* Copyright (c) 2013, OpenCloudDB/MyCAT and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software;Designed and Developed mainly by many Chinese
* opensource volunteers. you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as published by the
* Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Any questions about this component can be directed to it's project Web address
* https://code.google.com/p/opencloudb/.
package org.opencloudb.route;
import java.sql.SQLNonTransientException;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Set;
import junit.framework.Assert;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.opencloudb.SimpleCachePool;
import org.opencloudb.cache.LayerCachePool;
import org.opencloudb.config.loader.SchemaLoader;
import org.opencloudb.config.loader.xml.XMLSchemaLoader;
import org.opencloudb.config.model.SchemaConfig;
import org.opencloudb.config.model.SystemConfig;
import org.opencloudb.mpp.JoinRel;
import org.opencloudb.mpp.SelectSQLAnalyser;
import org.opencloudb.parser.SQLParserDelegate;
import org.opencloudb.server.parser.ServerParse;
* @author mycat
public class ServerRouteUtilTest extends TestCase {
protected Map<String, SchemaConfig> schemaMap;
protected LayerCachePool cachePool = new SimpleCachePool();
public ServerRouteUtilTest() {
String schemaFile = "/route/schema.xml";
String ruleFile = "/route/rule.xml";
SchemaLoader schemaLoader = new XMLSchemaLoader(schemaFile, ruleFile);
schemaMap = schemaLoader.getSchemas();
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
// super.setUp();
// schemaMap = CobarServer.getInstance().getConfig().getSchemas();
public void testRouteInsertShort() throws Exception {
String sql = "inSErt into offer_detail (`offer_id`, gmt) values (123,now())";
SchemaConfig schema = schemaMap.get("cndb");
RouteResultset rrs = ServerRouterUtil.route(new SystemConfig(),schema, -1, sql, null,
null, cachePool);
Assert.assertEquals(1, rrs.getNodes().length);
Assert.assertEquals(false, rrs.isCacheAble());
Assert.assertEquals(-1l, rrs.getLimitSize());
Assert.assertEquals("detail_dn[15]", rrs.getNodes()[0].getName());
"inSErt into offer_detail (`offer_id`, gmt) values (123,now())",
sql = "inSErt into offer_detail ( gmt) values (now())";
schema = schemaMap.get("cndb");
try {
rrs = ServerRouterUtil
.route(new SystemConfig(),schema, -1, sql, null, null, cachePool);
} catch (Exception e) {
String msg = "bad insert sql (sharding column:";
sql = "inSErt into offer_detail (offer_id, gmt) values (123,now())";
schema = schemaMap.get("cndb");
rrs = ServerRouterUtil.route(new SystemConfig(),schema, -1, sql, null, null, cachePool);
Assert.assertEquals(1, rrs.getNodes().length);
Assert.assertEquals(false, rrs.isCacheAble());
Assert.assertEquals(-1l, rrs.getLimitSize());
Assert.assertEquals("detail_dn[15]", rrs.getNodes()[0].getName());
"inSErt into offer_detail (offer_id, gmt) values (123,now())",
sql = "insert into offer(group_id,offer_id,member_id)values(234,123,'abc')";
schema = schemaMap.get("cndb");
rrs = ServerRouterUtil.route(new SystemConfig(),schema, -1, sql, null, null, cachePool);
Assert.assertEquals(1, rrs.getNodes().length);
Assert.assertEquals(false, rrs.isCacheAble());
Assert.assertEquals(-1l, rrs.getLimitSize());
Assert.assertEquals("offer_dn[12]", rrs.getNodes()[0].getName());
"insert into offer(group_id,offer_id,member_id)values(234,123,'abc')",
public void testGlobalTableroute() throws Exception {
String sql = null;
SchemaConfig schema = schemaMap.get("TESTDB");
RouteResultset rrs = null;
// select of global table route to only one datanode defined
sql = "select * from company where company.name like 'aaa'";
schema = schemaMap.get("TESTDB");
rrs = ServerRouterUtil.route(new SystemConfig(),schema, -1, sql, null, null, cachePool);
Assert.assertEquals(1, rrs.getNodes().length);
