/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.tomcat.util.http; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import javax.servlet.http.Cookie; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Test; import org.apache.tomcat.util.buf.MessageBytes; public class TestCookies { private final Cookie FOO = new Cookie("foo", "bar"); private final Cookie FOO_EMPTY = new Cookie("foo", ""); private final Cookie FOO_CONTROL = new Cookie("foo", "b\u00e1r"); private final Cookie BAR = new Cookie("bar", "rab"); private final Cookie BAR_EMPTY = new Cookie("bar", ""); private final Cookie A = new Cookie("a", "b"); private final Cookie HASH_EMPTY = new Cookie("#", ""); private final Cookie $PORT = new Cookie("$Port", "8080"); @Test public void testBasicCookieOld() { doTestBasicCookie(false); } @Test public void testBasicCookieRfc6265() { doTestBasicCookie(true); } private void doTestBasicCookie(boolean useRfc6265) { test(useRfc6265, "foo=bar; a=b", FOO, A); test(useRfc6265, "foo=bar;a=b", FOO, A); test(useRfc6265, "foo=bar;a=b;", FOO, A); test(useRfc6265, "foo=bar;a=b; ", FOO, A); test(useRfc6265, "foo=bar;a=b; ;", FOO, A); } @Test public void testNameOnlyAreDroppedOld() { test(false, "foo=;a=b; ;", A); test(false, "foo;a=b; ;", A); test(false, "foo;a=b;bar", A); test(false, "foo;a=b;bar;", A); test(false, "foo;a=b;bar ", A); test(false, "foo;a=b;bar ;", A); // Bug 49000 Cookie fred = new Cookie("fred", "1"); Cookie jim = new Cookie("jim", "2"); Cookie george = new Cookie("george", "3"); test(false, "fred=1; jim=2; bob", fred, jim); test(false, "fred=1; jim=2; bob; george=3", fred, jim, george); test(false, "fred=1; jim=2; bob=; george=3", fred, jim, george); test(false, "fred=1; jim=2; bob=", fred, jim); } @Test public void testNameOnlyAreDroppedRfc6265() { // Name only cookies are not dropped in RFC6265 test(true, "foo=;a=b; ;", FOO_EMPTY, A); test(true, "foo;a=b; ;", FOO_EMPTY, A); test(true, "foo;a=b;bar", FOO_EMPTY, A, BAR_EMPTY); test(true, "foo;a=b;bar;", FOO_EMPTY, A, BAR_EMPTY); test(true, "foo;a=b;bar ", FOO_EMPTY, A, BAR_EMPTY); test(true, "foo;a=b;bar ;", FOO_EMPTY, A, BAR_EMPTY); // Bug 49000 Cookie fred = new Cookie("fred", "1"); Cookie jim = new Cookie("jim", "2"); Cookie bobEmpty = new Cookie("bob", ""); Cookie george = new Cookie("george", "3"); test(true, "fred=1; jim=2; bob", fred, jim, bobEmpty); test(true, "fred=1; jim=2; bob; george=3", fred, jim, bobEmpty, george); test(true, "fred=1; jim=2; bob=; george=3", fred, jim, bobEmpty, george); test(true, "fred=1; jim=2; bob=", fred, jim, bobEmpty); } @Test public void testQuotedValueOld() { doTestQuotedValue(false); } @Test public void testQuotedValueRfc6265() { doTestQuotedValue(true); } private void doTestQuotedValue(boolean useRfc6265) { test(useRfc6265, "foo=bar;a=\"b\"", FOO, A); test(useRfc6265, "foo=bar;a=\"b\";", FOO, A); } @Test public void testEmptyPairsOld() { test(false, "foo;a=b; ;bar", A); test(false, "foo;a=b;;bar", A); test(false, "foo;a=b; ;;bar=rab", A, BAR); test(false, "foo;a=b;; ;bar=rab", A, BAR); test(false, "foo;a=b;;#;bar=rab", A, BAR); test(false, "foo;a=b;;\\;bar=rab", A, BAR); } @Test