package com.fredtargaryen.floocraft; import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation; /** * ===DESCRIPTION OF MESSAGE CHANNELS=== * MessageAddFireplace: sends position and unique name of fireplace to be added to server * MessageApproval: sends to client whether proposed fireplace name is unique * MessageApproveName: sends proposed fireplace name to be approved by server * MessageDoGreenFlash: Causes the green flash effect to appear on the client when you teleport * MessageFireplaceList: the lists of fireplace attributes: names; x coordinates; y coordinates; z coordinates; whether they can be teleported to * MessageFireplaceListRequest: empty packet. When this is received, server sends back MessageFireplaceList * MessageTeleportEntity: teleports player that sent this to (destX, destY, destZ) if possible * MessageTileEntityFireplaceFunction: lets the server know whether the sign at those coordinates is decorative or practical * * When changing version number, change in: DataReference, build.gradle, * * Guide to the numbers in fireplace algs: * N * _ _ _ * |_|2|_| * W |4|_|6| E * |_|8|_| * * S */ public class DataReference { //MAIN MOD DETAILS public static final String MODID = "ftfloocraft"; public static final String MODNAME = "Floocraft"; public static final String VERSION = "1.7.7"; //PROXY PATHS public static final String CLIENTPROXYPATH = "com.fredtargaryen.floocraft.proxy.ClientProxy"; public static final String SERVERPROXYPATH = "com.fredtargaryen.floocraft.proxy.ServerProxy"; public static final int FLOO_FIRE_DETECTION_RANGE = 8; public static final ResourceLocation TP_BACKGROUND = new ResourceLocation(MODID+":textures/blocks/tp_background.png"); public static final ResourceLocation FLAMERL = new ResourceLocation(MODID+":particle/torchflame"); }