Assert.assertEquals(false, rrs.isCacheAble());
// query of global table only route to one datanode
sql = "insert into company (id,name,level) values(111,'company1',3)";
schema = schemaMap.get("TESTDB");
rrs = ServerRouterUtil.route(new SystemConfig(),schema, -1, sql, null, null, cachePool);
Assert.assertEquals(3, rrs.getNodes().length);
Assert.assertEquals(false, rrs.isCacheAble());
// update of global table route to every datanode defined
sql = "update company set name=name+aaa";
schema = schemaMap.get("TESTDB");
rrs = ServerRouterUtil.route(new SystemConfig(),schema, -1, sql, null, null, cachePool);
Assert.assertEquals(3, rrs.getNodes().length);
Assert.assertEquals(false, rrs.isCacheAble());
// company is global table ,will route to differnt tables
schema = schemaMap.get("TESTDB");
sql = "select * from company A where a.sharding_id=10001 union select * from company B where B.sharding_id =10010";
Set<String> nodeSet = new HashSet<String>();
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
rrs = ServerRouterUtil.route(new SystemConfig(),schema, 1, sql, null, null, cachePool);
Assert.assertEquals(false, rrs.isCacheAble());
Assert.assertEquals(1, rrs.getNodes().length);
Assert.assertEquals(true, nodeSet.size() > 1);
public void testMoreGlobalTableroute() throws Exception {
String sql = null;
SchemaConfig schema = schemaMap.get("TESTDB");
RouteResultset rrs = null;
// select of global table route to only one datanode defined
sql = "select * from company,area where area.company_id=company.id ";
schema = schemaMap.get("TESTDB");
rrs = ServerRouterUtil.route(new SystemConfig(),schema, -1, sql, null, null, cachePool);
Assert.assertEquals(1, rrs.getNodes().length);
Assert.assertEquals(false, rrs.isCacheAble());
public void testRouteMultiTables() throws Exception {
// company is global table ,route to 3 datanode and ignored in route
String sql = "select * from company,customer ,orders where customer.company_id=company.id and orders.customer_id=customer.id and company.name like 'aaa' limit 10";
SchemaConfig schema = schemaMap.get("TESTDB");
RouteResultset rrs = ServerRouterUtil.route(new SystemConfig(),schema, -1, sql, null,
null, cachePool);
Assert.assertEquals(2, rrs.getNodes().length);
Assert.assertEquals(true, rrs.isCacheAble());
Assert.assertEquals(10, rrs.getLimitSize());
Assert.assertEquals("dn1", rrs.getNodes()[0].getName());
Assert.assertEquals("dn2", rrs.getNodes()[1].getName());
public void testRouteCache() throws Exception {
// select cache ID
this.cachePool.putIfAbsent("TESTDB_EMPLOYEE", "88", "dn2");
SchemaConfig schema = schemaMap.get("TESTDB");
String sql = "select * from employee where id=88";
RouteResultset rrs = ServerRouterUtil.route(new SystemConfig(),schema, -1, sql, null,
null, cachePool);
Assert.assertEquals(1, rrs.getNodes().length);
Assert.assertEquals(true, rrs.isCacheAble());
Assert.assertEquals(null, rrs.getPrimaryKey());
Assert.assertEquals(100, rrs.getLimitSize());
Assert.assertEquals("dn2", rrs.getNodes()[0].getName());
// select cache ID not found ,return all node and rrst not cached
sql = "select * from employee where id=89";
rrs = ServerRouterUtil.route(new SystemConfig(),schema, -1, sql, null, null, cachePool);
Assert.assertEquals(2, rrs.getNodes().length);
Assert.assertEquals(false, rrs.isCacheAble());
Assert.assertEquals("TESTDB_EMPLOYEE.ID", rrs.getPrimaryKey());
Assert.assertEquals(-1, rrs.getLimitSize());
// update cache ID found
sql = "update employee set name='aaa' where id=88";
rrs = ServerRouterUtil.route(new SystemConfig(),schema, -1, sql, null, null, cachePool);
Assert.assertEquals(1, rrs.getNodes().length);
Assert.assertEquals(false, rrs.isCacheAble());
Assert.assertEquals(null, rrs.getPrimaryKey());
Assert.assertEquals("dn2", rrs.getNodes()[0].getName());
