package minechess.common; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import; import; import net.minecraft.entity.Entity; import net.minecraft.entity.EntityList; import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLiving; import net.minecraft.entity.SharedMonsterAttributes; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraft.util.AxisAlignedBB; import net.minecraft.util.BlockPos; import net.minecraft.util.DamageSource; import net.minecraft.util.EnumChatFormatting; import net.minecraft.util.EnumParticleTypes; import net.minecraft.util.MathHelper; import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation; import; /** * MineChess * @author MineMaarten * * @license Lesser GNU Public License v3 ( */ public abstract class EntityBaseChessPiece extends EntityLiving{ private static final ResourceLocation RESOURCE_WHITE_PIECE = new ResourceLocation("chessmod:textures/entities/white.png"); private static final ResourceLocation RESOURCE_BLACK_PIECE = new ResourceLocation("chessmod:textures/entities/black.png"); public boolean isBlackTurn = false; // white's first. public boolean firstMove = true; // the first move of the piece (used in pawns, and castling) public boolean isCapturing = false; // this variable is only set during moving when the piece is going to capture a piece from the other color public boolean enPassantPossibility = false; public boolean resignConfirmed = false; public boolean computerPiece = false; public boolean turnToMobOnDeath = false; public boolean solvedPuzzle = true; private boolean offsetNeedsUpdate = false; public int mateInTimes = -1; public int targetX = 0; public int targetY = 0; public int targetZ = 0; public int xOffset = 0; public int zOffset = 0; public int deathTimer = -1;// disable the timer by default. private static final int X_OFFSET_DATAWATCHER_ID = 28; private static final int Z_OFFSET_DATAWATCHER_ID = 29; private static final int IS_BLACK_DATAWATCHER_ID = 30; private EntityPlayer playerLoser = null; private float moveSpeed; public EntityBaseChessPiece(World par1World){ super(par1World); moveSpeed = 0.05F; } @Override protected void entityInit(){ super.entityInit(); dataWatcher.addObject(IS_BLACK_DATAWATCHER_ID, new Byte((byte)1)); dataWatcher.addObject(X_OFFSET_DATAWATCHER_ID, new Integer(xOffset)); dataWatcher.addObject(Z_OFFSET_DATAWATCHER_ID, new Integer(zOffset)); } @Override protected void applyEntityAttributes(){ super.applyEntityAttributes(); getEntityAttribute(SharedMonsterAttributes.movementSpeed).setBaseValue(0.5D); getEntityAttribute(SharedMonsterAttributes.maxHealth).setBaseValue(1.0D); } public ResourceLocation getTexture(){ if(isBlack()) return RESOURCE_BLACK_PIECE; return RESOURCE_WHITE_PIECE; } protected boolean canDespawn(){ return false; } @Override public void setPosition(double x, double y, double z){ super.setPosition(x, y, z); moveSpeed = 0.1F; offsetNeedsUpdate = true; } public void setPositionAndOffset(double x, double y, double z){ setPosition(x, y, z); xOffset = MathHelper.floor_double(x); zOffset = MathHelper.floor_double(z); } // overriding this method makes this entity invulnerable, unless the entity // gets captured or when the game is over. @Override public boolean attackEntityFrom(DamageSource par1DamageSource, float par2){ if(MineChess.DEBUG || par1DamageSource.getDamageType() == "outOfWorld") { return super.attackEntityFrom(par1DamageSource, par2); } return false; } @Override public boolean canBePushed(){ return false; } public void setIsBlack(boolean isBlack){ dataWatcher.updateObject(IS_BLACK_DATAWATCHER_ID, new Byte((byte)(isBlack ? 