import java.util.Vector;
* MineChess
* @author MineMaarten
* @license Lesser GNU Public License v3 (
* This class came from pate's ChessMate, found at Many thanks to him for allowing
* the usage of his code by others. These classes are a bit modified to be able to have more AI's running at the same time.
public class AIMain{
* The omni-present Chess reference, used nearly everywhere for calculations
* and drawing.
public Chess chess;
int moveTime = 0;
* A list of moves by the players to be displayed in a table.
* @see moveTable
* @see moveTable_dataModel
Vector moveList = new Vector();
* The AICaller class handles AI threading so nothing gets stucky.
public AICaller aiCaller;
* If bQuit is true, all threads will exit and the application will close.
public boolean bQuit = false;
* bPlaying is true when the game is in progress - not for example when the board
* is being set up.
public boolean bPlaying = true; // are we playing
* bSetPosition is true when the player is setting up the board. Kind of self-explanatory.
public boolean bSetPosition = false;
* Alert Displays a dialog containing useful information.
public void alert(String title, String message){
//String[] SaveOptionNames = {"Continue"};
// JLabel label = new JLabel(message);
//JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(this, label, title, JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION, JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE, null, SaveOptionNames, SaveOptionNames[0]);
* When the player starts a new game or loads an old game, this function is invoked
* to clear the moveList, graph and playing area of scattered pieces. The traditional
* chess board position is also loaded.
public void NewGame(){
chess.bThinking = false;
// if(chess.PROGRAM == chess.WHITE) aiCaller.go();
* Main constructor. Called upon application entry. Adds a window listener to the frame
* to listen for close messages.
* Initiates the program by loading images, adding menu items, toolbar items and connecting
* to the data source.
public AIMain(){
chess = new Chess(this);
aiCaller = new AICaller(chess);