package codechicken.nei.recipe; import codechicken.nei.PositionedStack; import codechicken.nei.api.IOverlayHandler; import codechicken.nei.api.IRecipeOverlayRenderer; import net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiContainer; import net.minecraft.inventory.Container; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import org.lwjgl.input.Keyboard; import java.util.List; /** * Do not implement this. Implement one of it's subinterfaces, either {@link ICraftingHandler} or {@link IUsageHandler} */ public interface IRecipeHandler { /** * * @return The name of this inventory. * To be displayed at the top of the viewing container. */ public String getRecipeName(); /** * * @return The number of recipes that this handler contains. */ public int numRecipes(); /** * Draw the background of this recipe handler (basically the slot layout image). * @param gui A GuiManager for drawing functions. * @param recipe The recipe index to draw at this position. */ public void drawBackground(int recipe); /** * Draw the foreground of this recipe handler (for things like progress bars). * @param gui A GuiManager for drawing functions. * @param recipe The recipe index to draw at this position. */ public void drawForeground(int recipe); /** * * @param recipe The recipe index to get items for. * @return A list of the ingredient {@link PositionedStack}s in this recipe relative to the top left corner of your recipe drawing space. */ public List<PositionedStack> getIngredientStacks(int recipe); /** * * @param recipe The recipe index to get items for. * @return A list of the other {@link PositionedStack}s in this recipe relative to the top left corner of your recipe drawing space. For example fuel in furnaces. */ public List<PositionedStack> getOtherStacks(int recipetype); /** * * @param recipe The recipe index to get the result for. * @return The recipe result {@link PositionedStack} relative to the top left corner of your recipe drawing space. */ public PositionedStack getResultStack(int recipe); /** * A tick function called for updating progress bars and cycling damage items. */ public void onUpdate(); /** * * @param recipe The recipe index to check for. * @param gui The GUI to overlay. * @param container The container of the GUI. * @return true if this recipe can render an overlay for the specified type of inventory GUI. */ public boolean hasOverlay(GuiContainer gui, Container container, int recipe); /** * * @param recipe The recipe index to get the overlay renderer for. * @return An instance of {@link IRecipeOverlayRenderer} to be used for rendering the overlay of this specific recipe. */ public IRecipeOverlayRenderer getOverlayRenderer(GuiContainer gui, int recipe); /** * * @param recipe The recipe index to get the overlay renderer for. * @return An instance of {@link IOverlayHandler} to be used for rendering the overlay of this specific recipe. */ public IOverlayHandler getOverlayHandler(GuiContainer gui, int recipe); /** * * @return The number of recipes that can fit on a page in the viewer (1 or 2) */ public int recipiesPerPage(); /** * * @param gui An instance of the currentscreen * @param currenttip The current tooltip, will contain item name and info * @param recipe The recipe index being handled * @return The modified tooltip. DO NOT return null */ public List<String> handleTooltip(GuiRecipe gui, List<String> currenttip, int recipe); /** * * @param gui An instance of the currentscreen * @param The itemstack currently under the mouse * @param The current tooltip, will contain item name and info * @param recipe The recipe index being handled * @return The modified tooltip. DO NOT return null */ public List<String> handleItemTooltip(GuiRecipe gui, ItemStack stack, List<String> currenttip, int recipe); /** * * @param gui An instance of the currentscreen * @param keyChar The character representing the keyPress * @param keyCode The KeyCode as defined in {@link Keyboard} * @return true to terminate further processing of this event. */ public boolean keyTyped(GuiRecipe gui, char keyChar, int keyCode, int recipe); /** * * @param gui An instance of the currentscreen * @param button The button index being pressed, {0 = Left Click, 1 = Right Click, 2 = Middle Click} * @return true to terminate further processing of this event. */ public boolean mouseClicked(GuiRecipe gui, int button, int recipe); }