1 : 0))); } public boolean isBlack(){ return dataWatcher.getWatchableObjectByte(IS_BLACK_DATAWATCHER_ID) == 1; } public int getXOffset(){ return dataWatcher.getWatchableObjectInt(X_OFFSET_DATAWATCHER_ID); } public int getZOffset(){ return dataWatcher.getWatchableObjectInt(Z_OFFSET_DATAWATCHER_ID); } @Override public void writeEntityToNBT(NBTTagCompound compound){ super.writeEntityToNBT(compound); compound.setBoolean("isBlackTurn", isBlackTurn); compound.setBoolean("isBlack", isBlack()); compound.setBoolean("isCapturing", isCapturing); compound.setBoolean("firstMove", firstMove); compound.setBoolean("enPasse", enPassantPossibility); compound.setBoolean("computerPiece", computerPiece); compound.setBoolean("solvedPuzzle", solvedPuzzle); compound.setInteger("targetX", targetX); compound.setInteger("targetY", targetY); compound.setInteger("targetZ", targetZ); compound.setInteger("xOffset", xOffset); compound.setInteger("zOffset", zOffset); compound.setInteger("deathTimer", deathTimer); compound.setInteger("mateInTimes", mateInTimes); } @Override public void readEntityFromNBT(NBTTagCompound compound){ super.readEntityFromNBT(compound); isBlackTurn = compound.getBoolean("isBlackTurn"); firstMove = compound.getBoolean("firstMove"); isCapturing = compound.getBoolean("isCapturing"); enPassantPossibility = compound.getBoolean("enPasse"); computerPiece = compound.getBoolean("computerPiece"); solvedPuzzle = compound.getBoolean("solvedPuzzle"); targetX = compound.getInteger("targetX"); targetY = compound.getInteger("targetY"); targetZ = compound.getInteger("targetZ"); xOffset = compound.getInteger("xOffset"); zOffset = compound.getInteger("zOffset"); setIsBlack(compound.getBoolean("isBlack")); deathTimer = compound.getInteger("deathTimer"); mateInTimes = compound.getInteger("mateInTimes"); } public void setTargetPosition(int x, int z){ targetX = x; targetY = (int)posY; targetZ = z; } public int[] getTargetPosition(){ int[] target = new int[2]; target[0] = targetX; target[1] = targetZ; return target; } @Override public boolean interact(EntityPlayer player){ if(player.inventory.getCurrentItem() != null && player.inventory.getCurrentItem().getItem() == MineChess.itemPieceMover && player.inventory.getCurrentItem().getItemDamage() < 2) { EntityBaseChessPiece entitySelected = ItemPieceMover.getEntitySelected(player.worldObj, player.getCurrentEquippedItem()); if(entitySelected != null && isBlack() ^ entitySelected.isBlack()) { // try to move to the enemy's piece if there is an ally piece selected. if(!worldObj.isRemote) { if(!getEnemyPiece().computerPiece) setLosingPlayer(player, isBlack()); //only set the XP repel to not puzzle boards. entitySelected.tryToGoTo(targetX, targetZ, player); } else { // ItemPieceMover.setRenderTiles(null, 0, player.getCurrentEquippedItem()); } } else if(player.inventory.getCurrentItem().getItemDamage() == 0 && isBlack() || player.inventory.getCurrentItem().getItemDamage() == 1 && !isBlack()) { // else, select another ally piece if(computerPiece && !worldObj.isRemote) { MineChessUtils.sendUnlocalizedMessage(player, "message.error.computerPiece", EnumChatFormatting.RED.toString()); return false; } if(!worldObj.isRemote && this instanceof EntityKing && player.isSneaking()) { if(resignConfirmed) { setLosingPlayer(player, true);// the surrendering player shouldnt be able to pick up the black orbs. setLosingPlayer(player, false);// neither the white orbs MineChessUtils.sendUnlocalizedMessage(player, "message.player.youSurrender" + (isBlack() ? "WhiteWon" : "BlackWon"), EnumChatFormatting.RED.toString()); sendChatToNearbyPlayers(player, "message.broadcast." + (isBlack() ? "blackSurrender" : "whiteSurrender"), EnumChatFormatting.DARK_GREEN.toString()); setDeathTimer(!isBlack()); } else { MineChessUtils.sendUnlocalizedMessage(player, "message.player.confirmSurrender"); resignConfirmed = true; } return false; } else { resignConfirmed = false; } if(!worldObj.isRemote) MineChessUtils.sendUnlocalizedMessage(player, "message.player.selectPiece", EnumChatFormatting.DARK_AQUA.toString(), "entity." + EntityList.getEntityString(this) + ".name"); if(!worldObj.isRemote) updateClient(getValidMoves(), player, getEntityId()); return