/* * Copyright (c) 2013, OpenCloudDB/MyCAT and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software;Designed and Developed mainly by many Chinese * opensource volunteers. you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as published by the * Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Any questions about this component can be directed to it's project Web address * https://code.google.com/p/opencloudb/. * */ package org.opencloudb.config.loader.xml; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.net.URI; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.opencloudb.backend.PhysicalDBPool; import org.opencloudb.config.loader.SchemaLoader; import org.opencloudb.config.model.DBHostConfig; import org.opencloudb.config.model.DataHostConfig; import org.opencloudb.config.model.DataNodeConfig; import org.opencloudb.config.model.SchemaConfig; import org.opencloudb.config.model.TableConfig; import org.opencloudb.config.model.rule.TableRuleConfig; import org.opencloudb.config.util.ConfigException; import org.opencloudb.config.util.ConfigUtil; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; /** * @author mycat */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public class XMLSchemaLoader implements SchemaLoader { private final static String DEFAULT_DTD = "/schema.dtd"; private final static String DEFAULT_XML = "/schema.xml"; private final Map<String, TableRuleConfig> tableRules; private final Map<String, DataHostConfig> dataHosts; private final Map<String, DataNodeConfig> dataNodes; private final Map<String, SchemaConfig> schemas; public XMLSchemaLoader(String schemaFile, String ruleFile) { XMLRuleLoader ruleLoader = new XMLRuleLoader(ruleFile); this.tableRules = ruleLoader.getTableRules(); ruleLoader = null; this.dataHosts = new HashMap<String, DataHostConfig>(); this.dataNodes = new HashMap<String, DataNodeConfig>(); this.schemas = new HashMap<String, SchemaConfig>(); this.load(DEFAULT_DTD, schemaFile == null ? DEFAULT_XML : schemaFile); } public XMLSchemaLoader() { this(null, null); } @Override public Map<String, TableRuleConfig> getTableRules() { return tableRules; } @Override public Map<String, DataHostConfig> getDataHosts() { return (Map<String, DataHostConfig>) (dataHosts.isEmpty() ? Collections .emptyMap() : dataHosts); } @Override public Map<String, DataNodeConfig> getDataNodes() { return (Map<String, DataNodeConfig>) (dataNodes.isEmpty() ? Collections .emptyMap() : dataNodes); } @Override public Map<String, SchemaConfig> getSchemas() { return (Map<String, SchemaConfig>) (schemas.isEmpty() ? Collections .emptyMap() : schemas); } private void load(String dtdFile, String xmlFile) { InputStream dtd = null; InputStream xml = null; try { dtd = XMLSchemaLoader.class.getResourceAsStream(dtdFile); xml = XMLSchemaLoader.class.getResourceAsStream(xmlFile); Element root = ConfigUtil.getDocument(dtd, xml) .getDocumentElement(); loadDataHosts(root); loadDataNodes(root); loadSchemas(root); } catch (ConfigException e) { throw e; } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new ConfigException(e); } finally { if (dtd != null) { try { dtd.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } if (xml != null) { try { xml.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } } } private void loadSchemas(Element root) { NodeList list = root.getElementsByTagName("schema"); for (int i = 0, n = list.getLength(); i < n; i++) { Element schemaElement = (Element) list.item(i); String name = schemaElement.getAttribute("name"); String dataNode = schemaElement.getAttribute("dataNode"); String checkSQLSchemaStr = schemaElement .getAttribute("checkSQLschema"); String sqlMaxLimitStr = schemaElement.getAttribute("sqlMaxLimit"); int sqlMaxLimit = -1; if (sqlMaxLimitStr != null && !sqlMaxLimitStr.isEmpty()) { sqlMaxLimit = Integer.valueOf(sqlMaxLimitStr); } // check dataNode already exists or not if (dataNode != null && !dataNode.isEmpty()) { List<String> dataNodeLst = new ArrayList<String>(1); dataNodeLst.add(dataNode); checkDataNodeExists(dataNodeLst); } else { dataNode = null; } Map<String, TableConfig> tables = loadTables(schemaElement); if (schemas.containsKey(name)) { throw new ConfigException("schema " + name + " duplicated!"); } schemas.put(name, new