/** * This file is part of Waarp Project. * * Copyright 2009, Frederic Bregier, and individual contributors by the @author tags. See the * COPYRIGHT.txt in the distribution for a full listing of individual contributors. * * All Waarp Project is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of * the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Waarp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even * the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General * Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Waarp . If not, see * <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package org.waarp.openr66.database.data; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.sql.Types; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.dom4j.Document; import org.dom4j.DocumentException; import org.dom4j.DocumentHelper; import org.dom4j.Element; import org.dom4j.io.OutputFormat; import org.dom4j.io.SAXReader; import org.dom4j.io.XMLWriter; import org.dom4j.tree.DefaultElement; import org.waarp.common.command.exception.CommandAbstractException; import org.waarp.common.database.DbPreparedStatement; import org.waarp.common.database.DbSession; import org.waarp.common.database.data.AbstractDbData; import org.waarp.common.database.data.DbValue; import org.waarp.common.database.exception.WaarpDatabaseException; import org.waarp.common.database.exception.WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException; import org.waarp.common.database.exception.WaarpDatabaseNoDataException; import org.waarp.common.database.exception.WaarpDatabaseSqlException; import org.waarp.common.digest.FilesystemBasedDigest; import org.waarp.common.json.JsonHandler; import org.waarp.common.logging.WaarpLogger; import org.waarp.common.logging.WaarpLoggerFactory; import org.waarp.common.lru.SynchronizedLruCache; import org.waarp.common.utility.LongUuid; import org.waarp.common.utility.WaarpStringUtils; import org.waarp.openr66.commander.CommanderNoDb; import org.waarp.openr66.context.ErrorCode; import org.waarp.openr66.context.R66FiniteDualStates; import org.waarp.openr66.context.R66Result; import org.waarp.openr66.context.R66Session; import org.waarp.openr66.context.filesystem.R66Dir; import org.waarp.openr66.context.filesystem.R66File; import org.waarp.openr66.context.task.AbstractTask; import org.waarp.openr66.context.task.TaskType; import org.waarp.openr66.context.task.exception.OpenR66RunnerEndTasksException; import org.waarp.openr66.context.task.exception.OpenR66RunnerErrorException; import org.waarp.openr66.database.DbConstant; import org.waarp.openr66.protocol.configuration.Configuration; import org.waarp.openr66.protocol.configuration.PartnerConfiguration; import org.waarp.openr66.protocol.exception.OpenR66ProtocolBusinessException; import org.waarp.openr66.protocol.exception.OpenR66ProtocolNoSslException; import org.waarp.openr66.protocol.exception.OpenR66ProtocolPacketException; import org.waarp.openr66.protocol.exception.OpenR66ProtocolSystemException; import org.waarp.openr66.protocol.localhandler.LocalChannelReference; import org.waarp.openr66.protocol.localhandler.LocalTransaction; import org.waarp.openr66.protocol.localhandler.packet.ErrorPacket; import org.waarp.openr66.protocol.localhandler.packet.RequestPacket; import org.waarp.openr66.protocol.localhandler.packet.RequestPacket.TRANSFERMODE; import org.waarp.openr66.protocol.utils.ChannelUtils; import org.waarp.openr66.protocol.utils.NbAndSpecialId; import org.waarp.openr66.protocol.utils.R66Future; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ArrayNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode; /** * Task Runner from pre operation to transfer to post operation, except in case of error * * @author Frederic Bregier * */ public class DbTaskRunner extends AbstractDbData { public static final String JSON_ORIGINALSIZE = "ORIGINALSIZE"; public static final String JSON_THROUGHMODE = "THROUGHMODE"; public static final String JSON_RESCHEDULE = "RESCHEDULE"; /** * Internal Logger */ private static final WaarpLogger logger = WaarpLoggerFactory .getLogger(DbTaskRunner.class); /** * HashTable in case of lack of database using LRU mode with * 20 000 items maximum (< 200 MB?) for 180s */ private static SynchronizedLruCache<Long, DbTaskRunner> dbR66TaskHashMap; /** * Create the LRU cache * * @param limit * limit of number of entries in the cache * @param ttl * time to leave used */ public static void createLruCache(int limit, long ttl) { dbR66TaskHashMap = new SynchronizedLruCache<Long, DbTaskRunner>(limit, ttl); } public static String hashStatus() { return "DbTaskRunner: [dbR66TaskHashMap: " + dbR66TaskHashMap.size() + "] "; } /** * To enable clear of oldest entries in the cache * * @return the number of elements removed */ public static int clearCache() { return dbR66TaskHashMap.forceClearOldest(); } /** * To update the TTL for the cache (to 10xTIMEOUT) * * @param ttl */ public static void updateLruCacheTimeout(long ttl) { dbR66TaskHashMap.setNewTtl(ttl); } public static enum Columns { GLOBALSTEP, GLOBALLASTSTEP, STEP, RANK, STEPSTATUS, RETRIEVEMODE, FILENAME, ISMOVED, IDRULE, BLOCKSZ, ORIGINALNAME, FILEINFO, TRANSFERINFO, MODETRANS, STARTTRANS, STOPTRANS, INFOSTATUS, UPDATEDINFO, OWNERREQ, REQUESTER, REQUESTED, SPECIALID; } public static final int[] dbTypes = { Types.INTEGER, Types.INTEGER, Types.INTEGER, Types.INTEGER, Types.CHAR, Types.BIT, Types.VARCHAR, Types.BIT, Types.NVARCHAR, Types.INTEGER, Types.VARCHAR, Types.LONGVARCHAR, Types.LONGVARCHAR, Types.INTEGER, Types.TIMESTAMP, Types.TIMESTAMP, Types.CHAR, Types.INTEGER, Types.NVARCHAR, Types.NVARCHAR, Types.NVARCHAR, Types.BIGINT }; public static final String table = " RUNNER "; public static final String fieldseq = "RUNSEQ"; public static final Columns[] indexes = { Columns.STARTTRANS, Columns.OWNERREQ, Columns.STEPSTATUS, Columns.UPDATEDINFO, Columns.GLOBALSTEP, Columns.INFOSTATUS, Columns.SPECIALID }; public static final String XMLRUNNERS = "taskrunners"; public static final String XMLRUNNER = "runner"; public static final String XMLEXTENSION = "_singlerunner.xml"; /** * GlobalStep Value */ public static enum TASKSTEP { NOTASK, PRETASK, TRANSFERTASK, POSTTASK, ALLDONETASK, ERRORTASK; } // Values private DbRule rule; private R66Session session; volatile DbPreparedStatement preparedStatementUpdate = null; /** * Last step */ private int globalstep = TASKSTEP.NOTASK.ordinal(); /** * Last global step (only changes in case of success) */ private int globallaststep = TASKSTEP.NOTASK.ordinal(); /** * Step in the current globalstep */ private int step = -1; private int rank = 0; /** * Last step action status error code */ private ErrorCode status = ErrorCode.Unknown; private long specialId = DbConstant.ILLEGALVALUE; private boolean isSender; private String filename; private boolean isFileMoved = false; private String ruleId; private int blocksize; private String originalFilename; private String fileInformation; private String transferInformation = "{}"; private int mode; private String ownerRequest; private String requesterHostId; private String requestedHostId; private Timestamp start; private Timestamp stop; /** * Info status error code */ private ErrorCode infostatus = ErrorCode.Unknown; /** * The global status for running */ private int updatedInfo = UpdatedInfo.UNKNOWN.ordinal(); private volatile boolean continueTransfer = true; private boolean rescheduledTransfer = false; private LocalChannelReference localChannelReference = null; private boolean isRecvThrough = false; private boolean isSendThrough = false; private long originalSize = -1; /** * Special For DbTaskRunner */ public static final int NBPRKEY = 4; // ALL TABLE SHOULD IMPLEMENT THIS protected static final String selectAllFields = Columns.GLOBALSTEP.name() + "," + Columns.GLOBALLASTSTEP.name() + "," + Columns.STEP.name() + "," + Columns.RANK.name() + "," + Columns.STEPSTATUS.name() + "," + Columns.RETRIEVEMODE.name() + "," + Columns.FILENAME.name() + "," + Columns.ISMOVED.name() + "," + Columns.IDRULE.name() + "," + Columns.BLOCKSZ.name() + "," + Columns.ORIGINALNAME.name() + "," + Columns.FILEINFO.name() + "," + Columns.TRANSFERINFO.name() + "," + Columns.MODETRANS.name() + "," + Columns.STARTTRANS.name() + "," + Columns.STOPTRANS.name() + "," + Columns.INFOSTATUS.name() + "," + Columns.UPDATEDINFO.name() + "," + Columns.OWNERREQ.name() + "," + Columns.REQUESTER.name() + "," + Columns.REQUESTED.name() + "," + Columns.SPECIALID.name(); protected static final String updateAllFields = Columns.GLOBALSTEP.name() + "=?," + Columns.GLOBALLASTSTEP.name() + "=?," + Columns.STEP.name() + "=?," + Columns.RANK.name() + "=?," + Columns.STEPSTATUS.name() + "=?," + Columns.RETRIEVEMODE.name() + "=?," + Columns.FILENAME.name() + "=?," + Columns.ISMOVED.name() + "=?," + Columns.IDRULE.name() + "=?," + Columns.BLOCKSZ.name() + "=?," + Columns.ORIGINALNAME.name() + "=?," + Columns.FILEINFO.name() + "=?," + Columns.TRANSFERINFO.name() + "=?," + Columns.MODETRANS.name() + "=?," + Columns.STARTTRANS.name() + "=?," + Columns.STOPTRANS.name() + "=?," + Columns.INFOSTATUS.name() + "=?," + Columns.UPDATEDINFO.name() + "=?"; protected static final String insertAllValues = " (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) "; @Override protected void initObject() { primaryKey = new DbValue[] { new DbValue(ownerRequest, Columns.OWNERREQ.name()), new DbValue(requesterHostId, Columns.REQUESTER.name()), new DbValue(requestedHostId, Columns.REQUESTED.name()), new DbValue(specialId, Columns.SPECIALID.name()) }; otherFields = new DbValue[] { // GLOBALSTEP, GLOBALLASTSTEP, STEP, RANK, STEPSTATUS, RETRIEVEMODE, // FILENAME, ISMOVED, IDRULE, // BLOCKSZ, ORIGINALNAME, FILEINFO, MODETRANS, // STARTTRANS, STOPTRANS // INFOSTATUS, UPDATEDINFO new DbValue(globalstep, Columns.GLOBALSTEP.name()), new DbValue(globallaststep, Columns.GLOBALLASTSTEP.name()), new DbValue(step, Columns.STEP.name()), new DbValue(rank, Columns.RANK.name()), new DbValue(ErrorCode.Unknown.getCode(), Columns.STEPSTATUS.name()), // status.getCode() new DbValue(isSender, Columns.RETRIEVEMODE.name()), new DbValue(filename, Columns.FILENAME.name()), new DbValue(isFileMoved, Columns.ISMOVED.name()), new DbValue(ruleId, Columns.IDRULE.name()), new DbValue(blocksize, Columns.BLOCKSZ.name()), new DbValue(originalFilename, Columns.ORIGINALNAME.name()), new DbValue(fileInformation, Columns.FILEINFO.name(), true), new DbValue(transferInformation, Columns.TRANSFERINFO.name(), true), new DbValue(mode, Columns.MODETRANS.name()), new DbValue(start, Columns.STARTTRANS.name()), new DbValue(stop, Columns.STOPTRANS.name()), new DbValue(ErrorCode.Unknown.getCode(), Columns.INFOSTATUS.name()),// infostatus.getCode() new DbValue(updatedInfo, Columns.UPDATEDINFO.name()) }; allFields = new DbValue[] { otherFields[0], otherFields[1], otherFields[2], otherFields[3], otherFields[4], otherFields[5], otherFields[6], otherFields[7], otherFields[8], otherFields[9], otherFields[10], otherFields[11], otherFields[12], otherFields[13], otherFields[14], otherFields[15], otherFields[16], otherFields[17], primaryKey[0], primaryKey[1], primaryKey[2], primaryKey[3] }; } @Override protected String getSelectAllFields() { return selectAllFields; } @Override protected String getTable() { return table; } @Override protected String getInsertAllValues() { return insertAllValues; } @Override protected String getUpdateAllFields() { return updateAllFields; } @Override protected void setToArray() { allFields[Columns.GLOBALSTEP.ordinal()].setValue(globalstep); allFields[Columns.GLOBALLASTSTEP.ordinal()].setValue(globallaststep); allFields[Columns.STEP.ordinal()].setValue(step); allFields[Columns.RANK.ordinal()].setValue(rank); allFields[Columns.STEPSTATUS.ordinal()].setValue(status.getCode()); allFields[Columns.RETRIEVEMODE.ordinal()].setValue(isSender); allFields[Columns.FILENAME.ordinal()].setValue(filename); allFields[Columns.ISMOVED.ordinal()].setValue(isFileMoved); allFields[Columns.IDRULE.ordinal()].setValue(ruleId); allFields[Columns.BLOCKSZ.ordinal()].setValue(blocksize); allFields[Columns.ORIGINALNAME.ordinal()].setValue(originalFilename); allFields[Columns.FILEINFO.ordinal()].setValue(fileInformation); allFields[Columns.TRANSFERINFO.ordinal()].setValue(transferInformation); allFields[Columns.MODETRANS.ordinal()].setValue(mode); allFields[Columns.STARTTRANS.ordinal()].setValue(start); stop = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); allFields[Columns.STOPTRANS.ordinal()].setValue(stop); allFields[Columns.INFOSTATUS.ordinal()].setValue(infostatus.getCode()); allFields[Columns.UPDATEDINFO.ordinal()].setValue(updatedInfo); allFields[Columns.OWNERREQ.ordinal()].setValue(ownerRequest); allFields[Columns.REQUESTER.ordinal()].setValue(requesterHostId); allFields[Columns.REQUESTED.ordinal()].setValue(requestedHostId); allFields[Columns.SPECIALID.ordinal()].setValue(specialId); } @Override protected void setFromArray() throws WaarpDatabaseSqlException { globalstep = (Integer) allFields[Columns.GLOBALSTEP.ordinal()] .getValue(); globallaststep = (Integer) allFields[Columns.GLOBALLASTSTEP.ordinal()] .getValue(); step = (Integer) allFields[Columns.STEP.ordinal()].getValue(); rank = (Integer) allFields[Columns.RANK.ordinal()].getValue(); status = ErrorCode.getFromCode((String) allFields[Columns.STEPSTATUS .ordinal()].getValue()); isSender = (Boolean) allFields[Columns.RETRIEVEMODE.ordinal()] .getValue(); filename = (String) allFields[Columns.FILENAME.ordinal()].getValue(); isFileMoved = (Boolean) allFields[Columns.ISMOVED.ordinal()].getValue(); ruleId = (String) allFields[Columns.IDRULE.ordinal()].getValue(); blocksize = (Integer) allFields[Columns.BLOCKSZ.ordinal()].getValue(); originalFilename = (String) allFields[Columns.ORIGINALNAME.ordinal()] .getValue(); fileInformation = (String) allFields[Columns.FILEINFO.ordinal()] .getValue(); transferInformation = (String) allFields[Columns.TRANSFERINFO.ordinal()] .getValue(); mode = (Integer) allFields[Columns.MODETRANS.ordinal()].getValue(); start = (Timestamp) allFields[Columns.STARTTRANS.ordinal()].getValue(); stop = (Timestamp) allFields[Columns.STOPTRANS.ordinal()].getValue(); infostatus = ErrorCode.getFromCode((String) allFields[Columns.INFOSTATUS .ordinal()].getValue()); updatedInfo = (Integer) allFields[Columns.UPDATEDINFO.ordinal()] .getValue(); ownerRequest = (String) allFields[Columns.OWNERREQ.ordinal()] .getValue(); requesterHostId = (String) allFields[Columns.REQUESTER.ordinal()] .getValue(); requestedHostId = (String) allFields[Columns.REQUESTED.ordinal()] .getValue(); specialId = (Long) allFields[Columns.SPECIALID.ordinal()].getValue(); originalSize = getOriginalSizeTransferMap(); } /** * * @return The Where condition on Primary Key */ protected String getWherePrimaryKey() { return primaryKey[0].getColumn() + " = ? AND " + primaryKey[1].getColumn() + " = ? AND " + primaryKey[2].getColumn() + " = ? AND " + primaryKey[3].getColumn() + " = ? "; } /** * Set the primary Key as current value */ protected void setPrimaryKey() { primaryKey[0].setValue(ownerRequest); primaryKey[1].setValue(requesterHostId); primaryKey[2].setValue(requestedHostId); primaryKey[3].setValue(specialId); } /** * * @param session * @param requestPacket * @return The associated requested Host Id */ public static String getRequested(R66Session session, RequestPacket requestPacket) { if (requestPacket.isToValidate()) { // the request is initiated and sent by the requester try { return Configuration.configuration.getHostId(session.getAuth() .isSsl()); } catch (OpenR66ProtocolNoSslException e) { return Configuration.configuration.getHOST_ID(); } } else { // the request is sent after acknowledge by the requested return session.getAuth().getUser(); } } /** * * @param session * @param requestPacket * @return The associated requester Host Id */ public static String getRequester(R66Session session, RequestPacket requestPacket) { if (requestPacket.isToValidate()) { return session.getAuth().getUser(); } else { try { return Configuration.configuration.getHostId(session.getAuth() .isSsl()); } catch (OpenR66ProtocolNoSslException e) { return Configuration.configuration.getHOST_ID(); } } } public void checkThroughMode() { isRecvThrough = RequestPacket.isRecvThroughMode(this.mode, isSelfRequested()); isSendThrough = RequestPacket.isSendThroughMode(this.mode, isSelfRequested()); if (localChannelReference != null) { if (localChannelReference.isRecvThroughMode()) { isRecvThrough = true; } if (localChannelReference.isSendThroughMode()) { isSendThrough = true; } if (isRecvThrough && !localChannelReference.isRecvThroughMode()) { // Cannot be a RecvThrough isRecvThrough = false; } if (isSendThrough && !localChannelReference.isSendThroughMode()) { isSendThrough = false; } } logger.debug("DbTask " + mode + " isRecvThrough: " + isRecvThrough + " isSendThrough: " + isSendThrough); } /** * Constructor for submission (no transfer session), from database. It is created, so with a new * specialId if necessary * * @param dbSession * @param rule * @param isSender * @param requestPacket * @param requested * @param startTime * @throws WaarpDatabaseException */ public DbTaskRunner(DbSession dbSession, DbRule rule, boolean isSender, RequestPacket requestPacket, String requested, Timestamp startTime) throws WaarpDatabaseException { super(dbSession); this.session = null; this.rule = rule; ruleId = this.rule.getIdRule(); rank = requestPacket.getRank(); status = ErrorCode.Unknown; infostatus = ErrorCode.Unknown; this.isSender = isSender; filename = requestPacket.getFilename(); blocksize = requestPacket.getBlocksize(); originalFilename = requestPacket.getFilename(); fileInformation = requestPacket.getFileInformation(); mode = requestPacket.getMode(); originalSize = requestPacket.getOriginalSize(); setOriginalSizeTransferMap(originalSize); // itself but according to SSL requesterHostId = Configuration.configuration.getHostId(dbSession, requested); // given one requestedHostId = requested; // always itself ownerRequest = Configuration.configuration.getHOST_ID(); if (startTime != null) { start = startTime; } else { start = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); } globalstep = TASKSTEP.NOTASK.ordinal(); globallaststep = TASKSTEP.NOTASK.ordinal(); setToArray(); isSaved = false; specialId = requestPacket.getSpecialId(); if (this.rule == null) { this.rule = new DbRule(this.dbSession, ruleId); } if (mode != rule.getMode()) { if (RequestPacket.isMD5Mode(mode)) { mode = RequestPacket.getModeMD5(rule.getMode()); } else { mode = rule.getMode(); } } checkThroughMode(); create(); requestPacket.setSpecialId(specialId); } /** * Constructor from a request with a valid Special Id to be inserted into database * * @param dbSession * @param session * @param rule * @param isSender * @param requestPacket * @throws WaarpDatabaseException */ public DbTaskRunner(DbSession dbSession, R66Session session, DbRule rule, boolean isSender, RequestPacket requestPacket) throws WaarpDatabaseException { super(dbSession); this.session = session; this.localChannelReference = session.getLocalChannelReference(); this.rule = rule; ruleId = this.rule.getIdRule(); rank = requestPacket.getRank(); status = ErrorCode.Unknown; infostatus = ErrorCode.Unknown; this.isSender = isSender; filename = requestPacket.getFilename(); blocksize = requestPacket.getBlocksize(); originalFilename = requestPacket.getFilename(); fileInformation = requestPacket.getFileInformation(); mode = requestPacket.getMode(); originalSize = requestPacket.getOriginalSize(); setOriginalSizeTransferMap(originalSize); requesterHostId = getRequester(session, requestPacket); requestedHostId = getRequested(session, requestPacket); // always itself ownerRequest = Configuration.configuration.getHOST_ID(); start = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); setToArray(); isSaved = false; specialId = requestPacket.getSpecialId(); if (this.rule == null) { this.rule = new DbRule(this.dbSession, ruleId); } if (mode != rule.getMode()) { if (RequestPacket.isMD5Mode(mode)) { mode = RequestPacket.getModeMD5(rule.getMode()); } else { mode = rule.getMode(); } } checkThroughMode(); insert(); requestPacket.setSpecialId(specialId); } /** * Constructor from a request with a valid Special Id so loaded from database * * @param dbSession * @param session * @param rule * @param id * @param requester * @param requested * @throws WaarpDatabaseException */ public DbTaskRunner(DbSession dbSession, R66Session session, DbRule rule, long id, String requester, String requested) throws WaarpDatabaseException { super(dbSession); this.session = session; if (this.session != null) { this.localChannelReference = session.getLocalChannelReference(); } this.rule = rule; specialId = id; // retrieving a task should be made from the requester, but the caller // is responsible of this requestedHostId = requested; requesterHostId = requester; // always itself ownerRequest = Configuration.configuration.getHOST_ID(); select(); updateUsed(specialId); if (rule != null) { if (!ruleId.equals(rule.getIdRule())) { throw new WaarpDatabaseNoDataException( "Rule does not correspond"); } } } /** * Minimal constructor from database * * @param dbSession * @param id * @param requester * @param requested * @throws WaarpDatabaseException */ public DbTaskRunner(DbSession dbSession, long id, String requester, String requested) throws WaarpDatabaseException { super(dbSession); specialId = id; // retrieving a task should be made from the requester, but the caller // is responsible of this requestedHostId = requested; requesterHostId = requester; // always itself ownerRequest = Configuration.configuration.getHOST_ID(); select(); updateUsed(specialId); } /** * Minimal constructor from database * * @param dbSession * @param id * @param requester * @param requested * @throws WaarpDatabaseException */ public DbTaskRunner(DbSession dbSession, long id, String requester, String requested, String owner) throws WaarpDatabaseException { super(dbSession); specialId = id; // retrieving a task should be made from the requester, but the caller // is responsible of this requestedHostId = requested; requesterHostId = requester; // might be not itself if (owner == null || owner.isEmpty()) { ownerRequest = Configuration.configuration.getHOST_ID(); } else { ownerRequest = owner; } select(); updateUsed(specialId); } /** * To create a new DbTaskRunner (specialId could be invalid) without making any entry in the database * * @param dbSession * @param source * @throws WaarpDatabaseException */ public DbTaskRunner(DbSession dbSession, ObjectNode source) throws WaarpDatabaseException { super(dbSession); this.session = null; setFromJson(source, false); } @Override public void setFromJson(ObjectNode source, boolean ignorePrimaryKey) throws WaarpDatabaseSqlException { for (Columns column : Columns.values()) { if (column == Columns.UPDATEDINFO) { continue; } JsonNode item = source.get(column.name()); if (item != null && !item.isMissingNode() && !item.isNull()) { switch (column) { case BLOCKSZ: blocksize = item.asInt(); break; case FILEINFO: fileInformation = item.asText(); break; case FILENAME: filename = item.asText(); break; case GLOBALLASTSTEP: globallaststep = item.asInt(); break; case GLOBALSTEP: globalstep = item.asInt(); break; case IDRULE: ruleId = item.asText(); break; case INFOSTATUS: infostatus = ErrorCode.getFromCode(item.asText()); break; case ISMOVED: isFileMoved = item.asBoolean(); break; case MODETRANS: mode = item.asInt(); break; case ORIGINALNAME: originalFilename = item.asText(); break; case OWNERREQ: if (!ignorePrimaryKey) { ownerRequest = item.asText(); if (ownerRequest == null || ownerRequest.isEmpty()) { ownerRequest = Configuration.configuration.getHOST_ID(); } } break; case RANK: rank = item.asInt(); break; case REQUESTED: if (!ignorePrimaryKey) { requestedHostId = item.asText(); } break; case REQUESTER: if (!ignorePrimaryKey) { requesterHostId = item.asText(); } break; case RETRIEVEMODE: isSender = item.asBoolean(); break; case SPECIALID: if (!ignorePrimaryKey) { specialId = item.asLong(); } break; case STARTTRANS: long msstart = item.asLong(); if (msstart == 0) { start = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); } else { start = new Timestamp(msstart); } break; case STEP: step = source.path(Columns.STEP.name()).asInt(); break; case STEPSTATUS: status = ErrorCode.getFromCode(item.asText()); break; case STOPTRANS: msstart = item.asLong(); if (msstart == 0) { stop = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); } else { stop = new Timestamp(msstart); } break; case TRANSFERINFO: transferInformation = item.asText(); break; case UPDATEDINFO: // ignore break; default: break; } } } JsonNode node = source.path(JSON_RESCHEDULE); if (!node.isMissingNode() || !node.isNull()) { rescheduledTransfer = node.asBoolean(false); } node = source.path(JSON_THROUGHMODE); if (!node.isMissingNode() || !node.isNull()) { if (RequestPacket.isRecvMode(mode)) { isRecvThrough = node.asBoolean(); } else { isSendThrough = node.asBoolean(); } } node = source.path(JSON_ORIGINALSIZE); if (!node.isMissingNode() || !node.isNull()) { originalSize = node.asLong(getOriginalSizeTransferMap()); } isSaved = false; try { this.rule = new DbRule(dbSession, ruleId); if (mode != rule.getMode()) { if (RequestPacket.isMD5Mode(mode)) { mode = RequestPacket.getModeMD5(rule.getMode()); } else { mode = rule.getMode(); } } } catch (WaarpDatabaseException e) { // ignore this.rule = null; } if (filename == null || filename.isEmpty() || ruleId == null || ruleId.isEmpty() || ownerRequest == null || ownerRequest.isEmpty() || requestedHostId == null || requestedHostId.isEmpty() || requestedHostId == null || requestedHostId.isEmpty()) { throw new WaarpDatabaseSqlException("Not enough argument to create the object"); } checkThroughMode(); setToArray(); } /** * Constructor to initiate a request with a valid previous Special Id so loaded from database. * * This object cannot be used except to retrieve information. * * @param dbSession * @param id * @param requested * @throws WaarpDatabaseException */ public DbTaskRunner(DbSession dbSession, long id, String requested) throws WaarpDatabaseException { super(dbSession); specialId = id; // retrieving a task should be made from the requester, but the caller // is responsible of this requestedHostId = requested; requesterHostId = Configuration.configuration.getHostId(dbSession, requested); // always itself ownerRequest = Configuration.configuration.getHOST_ID(); select(); updateUsed(specialId); } /** * * @return the condition to limit access to the row concerned by the Host */ private static String getLimitWhereCondition() { return " " + Columns.OWNERREQ + " = '" + Configuration.configuration.getHOST_ID() + "' "; } /** * Create a Special Id for NoDb client */ private void createNoDbSpecialId() { specialId = new LongUuid().getLong(); setPrimaryKey(); /*synchronized (clientNoDbSpecialIdLast) { // New SpecialId is not possible with No Database Model specialId = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (clientNoDbSpecialIdLast.get() >= specialId) { specialId = clientNoDbSpecialIdLast.incrementAndGet(); } else { clientNoDbSpecialIdLast.set(specialId); } setPrimaryKey(); return; }*/ } /** * Remove a Spcieal Id for NoDb Client */ private final void removeNoDbSpecialId() { removeNoDbSpecialId(specialId); } /** * To allow to remove specifically one SpecialId from MemoryHashmap * * @param specialId */ public static final void removeNoDbSpecialId(long specialId) { dbR66TaskHashMap.remove(specialId); } /** * To update the usage TTL of the associated object * * @param specialId */ public static final void updateUsed(long specialId) { dbR66TaskHashMap.updateTtl(specialId); } @Override public void delete() throws WaarpDatabaseException { if (dbSession == null || shallIgnoreSave()) { removeNoDbSpecialId(); if (Configuration.configuration.isSaveTaskRunnerWithNoDb()) { deleteXmlWorkNoDb(); } return; } super.delete(); } private void addNoDb() { DbTaskRunner runner = new DbTaskRunner(null); this.setToArray(); DbValue[] temp = runner.allFields; runner.allFields = this.allFields; try { runner.setFromArray(); } catch (WaarpDatabaseSqlException e) { } runner.allFields = temp; runner.setToArray(); runner.isRecvThrough = this.isRecvThrough; runner.isSendThrough = this.isSendThrough; runner.rule = this.rule; runner.isSaved = true; CommanderNoDb.todoList.add(runner); } @Override public void insert() throws WaarpDatabaseException { if (isSaved) { return; } boolean shallIgnore = shallIgnoreSave(); if (dbSession == null || shallIgnore) { if (specialId == DbConstant.ILLEGALVALUE) { // New SpecialId is not possible with No Database Model createNoDbSpecialId(); } isSaved = true; if (Configuration.configuration.isSaveTaskRunnerWithNoDb()) { try { setToArray(); this.writeXmlWorkNoDb(); } catch (OpenR66ProtocolBusinessException e) { // Ignore } } if (this.updatedInfo == UpdatedInfo.TOSUBMIT.ordinal()) { addNoDb(); } if (shallIgnore) { dbR66TaskHashMap.put(specialId, this); } return; } // First need to find a new id if id is not ok if (specialId == DbConstant.ILLEGALVALUE) { specialId = dbSession.getAdmin().getDbModel().nextSequence(dbSession); logger.debug("Try Insert create a new Id from sequence: " + specialId); setPrimaryKey(); } super.insert(); } /** * As insert but with the ability to change the SpecialId * * @throws WaarpDatabaseException */ public void create() throws WaarpDatabaseException { if (isSaved) { return; } boolean shallIgnore = shallIgnoreSave(); logger.debug("ShallIgnore: "+(dbSession==null)+":"+shallIgnore); if (dbSession == null || shallIgnore) { if (specialId == DbConstant.ILLEGALVALUE) { // New SpecialId is not possible with No Database Model createNoDbSpecialId(); } isSaved = true; if (Configuration.configuration.isSaveTaskRunnerWithNoDb()) { try { setToArray(); this.writeXmlWorkNoDb(); } catch (OpenR66ProtocolBusinessException e) { // Ignore } } if (this.updatedInfo == UpdatedInfo.TOSUBMIT.ordinal()) { addNoDb(); } if (shallIgnore) { dbR66TaskHashMap.put(specialId, this); } logger.debug("DEBUG: not created " + specialId); return; } // First need to find a new id if id is not ok if (specialId == DbConstant.ILLEGALVALUE) { specialId = dbSession.getAdmin().getDbModel().nextSequence(dbSession); logger.info("Try Insert create a new Id from sequence: " + specialId); setPrimaryKey(); } logger.debug("DEBUG: created " + specialId); setToArray(); DbPreparedStatement preparedStatement = new DbPreparedStatement( dbSession); try { preparedStatement.createPrepareStatement("INSERT INTO " + table + " (" + selectAllFields + ") VALUES " + insertAllValues); setValues(preparedStatement, allFields); try { int count = preparedStatement.executeUpdate(); if (count <= 0) { throw new WaarpDatabaseNoDataException("No row found"); } } catch (WaarpDatabaseSqlException e) { logger.error("Problem while inserting", e); DbPreparedStatement find = new DbPreparedStatement(dbSession); try { find.createPrepareStatement("SELECT MAX(" + primaryKey[3].getColumn() + ") FROM " + table + " WHERE " + primaryKey[0].getColumn() + " = ? AND " + primaryKey[1].getColumn() + " = ? AND " + primaryKey[2].getColumn() + " = ? AND " + primaryKey[3].getColumn() + " != ? "); setPrimaryKey(); setValues(find, primaryKey); find.executeQuery(); if (find.getNext()) { long result; try { result = find.getResultSet().getLong(1); } catch (SQLException e1) { throw new WaarpDatabaseSqlException(e1); } specialId = result + 1; dbSession.getAdmin().getDbModel().resetSequence(dbSession, specialId + 1); setToArray(); preparedStatement.close(); setValues(preparedStatement, allFields); int count = preparedStatement.executeUpdate(); if (count <= 0) { throw new WaarpDatabaseNoDataException("No row found"); } } else { throw new WaarpDatabaseNoDataException("No row found"); } } finally { find.realClose(); } } isSaved = true; } finally { preparedStatement.realClose(); } } @Override public boolean exist() throws WaarpDatabaseException { boolean shallIgnore = shallIgnoreSave(); if (dbSession == null || shallIgnore) { if (Configuration.configuration.isSaveTaskRunnerWithNoDb()) { return existXmlWorkNoDb(); } if (shallIgnore) { return