package codechicken.nei.guihook; import net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiContainer; import org.lwjgl.input.Keyboard; public interface IContainerInputHandler { /** * Only use this for things like input boxes that have to be 'focused' first and will not conflict with others * @param gui An instance of the currentscreen * @param keyChar The character representing the keyPress * @param keyCode The KeyCode as defined in {@link Keyboard} * @return true to terminate further processing of this event. */ public boolean keyTyped(GuiContainer gui, char keyChar, int keyCode); /** * This version of keyTyped is passive and will be called on every input handler before keyTyped is processed * @param gui An instance of the currentscreen * @param keyChar The character representing the keyPress * @param keyID The KeyCode as defined in {@link Keyboard} */ public void onKeyTyped(GuiContainer gui, char keyChar, int keyID); /** * This version of keyTyped is called if the key event has not been handled by the first pass, use this for key bindings that work globally * @param gui An instance of the currentscreen * @param keyChar The character representing the keyPress * @param keyID The KeyCode as defined in {@link Keyboard} * @return true to terminate further processing of this event. */ public boolean lastKeyTyped(GuiContainer gui, char keyChar, int keyID); /** * Called when the mouse is clicked in the gui * @param gui An instance of the currentscreen * @param mousex The x position of the mouse in pixels from left * @param mousey The y position of the mouse in pixels from top * @param button The button index being pressed, {0 = Left Click, 1 = Right Click, 2 = Middle Click} * @return true to terminate further processing of this event. */ public boolean mouseClicked(GuiContainer gui, int mousex, int mousey, int button); /** * This version of mouseClicked is passive and will be called on every input handler before mouseClicked is processed * @param gui An instance of the currentscreen * @param mousex The x position of the mouse in pixels from left * @param mousey The y position of the mouse in pixels from top * @param button The button index being pressed, {0 = Left Click, 1 = Right Click, 2 = Middle Click} */ public void onMouseClicked(GuiContainer gui, int mousex, int mousey, int button); /** * @param gui An instance of the currentscreen * @param mousex The x position of the mouse in pixels from left * @param mousey The y position of the mouse in pixels from top * @param button The button index being released, {0 = Left Click, 1 = Right Click, 2 = Middle Click} */ public void onMouseUp(GuiContainer gui, int mousex, int mousey, int button); /** * @param gui An instance of the currentscreen * @param mousex The x position of the mouse in pixels from left * @param mousey The y position of the mouse in pixels from top * @param scrolled The number of notches scrolled. Positive for up. * @return true to terminate further processing of this event. */ public boolean mouseScrolled(GuiContainer gui, int mousex, int mousey, int scrolled); /** * This version of mouseScrolled is passive and will be called on every input handler before mouseScrolled is processed * @param gui An instance of the currentscreen * @param mousex The x position of the mouse in pixels from left * @param mousey The y position of the mouse in pixels from top * @param scrolled The number of notches scrolled. Positive for up. */ public void onMouseScrolled(GuiContainer gui, int mousex, int mousey, int scrolled); /** * This version of mouseClicked is passive and will be called on every input handler before mouseClicked is processed * @param gui An instance of the currentscreen * @param mousex The x position of the mouse in pixels from left * @param mousey The y position of the mouse in pixels from top * @param button The button index being pressed, {0 = Left Click, 1 = Right Click, 2 = Middle Click} * @param heldTime The number of milliseconds since the button was first pressed */ public void onMouseDragged(GuiContainer gui, int mousex, int mousey, int button, long heldTime); }