/* * Copyright (c) 2013, OpenCloudDB/MyCAT and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software;Designed and Developed mainly by many Chinese * opensource volunteers. you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as published by the * Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Any questions about this component can be directed to it's project Web address * https://code.google.com/p/opencloudb/. * */ package org.opencloudb.mpp; import java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.opencloudb.route.RouteResultset; import com.foundationdb.sql.StandardException; import com.foundationdb.sql.parser.AggregateNode; import com.foundationdb.sql.parser.AndNode; import com.foundationdb.sql.parser.BetweenOperatorNode; import com.foundationdb.sql.parser.BinaryOperatorNode; import com.foundationdb.sql.parser.BinaryRelationalOperatorNode; import com.foundationdb.sql.parser.ColumnReference; import com.foundationdb.sql.parser.ConstantNode; import com.foundationdb.sql.parser.CursorNode; import com.foundationdb.sql.parser.FromBaseTable; import com.foundationdb.sql.parser.FromList; import com.foundationdb.sql.parser.FromSubquery; import com.foundationdb.sql.parser.FromTable; import com.foundationdb.sql.parser.GroupByList; import com.foundationdb.sql.parser.InListOperatorNode; import com.foundationdb.sql.parser.JoinNode; import com.foundationdb.sql.parser.NodeTypes; import com.foundationdb.sql.parser.NumericConstantNode; import com.foundationdb.sql.parser.OrNode; import com.foundationdb.sql.parser.OrderByColumn; import com.foundationdb.sql.parser.OrderByList; import com.foundationdb.sql.parser.QueryTreeNode; import com.foundationdb.sql.parser.ResultColumn; import com.foundationdb.sql.parser.ResultColumnList; import com.foundationdb.sql.parser.ResultSetNode; import com.foundationdb.sql.parser.RowConstructorNode; import com.foundationdb.sql.parser.SelectNode; import com.foundationdb.sql.parser.SubqueryNode; import com.foundationdb.sql.parser.UnaryLogicalOperatorNode; import com.foundationdb.sql.parser.UnionNode; import com.foundationdb.sql.parser.ValueNode; import com.foundationdb.sql.parser.ValueNodeList; import com.foundationdb.sql.unparser.NodeToString; public class SelectSQLAnalyser { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger .getLogger(SelectSQLAnalyser.class); private static String andTableName(SelectParseInf parsInf, FromBaseTable fromTable) throws StandardException { String tableName = fromTable.getOrigTableName().getTableName(); String aliasName = fromTable.getTableName().getTableName(); if ((aliasName != null) && !aliasName.equals(tableName)) {// store alias // ->real // name // relation parsInf.ctx.tableAliasMap.put(aliasName, tableName.toUpperCase()); } tableName = tableName.toUpperCase(); Map<String, Set<ColumnRoutePair>> columVarMap = parsInf.ctx.tablesAndConditions .get(tableName); if (columVarMap == null) { columVarMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, Set<ColumnRoutePair>>(); parsInf.ctx.tablesAndConditions.put(tableName, columVarMap); } return tableName; } public static String addLimitCondtionForSelectSQL(RouteResultset rrs, CursorNode cursNode, int defaultMaxLimit) throws SQLSyntaxErrorException { NumericConstantNode offCountNode = new NumericConstantNode(); offCountNode.setNodeType(NodeTypes.INT_CONSTANT_NODE); offCountNode.setValue(defaultMaxLimit); cursNode.init(cursNode.statementToString(), cursNode.getResultSetNode(), cursNode.getName(), cursNode.getOrderByList(), cursNode.getOffsetClause(), offCountNode, cursNode.getUpdateMode(), cursNode.getUpdatableColumns()); rrs.setLimitSize(defaultMaxLimit); try { return new NodeToString().toString(cursNode); } catch (StandardException e) { throw new SQLSyntaxErrorException(e); } } /** * anlayse group ,order ,limit condtions * * @param rrs * @param ast * @throws StandardException * @throws SQLSyntaxErrorException */ public static String analyseMergeInf(RouteResultset rrs, QueryTreeNode ast, boolean modifySQLLimit, int defaultMaxLimit) throws SQLSyntaxErrorException { CursorNode rsNode = (CursorNode) ast; NumericConstantNode offsetNode = null; NumericConstantNode