package com.tinkerpop.blueprints.util.wrappers.batch; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.BaseTest; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.Direction; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.Edge; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.Features; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.Graph; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.GraphQuery; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.TransactionalGraph; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.Vertex; import; import; import; import junit.framework.TestCase; import java.util.Random; /** * Tests {@link BatchGraph} by creating a variable length chain and verifying that the chain is correctly inserted into the wrapped TinkerGraph. * <br /> * Tests the various different Vertex caches and different length of chains. * <br /> * * @author Matthias Broecheler ( */ public class BatchGraphTest extends TestCase { private static final String UID = "uid"; private static final String vertexIDKey = "vid"; private static final String edgeIDKey = "eid"; private static boolean assignKeys = false; private static boolean ignoreIDs = false; public void testNumberIdLoading() { loadingTest(5000, 100, VertexIDType.NUMBER, new NumberLoadingFactory()); loadingTest(200000, 10000, VertexIDType.NUMBER, new NumberLoadingFactory()); assignKeys = true; loadingTest(5000, 100, VertexIDType.NUMBER, new NumberLoadingFactory()); loadingTest(50000, 10000, VertexIDType.NUMBER, new NumberLoadingFactory()); assignKeys = false; ignoreIDs = true; loadingTest(5000, 100, VertexIDType.NUMBER, new NumberLoadingFactory()); loadingTest(50000, 10000, VertexIDType.NUMBER, new NumberLoadingFactory()); ignoreIDs = false; } public void testObjectIdLoading() { loadingTest(5000, 100, VertexIDType.OBJECT, new StringLoadingFactory()); loadingTest(200000, 10000, VertexIDType.OBJECT, new StringLoadingFactory()); } public void testStringIdLoading() { loadingTest(5000, 100, VertexIDType.STRING, new StringLoadingFactory()); loadingTest(200000, 10000, VertexIDType.STRING, new StringLoadingFactory()); } public void testURLIdLoading() { loadingTest(5000, 100, VertexIDType.URL, new URLLoadingFactory()); loadingTest(200000, 10000, VertexIDType.URL, new URLLoadingFactory()); } public void testQuadLoading() { int numEdges = 10000; String[][] quads = generateQuads(100, numEdges, new String[]{"knows", "friend"}); TinkerGraph graph = new TinkerGraph(); BatchGraph bgraph = new BatchGraph(new WritethroughGraph(graph), VertexIDType.STRING, 1000); for (String[] quad : quads) { Vertex[] vertices = new Vertex[2]; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { vertices[i] = bgraph.getVertex(quad[i]); if (vertices[i] == null) vertices[i] = bgraph.addVertex(quad[i]); } Edge edge = bgraph.addEdge(null, vertices[0], vertices[1], quad[2]); edge.setProperty("annotation", quad[3]); } assertEquals(numEdges, BaseTest.count(graph.getEdges())); bgraph.shutdown(); } public void testLoadingWithExisting1() { int numEdges = 1000; String[][] quads = generateQuads(100, numEdges, new String[]{"knows", "friend"}); TinkerGraph tg = new TinkerGraph(); BatchGraph bg = new BatchGraph(new WritethroughGraph(tg), VertexIDType.STRING, 100); bg.setLoadingFromScratch(false); Graph graph = null; int counter = 0; for (String[] quad : quads) { if (counter < numEdges / 2) graph = tg; else graph = bg; Vertex[] vertices = new Vertex[2]; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { vertices[i] = graph.getVertex(quad[i]); if (vertices[i] == null) vertices[i] = graph.addVertex(quad[i]); } Edge edge = graph.addEdge(null, vertices[0], vertices[1], quad[2]); edge.setProperty("annotation", quad[3]); counter++; } assertEquals(numEdges, BaseTest.count(tg.getEdges())); bg.shutdown(); } public void testLoadingWithExisting2() { int numEdges = 1000; String[][] quads = generateQuads(100, numEdges, new String[]{"knows", "friend"}); TinkerGraph tg = new IgnoreIdTinkerGraph(); BatchGraph bg = new BatchGraph(new WritethroughGraph(tg), VertexIDType.STRING, 100); try { bg.setLoadingFromScratch(false); fail(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { } bg.setVertexIdKey("uid"); bg.setLoadingFromScratch(false); try { bg.setVertexIdKey(null); fail(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { } Graph graph = null; int counter = 0; for (String[] quad : quads) { if (counter < numEdges / 2) graph = tg; else graph = bg; Vertex[] vertices = new Vertex[2]; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { vertices[i] = graph.getVertex(quad[i]); if (vertices[i] == null) vertices[i] = graph.addVertex(quad[i]); } Edge edge = graph.addEdge(null, vertices[0], vertices[1], quad[2]); edge.setProperty("annotation", quad[3]); counter++; } assertEquals(numEdges, BaseTest.count(tg.getEdges())); bg.shutdown(); } public static String[][] generateQuads(int numVertices, int numEdges, String[] labels) { Random random = new Random(); String[][] edges = new String[numEdges][4]; for (int i = 0; i < numEdges; i++) { edges[i][0] = "v" + random.nextInt(numVertices) + 1; edges[i][1] = "v" + random.nextInt(numVertices) + 1; edges[i][2] = labels[random.nextInt(labels.length)]; edges[i][3] = "" + random.nextInt(); } return edges; } public