/** * This file is part of Waarp Project. * * Copyright 2009, Frederic Bregier, and individual contributors by the @author tags. See the * COPYRIGHT.txt in the distribution for a full listing of individual contributors. * * All Waarp Project is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of * the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Waarp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even * the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General * Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Waarp . If not, see * <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package org.waarp.openr66.database.data; import java.net.InetSocketAddress; import java.net.SocketAddress; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Types; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import org.waarp.common.database.DbPreparedStatement; import org.waarp.common.database.DbSession; import org.waarp.common.database.data.AbstractDbData; import org.waarp.common.database.data.DbValue; import org.waarp.common.database.exception.WaarpDatabaseException; import org.waarp.common.database.exception.WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException; import org.waarp.common.database.exception.WaarpDatabaseNoDataException; import org.waarp.common.database.exception.WaarpDatabaseSqlException; import org.waarp.common.digest.FilesystemBasedDigest; import org.waarp.common.json.JsonHandler; import org.waarp.common.logging.WaarpLogger; import org.waarp.common.logging.WaarpLoggerFactory; import org.waarp.common.role.RoleDefault; import org.waarp.common.utility.WaarpStringUtils; import org.waarp.openr66.context.R66Session; import org.waarp.openr66.protocol.configuration.Configuration; import org.waarp.openr66.protocol.exception.OpenR66ProtocolBusinessException; import org.waarp.openr66.protocol.networkhandler.NetworkTransaction; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ArrayNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode; /** * Host Authentication Table object * * @author Frederic Bregier * */ public class DbHostAuth extends AbstractDbData { public static final String DEFAULT_CLIENT_ADDRESS = ""; /** * Internal Logger */ private static final WaarpLogger logger = WaarpLoggerFactory .getLogger(DbHostAuth.class); public static enum Columns { ADDRESS, PORT, ISSSL, HOSTKEY, ADMINROLE, ISCLIENT, ISACTIVE, ISPROXIFIED, UPDATEDINFO, HOSTID } public static final int[] dbTypes = { Types.VARCHAR, Types.INTEGER, Types.BIT, Types.VARBINARY, Types.BIT, Types.BIT, Types.BIT, Types.BIT, Types.INTEGER, Types.NVARCHAR }; public static final String table = " HOSTS "; /** * HashTable in case of lack of database */ private static final ConcurrentHashMap<String, DbHostAuth> dbR66HostAuthHashMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, DbHostAuth>(); private String hostid; private String address; private int port; private boolean isSsl; private byte[] hostkey; private boolean adminrole; private boolean isClient; private boolean isActive = true; private boolean isProxified = false; private int updatedInfo = UpdatedInfo.UNKNOWN .ordinal(); // ALL TABLE SHOULD IMPLEMENT THIS public static final int NBPRKEY = 1; protected static final String selectAllFields = Columns.ADDRESS .name() + "," + Columns.PORT .name() + "," + Columns.ISSSL .name() + "," + Columns.HOSTKEY .name() + "," + Columns.ADMINROLE .name() + "," + Columns.ISCLIENT .name() + "," + Columns.ISACTIVE .name() + "," + Columns.ISPROXIFIED .name() + "," + Columns.UPDATEDINFO .name() + "," + Columns.HOSTID .name(); protected static final String updateAllFields = Columns.ADDRESS .name() + "=?," + Columns.PORT .name() + "=?," + Columns.ISSSL .name() + "=?," + Columns.HOSTKEY .name() + "=?," + Columns.ADMINROLE .name() + "=?," + Columns.ISCLIENT .name() + "=?," + Columns.ISACTIVE .name() + "=?," + Columns.ISPROXIFIED .name() + "=?," + Columns.UPDATEDINFO .name() + "=?"; protected static final String insertAllValues = " (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) "; @Override protected void initObject() { primaryKey = new DbValue[] { new DbValue(hostid, Columns.HOSTID .name()) }; otherFields = new DbValue[] { new DbValue(address, Columns.ADDRESS.name()), new DbValue(port, Columns.PORT.name()), new DbValue(isSsl, Columns.ISSSL.name()), new DbValue(hostkey, Columns.HOSTKEY.name()), new DbValue(adminrole, Columns.ADMINROLE.name()), new