/** * This file is part of Waarp Project. * * Copyright 2009, Frederic Bregier, and individual contributors by the @author tags. See the * COPYRIGHT.txt in the distribution for a full listing of individual contributors. * * All Waarp Project is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of * the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Waarp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even * the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General * Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Waarp . If not, see * <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package org.waarp.openr66.context.authentication; import java.io.File; import org.waarp.common.command.NextCommandReply; import org.waarp.common.command.exception.Reply421Exception; import org.waarp.common.command.exception.Reply530Exception; import org.waarp.common.database.DbSession; import org.waarp.common.database.exception.WaarpDatabaseException; import org.waarp.common.file.DirInterface; import org.waarp.common.file.filesystembased.FilesystemBasedAuthImpl; import org.waarp.common.logging.WaarpLogger; import org.waarp.common.logging.WaarpLoggerFactory; import org.waarp.common.role.RoleDefault; import org.waarp.common.role.RoleDefault.ROLE; import org.waarp.openr66.context.R66Session; import org.waarp.openr66.database.DbConstant; import org.waarp.openr66.database.data.DbHostAuth; import org.waarp.openr66.protocol.configuration.Configuration; /** * @author frederic bregier * */ public class R66Auth extends FilesystemBasedAuthImpl { /** * Internal Logger */ private static final WaarpLogger logger = WaarpLoggerFactory .getLogger(R66Auth.class); /** * Current authentication */ private DbHostAuth currentAuth = null; /** * is Admin role */ private boolean isAdmin = false; /** * Role set from configuration file only */ private RoleDefault role = new RoleDefault(); /** * @param session */ public R66Auth(R66Session session) { super(session); } @Override protected void businessClean() { currentAuth = null; isAdmin = false; role.clear(); } public String getBaseDirectory() { return Configuration.configuration.getBaseDirectory(); } @Override protected NextCommandReply setBusinessPassword(String arg0) throws Reply421Exception, Reply530Exception { throw new Reply421Exception("Command not valid"); } /** * @param dbSession * @param hostId * @param arg0 * @return True if the connection is OK (authentication is OK) * @throws Reply530Exception * if the authentication is wrong * @throws Reply421Exception * If the service is not available */ public boolean connection(DbSession dbSession, String hostId, byte[] arg0) throws Reply530Exception, Reply421Exception { DbHostAuth auth = R66Auth .getServerAuth(dbSession, hostId); if (auth == null) { logger.error("Cannot find authentication for " + hostId); setIsIdentified(false); currentAuth = null; throw new Reply530Exception("HostId not allowed"); } currentAuth = auth; role.clear(); if (currentAuth.isKeyValid(arg0)) { setIsIdentified(true); user = hostId; setRootFromAuth(); getSession().getDir().initAfterIdentification(); isAdmin = currentAuth.isAdminrole(); if (Configuration.configuration.getRoles().isEmpty()) { if (isAdmin) { role.setRole(ROLE.FULLADMIN); } else { role.setRole(ROLE.PARTNER); } } else { RoleDefault configRole = Configuration.configuration.getRoles().get(hostId); if (configRole == null) { // set to default PARTNER role.setRole(ROLE.PARTNER); } else { role.setRoleDefault(configRole); if (this.role.isContaining(ROLE.FULLADMIN)) { isAdmin = true; } } if (isAdmin) { role.setRole(ROLE.FULLADMIN); } } logger.debug(this.role.toString()); return true; } throw new Reply530Exception("Key is not valid for this HostId"); } /** * * @param key * @return True if the key is valid for the current user */ public boolean isKeyValid(byte[] key) { return currentAuth.isKeyValid(key); } /** * Set the root relative Path from current status of Authentication (should be the highest level * for the current authentication). If setBusinessRootFromAuth returns null, by default set * /user. * * @exception Reply421Exception * if the business root is not available */ private