void loadingTest(int total, int bufferSize, VertexIDType type, LoadingFactory ids) { final VertexEdgeCounter counter = new VertexEdgeCounter(); MockTransactionalGraph tgraph = null; if (ignoreIDs) { tgraph = new MockTransactionalGraph(new IgnoreIdTinkerGraph()); } else { tgraph = new MockTransactionalGraph(new TinkerGraph()); } BLGraph graph = new BLGraph(tgraph, counter, ids); BatchGraph<BLGraph> loader = new BatchGraph<BLGraph>(graph, type, bufferSize); if (assignKeys) { loader.setVertexIdKey(vertexIDKey); loader.setEdgeIdKey(edgeIDKey); } //Create a chain int chainLength = total; Vertex previous = null; for (int i = 0; i <= chainLength; i++) { Vertex next = loader.addVertex(ids.getVertexID(i)); next.setProperty(UID, i); counter.numVertices++; counter.totalVertices++; if (previous != null) { Edge e = loader.addEdge(ids.getEdgeID(i), loader.getVertex(previous.getId()), loader.getVertex(next.getId()), "next"); e.setProperty(UID, i); counter.numEdges++; } previous = next; } loader.stopTransaction(TransactionalGraph.Conclusion.SUCCESS); assertTrue(tgraph.allSuccessful()); loader.shutdown(); } static class VertexEdgeCounter { int numVertices = 0; int numEdges = 0; int totalVertices = 0; } static class BLGraph implements TransactionalGraph { private static final int keepLast = 10; private final VertexEdgeCounter counter; private boolean first = true; private final LoadingFactory ids; private final TransactionalGraph graph; BLGraph(TransactionalGraph graph, final VertexEdgeCounter counter, LoadingFactory ids) { this.graph = graph; this.counter = counter; this.ids = ids; } private static final Object parseID(Object id) { if (id instanceof String) { try { return Integer.parseInt((String) id); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return id; } } else return id; } @Override public void commit() { graph.commit(); verifyCounts(); } @Override public void rollback() { graph.rollback(); verifyCounts(); } @Override public void stopTransaction(Conclusion conclusion) { if (Conclusion.SUCCESS == conclusion) commit(); else rollback(); } private void verifyCounts() { //System.out.println("Committed (vertices/edges): " + counter.numVertices + " / " + counter.numEdges); assertEquals(counter.numVertices, BaseTest.count(graph.getVertices()) - (first ? 0 : keepLast)); assertEquals(counter.numEdges, BaseTest.count(graph.getEdges())); for (Edge e : getEdges()) { int id = ((Number) e.getProperty(UID)).intValue(); if (!ignoreIDs) { assertEquals(ids.getEdgeID(id), parseID(e.getId())); } assertEquals(1, (Integer) e.getVertex(Direction.IN).getProperty(UID) - (Integer) e.getVertex(Direction.OUT).getProperty(UID)); if (assignKeys) { assertEquals(ids.getEdgeID(id), e.getProperty(edgeIDKey)); } } for (Vertex v : getVertices()) { int id = ((Number) v.getProperty(UID)).intValue(); if (!ignoreIDs) { assertEquals(ids.getVertexID(id), parseID(v.getId())); } assertTrue(2 >= BaseTest.count(v.getEdges(Direction.BOTH))); assertTrue(1 >= BaseTest.count(v.getEdges(Direction.IN))); assertTrue(1 >= BaseTest.count(v.getEdges(Direction.OUT))); if (assignKeys) { assertEquals(ids.getVertexID(id), v.getProperty(vertexIDKey)); } } for (Vertex v : getVertices()) { int id = ((Number) v.getProperty(UID)).intValue(); if (id < counter.totalVertices - keepLast) { removeVertex(v); } } for (Edge e : getEdges()) removeEdge(e); assertEquals(keepLast, BaseTest.count(graph.getVertices())); counter.numVertices = 0; counter.numEdges = 0; first = false; //System.out.println("------"); } @Override public Features getFeatures() { return graph.getFeatures(); } @Override public Vertex addVertex(Object id) { return graph.addVertex(id); } @Override public Vertex getVertex(Object id) { return graph.getVertex(id); } @Override public void removeVertex(Vertex vertex) { graph.removeVertex(vertex); } @Override public Iterable<Vertex> getVertices() { return graph.getVertices(); } @Override public Iterable<Vertex> getVertices(String key, Object value) { return graph.getVertices(key, value); } @Override public Edge addEdge(Object id, Vertex outVertex, Vertex inVertex, String label) { return graph.addEdge(id, outVertex, inVertex, label); } @Override public Edge getEdge(Object id) { return graph.getEdge(id); } @Override public void removeEdge(Edge edge) { graph.removeEdge(edge); } @Override public Iterable<Edge> getEdges() { return graph.getEdges(); } @Override public Iterable<Edge> getEdges(String key, Object value) { return graph.getEdges(key, value); } @Override public void shutdown() { graph.shutdown(); } @Override public GraphQuery query() { return graph.query(); } } interface LoadingFactory { public Object getVertexID(int id); public Object getEdgeID(int id); } class StringLoadingFactory implements LoadingFactory { @Override public Object getVertexID(int id) { return "V" + id; } @Override public Object getEdgeID(int id) { return "E" + id; } } class NumberLoadingFactory implements LoadingFactory { @Override public Object getVertexID(int id) { return Integer.valueOf(id * 2); } @Override public Object getEdgeID(int id) { return Integer.valueOf(id * 2 + 1); } } class URLLoadingFactory implements LoadingFactory { @Override public Object getVertexID(int id) { return "" + id; } @Override public Object getEdgeID(int id) { return "" + id; } } }