DbValue(isClient, Columns.ISCLIENT.name()), new DbValue(isActive, Columns.ISACTIVE.name()), new DbValue(isProxified, Columns.ISPROXIFIED.name()), new DbValue(updatedInfo, Columns.UPDATEDINFO.name()) }; allFields = new DbValue[] { otherFields[0], otherFields[1], otherFields[2], otherFields[3], otherFields[4], otherFields[5], otherFields[6], otherFields[7], otherFields[8], primaryKey[0] }; } @Override protected String getSelectAllFields() { return selectAllFields; } @Override protected String getTable() { return table; } @Override protected String getInsertAllValues() { return insertAllValues; } @Override protected String getUpdateAllFields() { return updateAllFields; } @Override protected void setToArray() { allFields[Columns.ADDRESS.ordinal()].setValue(address); allFields[Columns.PORT.ordinal()].setValue(port); allFields[Columns.ISSSL.ordinal()].setValue(isSsl); allFields[Columns.HOSTKEY.ordinal()].setValue(hostkey); allFields[Columns.ADMINROLE.ordinal()].setValue(adminrole); allFields[Columns.ISCLIENT.ordinal()].setValue(isClient); allFields[Columns.ISACTIVE.ordinal()].setValue(isActive); allFields[Columns.ISPROXIFIED.ordinal()].setValue(isProxified); allFields[Columns.UPDATEDINFO.ordinal()].setValue(updatedInfo); allFields[Columns.HOSTID.ordinal()].setValue(hostid); } @Override protected void setFromArray() throws WaarpDatabaseSqlException { address = (String) allFields[Columns.ADDRESS.ordinal()].getValue(); port = (Integer) allFields[Columns.PORT.ordinal()].getValue(); isSsl = (Boolean) allFields[Columns.ISSSL.ordinal()].getValue(); hostkey = (byte[]) allFields[Columns.HOSTKEY.ordinal()].getValue(); adminrole = (Boolean) allFields[Columns.ADMINROLE.ordinal()].getValue(); isClient = (Boolean) allFields[Columns.ISCLIENT.ordinal()].getValue(); isActive = (Boolean) allFields[Columns.ISACTIVE.ordinal()].getValue(); isProxified = (Boolean) allFields[Columns.ISPROXIFIED.ordinal()].getValue(); updatedInfo = (Integer) allFields[Columns.UPDATEDINFO.ordinal()] .getValue(); hostid = (String) allFields[Columns.HOSTID.ordinal()].getValue(); } @Override protected String getWherePrimaryKey() { return primaryKey[0].getColumn() + " = ? "; } @Override protected void setPrimaryKey() { primaryKey[0].setValue(hostid); } /** * @param dbSession * @param hostid * @param address * @param port * @param isSSL * @param hostkey * @param adminrole * @param isClient */ public DbHostAuth(DbSession dbSession, String hostid, String address, int port, boolean isSSL, byte[] hostkey, boolean adminrole, boolean isClient) { super(dbSession); this.hostid = hostid; this.address = address; this.port = port; this.isSsl = isSSL; if (hostkey == null) { this.hostkey = null; } else { try { // Save as crypted with the local Key and HEX this.hostkey = Configuration.configuration.getCryptoKey().cryptToHex(hostkey) .getBytes(WaarpStringUtils.UTF8); } catch (Exception e) { this.hostkey = new byte[0]; } } this.adminrole = adminrole; this.isClient = isClient; if (this.port < 0) { this.isClient = true; this.address = DEFAULT_CLIENT_ADDRESS; } setToArray(); isSaved = false; } public DbHostAuth(DbSession dbSession, ObjectNode source) throws WaarpDatabaseSqlException { super(dbSession); setFromJson(source, false); setToArray(); isSaved = false; } @Override public void setFromJson(ObjectNode node, boolean ignorePrimaryKey) throws WaarpDatabaseSqlException { super.setFromJson(node, ignorePrimaryKey); if (hostkey == null || hostkey.length == 0 || address == null || address.isEmpty() || hostid == null || hostid.isEmpty()) { throw new WaarpDatabaseSqlException("Not enough argument to create the object"); } if (hostkey != null) { try { // Save as crypted with the local Key and Base64 this.hostkey = Configuration.configuration.getCryptoKey().cryptToHex(hostkey) .getBytes(WaarpStringUtils.UTF8); } catch (Exception e) { this.hostkey = new byte[0]; } } if (this.port < 0) { this.isClient = true; this.address = DEFAULT_CLIENT_ADDRESS; } } /** * @param dbSession * @param hostid * @throws WaarpDatabaseException */ public DbHostAuth(DbSession dbSession, String hostid) throws WaarpDatabaseException { super(dbSession); if (hostid == null) { throw new WaarpDatabaseException("No host id passed"); } this.hostid = hostid; if (Configuration.configuration.getAliases().containsKey(hostid)) { this.hostid = Configuration.configuration.getAliases().get(hostid); } // load from DB select(); } /** * Delete all entries (used when purge and