false; } else { if(!worldObj.isRemote) MineChessUtils.sendUnlocalizedMessage(player, "message.error.notYourPiece", EnumChatFormatting.RED.toString()); } // ItemPieceMover.setEntitySelected(-1, player.getCurrentEquippedItem()); } else if(player.inventory.getCurrentItem() != null && player.inventory.getCurrentItem().getItem() == MineChess.itemPieceMover && player.inventory.getCurrentItem().getItemDamage() == 4) { if(!computerPiece) { EntityBaseChessPiece enemy = getEnemyPiece(); if(enemy != null && enemy.mateInTimes < 0) { setMateTimes(-1); setComputerPiece(true); if(!worldObj.isRemote) MineChessUtils.sendUnlocalizedMessage(player, "message.player.transform" + (isBlack() ? "BlackAI" : "WhiteAI"), EnumChatFormatting.DARK_BLUE.toString()); } else { if(!worldObj.isRemote) MineChessUtils.sendUnlocalizedMessage(player, "message.error.aiPuzzle", EnumChatFormatting.RED.toString()); } } else { if(!worldObj.isRemote) MineChessUtils.sendUnlocalizedMessage(player, "message.error.alreadyAI", EnumChatFormatting.RED.toString()); } } else { if(!worldObj.isRemote) MineChessUtils.sendUnlocalizedMessage(player, "message.error.noPieceMover", EnumChatFormatting.RED.toString()); } return false; } /** * sets the repelling XP orbs to the player given to the pieces of the given color. * @param player * @param isBlack */ public void setLosingPlayer(EntityPlayer player, boolean isBlack){ List<EntityBaseChessPiece> pieces = getChessPieces(false); for(int i = 0; i < pieces.size(); i++) { if(pieces.get(i).isBlack() == isBlack) pieces.get(i).playerLoser = player; } } /** * Sends al the valid moves of this chesspiece to the client, which will update the rendering. * @param validMoves * @param player */ private void updateClient(List<int[]> validMoves, EntityPlayer player, int entityID){ // PacketDispatcher.sendPacketToPlayer(PacketHandler.getPieceSelectedUpdatePacket(validMoves, targetY - 1, entityID), (Player)player); ItemPieceMover.setEntitySelected(entityID, player.getCurrentEquippedItem()); ItemPieceMover.setRenderTiles(validMoves, targetY - 1, player.getCurrentEquippedItem()); } public void sendChatToNearbyPlayers(EntityPlayer playerToExclude, String chatMessage){ sendChatToNearbyPlayers(playerToExclude, chatMessage, EnumChatFormatting.WHITE.toString()); } private List<EntityPlayer> getNearbyPlayers(){ AxisAlignedBB bbBox = new AxisAlignedBB(xOffset - 5, (int)posY - 5, zOffset - 5, xOffset + 13, posY + 8, zOffset + 13); return worldObj.getEntitiesWithinAABB(EntityPlayer.class, bbBox); } public void sendChatToNearbyPlayers(EntityPlayer playerToExclude, String chatMessage, String... replacements){ List<EntityPlayer> players = getNearbyPlayers(); for(int i = 0; i < players.size(); i++) { if(playerToExclude == null || players.get(i) != playerToExclude) { MineChessUtils.sendUnlocalizedMessage(players.get(i), chatMessage, replacements); } } } // try to go to the position specified public boolean tryToGoTo(int x, int z, EntityPlayer player){ if(isDead) { MineChessUtils.sendUnlocalizedMessage(player, "message.error.pieceCaptured", EnumChatFormatting.RED.toString()); return false; } if(isPawnAwaitingPromotion()) { if(player != null) MineChessUtils.sendUnlocalizedMessage(player, "message.error.pawnAwaitingPromotion", EnumChatFormatting.RED.toString()); } else if(isBlack() == isBlackTurn && !isPieceCapturing()) { if(canGoTo(x, z, true, player)) { EntityBaseChessPiece pieceToBeCaptured = getPieceAt(x, z); int oldX = targetX;// save the old targets for when the move isn't possible due to king danger. int oldZ = targetZ; setTargetPosition(x, z); if(pieceToBeCaptured != null) pieceToBeCaptured.setTargetPosition(10, 10);//virtually move the piece of the board