// delete cache ID found
sql = "delete from employee where id=88";
rrs = ServerRouterUtil.route(new SystemConfig(),schema, -1, sql, null, null, cachePool);
Assert.assertEquals(1, rrs.getNodes().length);
Assert.assertEquals(false, rrs.isCacheAble());
Assert.assertEquals("dn2", rrs.getNodes()[0].getName());
private static Map<String, RouteResultsetNode> getNodeMap(
RouteResultset rrs, int expectSize) {
RouteResultsetNode[] routeNodes = rrs.getNodes();
Assert.assertEquals(expectSize, routeNodes.length);
Map<String, RouteResultsetNode> nodeMap = new HashMap<String, RouteResultsetNode>(
expectSize, 1);
for (int i = 0; i < expectSize; i++) {
RouteResultsetNode routeNode = routeNodes[i];
nodeMap.put(routeNode.getName(), routeNode);
Assert.assertEquals(expectSize, nodeMap.size());
return nodeMap;
private static interface NodeNameDeconstructor {
public int getNodeIndex(String name);
private static class NodeNameAsserter implements NodeNameDeconstructor {
private String[] expectNames;
public NodeNameAsserter() {
public NodeNameAsserter(String... expectNames) {
this.expectNames = expectNames;
protected void setNames(String[] expectNames) {
this.expectNames = expectNames;
public void assertRouteNodeNames(Collection<String> nodeNames) {
Assert.assertEquals(expectNames.length, nodeNames.size());
for (String name : expectNames) {
public int getNodeIndex(String name) {
for (int i = 0; i < expectNames.length; ++i) {
if (name.equals(expectNames[i])) {
return i;
throw new NoSuchElementException("route node " + name
+ " dosn't exist!");
private static class IndexedNodeNameAsserter extends NodeNameAsserter {
* @param from
* included
* @param to
* excluded
public IndexedNodeNameAsserter(String prefix, int from, int to) {
String[] names = new String[to - from];
for (int i = 0; i < names.length; ++i) {
names[i] = prefix + "[" + (i + from) + "]";
private static class RouteNodeAsserter {
private NodeNameDeconstructor deconstructor;
private SQLAsserter sqlAsserter;
public RouteNodeAsserter(NodeNameDeconstructor deconstructor,
SQLAsserter sqlAsserter) {
this.deconstructor = deconstructor;
this.sqlAsserter = sqlAsserter;
public void assertNode(RouteResultsetNode node) throws Exception {
int nodeIndex = deconstructor.getNodeIndex(node.getName());
sqlAsserter.assertSQL(node.getStatement(), nodeIndex);
private static interface SQLAsserter {
public void assertSQL(String sql, int nodeIndex) throws Exception;
private static class SimpleSQLAsserter implements SQLAsserter {
private Map<Integer, Set<String>> map = new HashMap<Integer, Set<String>>();
public SimpleSQLAsserter addExpectSQL(int nodeIndex, String sql) {
Set<String> set = map.get(nodeIndex);
if (set == null) {
set = new HashSet<String>();
map.put(nodeIndex, set);
return this;
public void assertSQL(String sql, int nodeIndex) throws Exception {
public void testroute() throws Exception {
SchemaConfig schema = schemaMap.get("cndb");
String sql = "select * from independent where member='abc'";
RouteResultset rrs = ServerRouterUtil.route(new SystemConfig(),schema, 1, sql, null, null,
Assert.assertEquals(true, rrs.isCacheAble());
Map<String, RouteResultsetNode> nodeMap = getNodeMap(rrs, 128);
IndexedNodeNameAsserter nameAsserter = new IndexedNodeNameAsserter(
"independent_dn", 0, 128);
SimpleSQLAsserter sqlAsserter = new SimpleSQLAsserter();
for (int i = 0; i < 128; ++i) {
"select * from independent where member='abc'");
RouteNodeAsserter asserter = new RouteNodeAsserter(nameAsserter,
for (RouteResultsetNode node : nodeMap.values()) {
// include database schema ,should remove
sql = "select * from cndb.independent A where a.member='abc'";
schema = schemaMap.get("cndb");
rrs = ServerRouterUtil.route(new SystemConfig(),schema, 1, sql, null, null, cachePool);
Assert.assertEquals(true, rrs.isCacheAble());
nodeMap = getNodeMap(rrs, 128);