dbR66TaskHashMap.contains(specialId);//containsKey(specialId); } return false; } return super.exist(); } /** * Shall be called to ensure that item is really available in database * * @return True iff the element exists in a database (and reloaded then from Database) * @throws WaarpDatabaseException */ public boolean checkFromDbForSubmit() throws WaarpDatabaseException { if (dbSession == null) { return false; } if (super.exist()) { boolean isSenderBack = isSender; super.select(); if (rule == null) { rule = new DbRule(this.dbSession, ruleId); } checkThroughMode(); isSender = isSenderBack; isSaved = false; return true; } return false; } @Override public void select() throws WaarpDatabaseException { if (dbSession == null) { if (Configuration.configuration.isSaveTaskRunnerWithNoDb()) { try { this.loadXmlWorkNoDb(); setFromArray(); } catch (OpenR66ProtocolBusinessException e) { throw new WaarpDatabaseNoDataException("No file found", e); } if (rule == null) { rule = new DbRule(this.dbSession, ruleId); } isSaved = true; checkThroughMode(); dbR66TaskHashMap.put(specialId, this); return; } for (AbstractDbData data : CommanderNoDb.todoList) { DbTaskRunner runner = (DbTaskRunner) data; if (runner.specialId == this.specialId && runner.requestedHostId.equals(this.requestedHostId) && runner.requesterHostId.equals(this.requesterHostId)) { DbValue[] temp = this.allFields; this.allFields = runner.allFields; try { this.setFromArray(); } catch (WaarpDatabaseSqlException e) { } this.allFields = temp; this.setToArray(); this.isRecvThrough = runner.isRecvThrough; this.isSendThrough = runner.isSendThrough; this.rule = runner.rule; this.isSaved = true; if (rule == null) { rule = new DbRule(this.dbSession, ruleId); } checkThroughMode(); dbR66TaskHashMap.put(specialId, this); return; } } DbTaskRunner runner = dbR66TaskHashMap.get(specialId); if (runner != null) { DbValue[] temp = this.allFields; this.allFields = runner.allFields; try { this.setFromArray(); } catch (WaarpDatabaseSqlException e) { } this.allFields = temp; this.setToArray(); this.isRecvThrough = runner.isRecvThrough; this.isSendThrough = runner.isSendThrough; this.rule = runner.rule; this.isSaved = true; if (rule == null) { rule = new DbRule(this.dbSession, ruleId); } checkThroughMode(); return; } throw new WaarpDatabaseNoDataException("No row found"); } DbTaskRunner previous = dbR66TaskHashMap.get(specialId); if (previous != null) { DbValue[] temp = this.allFields; this.allFields = previous.allFields; try { this.setFromArray(); } catch (WaarpDatabaseSqlException e) { } this.allFields = temp; this.setToArray(); this.isRecvThrough = previous.isRecvThrough; this.isSendThrough = previous.isSendThrough; this.rule = previous.rule; this.isSaved = true; if (rule == null) { rule = new DbRule(this.dbSession, ruleId); } checkThroughMode(); return; } super.select(); if (rule == null) { try { rule = new DbRule(this.dbSession, ruleId); } catch (WaarpDatabaseNoDataException e) { // ignore } } checkThroughMode(); } @Override public void update() throws WaarpDatabaseException { if (isSaved) { return; } boolean shallIgnore = shallIgnoreSave(); if (dbSession == null || shallIgnore) { isSaved = true; if (Configuration.configuration.isSaveTaskRunnerWithNoDb()) { try { setToArray(); this.writeXmlWorkNoDb(); } catch (OpenR66ProtocolBusinessException e) { // Ignore } } if (shallIgnore) { // Remove in Memory when completely done if (this.isAllDone()) { removeNoDbSpecialId(); } else { dbR66TaskHashMap.put(specialId, this); } } if (this.updatedInfo == UpdatedInfo.TOSUBMIT.ordinal()) { addNoDb(); } return; } // SNMP notification if (updatedInfo == UpdatedInfo.INERROR.ordinal() || updatedInfo == UpdatedInfo.INTERRUPTED.ordinal()) { if (Configuration.configuration.getR66Mib() != null) { Configuration.configuration.getR66Mib().notifyInfoTask( "Task is " + UpdatedInfo.values()[updatedInfo].name(), this); } } else { if (globalstep != TASKSTEP.TRANSFERTASK.ordinal() || (globalstep == TASKSTEP.TRANSFERTASK.ordinal() && (rank % 100 == 0))) { if (Configuration.configuration.getR66Mib() != null) { Configuration.configuration.getR66Mib().notifyTask( "Task is currently " + UpdatedInfo.values()[updatedInfo].name(), this); } } } // FIX SelfRequest if (isSelfRequest()) { if (RequestPacket.isCompatibleMode(mode, isSender ? RequestPacket.TRANSFERMODE.RECVMODE.ordinal() : RequestPacket.TRANSFERMODE.SENDMODE.ordinal())) { optimizedUpdate(); } } else { optimizedUpdate(); } } /** * Update Runner using special PreparedStatement * * @throws WaarpDatabaseException */ protected void optimizedUpdate() throws WaarpDatabaseException { setToArray(); // getting the preparedStatement if (preparedStatementUpdate == null) { preparedStatementUpdate = new DbPreparedStatement(dbSession); preparedStatementUpdate.createPrepareStatement("UPDATE " + getTable() + " SET " + getUpdateAllFields() + " WHERE " + getWherePrimaryKey()); dbSession.addLongTermPreparedStatement(preparedStatementUpdate); } try { setValues(preparedStatementUpdate, allFields); int count = preparedStatementUpdate.executeUpdate(); if (count <= 0) { throw new WaarpDatabaseNoDataException("No row found"); } isSaved = true; } finally { // preparedStatement.realClose(); } } public void clean() { if (dbSession != null && preparedStatementUpdate != null) { dbSession.removeLongTermPreparedStatements(preparedStatementUpdate); preparedStatementUpdate.realClose(); preparedStatementUpdate = null; } } /** * Special method used to force insert in case of SelfSubmit * * @throws WaarpDatabaseException */ public boolean specialSubmit() throws WaarpDatabaseException { if (dbSession == null) { insert(); return true; } if (shallIgnoreSave()) { if (specialId == DbConstant.ILLEGALVALUE) { specialId = dbSession.getAdmin().getDbModel().nextSequence(dbSession); logger.debug("Try Insert create a new Id from sequence: " + specialId); setPrimaryKey(); } super.insert(); return true; } return false; } /** * Partial set from another runner (infostatus, rank, status, step, stop, filename, * globallastep, globalstep, isFileMoved) * * @param runner */ public void setFrom(DbTaskRunner runner) { if (runner != null) { this.infostatus = runner.infostatus; this.rank = runner.rank; this.status = runner.status; this.step = runner.step; this.stop = runner.stop; this.filename = runner.filename; this.globallaststep = runner.globallaststep; this.globalstep = runner.globalstep; this.isFileMoved = runner.isFileMoved; } } public boolean isRecvThrough() { return isRecvThrough; } public boolean isSendThrough() { return isSendThrough; } /** * Private constructor for Commander only * * @param dbSession */ private DbTaskRunner(DbSession dbSession) { super(dbSession); session = null; rule = null; } /** * Set a localChannelReference * * @param localChannelReference */ public void setLocalChannelReference(LocalChannelReference localChannelReference) { this.localChannelReference = localChannelReference; } /** * @return the localChannelReference */ public LocalChannelReference getLocalChannelReference() { return localChannelReference; } /** * For instance from Commander when getting updated information * * @param preparedStatement * @return the next updated DbTaskRunner * @throws WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException * @throws WaarpDatabaseSqlException */ public static DbTaskRunner getFromStatement( DbPreparedStatement preparedStatement) throws WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException, WaarpDatabaseSqlException { DbTaskRunner dbTaskRunner = new DbTaskRunner(preparedStatement .getDbSession()); dbTaskRunner.getValues(preparedStatement, dbTaskRunner.allFields); dbTaskRunner.setFromArray(); if (dbTaskRunner.rule == null) { try { dbTaskRunner.rule = new DbRule(dbTaskRunner.dbSession, dbTaskRunner.ruleId); } catch (WaarpDatabaseException e) { throw new WaarpDatabaseSqlException("Rule cannot be found for DbTaskRunner: " + dbTaskRunner.asJson(), e); } } dbTaskRunner.checkThroughMode(); dbTaskRunner.isSaved = true; return dbTaskRunner; } /** * For REST interface, to prevent DbRule issue * * @param preparedStatement * @return the next updated DbTaskRunner * @throws WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException * @throws WaarpDatabaseSqlException */ public static DbTaskRunner getFromStatementNoDbRule( DbPreparedStatement preparedStatement) throws WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException, WaarpDatabaseSqlException { DbTaskRunner dbTaskRunner = new DbTaskRunner(preparedStatement .getDbSession()); dbTaskRunner.getValues(preparedStatement, dbTaskRunner.allFields); dbTaskRunner.setFromArray(); if (dbTaskRunner.rule == null) { try { dbTaskRunner.rule = new DbRule(dbTaskRunner.dbSession, dbTaskRunner.ruleId); } catch (WaarpDatabaseNoDataException e) { // ignore } catch (WaarpDatabaseException e) { throw new WaarpDatabaseSqlException(e); } } dbTaskRunner.checkThroughMode(); dbTaskRunner.isSaved = true; return dbTaskRunner; } /** * @param session * @param status * @param limit * limit the number of rows * @return the DbPreparedStatement for getting Runner according to status ordered by start * @throws WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException * @throws WaarpDatabaseSqlException */ public static DbPreparedStatement getStatusPrepareStatement( DbSession session, ErrorCode status, int limit) throws WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException, WaarpDatabaseSqlException { String request = "SELECT " + selectAllFields + " FROM " + table; if (status != null) { request += " WHERE " + Columns.STEPSTATUS.name() + " = '" + status.getCode() + "' AND " + getLimitWhereCondition(); } else { request += " WHERE " + getLimitWhereCondition(); } request += " ORDER BY " + Columns.STARTTRANS.name() + " DESC "; if (limit > 0) { request = session.getAdmin().getDbModel().limitRequest(selectAllFields, request, limit); } return new DbPreparedStatement(session, request); } /** * @param session * @param globalstep * @param limit * limit the number of rows * @return the DbPreparedStatement for getting Runner according to globalstep ordered by start * @throws WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException * @throws WaarpDatabaseSqlException */ public static DbPreparedStatement getStepPrepareStatement(DbSession session, TASKSTEP globalstep, int limit) throws WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException, WaarpDatabaseSqlException { String request = "SELECT " + selectAllFields + " FROM " + table; if (globalstep != null) { request += " WHERE (" + Columns.GLOBALSTEP.name() + " = " + globalstep.ordinal(); if (globalstep == TASKSTEP.ERRORTASK) { request += " OR " + Columns.UPDATEDINFO.name() + " = " + UpdatedInfo.INERROR.ordinal() + ") AND "; } else { request += ") AND "; } request += getLimitWhereCondition(); } else { request += " WHERE " + getLimitWhereCondition(); } request += " ORDER BY " + Columns.STARTTRANS.name() + " DESC "; request = session.getAdmin().getDbModel().limitRequest(selectAllFields, request, limit); return new DbPreparedStatement(session, request); } /** * * @param preparedStatement * @param srcrequest * @param limit * @param orderby * @param startid * @param stopid * @param start * @param stop * @param rule * @param req * @param pending * @param transfer * @param error * @param done * @param all * @return The DbPreparedStatement already prepared according to select or delete command * @throws WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException * @throws WaarpDatabaseSqlException */ private static DbPreparedStatement getFilterCondition( DbPreparedStatement preparedStatement, String srcrequest, int limit, String orderby, String startid, String stopid, Timestamp start, Timestamp stop, String rule, String req, boolean pending, boolean transfer, boolean error, boolean done, boolean all) throws WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException, WaarpDatabaseSqlException { String request = srcrequest; if (startid == null && stopid == null && start == null && stop == null && rule == null && req == null && all) { // finish if (limit > 0) { request = preparedStatement.getDbSession().getAdmin().getDbModel().limitRequest(selectAllFields, request + orderby, limit); } else { request = request + orderby; } preparedStatement.createPrepareStatement(request); return preparedStatement; } request += " WHERE "; StringBuilder scondition = new StringBuilder(); boolean hasCondition = false; if (start != null & stop != null) { scondition.append(Columns.STARTTRANS.name()).append(" >= ? AND ") .append(Columns.STARTTRANS.name()).append(" <= ? "); hasCondition = true; } else if (start != null) { scondition.append(Columns.STARTTRANS.name()).append(" >= ? "); hasCondition = true; } else if (stop != null) { scondition.append(Columns.STARTTRANS.name()).append(" <= ? "); hasCondition = true; } if (startid != null) { if (hasCondition) { scondition.append(" AND "); } hasCondition = true; scondition.append(Columns.SPECIALID.name()).append(" >= ? "); } if (stopid != null) { if (hasCondition) { scondition.append(" AND "); } hasCondition = true; scondition.append(Columns.SPECIALID.name()).append(" <= ? "); } if (rule != null) { if (hasCondition) { scondition.append(" AND "); } hasCondition = true; scondition.append(Columns.IDRULE.name()).append(" LIKE '%").append(rule).append("%' "); } if (req != null) { if (hasCondition) { scondition.append(" AND "); } hasCondition = true; scondition.append("( ").append(Columns.REQUESTED.name()).append(" LIKE '%") .append(req).append("%' OR ").append(Columns.REQUESTER.name()) .append(" LIKE '%").append(req).append("%' )"); } if (!all) { if (hasCondition) { scondition.append(" AND "); } hasCondition = true; scondition.append("( "); boolean hasone = false; if (pending) { scondition.append(Columns.UPDATEDINFO.name()).append(" = ").append(UpdatedInfo.TOSUBMIT.ordinal()); hasone = true; } if (transfer) { if (hasone) { scondition.append(" OR "); } scondition.append("( ").append(Columns.UPDATEDINFO.name()).append(" = ") .append(UpdatedInfo.RUNNING.ordinal()).append(" )"); hasone = true; } if (error) { if (hasone) { scondition.append(" OR "); } scondition.append(Columns.GLOBALSTEP.name()).append(" = ").append(TASKSTEP.ERRORTASK.ordinal()) .append(" OR ").append(Columns.UPDATEDINFO.name()).append(" = ") .append(UpdatedInfo.INERROR.ordinal()) .append(" OR ").append(Columns.UPDATEDINFO.name()).append(" = ") .append(UpdatedInfo.INTERRUPTED.ordinal()); hasone = true; } if (done) { if (hasone) { scondition.append(" OR "); } scondition.append(Columns.GLOBALSTEP.name()).append(" = ").append(TASKSTEP.ALLDONETASK.ordinal()) .append(" OR ").append(Columns.UPDATEDINFO.name()) .append(" = ").append(UpdatedInfo.DONE.ordinal()); hasone = true; } if (!hasone) { scondition.append(Columns.UPDATEDINFO.name()).append(" IS NOT NULL "); } scondition.append(" )"); } if (limit > 0) { scondition.insert(0, request).append(orderby); request = scondition.toString(); request = preparedStatement.getDbSession().getAdmin().getDbModel().limitRequest(selectAllFields, request, limit); } else { scondition.insert(0, request).append(orderby); request = scondition.toString(); } preparedStatement.createPrepareStatement(request); int rank = 1; try { if (start != null & stop != null) { preparedStatement.getPreparedStatement().setTimestamp(rank, start); rank++; preparedStatement.getPreparedStatement().setTimestamp(rank, stop); rank++; } else if (start != null) { preparedStatement.getPreparedStatement().setTimestamp(rank, start); rank++; } else if (stop != null) { preparedStatement.getPreparedStatement().setTimestamp(rank, stop); rank++; } if (startid != null) { long value = DbConstant.ILLEGALVALUE; try { value = Long.parseLong(startid); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // ignore then } preparedStatement.getPreparedStatement().setLong(rank, value); rank++; } if (stopid != null) { long value = Long.MAX_VALUE; try { value = Long.parseLong(stopid); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // ignore then } preparedStatement.getPreparedStatement().setLong(rank, value); rank++; } } catch (SQLException