boolean kingInDanger = isKingInDanger(isBlack(), true); //check if the king is in danger when this piece would be gone. if(pieceToBeCaptured != null) pieceToBeCaptured.setTargetPosition(x, z);//move the piece back on the board. if(kingInDanger) {// if the king's in danger, setTargetPosition(oldX, oldZ);// take the old positions again. isCapturing = false; if(player != null) MineChessUtils.sendUnlocalizedMessage(player, "message.error.kingInCheck", EnumChatFormatting.RED.toString()); return false; } else { if(!handleCastling(player)) {// if the player wasn't able to castle (due to moving the king over an in chess zone) setTargetPosition(oldX, oldZ); return false; } clearEnPassant(); // none of the pawns have jumped two rows at once. enPassantPossibility = this instanceof EntityPawn && firstMove && (targetZ == 3 || targetZ == 4); firstMove = false; // set false if it weren't already. if(this instanceof EntityKnight) motionY = 0.8D; if(player != null) { MineChessUtils.sendUnlocalizedMessage(player, "message.player.movePiece", EnumChatFormatting.DARK_GREEN.toString(), "entity." + EntityList.getEntityString(this) + ".name", getColumnName(x) + (z + 1)); AchievementHandler.giveAchievement(player, "movePiece"); } sendChatToNearbyPlayers(player, "message.broadcast.move" + (isBlack() ? "BlackPiece" : "WhitePiece"), EnumChatFormatting.DARK_GREEN.toString(), "entity." + EntityList.getEntityString(this) + ".name", getColumnName(x) + (z + 1)); if(!isCapturing) { handleAfterTurn(player); } return true; } } } else { if(player != null) MineChessUtils.sendUnlocalizedMessage(player, "message.error." + (isBlackTurn ? "blacksTurn" : "whitesTurn"), EnumChatFormatting.RED.toString()); } return false; } protected void handleAfterTurn(EntityPlayer player){ if(!isPawnAwaitingPromotion()) { List<EntityBaseChessPiece> pieces = getChessPieces(true); EntityKing king = null; for(EntityBaseChessPiece piece : pieces) { if(piece instanceof EntityKing && piece.isBlack()) {//only the black king keeps track of the positions. king = (EntityKing)piece; break; } } if(king != null) { ChessPosition curPos = new ChessPosition(this); king.lastPositions.add(curPos); } int movesAvailable = isGameOver(); if(movesAvailable == 0) { if(isKingInDanger(!isBlack(), false)) { if(player != null) { MineChessUtils.sendUnlocalizedMessage(player, "message.broadcast.checkmate", EnumChatFormatting.BLUE.toString()); AchievementHandler.giveAchievement(player, "checkmate"); } for(EntityPlayer nearbyPlayer : getNearbyPlayers()) if(nearbyPlayer != player) AchievementHandler.giveAchievement(nearbyPlayer, "lose"); sendChatToNearbyPlayers(player, "message.broadcast.checkmate", EnumChatFormatting.DARK_RED.toString()); } else { if(player != null) MineChessUtils.sendUnlocalizedMessage(player, "message.broadcast.stalemate", EnumChatFormatting.BLUE.toString()); for(EntityPlayer nearbyPlayer : getNearbyPlayers()) AchievementHandler.giveAchievement(nearbyPlayer, "stalemate"); sendChatToNearbyPlayers(player, "message.broadcast.stalemate", EnumChatFormatting.DARK_RED.toString()); } setDeathTimer(isBlack()); } else if(isKingInDanger(!isBlack(), false)) { if(player != null) { MineChessUtils.sendUnlocalizedMessage(player, "message.broadcast.check", EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW.toString()); AchievementHandler.giveAchievement(player, "check"); } sendChatToNearbyPlayers(player, "message.broadcast.check", EnumChatFormatting.RED.toString()); } if(king != null) { king.checkForDraw(true); } switchTurns(); handlePuzzles(player); } } private EntityBaseChessPiece getPieceAt(int x, int z){ List<EntityBaseChessPiece> pieces = getChessPieces(true); for(EntityBaseChessPiece piece : pieces) { if(piece.targetX == x && piece.targetZ == z) { return piece; } } return null; } protected boolean isPieceCapturing(){ List<EntityBaseChessPiece> pieces = getChessPieces(true); for(EntityBaseChessPiece piece : pieces) { if(piece.isCapturing) return true; } return false; } protected boolean isPawnAwaitingPromotion(){ List<EntityBaseChessPiece> pieces = getChessPieces(true); for(EntityBaseChessPiece piece : pieces) { if(!piece.isDead && piece instanceof EntityPawn && piece.targetZ % 7 == 0) return true; } return false; } private void handlePuzzles(EntityPlayer player){ EntityBaseChessPiece enemy = getEnemyPiece(); if(enemy != null && enemy.computerPiece) { List<EntityBaseChessPiece> pieces = getChessPieces(true); for(int i = 0; i < pieces.size(); i++) { if(enemy.isBlack() == pieces.get(i).isBlack()) { List<int[]> moves = pieces.get(i).getValidMoves(); if(moves.size() > 0) { if(mateInTimes == 1) { setDeathTimer(enemy.isBlack());// enemy won. setPuzzleFail(); MineChessUtils.onPuzzleFail(worldObj, player, this, xOffset, targetY, zOffset, rand); } mateInTimes--; setMateTimes(mateInTimes); return; } } } if(player != null && deathTimer > 0) AchievementHandler.giveAchievement(player, "puzzleWin"); } } public void setMateTimes(int mateInTime){ List<EntityBaseChessPiece> pieces = getChessPieces(false); for(int i = 0; i < pieces.size(); i++) { pieces.get(i).mateInTimes = mateInTime; } } public void setPuzzleFail(){ List<EntityBaseChessPiece> pieces = getChessPieces(false); for(int i = 0; i < pieces.size(); i++) { pieces.get(i).solvedPuzzle = false; } } public void setComputerPiece(boolean isComputer){ List<EntityBaseChessPiece> pieces = getChessPieces(false); for(int i = 0; i < pieces.size(); i++) { if(pieces.get(i).isBlack() == isBlack()) pieces.get(i).computerPiece = isComputer; } } public void setDeathTimer(boolean winnerIsBlack){ List<EntityBaseChessPiece> pieces = getChessPieces(false); for(int i = 0; i < pieces.size(); i++) { pieces.get(i).deathTimer = rand.nextInt(100) /* + 280 */ + (winnerIsBlack ^ pieces.get(i).isBlack() ? pieces.get(i) instanceof EntityKing ? 0 : 120 : 160); } } private boolean handleCastling(EntityPlayer player){ if(!(this instanceof EntityKing) || !firstMove) return true; // don't influence moves that haven't to do with castling at all. List<EntityBaseChessPiece> pieces = getChessPieces(true); for(int i = 0; i < pieces.size(); i++) { if(pieces.get(i) instanceof EntityRook && isBlack() == pieces.get(i).isBlack()) { if(pieces.get(i).targetX == 0 && targetX == 1) { targetX = 3; if(isKingInDanger(isBlack(), false)) { if(player != null) MineChessUtils.sendUnlocalizedMessage(player, "message.error.kingInCheck", EnumChatFormatting.RED.toString()); return false;// the player can't castle if the king is in check. } targetX = 2; if(isKingInDanger(isBlack(), true)) { if(player != null) MineChessUtils.sendUnlocalizedMessage(player, "message.error.kingCheckCastling", EnumChatFormatting.RED.toString()); return false;// the player can't move the King over an in check tile. } targetX = 1; pieces.get(i).targetX = 2; pieces.get(i).firstMove = false; pieces.get(i).motionY = 0.8D; } else if(pieces.get(i).targetX == 7 && targetX == 5) { targetX = 3; if(isKingInDanger(isBlack(), false)) { if(player != null) MineChessUtils.sendUnlocalizedMessage(player, "message.error.kingInCheck", EnumChatFormatting.RED.toString()); return false;// the player can't castle if the king is in check. } targetX = 4; if(isKingInDanger(isBlack(), true)) { if(player != null) MineChessUtils.sendUnlocalizedMessage(player, "message.error.kingCheckCastling", EnumChatFormatting.RED.toString()); return false;// the player can't move the King over an in check tile. } targetX = 5; pieces.get(i).targetX = 4; pieces.get(i).firstMove = false; pieces.get(i).motionY = 0.8D; } } } if(player != null && targetX == 5 || targetX == 1) AchievementHandler.giveAchievement(player, "castling"); return true; } public String getColumnName(int