nameAsserter = new IndexedNodeNameAsserter("independent_dn", 0, 128);
sqlAsserter = new SimpleSQLAsserter();
for (int i = 0; i < 128; ++i) {
"select * from independent A where a.member='abc'");
asserter = new RouteNodeAsserter(nameAsserter, sqlAsserter);
for (RouteResultsetNode node : nodeMap.values()) {
public void testERroute() throws Exception {
SchemaConfig schema = schemaMap.get("TESTDB");
String sql = "insert into orders (id,name,customer_id) values(1,'testonly',1)";
RouteResultset rrs = ServerRouterUtil.route(new SystemConfig(),schema, 1, sql, null, null,
Assert.assertEquals(1, rrs.getNodes().length);
Assert.assertEquals(false, rrs.isCacheAble());
Assert.assertEquals("dn1", rrs.getNodes()[0].getName());
sql = "insert into orders (id,name,customer_id) values(1,'testonly',2000001)";
rrs = ServerRouterUtil.route(new SystemConfig(),schema, 1, sql, null, null, cachePool);
Assert.assertEquals(false, rrs.isCacheAble());
Assert.assertEquals(1, rrs.getNodes().length);
Assert.assertEquals("dn2", rrs.getNodes()[0].getName());
// can't update join key
sql = "update orders set id=1 ,name='aaa' , customer_id=2000001";
String err = null;
try {
rrs = ServerRouterUtil.route(new SystemConfig(),schema, 1, sql, null, null, cachePool);
} catch (SQLNonTransientException e) {
err = e.getMessage();
err.startsWith("parent relation column can't be updated ORDERS->CUSTOMER_ID"));
// route by parent rule ,update sql
sql = "update orders set id=1 ,name='aaa' where customer_id=2000001";
rrs = ServerRouterUtil.route(new SystemConfig(),schema, 1, sql, null, null, cachePool);
Assert.assertEquals(true, rrs.isCacheAble());
Assert.assertEquals("dn2", rrs.getNodes()[0].getName());
// route by parent rule but can't find datanode
sql = "update orders set id=1 ,name='aaa' where customer_id=-1";
try {
rrs = ServerRouterUtil.route(new SystemConfig(),schema, 1, sql, null, null, cachePool);
} catch (Exception e) {
err = e.getMessage();
err.startsWith("can't find datanode for sharding column:"));
// route by parent rule ,select sql
sql = "select * from orders where customer_id=2000001";
rrs = ServerRouterUtil.route(new SystemConfig(),schema, 1, sql, null, null, cachePool);
Assert.assertEquals(true, rrs.isCacheAble());
Assert.assertEquals("dn2", rrs.getNodes()[0].getName());
// route by parent rule ,delete sql
sql = "delete from orders where customer_id=2000001";
rrs = ServerRouterUtil.route(new SystemConfig(),schema, 1, sql, null, null, cachePool);
Assert.assertEquals("dn2", rrs.getNodes()[0].getName());
//test alias in column
sql="select name as order_name from orders order by order_name limit 10,5";
rrs = ServerRouterUtil.route(new SystemConfig(),schema, 1, sql, null, null, cachePool);
Assert.assertEquals("SELECT name AS order_name FROM orders ORDER BY order_name LIMIT 15 OFFSET 0", rrs.getNodes()[0].getStatement());
public void testDuplicatePartitionKey() throws Exception {
String sql = null;
SchemaConfig schema = schemaMap.get("cndb");
RouteResultset rrs = null;
sql = "select * from cndb.offer where (offer_id, group_id ) In (123,234)";
schema = schemaMap.get("cndb");
rrs = ServerRouterUtil.route(new SystemConfig(),schema, 1, sql, null, null, cachePool);
Assert.assertEquals(true, rrs.isCacheAble());
Assert.assertEquals(-1l, rrs.getLimitSize());
Assert.assertEquals(128, rrs.getNodes().length);
for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++) {
Assert.assertEquals("offer_dn[" + i + "]",
"select * from offer where (offer_id, group_id ) In (123,234)",