e) { preparedStatement.realClose(); throw new WaarpDatabaseSqlException(e); } return preparedStatement; } /** * * @param session * @param limit * @param orderBySpecialId * @param startid * @param stopid * @param start * @param stop * @param rule * @param req * @param pending * @param transfer * @param error * @param done * @param all * @return the DbPreparedStatement according to the filter * @throws WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException * @throws WaarpDatabaseSqlException */ public static DbPreparedStatement getFilterPrepareStatement( DbSession session, int limit, boolean orderBySpecialId, String startid, String stopid, Timestamp start, Timestamp stop, String rule, String req, boolean pending, boolean transfer, boolean error, boolean done, boolean all) throws WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException, WaarpDatabaseSqlException { return getFilterPrepareStatement(session, limit, orderBySpecialId, startid, stopid, start, stop, rule, req, pending, transfer, error, done, all, null); } /** * * @param session * @param limit * @param orderBySpecialId * @param startid * @param stopid * @param start * @param stop * @param rule * @param req * @param pending * @param transfer * @param error * @param done * @param all * @param owner * @return the DbPreparedStatement according to the filter * @throws WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException * @throws WaarpDatabaseSqlException */ public static DbPreparedStatement getFilterPrepareStatement( DbSession session, int limit, boolean orderBySpecialId, String startid, String stopid, Timestamp start, Timestamp stop, String rule, String req, boolean pending, boolean transfer, boolean error, boolean done, boolean all, String owner) throws WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException, WaarpDatabaseSqlException { DbPreparedStatement preparedStatement = new DbPreparedStatement(session); String request = "SELECT " + selectAllFields + " FROM " + table; String orderby = ""; if (startid == null && stopid == null && start == null && stop == null && rule == null && req == null && all) { if (owner == null || owner.isEmpty()) { orderby = " WHERE " + getLimitWhereCondition(); } else if (!owner.equals("*")) { orderby = " WHERE " + Columns.OWNERREQ + " = '" + owner + "' "; } } else { if (owner == null || owner.isEmpty()) { orderby = " AND " + getLimitWhereCondition(); } else if (!owner.equals("*")) { orderby = " AND " + Columns.OWNERREQ + " = '" + owner + "' "; } } if (orderBySpecialId) { orderby += " ORDER BY " + Columns.SPECIALID.name() + " DESC "; } else { orderby += " ORDER BY " + Columns.STARTTRANS.name() + " DESC "; } return getFilterCondition(preparedStatement, request, limit, orderby, startid, stopid, start, stop, rule, req, pending, transfer, error, done, all); } /** * * @param session * @param info * @param orderByStart * If true, sort on Start ; If false, does not set the limit on start * @param limit * @return the DbPreparedStatement for getting Updated Object * @throws WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException * @throws WaarpDatabaseSqlException */ public static DbPreparedStatement getSelectFromInfoPrepareStatement(DbSession session, UpdatedInfo info, boolean orderByStart, int limit) throws WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException, WaarpDatabaseSqlException { String request = "SELECT " + selectAllFields + " FROM " + table + " WHERE " + Columns.UPDATEDINFO.name() + " = " + info.ordinal() + " AND " + Columns.STARTTRANS.name() + " <= ? AND " + getLimitWhereCondition(); if (orderByStart) { request += " ORDER BY " + Columns.STARTTRANS.name() + " DESC "; } request = session.getAdmin().getDbModel().limitRequest(selectAllFields, request, limit); DbPreparedStatement pstt = new DbPreparedStatement(session, request); return pstt; } /** * * @param session * @return the DbPreparedStatement for getting Updated Object * @throws WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException * @throws WaarpDatabaseSqlException */ public static DbPreparedStatement getCountInfoPrepareStatement(DbSession session) throws WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException, WaarpDatabaseSqlException { String request = "SELECT COUNT(" + Columns.SPECIALID.name() + ") FROM " + table + " WHERE " + Columns.STARTTRANS.name() + " >= ? AND " + getLimitWhereCondition() + " AND " + Columns.UPDATEDINFO.name() + " = ? "; DbPreparedStatement pstt = new DbPreparedStatement(session, request); session.addLongTermPreparedStatement(pstt); return pstt; } /** * * @param pstt * @param info * @param time * @return the number of elements (COUNT) from the statement */ public static long getResultCountPrepareStatement(DbPreparedStatement pstt, UpdatedInfo info, long time) { long result = 0; try { finishSelectOrCountPrepareStatement(pstt, time); pstt.getPreparedStatement().setInt(2, info.ordinal()); pstt.executeQuery(); if (pstt.getNext()) { result = pstt.getResultSet().getLong(1); } } catch (WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException e) { } catch (WaarpDatabaseSqlException e) { } catch (SQLException e) { } finally { pstt.close(); } return result; } /** * @param session * @param globalstep * @return the DbPreparedStatement for getting Runner according to globalstep ordered by start * @throws WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException * @throws WaarpDatabaseSqlException */ public static DbPreparedStatement getCountStepPrepareStatement(DbSession session, TASKSTEP globalstep) throws WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException, WaarpDatabaseSqlException { String request = "SELECT COUNT(" + Columns.SPECIALID.name() + ") FROM " + table; if (globalstep != null) { request += " WHERE " + Columns.GLOBALSTEP.name() + " = " + globalstep.ordinal() + " AND "; request += Columns.STARTTRANS.name() + " >= ? AND " + getLimitWhereCondition(); } else { request += " WHERE " + Columns.STARTTRANS.name() + " >= ? AND " + getLimitWhereCondition(); } DbPreparedStatement prep = new DbPreparedStatement(session, request); session.addLongTermPreparedStatement(prep); return prep; } /** * @param session * @return the DbPreparedStatement for getting Runner according to status ordered by start * @throws WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException * @throws WaarpDatabaseSqlException */ public static DbPreparedStatement getCountStatusPrepareStatement( DbSession session) throws WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException, WaarpDatabaseSqlException { String request = "SELECT COUNT(" + Columns.SPECIALID.name() + ") FROM " + table; request += " WHERE " + Columns.STARTTRANS.name() + " >= ? "; request += " AND " + Columns.INFOSTATUS.name() + " = ? AND " + getLimitWhereCondition(); DbPreparedStatement prep = new DbPreparedStatement(session, request); session.addLongTermPreparedStatement(prep); return prep; } /** * * @param pstt * @param error * @param time * @return the number of elements (COUNT) from the statement */ public static long getResultCountPrepareStatement(DbPreparedStatement pstt, ErrorCode error, long time) { long result = 0; try { finishSelectOrCountPrepareStatement(pstt, time); pstt.getPreparedStatement().setString(2, error.getCode()); pstt.executeQuery(); if (pstt.getNext()) { result = pstt.getResultSet().getLong(1); } } catch (WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException e) { } catch (WaarpDatabaseSqlException e) { } catch (SQLException e) { } finally { pstt.close(); } return result; } /** * Only running transfers * * @param session * @param status * @return the DbPreparedStatement for getting Runner according to status ordered by start * @throws WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException * @throws WaarpDatabaseSqlException */ public static DbPreparedStatement getCountStatusRunningPrepareStatement( DbSession session, ErrorCode status) throws WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException, WaarpDatabaseSqlException { String request = "SELECT COUNT(" + Columns.SPECIALID.name() + ") FROM " + table; if (status != null) { request += " WHERE " + Columns.STEPSTATUS.name() + " = '" + status.getCode() + "' AND " + getLimitWhereCondition(); } else { request += " WHERE " + getLimitWhereCondition(); } request += " AND " + Columns.STARTTRANS.name() + " >= ? "; request += " AND " + Columns.UPDATEDINFO.name() + " = " + UpdatedInfo.RUNNING.ordinal(); DbPreparedStatement prep = new DbPreparedStatement(session, request); session.addLongTermPreparedStatement(prep); return prep; } /** * Running or not transfers are concerned * * @param session * @param in * True for Incoming, False for Outgoing * @return the DbPreparedStatement for getting Runner according to in or out going way and Error * @throws WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException * @throws WaarpDatabaseSqlException */ public static DbPreparedStatement getCountInOutErrorPrepareStatement( DbSession session, boolean in) throws WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException, WaarpDatabaseSqlException { String request = "SELECT COUNT(" + Columns.SPECIALID.name() + ") FROM " + table; String requesterd; String from = Configuration.configuration.getHOST_ID(); String sfrom = Configuration.configuration.getHOST_SSLID(); if (in) { requesterd = Columns.REQUESTED.name(); } else { requesterd = Columns.REQUESTER.name(); } if (from != null & sfrom != null) { request += " WHERE ((" + requesterd + " = '" + from + "' OR " + requesterd + " = '" + sfrom + "') "; } else if (from != null) { request += " WHERE (" + requesterd + " = '" + from + "' "; } else { request += " WHERE (" + requesterd + " = '" + sfrom + "' "; } request += " AND " + getLimitWhereCondition() + ") "; request += " AND " + Columns.STARTTRANS.name() + " >= ? "; request += " AND " + Columns.UPDATEDINFO.name() + " = " + UpdatedInfo.INERROR.ordinal(); DbPreparedStatement prep = new DbPreparedStatement(session, request); session.addLongTermPreparedStatement(prep); return prep; } /** * Running or not transfers are concerned * * @param session * @param in * True for Incoming, False for Outgoing * @param running * True for Running only, False for all * @return the DbPreparedStatement for getting Runner according to in or out going way * @throws WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException * @throws WaarpDatabaseSqlException */ public static DbPreparedStatement getCountInOutRunningPrepareStatement( DbSession session, boolean in, boolean running) throws WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException, WaarpDatabaseSqlException { String request = "SELECT COUNT(" + Columns.SPECIALID.name() + ") FROM " + table; String requesterd; String from = Configuration.configuration.getHOST_ID(); String sfrom = Configuration.configuration.getHOST_SSLID(); if (in) { requesterd = Columns.REQUESTED.name(); } else { requesterd = Columns.REQUESTER.name(); } if (from != null & sfrom != null) { request += " WHERE ((" + requesterd + " = '" + from + "' OR " + requesterd + " = '" + sfrom + "') "; } else if (from != null) { request += " WHERE (" + requesterd + " = '" + from + "' "; } else { request += " WHERE (" + requesterd + " = '" + sfrom + "' "; } request += " AND " + getLimitWhereCondition() + ") "; request += " AND " + Columns.STARTTRANS.name() + " >= ? "; if (running) { request += " AND " + Columns.UPDATEDINFO.name() + " = " + UpdatedInfo.RUNNING.ordinal(); } DbPreparedStatement prep = new DbPreparedStatement(session, request); session.addLongTermPreparedStatement(prep); return prep; } /** * * @param pstt * @return the number of elements (COUNT) from the statement */ public static long getResultCountPrepareStatement(DbPreparedStatement pstt) { long result = 0; try { pstt.executeQuery(); if (pstt.getNext()) { result = pstt.getResultSet().getLong(1); } } catch (WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException e) { } catch (WaarpDatabaseSqlException e) { } catch (SQLException e) { } finally { pstt.close(); } return result; } /** * Set the current time in the given updatedPreparedStatement * * @param pstt * @throws WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException * @throws WaarpDatabaseSqlException */ public static void finishSelectOrCountPrepareStatement(DbPreparedStatement pstt) throws WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException, WaarpDatabaseSqlException { finishSelectOrCountPrepareStatement(pstt, System.currentTimeMillis()); } /** * Set the current time in the given updatedPreparedStatement * * @param pstt * @throws WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException * @throws WaarpDatabaseSqlException */ public static void finishSelectOrCountPrepareStatement(DbPreparedStatement pstt, long time) throws WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException, WaarpDatabaseSqlException { Timestamp startlimit = new Timestamp(time); try { pstt.getPreparedStatement().setTimestamp(1, startlimit); } catch (SQLException e) { logger.error("Database SQL Error: Cannot set timestamp", e); throw new WaarpDatabaseSqlException("Cannot set timestamp", e); } } /** * * @param session * @param start * @param stop * @return the DbPreparedStatement for getting Selected Object, whatever their status * @throws WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException * @throws WaarpDatabaseSqlException */ public static DbPreparedStatement getLogPrepareStatement(DbSession session, Timestamp start, Timestamp stop) throws WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException, WaarpDatabaseSqlException { DbPreparedStatement preparedStatement = new DbPreparedStatement(session); String request = "SELECT " + selectAllFields + " FROM " + table; if (start != null & stop != null) { request += " WHERE " + Columns.STARTTRANS.name() + " >= ? AND " + Columns.STARTTRANS.name() + " <= ? AND " + getLimitWhereCondition() + " ORDER BY " + Columns.SPECIALID.name() + " DESC "; preparedStatement.createPrepareStatement(request); try { preparedStatement.getPreparedStatement().setTimestamp(1, start); preparedStatement.getPreparedStatement().setTimestamp(2, stop); } catch (SQLException e) { preparedStatement.realClose(); throw new WaarpDatabaseSqlException(e); } } else if (start != null) { request += " WHERE " + Columns.STARTTRANS.name() + " >= ? AND " + getLimitWhereCondition() + " ORDER BY " + Columns.SPECIALID.name() + " DESC "; preparedStatement.createPrepareStatement(request); try { preparedStatement.getPreparedStatement().setTimestamp(1, start); } catch (SQLException e) { preparedStatement.realClose(); throw new WaarpDatabaseSqlException(e); } } else if (stop != null) { request += " WHERE " + Columns.STARTTRANS.name() + " <= ? AND " + getLimitWhereCondition() + " ORDER BY " + Columns.SPECIALID.name() + " DESC "; preparedStatement.createPrepareStatement(request); try { preparedStatement.getPreparedStatement().setTimestamp(1, stop); } catch (SQLException e) { preparedStatement.realClose(); throw new WaarpDatabaseSqlException(e); } } else { request += " WHERE " + getLimitWhereCondition() + " ORDER BY " + Columns.SPECIALID.name() + " DESC "; preparedStatement.createPrepareStatement(request); } return preparedStatement; } /** * purge in same interval all runners with globallaststep as ALLDONETASK or UpdatedInfo as Done * * @param session * @param start * @param stop * @return the number of log purged * @throws WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException * @throws WaarpDatabaseSqlException */ public static int purgeLogPrepareStatement(DbSession session, Timestamp start, Timestamp stop) throws WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException, WaarpDatabaseSqlException { DbPreparedStatement preparedStatement = new DbPreparedStatement(session); String request = "DELETE FROM " + table + " WHERE (" + Columns.GLOBALLASTSTEP + " = " + TASKSTEP.ALLDONETASK.ordinal() + " OR " + Columns.UPDATEDINFO + " = " + UpdatedInfo.DONE.ordinal() + ") AND " + getLimitWhereCondition(); try { if (start != null & stop != null) { request += " AND " + Columns.STARTTRANS.name() + " >= ? AND " + Columns.STOPTRANS.name() + " <= ? "; preparedStatement.createPrepareStatement(request); try { preparedStatement.getPreparedStatement().setTimestamp(1, start); preparedStatement.getPreparedStatement().setTimestamp(2, stop); } catch (SQLException e) { preparedStatement.realClose(); throw new WaarpDatabaseSqlException(e); } } else if (start != null) { request += " AND " + Columns.STARTTRANS.name() + " >= ? "; preparedStatement.createPrepareStatement(request); try { preparedStatement.getPreparedStatement().setTimestamp(1, start); } catch (SQLException e) { preparedStatement.realClose(); throw new WaarpDatabaseSqlException(e); } } else if (stop != null) { request += " AND " + Columns.STOPTRANS.name() + " <= ? "; preparedStatement.createPrepareStatement(request); try { preparedStatement.getPreparedStatement().setTimestamp(1, stop); } catch (SQLException e) { preparedStatement.realClose(); throw new WaarpDatabaseSqlException(e); } } else { preparedStatement.createPrepareStatement(request); } int nb = preparedStatement.executeUpdate(); logger.info("Purge " + nb + " from " + request); return nb; } finally { preparedStatement.realClose(); } } /** * * @param session * @param startid * @param stopid * @param start * @param stop * @param rule * @param req * @param pending * @param transfer * @param error * @param done * @param all * @return the DbPreparedStatement according to the filter and ALLDONE, ERROR globallaststep * @throws WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException * @throws WaarpDatabaseSqlException */ public static int purgeLogPrepareStatement( DbSession session, String startid, String stopid, Timestamp start, Timestamp stop, String rule, String req, boolean pending, boolean transfer, boolean error, boolean done, boolean all) throws WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException, WaarpDatabaseSqlException { DbPreparedStatement preparedStatement = new DbPreparedStatement(session); String request = "DELETE FROM " + table; String orderby; if (startid == null && stopid == null && start == null && stop == null && rule == null && req == null && all) { orderby = " WHERE (" + Columns.GLOBALLASTSTEP + " = " + TASKSTEP.ALLDONETASK.ordinal() + " OR " + Columns.UPDATEDINFO + " = " + UpdatedInfo.DONE.ordinal() + ") AND " + getLimitWhereCondition(); } else { if (all) { orderby = " AND (" + Columns.GLOBALLASTSTEP + " = " + TASKSTEP.ALLDONETASK.ordinal() + " OR " + Columns.UPDATEDINFO + " = " + UpdatedInfo.DONE.ordinal() + " OR " + Columns.UPDATEDINFO + " = " + UpdatedInfo.INERROR.ordinal() + ") AND " + getLimitWhereCondition(); } else { orderby = " AND " + Columns.UPDATEDINFO + " <> " + UpdatedInfo.RUNNING.ordinal() + " AND " + getLimitWhereCondition();// limit by field } } int nb = 0; try { preparedStatement = getFilterCondition(preparedStatement, request, 0, orderby, startid, stopid, start, stop, rule, req, pending, transfer, error, done, all); nb = preparedStatement.executeUpdate(); logger.info("Purge " + nb + " from " + request); } finally { if (preparedStatement != null) { preparedStatement.realClose(); } } return nb; } /** * Change RUNNING, INTERRUPTED to TOSUBMIT TaskRunner from database. This method is to be used * when the commander is starting the very first time, in order to be ready to rerun tasks that * are pending. * * @param session * @throws WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException */ public static void resetToSubmit(DbSession session) throws WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException { // Change RUNNING and INTERRUPTED to TOSUBMIT since they should be ready String request = "UPDATE " + table + " SET " + Columns.UPDATEDINFO.name() + "=" + AbstractDbData.UpdatedInfo.TOSUBMIT.ordinal() + " WHERE (" + Columns.UPDATEDINFO.name() + " = " + AbstractDbData.UpdatedInfo.RUNNING.ordinal() + " OR " + Columns.UPDATEDINFO.name() + " = " + AbstractDbData.UpdatedInfo.INTERRUPTED.ordinal() + ") AND " + getLimitWhereCondition(); DbPreparedStatement initial = new DbPreparedStatement(session); try { initial.createPrepareStatement(request); initial.executeUpdate(); } catch (WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException e) { logger.error("Database No Connection Error: Cannot execute Commander", e); return; } catch (WaarpDatabaseSqlException e) { logger.error("Database SQL Error: Cannot execute Commander", e); return; } finally { initial.close(); } } /** * Change CompleteOk+ALLDONETASK to Updated = DONE TaskRunner from database. This method is a * clean function to be used for instance before log export or at the very beginning of the * commander. * * @param session * @throws WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException */ public static void changeFinishedToDone(DbSession session) throws WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException { // Update all UpdatedInfo to DONE where GlobalLastStep = ALLDONETASK and // status = CompleteOk String request = "UPDATE " + table + " SET " + Columns.UPDATEDINFO.name() + "=" + AbstractDbData.UpdatedInfo.DONE.ordinal() + " WHERE " + Columns.UPDATEDINFO.name() + " <> " + AbstractDbData.UpdatedInfo.DONE.ordinal() + " AND " + Columns.UPDATEDINFO.name() + " > 0 AND " + Columns.GLOBALLASTSTEP.name() + " = " + TASKSTEP.ALLDONETASK.ordinal() + " AND " + Columns.STEPSTATUS.name() + " = '" + ErrorCode.CompleteOk.getCode() + "' AND " + getLimitWhereCondition(); DbPreparedStatement initial = new DbPreparedStatement(session); try { initial.createPrepareStatement(request); initial.executeUpdate(); } catch (WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException e) { logger.error("Database No Connection Error: Cannot execute Commander", e); return; } catch (WaarpDatabaseSqlException e) { logger.error("Database SQL Error: Cannot execute Commander", e); return; } finally { initial.realClose(); } } /** * Reset the runner (ready to be run again) * * @return True if OK, False if already finished */ public boolean reset() { // Reset the status if already stopped and not finished if (this.getStatus() != ErrorCode.CompleteOk) { // restart switch (TASKSTEP.values()[this.getGloballaststep()]) { case PRETASK: // restart this.setPreTask(); this.setExecutionStatus(ErrorCode.InitOk); break; case TRANSFERTASK: // continue int newrank = this.getRank(); this.setTransferTask(newrank); this.setExecutionStatus(ErrorCode.PreProcessingOk); break; case POSTTASK: // restart this.setPostTask(); this.setExecutionStatus(ErrorCode.TransferOk); break; case ALLDONETASK: break; case ERRORTASK: break; case NOTASK: setInitialTask(); this.setExecutionStatus(ErrorCode.Unknown); break; default: break; } this.changeUpdatedInfo(UpdatedInfo.UNKNOWN); this.setErrorExecutionStatus(this.status); return true; } else { // Already finished return false; } } /** * Decrease if necessary the rank */ public void restartRank() { if (!this.isSender) { int newrank = this.getRank(); if (newrank > 0) { logger.debug("Decrease Rank Restart of -" + Configuration.getRANKRESTART() + " from " + newrank); newrank -= Configuration.getRANKRESTART(); if (newrank <= 0) { newrank = 1; } if (this.getRank() != newrank) { logger.warn("Decreased Rank Restart at rank: " + newrank + " for {}", this); } } this.setTransferTask(newrank); } } /** * Make this Runner ready for restart * * @param submit * True to resubmit this task, else False to keep it as running (only reset) * @return True if OK or False if Already finished or if submitted and the request is a * selfRequested and is not ready to restart locally */ public boolean restart(boolean submit) { // Restart if not Requested if (submit) { if (isSelfRequested() && (this.globallaststep < TASKSTEP.POSTTASK.ordinal())) { return false; } } // Restart if already stopped and not finished if (reset()) { // if not submit and transfertask and receiver AND not requester // If requester and receiver => rank is already decreased when request is sent if ((!submit) && (this.globalstep == TASKSTEP.TRANSFERTASK.ordinal()) && (!this.isSender) && (this.isSelfRequested())) { logger.debug("Will try to restart transfer {}", this); this.restartRank(); logger.debug("New restart for transfer is {}", this); } if (submit) { this.changeUpdatedInfo(UpdatedInfo.TOSUBMIT); } else { this.changeUpdatedInfo(UpdatedInfo.RUNNING); } return true; } else { // Already finished so DONE this.setAllDone(); this.setErrorExecutionStatus(ErrorCode.QueryAlreadyFinished); this.forceSaveStatus(); return false; } } /** * Stop or Cancel a Runner from database point of view * * @param code * @return True if correctly stopped or canceled */ public boolean stopOrCancelRunner(ErrorCode code) { if (!isFinished()) { reset(); switch (code) { case CanceledTransfer: case StoppedTransfer: case RemoteShutdown: this.changeUpdatedInfo(UpdatedInfo.INERROR); break; default: this.changeUpdatedInfo(UpdatedInfo.INTERRUPTED); } forceSaveStatus(); logger.warn("StopOrCancel: {} {}", code.mesg, this.toShortString()); return true; } else { // is finished so do nothing } return false; } @Override public void changeUpdatedInfo(UpdatedInfo info) { updatedInfo = info.ordinal(); allFields[Columns.UPDATEDINFO.ordinal()].setValue(updatedInfo); isSaved = false; } /** * Set the ErrorCode for the InfoStatus * * @param code */ public void setErrorExecutionStatus(ErrorCode code) { if (infostatus != code) { infostatus = code; allFields[Columns.INFOSTATUS.ordinal()].setValue(infostatus.getCode()); isSaved = false; } } /** * * @return The current UpdatedInfo value */ public UpdatedInfo getUpdatedInfo() { return UpdatedInfo.values()[updatedInfo]; } /** * * @return the error code associated with the Updated Info */ public ErrorCode getErrorInfo() { return infostatus; } /** * @return the step */ public int getStep() { return step; } /** * @return the rescheduledTransfer */ public boolean isRescheduledTransfer() { return rescheduledTransfer; } /** * Set this DbTaskRunner as rescheduled (valid only while still in memory) */ public void setRescheduledTransfer() { this.rescheduledTransfer = true; } /** * To set the rank at startup of the request if the request specify a specific rank * * @param rank * the rank to set */ public void setRankAtStartup(int rank) { if (this.rank > rank) { this.rank = rank; allFields[Columns.RANK.ordinal()].setValue(this.rank); isSaved = false; } } /** * @param filename * the filename to set */ public void setFilename(String filename) { if (!this.filename.equals(filename)) { this.filename = filename; allFields[Columns.FILENAME.ordinal()].setValue(this.filename); isSaved = false; } } /** * @param newFilename * the new Filename to set * @param isFileMoved * the isFileMoved to set */ public void setFileMoved(String newFilename, boolean isFileMoved) { if (this.isFileMoved != isFileMoved) { this.isFileMoved = isFileMoved; allFields[Columns.ISMOVED.ordinal()].setValue(this.isFileMoved); isSaved = false; } this.setFilename(newFilename); } /** * @param originalFilename * the originalFilename to set */ public void setOriginalFilename(String originalFilename) { if (!this.originalFilename.equals(originalFilename)) { this.originalFilename = originalFilename; allFields[Columns.ORIGINALNAME.ordinal()] .setValue(this.originalFilename); isSaved = false; } } /** * @return the rank */ public int getRank() { return rank; } /** * Change the status from Task Execution * * @param status */ public void setExecutionStatus(ErrorCode status) { this.status = status; allFields[Columns.STEPSTATUS.ordinal()].setValue(this.status.getCode()); isSaved = false; } /** * @return the status */ public ErrorCode getStatus() { return status; } /** * @return the isSender */ public boolean isSender() { return isSender; } /** * @return the isFileMoved */ public boolean isFileMoved() { return isFileMoved; } /** * @return the blocksize */ public int getBlocksize() { return blocksize; } /** * @return the filename */ public String getFilename() { return filename; } /** * @return the originalFilename */ public String getOriginalFilename() { return originalFilename; } /** * @return the fileInformation */ public String getFileInformation() { return fileInformation; } /** * * @return the Map<String, Object> for the content of the transferInformation */ public Map<String, Object> getTransferMap() { return JsonHandler.getMapFromString(transferInformation); } /** * * @param map * the Map to set as XML string to transferInformation */ public void setTransferMap(Map<String, Object> map) { setTransferInformation(JsonHandler.writeAsString(map)); } /** * * @param size the new size value to set in TransferMap */ private void setOriginalSizeTransferMap(long size) { Map<String, Object> map = getTransferMap(); map.put(JSON_ORIGINALSIZE, size); setTransferMap(map); } /** * * @return the size set in TransferMap */ private long getOriginalSizeTransferMap() { Object size = getTransferMap().get(JSON_ORIGINALSIZE); if (size == null) { return -1; } if (size instanceof Long) { return (Long) size; } else { return (Integer) size; } } /** * Set a new File information for this transfer * * @param newFileInformation */ public void setFileInformation(String newFileInformation) { fileInformation = newFileInformation; allFields[Columns.FILEINFO.ordinal()].setValue(this.fileInformation); isSaved = false; } /** * @param transferInformation * the transferInformation to set */ private void setTransferInformation(String transferInformation) { this.transferInformation = transferInformation; if (this.transferInformation == null) { this.transferInformation = "{}"; } allFields[Columns.TRANSFERINFO.ordinal()].setValue(this.transferInformation); isSaved = false; } /** * @return the specialId */ public long getSpecialId() { return specialId; } /** * @return the rule */ public DbRule getRule() { if (rule == null) { if (ruleId != null) { try { rule = new DbRule(dbSession, ruleId); } catch (WaarpDatabaseException e) { } } } return rule; } /** * @return the ruleId */ public String getRuleId() { return ruleId; } /** * @return the mode */ public int getMode() { return mode; } /** * @return the globallaststep */ public int getGloballaststep() { return globallaststep; } /** * * @return True if this runner is ready for transfer or post operation */ public boolean ready() { return globalstep > TASKSTEP.PRETASK.ordinal(); } /** * * @return True if the runner is currently in transfer */ public boolean isInTransfer() { return globalstep == TASKSTEP.TRANSFERTASK.ordinal(); } /** * * @return True if this runner is finished, either in success or in error */ public boolean isFinished() { return isAllDone() || isInError(); } /** * * @return True if this runner is in error and no more running */ public boolean isInError() { return (globalstep == TASKSTEP.ERRORTASK.ordinal() && status != ErrorCode.Running); } /** * * @return True if the runner is finished in success */ public boolean isAllDone() { return globalstep == TASKSTEP.ALLDONETASK.ordinal(); } /** * To be called before executing Pre execution * * @return True if the task is going to run PRE task from the first action */ public boolean isPreTaskStarting() { if (globallaststep == TASKSTEP.PRETASK.ordinal() || globallaststep == TASKSTEP.NOTASK.ordinal()) { return (step - 1 <= 0); } return false; } /** * Set the Initial Task step (before Pre task) * */ public void setInitialTask() { globalstep = TASKSTEP.NOTASK.ordinal(); globallaststep = TASKSTEP.NOTASK.ordinal(); allFields[Columns.GLOBALSTEP.ordinal()].setValue(globalstep); allFields[Columns.GLOBALLASTSTEP.ordinal()].setValue(globallaststep); step = -1; allFields[Columns.STEP.ordinal()].setValue(this.step); status = ErrorCode.Running; allFields[Columns.STEPSTATUS.ordinal()].setValue(status.getCode()); this.changeUpdatedInfo(UpdatedInfo.RUNNING); this.setErrorExecutionStatus(ErrorCode.Unknown); isSaved = false; } /** * Set Pre Task step * */ public void setPreTask() { globalstep = TASKSTEP.PRETASK.ordinal(); globallaststep = TASKSTEP.PRETASK.ordinal(); allFields[Columns.GLOBALSTEP.ordinal()].setValue(globalstep); allFields[Columns.GLOBALLASTSTEP.ordinal()].setValue(globallaststep); if (step <= 0) { this.step = 0; } else { this.step--; } allFields[Columns.STEP.ordinal()].setValue(this.step); status = ErrorCode.Running; allFields[Columns.STEPSTATUS.ordinal()].setValue(status.getCode()); this.changeUpdatedInfo(UpdatedInfo.RUNNING); this.setErrorExecutionStatus(ErrorCode.InitOk); isSaved = false; } /** * Set Transfer rank * * @param rank */ public void setTransferTask(int rank) { globalstep = TASKSTEP.TRANSFERTASK.ordinal(); globallaststep = TASKSTEP.TRANSFERTASK.ordinal(); allFields[Columns.GLOBALSTEP.ordinal()].setValue(globalstep); allFields[Columns.GLOBALLASTSTEP.ordinal()].setValue(globallaststep); if (this.rank > rank) { this.rank = rank; } allFields[Columns.RANK.ordinal()].setValue(this.rank); status = ErrorCode.Running; allFields[Columns.STEPSTATUS.ordinal()].setValue(status.getCode()); this.setErrorExecutionStatus(ErrorCode.PreProcessingOk); isSaved = false; } /** * Set the status of the transfer * * @param code * TransferOk if success * @return the current rank of transfer */ public int finishTransferTask(ErrorCode code) { if (code == ErrorCode.TransferOk) { this.status = code; this.setErrorExecutionStatus(code); } else { continueTransfer = false; if (this.infostatus == ErrorCode.InitOk || this.infostatus == ErrorCode.PostProcessingOk || this.infostatus == ErrorCode.PreProcessingOk || this.infostatus == ErrorCode.Running || this.infostatus == ErrorCode.TransferOk) { this.setErrorExecutionStatus(code); } if (this.updatedInfo != UpdatedInfo.INTERRUPTED.ordinal()) { this.changeUpdatedInfo(UpdatedInfo.INERROR); } } allFields[Columns.STEPSTATUS.ordinal()].setValue(this.status.getCode()); isSaved = false; return rank; } /** * * @return True if the transfer is valid to continue */ public boolean continueTransfer() { return continueTransfer; } /** * Set the Post Task step * */ public void setPostTask() { globalstep = TASKSTEP.POSTTASK.ordinal(); globallaststep = TASKSTEP.POSTTASK.ordinal(); allFields[Columns.GLOBALSTEP.ordinal()].setValue(globalstep); allFields[Columns.GLOBALLASTSTEP.ordinal()].setValue(globallaststep); if (step <= 0) { this.step = 0; } else { this.step--; } allFields[Columns.STEP.ordinal()].setValue(this.step); status = ErrorCode.Running; allFields[Columns.STEPSTATUS.ordinal()].setValue(status.getCode()); this.setErrorExecutionStatus(ErrorCode.TransferOk); isSaved = false; } /** * Set the Error Task step * * @param localChannelReference * (to get session) */ public void setErrorTask(LocalChannelReference localChannelReference) { if (this.session == null && localChannelReference != null) { this.session = localChannelReference.getSession(); } if (this.session != null) { if (this.session.getRunner() == null) this.session.setNoSessionRunner(this, localChannelReference); } globalstep = TASKSTEP.ERRORTASK.ordinal(); allFields[Columns.GLOBALSTEP.ordinal()].setValue(globalstep); this.step = 0; allFields[Columns.STEP.ordinal()].setValue(this.step); status = ErrorCode.Running; allFields[Columns.STEPSTATUS.ordinal()].setValue(status.getCode()); isSaved = false; } /** * Set the global step as finished (after post task in success) */ public void setAllDone() { globalstep = TASKSTEP.ALLDONETASK.ordinal(); globallaststep = TASKSTEP.ALLDONETASK.ordinal(); allFields[Columns.GLOBALSTEP.ordinal()].setValue(globalstep); allFields[Columns.GLOBALLASTSTEP.ordinal()].setValue(globallaststep); step = 0; allFields[Columns.STEP.ordinal()].setValue(step); status = ErrorCode.CompleteOk; allFields[Columns.STEPSTATUS.ordinal()].setValue(status.getCode()); infostatus = ErrorCode.CompleteOk; allFields[Columns.INFOSTATUS.ordinal()].setValue(infostatus.getCode()); changeUpdatedInfo(UpdatedInfo.DONE); isSaved = false; } /** * Run the task from the given task information (from rule) * * @param tasks * @return The future of the operation (in success or not) * @throws OpenR66RunnerEndTasksException * @throws OpenR66RunnerErrorException */ private R66Future runNextTask(String[][] tasks) throws OpenR66RunnerEndTasksException, OpenR66RunnerErrorException { logger.debug((session == null) + ":" + (session == null ? "norunner" : (this.session.getRunner() == null)) + ":" + this.toLogRunStep() + ":" + step + ":" + (tasks == null ? "null" : tasks.length) + " Sender: " + this.isSender + " " + this.rule.printTasks(isSender, TASKSTEP.values()[globalstep])); if (tasks == null) { throw new OpenR66RunnerEndTasksException("No tasks!"); } R66Session tempSession = this.session; if (tempSession == null) { tempSession = new R66Session(); if (tempSession.getRunner() == null) { tempSession.setNoSessionRunner(this, localChannelReference); } } else { if (tempSession.getRunner() == null) { tempSession.setNoSessionRunner(this, tempSession.getLocalChannelReference()); } } this.session = tempSession; if (this.session.getLocalChannelReference().getCurrentCode() == ErrorCode.Unknown) { this.session.getLocalChannelReference().setErrorMessage(this.infostatus.mesg, this.infostatus); } if (tasks.length <= step) { throw new OpenR66RunnerEndTasksException(); } AbstractTask task = getTask(tasks[step], tempSession); logger.debug(this.toLogRunStep() + " Task: " + task.getClass().getName()); task.run(); try { task.getFutureCompletion().await(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } if (task.getType() == TaskType.RESCHEDULE) { // Special case : must test if exec is OK since it must be the last if (this.isRescheduledTransfer()) { throw new OpenR66RunnerEndTasksException(); } } return task.getFutureCompletion(); } /** * * @param task * @param tempSession * @return the corresponding AbstractTask * @throws OpenR66RunnerErrorException */ public final AbstractTask getTask(String[] task, R66Session tempSession) throws OpenR66RunnerErrorException { String name = task[0]; String arg = task[1]; int delay = 0; try { delay = Integer.parseInt(task[2]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { logger.warn("Malformed task so stop the execution: " + this.toShortString()); throw new OpenR66RunnerErrorException("Malformed task so stop the execution"); } return TaskType.getTaskFromId(name, arg, delay, tempSession); } /** * * @return the future of the task run * @throws OpenR66RunnerEndTasksException * @throws OpenR66RunnerErrorException * @throws OpenR66RunnerEndTasksException */ private R66Future runNext() throws OpenR66RunnerErrorException, OpenR66RunnerEndTasksException { if (rule == null) { if (ruleId != null) { try { rule = new DbRule(dbSession, ruleId); } catch (WaarpDatabaseException e) { rule = null; } } if (rule == null) { throw new OpenR66RunnerErrorException("Rule Object not initialized"); } } logger.debug(this.toLogRunStep() + " Sender: " + this.isSender + " " + this.rule.printTasks(isSender, TASKSTEP.values()[globalstep])); switch (TASKSTEP.values()[globalstep]) { case PRETASK: try { if (this.isSender) { return runNextTask(rule.getSpreTasksArray()); } else { return runNextTask(rule.getRpreTasksArray()); } } catch (OpenR66RunnerEndTasksException e) { if (status == ErrorCode.Running) { infostatus = status = ErrorCode.PreProcessingOk; } throw e; } case POSTTASK: try { if (this.isSender) { return runNextTask(rule.getSpostTasksArray()); } else { return runNextTask(rule.getRpostTasksArray()); } } catch (OpenR66RunnerEndTasksException e) { if (status == ErrorCode.Running) { infostatus = status = ErrorCode.PostProcessingOk; } throw e; } case ERRORTASK: try { if (this.isSender) { return runNextTask(rule.getSerrorTasksArray()); } else { return runNextTask(rule.getRerrorTasksArray()); } } catch (OpenR66RunnerEndTasksException e) { if (status == ErrorCode.Running) { status = infostatus; } throw e; } default: throw new OpenR66RunnerErrorException("Global Step unknown"); } } /** * Run all task from current status (globalstep and step) * * @throws OpenR66RunnerErrorException */ public void run() throws OpenR66RunnerErrorException { R66Future future; logger.debug(this.toLogRunStep() + " Status: " + status + " Sender: " + this.isSender + " " + this.rule.printTasks(isSender, TASKSTEP.values()[globalstep])); if (status != ErrorCode.Running) { throw new OpenR66RunnerErrorException( "Current global STEP not ready to run: " + this.toString()); } while (true) { logger.debug(this.toLogRunStep()); try { future = runNext(); } catch (OpenR66RunnerEndTasksException e) { step = 0; allFields[Columns.STEP.ordinal()].setValue(step); allFields[Columns.STEPSTATUS.ordinal()].setValue(status .getCode()); allFields[Columns.INFOSTATUS.ordinal()].setValue(infostatus.getCode()); isSaved = false; this.saveStatus(); return; } catch (OpenR66RunnerErrorException e) { infostatus = ErrorCode.ExternalOp; allFields[Columns.STEP.ordinal()].setValue(step); allFields[Columns.INFOSTATUS.ordinal()].setValue(infostatus.getCode()); isSaved = false; this.setErrorExecutionStatus(infostatus); this.saveStatus(); throw new OpenR66RunnerErrorException("Runner is in error: " + e.getMessage(), e); } if ((!future.isDone()) || future.isFailed()) { R66Result result = future.getResult(); if (result != null) { infostatus = future.getResult().getCode(); } else { infostatus = ErrorCode.ExternalOp; } this.setErrorExecutionStatus(infostatus); allFields[Columns.STEP.ordinal()].setValue(step); allFields[Columns.INFOSTATUS.ordinal()].setValue(infostatus.getCode()); isSaved = false; this.saveStatus(); logger.info("Future is failed: " + infostatus.mesg); if (future.getCause() != null) { throw new OpenR66RunnerErrorException("Runner is failed: " + future.getCause().getMessage(), future.getCause()); } else { throw new OpenR66RunnerErrorException("Runner is failed: " + infostatus.mesg); } } step++; } } /** * Once the transfer is over, finalize the Runner by running the error or post operation * according to the status. * * @param localChannelReference * @param file * @param finalValue * @param status * @throws OpenR66RunnerErrorException * @throws OpenR66ProtocolSystemException */ public void finalizeTransfer(LocalChannelReference localChannelReference, R66File file, R66Result finalValue, boolean status) throws OpenR66RunnerErrorException, OpenR66ProtocolSystemException { logger.debug("status: " + status + ":" + finalValue); if (session == null) { if (localChannelReference == null) { return; } this.session = localChannelReference.getSession(); } if (status) { // First move the file if (this.isSender()) { // Nothing to do since it is the original file this.setPostTask(); if (!shallIgnoreSave()) { this.saveStatus(); } } else { int poststep = this.step; this.setPostTask(); this.saveStatus(); // in case of error R66Result error = new R66Result(this.session, finalValue.isAnswered(), ErrorCode.FinalOp, this); if (!isRecvThrough()) { if (this.globalstep == TASKSTEP.TRANSFERTASK.ordinal() || (this.globalstep == TASKSTEP.POSTTASK.ordinal() && poststep == 0)) { // Result file moves String finalpath = R66Dir.getFinalUniqueFilename(file); logger.debug("Will move file {}", finalpath); try { if (!file.renameTo(this.getRule().setRecvPath(finalpath))) { OpenR66ProtocolSystemException e = new OpenR66ProtocolSystemException( "Cannot move file to final position"); R66Result result = new R66Result(e, session, false, ErrorCode.FinalOp, this); result.setFile(file); result.setRunner(this); if (localChannelReference != null) { localChannelReference.invalidateRequest(result); } errorTransfer(error, file, localChannelReference); throw e; } } catch (OpenR66ProtocolSystemException e) { R66Result result = new R66Result(e, session, false, ErrorCode.FinalOp, this); result.setFile(file); result.setRunner(this); if (localChannelReference != null) { localChannelReference.invalidateRequest(result); } errorTransfer(error, file, localChannelReference); throw e; } catch (CommandAbstractException e) { R66Result result = new R66Result( new OpenR66RunnerErrorException(e), session, false, ErrorCode.FinalOp, this); result.setFile(file); result.setRunner(this); if (localChannelReference != null) { localChannelReference.invalidateRequest(result); } errorTransfer(error, file, localChannelReference); throw (OpenR66RunnerErrorException) result.getException(); } logger.debug("File finally moved: {}", file); try { this.setFilename(file.getFile()); } catch (CommandAbstractException e) { } // check if possible once more the hash String hash = localChannelReference.getHashComputeDuringTransfer(); if (localChannelReference.isPartialHash()) { hash = null; // ignore } if (hash != null) { // we can compute it once more try { if (!FilesystemBasedDigest.getHex( FilesystemBasedDigest.getHash(file.getTrueFile(), true, Configuration.configuration.getDigest())).equals(hash)) { // KO R66Result result = new R66Result( new OpenR66RunnerErrorException("Bad final digest on receive operation"), session, false, ErrorCode.FinalOp, this); result.setFile(file); result.setRunner(this); if (localChannelReference != null) { localChannelReference.invalidateRequest(result); } errorTransfer(error, file, localChannelReference); throw (OpenR66RunnerErrorException) result.getException(); } } catch (IOException e) { R66Result result = new R66Result( new OpenR66RunnerErrorException("Bad final digest on receive operation", e), session, false, ErrorCode.FinalOp, this); result.setFile(file); result.setRunner(this); if (localChannelReference != null) { localChannelReference.invalidateRequest(result); } errorTransfer(error, file, localChannelReference); throw (OpenR66RunnerErrorException) result.getException(); } } } } } this.saveStatus(); if (isRecvThrough() || isSendThrough()) { // File could not exist } else if (this.step == 0) { // File must exist try { if (!file.exists()) { // error R66Result error = new R66Result(this.session, finalValue.isAnswered(), ErrorCode.FileNotFound, this); this.setErrorExecutionStatus(ErrorCode.FileNotFound); errorTransfer(error, file, localChannelReference); return; } } catch (CommandAbstractException e) { // error R66Result error = new R66Result(this.session, finalValue.isAnswered(), ErrorCode.FileNotFound, this); this.setErrorExecutionStatus(ErrorCode.FileNotFound); errorTransfer(error, file, localChannelReference); return; } } try { this.run(); } catch (OpenR66RunnerErrorException e1) { R66Result result = new R66Result(e1, this.session, false, ErrorCode.ExternalOp, this); result.setFile(file); result.setRunner(this); this.changeUpdatedInfo(UpdatedInfo.INERROR); this.saveStatus(); errorTransfer(result, file, localChannelReference); if (localChannelReference != null) { localChannelReference.invalidateRequest(result); } throw e1; } this.saveStatus(); /* * Done later on after EndRequest this.setAllDone(); this.saveStatus(); */ logger.info("Transfer done on {} at RANK {}", file != null ? file : "no file", rank); if (localChannelReference != null) { localChannelReference.validateEndTransfer(finalValue); } } else { logger.debug("ContinueTransfer: " + continueTransfer + " status:" + status + ":" + finalValue); /* * if (!continueTransfer) { // already setup return; } */ errorTransfer(finalValue, file, localChannelReference); } } /** * Finalize a transfer in error * * @param finalValue * @param file * @param localChannelReference * @throws OpenR66RunnerErrorException */ private void errorTransfer(R66Result finalValue, R66File file, LocalChannelReference localChannelReference) throws OpenR66RunnerErrorException { // error or not ? ErrorCode runnerStatus = this.getErrorInfo(); if (finalValue.getException() != null) { logger.error("Transfer KO on " + file + " due to " + finalValue.getException().getMessage()); } else { logger.error("Transfer KO on " + file + " due to " + finalValue.toString()); } if (runnerStatus == ErrorCode.CanceledTransfer) { // delete file, reset runner this.setRankAtStartup(0); this.deleteTempFile(); this.changeUpdatedInfo(UpdatedInfo.INERROR); this.saveStatus(); finalValue.setAnswered(true); } else if (runnerStatus == ErrorCode.StoppedTransfer) { // just save runner and stop this.changeUpdatedInfo(UpdatedInfo.INERROR); this.saveStatus(); finalValue.setAnswered(true); } else if (runnerStatus == ErrorCode.Shutdown) { // just save runner and stop this.changeUpdatedInfo(UpdatedInfo.INERROR); this.saveStatus(); finalValue.setAnswered(true); } logger.debug("status: " + status + " wasNotError:" + (this.globalstep != TASKSTEP.ERRORTASK.ordinal()) + ":" + finalValue); if (this.globalstep != TASKSTEP.ERRORTASK.ordinal()) { // errorstep was not already executed // real error localChannelReference.setErrorMessage(finalValue.getMessage(), finalValue.getCode()); // First send error mesg if (!finalValue.isAnswered()) { localChannelReference.sessionNewState(R66FiniteDualStates.ERROR); ErrorPacket errorPacket = new ErrorPacket(finalValue .getMessage(), finalValue.getCode().getCode(), ErrorPacket.FORWARDCLOSECODE); try { ChannelUtils.writeAbstractLocalPacket(localChannelReference, errorPacket, true); finalValue.setAnswered(true); } catch (OpenR66ProtocolPacketException e1) { // should not be } } // now run error task this.setErrorTask(localChannelReference); this.saveStatus(); try { this.run(); } catch (OpenR66RunnerErrorException e1) { this.changeUpdatedInfo(UpdatedInfo.INERROR); this.setErrorExecutionStatus(runnerStatus); this.saveStatus(); if (localChannelReference != null) { localChannelReference.invalidateRequest(finalValue); } throw e1; } } if (!this.isRescheduledTransfer()) { this.changeUpdatedInfo(UpdatedInfo.INERROR); } if (RequestPacket.isThroughMode(this.getMode())) { this.setErrorExecutionStatus(runnerStatus); this.saveStatus(); if (localChannelReference != null) { localChannelReference.invalidateRequest(finalValue); } return; } // re set the original status this.setErrorExecutionStatus(runnerStatus); this.saveStatus(); if (localChannelReference != null) { localChannelReference.invalidateRequest(finalValue); } } /** * Increment the rank of the transfer * * @throws OpenR66ProtocolPacketException */ public void incrementRank() throws OpenR66ProtocolPacketException { rank++; allFields[Columns.RANK.ordinal()].setValue(rank); isSaved = false; int modulo = 10; if (!DbConstant.admin.isCompatibleWithThreadSharedConnexion()) { modulo = 100; // Bug in JDBC MariaDB/MySQL which tends to consume more memory } if (rank % modulo == 0) { // Save each 10 blocks try { update(); } catch (WaarpDatabaseException e) { logger.warn("Cannot update Runner: {}", e.getMessage()); } } } /** * This method is to be called each time an operation is happening on Runner * * @throws OpenR66RunnerErrorException */ public void saveStatus() throws OpenR66RunnerErrorException { try { update(); } catch (WaarpDatabaseException e) { throw new OpenR66RunnerErrorException(e); } } /** * This method is to be called each time an operation is happening on Runner and it is forced * (for SelfRequest handling) * * @return True if saved * @throws OpenR66RunnerErrorException */ public boolean forceSaveStatus() { boolean isSender = isSender(); setSenderForUpdate(); boolean status = true; try { saveStatus(); } catch (OpenR66RunnerErrorException e) { status = false; } setSender(isSender); return status; } /** * Clear the runner */ public void clear() { } /** * Delete the temporary empty file (retrieved file at rank 0) */ public void deleteTempFile() { if ((!isSender()) && getRank() == 0) { try { if (session != null) { R66File file = session.getFile(); if (file != null) { file.delete(); } } } catch (CommandAbstractException e1) { logger.warn("Cannot delete temporary empty file", e1); } } } @Override public String toString() { return "Run: '" + (rule != null ? rule.toString() : ruleId) + "' Filename: '" + filename + "', STEP: '" + TASKSTEP.values()[globalstep] + "(" + TASKSTEP.values()[globallaststep] + "):" + step + ":" + status.mesg + "', TransferRank: " + rank + ", Blocksize: " + blocksize + ", SpecialId: " + specialId + ", isSender: " + isSender + ", isMoved: " + isFileMoved + ", Mode: '" + TRANSFERMODE.values()[mode] + "', Requester: '" + requesterHostId + "', Requested: '" + requestedHostId + "', Start: '" + start + "', Stop: '" + stop + "', Internal: '" + UpdatedInfo.values()[updatedInfo].name() + ":" + infostatus.mesg + "', OriginalSize: " + originalSize + ", Fileinfo: '" + fileInformation + "', Transferinfo: '" + transferInformation + "'"; } public String toLogRunStep() { return "Run: " + ruleId + " on " + filename + " STEP: " + TASKSTEP.values()[globalstep] + "(" + TASKSTEP.values()[globallaststep] + "):" + step + ":" + status.mesg; } public String toShortNoHtmlString(String newline) { return "{Run: '" + ruleId + "', Filename: '" + filename + "'," + newline + " STEP: '" + TASKSTEP.values()[globalstep] + "(" + TASKSTEP.values()[globallaststep] + "):" + step + ":" + status.mesg + "'," + newline + " TransferRank: " + rank + ", Blocksize: " + blocksize + ", SpecialId: " + specialId + ", isSender: '" + isSender + "', isMoved: '" + isFileMoved + "', Mode: '" + TRANSFERMODE.values()[mode] + newline + "', Requester: '" + requesterHostId + "', Requested: '" + requestedHostId + "', Start: '" + start + "', Stop: '" + stop + "'," + newline + " Internal: '" + UpdatedInfo.values()[updatedInfo].name() + ":" + infostatus.mesg + "', OriginalSize: " + originalSize + "," + newline + " Fileinfo: '" + fileInformation + "', Transferinfo: '" + transferInformation + "'}"; } public String toShortString() { return "<RULE>" + ruleId + "</RULE><ID>" + specialId + "</ID><FILE>" + filename + "</FILE> <STEP>" + TASKSTEP.values()[globalstep] + "(" + TASKSTEP.values()[globallaststep] + "):" + step + ":" + status.mesg + "</STEP><RANK>" + rank + "</RANK><BLOCKSIZE>" + blocksize + "</BLOCKSIZE> <SENDER>" + isSender + "</SENDER><MOVED>" + isFileMoved + "</MOVED><MODE>" + TRANSFERMODE.values()[mode] + "</MODE> <REQR>" + requesterHostId + "</REQR><REQD>" + requestedHostId + "</REQD> <START>" + start + "</START><STOP>" + stop + "</STOP> <INTERNAL>" + UpdatedInfo.values()[updatedInfo].name() + " : " + infostatus.mesg + "</INTERNAL><ORIGINALSIZE>" + originalSize + "</ORIGINALSIZE> <FILEINFO>" + fileInformation + "</FILEINFO> <TRANSFERINFO>" + transferInformation + "</TRANSFERINFO>"; } /** * * @return the header for a table of runners in Html format */ public static String headerHtml() { return "<td>SpecialId</td><td>Rule</td><td>Filename</td><td>Info" + "</td><td>Step (LastStep)</td><td>Action</td><td>Status" + "</td><td>Internal</t><td>Transfer Rank</td><td>BlockSize</td><td>isMoved" + "</td><td>Requester</td><td>Requested" + "</td><td>Start</td><td>Stop</td><td>Bandwidth (Mbits)</td><td>Free Space(MB)</td>"; } /** * @param session * @return The associated freespace of the current directory (in MB) */ public long freespaceMB(R66Session session) { if (this.globallaststep == TASKSTEP.ALLDONETASK.ordinal() || this.globallaststep == TASKSTEP.POSTTASK.ordinal()) { // All finished or Post task return freespace(session, false) / 0x100000L; } else { // are we in sending or receive return freespace(session, true) / 0x100000L; } } /** * @param session * @param isWorkingPath * @return The associated freespace of the directory (Working if True, Recv if False) (in B, not MB) */ public long freespace(R66Session session, boolean isWorkingPath) { long freespace = -1; DbRule rule = null; try { rule = (this.rule != null) ? this.rule : new DbRule(this.dbSession, this.ruleId); } catch (WaarpDatabaseException e) { } if (this.rule == null) { this.rule = rule; } if (rule != null) { if (!this.isSender) { try { String sdir; if (isWorkingPath) { sdir = rule.getWorkPath(); } else { sdir = rule.getRecvPath(); } R66Dir dir; if (session.getDirsFromSession().containsKey(sdir)) { dir = session.getDirsFromSession().get(sdir); } else { dir = new R66Dir(session); dir.changeDirectory(sdir); session.getDirsFromSession().put(sdir, dir); } freespace = dir.getFreeSpace(); } catch (CommandAbstractException e) { logger.warn("Error while freespace compute {}", e.getMessage(), e); } } } return freespace; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private String bandwidth() { double drank = (rank <= 0 ? 1 : rank); double dblocksize = blocksize * 8; double size = drank * dblocksize; double time = (stop.getTime() + 1 - start.getTime()); double result = size / time / ((double) 0x100000L) * ((double) 1000); return String.format("%,.2f", result); } private String bandwidthMB() { double drank = (rank <= 0 ? 1 : rank); double dblocksize = blocksize; double size = drank * dblocksize; double time = (stop.getTime() + 1 - start.getTime()); double result = size / time / ((double) 0x100000L) * ((double) 1000); return String.format("%,.2f", result); } private String getHtmlColor() { String color; switch (TASKSTEP.values()[globalstep]) { case NOTASK: color = "Orange"; break; case PRETASK: color = "Yellow"; break; case TRANSFERTASK: color = "LightGreen"; break; case POSTTASK: color = "Turquoise"; break; case ERRORTASK: color = "Red"; break; case ALLDONETASK: color = "Cyan"; break; default: color = ""; } return color; } private String getInfoHtmlColor() { String color; switch (UpdatedInfo.values()[updatedInfo]) { case DONE: color = "Cyan"; break; case INERROR: color = "Red"; break; case INTERRUPTED: color = "Orange"; break; case NOTUPDATED: color = "Yellow"; break; case RUNNING: color = "LightGreen"; break; case TOSUBMIT: color = "Turquoise"; break; case UNKNOWN: color = "Turquoise"; break; default: color = ""; } return color; } /** * @param session * @param running * special info * @return the runner in Html format compatible with the header from headerHtml method */ public String toHtml(R66Session session, String running) { long freespace = freespaceMB(session); String color = getHtmlColor(); String updcolor = getInfoHtmlColor(); return "<td>" + specialId + "</td><td>" + (rule != null ? rule.toShortString() : ruleId) + "</td><td>" + filename + "</td><td>" + fileInformation + "[" + transferInformation + "]" + "</td><td bgcolor=\"" + color + "\">" + TASKSTEP.values()[globalstep] + " (" + TASKSTEP.values()[globallaststep] + ")</td><td>" + step + "</td><td>" + status.mesg + " <b>" + running + "</b></td><td bgcolor=\"" + updcolor + "\">" + UpdatedInfo.values()[updatedInfo].name() + " : " + infostatus.mesg + "</td><td>" + rank + "</td><td>" + blocksize + "</td><td>" + isFileMoved + "</td><td>" + requesterHostId + "</td><td>" + requestedHostId + "</td><td>" + start + "</td><td>" + stop + "</td><td>" + bandwidthMB() + "</td>" + "<td>" + freespace + "</td>"; } /** * @param session * @param body * @param running * special info * @return the runner in Html format specified by body by replacing all instance of fields */ public String toSpecializedHtml(R66Session session, String body, String running) { long freespace = freespaceMB(session); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(body); WaarpStringUtils.replaceAll(builder, "XXXSpecIdXXX", Long.toString(specialId)); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXRulXXX", (rule != null ? rule.toShortString() : ruleId)); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXFileXXX", filename); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXInfoXXX", fileInformation); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXTransXXX", transferInformation); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXStepXXX", TASKSTEP.values()[globalstep] + " (" + TASKSTEP.values()[globallaststep] + ")"); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXCOLXXX", getHtmlColor()); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXActXXX", Integer.toString(step)); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXStatXXX", status.mesg); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXRunningXXX", running); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXInternXXX", UpdatedInfo.values()[updatedInfo].name() + " : " + infostatus.mesg); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXUPDCOLXXX", getInfoHtmlColor()); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXBloXXX", Integer.toString(rank)); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXisSendXXX", Boolean.toString(isSender)); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXisMovXXX", Boolean.toString(isFileMoved)); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXModXXX", TRANSFERMODE.values()[mode].toString()); WaarpStringUtils.replaceAll(builder, "XXXReqrXXX", requesterHostId); WaarpStringUtils.replaceAll(builder, "XXXReqdXXX", requestedHostId); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXStarXXX", start.toString()); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXStopXXX", stop.toString()); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXBandXXX", bandwidthMB()); WaarpStringUtils.replace(builder, "XXXFreeXXX", Long.toString(freespace)); return builder.toString(); } /** * * @return True if the current host is the requested host (to prevent request to itself) */ public boolean isSelfRequested() { if (this.requestedHostId.equals(Configuration.configuration.getHOST_ID()) || this.requestedHostId.equals(Configuration.configuration.getHOST_SSLID())) { // check if not calling itself return (!this.requesterHostId.equals(Configuration.configuration.getHOST_ID()) && !this.requesterHostId .equals(Configuration.configuration.getHOST_SSLID())); } return false; } /** * * @return True if this is a self request and current action is on Requested */ public boolean shallIgnoreSave() { return (isSelfRequest() && ((isSender && getRule().isSendMode()) || (!isSender && getRule().isRecvMode()))); } /** * * @return True if the request is a self request (same host on both side) */ public boolean isSelfRequest() { return ((this.requestedHostId.equals(Configuration.configuration.getHOST_ID()) || this.requestedHostId .equals(Configuration.configuration.getHOST_SSLID())) && (this.requesterHostId .equals(Configuration.configuration.getHOST_ID()) || this.requesterHostId .equals(Configuration.configuration.getHOST_SSLID()))); } /** * * @return the requested HostId */ public String getRequested() { return this.requestedHostId; } /** * * @return the requester HostId */ public String getRequester() { return this.requesterHostId; } /** * @return the start */ public Timestamp getStart() { return start; } /** * @param start * new Start time to apply when reschedule */ public void setStart(Timestamp start) { this.start = start; allFields[Columns.STARTTRANS.ordinal()].setValue(this.start); } /** * @return the stop */ public Timestamp getStop() { return stop; } /** * * @return the associated request */ public RequestPacket getRequest() { String sep = null; if (this.requestedHostId.equals(Configuration.configuration.getHOST_ID()) || this.requestedHostId.equals(Configuration.configuration.getHOST_SSLID())) { sep = PartnerConfiguration.getSeparator(this.requesterHostId); } else { sep = PartnerConfiguration.getSeparator(this.requestedHostId); } return new RequestPacket(ruleId, mode, originalFilename, blocksize, rank, specialId, fileInformation, originalSize, sep); } /** * Used internally * * @return a Key representing the primary key as a unique string */ public String getKey() { return requestedHostId + " " + requesterHostId + " " + specialId; } /** * Construct a new Element with value * * @param name * @param value * @return the new Element */ private static Element newElement(String name, String value) { Element node = new DefaultElement(name); if (value != null) { node.addText(value); } return node; } /** * Need to call 'setToArray' before * * @param runner * @return The Element representing the given Runner * @throws WaarpDatabaseSqlException */ private static Element getElementFromRunner(DbTaskRunner runner) throws WaarpDatabaseSqlException { Element root = new DefaultElement(XMLRUNNER); for (DbValue value : runner.allFields) { if (value.getColumn().equals(Columns.UPDATEDINFO.name()) || value.getColumn().equals(Columns.TRANSFERINFO.name())) { continue; } root.add(newElement(value.getColumn().toLowerCase(), value .getValueAsString())); } return root; } /** * Set the given runner from the root element of the runner itself (XMLRUNNER but not * XMLRUNNERS). Need to call 'setFromArray' after. * * @param runner * @param root * @throws WaarpDatabaseSqlException */ private static void setRunnerFromElement(DbTaskRunner runner, Element root) throws WaarpDatabaseSqlException { for (DbValue value : runner.allFields) { if (value.getColumn().equals(Columns.UPDATEDINFO.name()) || value.getColumn().equals(Columns.TRANSFERINFO.name())) { continue; } Element elt = (Element) root.selectSingleNode(value.getColumn().toLowerCase()); if (elt != null) { String newValue = elt.getText(); value.setValueFromString(newValue); } } runner.allFields[Columns.TRANSFERINFO.ordinal()].setValue("{}"); } /** * Write the selected TaskRunners from PrepareStatement to a XMLWriter * * @param preparedStatement * ready to be executed * @param xmlWriter * @return the NbAndSpecialId for the number of transfer and higher rank found * @throws WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException * @throws WaarpDatabaseSqlException * @throws OpenR66ProtocolBusinessException */ public static NbAndSpecialId writeXML(DbPreparedStatement preparedStatement, XMLWriter xmlWriter) throws WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException, WaarpDatabaseSqlException, OpenR66ProtocolBusinessException { Element root = new DefaultElement(XMLRUNNERS); NbAndSpecialId nbAndSpecialId = new NbAndSpecialId(); try { xmlWriter.writeOpen(root); Element node; while (preparedStatement.getNext()) { DbTaskRunner runner = DbTaskRunner .getFromStatement(preparedStatement); if (nbAndSpecialId.higherSpecialId < runner.specialId) { nbAndSpecialId.higherSpecialId = runner.specialId; } node = DbTaskRunner.getElementFromRunner(runner); xmlWriter.write(node); xmlWriter.flush(); nbAndSpecialId.nb++; } xmlWriter.writeClose(root); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Cannot write XML file", e); throw new OpenR66ProtocolBusinessException("Cannot write file: " + e.getMessage()); } return nbAndSpecialId; } /** * Write selected TaskRunners to a Json String * * @param preparedStatement * @return the associated Json String * @throws WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException * @throws WaarpDatabaseSqlException * @throws OpenR66ProtocolBusinessException */ public static String getJson(DbPreparedStatement preparedStatement, int limit) throws WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException, WaarpDatabaseSqlException, OpenR66ProtocolBusinessException { ArrayNode arrayNode = JsonHandler.createArrayNode(); try { preparedStatement.executeQuery(); LocalTransaction localTransaction = Configuration.configuration.getLocalTransaction(); int nb = 0; while (preparedStatement.getNext()) { DbTaskRunner runner = DbTaskRunner .getFromStatement(preparedStatement); ObjectNode node = runner.getJson(); node.put(Columns.SPECIALID.name(), Long.toString(runner.specialId)); if (localTransaction == null) { node.put("Running", false); } else { node.put("Running", localTransaction.contained(runner.getKey())); } arrayNode.add(node); nb++; if (nb >= limit) { break; } } } finally { preparedStatement.realClose(); } return WaarpStringUtils.cleanJsonForHtml(arrayNode.toString().replaceAll("(\\\"\\{)([^}]+)(\\}\\\")", "{$2}") .replaceAll("([^\\\\])(\\\\\")([a-zA-Z_0-9]+)(\\\\\")", "$1\"$3\"")); } /** * Write selected TaskRunners to an XML file using an XMLWriter * * @param preparedStatement * @param filename * @return the NbAndSpecialId for the number of transfer and higher rank found * @throws WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException * @throws WaarpDatabaseSqlException * @throws OpenR66ProtocolBusinessException */ public static NbAndSpecialId writeXMLWriter(DbPreparedStatement preparedStatement, String filename) throws WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException, WaarpDatabaseSqlException, OpenR66ProtocolBusinessException { NbAndSpecialId nbAndSpecialId = null; OutputStream outputStream = null; XMLWriter xmlWriter = null; boolean isOk = false; try { outputStream = new FileOutputStream(filename); OutputFormat format = OutputFormat.createPrettyPrint(); format.setEncoding(WaarpStringUtils.UTF_8); xmlWriter = new XMLWriter(outputStream, format); preparedStatement.executeQuery(); nbAndSpecialId = writeXML(preparedStatement, xmlWriter); isOk = true; } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { logger.error("Cannot write XML file", e); throw new OpenR66ProtocolBusinessException("File not found"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { logger.error("Cannot write XML file", e); throw new OpenR66ProtocolBusinessException("Unsupported Encoding"); } finally { if (xmlWriter != null) { try { xmlWriter.endDocument(); xmlWriter.flush(); xmlWriter.close(); } catch (SAXException e) { try { outputStream.close(); } catch (IOException e2) { } File file = new File(filename); file.delete(); logger.error("Cannot write XML file", e); throw new OpenR66ProtocolBusinessException("Unsupported Encoding"); } catch (IOException e) { try { outputStream.close(); } catch (IOException e2) { } File file = new File(filename); file.delete(); logger.error("Cannot write XML file", e); throw new OpenR66ProtocolBusinessException("Unsupported Encoding"); } if (!isOk && outputStream != null) { try { outputStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } File file = new File(filename); file.delete(); } } else if (outputStream != null) { try { outputStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } File file = new File(filename); file.delete(); } } return nbAndSpecialId; } /** * Write all TaskRunners to an XML file using an XMLWriter * * @param filename * @throws WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException * @throws WaarpDatabaseSqlException * @throws OpenR66ProtocolBusinessException */ public static void writeXMLWriter(String filename) throws WaarpDatabaseNoConnectionException, WaarpDatabaseSqlException, OpenR66ProtocolBusinessException { String request = "SELECT " + DbTaskRunner.selectAllFields + " FROM " + DbTaskRunner.table + " WHERE " + getLimitWhereCondition(); DbPreparedStatement preparedStatement = null; try { preparedStatement = new DbPreparedStatement( DbConstant.admin.getSession()); preparedStatement.createPrepareStatement(request); writeXMLWriter(preparedStatement, filename); } finally { if (preparedStatement != null) { preparedStatement.realClose(); } } } /** * * @return the backend XML filename for the current TaskRunner in NoDb Client mode */ public String backendXmlFilename() { return Configuration.configuration.getBaseDirectory() + Configuration.configuration.getArchivePath() + R66Dir.SEPARATOR + this.requesterHostId + "_" + this.requestedHostId + "_" + this.specialId + XMLEXTENSION; } /** * * @return the runner as XML * @throws OpenR66ProtocolBusinessException */ public String asXML() throws OpenR66ProtocolBusinessException { Element node; try { node = DbTaskRunner.getElementFromRunner(this); } catch (WaarpDatabaseSqlException e) { logger.error("Cannot read Data", e); throw new OpenR66ProtocolBusinessException("Cannot read Data: " + e.getMessage()); } return node.asXML(); } @Override public ObjectNode getJson() { ObjectNode node = super.getJson(); if (rescheduledTransfer) { node.put(JSON_RESCHEDULE, true); } if (isRecvThrough || isSendThrough) { node.put(JSON_THROUGHMODE, true); } node.put(JSON_ORIGINALSIZE, originalSize); return node; } /** * * @return the Json string for this */ public String getJsonAsString() { ObjectNode node = getJson(); node.put(Columns.SPECIALID.name(), Long.toString(specialId)); LocalTransaction localTransaction = Configuration.configuration.getLocalTransaction(); if (localTransaction == null) { node.put("Running", false); } else { node.put("Running", localTransaction.contained(getKey())); } return WaarpStringUtils.cleanJsonForHtml(JsonHandler.writeAsString(node)); } /** * * @return the DbValue associated with this table */ public static DbValue[] getAllType() { DbTaskRunner item = new DbTaskRunner(null); return item.allFields; } /** * Set the given runner from the root element of the runner itself (XMLRUNNER but not * XMLRUNNERS). Need to call 'setFromArray' after. * * @param runner * @param root */ private static void setRunnerFromElementNoException(DbTaskRunner runner, Element root) { for (DbValue value : runner.allFields) { if (value.getColumn().equals(Columns.UPDATEDINFO.name()) || value.getColumn().equals(Columns.TRANSFERINFO.name())) { continue; } Element elt = (Element) root.selectSingleNode(value.getColumn().toLowerCase()); if (elt != null) { String newValue = elt.getText(); try { value.setValueFromString(newValue); } catch (WaarpDatabaseSqlException e) { // ignore } } } runner.allFields[Columns.TRANSFERINFO.ordinal()].setValue("{}"); } /** * Reload a to submitted runner from a remote partner's log (so reversing isSender should be true) * * @param xml * @param reverse * @return the TaskRunner from the XML source element * @throws OpenR66ProtocolBusinessException */ public static DbTaskRunner fromStringXml(String xml, boolean reverse) throws OpenR66ProtocolBusinessException { Document document; try { document = DocumentHelper.parseText(xml); } catch (DocumentException e1) { logger.warn("Cant parse XML", e1); throw new OpenR66ProtocolBusinessException("Cannot parse the XML input"); } DbTaskRunner runner = new DbTaskRunner(null); setRunnerFromElementNoException(runner, document.getRootElement()); try { runner.setFromArray(); } catch (WaarpDatabaseSqlException e) { logger.error("Cannot read XML", e); throw new OpenR66ProtocolBusinessException("Cannot read XML: " + e.getMessage()); } runner.ownerRequest = Configuration.configuration.getHOST_ID(); if (reverse) { runner.isSender = !runner.isSender; if (runner.isSender) { runner.filename = runner.originalFilename; } } // Void keep stop Timestamp stop = runner.stop; runner.setToArray(); runner.stop = stop; runner.allFields[Columns.STOPTRANS.ordinal()].setValue(stop); return runner; } /** * Method to write the current DbTaskRunner for NoDb client instead of updating DB. 'setToArray' * must be called priorly to be able to store the values. * * @throws OpenR66ProtocolBusinessException */ public void writeXmlWorkNoDb() throws OpenR66ProtocolBusinessException { String filename = backendXmlFilename(); OutputStream outputStream = null; XMLWriter xmlWriter = null; boolean isOk = false; try { outputStream = new FileOutputStream(filename); OutputFormat format = OutputFormat.createPrettyPrint(); format.setEncoding(WaarpStringUtils.UTF_8); xmlWriter = new XMLWriter(outputStream, format); Element root = new DefaultElement(XMLRUNNERS); try { xmlWriter.writeOpen(root); Element node; node = DbTaskRunner.getElementFromRunner(this); xmlWriter.write(node); xmlWriter.flush(); xmlWriter.writeClose(root); isOk = true; } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Cannot write XML file", e); throw new OpenR66ProtocolBusinessException("Cannot write file: " + e.getMessage()); } catch (WaarpDatabaseSqlException e) { logger.error("Cannot write Data", e); throw new OpenR66ProtocolBusinessException("Cannot write Data: " + e.getMessage()); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { logger.error("Cannot write XML file", e); throw new OpenR66ProtocolBusinessException("File not found"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { logger.error("Cannot write XML file", e); throw new OpenR66ProtocolBusinessException("Unsupported Encoding"); } finally { if (xmlWriter != null) { try { xmlWriter.endDocument(); xmlWriter.flush(); xmlWriter.close(); } catch (SAXException e) { try { outputStream.close(); } catch (IOException e2) { } File file = new File(filename); file.delete(); logger.error("Cannot write XML file", e); throw new OpenR66ProtocolBusinessException("Cannot write XML file"); } catch (IOException e) { try { outputStream.close(); } catch (IOException e2) { } File file = new File(filename); file.delete(); logger.error("Cannot write XML file", e); throw new OpenR66ProtocolBusinessException("IO error on XML file", e); } if (!isOk && outputStream != null) { try { outputStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } File file = new File(filename); file.delete(); } } else if (outputStream != null) { try { outputStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } File file = new File(filename); file.delete(); } } } /** * Method to load a previous existing DbTaskRunner for NoDb client from File instead of from DB. * 'setFromArray' must be called after. * * @throws OpenR66ProtocolBusinessException */ public void loadXmlWorkNoDb() throws OpenR66ProtocolBusinessException { String filename = backendXmlFilename(); File file = new File(filename); if (!file.canRead()) { throw new OpenR66ProtocolBusinessException("Backend XML file cannot be read"); } SAXReader reader = new SAXReader(); Document document; try { document = reader.read(file); } catch (DocumentException e) { throw new OpenR66ProtocolBusinessException( "Backend XML file cannot be read as an XML file", e); } Element root = (Element) document.selectSingleNode("/" + XMLRUNNERS + "/" + XMLRUNNER); try { setRunnerFromElement(this, root); } catch (WaarpDatabaseSqlException e) { throw new OpenR66ProtocolBusinessException( "Backend XML file is not conform to the model", e); } } /** * Special function for save or update for Log Import * * @throws WaarpDatabaseException */ private final void insertOrUpdateForLogsImport() throws WaarpDatabaseException { if (dbSession == null) { return; } if (super.exist()) { super.update(); } else { super.insert(); } } /** * Method to load several DbTaskRunner from File logs. * * @param logsFile * File containing logs from export function * @throws OpenR66ProtocolBusinessException */ public static void loadXml(File logsFile) throws OpenR66ProtocolBusinessException { if (!logsFile.canRead()) { throw new OpenR66ProtocolBusinessException("XML file cannot be read"); } SAXReader reader = new SAXReader(); Document document; try { document = reader.read(logsFile); } catch (DocumentException e) { throw new OpenR66ProtocolBusinessException( "XML file cannot be read as an XML file", e); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Element> elts = document.selectNodes("/" + XMLRUNNERS + "/" + XMLRUNNER); boolean error = false; Exception one = null; for (Element element : elts) { DbTaskRunner runnerlog = new DbTaskRunner(DbConstant.admin.getSession()); try { setRunnerFromElement(runnerlog, element); runnerlog.setFromArray(); runnerlog.insertOrUpdateForLogsImport(); } catch (WaarpDatabaseSqlException e) { error = true; one = e; } catch (WaarpDatabaseException e) { error = true; one = e; } } if (error) { throw new OpenR66ProtocolBusinessException( "Backend XML file is not conform to the model", one); } } /** * * @return True if the backend XML for NoDb client is available for this TaskRunner */ public boolean existXmlWorkNoDb() { String filename = backendXmlFilename(); File file = new File(filename); return file.canRead(); } /** * Delete the backend XML file for the current TaskRunner for NoDb Client */ public void deleteXmlWorkNoDb() { File file = new File(backendXmlFilename()); file.delete(); } /** * Utility for "self request" mode only * * @param sender */ public void setSender(boolean sender) { this.isSender = sender; } /** * Helper * * @param request * @return isSender according to request */ public static boolean getSenderByRequestPacket(RequestPacket request) { if (request.isToValidate()) { return RequestPacket.isRecvMode(request.getMode()); } return !RequestPacket.isRecvMode(request.getMode()); } /** * Utility for "self request" * * @param requestToValidate */ public void setSenderByRequestToValidate(boolean requestToValidate) { this.isSender = RequestPacket.isRecvMode(mode); if (!requestToValidate) { this.isSender = !this.isSender; } } /** * Utility to force "update" */ private void setSenderForUpdate() { if (isSelfRequest()) { isSender = RequestPacket.isRecvMode(mode); } } /** * @return the originalSize */ public long getOriginalSize() { return originalSize; } /** * @param originalSize * the originalSize to set */ public void setOriginalSize(long originalSize) { this.originalSize = originalSize; setOriginalSizeTransferMap(originalSize); } /** * * @return the full path for the current file * @throws CommandAbstractException */ public String getFullFilePath() throws CommandAbstractException { if (this.isFileMoved()) { return this.getFilename(); } else { R66File file = new R66File(session, session.getDir(), this.getFilename(), false); return file.getTrueFile().getAbsolutePath(); } } }