x){ switch(x){ case 0: return "H"; case 1: return "G"; case 2: return "F"; case 3: return "E"; case 4: return "D"; case 5: return "C"; case 6: return "B"; default: return "A";// which is 7 } } /** * returns true if this entity can go to the position specified. If the * boolean's set to true, the entity will be flagged to capture the piece * potentially standing on the position specified. * @param x * @param z * @param setCaptureIfneccessary * @param player * @return */ public boolean canGoTo(int x, int z, boolean setCaptureIfneccessary, EntityPlayer player){ List<int[]> possibleMoves = getPossibleMoves(); if(possibleMoves == null) return false; for(int i = 0; i < possibleMoves.size(); i++) { // if the desired move is in the move list, and there's no piece in // between if the piece isn't a knight, and we are not moving to the // space we already are if(possibleMoves.get(i)[0] == x && possibleMoves.get(i)[1] == z && (!isPieceInBetween(x, z) || this instanceof EntityKnight) && (x != targetX || z != targetZ)) { // Check for occupying pieces List<EntityBaseChessPiece> chessPieces = getChessPieces(true); for(int j = 0; j < chessPieces.size(); j++) { if(chessPieces.get(j).getTargetPosition()[0] == x && chessPieces.get(j).getTargetPosition()[1] == z) {// when a chesspiece is occupying this space. if(chessPieces.get(j).isBlack() != isBlack()) { //if the piece is different colored. if(setCaptureIfneccessary) { isCapturing = true; } return true; } else { if(player != null) MineChessUtils.sendUnlocalizedMessage(player, "message.error.ownPieceInWay", EnumChatFormatting.RED.toString()); return false; } } else if(this instanceof EntityPawn && chessPieces.get(j).enPassantPossibility && chessPieces.get(j).targetZ == targetZ && (chessPieces.get(j).targetX == targetX - 1 || chessPieces.get(j).targetX == targetX + 1) && chessPieces.get(j).isBlack() ^ isBlack() && targetX != x && setCaptureIfneccessary) { // passant chessPieces.get(j).kill(); if(player != null) AchievementHandler.giveAchievement(player, "enPassant"); } } return true; } } if(player != null) MineChessUtils.sendUnlocalizedMessage(player, "message.error.movementRuleBlocks", EnumChatFormatting.RED.toString()); return false; } /** * Returns true when there is a piece between the given coordinate and the current coordinate of this entity. * @param x * @param z * @return */ private boolean isPieceInBetween(int x, int z){ List<EntityBaseChessPiece> chessPieces = getChessPieces(true); int checkingX = targetX; int checkingZ = targetZ; while(checkingX != x || checkingZ != z) { for(int i = 0; i < chessPieces.size(); i++) { // filter out the to be moved and the target piece. if(chessPieces.get(i).getTargetPosition()[0] == checkingX && chessPieces.get(i).getTargetPosition()[1] == checkingZ && (checkingX != targetX || checkingZ != targetZ) && (checkingX != x || checkingZ != z)) { return true; } } if(checkingX < x) checkingX++; if(checkingX > x) checkingX--; if(checkingZ < z) checkingZ++; if(checkingZ > z) checkingZ--; } return false; } /** * Returns true if this entity can capture the king of the color given. * @param kingIsBlack * @return */ public boolean canCaptureKing(boolean kingIsBlack){ List<EntityBaseChessPiece> pieces = getChessPieces(false); for(int i = 0; i < pieces.size(); i++) { // if the piece is the other side's king if(pieces.get(i) instanceof EntityKing && pieces.get(i).isBlack() == kingIsBlack) { int[] kingPos = pieces.get(i).getTargetPosition(); if(canGoTo(kingPos[0], kingPos[1], false, null)) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Returns true if the king of the given color can be captured by the other team. * @param isBlack * @param impliedMove * @return */ public boolean isKingInDanger(boolean isBlack, boolean impliedMove){ List<EntityBaseChessPiece> pieces = getChessPieces(true); for(int