package codechicken.nei.guihook; import net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiContainer; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; /** * Provides more general gui calls as well as functions for more integration between objects */ public interface IContainerObjectHandler { /** * Called once per tick in the gui. * @param gui An instance of the currentscreen */ public void guiTick(GuiContainer gui); /** * Called when the same gui is reshown. * @param gui An instance of the currentscreen */ public void refresh(GuiContainer gui); /** * Called when the gui is shown * @param gui An instance of the currentscreen */ public void load(GuiContainer gui); /** * Do not return an item that is handled somewhere else * @param gui An instance of the currentscreen * @param mousex The x position of the mouse in pixels from left * @param mousey The y position of the mouse in pixels from top * @return The itemstack from one of your objects that the mouse is hovering over */ public ItemStack getStackUnderMouse(GuiContainer gui, int mousex, int mousey); /** * @param gui An instance of the currentscreen * @param mousex The x position of the mouse in pixels from left * @param mousey The y position of the mouse in pixels from top * @return true if there is an object of yours obscuring the slot that the mouse would otherwise be hovering over. */ public boolean objectUnderMouse(GuiContainer gui, int mousex, int mousey); /** * @param gui An instance of the currentscreen * @return false if tooltips should not be shown. Eg. if you have a custom object being held */ public boolean shouldShowTooltip(GuiContainer gui); }