package codechicken.nei; import codechicken.lib.vec.Rectangle4i; import codechicken.nei.api.GuiInfo; import codechicken.nei.api.INEIGuiHandler; import codechicken.nei.guihook.GuiContainerManager; import codechicken.nei.recipe.GuiCraftingRecipe; import codechicken.nei.recipe.GuiRecipe; import codechicken.nei.recipe.GuiUsageRecipe; import net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiContainer; import net.minecraft.inventory.Slot; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import java.util.ArrayList; import static codechicken.lib.gui.GuiDraw.drawRect; public class ItemPanel extends Widget { /** * Should not be externally modified, use updateItemList */ public static ArrayList<ItemStack> items = new ArrayList<ItemStack>(); /** * Swapped into visible items on update */ private static ArrayList<ItemStack> _items = items; public static void updateItemList(ArrayList<ItemStack> newItems) { _items = newItems; } public class ItemPanelSlot { public ItemStack item; public int slotIndex; public ItemPanelSlot(int index) { item = items.get(index); slotIndex = index; } } public ItemStack draggedStack; public int mouseDownSlot = -1; private int marginLeft; private int marginTop; private int rows; private int columns; private boolean[] validSlotMap; private int firstIndex; private int itemsPerPage; private int page; private int numPages; public void resize() { items = _items; marginLeft = x + (w % 18) / 2; marginTop = y + (h % 18) / 2; columns = w / 18; rows = h / 18; //sometimes width and height can be negative with certain resizing if(rows < 0) rows = 0; if(columns < 0) columns = 0; calculatePage(); updateValidSlots(); } private void calculatePage() { if (itemsPerPage == 0) numPages = 0; else numPages = (int) Math.ceil((float) items.size() / (float) itemsPerPage); if (firstIndex >= items.size()) firstIndex = 0; if (numPages == 0) page = 0; else page = firstIndex / itemsPerPage + 1; } private void updateValidSlots() { GuiContainer gui = NEIClientUtils.getGuiContainer(); validSlotMap = new boolean[rows * columns]; itemsPerPage = 0; for (int i = 0; i < validSlotMap.length; i++) if (slotValid(gui, i)) { validSlotMap[i] = true; itemsPerPage++; } } private boolean slotValid(GuiContainer gui, int i) { Rectangle4i rect = getSlotRect(i); for (INEIGuiHandler handler : GuiInfo.guiHandlers) if (handler.hideItemPanelSlot(gui, rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h)) return false; return true; } public Rectangle4i getSlotRect(int i) { return getSlotRect(i / columns, i % columns); } public Rectangle4i getSlotRect(int row, int column) { return new Rectangle4i(marginLeft + column * 18, marginTop + row * 18, 18, 18); } @Override public void draw(int mousex, int mousey) { if (itemsPerPage == 0) return; GuiContainerManager.enableMatrixStackLogging(); int index = firstIndex; for (int i = 0; i < rows * columns && index < items.size(); i++) { if (validSlotMap[i]) { Rectangle4i rect = getSlotRect(i); if (rect.contains(mousex, mousey)) drawRect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h, 0xee555555);//highlight GuiContainerManager.drawItem(rect.x + 1, rect.y + 1, items.get(index)); index++; } } GuiContainerManager.disableMatrixStackLogging(); } @Override public void postDraw(int mousex, int mousey) { if (draggedStack != null) { GuiContainerManager.drawItems.zLevel += 100; GuiContainerManager.drawItem(mousex - 8, mousey - 8, draggedStack); GuiContainerManager.drawItems.zLevel -= 100; } } @Override public void mouseDragged(int mousex, int mousey, int button, long heldTime) { if (mouseDownSlot >= 0 && draggedStack == null && NEIClientUtils.getHeldItem() == null && NEIClientConfig.hasSMPCounterPart() && !GuiInfo.hasCustomSlots(NEIClientUtils.getGuiContainer())) { ItemPanelSlot mouseOverSlot = getSlotMouseOver(mousex, mousey); ItemStack stack = new ItemPanelSlot(mouseDownSlot).item; if (stack != null && (mouseOverSlot == null || mouseOverSlot.slotIndex != mouseDownSlot || heldTime > 500)) { int amount = NEIClientConfig.getItemQuantity(); if (amount == 0) amount = stack.getMaxStackSize(); draggedStack = NEIServerUtils.copyStack(stack, amount); } } } @Override public boolean handleClick(int mousex, int mousey, int button) { if (handleDraggedClick(mousex, mousey, button)) return true; if (NEIClientUtils.getHeldItem() != null) { for (INEIGuiHandler handler : GuiInfo.guiHandlers) if (handler.hideItemPanelSlot(NEIClientUtils.getGuiContainer(), mousex, mousey, 