i = 0; i < pieces.size(); i++) { // when the piece is from the other color, and he can capture the // king, and this entity isn't going to be killed by the implied // move, return true. if(pieces.get(i).isBlack() ^ isBlack && pieces.get(i).canCaptureKing(isBlack) && (pieces.get(i).getTargetPosition()[0] != targetX || pieces.get(i).getTargetPosition()[1] != targetZ || !impliedMove)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * returns all valid moves of this entity. * @return */ public List<int[]> getValidMoves(){ List<int[]> moves = new ArrayList<int[]>(); for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { if(canGoTo(i, j, false, null)) { int oldX = targetX; int oldZ = targetZ; EntityBaseChessPiece pieceToBeCaptured = getPieceAt(i, j); targetX = i; targetZ = j; if(pieceToBeCaptured != null) pieceToBeCaptured.setTargetPosition(10, 10); boolean kingInDanger = isKingInDanger(isBlack(), true); if(pieceToBeCaptured != null) pieceToBeCaptured.setTargetPosition(i, j); targetX = oldX; targetZ = oldZ; if(kingInDanger) continue; int[] move = new int[2]; move[0] = i; move[1] = j; moves.add(move); } } } return moves; } public EntityBaseChessPiece getEnemyPiece(){ List<EntityBaseChessPiece> pieces = getChessPieces(true); for(int i = 0; i < pieces.size(); i++) { if(pieces.get(i).isBlack() ^ isBlack()) { return pieces.get(i); } } return null; } /** * Returns the amount of moves the opposite team has. * @return */ public int isGameOver(){ List<EntityBaseChessPiece> pieces = getChessPieces(true); int totalValidMoves = 0; for(int i = 0; i < pieces.size(); i++) { if(pieces.get(i).isBlack() ^ isBlack()) { totalValidMoves += pieces.get(i).getValidMoves().size(); } } return totalValidMoves; } public abstract List<int[]> getPossibleMoves(); public void switchTurns(){ boolean turn = !isBlackTurn; List<EntityBaseChessPiece> pieces = getChessPieces(false); for(int i = 0; i < pieces.size(); i++) { pieces.get(i).isBlackTurn = turn; // notify to all the pieces that the other color is to move. } } public void clearEnPassant(){ List<EntityBaseChessPiece> pieces = getChessPieces(false); for(int i = 0; i < pieces.size(); i++) { pieces.get(i).enPassantPossibility = false; // notify to all the pieces that they are not able to En Passant. } } /** * Returns a list of all the chess pieces on the board. This method also filters * pieces which belong to an other board. * @param filterToBeCapturedPieces filter out pieces that are to be captured. * @return */ public List<EntityBaseChessPiece> getChessPieces(boolean filterToBeCapturedPieces){ AxisAlignedBB bbBox = new AxisAlignedBB(xOffset - 1, (int)posY - 1, zOffset - 1, xOffset + 8, posY + 2, zOffset + 8); List<EntityBaseChessPiece> pieces = worldObj.getEntitiesWithinAABB(EntityBaseChessPiece.class, bbBox); filterPieces(pieces, filterToBeCapturedPieces); return pieces; } //TODO refactoring: This can be done non-recursively. private void filterPieces(List<EntityBaseChessPiece> pieces, boolean filterToBeCapturedPieces){ for(int i = 0; i < pieces.size(); i++) { if(pieces.get(i).dead || pieces.get(i).xOffset != xOffset || pieces.get(i).zOffset != zOffset) { pieces.remove(i); filterPieces(pieces, filterToBeCapturedPieces); return; } if(pieces.get(i).isCapturing && filterToBeCapturedPieces) { for(int j = 0; j < pieces.size(); j++) { if(pieces.get(i).targetX == pieces.get(j).targetX && pieces.get(i).targetZ == pieces.get(j).targetZ && pieces.get(i) != pieces.get(j)) { pieces.remove(j); filterPieces(pieces, filterToBeCapturedPieces); return; } } } } } @Override public void onEntityUpdate(){ if(!worldObj.isRemote) { if(offsetNeedsUpdate) { dataWatcher.updateObject(X_OFFSET_DATAWATCHER_ID, new Integer(xOffset)); dataWatcher.updateObject(Z_OFFSET_DATAWATCHER_ID, new Integer(zOffset)); offsetNeedsUpdate = false; } if(deathTimer > 