offCountNode = null; ResultSetNode resultNode = rsNode.getResultSetNode(); if (resultNode instanceof SelectNode) { Map<String, Integer> aggrColumns = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); boolean hasAggrColumn = false; SelectNode selNode = (SelectNode) resultNode; ResultColumnList colums = selNode.getResultColumns(); for (int i = 0; i < colums.size(); i++) { ResultColumn col = colums.get(i); ValueNode exp = col.getExpression(); if (exp instanceof AggregateNode) { hasAggrColumn = true; String colName = col.getName(); String aggName = ((AggregateNode) exp).getAggregateName(); if (colName != null) { aggrColumns .put(colName, MergeCol.getMergeType(aggName)); } } } if (!aggrColumns.isEmpty()) { rrs.setMergeCols(aggrColumns); } if (hasAggrColumn) { rrs.setHasAggrColumn(true); } GroupByList groupL = selNode.getGroupByList(); if (groupL != null && !groupL.isEmpty()) { String[] groupCols = new String[groupL.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < groupCols.length; i++) { groupCols[i] = groupL.get(i).getColumnName(); } rrs.setGroupByCols(groupCols); } } OrderByList orderBy = rsNode.getOrderByList(); if (orderBy != null && !orderBy.isEmpty()) { // get column and alias map Map<String, ResultColumn> nameToColumn = new HashMap<String, ResultColumn>(); ResultColumnList colums = ((SelectNode) resultNode) .getResultColumns(); for (int j = 0; j < colums.size(); j++) { ResultColumn col = colums.get(j); ValueNode exp = col.getExpression(); if (exp != null) { nameToColumn.put(exp.getColumnName(), col); } } LinkedHashMap<String, Integer> orderCols = new LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < orderBy.size(); i++) { OrderByColumn orderCol = orderBy.get(i); ValueNode orderExp = orderCol.getExpression(); if (!(orderExp instanceof ColumnReference)) { throw new SQLSyntaxErrorException( " aggregated column should has a alias in order to be used in order by clause"); } String columnName = orderExp.getColumnName(); ResultColumn rc = nameToColumn.get(orderExp.getColumnName()); if (rc != null) { columnName = rc.getName(); } orderCols.put(columnName, orderCol.isAscending() ? OrderCol.COL_ORDER_TYPE_ASC : OrderCol.COL_ORDER_TYPE_DESC); } rrs.setOrderByCols(orderCols); } if (rsNode.getOffsetClause() != null) { offsetNode = (NumericConstantNode) rsNode.getOffsetClause(); rrs.setLimitStart(Integer .parseInt(offsetNode.getValue().toString())); } if (rsNode.getFetchFirstClause() != null) { offCountNode = (NumericConstantNode) rsNode.getFetchFirstClause(); rrs.setLimitSize(Integer.parseInt(offCountNode.getValue() .toString())); } // if no limit in sql and defaultMaxLimit not equals -1 ,then and limit if ((modifySQLLimit) && (offCountNode == null) && (defaultMaxLimit != -1) && !rrs.hasPrimaryKeyToCache()) { return addLimitCondtionForSelectSQL(rrs, rsNode, defaultMaxLimit); } else if (modifySQLLimit && offsetNode != null) { offsetNode.setValue(0); offCountNode.setValue(rrs.getLimitStart() + rrs.getLimitSize()); try { return new NodeToString().toString(ast); } catch (StandardException e) { throw new SQLSyntaxErrorException(e); } } else { return null; } } public static void analyse(SelectParseInf parsInf, QueryTreeNode ast) throws SQLSyntaxErrorException { try { analyseSQL(parsInf, ast, false); } catch (StandardException e) { throw new SQLSyntaxErrorException(e); } } private static void addTableName(FromSubquery theSub, SelectParseInf parsInf) throws StandardException { FromList fromList = ((SelectNode) theSub.getSubquery()).getFromList(); if (fromList.size() == 1) { FromTable fromT = fromList.get(0); if (fromT instanceof FromBaseTable) { FromBaseTable baseT = ((FromBaseTable) fromT); String tableName = baseT.getOrigTableName().getTableName(); String corrName = theSub.getCorrelationName(); if (corrName != null) { andTableName(parsInf, baseT); parsInf.ctx.tableAliasMap.put(corrName, tableName.toUpperCase()); } } } } private static void analyseSQL(SelectParseInf parsInf, QueryTreeNode ast, boolean notOpt) throws StandardException { SelectNode selNode = null; switch (ast.getNodeType()) { case NodeTypes.CURSOR_NODE: { ResultSetNode rsNode = ((CursorNode) ast).getResultSetNode(); if (rsNode instanceof UnionNode) { UnionNode unionNode = (UnionNode) rsNode; analyseSQL(parsInf, unionNode.getLeftResultSet(), notOpt); analyseSQL(parsInf, unionNode.getRightResultSet(), notOpt); return; } else if (!