sql = "SELECT * FROM offer WHERE FALSE OR offer_id = 123 AND member_id = 123 OR member_id = 123 AND member_id = 234 OR member_id = 123 AND member_id = 345 OR member_id = 123 AND member_id = 456 OR offer_id = 234 AND group_id = 123 OR offer_id = 234 AND group_id = 234 OR offer_id = 234 AND group_id = 345 OR offer_id = 234 AND group_id = 456 OR offer_id = 345 AND group_id = 123 OR offer_id = 345 AND group_id = 234 OR offer_id = 345 AND group_id = 345 OR offer_id = 345 AND group_id = 456 OR offer_id = 456 AND group_id = 123 OR offer_id = 456 AND group_id = 234 OR offer_id = 456 AND group_id = 345 OR offer_id = 456 AND group_id = 456";
schema = schemaMap.get("cndb");
rrs = ServerRouterUtil.route(new SystemConfig(),schema, 1, sql, null, null, cachePool);
Assert.assertEquals(true, rrs.isCacheAble());
getNodeMap(rrs, 4);
sql = "select * from offer where false"
+ " or offer_id=123 and group_id=123"
+ " or group_id=123 and offer_id=234"
+ " or offer_id=123 and group_id=345"
+ " or offer_id=123 and group_id=456 ";
schema = schemaMap.get("cndb");
rrs = ServerRouterUtil.route(new SystemConfig(),schema, 1, sql, null, null, cachePool);
Assert.assertEquals(true, rrs.isCacheAble());
Assert.assertEquals(-1l, rrs.getLimitSize());
public void testAddLimitToSQL() throws Exception
final SchemaConfig schema = schemaMap.get("TESTDB");
String sql = null;
RouteResultset rrs = null;
sql = "select * from orders";
rrs = ServerRouterUtil.route(new SystemConfig(),schema, ServerParse.SELECT , sql, null, null, cachePool);
Assert.assertEquals(true, rrs.isCacheAble());
Map<String, RouteResultsetNode> nodeMap = getNodeMap(rrs, 2);
NodeNameAsserter nameAsserter = new NodeNameAsserter("dn2",
Assert.assertEquals(schema.getDefaultMaxLimit(), rrs.getLimitSize());
Assert.assertEquals("SELECT * FROM orders LIMIT 100", rrs.getNodes()[0].getStatement());
sql = "select * from goods";
rrs = ServerRouterUtil.route(new SystemConfig(),schema, ServerParse.SELECT , sql, null, null, cachePool);
Assert.assertEquals(false, rrs.isCacheAble());
Assert.assertEquals(1, rrs.getNodes().length);
Assert.assertEquals(schema.getDefaultMaxLimit(), rrs.getLimitSize());
Assert.assertEquals("SELECT * FROM goods LIMIT 100", rrs.getNodes()[0].getStatement());
sql = "select * from goods limit 2 ,3";
rrs = ServerRouterUtil.route(new SystemConfig(),schema, ServerParse.SELECT , sql, null, null, cachePool);
Assert.assertEquals(false, rrs.isCacheAble());
Assert.assertEquals(1, rrs.getNodes().length);
Assert.assertEquals(-1, rrs.getLimitSize());
Assert.assertEquals("select * from goods limit 2 ,3", rrs.getNodes()[0].getStatement());
sql = "select * from notpartionTable limit 2 ,3";
rrs = ServerRouterUtil.route(new SystemConfig(),schema, ServerParse.SELECT , sql, null, null, cachePool);
Assert.assertEquals(true, rrs.isCacheAble());
Assert.assertEquals(1, rrs.getNodes().length);
Assert.assertEquals(-1, rrs.getLimitSize());
Assert.assertEquals("select * from notpartionTable limit 2 ,3", rrs.getNodes()[0].getStatement());
public void testModifySQLLimit() throws Exception
final SchemaConfig schema = schemaMap.get("TESTDB");
String sql = null;
RouteResultset rrs = null;
//SQL span multi datanode
sql = "select * from orders limit 2,3";
rrs = ServerRouterUtil.route(new SystemConfig(),schema, ServerParse.SELECT , sql, null, null, cachePool);
Assert.assertEquals(true, rrs.isCacheAble());
Map<String, RouteResultsetNode> nodeMap = getNodeMap(rrs, 2);
NodeNameAsserter nameAsserter = new NodeNameAsserter("dn2",
Assert.assertEquals(3, rrs.getLimitSize());
Assert.assertEquals("SELECT * FROM orders LIMIT 5 OFFSET 0", rrs.getNodes()[0].getStatement());
//SQL not span multi datanode
sql = "select * from customer where id=10000 limit 2,3";
rrs = ServerRouterUtil.route(new SystemConfig(),schema, ServerParse.SELECT , sql, null, null, cachePool);
Assert.assertEquals(true, rrs.isCacheAble());
nodeMap = getNodeMap(rrs, 1);
nameAsserter = new NodeNameAsserter("dn1");
Assert.assertEquals(-1, rrs.getLimitSize());
Assert.assertEquals("select * from customer where id=10000 limit 2,3", rrs.getNodes()[0].getStatement());