1, 1)) return false; if (NEIClientConfig.canPerformAction("delete") && NEIClientConfig.canPerformAction("item")) if (button == 1) NEIClientUtils.decreaseSlotStack(-999); else NEIClientUtils.deleteHeldItem(); else NEIClientUtils.dropHeldItem(); return true; } ItemPanelSlot hoverSlot = getSlotMouseOver(mousex, mousey); if (hoverSlot != null) { if (button == 2) { ItemStack stack = hoverSlot.item; if (stack != null) { int amount = NEIClientConfig.getItemQuantity(); if (amount == 0) amount = stack.getMaxStackSize(); draggedStack = NEIServerUtils.copyStack(stack, amount); } } else { mouseDownSlot = hoverSlot.slotIndex; } return true; } return false; } private boolean handleDraggedClick(int mousex, int mousey, int button) { if (draggedStack == null) return false; GuiContainer gui = NEIClientUtils.getGuiContainer(); boolean handled = false; for (INEIGuiHandler handler : GuiInfo.guiHandlers) if (handler.handleDragNDrop(gui, mousex, mousey, draggedStack, button)) { handled = true; if (draggedStack.stackSize == 0) { draggedStack = null; return true; } } if (handled) return true; Slot overSlot = gui.getSlotAtPosition(mousex, mousey); if (overSlot != null && overSlot.isItemValid(draggedStack)) { if (NEIClientConfig.canCheatItem(draggedStack)) { int contents = overSlot.getHasStack() ? overSlot.getStack().stackSize : 0; int add = button == 0 ? draggedStack.stackSize : 1; if (overSlot.getHasStack() && !NEIServerUtils.areStacksSameType(draggedStack, overSlot.getStack())) contents = 0; int total = Math.min(contents + add, Math.min(overSlot.getSlotStackLimit(), draggedStack.getMaxStackSize())); if (total > contents) { NEIClientUtils.setSlotContents(overSlot.slotNumber, NEIServerUtils.copyStack(draggedStack, total), true); NEICPH.sendGiveItem(NEIServerUtils.copyStack(draggedStack, total), false, false); draggedStack.stackSize -= total - contents; } if (draggedStack.stackSize == 0) draggedStack = null; } else { draggedStack = null; } } else if (mousex < gui.guiLeft || mousey < gui.guiTop || mousex >= gui.guiLeft + gui.xSize || mousey >= gui.guiTop + gui.ySize) { draggedStack = null; } return true; } @Override public boolean handleClickExt(int mousex, int mousey, int button) { return handleDraggedClick(mousex, mousey, button); } @Override public void mouseUp(int mousex, int mousey, int button) { ItemPanelSlot hoverSlot = getSlotMouseOver(mousex, mousey); if (hoverSlot != null && hoverSlot.slotIndex == mouseDownSlot && draggedStack == null) { ItemStack item = hoverSlot.item; if (NEIController.manager.window instanceof GuiRecipe || !NEIClientConfig.canCheatItem(item)) { if (button == 0) GuiCraftingRecipe.openRecipeGui("item", item); else if (button == 1) GuiUsageRecipe.openRecipeGui("item", item); draggedStack = null; mouseDownSlot = -1; return; } NEIClientUtils.cheatItem(item, button, -1); } mouseDownSlot = -1; } @Override public boolean onMouseWheel(int i, int mousex, int mousey) { if (!contains(mousex, mousey)) return false; scroll(-i); return true; } @Override public boolean handleKeyPress(int keyID, char keyChar) { if (keyID == NEIClientConfig.getKeyBinding("")) { scroll(1); return true; } if (keyID == NEIClientConfig.getKeyBinding("gui.prev")) { scroll(-1); return true; } return false; } @Override public ItemStack getStackMouseOver(int mousex, int mousey) { ItemPanelSlot slot = getSlotMouseOver(mousex, mousey); return slot == null ? null : slot.item; } public ItemPanelSlot getSlotMouseOver(int mousex, int mousey) { int index = firstIndex; for (int i = 0; i < rows * columns && index < items.size(); i++) if (validSlotMap[i]) { if (getSlotRect(i).contains(mousex, mousey)) return new ItemPanelSlot(index); index++; } return null; } public void scroll(int i) { if (itemsPerPage != 0) { int oldIndex = firstIndex; firstIndex += i * itemsPerPage; if (firstIndex >= items.size()) firstIndex = 0; if (firstIndex < 0) if (oldIndex > 0) firstIndex = 0; else firstIndex = (items.size() - 1) / itemsPerPage * itemsPerPage; calculatePage(); } } public int getPage() { return page; } public int getNumPages() { return numPages; } @Override public boolean contains(int px, int py) { GuiContainer gui = NEIClientUtils.getGuiContainer(); Rectangle4i rect = new Rectangle4i(px, py, 1, 1); for (INEIGuiHandler handler : GuiInfo.guiHandlers) if (handler.hideItemPanelSlot(gui, rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h)) return false; return super.contains(px, py); } }