reload) * * @param dbSession * @return the previous existing array of DbRule * @throws WaarpDatabaseException */ public static DbHostAuth[] deleteAll(DbSession dbSession) throws WaarpDatabaseException { DbHostAuth[] result = getAllHosts(dbSession); if (dbSession == null) { dbR66HostAuthHashMap.clear(); return result; } DbPreparedStatement preparedStatement = new DbPreparedStatement( dbSession); try { preparedStatement.createPrepareStatement("DELETE FROM " + table); preparedStatement.executeUpdate(); return result; } finally { preparedStatement.realClose(); } } @Override public void delete() throws WaarpDatabaseException { if (dbSession == null) { dbR66HostAuthHashMap.remove(this.hostid); isSaved = false; return; } DbPreparedStatement preparedStatement = new DbPreparedStatement( dbSession); try { preparedStatement.createPrepareStatement("DELETE FROM " + table + " WHERE " + getWherePrimaryKey()); setPrimaryKey(); setValues(preparedStatement, primaryKey); int count = preparedStatement.executeUpdate(); if (count <= 0) { throw new WaarpDatabaseNoDataException("No row found"); } isSaved = false; } finally { preparedStatement.realClose(); } } @Override public void insert() throws WaarpDatabaseException { if (isSaved) { return; } if (dbSession == null) { dbR66HostAuthHashMap.put(this.hostid, this); isSaved = true; return; } DbPreparedStatement preparedStatement = new DbPreparedStatement( dbSession); try { preparedStatement.createPrepareStatement("INSERT INTO " + table + " (" + selectAllFields + ") VALUES " + insertAllValues); setValues(preparedStatement, allFields); int count = preparedStatement.executeUpdate(); if (count <= 0) { throw new WaarpDatabaseNoDataException("No row found"); } isSaved = true; } finally { preparedStatement.realClose(); } } @Override public boolean exist() throws WaarpDatabaseException { if (dbSession == null) { return dbR66HostAuthHashMap.containsKey(hostid); } DbPreparedStatement preparedStatement = new DbPreparedStatement( dbSession); try { preparedStatement.createPrepareStatement("SELECT " + primaryKey[0].getColumn() + " FROM " + table + " WHERE " + getWherePrimaryKey()); setPrimaryKey(); setValues(preparedStatement, primaryKey); preparedStatement.executeQuery(); return preparedStatement.getNext(); } finally { preparedStatement.realClose(); } } @Override public void select() throws WaarpDatabaseException { if (dbSession == null) { DbHostAuth host = dbR66HostAuthHashMap.get(this.hostid); if (host == null) { throw new WaarpDatabaseNoDataException("No row found"); } else { // copy info for (int i = 0; i < allFields.length; i++) { allFields[i].setValue(host.allFields[i].getValue()); } setFromArray(); isSaved = true; return; } } DbPreparedStatement preparedStatement = new DbPreparedStatement( dbSession); try { preparedStatement.createPrepareStatement("SELECT " + selectAllFields + " FROM " + table + " WHERE " + getWherePrimaryKey()); setPrimaryKey(); setValues(preparedStatement, primaryKey); preparedStatement.executeQuery(); if (preparedStatement.getNext()) { getValues(preparedStatement, allFields); setFromArray(); isSaved = true; } else { throw new WaarpDatabaseNoDataException("No row found"); } } finally { preparedStatement.realClose(); } } @Override public void update() throws WaarpDatabaseException { if (isSaved) { return; } if (dbSession == null) { dbR66HostAuthHashMap.put(this.hostid, this); isSaved = true; return; } DbPreparedStatement preparedStatement = new DbPreparedStatement( dbSession); try { preparedStatement.createPrepareStatement("UPDATE " + table + " SET " + updateAllFields + " WHERE " + getWherePrimaryKey()); setValues(preparedStatement, allFields); int count = preparedStatement.executeUpdate(); if (count <= 0) { throw new WaarpDatabaseNoDataException("No row found"); } isSaved = true; } finally { preparedStatement.realClose(); } } /** * Private constructor for Commander only */ private DbHostAuth(DbSession session) { super(session); } /** * Get All DbHostAuth from database or from internal hashMap in case of no database support * * @param dbSession * may be null * @return the array of DbHostAuth * @throws WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException * @throws WaarpDatabaseSqlException */ public static DbHostAuth[] getAllHosts(DbSession dbSession) throws WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException, WaarpDatabaseSqlException { if (dbSession == null) { DbHostAuth[] result = new