(rsNode instanceof SelectNode)) { LOGGER.info("ignore not select node " + rsNode.getClass().getCanonicalName()); return; } selNode = (SelectNode) rsNode; break; } case NodeTypes.SELECT_NODE: { selNode = (SelectNode) ast; break; } case NodeTypes.SUBQUERY_NODE: { SubqueryNode subq = (SubqueryNode) ast; selNode = (SelectNode) subq.getResultSet(); break; } case NodeTypes.FROM_SUBQUERY: { FromSubquery subq = (FromSubquery) ast; selNode = (SelectNode) subq.getSubquery(); break; } case NodeTypes.UNION_NODE: { UnionNode unionNode = (UnionNode) ast; analyseSQL(parsInf, unionNode.getLeftResultSet(), notOpt); analyseSQL(parsInf, unionNode.getRightResultSet(), notOpt); return; } default: { LOGGER.info("todo :not select node " + ast.getClass().getCanonicalName()); return; } } FromList fromList = selNode.getFromList(); int formSize = fromList.size(); String defaultTableName = null; if (formSize == 1) { FromTable fromT = fromList.get(0); if (fromT instanceof FromBaseTable) { FromBaseTable baseT = ((FromBaseTable) fromT); defaultTableName = baseT.getOrigTableName().getTableName(); } else if (fromT instanceof JoinNode) { ResultSetNode leftNode = ((JoinNode) fromT).getLeftResultSet(); while (leftNode instanceof JoinNode) { leftNode = ((JoinNode) leftNode).getLeftResultSet(); } if (leftNode instanceof FromBaseTable) { defaultTableName = ((FromBaseTable) leftNode) .getOrigTableName().getTableName(); } } } else if (formSize > 1) { FromTable fromT = fromList.get(0); if (fromT instanceof FromBaseTable) { FromBaseTable baseT = ((FromBaseTable) fromT); defaultTableName = baseT.getOrigTableName().getTableName(); } } for (int i = 0; i < formSize; i++) { FromTable fromT = fromList.get(i); if (fromT instanceof FromBaseTable) { andTableName(parsInf, (FromBaseTable) fromT); } else if (fromT instanceof JoinNode) { anlyseJoinNode(parsInf, notOpt, (JoinNode) fromT); } else if (fromT instanceof FromSubquery) { analyseSQL(parsInf, ((FromSubquery) fromT).getSubquery(), notOpt); } else { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("todo parse" + fromT.getClass().toString()); } } } ValueNode valueNode = selNode.getWhereClause(); if (valueNode == null) { return; } analyseWhereCondition(parsInf, notOpt, defaultTableName, valueNode); } private static void anlyseJoinNode(SelectParseInf parsInf, boolean notOpt, JoinNode joinNd) throws StandardException { // FromSubquery ResultSetNode leftNode = joinNd.getLeftResultSet(); if (leftNode instanceof FromSubquery) { FromSubquery theSub = (FromSubquery) leftNode; addTableName(theSub, parsInf); analyseSQL(parsInf, theSub, notOpt); } else if (leftNode instanceof FromBaseTable) { andTableName(parsInf, (FromBaseTable) leftNode); } else if (leftNode instanceof JoinNode) { anlyseJoinNode(parsInf, notOpt, (JoinNode) leftNode); } ResultSetNode rightNode = joinNd.getRightResultSet(); if (rightNode instanceof FromSubquery) { FromSubquery theSub = (FromSubquery) rightNode; addTableName(theSub, parsInf); analyseSQL(parsInf, theSub, notOpt); } else { andTableName(parsInf, (FromBaseTable) rightNode); } BinaryOperatorNode joinClause = (BinaryOperatorNode) joinNd .getJoinClause(); if (joinClause instanceof BinaryRelationalOperatorNode) { BinaryRelationalOperatorNode joinOpt = (BinaryRelationalOperatorNode) joinClause; // 以下逻辑是为了添加JoinRel,最终用在路由计算上,见ServerRouterUtil中tryRouteForTables中。 // 路由计算时根据JoinRel,移除掉非root table if (joinOpt.getLeftOperand() instanceof ColumnReference) {// join的on条件为on tableA.a = tableB.b addTableJoinInf(parsInf.ctx, (ColumnReference) joinOpt.getLeftOperand(), (ColumnReference) joinOpt.getRightOperand()); } else {// join的on条件不是 tableA.a = tableB.b,如:ON INSTR(tableA.a,tableB.b) > 0 // TODO 条件不是tableA.a = tableB.b类型的一般都是非父子表关系,该情况下暂时没处理 LOGGER.info("TODO, not supported parse join condition: \n" + new NodeToString().toString(joinOpt)); } } else if (joinClause instanceof AndNode || joinClause instanceof OrNode) { BinaryRelationalOperatorNode joinOpt = (BinaryRelationalOperatorNode) joinClause .getLeftOperand(); joinClause.getLeftOperand(); addTableJoinInf(parsInf.ctx, (ColumnReference) joinOpt.getLeftOperand(), (ColumnReference) joinOpt.getRightOperand()); } else { throw new StandardException("can't get join info " + joinNd.toString()); } } public static void analyseWhereCondition(SelectParseInf parsInf, boolean notOpt, String defaultTableName, ValueNode valueNode) throws StandardException { // valueNode.treePrint(); if (valueNode instanceof BinaryOperatorNode) { BinaryOperatorNode binRelNode = (BinaryOperatorNode) valueNode; ValueNode leftOp = binRelNode.getLeftOperand(); ValueNode wrightOp = binRelNode.getRightOperand(); tryColumnCondition(parsInf, defaultTableName, binRelNode.getMethodName(), leftOp, wrightOp, notOpt); } else if (valueNode instanceof SubqueryNode) { analyseSQL(parsInf, valueNode, notOpt); } else if (valueNode instanceof UnaryLogicalOperatorNode) { UnaryLogicalOperatorNode logicNode = (UnaryLogicalOperatorNode) valueNode; boolean theNotOpt = logicNode.getOperator().equals("not") | notOpt; analyseWhereCondition(parsInf, theNotOpt, defaultTableName, logicNode.getOperand()); } else if (valueNode instanceof InListOperatorNode) { if (notOpt) { return; } InListOperatorNode theOpNode = (InListOperatorNode) valueNode; parseIncondition(defaultTableName, theOpNode, parsInf.ctx); // addConstCondition(theOpNode.getLeftOperand().getNodeList().get(0), // theOpNode.getRightOperandList(), "IN", ctx, // defaultTableName, notOpt); } else if (valueNode instanceof BetweenOperatorNode) { // where条件仅有一个between analyseBetween((BetweenOperatorNode) valueNode, defaultTableName, parsInf.ctx); } else { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("todo parse where cond\r\n " + valueNode.getClass().getCanonicalName()); } // valueNode.treePrint(); } } // 分析between操作符 private static void analyseBetween(BetweenOperatorNode valueNode, String defaultTableName, ShardingParseInfo ctx) { String columnName = valueNode.getLeftOperand().getColumnName(); if (columnName != null) { String beginValue = String.valueOf(((ConstantNode) valueNode .getRightOperandList().get(0)).getValue()); String endValue = String.valueOf(((ConstantNode) valueNode .getRightOperandList().get(1)).getValue()); RangeValue rv = new RangeValue(beginValue, endValue, RangeValue.EE); ctx.addShardingExpr(defaultTableName.toUpperCase(), columnName, rv); } } private static void tryColumnCondition(SelectParseInf parsInf, String defaultTableName, String methodName, ValueNode leftOp, ValueNode wrightOp, boolean notOpt) throws StandardException { // 简单的 column=aaa的情况 if (leftOp instanceof ColumnReference) { addConstCondition(leftOp, wrightOp, methodName, parsInf, defaultTableName, notOpt); return; } else if (wrightOp instanceof ColumnReference) { addConstCondition(wrightOp, leftOp, methodName, parsInf, defaultTableName, notOpt); return; } // 左边 为(a=b) ,(a>b) if (leftOp instanceof BinaryOperatorNode) { BinaryOperatorNode theOptNode = (BinaryOperatorNode) leftOp; tryColumnCondition(parsInf, defaultTableName, theOptNode.getMethodName(), theOptNode.getLeftOperand(), theOptNode.getRightOperand(), notOpt); } else if (leftOp instanceof InListOperatorNode) { InListOperatorNode theOpNode = (InListOperatorNode) leftOp; addConstCondition(theOpNode.getLeftOperand().getNodeList().get(0), theOpNode.getRightOperandList(), "IN", parsInf, defaultTableName, notOpt); } else if (leftOp instanceof BetweenOperatorNode) { BetweenOperatorNode op = (BetweenOperatorNode) leftOp; analyseBetween(op, defaultTableName, parsInf.ctx); } // 右边 为(a=b) ,(a>b) if (wrightOp instanceof BinaryOperatorNode) { BinaryOperatorNode theOptNode = (BinaryOperatorNode) wrightOp; tryColumnCondition(parsInf, defaultTableName, theOptNode.getMethodName(), theOptNode.getLeftOperand(), theOptNode.getRightOperand(), notOpt); } else if (wrightOp instanceof InListOperatorNode) { InListOperatorNode theOpNode = (InListOperatorNode) wrightOp; addConstCondition(theOpNode.getLeftOperand().getNodeList().get(0), theOpNode.getRightOperandList(), "IN", parsInf, defaultTableName, notOpt); } else