/* * Copyright (c) 2013, OpenCloudDB/MyCAT and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software;Designed and Developed mainly by many Chinese * opensource volunteers. you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as published by the * Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Any questions about this component can be directed to it's project Web address * https://code.google.com/p/opencloudb/. * */ package org.opencloudb.server.parser; import org.opencloudb.parser.util.ParseUtil; /** * @author mycat */ public final class ServerParse { public static final int OTHER = -1; public static final int BEGIN = 1; public static final int COMMIT = 2; public static final int DELETE = 3; public static final int INSERT = 4; public static final int REPLACE = 5; public static final int ROLLBACK = 6; public static final int SELECT = 7; public static final int SET = 8; public static final int SHOW = 9; public static final int START = 10; public static final int UPDATE = 11; public static final int KILL = 12; public static final int SAVEPOINT = 13; public static final int USE = 14; public static final int EXPLAIN = 15; public static final int KILL_QUERY = 16; public static final int HELP = 17; public static final int MYSQL_CMD_COMMENT = 18; public static final int MYSQL_COMMENT = 19; public static final int CALL = 20; public static final int DESCRIBE = 21; public static int parse(String stmt) { int lenth = stmt.length(); for (int i = 0; i < lenth; ++i) { switch (stmt.charAt(i)) { case ' ': case '\t': case '\r': case '\n': continue; case '/': // such as /*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client // */; if (i == 0 && stmt.charAt(1) == '*' && stmt.charAt(2) == '!' && stmt.charAt(lenth - 2) == '*' && stmt.charAt(lenth - 1) == '/') { return MYSQL_CMD_COMMENT; } case '#': i = ParseUtil.comment(stmt, i); if (i + 1 == lenth) { return MYSQL_COMMENT; } continue; case 'B': case 'b': return beginCheck(stmt, i); case 'C': case 'c': return commitOrCallCheck(stmt, i); case 'D': case 'd': return dCheck(stmt, i); case 'E': case 'e': return explainCheck(stmt, i); case 'I': case 'i': return insertCheck(stmt, i); case 'R': case 'r': return rCheck(stmt, i); case 'S': case 's': return sCheck(stmt, i); case 'U': case 'u': return uCheck(stmt, i); case 'K': case 'k': return killCheck(stmt, i); case 'H': case 'h': return helpCheck(stmt, i); default: return OTHER; } } return OTHER; } // HELP' ' static int helpCheck(String stmt, int offset) { if (stmt.length() > offset + "ELP ".length()) { char c1 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c2 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c3 = stmt.charAt(++offset); if ((c1 == 'E' || c1 == 'e') && (c2 == 'L' || c2 == 'l') && (c3 == 'P' || c3 == 'p')) { return (offset << 8) | HELP; } } return OTHER; } // EXPLAIN' ' static int explainCheck(String stmt, int offset) { if (stmt.length() > offset + "XPLAIN ".length()) { char c1 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c2 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c3 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c4 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c5 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c6 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c7 = stmt.charAt(++offset); if ((c1 == 'X' || c1 == 'x') && (c2 == 'P' || c2 == 'p') && (c3 == 'L' || c3 == 'l') && (c4 == 'A' || c4 == 'a') && (c5 == 'I' || c5 == 'i') && (c6 == 'N' || c6 == 'n') && (c7 == ' ' || c7 == '\t' || c7 == '\r' || c7 == '\n')) { return (offset << 8) | EXPLAIN; } } return OTHER; } // KILL' ' static int killCheck(String stmt, int offset) { if (stmt.length() > offset + "ILL ".length()) { char c1 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c2 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c3 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c4 = stmt.charAt(++offset); if ((c1 == 'I' || c1 == 'i') && (c2 == 'L' || c2 == 'l') && (c3 == 'L' || c3 == 'l') && (c4 == ' ' || c4 == '\t' || c4 == '\r' || c4 == '\n')) { while (stmt.length() > ++offset) { switch (stmt.charAt(offset)) { case ' ': case '\t': case '\r': case '\n': continue; case 'Q': case 'q': return killQueryCheck(stmt, offset); default: return (offset << 8) | KILL; } } return OTHER; } } return OTHER; } // KILL QUERY' ' static int killQueryCheck(String stmt, int offset) { if (stmt.length() > offset + "UERY ".length()) { char c1 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c2 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c3 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c4 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c5 = stmt.charAt(++offset); if ((c1 == 'U' || c1 == 'u') && (c2 == 'E' || c2 == 'e') && (c3 == 'R' || c3 == 'r') && (c4 == 'Y' || c4 == 'y') && (c5 == ' ' || c5 == '\t' || c5 == '\r' || c5 == '\n')) { while (stmt.length() > ++offset) { switch (stmt.charAt(offset)) { case ' ': case '\t': case '\r': case '\n': continue; default: return (offset << 8) | KILL_QUERY; } } return OTHER; } } return OTHER; } // BEGIN static int beginCheck(String stmt, int offset) { if (stmt.length() > offset + 4) { char c1 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c2 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c3 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c4 = stmt.charAt(++offset); if ((c1 == 'E' || c1 == 'e') && (c2 == 'G' || c2 == 'g') && (c3 == 'I' || c3 == 'i') && (c4 == 'N' || c4 == 'n') && (stmt.length() == ++offset || ParseUtil.isEOF(stmt .charAt(offset)))) { return BEGIN; } } return OTHER; } // COMMIT static int commitCheck(String stmt, int offset) { if (stmt.length() > offset + 5) { char c1 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c2 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c3 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c4 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c5 = stmt.charAt(++offset); if ((c1 == 'O' || c1 == 'o') && (c2 == 'M' || c2 == 'm') && (c3 == 'M' || c3 == 'm') && (c4 == 'I' || c4 == 'i') && (c5 == 'T' || c5 == 't') && (stmt.length() == ++offset || ParseUtil.isEOF(stmt .charAt(offset)))) { return COMMIT; } } return OTHER; } // CALL static int callCheck(String stmt, int offset) { if (stmt.length() > offset + 3) { char c1 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c2 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c3 = stmt.charAt(++offset); if ((c1 == 'A' || c1 == 'a') && (c2 == 'L' || c2 == 'l') && (c3 == 'L' || c3 == 'l')) { return CALL; } } return OTHER; } static int commitOrCallCheck(String stmt, int offset) { int sqlType = OTHER; switch (stmt.charAt((offset + 1))) { case 'O': case 'o': sqlType = commitCheck(stmt, offset); break; case 'A': case 'a': sqlType = callCheck(stmt, offset); break; default: sqlType = OTHER; } return sqlType; } // DESCRIBE or desc or DELETE' ' static int dCheck(String stmt, int offset) { if (stmt.length() > offset + 4) { int res = describeCheck(stmt, offset); if (res == DESCRIBE) { return res; } } // continue check if (stmt.length() > offset + 6) { char c1 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c2 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c3 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c4 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c5 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c6 = stmt.charAt(++offset); if ((c1 == 'E' || c1 == 'e') && (c2 == 'L' || c2 == 'l') && (c3 == 'E' || c3 == 'e') && (c4 == 'T' || c4 == 't') && (c5 == 'E' || c5 == 'e') && (c6 == ' ' || c6 == '\t' || c6 == '\r' || c6 == '\n')) { return DELETE; } } return OTHER; } // DESCRIBE' ' 或 desc' ' static int describeCheck(String stmt, int offset) { //desc if (stmt.length() > offset + 4) { char c1 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c2 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c3 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c4 = stmt.charAt(++offset); if ((c1 == 'E' || c1 == 'e') && (c2 == 'S' || c2 == 's') && (c3 == 'C' || c3 == 'c') && (c4 == ' ' || c4 == '\t' || c4 == '\r' || c4 == '\n')) { return DESCRIBE; } //describe if (stmt.length() > offset + 4) { char c5 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c6 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c7 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c8 = stmt.charAt(++offset); if ((c1 == 'E' || c1 == 'e') && (c2 == 'S' || c2 == 's') && (c3 == 'C' || c3 == 'c') && (c4 == 'R' || c4 == 'r') && (c5 == 'I' || c5 == 'i') && (c6 == 'B' || c6 == 'b') && (c7 == 'E' || c7 == 'e') && (c8 == ' ' || c8 == '\t' || c8 == '\r' || c8 == '\n')) { return DESCRIBE; } } } return OTHER; } // INSERT' ' static int insertCheck(String stmt, int offset) { if (stmt.length() > offset + 6) { char c1 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c2 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c3 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c4 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c5 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c6 = stmt.charAt(++offset); if ((c1 == 'N' || c1 == 'n') && (c2 == 'S' || c2 == 's') && (c3 == 'E' || c3 == 'e') && (c4 == 'R' || c4 == 'r') && (c5 == 'T' || c5 == 't') && (c6 == ' ' || c6 == '\t' || c6 == '\r' || c6 == '\n')) { return INSERT; } } return OTHER; } static int rCheck(String stmt, int offset) { if (stmt.length() > ++offset) { switch (stmt.charAt(offset)) { case 'E': case 'e': return replaceCheck(stmt, offset); case 'O': case 'o': return rollabckCheck(stmt, offset); default: return OTHER; } } return OTHER; } // REPLACE' ' static int replaceCheck(String stmt, int offset) { if (stmt.length() > offset + 6) { char c1 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c2 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c3 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c4 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c5 