DbHostAuth[0]; return dbR66HostAuthHashMap.values().toArray(result); } String request = "SELECT " + selectAllFields; request += " FROM " + table; ArrayList<DbHostAuth> dbArrayList = new ArrayList<DbHostAuth>(); DbPreparedStatement preparedStatement = new DbPreparedStatement(dbSession, request); try { preparedStatement.executeQuery(); while (preparedStatement.getNext()) { DbHostAuth hostAuth = getFromStatement(preparedStatement); dbArrayList.add(hostAuth); } } finally { preparedStatement.realClose(); } DbHostAuth[] result = new DbHostAuth[0]; return dbArrayList.toArray(result); } /** * For instance from Commander when getting updated information * * @param preparedStatement * @return the next updated DbHostAuth * @throws WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException * @throws WaarpDatabaseSqlException */ public static DbHostAuth getFromStatement(DbPreparedStatement preparedStatement) throws WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException, WaarpDatabaseSqlException { DbHostAuth dbHostAuth = new DbHostAuth(preparedStatement.getDbSession()); dbHostAuth.getValues(preparedStatement, dbHostAuth.allFields); dbHostAuth.setFromArray(); dbHostAuth.isSaved = true; return dbHostAuth; } /** * * @return the DbPreparedStatement for getting Updated Object * @throws WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException * @throws WaarpDatabaseSqlException */ public static DbPreparedStatement getUpdatedPrepareStament(DbSession session) throws WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException, WaarpDatabaseSqlException { String request = "SELECT " + selectAllFields; request += " FROM " + table + " WHERE " + Columns.UPDATEDINFO.name() + " = " + AbstractDbData.UpdatedInfo.TOSUBMIT.ordinal(); DbPreparedStatement prep = new DbPreparedStatement(session, request); return prep; } /** * * @param session * @param host * @param addr * @param ssl * @param active * @return the DbPreparedStatement according to the filter * @throws WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException * @throws WaarpDatabaseSqlException */ public static DbPreparedStatement getFilterPrepareStament(DbSession session, String host, String addr, boolean ssl, boolean active) throws WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException, WaarpDatabaseSqlException { DbPreparedStatement preparedStatement = new DbPreparedStatement(session); String request = "SELECT " + selectAllFields + " FROM " + table + " WHERE "; String condition = null; if (host != null) { condition = Columns.HOSTID.name() + " LIKE '%" + host + "%' "; } if (addr != null) { if (condition != null) { condition += " AND "; } else { condition = ""; } condition += Columns.ADDRESS.name() + " LIKE '%" + addr + "%' "; } if (condition != null) { condition += " AND "; } else { condition = ""; } condition += Columns.ISSSL.name() + " = ? AND "; condition += Columns.ISACTIVE.name() + " = ? "; preparedStatement.createPrepareStatement(request + condition + " ORDER BY " + Columns.HOSTID.name()); try { preparedStatement.getPreparedStatement().setBoolean(1, ssl); preparedStatement.getPreparedStatement().setBoolean(2, active); } catch (SQLException e) { preparedStatement.realClose(); throw new WaarpDatabaseSqlException(e); } return preparedStatement; } /** * * @param session * @param host * @param addr * @return the DbPreparedStatement according to the filter * @throws WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException * @throws WaarpDatabaseSqlException */ public static DbPreparedStatement getFilterPrepareStament(DbSession session, String host, String addr) throws WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException, WaarpDatabaseSqlException { DbPreparedStatement preparedStatement = new DbPreparedStatement(session); String request = "SELECT " + selectAllFields + " FROM " + table; String condition = null; if (host != null) { condition = Columns.HOSTID.name() + " LIKE '%" + host + "%' "; } if (addr != null) { if (condition != null) { condition += " AND "; } else { condition = ""; } condition += Columns.ADDRESS.name() + " LIKE '%" + addr + "%' "; } if (condition != null) { condition = " WHERE " + condition; } else { condition = ""; } preparedStatement.createPrepareStatement(request + condition + " ORDER BY " + Columns.HOSTID.name()); return preparedStatement; } @Override public void changeUpdatedInfo(UpdatedInfo info) { if (updatedInfo != info.ordinal()) { updatedInfo = info.ordinal(); allFields[Columns.UPDATEDINFO.ordinal()].setValue(updatedInfo); isSaved = false; } } /** * @return the isActive */ public boolean isActive() { return isActive; } /** * @param isActive * the isActive to set */ public void setActive(boolean isActive) { this.isActive = isActive; allFields[Columns.ISACTIVE.ordinal()].setValue(this.isActive); isSaved = false; } /** * @return the isProxified */ public boolean isProxified() { return isProxified; } /** * @param isProxified * the isProxified to set */ public void setProxified(boolean isProxified) { this.isProxified = isProxified; allFields[Columns.ISPROXIFIED.ordinal()].setValue(this.isProxified); isSaved = false; if (this.isProxified) { Configuration.configuration.setBlacklistBadAuthent(false); } } /** * Is the given key a valid one * * @param newkey * @return True if the key is valid (or any key is valid) */ public boolean isKeyValid(byte[] newkey) { // It is valid to not have a key if (this.hostkey == null) { return true; } // Check before if any key is passed or if account is active if (newkey == null || !isActive) { return false; } try { return FilesystemBasedDigest.equalPasswd( Configuration.configuration.getCryptoKey().decryptHexInBytes(this.hostkey), newkey); } catch (Exception e) { logger.debug("Error while checking key", e); return false; } } /** * @return the hostkey */ public byte[] getHostkey() { if (hostkey == null) { return null; } try { return Configuration.configuration.getCryptoKey().decryptHexInBytes(hostkey); } catch (Exception e) { return new byte[0]; } } /** * @return the adminrole */ public boolean isAdminrole() { return adminrole; } /** * Test if the address is for a client or isClient * * @return True if the address is a client address ( or isClient */ public boolean isClient() { return isClient || isNoAddress(); } /** * True if the address is a client address ( or if the port is < 0 * * @return True if the address is a client address ( or if the port is < 0 */ public boolean isNoAddress() { return (this.address.equals(DEFAULT_CLIENT_ADDRESS) || this.port < 0); } /** * * @return the SocketAddress from the address and port * @exception IllegalArgumentException * when the address is for a Client and therefore cannot be checked */ public SocketAddress getSocketAddress() throws IllegalArgumentException { if (isNoAddress()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a server"); } return new InetSocketAddress(this.address, this.port); } /** * * @return True if this Host ref is with SSL support */ public boolean isSsl() { return this.isSsl; } /** * @return the hostid */ public String getHostid() { return hostid; } /** * @return the address */ public String getAddress() { return address; } /** * @return the port */ public int getPort() { return port; } private static String getVersion(String host) { String remoteHost = host; String alias = ""; if (Configuration.configuration.getAliases().containsKey(remoteHost)) { remoteHost = Configuration.configuration.getAliases().get(remoteHost); alias += "(Alias: " + remoteHost + ") "; } if (Configuration.configuration.getReverseAliases().containsKey(remoteHost)) { String alias2 = "(ReverseAlias: "; String[] list = Configuration.configuration.getReverseAliases().get(remoteHost); boolean found = false; for (String string : list) { if (string.equals(host)) { continue; } found = true; alias2 += string + " "; } if (found) { alias += alias2 + ") "; } } if (Configuration.configuration.getBusinessWhiteSet().contains(remoteHost)) { alias += "(Business: Allowed) "; } if (Configuration.configuration.getRoles().containsKey(remoteHost)) { RoleDefault item = Configuration.configuration.getRoles().get(remoteHost); alias += "(Role: " + item.toString() + ") "; } return alias + (Configuration.configuration.getVersions().containsKey(remoteHost) ? Configuration.configuration.getVersions().get(remoteHost).toString() : "Version Unknown"); } @Override public String toString() { //System.err.println(hostid+" Version: "+Configuration.configuration.versions.get(hostid)+":"+Configuration.configuration.versions.containsKey(hostid)); return "HostAuth: " + hostid + " address: " + address + ":" + port + " isSSL: " + isSsl + " admin: " + adminrole + " isClient: " + isClient + " isActive: " + isActive + " isProxified: " + isProxified + " (" + (hostkey != null ? hostkey.length : 0) + ") Version: " + getVersion(hostid); } /** * Write selected DbHostAuth to a