(request.uri()); uriRequest = queryStringDecoder.path(); logger.debug("Msg: " + uriRequest); if (uriRequest.contains("gre/") || uriRequest.contains("img/") || uriRequest.contains("res/") || uriRequest.contains("favicon.ico")) { HttpWriteCacheEnable.writeFile(request, ctx, Configuration.configuration.getHttpBasePath() + uriRequest, R66SESSION + Configuration.configuration.getHOST_ID()); return; } checkSession(ctx.channel()); if (!authentHttp.isAuthenticated()) { logger.debug("Not Authent: " + uriRequest + ":{}", authentHttp); checkAuthent(ctx); return; } String find = uriRequest; if (uriRequest.charAt(0) == '/') { find = uriRequest.substring(1); } REQUEST req = REQUEST.index; if (find.length() != 0) { find = find.substring(0, find.indexOf(".")); try { req = REQUEST.valueOf(find); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e1) { req = REQUEST.index; logger.debug("NotFound: " + find + ":" + uriRequest); } } switch (req) { case CancelRestart: if (authentHttp.getAuth().isValidRole(ROLE.TRANSFER)) { responseContent.append(CancelRestart()); } else { responseContent.append(unallowed(Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.CancelRestartUnallowed"))); } break; case Export: if (authentHttp.getAuth().isValidRole(ROLE.SYSTEM)) { responseContent.append(Export()); } else { responseContent.append(unallowed(Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.ExportUnallowed"))); } break; case Hosts: if (authentHttp.getAuth().isValidRole(ROLE.CONFIGADMIN)) { responseContent.append(Hosts()); } else { responseContent.append(unallowed(Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.HostUnallowed"))); } break; case index: responseContent.append(index()); break; case Listing: responseContent.append(Listing()); break; case Logon: responseContent.append(index()); break; case Logout: responseContent.append(Logout()); break; case Rules: if (authentHttp.getAuth().isValidRole(ROLE.CONFIGADMIN)) { responseContent.append(Rules()); } else { responseContent.append(unallowed(Messages.getString("HttpSslHandler.RulesUnallowed"))); } break; case System: if (authentHttp.getAuth().isValidRole(ROLE.SYSTEM)) { responseContent.append(System()); } else { responseContent.append(SystemLimited()); } break; case Transfers: responseContent.append(Transfers()); break; case Spooled: responseContent.append(Spooled(false)); break; case SpooledDetailed: responseContent.append(Spooled(true)); break; default: responseContent.append(index()); break; } writeResponse(ctx); } private void checkSession(Channel channel) { String cookieString = request.headers().get(HttpHeaderNames.COOKIE); if (cookieString != null) { Set<Cookie> cookies = ServerCookieDecoder.LAX.decode(cookieString); if (!cookies.isEmpty()) { for (Cookie elt : cookies) { if (elt.name().equalsIgnoreCase(R66SESSION + Configuration.configuration.getHOST_ID())) { logger.debug("Found session: " + elt); admin = elt; R66Session session = sessions.get(admin.value()); if (session != null) { authentHttp = session; authentHttp.setStatus(73); } else { admin = null; continue; } DbSession dbSession = dbSessions.get(admin.value()); if (dbSession != null) { if (dbSession.isDisActive()) { clearSession(); } this.dbSession = dbSession; } else { admin = null; continue; } } else if (elt.name().equalsIgnoreCase(I18NEXT)) { logger.debug("Found i18next: " + elt); lang = elt.value(); } } } } if (admin == null) { logger.debug("NoSession: " + uriRequest + ":{}", admin); } } private void handleCookies(HttpResponse response) { String cookieString = request.headers().get(HttpHeaderNames.COOKIE); boolean i18nextFound = false; if (cookieString != null) { Set<Cookie> cookies = ServerCookieDecoder.LAX.decode(cookieString); if (!cookies.isEmpty()) { // Reset the sessions if necessary. boolean findSession = false; for (Cookie cookie : cookies) { if (cookie.name().equalsIgnoreCase(R66SESSION + Configuration.configuration.getHOST_ID())) { if (newSession) { findSession = false; } else { findSession = true; response.headers().add(HttpHeaderNames.SET_COOKIE, ServerCookieEncoder.LAX.encode(cookie)); } } else if (cookie.name().equalsIgnoreCase(I18NEXT)) { i18nextFound = true; cookie.setValue(lang); response.headers().add(HttpHeaderNames.SET_COOKIE, ServerCookieEncoder.LAX.encode(cookie)); } else { response.headers().add(HttpHeaderNames.SET_COOKIE, ServerCookieEncoder.LAX.encode(cookie)); } } if (!i18nextFound) { Cookie cookie = new DefaultCookie(I18NEXT, lang); response.headers().add(HttpHeaderNames.SET_COOKIE, ServerCookieEncoder.LAX.encode(cookie)); } newSession = false; if (!findSession) { if (admin != null) { response.headers().add(HttpHeaderNames.SET_COOKIE, ServerCookieEncoder.LAX.encode(admin)); logger.debug("AddSession: " + uriRequest + ":{}", admin); } } } } else { Cookie cookie = new DefaultCookie(I18NEXT, lang); response.headers().add(HttpHeaderNames.SET_COOKIE, ServerCookieEncoder.LAX.encode(cookie)); if (admin != null) { logger.debug("AddSession: " + uriRequest + ":{}", admin); response.headers().add(HttpHeaderNames.SET_COOKIE, ServerCookieEncoder.LAX.encode(admin)); } } } /** * Write the response * * @param ctx */ private void writeResponse(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) { // Convert the response content to a ByteBuf. ByteBuf buf = Unpooled.copiedBuffer(responseContent.toString(), WaarpStringUtils.UTF8); responseContent.setLength(0); // Decide whether to close the connection or not. boolean keepAlive = HttpUtil.isKeepAlive(request); boolean close = HttpHeaderValues.CLOSE.contentEqualsIgnoreCase(request .headers().get(HttpHeaderNames.CONNECTION)) || (!keepAlive) || forceClose; // Build the response object. FullHttpResponse response = new DefaultFullHttpResponse(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1, HttpResponseStatus.OK, buf); response.headers().add(HttpHeaderNames.CONTENT_LENGTH, response.content().readableBytes()); response.headers().set(HttpHeaderNames.CONTENT_TYPE, "text/html"); if (keepAlive) { response.headers().set(HttpHeaderNames.CONNECTION, HttpHeaderValues.KEEP_ALIVE); } if (!close) { // There's no need to add 'Content-Length' header // if this is the last response. response.headers().set(HttpHeaderNames.CONTENT_LENGTH, String.valueOf(buf.readableBytes())); } handleCookies(response); // Write the response. ChannelFuture future = ctx.writeAndFlush(response); // Close the connection after the write operation is done if necessary. if (close) { future.addListener(WaarpSslUtility.SSLCLOSE); } if (shutdown) { ChannelUtils.startShutdown(); } } /** * Send an error and close * * @param ctx * @param status */ private void sendError(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, HttpResponseStatus status) { responseContent.setLength(0); responseContent.append(error(status.toString())); FullHttpResponse response = new DefaultFullHttpResponse( HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1, status, Unpooled.copiedBuffer(responseContent.toString(), WaarpStringUtils.UTF8)); response.headers().add(HttpHeaderNames.CONTENT_LENGTH, response.content().readableBytes()); response.headers().set(HttpHeaderNames.CONTENT_TYPE, "text/html"); responseContent.setLength(0); clearSession(); // Close the connection as soon as the error message is sent. ctx.writeAndFlush(response).addListener(WaarpSslUtility.SSLCLOSE); } @Override public void exceptionCaught(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Throwable cause) throws Exception { OpenR66Exception exception = OpenR66ExceptionTrappedFactory .getExceptionFromTrappedException(ctx.channel(), cause); if (exception != null) { if (!(exception instanceof OpenR66ProtocolBusinessNoWriteBackException)) { if (cause instanceof IOException) { // Nothing to do return; } logger.warn("Exception in HttpSslHandler {}", exception.getMessage()); } if (ctx.channel().isActive()) { sendError(ctx, HttpResponseStatus.BAD_REQUEST); } } else { // Nothing to do return; } } @Override public void channelActive(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception { Channel channel = ctx.channel(); Configuration.configuration.getHttpChannelGroup().add(channel); super.channelActive(ctx); } /** * @return the lIMITROW */ public int getLIMITROW() { return LIMITROW; } /** * @param lIMITROW the lIMITROW to set */ private void setLIMITROW(int lIMITROW) { LIMITROW = lIMITROW; } }