0) { deathTimer--; if(turnToMobOnDeath && rand.nextInt(40) == 0) { //indicate the piece is going to transform int iterations = rand.nextInt(3) + 3; for(int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { MineChessUtils.spawnParticle(EnumParticleTypes.FLAME, worldObj, posX, posY + rand.nextDouble() * 1.5D, posZ, rand.nextDouble() / 10 - 0.05D, rand.nextDouble() / 10 - 0.05D, rand.nextDouble() / 10 - 0.05D); } } } else if(deathTimer == 0) { if(turnToMobOnDeath) { if(!worldObj.isRemote) { Entity mob = getMob(); mob.setPosition(posX, posY, posZ); worldObj.spawnEntityInWorld(mob); setDead(); worldObj.playAuxSFXAtEntity((EntityPlayer)null, 1009, new BlockPos(posX, posY, posZ), 0); for(int i = 0; i < 40; i++) { MineChessUtils.spawnParticle(EnumParticleTypes.FLAME, worldObj, posX, posY + rand.nextDouble() * 1.5D, posZ, rand.nextDouble() / 10 - 0.05D, rand.nextDouble() / 10 - 0.05D, rand.nextDouble() / 10 - 0.05D); } } } else { kill(); } } //Actually move the pieces to the target location int xCoord = targetX + xOffset; int zCoord = targetZ + zOffset; if(xCoord + 0.5D > posX + 0.1D) { motionX = moveSpeed; } else if(xCoord + 0.5D < posX - 0.1D) { motionX = -moveSpeed; } if(zCoord + 0.5D > posZ + 0.1D) { motionZ = moveSpeed; } else if(zCoord + 0.5D < posZ - 0.1D) { motionZ = -moveSpeed; } if(getDistance(xCoord, targetY, zCoord) < 1.0D) {//When the piece is arrived at destination if(isCapturing) { //and the piece is capturing List<EntityBaseChessPiece> chessPieces = getChessPieces(false); for(int i = 0; i < chessPieces.size(); i++) { if(chessPieces.get(i).getTargetPosition()[0] == targetX && chessPieces.get(i).getTargetPosition()[1] == targetZ && chessPieces.get(i) != this) { if(chessPieces.get(i) instanceof EntityKing) { setDeathTimer(isBlack()); //remove all the pieces, as the game is over without king. if(playerLoser != null) MineChessUtils.sendUnlocalizedMessage(playerLoser, "message.error.bugReport.capturedKing", EnumChatFormatting.RED.toString()); } chessPieces.get(i).kill(); break; } } handleAfterTurn(playerLoser); isCapturing = false; } moveSpeed = 0.05F; } else { moveSpeed = 0.1F; } } super.onEntityUpdate(); // this will make the pieces always visually stand right. Also it turns // the black pieces 180 degrees. rotationYaw = isBlack() ? 180F : 0F; renderYawOffset = rotationYaw; } /** * Invoked by the AI, this method executes the given move, and beforehand checks if this move is valid. * @param move */ public void executeMove(ChessMove move){ if(move != null) { EntityBaseChessPiece piece = getPieceAt(move.from % 10, move.from / 10); if(piece != null) { if(piece.tryToGoTo( % 10, / 10, null)) return; } else { System.err.println("[Chess AI --> board] No piece (or white piece) found at " + move.from % 10 + ", " + move.from / 10); } } //catch when the AI doesn't deliver a valid move. Execute the first valid move we can find then. List<EntityBaseChessPiece> pieces = getChessPieces(true); for(EntityBaseChessPiece piece : pieces) { if(piece.isBlack() == isBlack()) { List<int[]> moves = getValidMoves(); if(moves.size() > 0) { piece.tryToGoTo(moves.get(0)[0], moves.get(0)[1], null); return; } } } //When we still weren't able to execute a move, remove the ai. if(!worldObj.isRemote) sendChatToNearbyPlayers(null, "message.error.bugReport.aiWrongMove", EnumChatFormatting.RED.toString()); setComputerPiece(false); } /** * Should return the entity the piece should transform into when the mob attack punish gets executed. * @return */ public abstract Entity getMob(); @Override public void setDead(){ super.setDead(); if(!worldObj.isRemote && solvedPuzzle) { EntityPickyXPOrb xpOrb = new EntityPickyXPOrb(worldObj, posX, posY, posZ, 1, playerLoser); worldObj.spawnEntityInWorld(xpOrb); } } /** * Overriden to make the method public */ @Override public void kill(){ super.kill(); } }