Json String * * @param preparedStatement * @return the associated Json String * @throws WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException * @throws WaarpDatabaseSqlException * @throws OpenR66ProtocolBusinessException */ public static String getJson(DbPreparedStatement preparedStatement, int limit) throws WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException, WaarpDatabaseSqlException, OpenR66ProtocolBusinessException { ArrayNode arrayNode = JsonHandler.createArrayNode(); try { preparedStatement.executeQuery(); int nb = 0; while (preparedStatement.getNext()) { DbHostAuth host = DbHostAuth .getFromStatement(preparedStatement); ObjectNode node = host.getInternalJson(); arrayNode.add(node); nb++; if (nb >= limit) { break; } } } finally { preparedStatement.realClose(); } return JsonHandler.writeAsString(arrayNode); } private ObjectNode getInternalJson() { ObjectNode node = getJson(); try { node.put(Columns.HOSTKEY.name(), Configuration.configuration.getCryptoKey().decryptHexInString( new String(hostkey, WaarpStringUtils.UTF8))); } catch (Exception e1) { node.put(Columns.HOSTKEY.name(), ""); } int nb = 0; try { nb = NetworkTransaction.nbAttachedConnection(getSocketAddress(), getHostid()); } catch (Exception e) { nb = -1; } node.put("Connection", nb); node.put("Version", getVersion(hostid).replace("\"", "").replace(",", ", ")); return node; } /** * * @return the Json string for this */ public String getJsonAsString() { ObjectNode node = getInternalJson(); return JsonHandler.writeAsString(node); } /** * @param session * @param body * @param crypted * True if the Key is kept crypted, False it will be in clear form * @return the runner in Html format specified by body by replacing all instance of fields */ public String toSpecializedHtml(R66Session session, String body, boolean crypted) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(body); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXHOSTXXX", hostid); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXADDRXXX", address); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXPORTXXX", Integer.toString(port)); if (crypted) { WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXKEYXXX", new String(hostkey, WaarpStringUtils.UTF8)); } else { try { WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXKEYXXX", Configuration.configuration.getCryptoKey().decryptHexInString(new String( this.hostkey, WaarpStringUtils.UTF8))); } catch (Exception e) { WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXKEYXXX", "BAD DECRYPT"); } } WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXSSLXXX", isSsl ? "checked" : ""); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXADMXXX", adminrole ? "checked" : ""); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXISCXXX", isClient ? "checked" : ""); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXISAXXX", isActive ? "checked" : ""); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXISPXXX", isProxified ? "checked" : ""); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXVERSIONXXX", getVersion(hostid).replace(",", ", ")); int nb = 0; try { nb = NetworkTransaction.nbAttachedConnection(getSocketAddress(), getHostid()); } catch (Exception e) { nb = -1; } WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXCONNXXX", (nb > 0) ? "(" + nb + " Connected) " : ""); return builder.toString(); } /** * * @param session * @return True if any of the server has the isProxified property */ public static boolean hasProxifiedHosts(DbSession session) { if (session == null) { for (DbHostAuth host : dbR66HostAuthHashMap.values()) { if (host.isProxified) { return true; } } return false; } DbPreparedStatement preparedStatement = null; int val = 0; try { preparedStatement = new DbPreparedStatement(session, "SELECT count(*) FROM " + table + " WHERE " + Columns.ISPROXIFIED + " = " + true); preparedStatement.executeQuery(); preparedStatement.getNext(); val = preparedStatement.getResultSet().getInt(1); } catch (WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException e) { return false; } catch (WaarpDatabaseSqlException e) { return false; } catch (SQLException e) { return false; } finally { if (preparedStatement != null) { preparedStatement.realClose(); } } return val > 0; } /** * * @return the DbValue associated with this table */ public static DbValue[] getAllType() { DbHostAuth item = new DbHostAuth(null); return item.allFields; } }