public void testEmptyPairsRfc6265() { test(true, "foo;a=b; ;bar", FOO_EMPTY, A, BAR_EMPTY); test(true, "foo;a=b;;bar", FOO_EMPTY, A, BAR_EMPTY); test(true, "foo;a=b; ;;bar=rab", FOO_EMPTY, A, BAR); test(true, "foo;a=b;; ;bar=rab", FOO_EMPTY, A, BAR); test(true, "foo;a=b;;#;bar=rab", FOO_EMPTY, A, HASH_EMPTY, BAR); test(true, "foo;a=b;;\\;bar=rab", FOO_EMPTY, A, BAR); } @Test public void testSeparatorsInValueOld() { doTestSeparatorsInValue(false); } @Test public void testSeparatorsInValueRfc6265() { doTestSeparatorsInValue(true); } private void doTestSeparatorsInValue(boolean useRfc6265) { test(useRfc6265, "a=()<>@:\\\"/[]?={}\t; foo=bar", FOO); } @Test public void v1TokenValueOld() { doV1TokenValue(false); } @Test public void v1TokenValueRfc6265() { doV1TokenValue(true); } private void doV1TokenValue(boolean useRfc6265) { FOO.setVersion(1); A.setVersion(1); test(useRfc6265, "$Version=1; foo=bar;a=b", FOO, A); test(useRfc6265, "$Version=1;foo=bar;a=b; ; ", FOO, A); } @Test public void v1NameOnlyIsDroppedOld() { doV1NameOnlyIsDropped(false); } @Test public void v1NameOnlyIsDroppedRfc6265() { doV1NameOnlyIsDropped(true); } private void doV1NameOnlyIsDropped(boolean useRfc6265) { A.setVersion(1); test(useRfc6265, "$Version=1;foo=;a=b; ; ", A); test(useRfc6265, "$Version=1;foo= ;a=b; ; ", A); test(useRfc6265, "$Version=1;foo;a=b; ; ", A); } @Test public void v1QuotedValueOld() { doV1QuotedValue(false); } @Test public void v1QuotedValueRfc6265() { doV1QuotedValue(true); } private void doV1QuotedValue(boolean useRfc6265) { FOO.setVersion(1); A.setVersion(1); // presumes quotes are removed test(useRfc6265, "$Version=1;foo=\"bar\";a=b; ; ", FOO, A); } @Test public void v1DQuoteInValueOld() { FOO.setValue("b"); FOO.setVersion(1); A.setVersion(1); test(false, "$Version=1;foo=\"b\"ar\";a=b", FOO, A); // Incorrectly escaped. } @Test public void v1DQuoteInValueRfc6265() { A.setVersion(1); test(true, "$Version=1;foo=\"b\"ar\";a=b", A); // Incorrectly escaped. } @Test public void v1QuoteInValueOld() { doV1QuoteInValue(false); } @Test public void v1QuoteInValueRfc6265() { doV1QuoteInValue(true); } private void doV1QuoteInValue(boolean useRfc6265) { FOO.setValue("b'ar"); FOO.setVersion(1); A.setVersion(1); test(useRfc6265, "$Version=1;foo=b'ar;a=b", FOO, A); } @Test public void v1QuoteInQuotedValueOld() { doV1QuoteInQuotedValue(false); } @Test public void v1QuoteInQuotedValueRfc6265() { doV1QuoteInQuotedValue(true); } private void doV1QuoteInQuotedValue(boolean useRfc6265) { FOO.setValue("b'ar"); FOO.setVersion(1); A.setVersion(1); test(useRfc6265, "$Version=1;foo=\"b'ar\";a=b", FOO, A); } @Test public void v1EscapedDQuoteInValueOld() { doV1EscapedDQuoteInValue(false); } @Test public void v1EscapedDQuoteInValueRfc6265() { doV1EscapedDQuoteInValue(true); } private void doV1EscapedDQuoteInValue(boolean useRfc6265) { FOO.setValue("b\"ar"); FOO.setVersion(1); A.setVersion(1); test(useRfc6265, "$Version=1;foo=\"b\\\"ar\";a=b", FOO, A); // correctly escaped. } @Test public void v1QuotedValueEndsInBackslashOld() { doV1QuotedValueEndsInBackslash(false); } @Test