public void testGroupLimit() throws Exception {
final SchemaConfig schema = schemaMap.get("cndb");
String sql = null;
RouteResultset rrs = null;
sql = "select count(*) from (select * from(select * from offer_detail where offer_id='123' or offer_id='234' limit 88)offer where offer.member_id='abc' limit 60) w "
+ " where w.member_id ='pavarotti17' limit 99";
rrs = ServerRouterUtil.route(new SystemConfig(),schema, 1, sql, null, null, cachePool);
Assert.assertEquals(true, rrs.isCacheAble());
// Assert.assertEquals(88L, rrs.getLimitSize());
// Assert.assertEquals(RouteResultset.SUM_FLAG, rrs.getFlag());
Map<String, RouteResultsetNode> nodeMap = getNodeMap(rrs, 2);
NodeNameAsserter nameAsserter = new NodeNameAsserter("detail_dn[29]",
sql = "select count(*) from (select * from(select max(id) from offer_detail where offer_id='123' or offer_id='234' limit 88)offer where offer.member_id='abc' limit 60) w "
+ " where w.member_id ='pavarotti17' limit 99";
rrs = ServerRouterUtil.route(new SystemConfig(),schema, 1, sql, null, null, cachePool);
Assert.assertEquals(true, rrs.isCacheAble());
nodeMap = getNodeMap(rrs, 2);
nameAsserter = new NodeNameAsserter("detail_dn[29]", "detail_dn[15]");
sql = "select * from (select * from(select max(id) from offer_detail where offer_id='123' or offer_id='234' limit 88)offer where offer.member_id='abc' limit 60) w "
+ " where w.member_id ='pavarotti17' limit 99";
rrs = ServerRouterUtil.route(new SystemConfig(),schema, 1, sql, null, null, cachePool);
Assert.assertEquals(true, rrs.isCacheAble());
nodeMap = getNodeMap(rrs, 2);
nameAsserter = new NodeNameAsserter("detail_dn[29]", "detail_dn[15]");
sql = "select * from (select count(*) from(select * from offer_detail where offer_id='123' or offer_id='234' limit 88)offer where offer.member_id='abc' limit 60) w "
+ " where w.member_id ='pavarotti17' limit 99";
rrs = ServerRouterUtil.route(new SystemConfig(),schema, 1, sql, null, null, cachePool);
Assert.assertEquals(true, rrs.isCacheAble());
// Assert.assertEquals(88L, rrs.getLimitSize());
// Assert.assertEquals(RouteResultset.SUM_FLAG, rrs.getFlag());
nodeMap = getNodeMap(rrs, 2);
nameAsserter = new NodeNameAsserter("detail_dn[29]", "detail_dn[15]");
public void testTableMetaRead() throws Exception {
final SchemaConfig schema = schemaMap.get("cndb");
String sql = "desc offer";
RouteResultset rrs = ServerRouterUtil.route(new SystemConfig(),schema, ServerParse.DESCRIBE, sql, null, null,
Assert.assertEquals(false, rrs.isCacheAble());
Assert.assertEquals(-1L, rrs.getLimitSize());
Assert.assertEquals(1, rrs.getNodes().length);
// random return one node
// Assert.assertEquals("offer_dn[0]", rrs.getNodes()[0].getName());
Assert.assertEquals("desc offer", rrs.getNodes()[0].getStatement());
sql = "desc cndb.offer";
rrs = ServerRouterUtil.route(new SystemConfig(),schema, ServerParse.DESCRIBE, sql, null, null, cachePool);
Assert.assertEquals(false, rrs.isCacheAble());
Assert.assertEquals(-1L, rrs.getLimitSize());
Assert.assertEquals(1, rrs.getNodes().length);
// random return one node
// Assert.assertEquals("offer_dn[0]", rrs.getNodes()[0].getName());
Assert.assertEquals("desc offer", rrs.getNodes()[0].getStatement());
sql = "desc cndb.offer col1";
rrs = ServerRouterUtil.route(new SystemConfig(),schema, ServerParse.DESCRIBE, sql, null, null, cachePool);
Assert.assertEquals(false, rrs.isCacheAble());
Assert.assertEquals(-1L, rrs.getLimitSize());
Assert.assertEquals(1, rrs.getNodes().length);
// random return one node
// Assert.assertEquals("offer_dn[0]", rrs.getNodes()[0].getName());
Assert.assertEquals("desc offer col1", rrs.getNodes()[0].getStatement());
sql = "SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM offer IN db_name WHERE true";
rrs = ServerRouterUtil.route(new SystemConfig(),schema, ServerParse.SHOW, sql, null, null,
