package; import; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.entity.player.InventoryPlayer; import net.minecraft.inventory.Container; import net.minecraft.inventory.Slot; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; /** * User: brandon3055 * Date: 06/01/2015 * * The container is used to link the client side gui to the server side inventory and it is where * you add the slots to your gui. It can also be used to sync server side data with the client but * that will be covered in a later tutorial */ public class ContainerChickenNest extends Container { // Stores a reference to the tile entity instance for later use private TileEntityChickenNest tileEntityChickenNest; // must assign a slot number to each of the slots used by the GUI. // For this container, we can see both the tile inventory's slots as well as the player inventory slots and the hotbar. // Each time we add a Slot to the container, it automatically increases the slotIndex, which means // 0 - 8 = hotbar slots (which will map to the InventoryPlayer slot numbers 0 - 8) // 9 - 35 = player inventory slots (which map to the InventoryPlayer slot numbers 9 - 35) // 36 - 44 = TileInventory slots, which map to our TileEntity slot numbers 0 - 8) private final int HOTBAR_SLOT_COUNT = 9; private final int PLAYER_INVENTORY_ROW_COUNT = 3; private final int PLAYER_INVENTORY_COLUMN_COUNT = 9; private final int PLAYER_INVENTORY_SLOT_COUNT = PLAYER_INVENTORY_COLUMN_COUNT * PLAYER_INVENTORY_ROW_COUNT; private final int VANILLA_SLOT_COUNT = HOTBAR_SLOT_COUNT + PLAYER_INVENTORY_SLOT_COUNT; private final int VANILLA_FIRST_SLOT_INDEX = 0; private final int TE_INVENTORY_FIRST_SLOT_INDEX = VANILLA_FIRST_SLOT_INDEX + VANILLA_SLOT_COUNT; private final int TE_INVENTORY_SLOT_COUNT = 1; public ContainerChickenNest(InventoryPlayer invPlayer, TileEntityChickenNest tileEntityChickenNest) { this.tileEntityChickenNest = tileEntityChickenNest; final int SLOT_X_SPACING = 18; final int SLOT_Y_SPACING = 18; final int HOTBAR_XPOS = 8; final int HOTBAR_YPOS = 109; // Add the players hotbar to the gui - the [xpos, ypos] location of each item for (int x = 0; x < HOTBAR_SLOT_COUNT; x++) { int slotNumber = x; addSlotToContainer(new Slot(invPlayer, slotNumber, HOTBAR_XPOS + SLOT_X_SPACING * x, HOTBAR_YPOS)); } final int PLAYER_INVENTORY_XPOS = 8; final int PLAYER_INVENTORY_YPOS = 51; // Add the rest of the players inventory to the gui for (int y = 0; y < PLAYER_INVENTORY_ROW_COUNT; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < PLAYER_INVENTORY_COLUMN_COUNT; x++) { int slotNumber = HOTBAR_SLOT_COUNT + y * PLAYER_INVENTORY_COLUMN_COUNT + x; int xpos = PLAYER_INVENTORY_XPOS + x * SLOT_X_SPACING; int ypos = PLAYER_INVENTORY_YPOS + y * SLOT_Y_SPACING; addSlotToContainer(new Slot(invPlayer, slotNumber, xpos, ypos)); } } if (TE_INVENTORY_SLOT_COUNT != tileEntityChickenNest.getSizeInventory()) { System.err.println("Mismatched slot count in ContainerChickenNest(" + TE_INVENTORY_SLOT_COUNT + ") and TileInventory (" + tileEntityChickenNest.getSizeInventory()+")"); } final int TILE_INVENTORY_XPOS = 80; final int TILE_INVENTORY_YPOS = 20; // Add the tile inventory container to the gui addSlotToContainer(new Slot(tileEntityChickenNest, 0, TILE_INVENTORY_XPOS, TILE_INVENTORY_YPOS)); } // Vanilla calls this method every tick to make sure the player is still able to access the inventory, and if not closes the gui @Override public boolean canInteractWith(EntityPlayer player) { return tileEntityChickenNest.isUsableByPlayer(player); } // This is where you specify what happens when a player shift clicks a slot in the gui // (when you shift click a slot in the TileEntity Inventory, it moves it to the first available position in the hotbar and/or // player inventory. When you you shift-click a hotbar or player inventory item, it moves it to the first available // position in the TileEntity inventory) // At the very least you must override this and return null or the game will crash when the player shift clicks a slot // returns null if the source slot is empty, or if none of the the source slot items could be moved // otherwise, returns a copy of the source stack @Override public ItemStack transferStackInSlot(EntityPlayer player, int sourceSlotIndex) { Slot sourceSlot = (Slot)inventorySlots.get(sourceSlotIndex); if (sourceSlot == null || !sourceSlot.getHasStack()) return null; ItemStack sourceStack = sourceSlot.getStack(); ItemStack copyOfSourceStack = sourceStack.copy(); // Check if the slot clicked is one of the vanilla container slots if (sourceSlotIndex >= VANILLA_FIRST_SLOT_INDEX && sourceSlotIndex < VANILLA_FIRST_SLOT_INDEX + VANILLA_SLOT_COUNT) { // This is a vanilla container slot so merge the stack into the tile inventory if (!mergeItemStack(sourceStack, TE_INVENTORY_FIRST_SLOT_INDEX, TE_INVENTORY_FIRST_SLOT_INDEX + TE_INVENTORY_SLOT_COUNT, false)){ return null; } } else if (sourceSlotIndex >= TE_INVENTORY_FIRST_SLOT_INDEX && sourceSlotIndex < TE_INVENTORY_FIRST_SLOT_INDEX + TE_INVENTORY_SLOT_COUNT) { // This is a TE slot so merge the stack into the players inventory if (!mergeItemStack(sourceStack, VANILLA_FIRST_SLOT_INDEX, VANILLA_FIRST_SLOT_INDEX + VANILLA_SLOT_COUNT, false)) { return null; } } else { System.err.print("Invalid slotIndex:" + sourceSlotIndex); return null; } sourceSlot.onSlotChanged(); sourceSlot.onTake(player, sourceStack); return copyOfSourceStack; } // pass the close container message to the tileEntityInventory (not strictly needed for this example) // see ContainerChest and TileEntityChest @Override public void onContainerClosed(EntityPlayer playerIn) { super.onContainerClosed(playerIn); this.tileEntityChickenNest.closeInventory(playerIn); } }