public void v1QuotedValueEndsInBackslashRfc6265() { doV1QuotedValueEndsInBackslash(true); } private void doV1QuotedValueEndsInBackslash(boolean useRfc6265) { FOO.setVersion(1); test(useRfc6265, "$Version=1;foo=bar;a=\"b\\\"", FOO); } @Test public void v1MismatchedQuotesOld() { doV1MismatchedQuotes(false); } @Test public void v1MismatchedQuotesRfc6265() { doV1MismatchedQuotes(true); } private void doV1MismatchedQuotes(boolean useRfc6265) { FOO.setVersion(1); test(useRfc6265, "$Version=1;foo=bar;a=\"b\\", FOO); } @Test public void v1SingleQuotesAreValidTokenCharactersOld() { doV1SingleQuotesAreValidTokenCharacters(false); } @Test public void v1SingleQuotesAreValidTokenCharactersRfc6265() { doV1SingleQuotesAreValidTokenCharacters(true); } private void doV1SingleQuotesAreValidTokenCharacters(boolean useRfc6265) { FOO.setVersion(1); FOO.setValue("'bar'"); test(useRfc6265, "$Version=1; foo='bar'", FOO); } @Test public void v1DomainIsParsedOld() { doV1DomainIsParsed(false); } @Test public void v1DomainIsParsedRfc6265() { doV1DomainIsParsed(true); } private void doV1DomainIsParsed(boolean useRfc6265) { FOO.setVersion(1); FOO.setDomain("apache.org"); A.setVersion(1); A.setDomain("yahoo.com"); test(useRfc6265, "$Version=1;foo=\"bar\";$Domain=apache.org;a=b;$Domain=yahoo.com", FOO, A); } @Test public void v1DomainOnlyAffectsPrecedingCookieOld() { doV1DomainOnlyAffectsPrecedingCookie(false); } @Test public void v1DomainOnlyAffectsPrecedingCookieRfc6265() { doV1DomainOnlyAffectsPrecedingCookie(true); } private void doV1DomainOnlyAffectsPrecedingCookie(boolean useRfc6265) { FOO.setVersion(1); FOO.setDomain("apache.org"); A.setVersion(1); test(useRfc6265, "$Version=1;foo=\"bar\";$Domain=apache.org;a=b", FOO, A); } @Test public void v1PortIsIgnoredOld() { FOO.setVersion(1); FOO.setDomain("apache.org"); A.setVersion(1); test(false, "$Version=1;foo=\"bar\";$Domain=apache.org;$Port=8080;a=b", FOO, A); } @Test public void v1PortIsIgnoredRfc6265() { FOO.setVersion(1); FOO.setDomain("apache.org"); $PORT.setVersion(1); A.setVersion(1); test(true, "$Version=1;foo=\"bar\";$Domain=apache.org;$Port=8080;a=b", FOO, $PORT, A); } @Test public void v1PathAffectsPrecedingCookieOld() { doV1PathAffectsPrecedingCookie(false); } @Test public void v1PathAffectsPrecedingCookieRfc6265() { doV1PathAffectsPrecedingCookie(true); } private void doV1PathAffectsPrecedingCookie(boolean useRfc6265) { FOO.setVersion(1); FOO.setPath("/examples"); A.setVersion(1); test(useRfc6265, "$Version=1;foo=\"bar\";$Path=/examples;a=b; ; ", FOO, A); } @Test public void rfc2109Version0Old() { // rfc2109 semantically does not allow $Version to be 0 but it is valid syntax test(false, "$Version=0;foo=bar", FOO); } @Test public void rfc2109Version0Rfc6265() { // RFC6265 will parse explicit version 0 using RFC2109 test(true, "$Version=0;foo=bar", FOO); } @Test public void disallow8bitInName() { // Bug 55917 test(true, "f\u00f6o=bar"); } @Test public void disallowControlInName() { // Bug 55917 test(true, "f\010o=bar"); } @Test public void disallow8BitControlInName() { // Bug 55917 test(true, "f\210o=bar"); } @Test public void