Assert.assertEquals(false, rrs.isCacheAble());
Assert.assertEquals(-1L, rrs.getLimitSize());
Assert.assertEquals(1, rrs.getNodes().length);
// random return one node
// Assert.assertEquals("offer_dn[0]", rrs.getNodes()[0].getName());
Assert.assertEquals("SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM offer WHERE true",
sql = "SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM db.offer IN db_name WHERE true";
rrs = ServerRouterUtil.route(new SystemConfig(),schema, ServerParse.SHOW, sql, null, null,
Assert.assertEquals(-1L, rrs.getLimitSize());
Assert.assertEquals(false, rrs.isCacheAble());
Assert.assertEquals(1, rrs.getNodes().length);
// random return one node
// Assert.assertEquals("offer_dn[0]", rrs.getNodes()[0].getName());
Assert.assertEquals("SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM offer WHERE true",
rrs = ServerRouterUtil.route(new SystemConfig(),schema, ServerParse.SHOW, sql, null, null,
Assert.assertEquals(-1L, rrs.getLimitSize());
Assert.assertEquals(false, rrs.isCacheAble());
Assert.assertEquals("SHOW FULL TABLES WHERE Table_type != 'VIEW'", rrs.getNodes()[0].getStatement());
sql = "SHOW INDEX IN offer FROM db_name";
rrs = ServerRouterUtil.route(new SystemConfig(),schema, ServerParse.SHOW, sql, null, null,
Assert.assertEquals(false, rrs.isCacheAble());
Assert.assertEquals(-1L, rrs.getLimitSize());
Assert.assertEquals(1, rrs.getNodes().length);
// random return one node
// Assert.assertEquals("offer_dn[0]", rrs.getNodes()[0].getName());
Assert.assertEquals("SHOW INDEX FROM offer",
sql = "SHOW TABLES from db_name like 'solo'";
rrs = ServerRouterUtil.route(new SystemConfig(),schema, ServerParse.SHOW, sql, null, null,
Assert.assertEquals(false, rrs.isCacheAble());
Assert.assertEquals(-1L, rrs.getLimitSize());
Map<String, RouteResultsetNode> nodeMap = getNodeMap(rrs, 3);
NodeNameAsserter nameAsserter = new NodeNameAsserter("detail_dn[0]",
"offer_dn[0]", "independent_dn[0]");
SimpleSQLAsserter sqlAsserter = new SimpleSQLAsserter();
sqlAsserter.addExpectSQL(0, "SHOW TABLES like 'solo'")
.addExpectSQL(1, "SHOW TABLES like 'solo'")
.addExpectSQL(2, "SHOW TABLES like 'solo'")
.addExpectSQL(3, "SHOW TABLES like 'solo'");
RouteNodeAsserter asserter = new RouteNodeAsserter(nameAsserter,
for (RouteResultsetNode node : nodeMap.values()) {
sql = "SHOW TABLES in db_name ";
rrs = ServerRouterUtil.route(new SystemConfig(),schema, ServerParse.SHOW, sql, null, null,
Assert.assertEquals(false, rrs.isCacheAble());
Assert.assertEquals(-1L, rrs.getLimitSize());
nodeMap = getNodeMap(rrs, 3);
nameAsserter = new NodeNameAsserter("detail_dn[0]", "offer_dn[0]",
sqlAsserter = new SimpleSQLAsserter();
sqlAsserter.addExpectSQL(0, "SHOW TABLES")
.addExpectSQL(1, "SHOW TABLES").addExpectSQL(2, "SHOW TABLES")
.addExpectSQL(3, "SHOW TABLES");
asserter = new RouteNodeAsserter(nameAsserter, sqlAsserter);
for (RouteResultsetNode node : nodeMap.values()) {
sql = "SHOW TABLeS ";
rrs = ServerRouterUtil.route(new SystemConfig(),schema, ServerParse.SHOW, sql, null, null,
Assert.assertEquals(false, rrs.isCacheAble());
Assert.assertEquals(-1L, rrs.getLimitSize());
nodeMap = getNodeMap(rrs, 3);
nameAsserter = new NodeNameAsserter("offer_dn[0]","detail_dn[0]",
sqlAsserter = new SimpleSQLAsserter();
sqlAsserter.addExpectSQL(0, "SHOW TABLeS ")
.addExpectSQL(1, "SHOW TABLeS ").addExpectSQL(2, "SHOW TABLeS ");
asserter = new RouteNodeAsserter(nameAsserter, sqlAsserter);
for (RouteResultsetNode node : nodeMap.values()) {
public void testConfigSchema() throws Exception {
try {
SchemaConfig schema = schemaMap.get("config");
String sql = "select * from offer where offer_id=1";
ServerRouterUtil.route(new SystemConfig(),schema, 1, sql, null, null, cachePool);
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