SchemaConfig(name, dataNode, tables, sqlMaxLimit, "true".equalsIgnoreCase(checkSQLSchemaStr))); } } private Map<String, TableConfig> loadTables(Element node) { Map<String, TableConfig> tables = new HashMap<String, TableConfig>(); NodeList nodeList = node.getElementsByTagName("table"); for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.getLength(); i++) { Element tableElement = (Element) nodeList.item(i); String tableNameElement = tableElement.getAttribute("name") .toUpperCase(); String[] tableNames = tableNameElement.split(","); String primaryKey = tableElement.hasAttribute("primaryKey") ? tableElement .getAttribute("primaryKey").toUpperCase() : null; boolean autoIncrement = false; if (tableElement.hasAttribute("autoIncrement")) { autoIncrement = Boolean.parseBoolean(tableElement .getAttribute("autoIncrement")); } String tableTypeStr = tableElement.hasAttribute("type") ? tableElement .getAttribute("type") : null; int tableType = TableConfig.TYPE_GLOBAL_DEFAULT; if ("global".equalsIgnoreCase(tableTypeStr)) { tableType = TableConfig.TYPE_GLOBAL_TABLE; } String dataNode = tableElement.getAttribute("dataNode"); TableRuleConfig tableRule = null; if (tableElement.hasAttribute("rule")) { String ruleName = tableElement.getAttribute("rule"); tableRule = tableRules.get(ruleName); if (tableRule == null) { throw new ConfigException("rule " + ruleName + " is not found!"); } } boolean ruleRequired = false; if (tableElement.hasAttribute("ruleRequired")) { ruleRequired = Boolean.parseBoolean(tableElement .getAttribute("ruleRequired")); } if (tableNames == null) { throw new ConfigException("table name is not found!"); } for (int j = 0; j < tableNames.length; j++) { String tableName = tableNames[j]; TableConfig table = new TableConfig(tableName, primaryKey, autoIncrement, tableType, dataNode, (tableRule != null) ? tableRule.getRule() : null, ruleRequired, null, false, null, null); checkDataNodeExists(table.getDataNodes()); if (tables.containsKey(table.getName())) { throw new ConfigException("table " + tableName + " duplicated!"); } tables.put(table.getName(), table); } if (tableNames.length == 1) { TableConfig table = new TableConfig(tableNames[0], primaryKey, autoIncrement, tableType, dataNode, (tableRule != null) ? tableRule.getRule() : null, ruleRequired, null, false, null, null); // process child tables processChildTables(tables, table, dataNode, tableElement); } } return tables; } private void processChildTables(Map<String, TableConfig> tables, TableConfig parentTable, String dataNodes, Element tableNode) { // parse child tables NodeList childNodeList = tableNode.getChildNodes(); for (int j = 0; j < childNodeList.getLength(); j++) { Node theNode = childNodeList.item(j); if (!theNode.getNodeName().equals("childTable")) { continue; } Element childTbElement = (Element) theNode; String cdTbName = childTbElement.getAttribute("name").toUpperCase(); String primaryKey = childTbElement.hasAttribute("primaryKey") ? childTbElement .getAttribute("primaryKey").toUpperCase() : null; boolean autoIncrement = false; if (childTbElement.hasAttribute("autoIncrement")) { autoIncrement = Boolean.parseBoolean(childTbElement .getAttribute("autoIncrement")); } String joinKey = childTbElement.getAttribute("joinKey") .toUpperCase(); String parentKey = childTbElement.getAttribute("parentKey") .toUpperCase(); TableConfig table = new TableConfig(cdTbName, primaryKey, autoIncrement, TableConfig.TYPE_GLOBAL_DEFAULT, dataNodes, null, false, parentTable, true, joinKey, parentKey); if (tables.containsKey(table.getName())) { throw new ConfigException("table " + table.getName() + " duplicated!"); } tables.put(table.getName(), table); processChildTables(tables, table, dataNodes, childTbElement); } } private void checkDataNodeExists(Collection<String> nodes) { if (nodes == null || nodes.size() < 1) { return; } for (String node : nodes) { if (!dataNodes.containsKey(node)) { throw new ConfigException("dataNode '" + node + "' is not found!"); } } } private void loadDataNodes(Element root) { NodeList list = root.getElementsByTagName("dataNode"); for (int i = 0, n = list.getLength(); i < n; i++) { Element element = (Element) list.item(i); String dnNamePre = element.getAttribute("name"); String databaseStr = element.getAttribute("database"); String host = element.getAttribute("dataHost"); if (empty(dnNamePre) || empty(databaseStr) || empty(host)) { throw new ConfigException("dataNode " + dnNamePre + " define error ,attribute can't be empty"); } String[] databases = org.opencloudb.util.SplitUtil.split( databaseStr, ',', '$', '-', 's', '_'); if (databases.length > 1) { for (int k = 0; k < databases.length; k++) { String databaseName = databases[k].substring(0, databases[k].length() - 1); createDataNode(dnNamePre + '[' + k + ']', databaseName, host); // System.out.println("dn:"+dnNamePre + '[' + k + // ']'+",databse:"+databaseName+",host:"+host); } } else { createDataNode(dnNamePre, databaseStr, host); } } } private void createDataNode(String dnName, String database, String host) { DataNodeConfig conf = new DataNodeConfig(dnName, database, host); if (dataNodes.containsKey(conf.getName())) { throw new ConfigException("dataNode " + conf.getName() + " duplicated!"); } if (!dataHosts.containsKey(host)) { throw new ConfigException("dataNode " + dnName + " reference dataHost:" + host + " not exists!"); } dataNodes.put(conf.getName(), conf); } private boolean empty(String dnName) { return dnName == null || dnName.length() == 0; } private DBHostConfig createDBHostConf(String dataHost, Element node, String dbType, String dbDriver, int maxCon, int minCon) { String nodeHost = node.getAttribute("host"); String nodeUrl = node.getAttribute("url"); String user = node.getAttribute("user"); String password = node.getAttribute("password"); String ip = null; int port = 0; if (empty(nodeHost) || empty(nodeUrl) || empty(user)) { throw new ConfigException( "dataHost " + dataHost + " define error,some attributes of this element is empty: " + nodeHost); } if ("native".equalsIgnoreCase(dbDriver)) { int colonIndex = nodeUrl.indexOf(':'); ip = nodeUrl.substring(0, colonIndex).trim(); port = Integer.parseInt(nodeUrl.substring(colonIndex + 1).trim()); } else { URI url; try { url = new URI(nodeUrl.substring(5)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ConfigException("invalid jdbc url " + nodeUrl + " of " + dataHost); } ip = url.getHost(); port = url.getPort(); } DBHostConfig conf = new DBHostConfig(nodeHost, ip, port, nodeUrl, user, password); conf.setDbType(dbType); conf.setMaxCon(maxCon); conf.setMinCon(minCon); return conf; } private void loadDataHosts(Element root) { NodeList list = root.getElementsByTagName("dataHost"); for (int i = 0, n = list.getLength(); i < n; ++i) { Element element = (Element) list.item(i); String name = element.getAttribute("name"); if (dataHosts.containsKey(name)) { throw new ConfigException("dataHost name " + name + "duplicated!"); } int maxCon = Integer.valueOf(element.getAttribute("maxCon")); int minCon = Integer.valueOf(element.getAttribute("minCon")); int balance = Integer.valueOf(element.getAttribute("balance")); String writeTypStr = element.getAttribute("writeType"); int writeType = "".equals(writeTypStr) ? PhysicalDBPool.WRITE_ONLYONE_NODE : Integer.valueOf(writeTypStr); String dbDriver = element.getAttribute("dbDriver"); String dbType = element.getAttribute("dbType"); String heartbeatSQL = element.getElementsByTagName("heartbeat") .item(0).getTextContent(); NodeList writeNodes = element.getElementsByTagName("writeHost"); DBHostConfig[] writeDbConfs = new DBHostConfig[writeNodes .getLength()]; Map<Integer, DBHostConfig[]> readHostsMap = new HashMap<Integer, DBHostConfig[]>( 2); for (int w = 0; w < writeDbConfs.length; w++) { Element writeNode = (Element) writeNodes.item(w); writeDbConfs[w] = createDBHostConf(name, writeNode, dbType, dbDriver, maxCon, minCon); NodeList readNodes = writeNode.getElementsByTagName("readHost"); if (readNodes.getLength() != 0) { DBHostConfig[] readDbConfs = new DBHostConfig[readNodes .getLength()]; for (int r = 0; r < readDbConfs.length; r++) { Element readNode = (Element) readNodes.item(r); readDbConfs[r] = createDBHostConf(name, readNode, dbType, dbDriver, maxCon, minCon); } readHostsMap.put(w, readDbConfs); } } DataHostConfig hostConf = new DataHostConfig(name, dbType, dbDriver, writeDbConfs, readHostsMap); hostConf.setMaxCon(maxCon); hostConf.setMinCon(minCon); hostConf.setBalance(balance); hostConf.setWriteType(writeType); hostConf.setHearbeatSQL(heartbeatSQL); dataHosts.put(hostConf.getName(), hostConf); } } }