allow8BitInV0Value() { // Bug 55917 test(true, "foo=b\u00e1r", FOO_CONTROL); } @Test public void disallow8bitInV1UnquotedValue() { // Bug 55917 test(true, "$Version=1; foo=b\u00e1r"); } @Test public void allow8bitInV1QuotedValue() { // Bug 55917 FOO_CONTROL.setVersion(1); test(true, "$Version=1; foo=\"b\u00e1r\"", FOO_CONTROL); } @Test public void disallowControlInV0Value() { // Bug 55917 test(true, "foo=b\010r"); } @Test public void disallowControlInV1UnquotedValue() { // Bug 55917 test(true, "$Version=1; foo=b\010r"); } @Test public void disallowControlInV1QuotedValue() { // Bug 55917 / Bug 55918 test(true, "$Version=1; foo=\"b\010r\""); } @Test public void disallow8BitControlInV1UnquotedValue() { // Bug 55917 test(true, "$Version=1; foo=b\210r"); } @Test public void testJsonInV0() { // Bug 55921 test(true, "{\"a\":true, \"b\":false};a=b", A); } @Test public void testJsonInV1() { // Bug 55921 A.setVersion(1); test(true, "$Version=1;{\"a\":true, \"b\":false};a=b", A); } @Test public void testSkipSemicolonOrComma() { // V1 cookies can also use commas to separate cookies FOO.setVersion(1); A.setVersion(1); test(true, "$Version=1;x\tx=yyy,foo=bar;a=b", FOO, A); } @Test public void testBug60788Rfc6265() { doTestBug60788(true); } @Test public void testBug60788Rfc2109() { doTestBug60788(false); } private void doTestBug60788(boolean useRfc6265) { Cookie expected = new Cookie("userId", "foo"); expected.setVersion(1); if (useRfc6265) { expected.setDomain("\"www.example.org\""); expected.setPath("\"/\""); } else { // The legacy processor removes the quotes for domain and path expected.setDomain("www.example.org"); expected.setPath("/"); } test(useRfc6265, "$Version=\"1\"; userId=\"foo\";$Path=\"/\";$Domain=\"www.example.org\"", expected); } private void test(boolean useRfc6265, String header, Cookie... expected) { MimeHeaders mimeHeaders = new MimeHeaders(); ServerCookies serverCookies = new ServerCookies(4); CookieProcessor cookieProcessor; if (useRfc6265) { cookieProcessor = new Rfc6265CookieProcessor(); } else { cookieProcessor = new LegacyCookieProcessor(); } MessageBytes cookieHeaderValue = mimeHeaders.addValue("Cookie"); byte[] bytes = header.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); cookieHeaderValue.setBytes(bytes, 0, bytes.length); cookieProcessor.parseCookieHeader(mimeHeaders, serverCookies); Assert.assertEquals(expected.length, serverCookies.getCookieCount()); for (int i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) { Cookie cookie = expected[i]; ServerCookie actual = serverCookies.getCookie(i); Assert.assertEquals(cookie.getVersion(), actual.getVersion()); Assert.assertEquals(cookie.getName(), actual.getName().toString()); actual.getValue().getByteChunk().setCharset(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); Assert.assertEquals(cookie.getValue(), org.apache.tomcat.util.http.parser.Cookie.unescapeCookieValueRfc2109( actual.getValue().toString())); if (cookie.getVersion() == 1) { Assert.assertEquals(cookie.getDomain(), actual.getDomain().toString()); Assert.assertEquals(cookie.getPath(), actual.getPath().toString()); } } } }