SchemaConfig schema = schemaMap.get("config");
String sql = "select * from offer where col11111=1";
ServerRouterUtil.route(new SystemConfig(),schema, 1, sql, null, null, cachePool);
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
SchemaConfig schema = schemaMap.get("config");
String sql = "select * from offer ";
ServerRouterUtil.route(new SystemConfig(),schema, 1, sql, null, null, cachePool);
} catch (Exception e) {
public void testIgnoreSchema() throws Exception {
SchemaConfig schema = schemaMap.get("ignoreSchemaTest");
String sql = "select * from offer where offer_id=1";
RouteResultset rrs = ServerRouterUtil.route(new SystemConfig(),schema, 1, sql, null, null,
Assert.assertEquals(false, rrs.isCacheAble());
Assert.assertEquals("cndb_dn", rrs.getNodes()[0].getName());
Assert.assertEquals(sql, rrs.getNodes()[0].getStatement());
sql = "select * from ignoreSchemaTest.offer1 where ignoreSchemaTest.offer1.offer_id=1";
rrs = ServerRouterUtil.route(new SystemConfig(),schema, 1, sql, null, null, cachePool);
Assert.assertEquals(false, rrs.isCacheAble());
Assert.assertEquals("select * from offer1 where offer1.offer_id=1",
sql = "select * from ignoreSchemaTest2.offer where ignoreSchemaTest2.offer.offer_id=1";
rrs = ServerRouterUtil.route(new SystemConfig(),schema, 1, sql, null, null, cachePool);
Assert.assertEquals(false, rrs.isCacheAble());
Assert.assertEquals(sql, rrs.getNodes()[0].getStatement(), sql);
sql = "select * from ignoreSchemaTest2.offer a,offer b where ignoreSchemaTest2.offer.offer_id=1";
rrs = ServerRouterUtil.route(new SystemConfig(),schema, 1, sql, null, null, cachePool);
Assert.assertEquals(false, rrs.isCacheAble());
"select * from ignoreSchemaTest2.offer a,offer b where ignoreSchemaTest2.offer.offer_id=1",
public void testNonPartitionSQL() throws Exception {
SchemaConfig schema = schemaMap.get("cndb");
String sql = null;
RouteResultset rrs = null;
schema = schemaMap.get("dubbo");
sql = "SHOW TABLES from db_name like 'solo'";
rrs = ServerRouterUtil.route(new SystemConfig(),schema, 9, sql, null, null, cachePool);
Assert.assertEquals(false, rrs.isCacheAble());
Assert.assertEquals(-1L, rrs.getLimitSize());
Assert.assertEquals(1, rrs.getNodes().length);
Assert.assertEquals("dubbo_dn", rrs.getNodes()[0].getName());
Assert.assertEquals("SHOW TABLES from db_name like 'solo'",
sql = "desc cndb.offer";
rrs = ServerRouterUtil.route(new SystemConfig(),schema, 1, sql, null, null, cachePool);
Assert.assertEquals(false, rrs.isCacheAble());
Assert.assertEquals(-1L, rrs.getLimitSize());
Assert.assertEquals(1, rrs.getNodes().length);
Assert.assertEquals("dubbo_dn", rrs.getNodes()[0].getName());
Assert.assertEquals("desc cndb.offer", rrs.getNodes()[0].getStatement());
schema = schemaMap.get("cndb");
sql = "SHOW fulL TaBLES from db_name like 'solo'";
rrs = ServerRouterUtil.route(new SystemConfig(),schema, 9, sql, null, null, cachePool);
Assert.assertEquals(false, rrs.isCacheAble());
Map<String, RouteResultsetNode> nodeMap = getNodeMap(rrs, 3);
NodeNameAsserter nameAsserter = new NodeNameAsserter("detail_dn[0]",
"offer_dn[0]", "independent_dn[0]");
SimpleSQLAsserter sqlAsserter = new SimpleSQLAsserter();
sqlAsserter.addExpectSQL(0, "SHOW FULL TABLES like 'solo'")
.addExpectSQL(1, "SHOW FULL TABLES like 'solo'")
.addExpectSQL(2, "SHOW FULL TABLES like 'solo'")
.addExpectSQL(3, "SHOW FULL TABLES like 'solo'");
RouteNodeAsserter asserter = new RouteNodeAsserter(nameAsserter,
for (RouteResultsetNode node : nodeMap.values()) {
public void testGlobalTableSingleNodeLimit() throws Exception {
SchemaConfig schema = schemaMap.get("TESTDB");
String sql = "select * from globalsn";
RouteResultset rrs = null;
rrs = ServerRouterUtil.route(new SystemConfig(), schema,
ServerParse.SELECT, sql, null, null, cachePool);
Assert.assertEquals(100L, rrs.getLimitSize());