void setRootFromAuth() throws Reply421Exception { rootFromAuth = setBusinessRootFromAuth(); if (rootFromAuth == null) { rootFromAuth = DirInterface.SEPARATOR; } } @Override protected String setBusinessRootFromAuth() throws Reply421Exception { String path = null; String fullpath = getAbsolutePath(path); File file = new File(fullpath); if (!file.isDirectory()) { throw new Reply421Exception("Filesystem not ready"); } return path; } @Override protected NextCommandReply setBusinessUser(String arg0) throws Reply421Exception, Reply530Exception { throw new Reply421Exception("Command not valid"); } public boolean isAdmin() { return isAdmin; } /** * * @param roleCheck * @return True if the current role contains the specified role to check */ public boolean isValidRole(ROLE roleCheck) { return this.role.isContaining(roleCheck); } /** * * @return True if the associated host is using SSL */ public boolean isSsl() { return currentAuth.isSsl(); } public boolean isBusinessPathValid(String newPath) { if (newPath == null) { return false; } return true; } @Override public String toString() { return "Auth:" + isIdentified + " " + (currentAuth != null ? currentAuth.toString() : "no Internal Auth") + " " + this.role.toString(); } /** * @param dbSession * @param server * @return the SimpleAuth if any for this user */ public static DbHostAuth getServerAuth(DbSession dbSession, String server) { DbHostAuth auth = null; try { auth = new DbHostAuth(dbSession, server); } catch (WaarpDatabaseException e) { logger.warn("Cannot find the authentication {}", server, e); return null; } return auth; } /** * Special Authentication for local execution * * @param isSSL * @param hostid */ public void specialNoSessionAuth(boolean isSSL, String hostid) { this.isIdentified = true; DbHostAuth auth = null; try { auth = new DbHostAuth(DbConstant.admin.getSession(), hostid); } catch (WaarpDatabaseException e1) { } if (auth == null) { auth = new DbHostAuth(DbConstant.admin.getSession(), hostid, "", 6666, isSSL, null, true, false); } role.clear(); currentAuth = auth; setIsIdentified(true); user = auth.getHostid(); try { setRootFromAuth(); } catch (Reply421Exception e) { } getSession().getDir().initAfterIdentification(); isAdmin = isSSL; if (isSSL) { role.setRole(ROLE.FULLADMIN); this.user = Configuration.configuration.getADMINNAME(); } } /** * connection from HTTPS (no default rights, must be set either as admin or specifically through ROLEs). * Only "false client" with port with negative values are allowed. * * @param dbSession * @param hostId * @param arg0 * @return True if the connection is OK (authentication is OK) * @throws Reply530Exception * if the authentication is wrong * @throws Reply421Exception * If the service is not available */ public boolean connectionHttps(DbSession dbSession, String hostId, byte[] arg0) throws Reply530Exception, Reply421Exception { DbHostAuth auth = R66Auth .getServerAuth(dbSession, hostId); if (auth == null) { logger.error("Cannot find authentication for " + hostId); setIsIdentified(false); currentAuth = null; throw new Reply530Exception("HostId not allowed"); } if (auth.getPort() >= 0) { logger.error("Authentication is unacceptable for " + hostId); setIsIdentified(false); currentAuth = null; throw new Reply530Exception("HostId not allowed"); } role.clear(); currentAuth = auth; if (currentAuth.isKeyValid(arg0)) { setIsIdentified(true); user = hostId; setRootFromAuth(); getSession().getDir().initAfterIdentification(); isAdmin = currentAuth.isAdminrole(); if (Configuration.configuration.getRoles().isEmpty()) { if (isAdmin) { role.setRole(ROLE.FULLADMIN); } } else { RoleDefault configRole = Configuration.configuration.getRoles().get(hostId); if (configRole != null) { role.setRoleDefault(configRole); if (this.role.isContaining(ROLE.FULLADMIN)) { isAdmin = true; } } if (isAdmin) { role.setRole(ROLE.FULLADMIN); } } logger.info(this.role.toString() + ":" + this.currentAuth); return true; } throw new Reply530Exception("Key is not valid for this HostId"); } /** * * @return a copy of the Role of the current authenticated partner */ public RoleDefault getRole() { return new RoleDefault().setRoleDefault(role); } }