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c6 = stmt.charAt(++offset); if ((c1 == 'P' || c1 == 'p') && (c2 == 'L' || c2 == 'l') && (c3 == 'A' || c3 == 'a') && (c4 == 'C' || c4 == 'c') && (c5 == 'E' || c5 == 'e') && (c6 == ' ' || c6 == '\t' || c6 == '\r' || c6 == '\n')) { return REPLACE; } } return OTHER; } // ROLLBACK static int rollabckCheck(String stmt, int offset) { if (stmt.length() > offset + 6) { char c1 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c2 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c3 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c4 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c5 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c6 = stmt.charAt(++offset); if ((c1 == 'L' || c1 == 'l') && (c2 == 'L' || c2 == 'l') && (c3 == 'B' || c3 == 'b') && (c4 == 'A' || c4 == 'a') && (c5 == 'C' || c5 == 'c') && (c6 == 'K' || c6 == 'k') && (stmt.length() == ++offset || ParseUtil.isEOF(stmt .charAt(offset)))) { return ROLLBACK; } } return OTHER; } static int sCheck(String stmt, int offset) { if (stmt.length() > ++offset) { switch (stmt.charAt(offset)) { case 'A': case 'a': return savepointCheck(stmt, offset); case 'E': case 'e': return seCheck(stmt, offset); case 'H': case 'h': return showCheck(stmt, offset); case 'T': case 't': return startCheck(stmt, offset); default: return OTHER; } } return OTHER; } // SAVEPOINT static int savepointCheck(String stmt, int offset) { if (stmt.length() > offset + 8) { char c1 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c2 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c3 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c4 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c5 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c6 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c7 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c8 = stmt.charAt(++offset); if ((c1 == 'V' || c1 == 'v') && (c2 == 'E' || c2 == 'e') && (c3 == 'P' || c3 == 'p') && (c4 == 'O' || c4 == 'o') && (c5 == 'I' || c5 == 'i') && (c6 == 'N' || c6 == 'n') && (c7 == 'T' || c7 == 't') && (c8 == ' ' || c8 == '\t' || c8 == '\r' || c8 == '\n')) { return SAVEPOINT; } } return OTHER; } static int seCheck(String stmt, int offset) { if (stmt.length() > ++offset) { switch (stmt.charAt(offset)) { case 'L': case 'l': return selectCheck(stmt, offset); case 'T': case 't': if (stmt.length() > ++offset) { char c = stmt.charAt(offset); if (c == ' ' || c == '\r' || c == '\n' || c == '\t' || c == '/' || c == '#') { return (offset << 8) | SET; } } return OTHER; default: return OTHER; } } return OTHER; } // SELECT' ' static int selectCheck(String stmt, int offset) { if (stmt.length() > offset + 4) { char c1 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c2 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c3 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c4 = stmt.charAt(++offset); if ((c1 == 'E' || c1 == 'e') && (c2 == 'C' || c2 == 'c') && (c3 == 'T' || c3 == 't') && (c4 == ' ' || c4 == '\t' || c4 == '\r' || c4 == '\n' || c4 == '/' || c4 == '#')) { return (offset << 8) | SELECT; } } return OTHER; } // SHOW' ' static int showCheck(String stmt, int offset) { if (stmt.length() > offset + 3) { char c1 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c2 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c3 = stmt.charAt(++offset); if ((c1 == 'O' || c1 == 'o') && (c2 == 'W' || c2 == 'w') && (c3 == ' ' || c3 == '\t' || c3 == '\r' || c3 == '\n')) { return (offset << 8) | SHOW; } } return OTHER; } // START' ' static int startCheck(String stmt, int offset) { if (stmt.length() > offset + 4) { char c1 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c2 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c3 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c4 = stmt.charAt(++offset); if ((c1 == 'A' || c1 == 'a') && (c2 == 'R' || c2 == 'r') && (c3 == 'T' || c3 == 't') && (c4 == ' ' || c4 == '\t' || c4 == '\r' || c4 == '\n')) { return (offset << 8) | START; } } return OTHER; } // UPDATE' ' | USE' ' static int uCheck(String stmt, int offset) { if (stmt.length() > ++offset) { switch (stmt.charAt(offset)) { case 'P': case 'p': if (stmt.length() > offset + 5) { char c1 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c2 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c3 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c4 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c5 = stmt.charAt(++offset); if ((c1 == 'D' || c1 == 'd') && (c2 == 'A' || c2 == 'a') && (c3 == 'T' || c3 == 't') && (c4 == 'E' || c4 == 'e') && (c5 == ' ' || c5 == '\t' || c5 == '\r' || c5 == '\n')) { return UPDATE; } } break; case 'S': case 's': if (stmt.length() > offset + 2) { char c1 = stmt.charAt(++offset); char c2 = stmt.charAt(++offset); if ((c1 == 'E' || c1 == 'e') && (c2 == ' ' || c2 == '\t' || c2 == '\r' || c2 == '\n')) { return (offset << 8) | USE; } } break; default: return OTHER; } } return OTHER; } }