if (wrightOp instanceof BetweenOperatorNode) { BetweenOperatorNode op = (BetweenOperatorNode) wrightOp; analyseBetween(op, defaultTableName, parsInf.ctx); } } private static String getTableNameForColumn(String defaultTable, ColumnReference column, Map<String, String> tableAliasMap) { String tableName = column.getTableName(); if (tableName == null) { tableName = defaultTable; } else { // judge if is alias table name String realTableName = tableAliasMap.get(tableName); if (realTableName != null) { return realTableName; } } return tableName.toUpperCase(); } private static void parseIncondition(String tableName, InListOperatorNode theOpNode, ShardingParseInfo ctx) { ValueNodeList columnLst = theOpNode.getLeftOperand().getNodeList(); ValueNodeList columnValLst = theOpNode.getRightOperandList() .getNodeList(); int columnSize = columnLst.size(); for (int i = 0; i < columnSize; i++) { ValueNode columNode = columnLst.get(i); if (!(columNode instanceof ColumnReference)) { continue; } ColumnReference columRef = (ColumnReference) columNode; tableName = getTableNameForColumn(tableName, columRef, ctx.tableAliasMap); String colName = columRef.getColumnName(); final Object[] values = new Object[columnValLst.size()]; for (int j = 0; j < values.length; j++) { ValueNode valNode = columnValLst.get(j); if (valNode instanceof ConstantNode) { values[j] = ((ConstantNode) valNode).getValue(); } else { // rows RowConstructorNode rowConsNode = (RowConstructorNode) valNode; values[j] = ((ConstantNode) rowConsNode.getNodeList() .get(i)).getValue(); } } ctx.addShardingExpr(tableName, colName, values); } } private static void addTableJoinInf(ShardingParseInfo ctx, ColumnReference leftColum, ColumnReference rightColm) throws StandardException { // A.a=B.b String leftTable = ctx.getTableName(leftColum.getTableName()); String rightTale = ctx.getTableName(rightColm.getTableName()); ctx.addJoin(new JoinRel(leftTable, leftColum.getColumnName(), rightTale, rightColm.getColumnName())); } private static void addConstCondition(ValueNode leftOp, ValueNode wrightOp, String method, SelectParseInf parsInf, String defaultTableName, boolean notOpt) throws StandardException { String upMethod = method.toUpperCase(); if (notOpt) { return; } // System.out.println("before method name :"+method); if (!(upMethod.equals("EQUALS") || upMethod.equals("IN"))) { return; } // System.out.println("after method name :"+method); if (wrightOp instanceof ConstantNode) { ColumnReference leftColumRef = (ColumnReference) leftOp; String tableName = getTableNameForColumn(defaultTableName, leftColumRef, parsInf.ctx.tableAliasMap); parsInf.ctx.addShardingExpr(tableName, leftOp.getColumnName(), ((ConstantNode) wrightOp).getValue()); } else if (wrightOp instanceof RowConstructorNode) { if (!(leftOp instanceof ColumnReference)) { return; } String tableName = getTableNameForColumn(defaultTableName, (ColumnReference) leftOp, parsInf.ctx.tableAliasMap); ValueNodeList valList = ((RowConstructorNode) wrightOp) .getNodeList(); final Object[] values = new Object[valList.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { ValueNode valNode = valList.get(i); values[i] = ((ConstantNode) valNode).getValue(); } parsInf.ctx.addShardingExpr(tableName, leftOp.getColumnName(), values); } else if (wrightOp instanceof ColumnReference) { ColumnReference wrightRef = (ColumnReference) wrightOp; if (leftOp instanceof ConstantNode) { String tableName = getTableNameForColumn(defaultTableName, wrightRef, parsInf.ctx.tableAliasMap); parsInf.ctx.addShardingExpr(tableName, leftOp.getColumnName(), ((ConstantNode) leftOp).getValue()); } else if (leftOp instanceof ColumnReference) { ColumnReference leftCol = (ColumnReference) leftOp; addTableJoinInf(parsInf.ctx, leftCol, wrightRef); } else { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("todo ,parse condition: " + leftOp.getClass().getCanonicalName()); } } } else if (wrightOp instanceof SubqueryNode) { analyseSQL(parsInf, ((SubqueryNode) wrightOp).getResultSet(), notOpt); } else { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("todo ,parse condition: " + wrightOp.getClass().getCanonicalName()); } } } }